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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 18, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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dorians, an eye witness, accounts the full tray, early 20th century. by this time as a thriving fibers. richard was molten investments were excess, moving from one city to another, palestine 1920 on al jazeera. the aus is here in john list. if not, i'll go, has just been released by his really forces off of a beast and detained him. won't cover it in his really minutes. you've raised all she for her. hello there. i'm just all the attain. this is all just there out life from don't also coming. the hold on right is still ongoing hospital stuff, patients and the space to palestinians sheltering inside the compound full this as
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israel launches more air rates across the strip causing yet more dense. nearly 32000 palestinians have been killed since october. the 2nd and now are you and back to monetize as famine is imminent and north and garza and the is a risk of it across the entire golf. so stress the what we begin with breaking news out to 0, john list is lot. i'll go, has just been released by his really forces. he was beaten and detained. earlier on monday by is really forces as a rated the chief, a hospital in garza city. he was that reporting alongside his colleagues when he was dragged away by soldiers. is there any forces also destroyed satellite trucks used by television, news crews? john lists are meant to be protected on the international humanitarian who is
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really forced, as we understand still remain inside of chief a hospital. now, this is the full rate since the world calls and began off to shelling and shooting inside the complex troops. we understand. i'm now going room to room detaining people who are sheltering inside. is there any forces that say some 20 people were killed in the siege, but have produced no evidence that members of the last, what inside the building talk of was the room begins. health coverage is under siege one. smith is very forced to surround us. he felt hospitalized garza city dropping thousands inside. the mass were now besieged inside. el cheapo hospital were being heavily shot at the occupation forces suddenly rated the hospital as you can hear. now there are intense clashes going on. we're hearing sounds coming from the gate through shrapnel falling all over. the hospitals courtyard down as many palestinians prepared to begin the day of fasting
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for ramadan is very fond spell near the hospital. video shows those things in a desperate state from the compound and the push to pump. these rand needs or shelling in and around all she for hospital, the army circulated leaflets bordering all civilians sheltering in the hospital and other un schools to evacuate some headsets and we do not wish to move. so we want to stay home. she said is the largest hospital in the gaza strip. it's shows up for thousands of displaced palestinians seeking st trees from as well as for the hospital was previously invaded by his very forces which police that was being used . how must komatt center claim is spelled, retreated during slate. this operation tells officials deny the accusations our targeted mission isn't justin operational necessity. it's a global imperative. all forces have 100 gone,
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specify training to prepare them for the sense that these environment and complex scenarios. they may encounter a voice against come us, not against the people of god. we seek no harm to the civilians that some of these hiding behind c garza health ministry can dump these video salt, holding it accountable for the will being of hospitals, stuff, patients. the displaced inside the health ministry accused as well. again, the preaching international humanitarian low by targeting hospitals and using fabricated narratives to justify the actions, sorry, capacity which is 0 roughly. so regardless of the houses here and media network, they release a statement saying we confirmed the targeting about correspondent if not, i'll go is an attempt by israel to intimidate john list to prevent reporting it's crimes against civilians and cause we condemn the ongoing crimes against
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journalists and garza and renew, i'll demand for them to stop immediately bought all this. as israel continues its relentless bombardment of the gaza strip and gauze, said he, not far from us. chief of hospital. is there any strikes targeted residential buildings, killing several people that let us actually went to the scene of one of the slave to strikes and just one year his report does contain some disturbing images lately . i mean, he said jeannette, coming another wave of straight cutting out, but you really will please come across the city. this time on july, the short while ago artist additional building on the sword was his desk of smoke is still rising. the building was reduced to rubble. we will try to get the grocer to document the scale of damage as we speak. these really will please and drums as being hovering above a head. i'm trying to reach the building that was targeted by these really war
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cleans the scale of damage is messy. dozens of people walk in depth and smallwood engines. we're trying to get closer to the target. the residential building. as you can see here is one of the victims, kids as a result of the s drive, a young golf president, a neighbors are using their bare hands to try and pull up the victims from under the rubble. they have managed to recover one victim. there is no medical assistance or civil defense in the area surrounding of people. hospital has been besieged by these radio condition, forces no unblocked or whisky to able to reach these areas as we were filming another wave of instruct, spotted sharpness, exponent. oh no, i hit another residential building was targeted to there has been no in the e d. s straight since monday morning. them to the one wave of to another that i get
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smoke presidential buildings across all of the cities. as you can see, the victims, most of the women and children, they have closed their way out from underneath the rumble. bites of the only transport out of the destroyed period. for god's sake, i've no way to go for my family because i have no way to go for god's sake where to go where to go. thank god. thank you. god. thank you. know i'm them. is it or is it strikes have not stopped since monday morning? this is really we're playing some packet that a number of residential building, one know medical help. countries to see mazda is really patient for, since i've been leading sick to the, in the area surrounding the i'll she for medical complex and they have no stump the hospital and the thing, the medical stuff in sight. i'm at the study of a drug deal. but the i hardly have correspondents covering all these developments pads you called hey and is that for us in washington dc?
