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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 21, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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to close the when, when you close cents to the pots at the store, the israel says it's killed 90 people that x rays on i'll see for hospital under settings 100 small the on terry johnston. this is also sarah wedlock from so so coming i found the rich tons exhausted. the concern is growing for gauze as adults has backlink to saved lives more is rarely as strikes and occupies westbank. 3 kind of students have been to geneva under warning from the year when that suits dawn is facing the west, not in harrington south. increasing the
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at least 104 palestinians have been killed in multiple attacks across garza. in the past day from northern gauze, the photos have been met showing people being tied up and detained inside the lc for hospital complex. but israel says it has interrogated more than $300.00 people and taken at least $160.00, from this trip for further investigation. at the new stretch refugee camp in central garza 24 palestinian women and children have been killed. witnesses se strikes hit to a residential area when people was sleeping homes that have been completely destroyed on another is ready. as dr. cut, the bridge refugee camp has wiped out all the members of a family. at least 17 people were killed in that attack. and also targeted a bakery crucial in feeding the stopping population,
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us all tired about assume has more now on the attack on l. c. the hospital from rafa, and southern casa, the situation right now when a she felt hospital is getting much more difficult. as a residents are being trumps entirely inside the neighborhood, we have been receiving more calls from boost residence will have been running extremely low in terms of food and was alongside. that is very military troops have so far, and i'm part of a residential houses on the vicinity of a she felt hospital as a part of the is an ongoing village with ration that did not till now. and indeed, she felt hospital also, they have been attacking the reception department inside of the hospital. they have caused a critical damage to a number of the facilities of the hospital. the specifically that sit for areas have been turned to be an investigation room where people inside have been absolutely integrated a by the is very minute to troops where are still hundreds of people and patients
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are unable to leave the hospital and the ongoing classes and confrontations taking place there too now, and also we have been hearing from the monitoring of how much that they have. a tax number of is very minute, 3 tanks and all the areas that are leading to the hospital as a part of the ongoing. also confrontations that do now is it still ongoing that on the ground waiver on con has more now and it's rarely on these remarks on that rate, they'll now shift a l. cooling miss aids resoundingly a success so, so that the is really a armies cheapest off heads or how levy was in house or a hospital in the last few hours. he said, you know, operation, hey, we're serving 2 goals, hurting him as his leadership. i'm putting pressure on the hostage released negotiations. the rest he says of senior officials is very, very important to put pressure on how math is very important to put pressure on the negotiations as well. so this is seen as
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a successful operation. these really site that they've killed 90 palestinians. they also say that they've arrested some 350 about 160 of those have been taken into is all appropriate for interrogation. so the fact that these really all me chief, was in our ship for medical complex, one of my senior military officials, to visit certainly a place of an ongoing battle in a long time, is a significant move from these riley's, it shows you that they are confident there are a chief thing that goes within the hospital. this actual community i have is very alone, but what they seeing once again, this is a hospital of course is being attacked by some name is a member of a message that political be room. he denies israel is claims that there was a mess. finances inside el cheapo hospital. the situation and ship also thing is very, very serious, very, very dangerous. we all want to hear this to somebody named broke under the body for
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the prison. so for a must find some sort of minutes from the people inside the hospital. i come, josh, still the one i'm concerned with that normally the 10 people inside the hospital uh, out of business. uh they have executed in the fee. hundreds of our people, including as innocent civilians, some of our crackers can around dollars within a while. they are pissing the new invasions to the hospital. i think the most important point here is not, is not about how many of you have can only but the, the repeatedly, in saving or storming the head 1st. and it is destroying the house with the slim, big shift of thousands of but a scene in the month of summer by the hundreds of them were good enough, including instantly uh my house. uh,
