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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 20, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm AST

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the, the israel says, killed 90 people in its range on ship out hospital and the change hundreds more the you're watching all the 0 life for my headquarters in doha. i'm very you navigate is also coming off. more is really air strikes in the occupied westbank. 3 palestinians have been killed in geneva, ukrainian strikes on russia's belgrade region. continue. children are being evacuated from the area of protests or is in the doc take to the streets, calling for india to give the human land return state
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the hello its 20 gmc dots 10 pm in gaza were at least a 104 palestinians have been killed in multiple attacks across the strip in the past day, from northern gaza, photos every merge, showing people being tied up and detained inside the ship out hospital complex. israel says it's interrogated more than $300.00. and it's taken at least a $160.00 from the strip for further investigation. then at the mostly that's refuge account that's in central goes on. 24 palestinian women and children have been killed. witnesses say that strikes had a residential area when people were sleeping homes, there have been completely destroyed. another is really or striking them, but it is refugee camp has wiped up members of an entire family. at least 17 people were killed data type. it also targeted
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a bakery which is crucial in feeding the starving population. we will discuss all developments auto gaza with our correspondence auto plaza, who's joining us from a from that's in the south of the gaza strip thought at 1st on what's happening. and she thought the stories of the tensions and abuse are coming out of the hospice will tell us what you're hearing about the fate of the patients as well as the stuff and and the displace palestinian sheltering there. the yes there. and in fact, there was no any ends inside for the minute to ration in a she felt hospital is really meant a to troops are completely still in cycling the entire hospital preventing anyone from getting out where there are still hundreds of people and patient system inside this medical facility as well. it's also military troops have been sitting on the top machine investigation rooms where they have investigated the majority of people being truck, the within the operation itself,
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they have arrested at least the $300000.00 citizens. they have been into great integrated here in calls, but then later, at least 160 others big and transferred to east belt on disclose location to complete the investigation the spot to now the confrontations on battles and the sides and the vicinity of the hospital continued till now, as the military troops are continued to comb, phone time on spices and also to carry out some wide bombardment from faith, an old buildings, a neighbor whose back surrounding the hospitals and thought it elsewhere in the gaza strip. there had been multiple airstrikes resulting in the killing of people there. tell us what you're hearing. yes, in fact we had been observing actually active a military movement for the is very surveillance of drones in the south particular as a rough a had been widely attacked today, at least 7 palestinians have been killed in one of the latest is when it strikes
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here alongside with the reading you of the military bombardment by the arts in every unit. in august i rocked a refuge account book. clearly i know the house in different but composite was another part of gaza strip had been widely attacks with a free trial. the citizens have to report the field in the fall north of the gaza strip um its ongoing compartment of kansas city where there are more opinions, happy not reaching media outlets regarding a family's being trucks in on what the street in the vicinity of us just hospital they are unable to sleep because of it's very full. we'll see the area on the unrelenting developments as console the entire region. very good. okay, perfect. i've also thought it thank you so much for that. recording from different from the south of the goals as to what i'm on con, has more on the is really armies remarks on their raids on a shift on the l. cool. in ms. aids resoundingly a success so. so the,
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the is really armies cheapest off heads or how levy was in house ship a hospital in the last few hours. he said, you know, operation, hey, we're serving 2 goals, hurting him as his leadership, i'm putting pressure on the hostage released negotiations. the rest, he says, i've seen you and officials is very, very important to put pressure on her mask. that is very important to put pressure on the negotiations as well. so this is seen as a successful operation. these really site that they've killed 90 palestinians. they also say that they've arrested some 350 about a 160 of those have been taken into is all appropriate for interrogation. so the fact that these really all me chief, was in our ship for medical complex. one of my senior military officials to visit certainly a place of an ongoing battle in a long time, is a significant move from these riley's, it shows you that they are confident they are
