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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 19, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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there's homicides, kidnapping 6 portions. anyone is the target? the state governor says the government in the mail has not given him details of the security plan for this region. and the residents are and we, they have not yet seen the army or police securing the city. the death and devastation in northern gaza is really a tax kill. at least 15 people sheltering in a house and 1st responders struggle to reach those needs is really troops remain inside and ship out hospital where they say they've killed at least 50 people and detains thousands more. the you're watching all to 0 life or my headquarters, and i'm getting you navigate the also coming up the top us generals who oversaw the
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chaotic withdrawal from i've gone to sign in 2021. our question by a house committee. the great barrier reef loses its color, the latest mass, bleaching how sciences worried for marine life. the hello. we begin in gaza. where is really air strikes? have targeted an area crowded with residential homes and buildings. one attack stroke, a family home killing 15 people inside 1st responders are struggling to retrieve more bodies, stuck under the rubble of the zeros and a study for reports from the scene. and some pictures in his report are disturbing the slightly and i'm to follow up on them and just really rates have not stopped attacking cause a city since the morning was board. just have targeted
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a family home at the center of cause a city killing 15 people. these dead bodies were retrieved, moments ago from under the rubble of this house. what we're seeing is that the majority killed here are women and children. and this was a direct targeting, but it's really we're just off on a house of several stories. just as we can see, these dead bodies on the ground have just been recovered from under the rubble can a number of people remain missing under the rubble. as our medical staff and civil defense crews could not reach the place that ok, this house, emboldened by the mic bill family, it has been completely destroyed by it's really excited to i just don't know me, so i'll try to do that. and yeah, i mean, yeah, and that's, i mean, i know you, ma'am. it's a business. my brother's house i met, unfortunately, women, children, and the neighbors were struck out. uh, that was a peaceful people that have sleeping often having the last meal for full, fostering. suddenly we were taken away by what happened and it, despite oldest, we say praise be to god caused them due to the lack of resources. well, you know,
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there remains a number of killed people under the rubble. we are unable to bring out to. 2 the relentless bombardment on gods and cities. why is really war jets has now targeted this family home is killing most of its residential walk traffic, others under the rubble and and the city is josie, a beautiful as well. the is where the army is still inside and ship out hospital after launching its 4 threes on the complex monday morning. the military operation has killed at least 50 palestinians and detained many others. access i'm of which has more. people on its own is really soldiers moving through the besieged hospital, complex, searching room by room. the government full service advisor, commander say the operation is targeting, how most fighters hiding inside the hospital. this i'm all have several people were reported killed in the operation, including psych, i'll build it out of my pool. how my says he was a key figure, any causes police force responsible for facilitating the save distribution of 8.
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the number of civilians were killed the the aftermath of these really airstrikes inside and outside the hospital because of health ministry says many were suffocated while trying to escape a fire that broke out. for god sake, i've no way to go for my family because i have no way to go for god's sake where to go where to go. thank god. going to god. thank you now. and then the siege of all she saw hospital and surrounding area by is really forces is have for me and rescue operations with many teams unable to get there. thousands of philistines remain trapped inside the hospital. journalists are being detained and their equipment destroyed, leading to reporting blackout. access i much out, is there the is really military has also targeted the north side of the refugee
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camp, killing at least 5 palestinians. a vehicle outside the headquarters of owner was that's the un agency for palestine. refugees was also hits. children are among the dead. and that attack comes after you on warehouse meant to receive humanitarian aid in northern gaza. was shelled overnights by israel. at least 2 people working in that owner or facility in giovanni a were killed. it was preparing to receive trucks carrying aid and flour to northern gaza. that's where the one is saying that a famine is imminent. we have thought about as soon joining us from f that's in southern gaza. so tara, this is not the 1st time that is real, has targeted a humanitarian, a distribution center, and tell us what happens. yes and fox, so we have been saying that to isabel has been it staggering. gets military attacks across different areas in gauze, on this specifically on the areas where the united nation
