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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 22, 2024 10:00am-11:00am AST

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the community off to the side, the cool that used to produce outstanding gymnast them out as the integrity in the pursuit of the, the hello, i'm real about this, and this is the news ally from joe how coming up in the next 60 minutes logics. thousands in northern gaza as israel carries out a wave of attacks across the strip. negotiators continue to work. the gaps are now on us equity of stay down to be blank and it has to israel as diplomatic efforts to cease funding doesn't gather momentum. going to get a lot harder to people living and shelters like this. we report on the health crisis facing refugees inside the conflict in some done and our sheltering comes in
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neighboring science. and we look at how conflict in climate change and making it more difficult for billions of people to find clean water. the is really ministry is carried out a wave of attacks across the gaza strip to palestinian dest toll since october. the 7th has risen to many 32000. the latest strikes for the northern guy said this video is from a from a few hours ago. there's no word yet about casualties. meanwhile, authorities in gaza blaming is really forces for the depths of 13 patients. adult schafer, hospital, the government media office and says they died because they were denied medical supplies. some palestinians have been able to flee the attacks and the medic medical facility. and they've been speaking about their experiences. jacob bryan reports with nothing but the clothes on their backs and a few that exist belongings. these palestinians are on the move once again.
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after finding shelter from his riley attacks inside garz's l, shift the hospital. now being forced out of a place like thoughtless domestic. i'm sorry, you know, there are wounded on 2 people unbearable scenes. the situation i thought she thought is very, very difficult to was beyond imagination. is rarely troops launch their right on l shift the hospital in the early hours of monday morning. once the strips largest medical facility, health officials and gaza estimates thousands of civilians and patients with sheltering there before the latest attack for the, the southern the a 238. and we heard the compartments at 6 o'clock in the morning, they started a non saying that nobody should move. no one has to go out, not to open windows,
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nothing was allowed. we couldn't even cook anything for the children of israel says during it's right on l. schiffer. it has killed dozens of people at interrogated hundreds of suspects, transferring many to israel for further investigation and one half. they started with the emergency section, the us, the men to come down, and that is that some young men did not comply. they were told that this way that they are risk in their lives. those who do not come down would be executed. trudy, this is exactly what happened with the most young men, tortured with the electric shock. stripped to them of the purchase, tied the hands behind their backs. i don't know what to say. and for those who wants detained by is riley forces escaping the medical facility presented its own challenges. glenn, those who by the way, we go out was a miracle we slipped across. the smart is only god knows how we manage to get out. ok. so now the search for safety is taking these palestinians south along guys is
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coastal road with this rail threatening a ground operation. and rough uh, finding refuge is becoming increasingly difficult jacket. brown, elder 0. the setting lock was joining us now from we're off a honey. i want to ask about ocean hospital in a moment, but bring us up to date with the latest on the attacks. first of all, the yes. well, and the overnight of tax cross broadcast city, particularly in the northern eastern part of the city. i killed that least, the 8 people reported 2 guys are being hospital and multiple injuries. also reported to the hospital. we heard of from paramedics and civil events, occur on the ground that the, the bombs caused the great deal of destruction to a, the surrounding areas or the targeted homes with more efforts. right now if from the civil defense, the crew members in volunteers or from the neighborhood trying to remove people
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from under, add the, the rebels separately in a small village. then han you and his sister and part of hon. eunice city. and they are between rough has city, there's really a monitor also a talk, a residential home or 3 people reported killed the multiple other injuries is still under the rubble that that was the last thing we heard of from the civil defense, the crew member. apparently our hours this morning that they're doing their best to remove the able to from under the rubble most the we're seeing the same exact pattern of attacks, of residential homes, were casualties are made of the majority of the, of the children and women in the other parts of the gaza strip, the ongoing non stop artillery ceiling, coupled with a heavy machine guns. fire continues across most of the northern parts and the central area. honey, we heard in jacob's report just a few a couple of moments ago about the details of what's been happening at all shape.
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but just bring this up to date with what you've been hearing about the latest at the hospital. this is, will in a statement made by how much the, the late to hours of last night, denying these really allegations of arresting a members of the move meant the or the group inside a ship, a hospital pointing out that the vast majority of people on the list are among the uh, the academics and doctors, and then civil society leaders who were shouldering inside the hospital. everybody else was merely a civilian children, goals inside the complex as they were running from the ongoing horror of the bombing across the northern part. thanks and gaza city, the media government, the government media office issued a statement accusing this reading military and it's in tens operations inside the hospitals. accuse it of the deliberate killing of 13 patients as
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d were cut off it from oxygen a given the intensity of the bombing and the ongoing shooting of missiles, the oxygen station in one of the facilities was damaged to the point where there's no oxygen supplies to the i see you were these 13 patients were in need of the ongoing concept flow of oxy end of this because of the they were cut of date, they died also what we hear from people within the vicinity of a super hospitalized more intense bonding, going on either this reading about or treat bombs, an entire residential buildings or ask people to evacuate and then bomb the buildings as people leave it from the area and separate women and from the men and ask women directly to go to the central area mainly to their velocity and the men are led into and try rotation honey. thank you very much. indeed. that's honey. my little bring us up to date from or off of the or the us equity and states having to israel as a diplomatic push for the cx. 5 and guys have games momentum. andre blinking has
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been meeting regional foreign ministers in egypt in file, and washington says you're on the security council is going to be voting later on friday, and a draft resolution calling for an immediate cease fire. gabriel alexander reports from the united nations in new york. a us secretary of state antony blinking thinks from austin is real. are getting closer to reaching agreement on a cease fire and release of captives, but aren't there yet. they're still real challenges we've, we've, we've closed the gaps, but there are still gaps. so i can't, i can't put a timeline on it. blinking was in cairo for talks with era born ministers to try to further the negotiations, being mediated by cuts out in egypt was the luck. we hope that's our combined efforts have an effect in the present time, but there was no room to wait and there was no room to allow of further increase in human suffering. and there was no room to continue the war, like this is blinking 6th trip to the region since the conflict began in october.
