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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 20, 2024 9:00am-9:30am AST

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the, the israel strikes in a distribution points in northern gauze as warnings grow about the shortage of food across the strip. the other ones are in jordan, this is down to 09 from to also coming up. we have some doctors who've worked in kansas hospitals during israel's bombardment. they describe the her risk scenes. they witnessed one child alone. never forget had been so bad. you could see her facial buttons. we knew there was no chance of us of only things that. but there
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was no move for you to get to. china is top diplomatic visits, australia for the 1st time in 70 is regional security remains a contentious issue. the trait terrace and lifting on columbia is to resume ministry operations against the break away function of the fall. criminal soft, unintentional the beginning. northern gaza, where at least 23 palestinians working to distribute a have been killed by on his ran the strike will plane struck the position near the q 8 round about where aid to the node is distributed. they've been several attacks on palestinian seeking aid of the same location. last month is ready for his open finally called they're getting a 118 people seeking food. is really i'm able to show that you in warehouse meant to receive humanitarian aid in jamalia in northern gaza. at least 2 people working in the building were killed. the facility was preparing to receive trucks carrying
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desperately needed aid and attendance of people in the area. so as a distribution sides come on, the is really attack, there are new warnings about the food shortages you in human rights. she says israel as a restrictions could constitute a will crime for could tuck says israel's actions could be seen as using starvation as a weapon. a rule is called on the international community to pressure israel to lift or restrictions on a truck that's off to you and not report found that simon is imminent. in northern garza, you know, the us secretary of state. there's also one of the top population of guns is in dire need of humanitarian a. and to me blinking says prove that everybody's must be a priority. according to the most respected measure of these things, a 100 percent of the population in gaza is that severe levels of acute food insecurity? that's the 1st time an entire population has been so classified. and we also see
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again, according to, in this case, the united nations, a 100 percent. the totality of the population is in need of humanitarian assistance . compare that to a sedan about 80 percent of the population, there is indeed of your managers just afghanistan about 70 percent. so again, solving under scores. both the, the urgency, the imperative of making this the priority is ready as strikes of targeted an area crowded with the residential homes and buildings. one attack struck a family home getting 15 people 1st respond as a struggling to retrieval buddies. stuck on to the rubble. i'll just say it was on us out sharif reports from the scene and i'm wanting some of the images and his report a disturbing the other slightly and i'm to follow up on him is really rates have not stopped attacking cause a city since the morning was on have or jets have targeted
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a family home at the center of cause of the city killing 15 people. these dead bodies were retrieved, moments ago from under the rubble of this house. what we're seeing is that the majority killed here are women and children. and this was a direct targeting bite is really we're just off on a house of several stories. and as we can see, these dead bodies on the ground have just been recovered from under the rubble can a number of people remain missing under the rubble. as medical staff and civil defense crew could not reach this place that ok, this house, emboldened by the mic bill family, it has been completely destroyed, but it's really excited to as an adult. oh, they know me. so i'll try to do that. and yeah, i mean, yeah, and that's, i mean, i know you ma'am. it's a business my brother's house. unfortunately, women, children, and the neighbors was struck out. uh, that was a peaceful people that have sleeping often having the last meal for full fostering . suddenly we were taken away by what happened and it, despite oldest, we say praise be to god caused them due to the lack of resources. well, you know,
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there remains a number of killed people under the rubble. we are unable to bring out to the relentless bombardment on causes, sitting by his really were jets, has now targeted this family home is killing most of its residential walk traffic, others under the rubble than necessary. if i don't, josie, a my do you have to was the explosions and gunfire continued to shake the area around the ship. a hospital in kansas city. is there any troops ready? the complex on monday, coming up these 50 pilots demands entertaining. many of us gauze us health ministry says hundreds of display civilians, patients and stuff remain trapped inside. i'll just say it was talked about as boom as more from a rough and southern golf. these really military troops are still station inside the hospital in the gates on old, an old, the roads that are leading to the medical compound. as these very minute, 3 tanks are flashing with palestinian fighters on the vicinity of the area of the hospital. as bombardment also continues to unfolding the entire area of the is
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value. a media has been stating that the is where the troops are having close contact, a fight thing with how much flight is under the same time. they continue to carry out the village of patients inside the hospital on the intense front cover by as well. the flight to jet spot, a situation on the ground. that sounds really critical is patients had been forced by the is very forces to get out from the hospital to go to our receipt posted roads without any help. and some of the patients have been throwing and out of the hospital. some people managed to transfer them to a li, are up hospital to continue receiving medical treatment. but with the ongoing bombardment, the death to is to still continue with continuing to climb. been mount um its a the, a very unprecedented military campaign that if it did not stop, we did the coming days. the situation were, gets much more value as long as the dust will, will definitely increase as we are showing in our next report.
