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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 22, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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this business uptake the rooftop, know bundle dash football to use the the hello all. elizabeth put ottoman this is the new zone, live from doha. coming up in the next 16 minutes, due a secretary of state anthony blinking arrives in tennessee for talk. so this really lead is to trying to push for a safe spot and gossip. the world health organization wants children and gaza and dying from malnutrition. at least 2 people are killed and russian stripes on ukraine and more than a 1000000 of adults. pallas must go targets energy facilities, much going to get
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a lot harder to people living and shelters like this. and we would pull from the house crisis facing refugees and fed the confidence a don and a sheltering and cab some neighbor in south saddam and his bolt a late when it keeps you crying own calls to qualify for fish cheese. european football championships occurring basing falls near hudson convenient to want to sign up a tile final against iceland. the we begin with israel's one garza, the us secretary of state has arrived in tennessee as part of a diplomatic push from a cs fi onto. the blanket is expected to meet the prime minister benjamin netanyahu and members of the as a whole cabinet on thursday. he having discussions with the regional foreign ministers in egypt. he says, get some narrowing and negotiations, but nothing young has insisted him forward with the ground defensive and dropbox.
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that's the slice growing international condemnation. meanwhile, the un security council is expected to vote place on friday on an american dropped resolution cooling for a seas. fine. gabriel, alexander reports from the united nations in new york for us secretary of state anthony blinking things from austin is real, are getting closer to reach an agreement on a cease fire and release of captives, but aren't there yet. they're still real challenges we've, we've, we've closed the gaps, but there are still gaps. so i can't, i can't put a timeline on it. blinking was in cairo for talks with era born ministers to try to further the negotiations, being mediated by cuts out in egypt. well, that's all we hope that's our combined efforts have an effect in the present time, but there was no room to wait and there was no room to allow of further increase in human suffering. and there was no room to continue the war, like this is blinking 6th trip to the region since the conflict began in october.
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his tone appears to have shifted were compelled by the plight of the palestinians, nearly 32000 of whom have been killed by israel's war on guys. he was also more critical of these real whom he warned against invading rafa. very clear that the major ground operation and profit would be a mistake and something that we can't support. there is no place for the many civilians who are maston in gaza. and ralph, excuse me, to go to get out of harm's way. and for those that would inevitably remain, it would uh, it would be much strange that in new york at the united nations growing impatience, the security council has failed to decisively act. we need to decide into detection . now. we cannot progress to date again and again and to show the boy down the road . i think we need to take action. the security council is expected to vote on friday on an american draft resolution on gaza in the us calls for an immediate and
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sustainable ceasefire. but not demanding it, instead saying it's imperative in less binding language. and if conditions to cease fire on the release of captives when it comes to security council resolutions, language matters. a russian diplomat told me his country would only support a gods, a draft resolution, but demanded an immediate cease fire. that's why there's a 2nd draft resolution. this one brought forth by 8 of the 10 non permanent members, and it does demand an immediate cease fire. and it to could also be voted on as early as friday, gabriel's on to how does it at the united nations in new york that's bringing in wrong con. now he's joining his line from occupied east jerusalem. and actually if
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you can only and is around for the day on friday, says to customer what's on his agenda. that's why he's a 3rd of the way through his meetings. he's taking 3 key meetings today. the 1st one, which he's in right now is with prime minister benjamin netanyahu. then he'll be meeting the won't cabinets, and then the ministry of defense, all key meetings, if you want to get a cx 5 into place. and if you want to put pressure on israel, not to mount a large scale ground defensive into rough, uh, which is something you americans have said they don't want israel to do. uh, the americans are putting together a set of alternatives that they'll be presenting to the is really well that's going to happen in this meeting. what would that happens on a much more technical level between the military's of the 2 countries remains to be seen, but this like you say, it is a very short visit that's causing speculation to have that that has been some movement and the tools and all about sci fi,
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and this is simply presenting to these, right, these what shape that sci fi might take and getting these ratings on. okay, so very important these things, even if they are short, very important given just how much is at stake for the people of gaza, especially those. so and at alpha and the latest push for a cease fire though it's taking place and wrong as the laser survey by the israel democracy institute shows that the majority of his right, he's opposed to political agreement to end the will. what's the mood that it was a very devoted society, but it's all has been a very divided society long before the events of october. the 7th. the problem is the benjamin that enjoys has been incredibly one popular 5 very long time. but he's got political cover. he has accommodation that's holding together that keeps him in power and the hard drives withdraw the remaining power, the lead, despite some of the things that they disagree with him about. however, he's on the international pressure. chuck schumer,