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his tone appears to have shifted more compelled by the plight of the palestinians, nearly 32000 of whom have been killed by israel's war on guys. he was also more critical of these real whom he warned against invading rafa. very clear that the major ground operation and profit would be a mistake and something that we can support. there is no place for the many civilians who are maston in gaza. and ralph, excuse me, to go to get out of harm's way. and for those that would inevitably remain, it would uh, it would be measuring disaster in new york at the united nations growing impatience . the security council has failed to decisively act. we need to decide and to take action. no, we cannot progress to date again and again and to show the boy down the road. i think we need to take action. the security council is expected to vote on friday on
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an american draft resolution on gaza in the us calls for an immediate and sustainable ceasefire, but not demanding it. instead saying it's imperative in less binding language. and if conditions to cease fire on the release of captives when it comes to security council resolutions, language matters. a russian diplomat told me his country would only support a gods a draft resolution, but demanded an immediate cease fire. that's why there's a 2nd draft resolution. this one brought forth by 8 of the 10 non permanent members, and it does demand an immediate cease fire. and it too could also be voted on as early as friday gabriel's on to how does it at the united nations in new york . but it's certainly a new you k of called for an immediate cease finding jobs,
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and they've also said that is a should allow humanitarian aid into the strip. the 2 countries released a joint statement after a meeting of foreign ministers in abilene. we're going to work together as we try to stabilize them, at least as we try to get aiden to gauze, and try to bring about a solution to that confidence. hundreds of thousands of palestinians are stopping live by a car. david's comments about the importance of increase to mandatory night. the need for that, for these routes will allow that age to into the importance of funding to cease to enable that 8 to 5. going to bring in wrong commonality by the east jerusalem. so and to me, because having to israel, he's backed by this us. resolution is going to be voted on by the security council . there's also be upon the growing pressure on israel for an immediate cease fire. what can we expect from this visit though, to well as the thinking is in town for
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a business day, just one business day, in fact, he's hit during business hours between 8 and 4 o'clock and then he leaves. uh, so hopefully i think he wants to get some business done unless i take look at his schedule. he's actually in tel aviv right now who we meeting then with the is ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu. then he'll be meeting with the will cabinets. then he'll be meeting with the ministry of defense, very much key meetings. if you're trying to get a ceasefire agreement in place, very much key meetings with the people you need to meet if you want to push as well, to not massively lot to launch a mess of ground defensive into rougher, which is what the americans. i wonder if the americans are trying to put those are present some alternative plans for that not to happen. but will they be talking about this a resolution that the us may,
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will table as early as today in the united nations security council. it's going to be on the call is exactly what they're going to be talking about. so they like the, the 3 things there is a little bit of cautious ultimate optimism among some people here that, that may, will be a c, c 's by announcement. and that's why he's in town for such a short amount of time, but we'll say just with regards to the atmosphere that he's going to be flying in to just to remind us for some context and run our however, i just really is viewing the water in gaza and also how they are viewing the government to benjamin netanyahu and the way that the war is being conducted. the well, it really depends on who you speak to. israel is incredibly divided. society has been for a very long time. but these fishes have come through to the full, much more in recent weeks, particularly is the death toll and goes arise. there is a significant amount of people who do support as well as actions in gaza. but they
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wished that these really with bouncing the operation slightly differently and avoiding civilian casualties. there are people who support provenance to benjamin then you know, a key component of those types. the want them to these really all me to go into rafa and to be even tougher. but those anti government protests still continue loud voices now when it comes to one thing i see. so i getting all the hostages home and getting a much more permanent solution to was thing going on here. but now decades. so it's a very much i divided nation. but generally speaking, the prime minister is very unpopular, let not just a domestically, but also abroad as well. chuck schumer, one of the my senior jewish democrats, is actually criticized prime minister benjamin netanyahu in the us saying he needs to leave. that's unprecedented. we haven't seen that kind of voice coming out from the us. jewish community certainly of that sort of level for the very long time. the most. thank you very much. indeed. m on con,
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talking to us from occupied east jerusalem. oh, joining us not as mako and jones, he's an associate professor at some. i've been calling for university here and don't have thank you very much indeed for being. but there's someone to talk to you about the 1st of all this, this is the resolution that the us is putting forward in front of the you, and that's going to be voted on by the security council later on. given the fact that we've noticed a significant change in the wording, an emphasis that us as placing on that. do you think that the us is, feels more confident about changing that wording and being more strong. and it's the, it's called facies far because it believes that it's actually close to getting one . yeah, i think it's definitely feels like it's a possibility now. but they still template the language to an expense, as it was mentioned in, in that report is not calling for an immediate cease by now. it's on demanding and immediate things by it. so it's still being slightly cautious with the language, but it certainly suggests that they believe that they could be getting one. and i think we've seen the upping of us rhetoric over the past couple of weeks as m run
