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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 19, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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nice, it's the for, for of lost out, especially now the age is couple of to or no money drill. the is ready for us is remain inside gauze as largest medical complex. there were choosing how much spiked as of using it as a bank. the other ones are enjoying this is all just they are a lie from dell also coming up. i'll just say i'm a journalist who smell out. google has been released by is really forces. they beat him under chains and body was coming the rate on the all ship a hospital got involved in spreads in haiti's capital. these 14 people killed us,
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government attacked to upscale neighborhoods on public sessions and gumby and up to over town a lot not found on female genital mutilation. the projects, millions of goals and news is where the forces remain inside of the ship. a hospital after launching a 4th rates into the wall and goes up again, up to showing and shooting inside the complex troops have been going room to room, detaining people sheltering. that is really minutes. she says printer, people were killed at times. how much fighters were hiding? in the building, i'll just say it was kind of assume explains how the right happened from rough uh in southern guns. under siege, once me is very forced to surround the she felt hospital in garza city. dropping thousands inside. the mask were now besieged inside el cheapo hospital were being heavily shot at the occupation for to suddenly rated the hospital. as you can hear
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now there are intense clashes going on. we're hearing sounds coming from the gate through shrapnel falling all over the hospital's courtyard down. as many palestinians prepared to begin the day of fasting for ramadan is ready. palms fil, near the hospital. video shows those in a desperate state from the compound and the thought of these other people. these readings are shelling in and around all she for hospital, the army circulated leaflets bordering all civilians sheltering in the hospital and other un schools to evacuate some headsets and we do not wish to move. so we want to stay home. she thought is the largest hospital in the gall, this trip its shelves of thousands of displaced palestinians taking century from as well as for the hospital was previously invaded by his very forces which ladies that was being used. how must komatt center claim is felt, retreated during the slightest abrasion. tell us,
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officials deny the accusations. our targeted mission isn't justin operational necessity. it's a global imperative. all forces have 100 gone specified training to prepare them for the sense that these environment and complex scenarios. they may encounter a voice against come us, not against the people of cause we seek no harm to the civilians that some of these hiding behind the gauze of health ministry came down to these very assault, holding it accountable for the wellbeing of hospital stuff. patients, the displaced insight, the health ministry accused as real. again, the preaching, international humanitarian, lo, bike targeting hospitals, and of using fabricated narratives to just to find the actions, sorry, capacity and i would do 0 roughly. so regardless, i'll just here a journalist who smiled google has now been released by is ready for us. it's after
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being held for 12 hours. he described his time held captive by his randy ministry a like in a sense. so let me hop on. i'm gonna jump off actually today, same with a floppy and fema bad news that applause, you know, said look at them again. but let's not welcome my file. i'm a bullet and a like a theme. and they said a at the hotel for me in kept putting that am i just thought, oh and then i'll have to look, i'm not, i'm a venture for you, but it might if it was a child on a heavy load for the fact that i had to stop in a bottom right and that was not what the quote just got a jetta as a brought up. know what the check you came in and you just the, um, well that i the phone call us because the 3 been feeling better digit than what kind of slip. i love that. com, of courtney glen. if that could be an idea of what i thought seemed a thought for you, but i don't like being i'd have had a positive, it's not shuttle. so i'm, i'm due for the highly on check this out. i'm not that you're not going to do much
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that it's about the alaska yet, that it shouldn't. and then the i'm a lot of the fee and we'll have to, i don't want to and you didn't, you had that it may then was it not? and the photos name and a little from the be looking at be a and i did ask you what better, what was that, what would be anybody to have it? so i'm a company at a deal not fully at all, but that it's not showing that i have yet had to do an assignment for that. make it i know have to go to the bottom of a heads up. i'm gonna have to look as about 9 o'clock job to keep them above a block in a way and just i'm in middle block and fishing. i know i need that in a jack. see an outside to have the horseman because i don't want them. they had the send me the statewide kind of commit george and heavier, but i'm at the bottom alignment at that level and a little for about, well, let's go to collect the connecticut to see if it could be difficult. how much a month on that was funny for that kind of me been answered if you don't want as
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well. it says as well, continues its relentless bombing at the gaza strip and gaza city. not far from the out of the hospital is really strikes targeted residential buildings coming several people on a south sharif went to the scene of one of them strikes. a warning is report contains some disturbing images. and finally, i need talk to each other. i get out coming to another wave of aesthetics getting out, but really will because of the city this time on july. the short while ago or this additional building on the sword was dust and smoke is still rising. the building was reduced to rubble. we will try to get close to document the scale of damage as we speak. these really will please and drums as being hovering above our heads up. i'm trying to reach the building that was targeted by these really war cleans the scale of damage is mess it doesn't. so people walk in depth and smallwood engines. we trying to get closer to the target. the residential building,