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when they buy senior jewish democrats in the us. i actually was open the preschool saying is what it needs, new elections and permanent stuff. benjamin netanyahu needs to go. that's unprecedented. but ted domestically as well. you did have a bump in suppose off to the events of october, the 7th, and then these ratings going in at 2 gaus. busy but that's now weakening as well, given the death told it was a given israel's position in the world. israel and his writings are beginning to realize this is incredibly unpopular because of his war on cause. and so this is a man who is under domestic pressure from the people who have affectively go to the polls. but the still got political power because the coalition he runs with those far right, policies is still holding and that gives them cover and wrong. thank you very much for that for now. that's all correspondence and long con, joining us live from occupied east jerusalem. and we're joined now by our diplomatic editor james base to talk more about one of these developments. good to
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see you, james. so anthony, blinking the us secretary of state and as well as lisa on friday, we expect the latest resolution calling for a ceasefire to come up in front of the un security council. what do you make of the language in this draft resolution? well, is whether the language is going to pause in this draft resolution. this is the us draft resolution that they've been working on for some weeks. they've altered the key power off at now to the time and the imperative of an immediate and sustained c saw. as you heard in gabriel's report, he's spoken to the russians who say they will not be happy with any resolution that doesn't have the wood. the mullins and then each it and sustains the spot. we'll see the boat. we'll see what the russians do, because of course, the russians don't have to be to they could just abstain if they were unhappy and that is 3 hours from now we'll see with we'll, we'll see all the representatives around the horseshoe table and the security council raise the hand, yes, no or extension. that will be key. if someone decides they don't like this us
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resolution. i can tell you behind the scenes, most of the rest of the council, the really like this resolution. but the, the, what i'm hearing is we probably can live with it. they didn't like it because it's not very clear on forcing of a c 's filed right now, which is what no one says that it likes the idea of a c spa and it links the c spot to the negotiations that are going on here in the hall and the release of those being held by him, us prisoners as well, being helped by israel. but of course, that process good site take some time. so even if that us draft is voted for in 3 hours time, it doesn't mean the guns will full size exactly what i was going to ask on. this is cooling for an immediate seas 5. what kind of actually mean for the people of 1004, as well as what was the operations? and that's why there's another a solution just to can fit confuse things. if the us one doesn't pause, this is one of the store not by elected members of the security council or 10
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elected members the, the non permanent members as we used to call them. and currently, this is sponsored by 8 of those elected members to south korea. and japan, i'm told a lot you to support it, but i have not actually sponsored this resolution. so that could be another vote knowhauss from now off to noon in new york. that would, i think, put the us in a difficult position if it didn't get their own resignation through another one, went through all they really going to block a c spot in gaza by is in the hands of vito again, difficult decision. i think for the united states and all of this very difficult, i think when you look at what's going on right now in tel aviv, those discussions between the us and israel because i wrote so many foot lines now, but they used to be in the beginning october the 7th and the days afterwards the us and israel will lock step together. yeah, there was this one day listen to the absolutely. yeah. now you've got the, the offensive on rafa. they've got disagreement said us so that shouldn't happen,
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that the us didn't feel unhappy about the amounts of aid to unhappy about the number of people the dying. i think the unhappy is about the fact that there is a 5 minute now in java and moving forward, the role of the policy, you know, source he going forward and the 2 state solution. they disagree on most things and all right, i'm a 5 of announce from time. so for now that is a different medic editor james based games. thank you. as always, all of this comes, this is really ministry has carried out a wave of attacks across the gaza strip. at least 11 people have been killed and strikes on residential homes, nelfa and con eunice. nice on thursday nights is rarely attacks claimed the lives of 10 other palestinians in gauze associate this morning. opposed to me and death toll since october. the 7th has risen to nearly 32000 as far as using gaza. blaming is rarely false. as for the desk of 16 patients that all ship
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a hospital, the government media offices, they died because they were denied medical supplies. with some palestinians have been able to flee the attacks and have spoken about the experiences. jacob round reports with nothing but the clothes on their backs and a few bags of belongings. these palestinians are on the move once again after finding shelter from his riley attacks inside garza's l, shift the hospital. now being forced out of a place like for us to come to somebody, you know, there are when did on to people unbearable scenes. the situation i thought she thought is very, very difficult. she was beyond imagination, is really troops launch the right on l. shift a hospital in the early hours of monday morning. once the strips largest medical facility, health officials and gaza estimates thousands of civilians and patients with
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sheltering there before the latest attack. it says that the southern the a 238 and we heard the blackman's a 6 o'clock in the morning. they started announcing that nobody should move, no one has to go out, not to open windows, nothing was allowed. we couldn't even cook anything for the children of israel says during it's right on l. schiffer, it is killed. dozens of people at interrogated hundreds of suspects, transferring many to israel for further investigation. and what have they started with at the emergency section on the us, the meant to come down and that is that some young men did not comply. they were told that this way, they are risk in their lives. those who do not come down would be executed. trudy, this is exactly what happened with the most the amend tortured was the electric shock stripped to them of the coaches tied the hands behind the backs. i don't what to say. and for those who wants to change by is riley false is escaping the medical