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i'm not so hot as standing by an occupied east jerusalem at 1st. let's speak to tyler couple as and he's on the ground for us. and rafa in southern garza target want to start with what's happening at all she for right now. what do we know? yes, uh, in fox. uh, the situation was on the she found that it comes up as a facility or was completely di us. that is where the ministry troops had carried out a wide amend it to contain in order to eliminate as that is what the media reports have been claiming that he's one of the top officials in the, in the ministry of interior. that is run by how much government and who was responsible from palestinians resources for codes. and i think a deliveries on secure and get to reach the another part of the territory part. what happens is that it's been hasn't choose not to be at the time for its military rate, for the medical facility, as the money is to arrest $200.00 palestinians, according to the mandatory spokes passed. and of these very me,
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on the same time this operation had been carried out on the intense fund come up from these. why do you fight to just closing she destruction of residential buildings that surrounding us if our medical complex, in order to create a sense of destruction, of the targeting of also according to our witnesses, as we have been talking to a number of them on the ground in kansas city, i'd great target was had big co is inside the support hospital as these body forces had created gates a for a military investigation and for military check, for people who are inside a ship at hospice, at a long side they have caused a clear destruction and damage to different departments inside the hospital and tired and actually just in the last 20 minutes or so we had that smile has been released. what do we know about how he is? where is he to yes. in fact, i is my, you know, has been released along with a number of a don't,
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at least who are being detained by the is very forces off for 12 hours. and we have been contacting a smile in order to check on him. he has, he has been reporting on really di um, in human circumstances that they have been going through. he has been saying that the is very fluid says suddenly storm just for hospital on the intense bombardment and destroying the cause in vehicles. joining us, we're using full transportation, they have got that all the don't understand the sets in place being completely blindfolded. hancock strip down for more than 12 hours and it's very in human circumstances. also, they have been exposed to investigation inside of the hospital and later on she is ready for us, has had released them on the 4th, a number of residents from being get trapped inside the ship. a hospital to leave after receiving investigation by these are the soldiers. ta, a couple other than that with the nations. first on what's been going on in garza
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city reporting from rough and southern goals. so thank you very much, tard. well, let's now get the view from occupied the stories and then we can speak to him to sell hood. i'm the, what are you hearing from these really is about that rate that we understand is on going on. now she felt of the will, these really army has released several statements throughout this rates since the beginning in the early morning hours, they're saying that they had intelligence about something out of the hospital, which is why they chose to launch what they're calling of targeted. and precise operation, initially these rarely army spokesperson has said that there was no need for an evacuation. but in the areas around local say, they received the pamphlets that fell from the sky with evacuation orders in the surrounding areas. the is really army has also said that one is really soldier was killed, this is the 4th rate on of ship a hospital. and as we know, these really army has rated multiple medical facilities across the gaza strip,
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most notably back in november in the 1st rate on a ship when these really army was alleging, but how much was using it as a command center and headquarters for military activities these are all claims that still have not been proven. and that's interesting timing for this, right. and do we have a sense of how this might affect the, the talks that are supposed to be happening here in the as well, according to anonymous official speaking to his rarely media. they are saying that to be talks are not going well just yet. they are not presenting an optimistic view quite the contrary, and they're saying that's because of all the international pressure that is really spacing because of how they're prosecuting this war. you're looking at nearly $32000.00 palestinians who are killed and public opinion seems to be shifting from some of israel's biggest allies like the united states and even germany. so b is rarely as well. they do have this delegation in doha meeting with mediators.