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as you can see here is one of the victims case as a result of the s drive, a young golf residence and neighbors are using the bed to try and pull up the victims from under the rubble. they have managed to recover one victim. there is no medical assistance or civil defense to the inside area surrounding of chief the hospital has been besieged, but it's really a condition for so you know, unblocked or whisky to able to reach these areas for the view of to me. another wave of instruct spotted sharpness is pointing on. no, i hit another residential building was targeted to there has been in the e. d. s. straight since monday morning. lived with one wave of to another. then i'll get some more residential buildings across all of the cities. as you can see, the victims, most of the women and children,
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they have closed their way out from underneath the rumble. bites of the only transport out of the destroyed period. for god's sake, i've no way to go for my family because i've no way to go for god's sake where to go where to go. thank god. thank you. god thank you. know and then is there is it strikes have not stopped since monday morning. this is really we're playing something packet, the number of presidential building wonderful, but no medical help country. it's the same as the is really the patient for since i've been leading sick to the in the area surrounding the i'll she for medical complex. they have noticed on the hospital and the thing, the medical stuff in sight. i'm at the chevy dealer medina. yes, president joe biden, as aust, israel's prime minister to send a team to washington to discuss avoiding a major assault on rough fight and told benjamin netanyahu the launching a ground invasion. that would be a mistake. but tony to spoke on the phone a bit,
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increasing us frustration about his real conduct of the war. at least 1500000 palestinians are sheltering in rough or optimal than 5 months. fighting popsicle hanging as more from washington dc on the potential consequences. if biden's warnings, eric north, he was pretty clear the take any sort of major operation to ralph. it would be a red line that would imply that there be some sort of consequences even if they did try to walk it back. but we heard from national security advisor, jake sold it and he came out to brief reporters after the call between the president and these really prime minister. and that was pretty strong language, that major ground operations in rough up would be a mistake. and he went on to say there are more than a 1000000 people who fled there, and they basically have nowhere else to go. as of most of the major cities are just destroyed. and israel's now presented the by the ministration with the plan that it says it has to do, which is if it tell them how they're going to move that many people where they're
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going to move them, how their way to provide food and shelter. and the other basic necessities, again, especially since most of the gaza strip isn't rubble. so this, he says, sullivan said at the president's urging. these railways are going to be sending a team to washington. he believes it'll either be later this week or early next week to talk about ways they could go after her mouth without a major ground operations. and that they expectation is that they are will not be a major ground offensive until that meeting has taken place. you know, we do know that the president was pretty fired up his comments about the israeli prime minister for getting more and more aggressive, even if his staff tries to walk it back. you know, we know that he was on mike on a microphone when he told us senator that he was going to have a come to jesus conversation with bb. uh, that's what he calls private mr. benjamin netanyahu and come to jesus. that usually means you're to sit down and sort of lay down the law and it doesn't say what kind
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of consequences could follow if you are listen to. so whether or not that happened, we don't know, we know they talked, we know the us has potential consequences and leverage over israel, whether they'll use it. we don't know. i mean, all the us secretary of state is due back in the middle east on wednesday to discuss humanitarian m c. supply efforts in gaza. i'm going to bring kind of travel from the philippines to saudi arabia before heading on to egypt on thursday. and is ready. delegation is and cuts off a tool box on the spot proposals fi on us. they include present of exchanges and the 3 phase and the fighting. the 14 bodies have been found at an upscale some of the above haiti's capital pull to france. as gang violence continues unabated in the 80 ponce of the capital have been left without power. a 160000 people have been displaced by the fighting as many a rapid an hour for a bloody scene in the outskirts of haiti's capital porter prints. in the early hours of monday,
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gangs reportedly attacked to upscale neighborhoods, leaving nearly a dozen dead. it's the latest in a spiraling wave of gang related violence gripping the country. but he woke up this morning with bodies in our community of pet don't deal with spectrum. deal is not that kind of community where people are killed and we are here to remove the bodies before the children start walking to school and the vendor starts to a rock. my mom do yeah. caving to demands by haitian games. prime minister arial henri announce, last week he would resign following the creation of a transitional presidential council. despite the announcement dang, violence is not abated, sparking new concerns from international observers over a crisis that's already grown out of control. it is not hyperbole to say that this is one of the most dire humanitarian situations in the world. in neighboring dominican republic, security forces were deployed on monday to the haitian border locals. they are saying that humanitarian crisis is also having a dramatic impact on commerce. introductory plus,