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facility, presented its own challenges. going about who we thought the way we go out was a miracle. we slipped off this knife is only god knows how we manage to get out for now, the search for safety is taking these palestinians south along causes coastal road . but with this rail threatening a ground operation and rough finding refuge is becoming increasingly difficult. jacket. brown, elder 0, honeywell, well it has more on the laser strikes from alpha as we started to see an ad version b as really here's flags across the gaza strip. but in defense from area and in the northern western part of dogs and city, where a residential building and an entire residential building with the family evacuating inside, that's a whole family, was targeted and destroyed. if 10 people reported goes right away and with a ship, a hospital is under a todd, there is a difficulty with transferring the casualties inside. those have been removed and
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those are still under, under the rubber, most likely, as we've heard from a civil defense, the crew members that most likely the will be headed to allow the hospitals that's in the central gulf of city, but that's unconfirmed. yeah, just given the difficulty of the situation right now in the central area, a residential home has been also targeted and destroyed with multiple injuries reported and transfer ready to a lot of hospitals ready over, well talked exhausted hospital is suffering from extreme shortage of medical supplies. and overnight attacks 11 people have been killed in 2 separate areas, strikes in northwind in the southern eastern part of the of rebecca city. and in a village between robot and han units, the 11 people with the 3 children among the casualties and multiple other injured injuries, old reported, and it transferred to you guys are european hospital. meanwhile, 60 and people have died inside a ship. a hospital,
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as there's really military continues its operation inside the complex and the world health organization is one and children and gaza. a dime from malnutrition. the w h o is the only way to prevent famines is by ensuring a dentist. this trip to monahan has more children and gaza are struggling to survive. mohammed is suffering from malnutrition. his mother says food has become nearly impossible to find how mostly a small yesterday. i took my 11 year old son to have his blood tested and the result came on, his blood count was 11. how's that possible? that's very low and weak. but what can we do? there's no x, no meet no procedures. no fish, no vegetables, the you the see us and the others suffering from the serious medical conditions are getting worse due to lack of food and medicine. what are the small cystic fibrosis? how do you have cystic fibrosis?
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this disease requires a lot of care. we have been at war for 5 months. no, nothing is available anymore. day by day, his condition has deteriorated. so the world health organization teams and got to say children are dying from a combination of malnutrition and disease. nearly 32000 palestinians have been killed in israel's war on gaza. tens of thousands have also been injured, but dr. st malnutrition lowers their chances of survival. america is the lack of food and the lack of availability of certain types of food affect the patient. as a wooden stone teal, this poses a serious risk to life. as all israel had severely restricted, 8 supplies to god, the. the world health organization says opening up more routes is the only way to prevent of famine. requests to deliver to supplies that often blocked or refused of damage. drugs and continuous finding,
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including in and close to hospitals mean delivers, are few. and so the international community is pushing for more a to be allowed to gaza. and until that happens, children will continue to suffer spent in monahan allergies. era. let's say 7 is really someone does have an engine fighting with palestinian groups in the, in the occupied westbank. one is in a critical condition. they were responding to a shooting on a bus, carrying settlers move forces and being deployed near the villages of their messiah and couple of namo west of the mallets, bringing a correspondent, your con. she's joining his life from col, phenomena in the occupied westbank in nor clashes in the muller and, and 2 of us. what is the latest across the occupied westbank of what we've also seen. confrontations in the past half an hour between local policies here and coughing along the west has a lot and is ready for says,
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but i just want to get back a few hours around $530.00. i am local time as a posting and he was, i'll just show you exactly where he was on the to sacrament. sarah illegal, it's right assessment. it was built behind me that quote, don't live on 10 long. he was at a junction these toughest shooting tools in his ready thoughts. he then escaped, he went towards the hillside into the trees. there he continued firing on his way to forces as they entered is writing media, quoting. he is right. the minute tree says that 7 soldiers were wounded. one of them is in a political condition. and if there is a trace along this road, we can see the white cars belong today is riding of a tree that completely cost off over villages. here, we've also seen them, we can't quite show you, but to the all the size of a thing, and you have now set a lights since highest. that's a smoke coming up over the hill and we're told the rate is told is are locked into
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what's all of the moving on, such as those about 10? is there any minute tree vehicles and to another village just on the other side. uh, we also know they have rated a home. uh and if it's just, again about uh, 2 kilometers away from where we are. that's been an apache helicopter for me is ready suckling above. we do know that they fight to rockets, tools to position off to shoot a few hours ago. the locals had told me the 2nd one states and we had those explosions. he has and carried away on that stretch. and we've also seen this friday army disgusting along the hillside. searching for anything. loans is still here, is had a cup to in the north. thank you very much for that. that is a no, a con, joining us live from cuff of nama in the occupied westbank to europe. and leaders are attending the 2nd day of a summons in brussels. they called in for an immediate humanitarian pulls and gaza . that would lead to