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most of the stuff has been taking hostages. but actually the intro to give it some of them executed in the fees to protest. indians have been kelvin is really drone strike natural carmen occupied westbank area is rarely forces was set to be obstructing access to emergency cruise. getting to the nationalist refugee camp. israel has also been sending more troops to the area. is very minute tree is talking to the vehicle in jeanine and occupied westbank. at least 3 palestinians were killed in the strike. putting in red crescent says one person is critically wounded. at least 440 pounds of students have been killed in occupied westbank, including 102 people in jeanine. since israel don't watch this war on garza as the confrontations between one is on the account as to new florence, he broke out. during the funeral procession. authorities 5 large crowds gathering
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in jeanine. at least 27 palestinians have been injured. your account has been following developments from amount of hundreds of palestinians attended a funeral of 3 men who had been killed in this way. the s drive just on the outskirts of jeanine refugee camp. earlier on in the day, i say, forgotten the procession. they actually march to the policy and authority police district where they demanded what they called political prisoners to be released. the police then fight once the crowd, we know at least 27 people in just one of the most trusting the had in so critically wounded. so let me walk you back just a few hours. at 537 p. m. local time, the is ready. the trees struck a vehicle that was driving just on the outskirts of to the refuge account. 3, promising in killed. and one was wounded. 2 of them were fine to, to belong to the janine battalion. now these right the army did release the
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statements along with is ready intelligence. they said they struck to senior islamic jihad operatives inside a vehicle. and they said they were planning attacks and wanted also kills what they called. and this really last may, but this is actually, that's where the settler living and legal assessment not far from janine. so what do you need? has long been a flash point in the past 2 years as being the center of intensifies and find the right. by the way, the military and many people not just apply to say that they feel this, this form of collective punishment against them. nor hands out is there a ramallah in the occupied westbank. this is what a prime minister benjamin netanyahu has spoken to us republican sentences by video . thank you. wanted to firm up support for the war and garza but senior democrats declined this. and y'all, his request, me say this,
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i care deeply about is real and it's long term future. when you make the issue partisan, you hurt the cause of helping israel. the democrats talk about the 2 state solution, in my opinion, the 2 states they're most worried about our michigan and nevada, which are states that biden is very worried about in terms of his own re election. president biden, or to have the backbone to stand up with the people of israel. instead, he is running scared of the extremist of his own party, also enjoys and that has more from washington dc. benjamin netanyahu has been accusing a congressional democrats of interfering in domestic politics in israel. so consider that irony, what you see here basically is a lot of political posturing. 5, senate and, and house democrats, by senate and house republicans and by the government of benjamin netanyahu in
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israel. but essentially, there is going to be no easy way to resolve this. first, the meeting that tab benjamin netanyahu, who spoke to remotely of the senate, republicans, was essentially a uh, a regular luncheon of these members. and so for chuck schumer, the senate majority leader to deny benjamin that yahoo access to his democratic party members own luncheon is really it's really not that big of a deal. this is not the matter of having him appear in the chamber of the house of representatives. for a joint meeting of the house and the senate as he was able to do back in 2015. when republicans controlled both the senate and the house leadership. and essentially brought him in to try to undermine the oprah bomb. as a bomb administration's efforts to negotiate the wrong nuclear deal, this is
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a very different political context. and so you have basically this big game of chicken which party might want to blink and which party might want to stand fast on its own position, considering ongoing us support for israel in its war against hum us. the not to nations is warning that 220000 children and the dog could die from mound nutrition in the coming weeks. months un, amount of tearing the 1st agency has brief. the security council describing the situation is one of the west, meditating crises, in recent history. almost a year of fighting between the army and the power ministry rapid support forces is killed tens of thousands in cost, acute food shortages. gabriel is on the reports from new york, a and urgent united nations security council meeting to address the plate of more