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you're lucky here the situation is difficult. not many haitians come due to the problem and haiti, they come twice for a week and 5 days that they don't come because of the situation. he is not easy. leaders from other caribbean nations or holding talks to resolve the crisis, including aiding with the establishment of a transitional presidential council. a multinational police force to restore order and haiti, backed by the united nations and led by kenya, has reportedly been delayed canyon officials saying the deployment of such a force will happen only once. the transitional can also has been created, messed up a little out to 0. gambia has moved a step closer towards repeating a band on female genital mutilation. the national assembly voted to send the bill on ending the bat until paula mentioned committee for further discussions. removing the bandwidth and legal protections of millions of girls and women supposes of the proposed measured march and the capital banjo. just call them and tell the debates
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. united nations estimates maybe 3 quarters of women and girls. in 15 and 49 years old. i'm stuff of genital mutilation in gums. you would you all have to canada is an activist and found the safe hands for girls. she says the people behind the campaign to overturn the band or seeking more control of a woman in gambia. the people get up to f t m in this country a lot of them i'm then these are men that don't have the same live experiences that we do. and women who have been through this practice continuing to tell them every single day. what they're suffering is what day of pain is, and every time a survivor comes out and she has the story, these men always go out and see that they are lying and they are less than age. and they're being paid by the west to say that f t m is that would be having issues. i think recently what happened is, not only was it didn't pause because of the religious need is coming out and not only pays the bill, but also inside 2 survivors and invalid teaching our stories and saying that f t
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and doesn't happen. and they can be available in the past the 2nd session. so i think that's what's driving the rhetoric that we're seeing, what this is about child abuse, and this is wrong. we know that gm is harmful. we've seen women die from best practice. we've seen gulf suffer from distractive and there's no way that we can twist it to make it right. wrong is wrong. they succeed with repealing the law against f t. m. they'll come after the child matters. loved one of those. they might even come out of the domestic violence law. and the next thing we know the sexual balance i. so i think this is bigger than f t, and this is about the control of women and their bodies. i thought i saw a break here and i'll just say it right when we come back, struggling to find the cash. donald trump's lawyer say to come pay the hundreds of millions of dollars as ordered by a judge. and we're in cuba with farmers that struggling to read the fruits of their labor or not the
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critical debate. pony farmers are angry, people have starving, and we actually have to exports a whole lot because we've money to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments for addition to the highest level they've been using games for the political economy, service the students name and date. and course the arrival inside story on al jazeera resilience can sprout from even the house, just urban environment. a soaring costs, threatening the communities green centuries, so i fair my life is finished. one city farmer bows to protect them. have to think about how we go again. how are we going to pay our rent before a smile on the people's faces and encourage them to grow foods taking a green stone in the new case? biggest city. we all refuse to london grown witness on
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a jersey to the colleges. when the the spoken about you're watching, how does the record combined about top stories here? this hour is ready for us has remained inside the ship a hospital author launching a full rate since a $1000.00 miguel is really miniature. he says 20 people were killed in the siege. same time us fight as a hike in the building. i'll just say i'm a journalist. the smell of google has been released by is ready for us is up to 12
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hours in detention. he was beaten and arrested on monday advice. really forces were rating out ship a hospital in kansas city. not farming is imminent in northern gauze. so that's the warning from the global body that monitors food security. the famine review committee says more than 200000 palestinians will face job ation. within the next few months, victoria gets into the report because the weather's little food available. you take what you can find boiled up. these plants fill a gap, but not for long. butterflies well, but all i've ever load which one my mother thought us the difference between each plant and we started to recognize them. each of us each have a piece of bread. it they elsewhere a rough or a mother, mixes crushed biscuits with milk and water to feed her. do to get them. and so with that, so yeah, it was before the war. i used to feed her fruits and vegetables last but now i can't provide d as well. i used to give her high energy biscuit and,
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but we can't afford them. don't visit the neonatal intensive care unit again. morality, hospital, st. increasing number of babies of dying because of a keep many attrition, but one of the most important with breathing problems. so we place them in incubators until the gain the proper weight, then the discharged. unfortunately, after 5 days or a week, the baby with 10 bad conditions, many of the most died global body monitoring salmon. the ip see says phase 5 on its scale is the most severe and is classified as famine. it occurs when at least 20 percent of the population is facing an extreme lack of food. so 2 percent of children, a suffering from acute malnutrition, and 2 people in $10000.00 to dine each day due to starvation. the ip see one's famine is immune into northern garza and could occur any time between now and may.