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a cease fire that springing on correspondent natasha butler. she's joining us live from brussels. latasha, 1st of how significant is the use cool for this humanitarian pause that would lead to a cease fire and gaza while it is significant because it is the 1st time since the stall says the war that usually does come together and issued joint statements on any form a ceasefire or humanitarian force. and that is because until now it seems like the decisions in the block when it comes to this issue. uh, in the past few months. what we see a countries including gemini, who's the storage back cuz of israel not really wants to close, receive the file. and we also had to 5 countries like spain, island and belgium for the israel's actions in gaza. disproportion is a violation of international humanitarian new things, so suddenly shifted have certainly changed. we sold the tone,
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hit and breathless change swell with a number of you just talking about is route. for example, the you for policy chief use it for i'll say, look, is, or it has a right to defend itself. the must and take prevention has to be done within the international rules. and it will say something which is really focus mines in recent weeks. is a task to store, fix, actually monetary and situation and goes with so many palestinians facing famine. all right, natasha and ukraine has been the other main focus. so what are they being discussing and saying about the role that? so yes, you creating also a focus of those discussions on the 1st day of this, somebody's head in buses of privacy for the you as ever. they need to saying that they want to step on military a more than 2 years off the russia. and they did you credit that want to continue with the support they listened to the ukraine and present for low dom is lensky who
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joined the meeting of 5 video link. 2 talks about some of the things that you probably needs, including ammunition and missile defense systems. and that sort of things i need is really reiterating that commitment to your crime. it will say, talks about the idea and possibility of using prophets from a phrase in washington assets in order to fund weapons purchases for ukraine is not something they've committed to yet. but perhaps down the line, that's something that they will say new cas and those are real awareness. so renew to sense of urgency here amongst you need is about the fact that they say that the european union really needs to do more to bolster its own defense capabilities and looking at the re election of light demand food and then looking also at the fact that they can do longer perhaps, and the words of the council had rely just on they say, that's how sure. thank you very much for that natasha button. the organization is live in brussels. that's now go to our correspondence in ukraine. volt mcbride is
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joining us live from the capital keys and rob. we have been seeing some of the biggest attacks on ukraine's power supply since the will began of the that's right. that runs a whole range of the air attacks have been happening, taking place across the ukraine over a friday nights. and it's really as a friday morning with a 150 and a shot head. drones and missiles of different description coming in waves and targeting the critical energy infrastructure of the country. the northeast city of cod key was said to have been particularly badly hit with missiles raining down there on various but power generation facilities, large sections of the city being cut off from power for long periods, but across much of ukraine with the attacks from the east and also across it and the west in that lived the barrier and then down as far south as a desk. so around a 1000000 people are records to have had that power supplies disrupted those
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particular concerns in the city of that felicia, which is the home to the russian controls nuclear power station. that the power supply that keeps that power station running safely could have been disruptive, but that has now been secured. but that has been damaged to a nearby hydro electric down and power generation stations that rob, and that these hyphen detached from russia. we've had the ukranian presidents loved him as a landscape, appealed to e. you lead us more support for ukraine for your claims and defenses. will he be hurtful about the noises that are coming out from brussels? a yeah, i mean, he has repeated this call. so more defensive, this is an illustration of just why ukraine and seems to me these at defense is in its cities also from our artillery shells, because that has been a real issue. we know on the southern and eastern friends also friday morning, he's put out another statement asking specifically for the very sophisticated us of
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us patriot missile system to be delivered to that's a kind of missile system that covers the he a key. and it was this time yesterday we were. busy talking about the biggest missile strike for a month and a half that being launched against keith. well, uh, this city, the capital city is protected by the patriot system. and uh, it was, uh, zelinski would daily like to see that same level of protection being extended to cities across your credit world. thank you very much for that. that is rob mcbride with an interest live and cheese the crime and spokesman. dmitri, pest coff has told russian publication that the country is in the states as well. with the crane. who said the conference dollar balance is a special minutes. reparation. but with what he called the collect to west, becoming a participant on the plane in side. it had become a war. so let's bring you to a shop of all of us. she's joining us live from the russian capital unit. just how significant all these comments coming from the kremlin given that, you know, they have said for the past 2 years,
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they have described what's happening in ukraine only as a special military operation. never as a as well. absolutely. and uh, its interesting that to me, trip has called by dimensions now that the special miniature operation has turned out to be a woo and a legs demitra pest control. so explains that legally a special miniature operation is still going on in ukraine, but in fact, it has turned into a rule. so this, the, his was, well, that's as soon as the west stepped to install said participation and it. so that's why we're not calling it, i will, because a hit in russia, the source has say, that's uh, the west and the nato countries in particular. but 2, so page and the school and i hit in russia. it's widely believed that russia is facing not to ukraine, while the schools that say they are fighting the nazis in ukraine. but basically
