tv NEWS 30min Al Jazeera March 18, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST
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this tony would you like us to simply make chocolate revolution from booking a file. and i see beauty from synagogue, africa direct on. i'll just be around the israeli forces, the rest and the top analogy is there a journalist covering the siege of house chief a hospital in casa thousands of palestinians, all trapped inside the hospital compound, which was rated on monday the i mean side dissolved, is there a life come down or so coming out simon is imminent in northern parts of garza,
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with the rest of the strip. also at risk the findings for report just police and i've got his don says talk sony and strikes near the board. i have killed at least 18 the so any forces have severely beaten al jazeera john, this is male. i'll go. he was with colleagues covering the military raid on all chief a hospital in garza, when he was dragged away. is where the forces also destroyed satellite trucks used by tv, news crews, a while does their media network have released the statements saying the following? we demand the immediate release of all corresponding is my, i'll go, i'm the journalist who are with him. and we hold the occupation responsible for the safety. we confirmed that the target thing of ball correspondent is. my goal is an attempt by israel to intimidate john list. to prevent reporting it's crimes against
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civilians in gaza. we condemned ongoing crimes against john as in gaza on renew, on demand for them to stop immediately with thousands of displays, palestinians, patients, and all of us stop off trapped inside all shape of hospital acts. those same official ports under siege once more is really forced to surround l. she for hospital and gaza city trapping. thousands inside the mask. we're now besieged inside. i'll she for hospital were being heavily shot at the occupation forces suddenly rated the hospital as you can hear. now there are intense clashes going on. we're hearing sounds coming from the gate there, shrapnel falling all over the hospitals, courtyard. at dawn, as many palestinians prepared to begin their day of fasting for from a don, it's rarely bumps, fell near the hospital. video shows dozens and
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a desperate to escape from the compound and decide which of these readings are shelling in and around all she for hospital, the army circulated leaflets bordering all civilians sheltering in the hospital and other un schools to evacuate some headsets. and we do not wish to move, so we want to stay home of all she plays the largest hospital in the gaza strip. it's a shelter for thousands of displays. bella standing and seeking century from israel's for the hospital was previously innovated by. it's really forces which alleged it was being used to how most command center a claim, israel, or read a rated to and gets latest operation. our targeted mission isn't justin operational assess city. it's a global imperative. all forces have 100 going specify training to prepare them for the sense that the environment and complex scenarios they may encounter a voice against come us, not against the people of god. we seek no harm to the civilians that some of these
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hiding behind the gospel officials, the 90 accusations, because of health industry condemned these really assault, holding it accountable for the wellbeing of hospital staff patients and the displaced inside the health ministry accused israel of again breaching international humanitarian law by targeting hospitals and refusing fabricated narratives to justify their actions. axles i moved out, is there speak now it's, it's hard to assume who has lived for us and rough uh, topic i want to start with what's happened to out is there a during this is my uncle? what more do you know about where he might be and what exactly did happen to him? a man. yes. in fact, this situation in the medical complex is completely a state of turmoil as these very military forces secretly had re,
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did the c 5 medical facility as it had tend to be i need documentation center for the majority of displaced people in that very desperate parts of the territory, and it straightened out badly. functional wiley's body forces had arrested our clique, and i would just say or arabic or respond to this man who he has been driven in, facts on disclose location after he has been approved, lee, a beaten by the is the by the forces, according to our witnesses, the, on the ground as decent tracings. absolutely. donna, as the, it's very minute through you had a rate at the hospital destroyed in different departments. and also they is very build those as had the ruins and raised the odds of the hospital where they had been a great cemetery for people being buried. so clearly this is a repeat, the violation being committed by the is very amended treat troops as they have been previously targeting. it'll just say we're at cruise that have been previously killed time or other cott homes are the ones that are part of that old. i'll just