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a chief thing that goes within the hospital. this actual community of is very alone, but what they seeing once again, this is a hospital, of course, is being attacked by sometimes a member of how most of the political bureau and he denies israel's claims. there were how much fighters inside a ship out hospital, a solution and shift almost within is very, very serious, very, very visuals. we used to hear this to somebody named broke under the body for the prison. so for a must find some sort of minutes from the people inside the hospital. i come dash to the one i'm concerned with the normally the 10 people inside of the hosting and the business. uh, they have executed in the fee. hundreds of our people, including as innocent civilians, some of our crackers can around dollars within the one they are pissing the new envisions to the hospital. i think the most important point here is not,
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is not about how many of you have can only but the, the repeatedly, in saving or storming the health 1st. and it is destroying the house with the sewing machine, thousands of thousands of the month of summer by hundreds of them where not including in the early uh, my house. most of the stuff has been taking hostages by the intro to give it some of them executed in the feet. is really military has targeted a vehicle in jeanine and they occupied westbank at least 3 palestinian were killed in the air strike the palestinian red crescent as the one person is critically wounded. at least 440 pounds. this thing is have been killed in the occupied westbank, including a 102 people. the engine instance israel launched its war on gaza. the the and there were confrontations between
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warners and the palestinian authority which broke out during the funeral procession . authorities fired at large crowds who were gathering in jeanine, at least 27 palestinians had been injured from milan this laura con is joining us from drama. let me occupied, westbank, you speak to us from the, from the law. but what are you hearing about what's happening in janine right now, and are the confrontations still taking place? the confrontations have finished and also those 3 posting into a killed in that is where the strike have also now being buried. but let me walk you back about an hour and a half. and there was a big funeral procession going through the center of janine, at hundreds of people attending they've spindle sessions. they must festival to the policy authority, police district. but they held a big purchase outside, and they to montes that they released policy, what it's called political prisoners. and one of them is what it was being held by
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the policy to start to. he's relating to one of those people who were killed. so they said they weren't buried them until they released from the police and se firing on the cloud. we've spoken to the hospitals in janine and they say that old scope of 27 people were injured. one man is critically wounded. he was fab shots with a bullet in the head, so we're waiting to hear the outcome. but they discontinued the march then to a funeral, where the family and friends of those 3 men who were killed by the is ready to go to bury the loved ones. and laura, all mean on these 3 man, just tell us who are the is really is targeting and talk to us about the aftermath of that or story. yeah, we spoke to the policy in red, crescent, and eye witnesses on the ground at 5 37 pm local time the is radio struck, that's what they called a target. this was
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a car and just outside of jeanine refugee camp 3 people died. 2 of those were members of the armed, waiting all the stomach. do you have that quote, the janine battalion, and one of the man who was with them the it's way the army then issued a statement with and it's ready intelligence agency saying that they had talked to the call and they accuse 2 of the men of posting something inside of israel, imposing some sort of attack and also killing or they type wasn't as really, we know this person was a set law. living in legal is right assessment inmate last year. but it's also important to say that jeanine has been a hotbed all the policy in front fighters. but also that they have had that had the day, the rates by these riley's that know certainly happening a during the night in the last 2 years or more recently during the day that's coming with um it's called full dose of and that being ready, tearing up the street, we know that's full 140. how of things have been killed since october. the 7th
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thoughts just on the a quarter of those have been in jeanine. so you know, they have been at the width of these right is on these nightly rates. all right, thank you so much, laura con, reporting from what i'm allowing the occupied westbank in the us. that's true, state antony blinked, and isn't a saudi arabia for regional talks on israel's war on garza and he'll be discussing efforts to secure a ceasefire and more a deliveries to the strip. this is a 6 tour of the region since october and blinking is expected to have to egypt as well as israel from worth hawks. for more on this, we have so talking about a coffee is a professor public policy is, has not been felicia university. hello again. so it's on a what will you be looking out for when it comes to lincoln's trip to the region? well, obviously the main object is to try and get to a cease fire. and the problem here, i think so far, is not he's not really calling explicitly policies for, he's still determined to talk about community and pauses