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as well as was unrelenting, yet more palestinians buried those who carried them short to suit and facing simon . and the we are in from a don, people have to hold looking at having some of the domains black then this, this is our feet more than 1000000 palestinians are seeking show to in guns. the self forced here of the on the devastation in areas for the north east. very all me to drop off would be say the messiah, let's have continue. destroyed is densely populated area, monthly. the, the, there is no safe area. well, they're saying this is a safe area, but there are no safe areas while they're hitting from every direction and they don't care about people. they displaced us from here to there. but we don't know where to go. is we'll say is mission is to eliminate the most fighters. it's food and re people who are being killed. we are unarmed innocent civilians. we never
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carry donald. this is the majority of the palestinian population in gaza. know when this trip is being spent. this is amber se ross in central garza and i got the name is emily. at midnight we woke up to the sound of a bloss rushed the area here and found this house completely destroyed. hoford's residents were killed in some still under the rubble. the death building gauze, and that was more than 31000 with the people sheltering key. rough i think, typically cool and at the desk to we're wise is very offensive. grounds continues direct about as boone, how just the euro roof. so bring guns, the several doctors with the 1st time the experience in gauze i have spoken to journalists of the united nations, they recounted the difficulties medics phase trying to save lives in a health care system that's collapsed. i'll just say it was gabriel is on the asthma. all of the doctors who spoke to journalists here in un headquarters on
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tuesday recently returned from gaza. so they have 1st hand knowledge on the situation there. for some of them, they really wanted to put a human face on the suffering that they saw 1st. and what i focused on the people at this is the other. she's 7 years old. she is one of the victims of the war and was a bomb, had terror family home. so her father and brother were killed and her mother also was injured and she had burns and she sustained a 3rd degree burn on 40 percent of her body. another doctor spoke of some of the medical supplies that are not reaching patients that need it. the most simple things like pain medication and even an inhaler. and this small file of medicine here is a medicine that we use for sedation. the dazzling 1st set. this is something that
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we could be using for our patients who are there, who are in pain, who are trying this. we're trying to reset their fractures. we're trying to clean their burns. it's an incredibly painful process. and this is something that can help something this small, we're not able to get into the gaza strip because the trucks are stall or someone is having difficulty breathing, as you may suspect, may happen as bombs are dropping in the air fills with smoke. not able to get a rescue inhaler and to be able to treat their asthma and the medical professional from the u. k, who's been going back and forth to guys for nearly 15 years, says he was not prepared for what he saw on his most recent visit, especially when it came to young and victims. the most devastating funds in small children. one child, lo, never forget had been so bad. you could see her facial buttons. we knew there was no chance of us, of only things that. but there was no more thing to give her. says no to any wish
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you never to be going to die. but she would die and i can a and what made it even worse, there was no way to go and die. so she was just left on the floor of the lowe's and development to dine. many patients in hospitals and gaza, half open was the, can not be healed properly because of a lack of supplies. what does this mean over the long run? the, the longer this where it goes on the, the longer these wounds have to rock. and i mean, really right, the infections are getting worse and worse, and it's perfect. it's terrific for our providers and it's absolutely horrific for these patients. palestinians are not suffering just from physical loans, but also increasingly from trauma. next month, a mission made up of mental health experts is expected to visit the besieged strip . it's believed to be one of the 1st such commissions to look at mental health issues since october,
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when israel's war on guys that began gabriel's on the i'll just need it at the united nations in new york. a protestant in man has been shot and killed, and his cob bies ready settlers in the occupied westbank. it happened in the village of acrobat close to numberless. you ends describe the recent escalation of south lavonne and the outside westbank as alarming an adrift us the the use of tension and trade disputes of china and australia. say that one more close to patch up relations chinese for minnesota one years and camera for the 1st time since 2017 ties has a low point back in 2020. when australia called for an independent investigation into the origins of covered 19 beijing responded with trade types of costs of trans economy. an estimated $13000000000.00. gimme a, but you don't, you take it with me to do with the pos twists and turns over the decade. leaves us