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be wrapped then, but also had been targeted as they were doing their job. but right now was made of what had been arrested. i'm a little brother's face for the immediate release for august arabic correspond them . this is, in fact the pots of the genocide, the military campaign being blown spike as well as journalists have been, become a completely central and folks who uh, parts of the is where the military campaign in order to silence to intimidate palestinian, joyless from not reporting the truth about old, the latest is very violation style and the crowns value. and honey, if you could give us better context on all she for hospital, this is the full time now that the is right is, will be, is really full, says have invaded the hospital in this manner. what are they trying to find? what exactly have they told us of the? well, generally israel had been most of li raising a stiff medical facility earlier in the beginning of this conflict. they have
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managed to storm the medical facilities starting searching for how must all protest as they have been claiming. and the are also have been accusing come off for using this medical facility as a military phase. and within the latest i write that happens overnight is very immediate. results have been saying that the purpose of this military ration is to eliminate one of the main top officials in the menace to o n t area. his name on hughes called f. i do. and he has been accused, according to his, when the reports in the military operations, as they had been a far exchange, had dropped, said that when the is where the military troops and also this a past and as a pos of this uh, ongoing up a classes that has happened to now there was no any further information from the palestinian side regarding this and the situation. there is a still in a state of tell us where the is, where the military troops i was to, to know existing on this patient inside this medical facility. thank you for that
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update honey. my food that for us in rough uh let's go straight to home this others who his life or isn't occupied east jerusalem? honda so i'm just wondering it's been at least an hour since we started reporting about what we had this breaking news as well. i'll go out, is there a journalist who was covering that fees of our chief a hospital in gaza was arrested and beaten off? have we heard anything from the as rarely ami about why all the circumstances around what's happened to out is there a janice as well? no response from these really military about beating and detaining. i just need a arabic reporter assign the who these rarely army did. however, release a number of statements once this military rate began on civil hospital and its surrounding area initially. and these really army spokes person, daniel hunt, god, he had said that this was a small and targeted operation,
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and that there was no need for evacuation of the medical facility. however, in the surrounding neighborhoods, there were evacuation flyers and we flips that were dropped on palestinians in that area. the is really army also said that one is really soldier was killed in what they called intensive fire fights with how mass fighters on the hospital grounds. now these really are me, is alleging that they have precise intelligence and information about something which is why they rated the medical facility. this is a story we've heard from these really are me several times before, claiming that the hospital is being used for something. how much related and then reading the medical facility and not giving us answers or evidence as to why they drew those conclusions. this happened initially back in november in the 1st rate on the ship, a hospital when these really army was claiming for months it's not yours that how
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much was using it as their headquarters and primary military facility. but still to this day, no proof of that either. and so has been the case for several other medical facilities across the goals. districts that have been rated by is really forces. this is the 4th rate on a ship, a hospital since the war began in october. thank you for that. how desolate that for us then we'll keep bodies chosen. and now simon is imminent in northern gaza. announce, according to the global body which monitors food scarcity. and there's a warning that over 200000 is how this thing is will soon face salvation. victoria guy, somebody has more just salable you take what you can find boils up. these plants fill a gap, but not for long. but last, well, while i work over the world, which was my mother, thought us the difference between each plant and we started to recognize them. each
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of us each have a piece of bread. it they elsewhere a rough or a mother mix is crushed. biscuits with milk and water to feed her. do to get them in. so it was done so yeah, it wasn't before the war. i used to feed her fruits and vegetables last but now i can't provide the, i used to give her high energy biscuit, but we can't afford them. does it the neonatal intensive care unit again, morality, hospital, st. increasing number of babies of dying because of a keep many attrition, but one of the most opposed with breathing problems. so we place them in incubators until the gain the proper weight, then the discharged. unfortunately, after 5 days or a week, the baby with 10 bad conditions, many of the most died global body monitoring salmon. the ip see says phase 5 on its scale is the most severe and is classified as famine. it occurs when at