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mention talk, shoot, i'm i, for example, the us as the highest elected jewish official condemned netanyahu. and as i'm president moved not a condemned. it was saying he was an obstacle for peace, and more recently he said it was inappropriate for netanyahu to, to add to address house democrats. and instead he addressed the public. and so now, you know, is very clearly in the dark house. he's aware that he's in the dog house and us times, so he's kind of, he's, he's running on borrowed time. but at the same time, the u. s. i still being, i started slightly cautious and then use of language in this resolution. and now we've also had the problem, essentially of russia. could russian now be the obstacle because they want, they want the resolution actually demands an immediate cease that demands us the spot. so i'm, i'm kind of cautious now, not only do the us, you know, the us might think they might get best, but now i'm worried that brushing might come in and say, well, this is not adequate. this is not, you know, sufficient in terms of actually getting assessed by me. yes. i mean are there, give it was mentioning is report there and i think that there's another resolution is good to be put forward by 8 member. yeah, i'm states i and i,
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which is going to be again voted on, which does call for an immediate cease fire, which is something that russia, as you were talking about is, is willing to deal with and support. is there a we're constantly looking for, so anything to move the story on when it comes to the way the media covers the story is, is there a possibility? do you think that we are not seeing the us and russia getting to a stage where they are beginning to gradually over life? and the language is that they're using and we may get to a point where both sides will find some common ground that they're going to be able to agree on. i think politics is the art of compromise, and i think russia, it would, it would be ridiculous for russia to try and actually build this stage. it would not look good for them and you know, they would lose any sort of model high ground that they might have in this situation by doing so. because right now, west, obviously there are these concerns about the future of palestine. their concerns about the nature of will i think people are increasingly just cautious of the fact that was a farming company and this needs to be stopped and invested. however, just a see. so i,
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it doesn't actually not necessarily mean that the farming be that, that needs to be this actually discussion of how the aids going to get in. because, you know, we've been talking about the past few months about this problem. the baby had edge up. so you got the support being built. what does things by actually mean that simon will be a major rates? it because it's mean that once famine is on the cards, it's already too late. and so i think this is going to be the concern driving the discussion. i don't rush, you would want to sabotage that. and i know us obviously certainly demanding that my co, my worry of course, is that, you know, i think israel a, doing as much as they can to prolong the suffering of guys. and because they simply once a week and the how much is negotiating position, the more they can make, how this thing is done on how mass. so how much more desperate, the more likely to be able to extract the concessions that they, that they want. and remember the big sticking point between how much and as well as always been the this idea that thomas wants to end up having to enter the complex. whereas israel, anyone to a temporary spy. obviously the only reason that they want to. and so eventually that they can go back into a restaurant either claim total victory against a mass. i mean, as we mentioned is impossible. i wanted to ask you about that that so i have
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potential for action in, in that offer. this is something that is benjamin netanyahu has repeatedly said that it will happen. it is going that the millions really minutes rate is going to move into is off of, given the amount of international pressure that we've seen. and the growing momentum that, that appears to be to, to at least push for some sort of. yeah. so he's fine, i'll be getting to a point for a benjamin netanyahu is essentially boxing himself into a corner where he has to take some sort of action involved in order to appease those particular on the far right in the walk cabinet. but at the same kind of time can't be seemed to do too much because he would then alienate all the support that he has left. he's trying to make the most of the situation. i think the interesting thing about that and yeah hunter offer is that if he doesn't go into rafa in a way, he's basically undermining his whole residence after which has to been claim total victory over how much they've been saying that how much but lots remaining strong cold is in rough or so if they don't go into rafa, what does that say about total victory? it can't exist. so now is up in his rhetoric and what he'll do,
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he'll keep doing this because the only way you can get out of this without going into rough and then isolating either the us, which they said is a red line. and potentially the more liberal, you know, positive is there any society is to keep saying that he wanted to go into rafa, but it was sabotaged either by us or by some internal opposition likes have been against and that kind of thing. so he's playing it shrewd and he's, i think this rhetoric simply to be able to say at some point, but i want it to do this. i was stopped. it's not my fault that we couldn't find total victory. there was the, the, you know, the, the, the, the nay sayers who who sabotaged it. so i think that's what is trying to do, but this is still symptomatic with the fact that he is running out of options. and one of his any remaining options is just to keep the spell of course rhetoric about rough or because that will enable him at some point to basically say that he was sabotaging it's really interesting to get your thoughts and there's not going jones, we appreciate it. thank you very much indeed. is not for the 1st time of your opinion leaders calling for an immediate humanitarian pause in gaza at their summit
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in brussels members of also discussed ukraine. they're considering using prophets from frozen russian assets to finance military support for keith latasha. buffet reports often months of divisions and the blow. goza usually does it have somebody in brussels finally agreed on a common position. the consensus of to night is that we need an immediate humanitarian pause, leading to a sustained seas fire to the unconditional release of hostages. and the provision of humanitarian assistance. it was the 1st time since the start of the war, the whole 27 member states back to cease fire. they will say cold on these rail notes to undertake its planned invasion of rough when more than a 1000000 palestinians, the sheltering in desperate condition situation is a, is there a magic vc today, people who are trying to feed themselves by eating gross people who are on the on the verge of being in a, in a, from, in the catastrophic humanitarian situation and goals. this forced you leaders to