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a distribution centers are really existing. but this time it happens i'm carried out on, on the side rock a refugee camp where a civil call had been targeted in the front of the one of the you and run facilities where 5 palestinians at least being killed and offset verifying. it had become so clear that one of the victims is considered to be one of the top officials in the ministry of interior in how much one government and who was also responsible for securing humanitarian supplies to deliveries to the middle areas of the territory. and that was absolutely terrifying and clear how isabel is trying to destroy the state of security in terms of a deliveries to the middle and also to then other parts of the causal. specifically, that's in the past hour we have been seeing more strikes in gauze, a city where a local committee had been targeted. now this committee had been established and organized off to a deep coordination between local rights of the people in no direct garza to secure
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the a deliveries the corporation. with the police departments in gauze, a city, an order to guarantee a full, secure arrival of such amended chariot supplies to the number of parts of the territory. now those as the palestinians have reported, killed an engine. one of the latest is where it strikes so clearly the quantity of the targeting deck is what it has been carrying out within the past few days signified cleats fox, which is that isabel is attacking everyone, is responsible for securing a deliveries to the know that part of the territory and also for the middle areas in order to create a state of k use on to swap the old efforts being made in order to guarantee stability in these areas. i'm thought it update us if you can on the situation. and she felt hospice, so the 4th time is real targets this hospital and raids. it we know that people were killed, people were arrested. what's happening there right now? the yes, i'm sorry. the reading the, the,
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the bottles and confrontations found the grounds. continue that when i'm on a flight is that it is very soon just as i've been seeing different videos. imagine from the sides of the confrontations. how difficult is the situation that um, its unrelenting executive destruction on bombardment being carries out by the use ready made it to be and this is, was absolutely key in terms of the number of houses being completely destroyed and level to the ground. we are talking about dozens of palestinians have been killed in separate s, traipsing guns with city where people that's talking to fleet move to the south due to the collapse of security due to the absence of slaves. she'll talk for such families who are taking shelter inside the she felt hospitalized according to disability. media reports, it has been report said that's isabel had executed until at 50 pounds plenty. and the rest of the 200 others of the parts of the military operations inside a shot hospital that is still ongoing till now. this it'd be far exchange between
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how much light isn't that you're gonna. so we'll just continue until this moment. okay, thank you thought of as well reporting from what i found in the south of the gaza strip. well, in direct talks between israel and from us are underway here in doha, and they're discussing how masses latest proposal for prisoner captive exchange on to end the war category. mediators say they remain hopeful. mohammad, well, how's the latest? the term used by the spokesman of the for the ministry here was that they are cautiously optimistic about the results of the talks. but he said that is very good that the talks about taking place in doha, that to me is cut off. can monitor these talks better, can facilitate them better. and he talked about the technical teams from, from both sides working on the details. these are indicted talks. we have to notify . and the is really, is don't tell these readers here. they don't have many prerogatives for decision making and so on. so that's why the chief of the most are they can but they,
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it has already left with for consultations with these that i need to ship. and basically the categories are saying that this is going to take time. i don't think that at the moment now where we can say that you are close to where to a deal. we are, as i said, we are cautiously optimistic because adults have it as you want them. that is a good thing. and we hope that that, that continues and you helped to build upon that and becoming at days. but it's still too early to, to, to announce any, any successes. so we mean, as i said, we made hopefully the for the ministry spokes man or so made it clear that top a condenser you started, the actions didn't the last couple of days, particularly the, the attack on the chief a hospital. he said that those attacks have to stop and the international committee has to do something to prevent these ladies from continuing to commit to those violations against medical facilities and goals and also against civilians. he said the cup has already sent $86.00 cargo planes with the human retain
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a to goes on disease goes to contribute, logistically and financially to any efforts to bring more 8 at 2000 how much fun i'm just gonna do for you. a sector of states as the entire population of gaza is in dire need of humanitarian aid. and senior, blinking says deliveries must be a priority. his comments come off to the un human rights chief blamed israel for blocking a trucks from entering the strip. according to the most respected measure of these things, a 100 percent of the population in gaza is that severe levels of achieve food and security. that's the 1st time an entire population has been so classified. and we also see again, according to, in this case, the united nations, a 100 percent. the totality of the population is in need of humanitarian assistance