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they're saying that they're not nearing a deal just yet. homeless one hutch the for us in occupied eastern reason them. thank you very much from the well speaking of international pressure, you as president are advising has held a phone call with these randy prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the white house said the joe bite and told us on yahoo that a ground invasion of rough up would be a mistake. what speeds to possibly call hinges across this for us from washington dc. patrick, this isn't the 1st time finding his one against the roof or offensive, or let me just do it a week ago. he said it was a red line. what does not even me now? a well, that's the question. the white house tried to basically take back that red line comment, but he was pretty clear the, the any sort of major operation to ruffle would be a red line. that would imply that there be some sort of consequences, even if they did try to walk it back. but we heard from national security advisor, jake sold it and he came out to bri for p. busy there's after the call between the
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president and these really prime minister, and that was pretty strong language, that major ground operations in rough up would be a mistake. and he went on to say there are more than a 1000000 people who fled there. and they basically have nowhere else to go is most of the major cities are just destroyed and israel's now presented, the by the ministration with the plan that it says it has to do, which is it, tell them how they're going to move that many people where they're going to move them how their way to provide food and shelter. and the other basic necessities, again, especially since most of the guys of strip is in rubble. so these he says, sold and said after president's urging these railways are going to be sending a team to washington. he believes it'll either be later this week or early next week to talk about ways they could go after her miles without a major ground operations. and that the expectation is that there will not be a major ground offensive until that meeting has taken place. you know,
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we do know that the president was pretty fired up his comments about the israeli prime minister for getting more and more aggressive, even if his staff tries to walk it back in. we know that he was on mike what on a microphone when he told us senator that he was going to have a come to jesus conversation with b. that's what he calls present mister benjamin netanyahu and come to jesus. that usually means you to sit down and sort of lay down the law and it doesn't say what kind of consequences could follow if you are listen to. so whether or not that happened, we don't know, we know they talked, we know that the us has potential consequences and leverage over israel, whether they'll use it. we don't know patrick how hand that with the latest force from washington d. c. thanks so much patty. paul, still ahead here on out a 0 a day off to his election. victory have a lot of confusion at last 10 years since it rushes annexation of crime in the
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east timor, jesus towards the catholic nation, but scandals involving high profile priests. plague the church, all of us goes bad. we were all abused gifts, some of the countries talk, the just openly stand by the clerics, even after one was sent to prison, 101 east investigator, east t most priest candles on out just 0. i'm counting the cost kind of the conservative governments 2024 budget and we know the participation of egypt. i'm not finance of dollars in loans and investments will not fix the country's economy and put going as reputation, descriptive time, say they can come by counting the cost on the houses era. the the
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welcome back. you're watching out of here. i'm this dollars here today here, and uh huh. that's one of our top story. these really minute treat rated as chief a hospital in the early hours of monday. thousands of just based palestinian stuff and patients inside that come out, thousands of people have been detained. was there, john? this is my uncle has just been released by his randy forces after 12 hours in detention. he was beaten earlier on monday. find these really minute tricks as they conducted that rate. and also city troops also destroyed satellite trucks being used by television, news and us president joe biden has told these really prime minister benjamin us. and you know, hit that invading, ruffle would be a mistake in conversation comes amid increasing frustration from the white house and the top democrats, the homeless and yahoo is conducting the $1000.00 assignment is imminent in northern gaza. that's according to the global body monitoring. fallen under what's known as the integrated fluid security phase classification. more than $200000.00
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palestinians will faced elevation within the next few months. victoria gate and beautiful. in gauze, the weather is little food is available. you take what you can find boils up. these plants fill a gap, but not for long, but last well, but all our driver load, which was my mother, thought us the difference between each plant and we started to recognize them. each of us each half a piece of bread a day. else wearing rough for a month and mixes crushed biscuits with milk and water to fee to do to get them. and so it was done so yeah, it was before the war. i used to feed her fruit and vegetables last but now i can't provide d as well. i used to give her high energy biscuits, but we can't afford them. don't visit the neonatal intensive care unit again. morality, hospital, st. increasing number of babies of dying because of a keep many attrition, but one of the most important with breathing problems. so we place them in