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a short to hold of fighting. and he is approaching it very much from these really perspective just to enable the release of the prisoners. and that's of course, is not good enough for the past 2 years. and i think how much in particular would be looking at this with a lot of suspicion. the 2nd objective would be probably to try and continue the discussion that has had already in terms of increasing the, the level and the volume of humans here in a coming into the palestinians. and maybe starting to talk about the governance arrangements of a post complet garza. and for that to gain a they have tried different ways. they haven't been able to convince days rainy's to open the land borders, which is the most efficient and effective way to doing it. and it will probably be discussing this as well. and finally, i think you be trying to. so the idea that this is all can be covered by
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looking forward and working on a long term piece agreement that involves data upstage. and i think this is going to be the most difficult for him to sell because people will look at him and say, well, if you can't now exert any pressure effect by several days a. these 2, at least under the international go to limit the attacks on the policy is to allow it. and how on earth are you going to deliver a 2 state solution or retained refresher? geez, or this meant adults, a dismantlement of such a right. and i think is a, this is why is not was the 6th or 7th visit into the region price. that's very, is it the 6? yeah, it's very difficult to sell these kind of lines without taking a strong position based on your commit to and principles. and this is what everyone is looking for the united states to do. everybody understands the close relationship with israel. everyone understand the pressure is that i have has on the election this on, but ultimately they need to stand up to the values that the united states advocates
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. and this is where everyone will be watching us and let me just a final thought from you on the developments out of the occupied westbank, a reporter was just saying that there had been classes between palestinian youths as well as palestinian security forces. and janine, there was an air strike earlier on by israel, that killed 3 palestinians. is the occupied westbank on the verge of spiraling out of control. well, clearly the blessing of thirty's dining is best to keep the light over it. but the, the kind of association that took place earlier today cannot happen without on the ground intelligence. and i think the anger, the people expressed on the street is, is focused on this issue that amongst them. and they probably consider the housing authority as complicit. someone is providing intelligence to those riley's to target those individuals now from us such as not to operation are within the west
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bank, but as you had is. and of course, as you had was partner with her mouth and the 7th of october and clear those rates are now going off to all. i need to ship a different travels across the west bank as well as counseling. okay, thank you so much. we'll talk about that. thank. now the world health organization says the doctor is and gods are suffering from malnutrition, weight loss, and exhaustion, and they're working continuously to treat the injured but without enough food, they're struggling to get through their shifts. victoria gayton, be reports dr. bashaw, abdul called that hasn't stopped working all day. he's doing a 24 hour shift in the accident and emergency department of alex the hospital in gauze us. and so the only thing on a few plates of rice and this low lot of books are group of people that are funded knowledge bed. we've been provided with a few meals. but nutritionally, they are not sufficient out of each meal to shed between 2 doctors and consist of
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rice and a small amount of vegetables. know protein is not enough for adults and working. these always, the head of the emergency department is worried about his teams. ability to keep going. he says die of food shortages mean staff stopped the shift exhaustive. i'm famished. in the money we're seeing malnutrition, among health workers in the emergency department, white gloves, pile skin that come with live nation, especially with so many injuries coming in. they don't have the energy to work for more than 2 hours. at the hospitals make shift kitchen they to and the few ingredients available into meals. the staff can food has become a staple with little l suite. during more than 5 months of will bosses fall from being an adequate sources suit? the way we're suffering from nutritional deficiencies, fruit and vegetables aren't available. so we're not getting any minerals or vitamins. we depend on canned food, but sometimes the price of that go sky high. without adequate nutrition, does
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a high risk of health workers folding sick. and that's the last thing causes collapsed health system needs. victoria gates and b l g. they're still ahead on al jazeera. so you are an expert on me and mar projects, attorney points in the conflicts between the military and a 6 on route the in china. this is a stomach room, the bathroom for the father was killed, boys and girls as young a 6th learned to handle firearms and developing parents to be ready to protect the country. i would make your run so hard to one. 0, one east visits china as military camp for kids on alger 0. the