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hold them the tone when it comes to israel. mocking a change from previous summits. certainly is aware of the size of liability fence not to revenge, not to revenge defense. certainly we support the right the defense. what do we say at the same time that the has to be done in the corner of the international lloyd newman? he said he unload ukraine was also on the agenda. ukrainian president for low dom is lensky. address the summit by video link. you lead has promised the stefan ministry support for keys and possibly use profits from frozen russian assets to buy weapons. they will say agreed on the need to both the blogs defense capabilities and relying less on they told me that whole of it's additional piece which will be we have today stated out of the termination to reinforce the pillar of european security and defense within the you and look at how we can finance it
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all through the use being criticized by some having double standards and there's different approaches to ukraine and gaza. but as late as wrapped up the 1st day of the summit, they weren't pains to underline that impulse conflicts of expected insights to adhere to the rules of international latasha. but how do 0 reference the grains as rushed as long as miss i was at the northeastern city of coffee? the mere says about 15 bloss, subbing hired the electricity drugs being struck leading to a partial power outages. and some of the water pumps, malfunctioning know that, so being reported. meanwhile, you creating authorities say russian overnight attacks with the largest on energy facilities in more than 2 years of war. the country's largest guns being hit, but authorities say there's no risk of a breach. and at least one electricity line to the nearby is the pollution nuclear power plant is down. president brought me is that landscape said over 90 marseilles and 60 drones were fired by russia. energy administrators,
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as most goes deliberately targeting energy systems, to and then the russian city will bells at all, just the regional government as, as one person's being killed by ukrainian strikes. bear defense systems managed to shut down. 8 rockets launched at the region, mcbride's joining us not alive from keith. i give us the latest on the strikes between the 2 countries. first of all, rob yeah, these were extensive as drugs all across ukraine, the overnights and through into a barrier the hours of friday. morning it's now estimated that's around a 150 weapons of different descriptions we'll use with launched against ukraine. a mix of sha hate drones and missiles of different types ukrainians are claiming that they managed to intercept and shoot down to around 90 to a 100 of these missiles. but they are being reported attacks across the country from hockey, in the north east of ukraine, to create
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a re that's in central east and ukraine all the way over to the western region around the vip and there's some weapons with targeted towards that for region of the location of course, of the power state, the nuclear power station there. and there were concerns about the security of the power supply to these operators. a power plant that may be, that was a possibility of a threats to the power of being cut off. that's uh those threats and fee is the now to have been updated. some was but in the cloud keep region, the governor that was saying that the for a time the whole city was pretty much without power until it was restored. and we don't get any reports of power being restored at different locations around g cranes. one of the perplexing questions is why this is taking place. and now you remember, last winter, the russians had a concerted effort to try to cripple the critical energy infrastructure of ukraine, seemingly to freeze the population into submission. all the expectations where the start to this winter, they would do the same and they seem to be that launching
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a base attack right at the end of winter. and we'll do as we get into the spring and rob of ukraine. air defense capability has been a crucial part of this con, it's like, flooding me is the landscape understand has been appealing directly to you leaders for more weapons, particularly for air defense of the yeah, he made, that's a video address to be you. lead is, he's put out another statement friday morning saying that the ukraine is badly in need of all sorts of bad defences, especially the more sophisticated systems and such as the us patriots a defense system. you're within the about this site the same time yesterday, thursday morning, here we were talking about the one of the biggest missile strikes on key being launch date a month and a half. most of those missiles made it to septic and use that key is protected by the patriot system. and so lensky also calling for that same system to be deployed to places like how to key, which is a very vulnerable being on the boulder with,
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with russia. he will be encouraged by the see you meeting the confirmation of the 1st crunch of this multi year funding of 5000000000 your rows. and also by the fact that the of many of the countries taking part in the you of signing these long term bi lateral security agreements of up to 10 years or so, which does come as a great message of support for ukraine is a now faces the prospect of this yeah, as long rule with, with russia and of course with a bigger question marks arising over continued support from the united states. robert brian and key for world. thank you. well, hundreds of thousands of people displaced by the conflict in so done our living in overcrowded accounts in safe sit down, your monetary agencies say a lack of basic health care of and safe drinking water because the risk of an outbreak of disease is growing mocking web refers from the board
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a ton of rank gap stocks much better now then he was a few days ago. his mother brought to consult us. he's being treated for cerebral malaria at this hospital in south sea down they arrived here earlier this month of the sling, the civil war in neighboring city done. yes. before she fled conflict in this country to go to see thousands capital cost to reach the board. a town of rank, hungry and exhausted. he became sick, he had no strength, his head was spinning and he fell down. i took them to a clinic and they gave him a proceed them off. then his entire body started shaking. it was here at the hospital that they treated him for malaria. the stuff here in the children's water struggling with cases of severe malaria sepsis permit to pass among others. you say 5 to 10 children a dying here every week. with more than 8000000 people, forced from that home is by the will. will people are getting sick hold in half