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with lessons and to draw on as well as valuable experience. i think that fundamentally it's about staying committed to mutual respect. china never into fee as an australia is internal affairs. we respects the system and the part that a strategy has chosen. and when it comes to china is offering to dignity and legitimate concerns. we have to cost hopes that australia will continue to abide by the commitments made at the establishment of diplomatic ties. and since then to provide your respect and proper hands like a whole. and as far as minister i'll head emphasize that it is in all of our interests to commit to preventive architecture, to reduce the risk of conflict. and that communication never be withheld as punishment or office reward. as you know, dialogue enables us to manage all differences. we both non, it does not eliminate them as trying to will always be a strain in, in china will always be toner. now move the neighbor. it is important that we have
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channels to discuss upholding a regional and global order, shaped by aggrieved rules and norms where we respect each other. sovereignty. adrian brown has moved from new zealand capital, willing to a lot has happened in the last 7 years since one year was lost here in new zealand . and also in australia, we've had quite a bit of calls and australia as coal, jr, and koby for that to be a full investigation into the origins of the disease that led to china. imposing putative tires of up to 218 percent on australia, wind as well as things like b and talk, know that hurt. post clarity is economy very much. it costs them something like $13000000000.00. well, now it seems that relations all finally easing, but as penny wong has pointed out, great challenges remain in trying to manage the relationship with china. they're going to have to agree to disagree. penny one says that already wants to cooperate with china, but they will disagree when they have to one g is essentially politely reminded
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australia to respect china sovereignty. and of course, during the past 7 years, we have seen china enforcing that sovereignty in the south china sea and also entering into new security arrangements in the south pacific one g. less than 2 years ago, visited 8 countries in the south pacific. china now has the biggest diplomatic presence in the region, and that is a concern, not just to australia, but also to new zealand. most also to come here and i'll just air including for my brazilian president drive. both slower isn't tied to it. in a reminder, alters comforter there shall handling of the coverage. 19 products in smyrna springs, a critical debank pony farmers are angry, people are starving,
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and we actually have to exports the home all goods because we need money to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments for the addition to the highest level they've been using games for the political economy, service, and course the rivals. inside story on al jazeera, ask like a narrative from african perspective. first attempt to model for state and to show documentary spine african filmmakers coordinated to like, he has said to simply me chocolate revolution from booking a fine. and i see beauty from synagogue, africa direct on. i'll just there's a deliberate mission of post manager in western and it needs to be questions. this
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is not the time to, to mr. kind of way. examining the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listening post, the book about you're watching out just a record, your mind about top stories here. this i'll at least 23 palestinians working to distribute a they've been killed, buys ran the s trucks and over 1000 times get the location of a to a roundabout regardless of the new warnings of job food shortages on time. and then the onset of the humans human rights to says israel, a descriptions producing does using starvation doesn't live with much of the small
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amounts of food entering, garza comes in tin cans. one palestinian though has decided to send the world a message in a rather unconventional way. i'm haven't explained i'm missing from the field with the g. come down the see if he wants to be noticed around the was a mix. you show the pink guns that she hopes, increase awareness about starvation and looming funding policy. it was said, well, i love of, i'll go behind is creative book is to send a message to the whole world. and that's the only age delivered to goldens in the new kind food, ways of causing misery to children here, mainly male nutrition and diseases. all i wanted to tell the world, this is not our life. we have our traditional cuisine famous around the world. but for months we a stove in a few feet and didn't do it alone. children will be one of the main victims of is rides. what on god's played a big part and why live up to the is the the comes with divided by all the children