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they say that, that financing the so called collective west. so you crane over say can so it is and rushes, operations and rushes move to next, some of its territories as and then they go ok to patient or what's lined and they should, they say sure is not out for discussion for them. they, they say they will know, going to stop slicing russia until every russian soldier leaves it so, oh yeah, thank you very much for that. you need to shop a lot of joining us live from moscow. and it takes you back to a top story now, which is the us secretary of state antony blinking in israel on his 6th visit to the region since the war on gauze up again. he's been missing. is there any problem mister benjamin netanyahu in tel aviv? these are the latest pictures i offer that may single death in yahoo! blanket will be missing b as riley, who, cabinet and the defense ministry. now his visit as part of a diplomatic push for
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a safe spot in gaza and comes ahead of a un security council blows that we were expecting in around 3 hours from now on an american resolution calling for receives 5 to the head on the news. our of the protest breakdown from parts of india to the arrest of a pump to the authorization politician class in school. and school when he's on the phone, the run thing international. who's taking the next step in his quest, playing the nfl. the
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had a lot of there, it's been a very mild and warm stock to spring across europe with high pressure in charge across the south. but we've also seen very settled conditions with sunshine and is it still there on friday? what so she's coming through the library and potential for spain and portugal, some temperatures here, touching up to the figures we see in some of the but it is going to get a lot cooler. we've got a cold front is going to steadily slump its way for the cell over the next few days, bringing more cooler conditions and went to where the with it still for shala's down across the mediterranean for italy and greece. but the worst of what, when do, whether it is that affected, the se, pushes across to kia the black sea. you see that line of heavy rain starting to roll across the north of france to low countries, germany, poland, all the way across the baltic states and on woods to finland and western russia. now we're seeing some severe gales across the very north brennan and the island of added a mix of wet and wintery weather for ireland and scotland. more the way of sony
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spells coming back in, in the very south of england, but this wintery weather working its way across into scandinavia. that's going to cool things down temperature wise. you can see also seeing a cooling trend as we go into tuesday with no expected the, the, [000:00:00;00] the watching the news out of the, of the put on them and don't have a mind to about top stories. the seller, us secretary of state anthony blinking has been missing is randy prime minister benjamin netanyahu, instead of being it's part of a diplomatic push for us. these find garza me was,
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is writing ministry has carried off a wave of attacks across the gauze as a trip killing at least 11 palestinians. some of the lakes of strikes were in northern garza, the palestinian desktop since october 7th has wasn't unique search of 2000 people. and hundreds of displays, palestinians have fled gauze associate, and the ongoing is rarely offensive on all ship. a hospital authorities and blaming is very small. so for the desk 16 patients saying they died because they were refused. medical supplies that spring and loss of hollywood in jamalia in northern, gaza for the latest on the situation on all ship. a thank you very much for your time. firstly, what is, what is it that you're hearing about? what's happening? it all should have a hospital. yes, that is the best because the strip is what this thing on top ship and condition back conditions especially. yeah. so the encouraging is why the forces inside and
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the surrounding areas across your hospitals. company you know, for risk think. ringback people that is ready for the people i'm going to do so is this place ok and that really kind of stuff to many patients lost their lives because of the lack of because of something else. so the killing, the, the, to so many people have been killed in so 85 base where you all may have some of the inside supposed to be done. and the surrounding areas, especially if i was for those about $160.00 people looked at lunch that a ton of these inside the ship holes with them are a beating all the to not everybody's unappealing. that really trust to good there to do was to move back. he waited safely a but sadly a no action because there's no on the coordination between that. it's
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a national bodies in the spring. so so the, the minutes where they're shooting every moving body a, that's why they, they, they, they can, no one can get, get the b is way the forces also distorts at especially. so rebuilding the tongue, the, the, the, the courtyard. oh, shoot hospital. oh i see all of that. all of that come along. come alongside. yes. okay, more. thank you very much for that. that is jennifer. this melissa holly with joining us live from jamalia in northern gossum. well, joining us now is my uncle and john's associate professor at home. i've been calling for, you know, versity here in the how good to see you mark. so this talk about what's happening at all shift. israel says that it's killed a 155 says apprehended hundreds of suspects, you know,
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given what is as well as history of such claims when attacking hospitals in gaza, which is a will crime? yes, it's a will crime to attack medical facilities and i child and israel to have in order to try and justify the, the types of medical facilities have grossly exaggerated the strategic importance of them. if we look at what happened to officer for a hospital back in november and october, israel claimed that there's a hamis command control center underneath. and this famous, they like to 2 instances of now, well known this information, one in which daniel had got a time to be in a basement the low. and i'll shift it kind of how much but keeping hostages, that any things to be pointed to a table on the wall that he claimed was a router for him as to what hostages. it wasn't. it was names of the week of his days of the week. yeah. and. and then another instance, a video of a nurse claimed to be posted in this claim that how much was allowing people to leave the hospital. this again turned out to be fake. so they tried to rationalize them justified by exaggerating plans and was seeing this now to a launch expense with this 650 arrested. it's