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than 18000000 people in sudan who doesn't have enough to eat. and just at 6500000 or internally displaced, our humanitarian travesties splitting out. since we're done under available international inaction. and in attention simply puts, we are failing the people of sedan. the un is unable to reach millions of people in sudan who need help. because of increased fighting between government forces, no one is the s a f and rival rapids support forces known as a r s. f. regrettably, our ability to reach the most valuable, most notably in cartoon, the 4th quarter fund and a g. a g 0 states continues to be of structed area of this month. the security council adopted a resolution quoting for full unhindered humanitarian access and sedan. since then, i regret to report,
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there has been no major progress on the ground. recent board or reopening is by the government to allow for 8 shipments where a start, but not enough or more border crossing must also reopen to getting into the greater for region which has recorded some of the highest rates of hunger and malnutrition. the, despite the dire warnings, sorry, hans and bassett are told. the council of situation is not as bad as it must be in our trade. not many at any sunny. i would like to be precise. here. there was no attempt to enter the supply delivery of humanitarian assistance and i should firmly state that and more of the weather. there was no indication that to don is hovering around us time and time is of the essence. and while it's clear that counts was calling on the warring parties to silence their weapons and allow the free flow of aid, it's unclear if those same warring parties are actually listening. gabriel is on don't out just either at the united nations in new york,
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the or at least 16 people have been killed over the course of the week in russia's belgrade region that borders ukraine. ukraine attacks intensified doing presidential elections held last week. 10 authorities have announced must evacuations from the region. the shop, a lot of it has more for most good. the people in the russian states have battle girls say that living from one i raised alarm to another. those who cons get to basements, a bull shelters hide in bathrooms and corey doors in the apartments, one missile damaged akin to godson. now the original government has announced evacuation of nice 1000 children. let's throw them up on march 22nd to 1200 children from belgrade region with go to russian cities of venza. campbell, i'm going to go school today. if you have list of children to be evacuated from the
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most elaborate someone's abilities of j bought on, which is typically, you know, they'll go districts, i'm a city of, they'll go out to be the of application for 9000 to go to build a source, have setup checkpoints to restricts entry into a number of supplements. the military and police allow some local people to go to that homes only to feed counsel presents without any piece and promise to ensure the security of the board. the regions can use no more than what we did, jim of course we can respond the same way against civilian infrastructure against all other objects of this kind that the enemy attacks. but we have our own views on this matter and our own plans. we'll go ahead with the what we've planned during the show, the sleep. a lot of all the patient says russian troops may retaliate with strikes against ukraine. civilian infrastructure. such strikes have been reported almost every day since the invasion of ukraine began. a few days ago. the russian defense ministry released a video showing russian voluntary units,
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slicing on the side of ukraine, who tried to penetrate russian circuitry piece and called him traitors, and judged russian intelligence services to eliminate them and use it for what it's doing. i ask you not to forget who they are, to identify them by name, we will punish them without a statute of limitations. wherever they are. as you claimed, resumed intense attacks on the belgrade region just before presidential elections held in russia last week, letting me patient said it was an attempt to disrupt the poles after the beginning of russia. so called special village show peroration in ukraine. the boulder regional bank of old has been crunch like turning in to avoid so on to will acts of as predicted such developments long ago saying that by on the shouldn't be conflicting. you train russia inevitably invited who on his territory unit, should bob oliver audra 0 most current or so the head here on out, is there a surprise, a resignation in only the finest and the other outcomes says he's stepping down
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the a brutal occupation resulting in a her wrist take your time. i'll just say it was investigated units interrogates the evidence and reveals voltage present it to the world to justify israel was sold on gaza. dozens of children bound him up during them and executed them. this information has been used by officious books passing october 7th on tuesday era in china. this is a stomach room. the bathroom for the father was killed boys and girls as young a 6th learned to handle firearms and develop insurance to be ready to protect the country. i would make her run so hard to $1.00 oh, $1.00 east visits. china is military capital kids on al jazeera. the latest news,