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least 20 percent of the population is facing and extreme lack of food. so 2 percent of children is suffering from acute mound nutrition and 2 people in $10000.00 to dying each day due to starvation. the ip see one's famine is immune into northern garza and could occur any time between now and may. you assess estimates one in 3 children younger than 2 is malnourished. the number this doubled since january, the doctors are reporting that they no longer see the normal size baby. what they do see though, the subject li, small still bought this most still born babies. and mon, neo natal, that's called in pop by the, by again the mount friction, the hydrogen, and the complication the un says the catastrophic levels of hunger demand, the immediate opening of more channels to deliver assistance, say, so any a fraction of what's needed to stop people starving has arrived while leslie then me at the gaza strip is dying slowly. it's not from the missiles then from hunger,
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if not from hunger, then from dehydration. palestinians hope the ip sees warning will improve conditions on the ground for the time being and until much more a derives hundreds of thousands of people are facing the possibility of starvation victoria day to be out using us actually general and turning. gutierrez has commented on the reports, he is what he have to say. this is the highest number of people facing, catastrophic and good every quarter of it, by the integrateds for security quest of vacation system. anywhere. anytime this is an entirely manmade, this austin and the product makes clear that you can be positive to those reports is exhibit a for the needs for the immediate humanitarian ceasefire. i call on
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these valuable, sorry, it is to ensure to complete and fair to successfully mandatory and boots throughout godsa and for the international community to formally support already many teddy and efforts. so golf has most vulnerable children, including those with existing illnesses, all out, been greatest risk, salvation parents doing everything they can to save them. but it's not enough. stephanie decor reports. the signs of starvation. a hard to miss friday is 6 years old. his cheeky smile has faded away along with a light in his eyes, his shape his muscles. he's no nothing but bones with a head too big for his body. 6 mama cover my body, he cries, war is held for the healthy, let alone the chronically ill fed and the model of the small cystic phase suffering
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from cystic fibrosis which is take mucus on his long as this disease require specific nutrition and strict diet along with constant treatment, all of which is totally absent in the north and system of my child's health condition, has deteriorated. for 2 months, he has been suffering dire complications, including severe dehydration. since we brought him to hospital, he has been living on solutions just to survive or his mother shows us by the before the war. despite his condition, he was a beaming, happy child. just slightly reluctant, done, sir. not recognizable. now. friday's being treated in japan, yet in the north of the gaza strip. ages recently started trickling in after months of nothing settled by them to hold the most part of guys. this trip has been denied the entity or any of the lease a must, namely medical supplies,
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coupled with the state of salvation from bob and has resolved these conditions exacerbating like that to affect more than 20 children died as documented because of my new address and what's that we want the situation when it gets worse, as our basin is rabbit, doing the population in the more it is some of the united nations in february warrants that one quarter of goes. this population was one step away from immune and simon agencies say they have all the supplies ready to help, but they need to be given safe access by land for multiple crossings and that needs to be done. now, this is certainly not an effective, efficient, humane, nor dignified solution. stephanie decker, which is 0. so head on al jazeera, the european union denounces the re election of letting me assist in saying the russian presidential sites was based on repression. intimidation plus attorney
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chang in northern thailand for the 3rd is a trying to crank down on farm as a joke. practice score the hey, welcome to your world's weather update. lots of active weather for india has to do with this breeze of the bay. then goal here, sparking showers, mouth to protest chad, his car jar con edition westbank all state. that's really where the bulk of the action will be looking fine in the west of the country. and for buckets, dawn, it's quiet for now. but how does stare so far this season? in same province, i wouldn't be so prize over the next day or so. the sun spots in same province get up to 40 degrees. it's also been hot. in southern thailand, it continues to cut it 37 degrees, but the showers in storms across indo. china will help qual, the heat here. just not in southern thailand, just yet shows also work their way across the central in southern china and they're
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now school new ways. so sunshine is coming through that's allowing temperatures to come up right from the yellow river valley down to the pearl river valley. different story though, for japan, we're talking about snow still for northern hunt. you island snow storm alerts and play the highest level alerts here. because by wednesday we're in the thick of this is the winds are coming at just the right direction here. so expect to see some snow on the mountain tops of punch you and who kind of island. so let's go back to this part of southeast asia. we've still got our usual showers and storms across the java island, but not looking as bad as it has over the last few days. see you later in the biggest global direction you out in history, the world's biggest democracy hospice on epic showdown. join me 3 new oxygen in this new ballpark cvs focusing on india. in this episode,