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of the enough and refuge account of the model. it is made up of $13000.00 cans, collected by volunteered children valued together. we opened kinds of with different cement inside and built the time during my district. you also saw the reception full palestinians escaping is there as destruction in the north. what if i did? i'm wrong. we're living in misery. this tend symbolizes us suffering. we have trapped between a rock and a hard surface. the relief a being delivered is not enough. all children are stopping and falling sick with suffering on many fronts, lack of shelter, lack of food, and above all, the lack of security. it's a small button to find piece of thought that a few wants to bring attention to the palestinians blind. i'm, i'm a to 0. the colombian government has announced it will resume military operations against a fault rental faction broke away when a piece of gold was signed. back in 2016 president gustavo petros government,
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suspended on going towards with the group off to an attack on an indigenous community. i'll just say what is that a sound drum, catchy report, style from the columbia and capitol of a tough, vicious attack on an arm civilians, members of a rebel dissident group, open fire on this indigenous community in the western calcutta region. best sunday, when local to resisted the arms groups attempts to forcibly recruit a young student. at least 3 people, the wounded when renowned indigenous so tori was killed, leaving her community long ravaged by a conflict once again in disarray and change that to okay, there's a lot of uncertainty, anxiety, and fear. we're going desperate. there. 12000 people in indigenous reservation and people are stuck in their houses, kids and not going to school. everything is still because we don't know what will happen next to the question is now for the government, what will they do?
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we're trying to attend to buy, so security and social emergency pricing includes several pedro who is bet on negotiating peace agreements with remaining. i'm groups in the country took to social media to announce that the attack was a violation opinion going ceasefire and ordered a resumption of military operations against them instead of the stabbed them. i use in practice or amc is the largest this it in facts and the former fark rebels who refused to join a 2016 piece deal to explore say that since the accord was signed, columbia, now to reduce the fields to take control of the country's most volatile regions, allowing remaining on groups to expand and fight for control of illegal activities like drug trafficking and go, you know, the government is engaged in peace negotiations with this girl group because they argue that they have political agenda. but the truth is that the agenda is on chia and they don't have support among local communities. and at the same time they took
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advantage of the ceasefire to strengthen themselves militarily. and that's what the president has now understood in his trying to stop. the government says negotiations with this group will continue despite the setbacks, but the next steps are clear. on tuesday, the country's largest criminal organization declined is good for and then they will also start talks with administration. and the end, there's no doubt that the suspension of this cease fire is a political blow for president petros plans to consolidate peace in the country. and one that unfortunately pertains and increase in violence for those caught in the crossfire allison that i'm get to adjust the book that the former president of brazil, jaya bolton wrote, has received his 1st indictment and these several criminal investigations he's facing. he's been charged with criminal association. i'm falsifying, isn't cobit 19 vaccination data both and i was accused of giving folks information
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to make it appear that he and his colleagues i received the crown of fibers vaccine . he was only skeptical vaccines and plants of health restrictions. during the pandemic, monica, you're not kid, that's more now. somebody edition era. the most serious of all the inquiries going on right now are about his as a legit role in masterminding. the january h uprising in brazil, you are the capital of wilson matters. supporters, strong congress, the supreme court and also the presidential palace one week after the current president reads the national adult su, but took office in january 2023. and the reason was that they believed a allegations made bible sonata wong with some campaign that the electoral system could have been read. and that he, there could have been
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a fraud which was never proved. and also he both so narrow is also being investigated for his role in allegedly applauding a co and this is to have the reason that he's being investigated is that his former military aides came forth and testified that he had planned to ask for military intervention in case, he lost the election, so all these investigations should end in july, and that's when people excites that both. so natalie is likely to be in prison, monica, you're not, you're all just sierra rio de janeiro and so no along the us state of texas to arrest them to put on documented migrants across the board or from mexico has been put on hold by an appeals quote, a little briefly went into effect that it was approved by the us supreme court. but with a complex legal picture, microns remain worried. i'll just say was,