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as it breaks the is really our talary shows this area last night. as to the infirmities was remo, done with their tears, and heartbreaks this year with detailed coverage, the gaza strip has 1100 patients with chronic kidney disease. we need 3 treatments . a week from the heart of the story is far, hold, has been diminished their prayers continue with the situations to get it to the in the the welcome back. reminder of our top story, is there any forces of killed dozens of protestant incidents, ongoing rate on cost, as long as the pulse with hundreds of people,
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hundreds of pain. and the israel has of tax $480.00 s tri cuz he gets a car and to need something at least 3 ton of stadiums. one 1st edition, at least $440.00 part of students in the world. health organization says dumpsters in gauze rest, suffering from malnutrition, uninstalled, hundreds of thousands of people facing department center. children have stuff today but health system in gauze has almost collapsed due to israel's relentless attacks . the wealth health organizations documented 410. the attacks on healthcare facilities in gaza since the will began and says is rarely forces of killed $685.00 health care workers. an injured 902. for 2 hospitals across gauze that have been
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damaged, along with around 150 under. this is, margaret harris says the world health organization spokesmen. she says it's been difficult. the health workers to provide services are facing starvation and malnutrition themselves. i just imagine you working incredibly hot, incredibly, physically hard running for patients, the patient dealing with things that you've got to be mentally on a full but also physically a lot full and you have very, very little food. now we mount emissions as often as we put visit a and when we come, one of the things that we're off for 1st by the health care workers is food and we do our best to bring some we're also increasing. we bringing the nutritional supplements for children, re feeding for because that is now the great need stones, haitian is stalking every doorway in gaza. we know that there they were. i mean, before the hostilities around us you for are 6 hospitals that were doing what they
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called, but most of them lack fuel. and whenever we go to the north, we, the one of the things we bring is fuel so they can get the generations going. in some hospitals we have to repair the generator will bring a new generation because that's being destroyed. and it's in a lot of the stuff, the specialist stuff you need. remember the injuries a senior her wrist, they bugs and flossed injuries. and you need to be a very experienced and skills so as and to be able to deal with that. so one of the other problems is the stuff themselves. don't have those skills and don't have the support of the experts because they've either left or died or the big display just so they do their best. they're doing the best. but maintaining just basic hygiene is a struggle. you and is calling on the international community to take action to
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protect civilians in manual with special reference to the human rights in the us. as the ministry john service increasing its a tax on civilian areas. if we can restrict and cut access to revenue of the hood through these targeted sanctions on banking institutions by shutting down a variety of ways that they're getting access to these weapons. and by virtue of, of the money that they're updating and then we can stop their ability to buy these weapons. new national security legislation is coming into force in hong kong from start today. it includes the last sentences for treason sabotage. if it was described as a concluding with foreign forces, critics further that display shall further road freedom. somebody used to track down on descent and criticism of china. what were westbrook reports from hong kong?
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was involved in the territories ledges to chat, prove aging politicians unanimously voted to pos, home, grow national security legislation to come the fire. it is a historic moment that hong kong has been waiting for funding for 26 years, 8 months and 19 things. the law will help prevent and deal with espionage for interference and threats caused by phone has to be knowledgeable. article $23.00 is it's known includes new national security offences and updates existing ones, including trees and sabotage, and use any all of which will become punishable by up to life in prison. it will say raises the maximum penalty for crimes linked to this addition to 10 years in prison. and when the flow is lost, proposed in 2003, there was such fee as public opposition that hoss a $1000000.00 people sit to the streets, some fearing that it would repress the unique rights of hong kong, including freedom of expression. now does not mean anything like that,
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and people live spoken to have refused to even comments about the little human rights story. a mock daily worries that the know could be used to silence critics. my biggest concern is the citizen, you know, critical debate. vigorous a criticism of government policies and it's, it's vague and you don't know when you're going to be crossing to regina its this has been a long time coming. she spearheaded the attempt to pass the law in 2003 when she was security secretary. this time the legislative council took less than 2 weeks from when the legislation was published to posting it to a post, a few or some, some lucky you have to show that he has a criminal intent. i think i'll meet you understand the freedom of expression is not absolute. you know, form the opposition legislation. emily allow marched against the law in 2003. we have seen in the past few years, seeing quite