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incubators into the game, the proper weight, then the discharged. unfortunately, after 5 days or a week, the baby with 10 bad conditions, many of the most died global body monitoring salmon. the ip see says phase 5 on its scale is the most severe and is classified as famine. it occurs when at least 20 percent of the population is facing an extreme lack of food. so 2 percent of children is suffering from acute malnutrition and 2 people in $10000.00 to dying each day due to starvation. the ip see, one famine is imminent in northern garza and could occur any time between now and may. unicef estimates one and 3 children younger than 2 as malnourished the number this doubled since january, the doctors are reporting that they no longer see normal size baby. what they do see though, the subject li, small, still bunk beds most still born babies. and mon,
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neo natal, that's called in pop by the by again the most efficient the hydration. in a complication, the u. n. says the catastrophic levels of hunger demand, the immediate opening of more channels to deliver assistance, say, so any a fraction of what's needed to stop people stopping has arrived. leslie then, me at the goss. this trip is dying slowly. it's not from the missiles then from hunger, if not from hunger, then from dehydration palestinian type, the ip sees warning with improve conditions on the ground for the time being and until much more a derives hundreds of thousands of people are facing the possibility of starvation . victoria day to be out using only $160.00 general, antonio gutierrez has commented on that report by the global body monitoring simon . she said the hunger crisis and goals is entirely 9 need. this is the highest
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number of people facing catastrophic and got every corner of it by the integrateds for security seaquest of vacation system anywhere. anytime this is an entirely manmade, this austin and the product makes clear that he can be halted. today's report is exhibit a for the needs for the immediate humanitarian ceasefire. i call on these various, sorry, it is to ensure to complete and fair to the excess 40 mediterranean boots throughout the gas a and for the international community to city supports already many teddy and efforts to halt. joining me now is time to come with, he is an assistant professor of public policy, the doha institute for graduate studies. some of this level of full starvation didn't come out of nowhere. the wells as watched as this happened. we've watched children die of starvation over the last few days and weeks. we now know we're on
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the cusp of famine. the wealth has watched, and now we hear another lot has changed even though the welto seeing what's happening, what kind of a difference would have a common decoration make us? i guess, i mean more embarrassment for is that i don't the international, there's another, you know, i mean, the history will never forgive this. and we think of equities of all these actions and statements for him. and it's, it's all about putting up for good not to forgive, at the same from everyone who has been complicit and supporting is an disorder and 2, uh, 10 and goes into a large consultation cab into contributing to this from and, and to violating each and every principle of human rights loved even for the ones only to look for the safety, the comforting medicine, basic foundations, basic cards, all of them have been violated under the observation of the community. and in a very thought it lies a very highly politicized international environment. you mentioned this
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international environment, the ad drops that we've seen this in our time card. what that's not going to stop this from happening. is it perhaps the destruction that is it doing home then go to and destruction from actually what's going on on the ground? what needs to happen to change things besides the exec? i mean, look, i mean only is the today look what's happening. i mean, so today over the last couple of days is an stopped allowing a very limited amount of a to get into the lowest with the from it is really happening hot and it's only limited supplies. and then we sort of like little feeling a window porpoise opening. maybe something will it will expand something, but that will come, but then they come to the end and a tech one of the last health providers and the guy, the stuff i'd ship house. but the, as if the saying to everyone in your face like okay, we can give them some food, but at the same time we're going to cover me to some of them. so select the shows and 3 foods or medicine. and both are equally important to kind of take these
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a basic human rights from people. and that's it, right? it's, it's acting of course, like a part of states. it's above international. and it's can afford doing this because it's a, there's no punishment, it's not the comfortable dining one, thanks to the u. s. administration protection. so let me ask you then, because when we last spoke, you would definitely not felt domestic about these talks that are supposed to be happening here and are now there's been the radio now. she has anything changed. what kind of turn do you think the parties actually going into the discussions with now? is it an, i think is a booty again. now let me explain why. the same, the what do have an insulated integration sitting into a here with the categories, how to me, the 8, the one that has some of the 0. you'll notice, i mean it's like a slap on the face, you know, and that's easily a bully equipment states. i mean, so it thinks that they've come put pressure on the companies. but us think of just the other part that they don't have any lines across all the lines in this world.