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i'll examine how in the pricing with got it in ism veterans to turn the clock back on a country founded on secular ideas being report box one on the the working out. is there a mind to thought top stories best? oh, it was already forces, have severely beach and algae is there a journalist, a small uncle? he was with colleagues covering the ministry. i don't know if she's almost going garza, when he was dragged away, was already false, is also destroyed. satellite trucks used by tv and is rarely
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forces began their attack on all chief a hospital alley on monday, calls us health ministries as 7, multiple deaths and injuries. so just fire on the medical complex. are you in back support into the food processing dogs? this is from an imminent, in the meantime, territories on the scratch, the famine review committee says that will be found and by may unless there is a ceasefire. the representatives from 8 organizations have been protesting in london, 9 cooling on the british government to prussia, israel to allow more aid into concert. and it sees probably until it has moved onto the far enough as long as the noise that you sent me was the signing of for some time. this is what they've been doing. these protests i made of, it was for the medical agents, palestinians, and other agencies based on the ground to be in us. and we got to see how the situation is the scary thing. and now,
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begging for them to put pressure on the british government to, to sweep as well to let a in. now these tons is a new report of the security has just been released. outlining the situation in gaza is common, is immune into the news. and as a risk of common across the whole district, we spoke to the ceo of medical april palestinians, many awards. and she explained how cody are here today because you d as soon as the planning is know, and then in the 1100000 people are in catastrophic levels or cubic feet. and over the month to the last 5 months, in the 5th floor, we consistently issued warnings that i have to be assisting for guessing innovation to the younger situation. and nothing has been done inside the only one. it's very clear, know that starvation is being used as the width of war. and just to give you an example, back in january our adult is medically prepared to send in don't for testing. one
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of the hospitals in java issued a statement saying that they were seeing signs of tedious amount nutrition amongst the children. last month, we saw a diesel coming in between the one in 6 chosen under the age of 2 in the north of guys. acutely mountain nowadays, and no one in the chosen under the age of 3, the situation continues to get worse and nothing is done by the end. the terrible, it's really simple problem to solve it is we would only let the cities in, and we could do this as he stopped and started on sunday. jem, and so is the overlap. so said uh, 5 minutes send me and let me know a in the saying that the wells could not stand by your was cause i saw them. and other agencies that say that children are starving doesn't rate well has never seen . and these protest is a heavy thing as noise wake up, typically government and all the foreign governments. natasha sat down to add the
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i've gone to san says the pocket stalls air force has conducted as strikes targeting to of his food and provinces, and killing at least 8 people. the cooling at a violation of off gun silver and se august ons. foreign ministry says the target off the operation was the hi fi school. honda group who are responsible for tax inside pockets done. i've gone forth as of now carried out. retaliatory strives towards punxsutawney territory, obeyed in july, but here is a lecture at the american university of afghanistan explains why tension is rising between the 2 countries of the fight. finance parties claim that a specific ttp commander named up the deluxe. how was the target for the attacks? we've seen the positive on authorities and deny that came but we also saw a saw video or surfacing from of the last shot. the pgp come under speaking from
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practiced on and south was utilized on claiming the tack and the claims of him being targeted as bullets. so that's important to remember as well. but also with regards to the ttp and the on pilot plan, it's important to contextualize the ttp and how the emerged. the ttp is a chapter that gained to be in was founded in cyprus, thought it was a be used for shelter. a lot of the off on positive on leadership for a certain time during the republic. when the ttp did turn its guns on pockets on, we had to change sides the yellows, backing these elements. and now suddenly we hear this narrative propagated by the artist on e mail, that re establishment that the fund funded bonds are key trained to the ttp, the font that one have denied. so streams that they have labeled