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. compare that to a sedan about 80 percent of the population there is and the amount of changes have data stands about 70 percent. so again, solving under scores. both the, the urgency, the imperative of making this the priority. while israel is sending a delegation to washington to discuss its plans, ground defensive under file assumptions isn't occupied east jerusalem with more details on what's expected. it is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who says that he will send a delegation to washington to discuss with american officials on how exactly this ground invasion instead of far is going to work. this came at the request of us president joe biden. now these really prime minister has said that it is critical and necessary to enter alpha in order to achieve a total victory in the war with the americans have had criticism about this plan
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for months. now since these rallies announced that they're saying that it would be a mistake to enter it up off, the american president has also said that it would be a red line. the americans are especially concerned about the number of palestinians who are seeking refuge in drop off the us national security advisor jake sullivan has said that there are nearly a 1000000 and a half palestinians seeking shelter there. and there simply is nowhere else for them to go with the is really prime minister says that these disagreements are about how to go about this military ground invasion, not about the reasons as to why he says it's necessary. so sometime in the coming weeks, this is really delegation with the national security advisor from israel sampling. head neck be, will go to washington to brief american officials on how exactly it's going to work to set foot as just, you know, occupied east jerusalem. well,
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joining us now is time to promote isn't a system professor public policy. it's a high institute for graduate studies. hello again, thomas. so what do you make of the timing of this trip is really officials going to washington to discuss the fence as well. the same time yeah, the ceasefire talks ongoing and don't. and so you have the motor cars, i think a disappoint the i mean those that have between the or something installation and then at the, in the all government and possibly the americans are doing the best to uh, to postpone that offer a probation. and to give some hope to the see. so i've took some cut the uh to, to, to make sure the motor and this. so i think the americans motor less out in these, in this position. do you think that the americans wants to postpone it or, or mean, what do they think when it comes to different? we know that present biden has said it's his red line. it's like this is what it that's what he had said. i, i don't think that so not, i mean,
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it was not the very clear headline. i think the have disagreements on the house. something has to happen to drop off, but the scale of it, this is the main focus of the discussion that these are units of the americans both have committed up and down time us and uh, how much that has precedence and offer. so something has to happen, whether it's a large cabinet to go patient or it's just as soon as you can a minute to petition. we don't know, but i'm sure the americans are very embarrassed by is it has been through contact on old domestic is on the cons that took place and they don't want to see a similar conduct into a fight. so this is where the fight this defense the pension is. so what you're saying is that they more or less to kind of get kind of give their blessings on that if i opperation. but it's a matter of how they do it exactly on the existing conditions. and at the same time, i think the american, the americans have some keen interest for the ceasefire. negotiations toward the
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pushing it that direction. so by dragging visit is to washington buying more time to prevent nothing else from going forth without losing anything with the americans . the give some hope for the few stokes into how to materialize, but this is all that, i mean, this all speculations. i mean everything can go wrong. again, of course, nothing you know is, is the most common. the message is sending it to days of the, in the society by the is the, i'm the only one who can 100 days of the americans. i can push, but i showed this is our award. i know the best. i like the best bought the, i mean, do you also have an installation is embedded in the very nettle, cool in the public into us because of all the sensitivities, all the backlash around the world, the, the most nations we see in the us, i mean, the democrats are also nervous, i'm unimed, but as of this point, because they lost control of nothing yet with the shoulder, the big enough for this war, but now he's becoming good. i but if he's not apart from that anymore, right. and what about the internal sort of is really divisions because we hear also reports that within the work cabinet itself, the far right ministers like it's
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a more been give here in both of those smotts rich. they even opposed israel's participate. participation in the negotiations that are going on and off, i think they should not be negotiating with from us whatsoever. i mean, how significant are these divisions and sort of the larger picture. it's significant but, but, but this, i mean, let's, let's, because for, i mean, the concern mindy is on the identity of the single present as we're older, wouldn't be the least. i mean, these, the, these 2 ministers, they don't want to see any kind of student present as well, have loved ones that hands and will have very high sentences. so them that opposing to this present as being good, at least in any exchange that edu and, but that's a main concern, but i'm, i'm, i don't think they would oppose the a, a, a, a, another deal or something that involves him as uh, the possibility of releasing is that i in the captives uh, with a 6 weeks fuse, he's filed a, a period of time at the same time. is there enough committing for in this world?