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a bit of self census. maybe it's not really that bad, but the people are just not sure. so to be safe. i just don't waste. where's my cell phone calls not like that. for many years, hong kong was saved was free, free and vibrant. in 2020 the government and aging responded to months of anti government protests by imposing the national security though. since then, opposition politicians in hong kong as being jailed will flood. the city, civil society groups disbanded and some media outlets shut down. hong kong is trying to woo back foreign business, despise the presence of the badging, impose national security. the critics say it's yes, another blow to the cities reputation as an international financial center. laura westbrook, which is 0 orleans prime minister, has quit me 2 years into a 2nd time he's been vito seen ago since 2017 or a chinese tells us. well,
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it was a shock. so most times leah, veronica, acknowledge that many would be left scratching. my head said his surprised resignation. i know, and that is really there be speculation as to the quote unquote real reason for my decision. these are the real reasons. it has to be the system as a combination of the personal and the political belief that another leader with the threat to the ballot box, unemployment sense that he'd run after it's the. however, politicians are human beings, however, limitations. we give it every time until we count anymore, and then we have to move on. it's certainly a surprise decision from the youngest prime minister. harland has ever had a man who is just 45 is well within his political prime, it's off indian, and open the gay. veronica embodied the liberalization of a country one scene is one of the most socially conservative in europe. spots political clouds have been gathering lat, cluster poll numbers 10 departing parliamentarians from his feet
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a gale policy. i'm the loss of 2 recent referendums and liberalizing parts of parlance constitution who might have taken that's hold on veronica. despite the opposition, coal was for an early general election. that's not likely right now. seen a guy was partners, piano full and the greens both say the coalition. governments will serve a full time. veronica stays on until feet, a gal cheeses, and the leader who will be put before parliament for elections. prime minister, perhaps that's kind of he is april the 9th glory telling how to 0. u. s. federal reserve has decided to keep interest rates unchanged and the 23. yeah, i have 5.25 percent federal reserve charge about how some inflation is still too high. but the signal, the central bank would cost rates $3.00 times later in the year. you can find more information on our website, the 0 dot com,
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whether it's next and inside story examines supplies. as well as a weapons which will stick with the the that's the most spring snow to come for japan. what kind of an home show you, but the breeze is becoming week of the shelves and become fuel. by the end, it says that there's also a blanket of snow forming out of the yellow sea over this piles of northeastern china and north korea. but the feet of air is from the science is quite well movies, temperatures unite, and young hon or few degrees above the average size of the yankees. crowding out with some light rain likely not on seasonal and still got potential for, but the flash flooding from the heavier shelves. and so the way, see boeing here, maybe increasingly they coming back to sumatra and that line and travels up to put
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into them lazy and something tyler and even me involved with a shout could be pretty big once again. and we have seen some big ones move for cost more for the northeast of india, eastern to po, possibly bangladesh snare. of course, on the higher ground. most piece of dry pitcher. and did you want to expect for line? because seeing an increase in the shower shower's, the likelihood that could assist, and then in fact it's time to find one f i s kind of time, do you have snow? this has been a very active system. now this is if you like the death throes. so you'll have several sensor because it's not $150.00 fuel on fridays, be followed by sunshine rather warming sunshine. first of the families in gaza, facing unimaginable hardships during times of crisis. solidarity is a strong this defense against injustice. and we've been in gaza since 1991 doing
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life saving look. your generosity can provide value to support to those west effected because he met donkey stella. you'll see showing his brightest, gave mercy. now tonight, today as well as long gaza has will live mostly on the west and um then technology to cut around 32000 palestinians and this fine growing la position, those weapons keep flowing. so who supplying as well, with the tools for genocide and could they be legal consequences? this is inside story, the hello and welcome to the program. i'm elizabeth put on them as well and has used the most modern military technology available to can all main.


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