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these statements escaped, quoting and refusing to take responsibility for national security failures. this is not the 1st time these attacks have happened. this time it has escalated this time, but probably about have retaliated. and they've also worn that we could reach a point of no return. the european union says vladimir persons re election for a 1st time in russia has been based on a repression and intimidation. the president hailed his election victory, which puts them on coal was to be the longest southern russian leda and more than 200 years his when was launch the scene as a full golf in conclusion, with none of the other candidates opposing his policies on the wall in ukraine, the patient says he doesn't care about outside opinions even though because of that you look at them, we can see due to when they we've many tasks ahead of us. but when we're consolidated, i think it will become clear to everyone that no matter how much they want to intimidate us, the much a who or how much they want to suppress will and consciousness. no one in history,
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as i've already said, as ever succeeded. anything of the sorting, assuming it's not with now, and will not work in the future. i never knew sweden has celebrated joining nature with a sermon in the capital style kime petitions and come on those v on forces were among the vip keys. sweden officially became the 13th 2nd member of the security alliance . earlier this month, the swedes decided to end that long history of neutrality often neighboring russia invaded ukraine. 2 years ago. north korea has testified several short range ballistic missiles. as america's top diplomat visits south korea, restaurants flew around 300 kilometers before crashing into the sea of japan. south korea and ministry condemned the latest launches. as a clear provocation unit, kim has more. so now this is the 1st round of missile fire we're seeing out of
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north korea's since february 14th on monday morning. south korea's joint chief of staff saying it detected several flying objects, presume to be a short range, ballistic missiles, travel some 300 kilometers from the capital upon. yeah, into water is east of the korean peninsula. now that's leaving open the possibility that these objects could be long range artillery, which would allow come young or its highest bidder. to strike at a much cheaper cost. then say ballistic missiles. this as several high level officials are in sold for the kick off of the summit for democracy, a brainchild of us presidential biden in 2021 and the concerns democracy was at an inflection point and perhaps now on about what's being hosted outside of the us for the 1st time this year it's main themes, our technology and the use as well. so we're trying to repressive regimes to flight
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technologies to undermine democracy in human rights. we need to ensure that technology sustains and supports democratic values. north other speakers such as a new case deputy prime minister oliver doubt and criticized autocrats for holding quote sham elections and the parent and job that newly re elected president vladimir putin of russia. the summit run through wednesday when world leaders will join in a virtual meeting. you to skim, alda zara. so a tolerance probably minnesota is vowing to do whatever he can to tackle a pollution in the north of the country or size and farm is assessing midland. blaze for crow clearance have created has that a smoke and breathing problems for many. as tiny chang reports chan my has become one of the wells most polluted cities because of high levels of fine pasco dust in the highly coped to help us in the haze. overlay can know them thailand,
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filling its tank. it takes off to fight the forest paws that have filled the with smoke. but the real problem is here, slash and burn farming across the low and become region. with the cool and harvested the dried stokes and stubble of satellites, the remains piled back into the carpets. i can save a lot of money by budding. what is left over whatever is left would make a good foot lie. so for the land and the land can be used right away. this, the fuss spreads clouds of acrid smoke below up into the ash breaks up into fine particle dust known as p. m. 2.5. that's poisoning the atmosphere. take what's happening in this field, a, multiply by 10000 in thailand, loss, cambodia. and then uh, it gives you a sense of why this is becoming one of the most polluted parts of the world. pharmacy. been the field in the north of thailand and now subject to heavy fines,
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jail time or both. but enforcement is rare enough as no alternative solution for the farm is to handle that waste. and targeting farm is does little to discourage the huge agricultural businesses using the cone is livestock feed fung. i'm, i agree the big companies have, she has some responsibility. but if things changed to suddenly, the palm is, will be affected. the most times prime minister sets out how we send a visit to ching my over the weekend claim that the pollution level had dropped by 50 percent despite hazardous at quality rating and many points of the government's failure to posit clean air act accusing as a banking in collusion with ty companies as input cooling from around the region, opinion being to fund yet. so here we have to have most strict laws when it comes to importation to place those big companies don't have to pay taxes. the shows that the government's on the same side.
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