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a 1000000 of arrived here and rang since fighting interrupted between c dunn's army and the power ministry rapids support forces media yet. okay. many of them, the south sudanese fled north before from conflict floods. we'll seeking jobs growing number a suit in these refugees. about 15000 this thing and this transit come near the boulder. it is about one toilet set every ac faithful. hear you and says this should be about 4 times as many these people have been given so by one of its pond organizations to clean containers and try and prevent the spread of diseases like color. that is going to be more difficult in the coming weeks. when the rainy season begins, life's going to get a lot harder to people living and shelters like this. the humanitarian agencies say they like the funds to cope with what's become the world's largest displacement
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crisis. the charity doctors without borders. suppose the hospital has to the people coming here now have been displaced in the medics are expecting more so we see a lot of malaria cases now. so in the rainy season, we expect this could increase even further. and i would also have concern about safe clean drinking water, but we can see increasing cases of the cancer in toronto. so we do have concerns that the situation is escalate with the oncoming rainy season. so done, 1st, civil war began nearly 70 years ago before independence from british colonial rule . people have been fleeing was for generations under the strain of the chinese, you know, buying power one case best to 2 members of the next many premature babies hit the device. the adults is saying you're buying those twins. hopefully we'll malcolm web
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. i'll just do a reg south suit on monday. so the needs of also crossed into chad. refugee comes there are also wanting other supplies. the un says the spillover of those leading the columns. i can sit down, has made the existing humanitarian crisis and shot even worse. it estimates more than a 1000000 people will lose access to aid unless more international fundings provided or to hating. over more gunfire erupted on the streets of the capital pulse upfront and forcing people to flee police in the military, not fighting games for control. dozens of photo nationals have been evacuated, analysis of being closed for you and it says more than 5000000 patients that an urgent need of humanitarian assistance. the still ahead on i'll just say that the chief minister of india is capital settings arrested weeks before general elections . plus i'm hot and with has a number on my cell that's of the i'll tell you why people in class doing that tell
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province struggling to understand by so many politicians being met at the head of the spring may have sprung across europe, bringing with it higher temperatures low miles conditions, but we are going to change over the weekend. we've got high pressure. the spin in charge across the south could be things larger, the fine and dry, but there's a cold front that's sweeping down from the northwest. that's going to bring more in the way of windy and what weather. it'll pull its way for the south over the next few days. but some pieces of rain still clinging onto grease, since it's in the, as well for the west of the wet and wintery weather, starting to work its way east, across to a kia and the black sea behind that. and one way of sonya is guys down in the south . sydney is a spain, as well as portugal, just
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a few showers coming into the very know that there's that heavier rain pulling across the north of france, a cold front bringing those conditions across jeremy i'm on was a to the baltic states. you see those winds continuing to blow that down as we go friday into saturday. what's the weather in the northwest affecting island, scotland but still some bits and pieces of rain about to bloss reconditioned. we all going to see things cool down. if we have a look at the temperature chart, you can see those cold conditions starting to work and we'll see those in switzerland over the weekend with a chance of sleep in zurich on sunday. the latest news as it breaks, that is really our to larry shows this area last night on is to me and families was remo, done with their tears and heartaches this year with detailed coverage. the gaza strip has 1100 patients with chronic kidney disease. we need 3 treatments
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a week from the heart of the story. these far hope has been diminished. their prayers continue with the situation to get into. this is to took is the 1st country in the world to develop a comprehensive national, sustainable tourism program. partnership with the global, sustainable tourism comes village life here retains its charles. every meal is like a feast from the farm to the tape. hundreds of excavations and restoration. this country is a place to slow down and enjoy the simple things coming to discover the natural, historical and cultural beauties. the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the yours, you know, just need a reminder of our top stories this uh, these really minutes is carried out a wave of attacks across the gaza strip. some of the latest strikes for the northern garza, the palestinian desktop, and since its over the 7th has risen to nearly $32000.00 hundreds of palestinians of 5 guys, a city on the ongoing is really offensive on obviously for hospital authorities. a blaming is really forces for the depths of 13 patients saying that dying because they will refuse to medical supplies for you. i, secretary of state says gaps on not only in negotiations for the cx, 5 and gaza on to me banking, that fundamental sense in egypt. and these do to visit israel on friday nights or on friday. the un security council is due to votes and a resolution on an immediate cease fire. is there any forces of candid,
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i'm more raids in the occupied westbank that are reports of intense fighting with palestinian groups into us as well as in the time of their insights. west of ramallah army, bulldozers destroyed roads and shops, overnighting to us. the funerals are being held for some of the h palestinians kills and during the, as many raids in the occupied was bank on wednesday, one was for 19, you know, how much tall here it was short outside the refuge account where he lived, or con his match the front me and i'll get a fresh post of 19 year old mohammed to hear shots down in his youth, his face joined for schools of posts of those previously killed in his ready raids . a reminder of the week from finance, the people have discounts, that's it. for decades, the model, uh yeah. any time today is there any autonomy? storms, independence, team and area depths. although we are talking about jeanine, although boss and today embody the bleeding continues and the ducks continue.