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the hello again, the top stories on how to 0 this hour is really forces have killed dozens of palestinians and an ongoing rate on drugs as large as hospital. hundreds of people have been detained and abused. israel has attacked more than 400 health facilities or begun and is really are. so i can say the car in jeanine killing of these 3 palestinians. one person is in critical condition, at least $440.00 simians have been killed in the occupied westbank since october. the world health organization says doctors and jobs are suffering from malnutrition and exhaustion. hundreds of thousands of people are facing simon. 27 children have stars to death. in recent weeks,
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of the of these 16 people had been killed over the course of the week in russia's belt, the raj region. that border is ukraine. the ukrainian attacks intensified during presidential elections held last weekend's authorities of announced mass evacuations from the region. you'll use up a volleyball has more for moscow. the people in the russian states have been girls say that living from one at right alarm to another. those who cons get to basements, a bone shelters hide in bathrooms and corey doors in the apartments, one missile damage to can to godson. now the original government has announced evacuation of nice 1000 children. let's throw martha on march 22nd to 1000. 200 children from belgrade region was good to russian. cities of venza assemble, new guns. could davy of list of children to be evacuated from the most. elaborate someone's ability, some valuable or on which to ship it to, you know,
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they've got this fixed. i'm a city of, they've got to be the of application for 9000 to go to build a source have setup check points to restricts entry into a number of settlements. the military and police allow some local people to go to that homes only to feed capital presently, ideally peace and promise to ensure the security of the board. the regions can use no more than what we did. jim, of course we can respond the same way against civilian infrastructure against all other objects of this kind that the enemy attacks. but we have our own views on this my to send our own plans. we'll go ahead with the what we've planned during the show, the sleep. a lot of all the patient says of russian troops may retaliate with strikes against ukraine. civilian infrastructure. such strikes have been reported almost every day since the invasion of ukraine began. a few days ago. the russian defense ministry released a video showing russian voluntary units, slicing on the side of ukraine, who tried to penetrate russian territory,
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present called him traitors, and judged russian intelligence services to illuminate them. musical was doing, i ask you not to forget who they are, to identify them by name, we will punish them without a statute of limitations. wherever they are. as you claimed, resumed intense attacks on the belgrade region just before presidential elections held in russia last week, letting me patient said it was an attempt to disrupt the poles after the beginning of russia. so called special village show peroration in ukraine. the golden regional bank of old has been crunch lic turning in to avoid so on to will acts of as predicted such developments long ago saying that by on the shouldn't be conflicting. you train russia inevitably invited who on his territory, you'd ask above all of our audra 0 most pebbles to be unto has been confirmed as the winner of and denise us presidential election, beating 2 rifles who vowed to contest that votes. the former military general is
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linked to past human rights abuses. having failed twice before to become president . the 72 year old has promised a smooth transition. some indonesians are alleging widespread fraud in last month's election. the united nations, as calling on the international community to take action to protect civilians in myanmar especial rep with her for human rights. and me in mar, says the military to into is increasing its attacks on civilian areas and urged countries to tighten sanctions. if we can restrict and cut access to revenue of the hunter through these it targeted sanctions on banking institutions by shutting down the, the variety of ways that they're getting access to these weapons. and by virtue of, of the money that they're obtaining and then we can stop their ability to buy these
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weapons. tony trying reports from the border between thailand and maine mar to see you on special raffle to tell him andrews painted a grim picture of what's happened inside me a month over the past 12 months. but he did say there was one small ray of light, and that is the offensive by ethnic um is, and resistance groups. since late october of last year, which has achieved unexpected, the military success pushed the military john to bay. none the less, he said, the impact on civilians was huge. 2.4000000 people displaced from the homes. 18.6000000 people in need of humanitarian assistance and assistance that is not getting into the country. at this stage, he picked out the hangup, most of the minority in particular saying that they are trying to flee the numbers not seen since 2014. and they are being hit hard. the most groups in this pushed