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i think that's, that's what the latest one. they don't want the commitment to in this world. and this negotiations around who could succeed. they have a small chance of succeeding because how much also the 3 did all the, the main condition, which is the, it's the condition that isn't. it has to end them and see the world before. i don't know which has taken place. so how much detracted because, i mean, because of all those of what the seem does of the human at the, the, the large scale of the human, it's it and stuff. i think there must be a lot of this. they want some, they want the but a for the people they want some 8 to get inside. so they're, they're connected on this demand or the condition. so the board has and he's on his back out. and also with us think this lady is good, one of the have a good deal, opposite to what the students have faith so far. but again, it's nothing you know, because it's been committed to these big under this, the goal, which is, you have to get things from us. and the question is, how you can achieve this, this is this what the key is and use and use a not with the oldest embarrassment. and the matter because i'm nervous now.
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nothing. the homeless it seems to me he's yes, he's under pressure and under pressure, but he still has the upper hand because he knows how to manipulate all of these, especially in the better critically given to us when we have elections and we see what's happening. well, the sensors between democrats and republicans and so forth is that they have very different positions though. okay, thomas, i'm well, thank you so much. my pleasure. while the palestinian man has been shot and killed in his car by is really settlers in the occupied westbank can it happened in the village of a crowd law that's close to novelist? you n, as described, the recent escalation on seller of seller violence and they occupied westbank as alarming and urgent. it still adds on ultra 0 politicians in the gumby. i look to overturn the landmark ban on female genital mutilation that protects millions of women and girls are back in the
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the atlantic feed of weather systems is becoming a bit weak and ask for the rugged remains of what came in from the west. still sitting of a many of the countries of central and eastern europe. further west, i think single stopped to slow down in the progress. so often has cold weather in spain. throw be necessarily an increase in the amount of rain coming in for the atlantic. but i think cheryl is a grow by and a so nimble 1st degree say, but it's possible in 3 most places you'll notice is sydney wise in england. and there certainly were patches in ukraine, facts cold enough here, but as smoke to have that to show itself in the in romania. but the real action is taking face just on the i choose. now, this cold wind gives a stumble, 89 degrees quite a bit in through the g and the eastern met. and then talk in fairmount or right, even though nothing in this part of syria and southern turkey with snow on the tops
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of the hills. meanwhile, in this a hell of north africa in cuba, 44 degrees is full, customize the fast we could see 45 inside. so done as a result, all the schools have been charged disease held this out to them at this time of the year. and also a fair breeze bringing down the, the seasonal how much it is quite strong. so again, throughout so how does a warrant typically nursing the share of dusty wind of the the however, again the top stories on elders 0 this hour is really forces remain inside and shift hospital after launching a 4th rate. since the war on gods have begun, is really mid this recess to see people were killed in that stage. it has time,
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us fighters, we're hiding in the building. cats are says it's cautiously optimistic about the possibility of a ceasefire in gaza. it's been mediating the latest round of talks and though ha involving the head of israel's intelligence agency, the most on palestinian man has been shot and showed that his car by is really similar is in the occupied west bank. there's been a surge of cellar violence in the occupied westbank since october. the 7th. all the gum. yeah, has moved a step closer towards reversing a ban on female genital mutilation. it's national assembly voted to send a bill on ending the band to a preliminary committee for further discussions. removing the ban would end legal protections for millions of girls and women. stephanie, just a reports. those interval 40 and 42 does not in verbal for an overwhelming majority in the game because national assembly for
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female genital mutilation to be brought back to the bill still needs more discussion to pos. but the sentiment, at least in here, is clear on public. but under law is inconsistent with desperation of the majority of the people should be conceded outside a show of support for both sides. these women are for the cutting and removal of 4 parts of the external female genitalia often done as girls are still very young. but many protested against the repeating of the news active, a se, reverses years of progress for women's rights. most permanent on board suspect. we're here. amend. and we need to listen to women and young girls to been through 10 intelligence organization and have the scars to show for it. and i don't mean just physical scars. i mean mental scars. we need to listen to activities, stuff been through the gym and that i'm now advocating against f. g m,
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i think is this bill is fast. it gives them a chance to go after the child matters law. it gives them a chance to go after the domestic violence a little. this is not only about the mountain it talking mediation, which is about women in the control of women's body. according to the un, around 213000000 girls worldwide have been caught. countries with the highest rates include egypt, so don, somalia, molly guinea, sierra leone, and eric trail. the new one go babies are caught as also older adolescent girls. when do you think that make these f gm consists of removing a part of the female genitalia that provides sexual pleasure for women and can also include the stitching of the body parts to practically close at the one says the general practice has seen a downward trend but it is slow paste. in 2015 world leaders voted to ban f gm by 2030 saying it was rooted in gender inequality and power imbalances. but active