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because but is there any government gave the green light to the army, took the young people. what addict occupation bodies amadi was rated during the early hours wednesday morning. mohammed was on the outskirts becomes as the army begins withdrawal, it was there, he was shots in the head, a phone, the atmosphere here and out of my refugee camp. the body of mohammad, how he has currently inside the mosque, where the holding press. he's also being carried by his friends and family to his mother's house, where she's got, say, a final good bye. and then he'll be buried inside the cemetery and alberta, how much was the phone refugee? the campus built in 1949 off to israel was established. a move in 700000 palestinians were expelled from their phones. it was nearly campus suffered from midnight to violence during his rating raids, nor sums refugee kevin token and what's the worst hit for palestinians killed 2 in
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this way. the striking to buy life bullets is ready forces took her up the streets and destroyed infrastructure with all that food is just before midnight. engineering and is ready asked right, talk to the car, killing 3. palestinian to excite is from the to the battalion will funerals. health and all to familiar sites in the city and a ton towards the policy. the story is heat that was holding lots of people cool political prisoners. in the cale supplied security, both as short towards the crowds injuring thousands of people back, you know, be their home. it's friends and family, much with his body to his final resting place. now it's time to say goodbye, but they are all too aware. the waves of fine and will continue north on algebra. i'll be there. okie pied westbank of
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the around the world war to a crises of fueling conflict, as well as driving any quality and migration. as, according to the latest you run reports, which is countries to increase cooperation, to help preserve peace, our environment editor nick locke has more. this is a you and flagship reports on the state of the world's fresh water results. and it doesn't paint a pretty picture. today, 2200000000 people live without access to safety man is drinking more to an approaching call for the world's population. do not have adequate or safe sanitation. indeed in poorer countries up to 90 percent of waste water is discharged directly into the environment without treatment every single day around the world, 1000 children die from illness is caused by contaminated drinking water. all this drives migration is millions. move in such a fresh and safe supplies. i think further straighten the results is where the
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migrant settle. few like social tensions. i'm conflict can have nick catastrophic impacts on civilian water infrastructure. think of the targeted attacks on storage and treatment plants in ukraine in gauze, and in sue don. as climate change adds to the strain of water supply, the u. n. report cools for a global effort to provide water equally for everyone. it is of the role of human rights. are you willing to really see a point? 5000000 people have no running water around 2000000 are in the capital lima most rely on camino of water tanks and pay for private trucks to supply their homes. with water were joined by marx smith, his director general of the international water management institute. and he's joining us from colombo, thank you very much. indeed for being with us. i'm. it's easy to imagine that there is a similar impact around the world. i'm sure that's not the case. just talk to is what the differences are in different parts of the world. when it comes to watch of
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scarcity, well, what is the scarcity is of course, most prevalent in dry and some of our regions. and in the, and communities in those regions single, those effects the most. but we need to bear in mind also the climate change is changing that picture as we look into the future. um the impacts of climate change on water and water and water resources and rainfall. and the way that's the way that's received we, we, we see a picture of increasing drought at the same time as increasing cloud, even in places which are not currently drive at. so it's a water is a, is a, is something that is in abundance or, and, and at times is, is in great scarcity. and the record that you're, that has been launched today from the you and really paints are difficult picture
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indeed as. ready as your report just highlighted, reed painter, very difficult picture and alarm and picture about what a scarcity and the impacts it's having, as especially as we look into the future and other areas of the world find their say over the last decade or so. for whatever reason, you have noticed a significant change in the availability of walls, or whether it is as you say, an increase in the amount of rainfall or the scarcity of water. for sure, i mean, let's be clear. if we look at east africa, small scale farmers are entering their 60 year of drought. they are amongst the most vulnerable and marginalized groups, facing water scarcity and their, their coping now is 6 years of drought. so it's critical that that's where our focus is. as we look at water scarcity, another tea region is the middle east on north africa, one of the most water,
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scarce regions in the world. and that's a place where the effects of drought r t, me felt. but also where there's great potential to be using start using water resources in better ways and more efficient ways and, and there are solutions to help us move forward as we move into that much more difficult future. and i'm going to ask you about the solutions. i mean, nick, talk of environmental environment editor was describing there that one of the problems that they have in parts of africa is that the treatment of wastewater, for example. now there is an if the investment was there and the treatment facilities were, were created, presumably that would go some way to solving the problem. what are the immediate solutions that you can say? so yeah, let's be clear, wastewater is a huge problem who's problem in terms of health with terms of, um uh, uh, uh, restricting access to water for productive uses because it's too polluted. so therefore, if we can do better with wastewater and,