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a huge number just to show how this story is also spending on say lies, is that we already know, for example, that i think i smell a hole. i would just, there was dentist and out of the dentist has been detained. yeah, but i'll go was beaten. so is there a trying hard to to not allow international the zips to see what's going on in? i'll shift because this could potentially undermine the narrative about trying to. yeah, i mean they, they beach is fine on the alger, they are out of it. correspondent attacks, part of his cruise, and really importantly, destroyed both cost equipment to such a satellite trucks. and we heard from the committee to protect journalists on the day that that happened and basic said that this seemed like as well as trying to stop what's happening it, i'll shift this ease of i'll shift from guessing out. yeah, absolutely. and it's very suspicious, because when you're doing this information in propaganda, the 1st thing you have to do is trying to create an information vacuum where you are in control of the narrative. and by attacking journalists and their equipment, they're doing this and also sending a message to intimidate others. we also know just what's going on. the idea of
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already undermine the narrative. they released a compass image or like a collage of photos or faces of people from a claim they are arrested and it's about $250.00 image image. and if you actually look at the image, there are thousands now of duplicate images in that right? so they posted a picture claiming that these are people are arrested when clearly they're already duplicating. so the is what was narrative. it is. what are you following a find that it seems that the, exaggerating the number of people they have captured. and that's deliberate, as i said before, they've exaggerated because they want to try and exaggerate the importance of this as a strategic target. because that's the only way they're going to defend against the claims of the violating international law by attacking your medical law. calling jones of hamilton, police and university, thank you so much for your expertise on this. we really appreciate that. thank you . it's right. it's moving on to other news now and hundreds of thousands of people playing the conflict. and so don, a living in the crowd comes in self sit on humanitarian agency. so there's a risk of an outbreak of disease. now come web reports from the board. a town of
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rank got docs much back to now that it was a few days ago. his mother brought to consult us. he's being treated for cerebral malaria at this hospital in south threw down. they arrived here earlier this month of the sling, the civil war in neighboring city done. yes, before she fled conflict in this country to go to see thousands capital cost to reach the board. the town of rank, hungry and exhausted. he became sick. he had no strength, his head was spinning and he fell down. i took them to a clinic and they gave him a proceed them off. then his entire body started shaking. it was here at the hospital that they treated him for malaria. the stuff here in the children's water struggling with cases of severe malaria sepsis permit to pass among others, you say 5 to 10 children a dying here every week. with more than 8000000 people forced from that home is by
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the will. will people are getting sick hold in half a 1000000 of arrived here in rank since fighting interrupted between saddam's army and the power ministry rapids support forces. nearly a year ago many of them, the south sudanese fled north before from conflict floods or seeking jobs. growing number suits and these refugees about 15000 this thing and this transit come near the boulder. it is about one toilet set every ac faithful here you and says, this should be about 4 times as many these people have been given so by one of its pot and organizations to clean containers and try and prevent the spread of diseases like cholera. that's going to be more difficult in the coming weeks when the rainy season begins, life's going to get a lot harder to people living and shelters like this. the humanitarian agencies say they like the funds to cope with what's become the world's largest displacement
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crisis. the charity doctors without borders. suppose the hospital most of the people coming here now have been displaced and the medics are expecting more. so we see a lot of malaria cases now. so with the rainy season, we expect this could increase even further. and i would also have concern about says to safe, clean drinking water, we tend see increasing cases of guns for insurances. so we do have concerns that the situation could escalate with the oncoming rainy season. see them 1st, civil war began nearly 70 years ago before independence from british colonial rule . people here being fleeting, voice, for generations. it's under the strain of the jenny that you know buying power when it's best to 2 members of the next many permit to
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a baby's head device to talk to citing your findings twins. hopefully we'll malcolm web out to 0 reg south. suzanne police and hazy, have code, a prominent gang lead a known as t greg who was part of the circle. ganga lions is been moved on file and the streets of the capital portrait friends following forcing rather people to flee. well, police in the military of fighting the guns for control. dozens of foreign nationals have been evacuated and embassies closed. the u. s. has more than 5000000 haitians have an urgent need of humanitarian assistance. of hundreds of people have protested in the indian capital following the arrest of an opposite shanita. the opposite party leader, advantageous all, was detained on thursday in connection with the corruption from his last year to senior politicians from his policy were held of allegations linked to the site of alcohol opposition parties accused the government of launched the crack down on
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rivals ahead of elections next month, barbara, and go to reports. that is chief minister of and the country found is enough to corruption advocate. but he is now under arrest as part of a draft investigation. federal agents accused his party of accepting $12000000.00 in bribes from alcohol distributors, to support to save you a rest is politically motivated. haven't get you out of intention about is not scared. you will not bend on the corrupt people should be scared in the run up to national elections. india is made up position. congress spotty says it too is being targeted. all our bank accounts have been frozen. we can do, look, i'm been work. we can not support our workers. we can not support our candidates. are leaders cannot fly from one part of the country to the forgets, right? they can take