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how does your castro reports? dozens of men recently arrive to the united states from central and south america. are waiting at a houston, texas gas station for work. their hopes evaporate with each passing car that offers new jobs for undocumented laborers. do you know me like that? i was 27 year old alfredo from watson. my law says he'll take any work that's offered. but money is no longer his primary worry. as before, empowers any passing police officer to arrest these men on suspicion. they crossed the texas mexico border illegally. my name was on each of the at the v i. we came to fight for our families not to harm anyone. i just want to work. nadia s before says anyone who cross the border between ports of entry may face up to 20 years in prison unless they agreed to return to mexico. alfredo says he'll never agree to deport himself. he owes smugglers $32000.00 and fuse for his family safety until he
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pays up. he says he'll have to move to another state. migrant crossings have already shifted away from texas to other border states and the laws advance. i have use a clause in the constitution that a power states to defend themselves. the white house says s before is unconstitutional and will continue to challenge it in court. and sean tier, the leading candidate to become houston's new district attorney in november. so that also invites racial profiling. you would have mixed families, meaning some people who are here with documentation, and some people are driving in the same course. you would be calling the person who's driving if they do have documentation, a smuggler in charge them with a felony and rip a family part immigrant families near the texas border say they already live in fear. 18 year old ana is a us citizen, but her mother is undocumented to or shows me to work hard on my studies. so i can get out of here obviously like she doesn't want me to be the same. she worries her
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mother who she says has broken no laws other than crossing the border to give her daughter a better life won't be labeled a criminal by the state of texas a. hydro castro elgin's era. donald trump has filed a bid with the us supreme court for criminal immunity, for trying to overtime his election last 4 years ago. as low as are arguing that a former president enjoys absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for his official acts. supreme court judges are due to hear the arguments on, on april the 25th of the lower courts rejected the trumps. accused of trying to delay his election subversion trial until after november, those folks. now police in the spanish city of malika had been showing off elijah's recruits. this is right by adult. the kids with artificial intelligence, computerized officer went off and his 1st patrol, turning a number of heads to concrete image analysis and detect dangerous situations. that's it for me down. jordan, my colleague, funny logic over here,
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the top of the out with more news. there's more information on our website down to 0 dot com. the weather is up next and inside story ask, what can bring causes suffering to and done the weights that you that's it for me. thanks for watching the the there what has been very, very active in the middle east and the last couple of days. in fact, it's ray you could actually draw what effectively is a cold front of you running across some at least increasing the radiant financially across the red sea in towards africa's mainland. as a result has been flooding, there's more to come, but most likely it's going to be a reduction the share of running out through a, around the heaviest writing for the north and took matters down. for example, with a car with the standard is. but because of the frontal system, it has to kick up the wind. and the cooling trend briefly will not attempt his back
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. but is that when springs back right? it will nothing. weston society runs will make her up to about 35 though hard and the wind did about 27. yes, this is likely to be a sandstorm of which they've been many warnings recently. but it isn't improving situation for iraq. if not necessarily for 4 of them event throughout equitorial africa, the shelves are showing themselves once again, next to guinea, and maybe thoughts of the western di i'll say, in republic of congo. but it's tons of data that has the warning. so potential heavy rain and where it's been very hot recently you nothing to enforce 2.3, which is the turned off the record. that's a significantly cool down the full cost. here's 34 degrees in the right south africa, mostly on the eastern side shows now. i'm more likely the the, the latest news as it breaks. step step on any social media platform could face
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court challenges over the issue of freedom of speech. but before that, this would have to pass the senate with detailed coverage. people here come from places where the old most knows the full health services a close that comes off from food from around the world. now migrants rights advocates are taking the federal government to court, saying it has failed in its duty to care for migrants including children, gaza facing fan, and israel's genocidal assault continues after 5 months of slaughter. mostly when weston supplied weapons. international pressure has amounted to little more than words, so what can bring causes suffering to an end. this is inside stored the .


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