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and introduce effective ways of treating and reusing wastewater, that's a huge opportunity. waste border around the world, something like only a, something like 80 percent of it is released into the environment without treatment . that's a huge resort, is a tremendous resource. as my institute at the international water management institute, for example, we're working with a level systems that integrate satellite data with artificial intelligence to help governments look forward and see what will be future water news. how can we, uh, what are the sources across sectors of, of wastewater that we can potentially reuse to reduce those other that's the water scarcity and water stresses. how can we make sure that those water water reuse just reaching the people that, that need it most as reaching the farm are so that they can, for example, reduce the impacts of house water scarcity and drought on, on their production and on their livelihoods. and i'm not so much we appreciate you being with us and i'll just do this. so thank you very much indeed for your time to
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the cheese. minnesota of any is capital cities to appear before the special court on charges of corruption, financial crimes agency. once of in the casual wall to be held in custody for 10 days for further interrogation. last year, tube senior politicians from his party would change over allegations linked to the sale of alcohol. and there is opposition, is accusing the government of a track down ahead of the upcoming elections around corporate reports. dennis chief minister of and the country valve is a not to corruption advocate, but he is now under arrest as part of a draft investigation. federal agents accused his potty of accepting $12000000.00 in bribes from alcohol distributors to support to say the rest is politically motivated. because you've already been sensitive and is not scared, you will not bend on the corrupt people, should be scared in the run up to national elections. in this manner position,
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congress bought to says it to is being targeted. all bank accounts have been frozen . we can do look and been work. we can not support our workers. we can not support our candidates. are leaders cannot fly from one part of the country to the forgets, right? they can take a really good train and this has been done literally 2 months before the election, campaign ra who gunned is congress and of and catcher of house automate policies. a members of an opposition alliance jointly contesting elections between april and june. prime minister rand remote is really b j. p. policy is widely expected to win that fact it denies targeting opponents in i thought, desperation of immune and defeat the color spot did the highest level, sought to create an l. a. by today, critics, a federal authorities of targeting made these challenges before they become
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a threat. this is a factor of drugs, some nation states of drugs, cities. i figured on it since the beach, if he came to follow up in 201495 percent of the cases by the enforcement agencies had been against opposition. leaders, breast country, well and gone the facing criminal investigations and then elections. they say will be, need the free, know fed barbara and go to 0 show it. and so it is a journalist and political commentator. he's joining his live no, from jude valley. thank you very much indeed for being with us. i'm baba's report. they were suggesting that the b j p is widely expected to it seems to have a good showing and possibly a win. and these are elections. does the pgp really need to carry out some sort of um, action against this opposition? well the median be, is just
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a question obedient. be the beach of be watched for in the back end. is there any if they have to run baked? indeed, they need to silence to not because for our, please, for somebody to look on. and that is perhaps one of the reasons why action is they, they can and they can only against opposition leaders of the country. for those of us watching the story from outside the country, it does seem as though this is happening, some of brazenly that that doesn't seem to be any effort to try to uh, to hide the fact that they opposition politicians are being targeted. what's the indian voters make of all of this on the know on june 4th, wednesday it does come out. but the suspect collision, the road on the street is people are asking why is the law being a liar, applied selectively? the people who are broken down and the opposition and the crossover joined the body . the white forest at the pro comes to a dead end and then be
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a fee and not the nothing altered. in this as to that, i was suspicion coming as adults with one of the weeks ahead of the general elections. and also the fact that the government as marketing under driven issues off the door in barnes rather than what the party is demand beneficiary. do you think that this may have some sort of significant impact to that the, the ballot box that people will actually take action against? there's an issue if you'd like, some sort of protests vote against the action that's being taken against the opposition and much will depend on how the opposition can communicate this to the people to be, to make people relate to this because a job that either the general feeling of much the electrician is the dog. politicians are calm. but having said that, the job position managed to convince the people that already that the opposition is being targeted. that this is being done selectively. what this or possibly do is act as a catalyst and bring the despotic opposition together,
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cement their lives yesterday. for the 1st time we saw communist leaders really come out and support. both are about the body. all might be by the i colors i being at the longer edge the i'm out of the party start game into being as a, as a form of protest against the congress. but most of all the strong arm tactics has to has brand prompted a foster opposition to joined diet. and this is likely to, to add further to that exactly. and bring that to get evidence out as a journalist and political commenters. and so we appreciate it. thank you very much indeed for your time. and so i've, i've got more than 27000000 people that registered to vote in general elections in may. so i'm fear the lead up to the polls may stoke on rest because the natal province is no stranger to political violence when factional advising dating back to the 1980s hold on. one task has got this report from no go month to cancel. i do