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unicef estimates one and 3 children younger than 2 as malnourished the number this doubled since january. the doctors are reporting that they no longer see normal size baby. what they do see though, tragically small, still bump this most still born babies. and mon, neo natal, that's called in pop by the by again the most recent, the hydration, an a complication. the u. n. says the catastrophic levels of hunger demand, the immediate opening of more channels to deliver assistance, say, so any a fraction of what's needed to stop people stopping has arrived. leslie then me at the gauze. this trip is dying slowly. it's not from the missiles then from hunger, if not from hunger, then from dehydration, the palestinians hope the ip sees warning will improve conditions on the ground for the time being and until much more a derives hundreds of thousands of people are facing the possibility of starvation
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victoria day to be out using the donald trump noise so he can find a company willing to offer a bond with $464000000.00 in his civil food case. the former us president wants to appeal to judgment, but found him guilty of unlawfully conflicting his wealth. but if he doesn't pay the full amount, new york state could begin seizing his assets, at least 30 insurance firms have refused to back him. chapter titles he has more from washington, dc, about prospect of new york state authorities seizing crumbs. assets is going to start place or this is the process of seizing his assets. but he does have options . he's asking the quote, either to accept why 100000000 dollar bond or to delay collection of the bond them to authorize appeal is hurt or trump may appeal of this to the new york court of appeals. so you can do a little that, however you're in the as a week,
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and there is that possibility of a view to the general may say, look, that we've got to collect. but when we look, we've got a great deal about how to obtain a bond in new york is often such a big judgment. i had actually 2 options. you either put start $400.00 and as about $355000000.00 with interest is $464000000.00. you had to put and haven't moved up in almost some into a bank account in cash. what he does doesn't want to do, or you're going to bond basically an insurance policy, a company which will say is good for that money. but then the bank company needs collateral. and what we've left is that these bottom companies, they don't accept a real estate as collateral. and most of the problems money is bound up in real estate. and you have is the sort of about $350000000.00 to $400000000.00 worth of cash, cash and securities. but that's already been depleted by another bond that he had to take the keys repeating another case of sexual assault. and he needs to raise a $110000000.00 for that. he has to raise then $557000000.00. now it's going up
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again with fees from a bond company. and he simply called threw out because he doesn't have cash on hand . so he's a, he's in a bit of trouble. but we have to see what the judge decides and whether he can still manage to type us out of it for a bit longer. iran has dismissed the findings of an international report into the death of mazda and meet you. in fact, experts say her death 2 years ago was unlawful and caused by violence of the rain in women continue to suffer systematic discrimination. news of the meanings death in the custody of circles. morales, the police cause months of protests. the report says, at least 550, were killed in the government cracked out of finding showed, based on the examination of medical documents and also affecting the evidence of the treatment of women and the situations that jena mazda, i mean these death wasn't on law for this, and we believe that the state is responsible. now the boss of the chinese property group f, a grant has been banned for life for trading on the stock market. trying to secure
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which is regulates our old plans to find way call young for various financial offenses. i'm fine ever, gruffly. i think it's revenues by almost $18000000000.00. one of the giants of china is heavily indebted. property sector was ordered to liquidate by hong kong court earlier to see if the sounds of the people have gathered in must those red square tomorrow. the 10th anniversary of russia's annexation of crimea, from ukraine. the president vladimir putin hale, what he called the return of the tower to russian control. crime is so recognized as part of ukraine by most countries. but it's a strategic prize that gives russians maybe why the access to the world. the crane has repeatedly have touch bases there since the south of rushes full scale invasion 2 years ago. just looking to say it's and the always to stick, i say, as for a novel garcia who do. but as for don, box, people living there also declared their desire to return to their family. in the
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days of the russian spring, their journey home turned out to be much more difficult and tragic. but still we did it. and this is also a big event in the history of our state. cuba is blaming the united states for provoking red onto government protests that demonstrate those on demand and government action to the with food shortages of power cuts. and augustin reports now from central cuba farm is unable to grow crops due to a worsting economic crisis. and us sanctions within come into staples rigid, unproductive planned economy. agriculture has long been the achilles heel. farm is a particularly effective, but he was deep economic crisis. and recent is auction of the company. go to options, apply all the fields. that's because there's not enough diesel subtract as to this one that says that 5 years ago his vegetable prop was double what it is today. can we then our, my eval?