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and it's just, it's a criminal minds that you know, non stop. they keep resulting for these tactics, pressure targeting civilians, side of things. you'll notice, i mean name it so this how i mean it has to come to an end time of color. it's thank you for joining us again here on out there as well. moving on to some of the world news now, i'm thousands are in moscow is red square to monk, depends on of us 3 of russia's antics station of crimea from ukraine. the crowd sung, the russian national anthem on president. reason has what he calls the return of the territory to russian control. premier there is still recognized as paul says, you can buy most countries funds. it's a strategic prize that provides rushes and may be why the festival was safe, has refusing the attack spaces that since the start of rush as a full scale invasion 2 years ago. and the water was to start as a,
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as renewable garcia as for gone back. so the people living there also declared their desire to return to their family. in the days of the russian spring, their journey home turned out to be much more difficult and tragic. but still, we did it, and this is also a big event in the history of our state. we went back to experts, have ruled the death of 22 year old, las armine in the custody of her on so called morales, the police was unlawful and caused by violence. the fact finding mission says more than 550 people were killed as a result of the government's cracked down on protest in response to a means to us. around the high council for human rights has dismissed that report of finding showed, based on the examination of medical documents and also affecting the evidence of the treatment of women and the situations that jena mazda, i mean these death wasn't on law. so this and we believe that the state is
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responsible with our case and nigeria have confirmed to have at least a few, 7 more people, including women and children, abducted by and government. it happened as a village in the northern could do, and the state, local officials say 5 of the abductors managed to escape the captive and have since returned to their homes. that incident comes often more than $200.00 ac school children and stuff with contempt for rents. and earlier this month, as i've got, as dawn says, a pocket stones f o, as has conducted as strikes targeting to if it's for the provinces and killing at least 8 people. talked about officials say the victims with women and children and forces have now carried out vitality 3 strikes towards pockets. dr. puckett stony territory and iceland defense is around the town of good in the vic holding as a volcano. that ropes, for the 4th time since to send a sign to saint law that has been floating towards the ocean at about one kilometer
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an hour, but appears to be slowing. hundreds of people at the blue look are you know, one of us and the top tourist attractions have had to be moved. well that's it for me to start to see you today. i'll be back with much more for you here. off counting the cost to stay with us on, on the, the elastic still feeding offensive weather into most of europe. but avoiding it that it may not look like it is odd period, particularly in, in spain. there was a training in front across it. but until that comes into action, it could be the 1st 50 of the year in mostly that is on monday. now it'll cool down a little bit on tuesday and wednesday as more showers built. this is where the western, when the weather comes through, it is still very miles. you'll notice other from the cold and snow no way, but a slow,
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lazy circulation here is still called bringing stairs is lavaca and romania, and then rather more active weather through greece means, wet weather here and running through through eastern talk here with some snow at heart and pretty and pleasant rather than defending the fact has been flooding inland to you and across into the rock as well as not affecting north africa. knows africa's wind has been picked up particular down through egypt. button jewels 43, which was recorded on sunday. a promo record is going to be not but considerably as it should be, back below to what near where it should be at 30. what was that? i'm sure breeze and there is a breeze, in fact, that punctual result pos, the hallmark, the seasonal system which is picked up once again. it's for the sand and dust. makes it very interesting. so how, but opposing is the incoming seasonal. right? which to particularly heavy on tuesday in the ivory coast. the unique perspective that is done is one of the most egregious example of abuses of
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human rights and environmental injustices on heard voices. to be honest, people, i know for russia, they're like any other people from any other country. we want to really connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. we have to be able to educate ourselves to be able to identify what is freedom and what is it not to stream on out to 0 the laura kyle, this is counting the cost on out since ariel. we can look at the wealth of business and economics. this week. button is again costing tax as to what does a has of elections. but tell me the conservative governments budget for 20.


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