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a really good team. and this has been done. literally 2 months before the election, campaign ra who gunned is congress and of and catcher of house automate policies. a members of an opposition alliance jointly contesting elections between april and june. prime minister rand remote is really big a party is widely expected to win. that fact, it denies targeting opponents in i thought, desperation of immune and defeat to cover the spot, the highest level sought to create an alibi. today. critics, a federal authorities at targeting may these challenges before they become a threat. this is a factor of drugs, some nation stoops of draw cities and to put the finger on it since the beach it became to follow in 201495 percent of the cases by the enforcement agencies had been against opposition. leaders,
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breast country well and gone the face and criminal investigations in an election, they say, will be need the free know fed barbara and go to 0 job that on saudi is a journalist and political commentator and he says opposition. policies are under pressure and that might force them to work together to be, to be wants to really big. and if they need, if they have to win big the need, they need to silence the officers for a lot of these or someone to look on. and that is perhaps one of the reasons why action is they, they can and they can only against opposition leaders when they come to the word on the street is people are asking, why is the law being alive, applied selectively. the people up, broken down into your position. in the moment the crossover joined, the body, they are white, forced into pro, comes to a dead end and, and be a fee and not to nothing. it does ever since i was suspicion coming,
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as it does. one of the weeks ahead of the general elections and also the fact that the government, this marking under the relations of the end of dorian barnes brothers, where the property is the means beneficent. what this to possibly do is act as a catalyst and bring to disparage all positions together, cement their lives yesterday. for the 1st time we saw homeless do does come out and support the fall apart. before i get home, i'll be back in on this thing as long as the arm of the bodies start came into being as a, as a form of protest against the congress. but most of all the strong arm tactics has bred proctor, a force, the opposition to join diet. and this is likely to, to add further to their, his id and bring them together. this to south africa. now we're more than $27000000.00 people have registered to vote in general elections and may,
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with some fee of the lead up to the polls could still come rest the problems of cause the toddlers most strange to political 5 and faxed them and fighting dates back to the 1980s that part of the house, the reports from non goma to cancel. i do. my was short, but a non gunman. well changing a car tie last month. he don't need be in the counselor for a few months. his wife doesn't know why he was minded to use my daughter keeps asking for her father. saying, when is he coming home? every day she asked, where's betty's moment? the local school positive natal providence is known foot standing views, positive means place of busy lives. and the country's most politically volatile province is a long history of ireland. defense council that to became reconciled off he came to a new dispensation, was a male long home in june, 20 to 2000 actually near 2002 this to this day. we don't know
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who killed that man. and he was followed by a number of other counselors who actually had been met, the police say more than 200 politicians were killed in between 201120. 23 is difficult to say its quality calculating on to this last time the, the, the tickets rate of presented it. and then we know exactly why the, these killings and the way these killings are coming from. a potential motive for the killings. political positions with control of, of budgets, but other reasons could include business rivalries and family feats. the killings are often carried out by hits main assessments, paid to suits until the high, the profile of the intended target. the higher the price, a apart, a list of legacy of violence and pull policing. some of the public type is never arrested. and convicted. and families looking for closure may never get
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part of matessa out of the noble now. so that now sustain with the exiled leader of the cotton long separatist movement says he would want in the region snap election in may call us push them on, made the announcement to the press conference and from she has read an exile since 2017. he's still the sizes of rest in spain for his role in the 2017 independence referendum in catalonia, which has ruled a legal spot. he could see the charges dropped under an amnesty offered by prime minister pedro sanchez. now around the world war to crises, the fuel in conflict as well as driving in equality and migration, that is according to the license to you under polls, which is urgent countries to increase cooperation to help preserve peace environment editing the clock has more. so this is a you and flagship reports on the state of the world's fresh water resources, and it doesn't paint a pretty picture. today. 2.2000000000 people live without access to safety. man is drinking more than an approaching call for the world's population. do not have
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adequate or safe sanitation. indeed, in poor countries, up to 90 percent of waste water is discharged directly into the environment without treatment every single day around the world, 1000 children die from illness is caused by contaminated drinking water. all this drives migration is millions, move in search of fresh and safe supplies. i think further straighten the results is where the migrant settle. few like social tensions. i'm conflict can have nit catastrophic impacts on civilian border infrastructure. think of the targeted attacks on storage and treatment plants in ukraine in gauze, and in sue don. as climate change adds to the strain of water supply, the un report cools for a global effort to provide for the equally for everyone. it is of to roll a human rights. and over 3500000 people have no funding bullshit
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around 2000000 in the capital lima most rely on camino water tags and pay for private trucks to supply their homes with water. rescuers and pocket stones kinds of talk them for our region and trying to reach a popular towards town cut off by collapse in place here. ice has buried hotels and not on the highway leading to the town is prolonged by debris. so we have a sports team as to the head on the news allah for me to one drive is push themselves and the cost of the limits of this training and the business like this to be sponsored by interlock tuck. he's real estate consultant.