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a submit, there is no way the practice shows any signs of being eradicated. and now the gambia is on the verge of bringing it back. stephanie decker, which is 0. in the united states, the republican shared house foreign affairs committee is holding hearings over the chaotic american exit from of gone us on august 2021. hundreds of off guns died off to the falls, the us back governments and the advance of the taliban, among those testifying are the vend chairman of the joint chiefs of staff in general, mark, milly, and the head of the us central command at the time. will the hearings come as the race for the white house intensifies? patio haine has more from washington dc on why the withdrawal could matter. november's elections is pretty much reserved from pretty angry republican representatives in pretty angry democratic representatives. the generals for their part are pretty much kept there. cool. and in fact, they came out and said, look,
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we've nothing new to say. so we didn't, they're already testified before we took off our uniform and retired. so what we're seeing here is the republicans, they're trying to really put this at the feet of president joe biden said the withdrawal happened on his watch. well, the democrats are countering, well, it happened because the former president, donald trump's, the republican, he made a deal with the taliban. and so how doha agreement, that would set a date for us troops leading in exchange for a bit of a ceasefire. no more a tax on us service members, but they were conditions. and so what we're hearing from the generals is this wasn't their fault in the sense that their recommendation was to leave $2500.00 troops plus contractors plus nato allies in the country until the conditions of the java agreement could be met. so here's what they had to say about that. it was my view that absent those conditions, i was not in favor of a unilateral withdrawal of us forces because of my assessment, the associated costs and risks. the fundamental tension facing the president. in
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fact, to present was that no one could satisfactorily explain when or even if those conditions would ever be met. it's a really unusual and usually these kinds of hearings happen on like an anniversary date, some way to connect it. and that's when they get more media play. so why now? well, we're behind the scenes. republican age are telling reporters that they're trying to deliver in their words a body blow to president joe biden. they know that this is a weakness for him. is he runs for re election. in fact, if you look at the polls whose numbers really started to dive below 40 during this whole tragic evacuation and they never recovered. and so i think republicans say they're still just trying to get to the truth. they've got some family members in the gallery of the service members who died during their withdrawal as after suicide bombing. so they said they're trying to get answers to them. they're not
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getting any new information here. so likely, this is about politics because this is a week this week president joe biden. let's not forget, he was elected mainly because he was able to tell the american people, he knew how government work. he could get things done. and the minute this started happening and people started to doubt whether he actually could do that can live up to those promises. and like i said, he hasn't recovered so most likely try to score some political points. it doesn't look like it. we're going to get any new information today. presidents have him in the a is marking a 100 days since he came to office in argentina. the right wing self proclaimed on our co capital list of power on december, the 10th, promising to turn the country's fortunes around. but his time at office has been marked by frequent street protest as argentinians pushed back against his costs cutting agenda. the former brazilian president j or bell scenario has been charged with criminal association on falsifying his own club with 19 vaccination data. it's
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the 1st indictment for the in bottles. politician was facing several criminal investigations. he's accused of putting false information into the public health database to make it appear as if he'd receive the corona virus vaccine, along with several people in his circle. dream depends at maple scenario, was openly skeptical of vaccines and floated health restrictions. australia is great, barrier reef is suffering from another mass coral bleaching event. scientists are extremely concerned, as the coral is vital to marine ecosystems and provides a habitat for much marine life. sarah clark reports in townsville on the northeast coast. these are some of the 1st images the aerial assessment of called bleaching in the great barrier reef. bleaching occurs when will my ocean temperatures and pollution force cold to expel the algae that lead the mid to sheets. y'all to give
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the color range of color. scientists have declared 2020 full a mess. bleaching event. we call a mess carl bleaching when we see the majority of carls on many of the race that we survey across large areas of the marine park our bleaching. and that's the situation we're in at the moment. carl bleaching is just a stress reaction from karl. so you could compare it, for example, to heat stroke in a human until now calling the southern section of the 2002. let me just stretch a brief head loudly escapes the most severe consequences of bleaching. but hate stress caused by an extreme marine hate live. an extended period of time means some structures, hundreds of years old, have been severely damaged. it's disturbing to say the least it's, it's sad it's um, it's infuriating really because we know the cause marine biologist, jody run.


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