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there's nothing. there's no thoughts, eliza, there's no how besides that makes it hard to prepare the land state. take a show. then in recent years, rice being and poor production have decreased the never limitation of hunger in cuba was until recently seen as a standout achievement. but now it's rising, sped by a new layer of sanctions imposed by the trump. by them administration's name that has up to doesn't cost of that over the last 2 years. instead of sleeping at home, you know, spends his nights watching out of his head. and i find that you might on the guy who the biggest problem with facing his rubber ring, that's what's affecting us the most during this crisis. and it just doesn't stop even from his canadian cows. but by loading myself all of them over to the states, until recently, the state gave a kilogram a pound of milk every month. every cuban child on the 7th. that was done by forcing dairy farmers to sell and they look at no down prices. but today, production on the distribution of filtering children's milk is arriving late if
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it's cheaper and the more dependent on food inputs. but as a consequence, calling to say the new sanctions, not millions of dollars a year from the islands, foreign exchange earnings stuck in the 19 sixty's us state department. and then most of the functions on cuba today to bring about hunger desperation and over sort of government that still in this ministry historian says, this is the most dramatic case of international a economic warfare. aiming among other things as agriculture. and that's what it's aim done, and it works of the market price. the milk is now 4 times higher than what the state pays to make ends meet. farmers are increasingly sites and staples to sell on the black market. 2 dep filters that's less food available at prices, people can afford sunday. so play tests and several preferences in cuba. one of the accounts were hungry at augusta and i'll just gotta say with the cool.
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all right, well that's it from me. dire in jordan to my colleague, tom mccrae will be here at the top of the uh, with much more news and you can find more information on our website out to 0 dot com. there it is. the weather is next on the inside story looks of the potential for the often to ship company to ties with the us special events much the couple of days ago it started in in bows right now with this streak of clouds has been funding very recently in re add, so anywhere in central sandy, right, we could just seen this right in the phone with thunder storms. quickly hitting the ground and spreading out. and we've got more to come inside of a full cost suggest you might get more funding in this process out. are you ready to wait? possibly anyway in iraq, eastern rock, under mountains, on the west side of iran, very active for this time here. is it more of the cold from the tail of that in
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mecca, may breeze a shower to it? you haven't, but otherwise this is dr. but the winds are also i picked up. so where you see brian or orange atlas, just dust or sand and the atmosphere briefly, maybe a dust storm. that suddenly is the indication. just surf off, cut off, mecca, then it'd be on the cold side. it's not particularly called, but it should be about $57.00 on average, but the wind is attending thing here. wednesday. let's start with 50 and back again on friday, a breezy looking picture. in west and saturday to all the carriers to tons of their, their writing has returned. it's very gentle, but at last for quite a long time, bigger shelves on the western side. so that's really from the gulf of getting down to bolt and go to in south africa last you drive pictures, bring pretty halting land. so the 5 warnings are right in force. examining the headlines is there is a release today for the close of life and got unflinching journalism. awesome.
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every interview, just like the war sharing personal stories with a deliver or do you want to create a world where women come and feel naturally released that trauma and creates explore and abundance of world class programming on which is era news has got submitted through ties with the united states, a setback from what was, was a crucial online in west africa. it photos of the lead us in the highlands. 14 close ties with russia, also taking power emitted to goes. so what the impacts with this have on the region . this is inside story, the .


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