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the business relations to be sponsored by intellect. tuck, he's real estate consultant. the
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the responses porch. now he is andy, thank you so much, elizabeth. well, a lights window has kept you crying on close to qualify for the issues. you're a painful championship in germany. you crying facing bosnia herzegovina to want to set up a play, a funnel with iceland snohomish reports. the ukraine do appear as a full straight european championship. this call by our to the to will long be remembered by the con, suspence, under the u. k. no. turn to page and so back to ukraine had been one meal down was 5 minutes ago and the semi final tells it gets supposed to be a head to xena topics 88 minute winter completed an incredible come back and secured a to one with ukraine will now face iceland for place in the finals that will be
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hosted by to any i hold it out of place and our team will usually to be trapped before our people at least 47 or else. because as you said last night was 3, the feel the records and every day struck is, is coming. of course our mission and our target here with our place just to show we are still alive, phone and made lights work up. their opponent is sonya a $51.00 when keeping demo forceful place at the euro's. they'll be taken on wheels and tuesdays play a fine estate. 6 piece team may now be without the retired go sales. but the full one victory over finan has given them a hope of reaching a force me to tournaments in their last 5 of 10 channels . we have already looked at all and we know that pulls a different threat. tonight it'd be a tough test for us. but you know, what more motivations you need than one went away from
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a the 4th major tournament. so when the boys have been incredible weak, they knew the importance of like one of the game tonight. the other play all final will see grease taken on georgia, greece were 5, know what is induce and me again as a son most, i'll just, you know, having hosted to 2020 c. welcome agent champions. cats are going to qualify for the tournaments for the very 1st time to goes from from a phase health council to 3 know when of a quite in wells the qualifying face. quarter have tricking last month. he's in comp, final against jordan castle on top of that group. thanks to 3 straight wins. the 2026 finals will be co hosted by the us, mexico and canada. you know south creat dropped points. this 5th as much as buying head coach young and cleans been something so. so human screwing and a $11.00 to against highland south crit,
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do die from bank. so all grapes see astray. yeah, they are still on coast to reach a 6th straight will cut a foot sooner when i live in an in sydney. key on our back is opened the screen and the 5th minutes and call around the lead and the 2nd hall that made it 3 wins from 3, extend their lead at the top of 3 or 4 brazil. international rafino has been arrested in his home country and could face up to 9 years in jail or been you, i was convicted. it's a 2 years ago that his posts and the right given out by any woman and milan just over a decade ago. the service sentence in brazil, after lawyers filed in their attempt to delay his detention repaying you, as always denied the charges. tennis. well, number 2 arena sutherland couple of attend selection at the miami. open lights are on this friday, so the lancaster has her house being broken by the death of a full boyfriend. this week,
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she described the depth of the form and it shall play. constantine cold, suffers an unthinkable tragedy for the brother. machine has decided to carry on playing on the time grand slam champagne will face spain's palette. i say in miami, she most recently competed with the indian wells tournament. last week. the various secaria of greece won her 2nd round match against john is you on yay! in straight sense, so kind reach the final less time, rather than doing wells before losing the positive side to against. well, number 18 is to be on the menstrual gaylon's face says the fire is still within him as he continues hits good stones via the 37 year old french play just to saw the wills talk 50 at the moment, but says close to getting started so 15 and so this when i have a decent live, which you'll face australian jordan, something brown suits, hope saved comes out across the possible 3rd round of hundreds. 3 charlotte players quickest in friday practice of you'll start informed. it won't go
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on pre williams drive ahead of myself on suffering a heavy crash during the 1st session. unable to return to the truck and assess the damage, please call me to stop in is one the i think 2 races of the season for once use a function as low as in his early arrival, qualifying takes place on such a good start. however, we need to keep working very hard because i'm, i'm sure that's what was the some surprise, the small and yeah, there's no reason for us to be a bidding from then compared to everyone else tomorrow as well. so they're still marching to, to improve okay. by slow sending, thank you very much for that. and just finding this bulletin scientist and thailand, restoring reeves with carl brett and the bar trays. the annual release of spam and x from existing rigs is connect to ben going and labs for 5 years before being released onto the c bed. well, the full 1000 reef colonies have been restored and that's it from the elizabeth put
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onto for this news out of do stay with us from madison. we'll be back in just a few minutes with the latest on all of our top stores. thank you for watching the a booth cold occupation resulting in a hurry stick a time. i'll just say it was investigated units interrogates the evidence and reveals voltage present it to the world to justify israel, the soap on garza, dozens of children bounds him up during them and executed them. this information has been used by official spokes person october 7th. on tuesday or palestine was once of very different place from today to cities became connected to the interior in an award winning film, which is 0. well,
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here's historians and i'd witness accounts that portray early 20th century by this time as a thriving fibers. the reach of was molten investments were excess, moving from one city to another, palestine 1920 on al jazeera. i think i'm with the fuck hassan says it's expending everyone who does not have legal documents. that means thousands of off guns, many who were born in park, a son must sleep, focused on the police did not treat just rise as scans were detained and forced to pay bribes. near the border with pockets on this comp is ready to deal with tens of thousands of new arrivals. it's a difficult transition to leave everything behind and come to this country. this is just a staging point from here. the journey continues to the places of versions inside of on many of guns will leave the exposure and because the pressure tactics pushed upon the bond government to kind of the people who talk a song called terrorists that like signing the bond carries out the tax insightful
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cosign when it's leadership is based in nevada. stop pockets on says the measures about the curve and because migrants, waterford and some are involved in permanent activities, energy account proficiency, regardless of the legal status, people should be treated with respect the you are a secretary of state and he blinked and holds high stakes talks with his really prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, and tennessee, as international pressure gro, was for a cease fire in gaza. the know about this, and this is obviously your life from dell. i'm also coming up the world health organization. warren's children in gaza are dying for low nutrition. millions without power and ukraine is moscow, targets energy facilitators,
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either mix. it's an a war and not a special military operation. it's going to get


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