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my was struck by a non gunman by changing a car tie. last month. he'd only be in the counselor for a few months. his wife doesn't know why he was matted. i think oh goodness he is. my daughter keeps asking for her father. saying when is he coming home? every day she asks, where is that in the local school, cause we were natal problems is non flight stunning views. the positive means place of busy lives and the country's most politically volatile province is a long history of islands. the fast counselor to became reconciled. off he came, they knew the dispensation was a male long home in june, 20 to 2000 actually near 2000 at to this point to this day, we don't know who killed that man. and us, followed by a number of other counselors who actually had been met, the police say more than 200 politicians were killed in between 201120. 23 is
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difficult to say its quality calculating on to this last time the, the, the tickets rate of presented it. and then we know exactly why the, these killings and the way these killings are coming from. a potential motive for the killings. political positions with control of, of budgets, but other reasons could include business rivalries and family feats. the killing is often carried up by hits main assessments, paid to suits until the high, the profile of the intended target. the higher the price applied to lift the legacy of violence and pul, policing, some of the perpetrators are never arrested. and convicted and families looking for closure may never get part of matessa out of the noble now. so the government officials and nigeria by facing the 3 months banned from publicly funded international trips. the president's report only concerns about the increase in public severance,
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travel expenses bulletin noble and his cabinet. i've been criticized for making frequent trips abroad. line starts next month's and not just paying for the exiled leader. the catalog separatist movement says he's going to run in the regions snap election in may, cause put him on maybe an honest with at a press conference in front has been an exiled since 2017 is still faces arrest in spain for his role in the 2017 independence the referendum in catalonia, which was ruled in legal, but he could see the charges dropped under an honesty offered by 5 minutes of federal census, a set of head. and i'll just say that the us justice department sues. apple accusing it of
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a normalizing smartphone markets and hurting smaller levels. the the, the us department of justice has an, as an anti trust case against apple, the largest, the companies broken lowest which band corporate monopolies off of the noise. the accusations i did show castro as more from washington dc, the iphone, apple signature products, and the best selling smartphone in the world called is that the center of the us government's anti trust lawsuit. we allege that apple has consolidated its monopoly power, not by making its own products better, by making other products worse. as examples, the last 2 points to the apple wallet payment system and the apple watch. those interface only with the iphone. well,
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competitor watches and digital wallets face apple imposed barriers, and when it comes to apples messaging service, the company is accused of coming up photos and videos exchange with non apple devices and 2022. apple c. e o is asked whether applewood fix iphone to android messaging. the questionnaire are added quote, not to make it personal, but i can't send my mom certain videos, close quote, a capital c, a c, e o responded by your mom and i phone. the department of justice has been investigating apple since 2019, and so this lawsuit was long anticipated. apple has largely thought off previous complaints of anti trust. but this lawsuit cuts to the heart of the company's mission to keep customers hooked on apple products. apple watch an iphone or essential there where this all the time. in a statement, an apple spokespersons that the doj lawsuit sets
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a dangerous precedent and hinders the company's ability to innovate. people outside of an apple store in washington dc had this to say, that's what they're going to do. they don't get their money. it's not really like, no matter what this is, all a monopoly is plenty of competition against them. i think samsung makes a better product. so we have the freedom to choose while we want valued at nearly 3 trillion dollars. apples annual revenue is greater than the g d. t's of more than $100.00 countries. now it's become the largest big tech company to face us government scrutiny. heidi joe castro, elder 0 washington scientists and to islander restoring reef was carl brad in laboratories. i know a release of spam and eggs from consisting reese is collected and then groaned and lives for 5 years before being released onto the c bed. more than 4000 reef colonies have been restored. i'm going to be back in a couple of minutes, but moving all these stories on robots and stay with us on august
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the in china, this is a summer. the bathroom for the father was killed. boys and girls as young a 6th learned to handle firearms and develop insurance to be ready to protect the country. i would make your run so hard to $1.00 oh, $1.00 east visits china as military camp for kids on out to 0. the number of elephants bath and losing, he paused, has increased in the last several decades. officials attribute these to you gun does protection efforts, but there's another challenge. a big problem here is human. one life conflict. ellison's are increasingly going into villages is search of pastor and what happens we try to trace the animal is using many means, for example, the fire of a pharmacy people's hobby,
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and they did the rice farms and cubes. several people. officials say they are aware of the distress cost and try to compensate those who have been affected the end of time when is that? that's right. the next thing that's about the template is the return of the lord jesus christ, the apocalypse. witness those into the us is event jellicoe christie and exploring its influence of democracy and foreign policy on this and try that. you have just really, it's the parking list process praying for i'm a good episode to just in the line the palestine hope is then we reach out to hand, let the giving begin with don't care foundation. you donated with kindness. you showed you ok. now let's also show you, we'll deliver it so dominates with confidence,
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donates without kat foundation. with every packed of 19, with every prey will bringing it to liked it to love in palestine. we share the major explosions in northern guys as israel carries out a wave of attacks across the strip killing at least 11 palestinians, the normal baptism. this is audra 0 live from del how i'm also coming up go see it is continue to work. the gaps are narrowing your secretary of state down to the bank


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