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back by the military. he of the international community to try and strangle the military john to like cutting them off for them from financial and military supplies. but if anyone is looking for a pass on the back, he wasn't getting, he wasn't going to give it. he said the people inside me and my feeling desperately forgotten about and bitterly disappointed by the international reaction to what's going on inside the country. so anything else is 0? on the timing, i'm about. a gunman had been killed after attacking your ports and southern focused on police say the attack on weather report and police just on began with a large explosion. an exchange of gunfire followed after the gunman force their way into buildings and the port complex. the separate his group, the brothers just on the variation army has claimed responsibility with our port is the centerpiece of china practiced on economic court or providing china with access
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to a deep water ports on the re b and c. for testers, have taken to the streets in india's blood dock region to demand the territory. be given state hoods, the demonstrations calm after talks between regional leaders, a new delhi broke down. how does that mean? how much reports the feeling neglected to thousands of people get to the streets in may and come to the months stated for the region. the also one tribal spaces for the 80 to allow them to form a new stations. we think the state your get frustrated with the you youth and the that got increasingly frustrated due to continuous neglect by the government that got to be asked the person administration is that dusting demand solely based on the population instead? district. yeah. without thinking about how important the doctors would be taking the word on the malign region was formed out of indian mislead cushion. we have
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more than 4 years ago. the indian government decided to run the region from new delhi at the time. many in the welcome to move across the top. i know this to see the most of the presentation accuse me. you didn't hear much into liking them. i just thought y'all go model american ministry of home. if it is now me. chelsea, this protest is the outcome of the failed meeting with the indian home ministry. are we able to convey to both the government in the nation? the importance of addressing our demands? what's on the doc? you people want statehood for the dog and tribal rights. ok. and the restoration of democracy in the retracted, you moved you to the bottom of the hollow. some treatise in the region have both to shut the businesses in process. and the appropriate activities has gone on hunger strike. i mean the duck in the local,
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you're the show next because they keep home don't get stock. we stand hands on the diary t would. so now i'm one of true can to indigent as bodies advocating for our demands of people from distant villages come here daily. to protest and fast for a day. these protests mock just the beginning. if the government sidelines these issue, the consequences could be dialed that the government needed us phone the committee, look into the months of the put this on itself books with latest, from the region. but so far we thought success demonstrate disease saying they would continue taking to the streets on the team that the month i'm having some data of thailand's prime minister has literally taken a bull by the horns for his latest photo shoots weighing in at almost one and a half tons, the albino of buffalo met the tie leader in bangkok. the bulls become exceed the star of sorts after featuring and popular soap opera. the news hour is at the top
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of the hour analysis. they're up next. it's inside story, thanks for watching by the the weather brought to you by visit the naming, just tropical cycling. but it's still active in the spring, a huge amount of rain to the northern territory as a result, but it will be some flooding. there is to be expected and out of springs, full cost consume, $3.00 days worth of rain on off costs are that heavy as during saturday, with temperatures to write down $21.00 to $22.00 degrees as dropping by 15 degrees, to be honest, but not a big surprise, the active cold frontier that doesn't look so active, brought much colder weather to a c t to victoria and new south, but also the sunshine by days with things up slowly. it's still warm and i didn't
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pass it that fish degrees and most of west australia is not surprisingly dry. avenues even nice looking picture, mostly it's going to be fine. right. about type degree mock. the rain is circulating our show, make its way into south island, but not very far. so the potential for funding in borneo sooner ways each job may be sumatra and increasing maintenance. what happened being my as well and self and talent, and there's an increase in the number of shares in the philippines, but maybe surprisingly it's still snowing on these potentially in the high ground of hon. sure. but that's on its way. our more significance is likely for time in north korea, northeast in china. otherwise it's warm, sunshine of the weather brought to you by visit castle. why have american evangelicals become his real strongest backer? does us president, you'll find the right to stand with israel with no red line, as long as us support continues. is there anything that can stop is real,
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solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us, comma takes the bottom line, the israel's lawn, gaza has where live mostly on the west and um then technology to cut around 32000 alice jennings and just fine growing law physician. those weapons keep flowing. so who's supplying as well? with the tools for genocide and could they be legal consequences. this is inside story. the .


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