tv NEWS 30min Al Jazeera March 22, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm AST
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ation of the mass for the october 7th attacks and demands. they immediately grant humanitarian access to the hostages. and rightfully so, there is no attribution or demand that is rarely authority for what is taking place in god. so for example, who is responsible for $1.00 palestinians taking refuge in rafa? and who has a nosed appliance military ground, offensive dear? to whom is the demand for compliance with obligations on the international law regarding the protection of civilians and civilian objects, humanitarian access, and the protection of humanitarian relief, and medical personnel. the assets and infrastructure applicable who has erected, maintain the existing barriers to the provision of humanitarian assistance at scale, who is responsible for the forcible displacement of the civilian population in ga. so who is presenting the use of all available, rout still,
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and throughout the entire gods? a strict who does not respect the conviction notification mechanism that we know the answers to these questions. we have heard 3 for after brief or both from the un system and civil society describe the situation on the ground. explaining where the problems are and who is responsible for creating these problems. where even where the relevant demands in the resolution not clearly addressed to the occupying power . not even once, was this done? indeed, if one were to read this resolution without background knowledge, it would be difficult to ascertain which party, in this conflict is committee. the atrocities and gossip atrocities which necessitated this rough resolution being put forward. in a resolution of $4.00 to $1.00 paragraph, 2036 words, the occupying power is mentioned once independent. do me
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a paragraph to sort pre owned the paragraph 7. what's of particular concern to diana? this counsel is the arc and with the charter responsibility for addressing threats to peace breaches of the peace and acts of aggression. how can we endorse the id off and i quote on going and future operations and of quote in ga. so as long as the measures are taken to, and i quote again, reduced significantly civilian harm. and the quote, this idea was rejected by several delegations during the course of the negotiations in diana's view. this is in direct contravention of the councils responsibility. it would set a dangerous precedent. i make the council complicit in the atrocities being committed in ga. so now i'm in the future. first i'm final. we took notes of the 4 paragraphs, 3 thing with the mandates of the senior,
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humanitarian and restructuring, coordinate the fruit guys. so when we applaud the coordinators efforts, we are also to view that the scale of airports that would be required in ga. so after the war would warrant a key role for own rough given it's decades of experience, industry, and its capacity visa, visa, all the agencies operating beer. this council has heard many times of the in the spend civility of ownership, and it is the lifeline for palestinians. we were therefore disappointed that the only mention of the in the draft for 10 to the investigations into the applications against a small number of good stuff. diana, supported by several delegations, had requested acclimation of interest importance mandate in the text. but this was not taken on board. mister president's new colleagues, this council still has an opportunity to take action to end the suffering of all
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parties. civilians in gaza need respite palestinians need a respite. is riley's need a respite? both need a respite from this continuous cycle of violence and pain. that is the re in window of opportunity, the strong desire by the people of palestine and israel. for peas, diana is prepared to work with all the council members to respond to their needs and legitimate aspirations, including very important the 2 state solution. this must not be postponed. i thank you. i think the position we have been listening to the guy and he's invested into the united nations. and this thing was joining us on the sessions. diplomatic editor, our senior political analyst might want the shot, a very strong comments. they made one from, from the guy, and he's invested as she said, it's difficult and this resolution to ascertain who's doing what in his role and spoke with the counsels responsibilities. saying the counsel can't be complicit in
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the volume and it's happening and gaza. but i don't know, i mean, frankly, i suppose began to just give the united states a less than an international law on diploma. so i thought that was spot on and i thought you really just called in i called greenfield bout on, on a number of issues of i clear that so this is but you know, we all know the united states and it's invested, there are not stupid the united states is very, very smart and savvy when it comes to these issues. so why is it behaving this way? why is it putting out such a text knowing that the restaurant china most probably would probably, you know, what they gave so much of data was popular tickets. think good. and, and sort of in continuation to some of the ideas that the, the judge was talking about the what, what's the signature between what's going on to me at least, and what's going on if you're not in this 60 council, the united states has a problem. and the problem is, is that it's a point bright strike, the united states has this problem. i think child going down on the neighborhoods
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burdening everyone's house. see ers, you know, punching everyone's child in the neighborhood. then the united states has to be apologetic and has to somehow work it out that this problem i think child does not, you know, become too violent on too much of a, you know, killer in the neighborhood, one given weapons to that. absolutely. so the united states, on the one hand provides to work and provide somebody because the stuff, it's the child is or is america's child in the middle east. it's a sport locked in child, but it is his job. it takes care of reconcile and so forth. and it's becoming embarrassing, especially as genocide unravels in plain sight on tv screens in the united states and the united kingdom on france and germany. some of those companies cannot take it anymore. and that's why there's so much pressure lighting up on the united states. and on his read this stop the madness, right? so the united states drives it in its own way. why it's somehow pleasing here's right. what at the same time to create some kind of a condition for
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a ceasefire. it's coming out looking ridiculous for even countries. yeah. guy, i know, james, how much pressure do you think the united states is on the, at the un security council at the moment? that's kind of it, it, it said not a long speaks about how the united states has a problem and that's as well. so the united states and that russia and china is the problem that is more important for russia and china to see the us fail then the you when succeed. but again, just how much pressure it was. well, i mean, you've got the backdrop of election. yeah. and pressure within the us system, but let's put that to one side for a moment. you've got this resolution now, which russia and china say was not really an attempt to us that to cease fire. it was just blinking, talking up the idea that calling for 65, when this isn't a proper cool for a cease, well, well, now they've got a problem because the ted is going to put forward a resolution calling for seats for the us as being sivitz spinning yet for the last 48 hours that they support as a spot how,
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what they now going to raise the hand again in vito as another resolution when they try to make everyone believe they want to say spa. i think it's a big problem to the united states. if this is we think this resolution is put to the vote soon. i'm my understanding of being on the been on the machine hit, texting people. my understanding is the time you go to sleeping in a box of those speaking right now, they're an important play in that group of non permanent members. they all negotiate the selves that probably on what set themselves around that security council table deciding whether to bring this to a vote in the next few hours or wait till next week. that's not decided yet. as i understand. that's just a question to both of you in the us constantly has been talking about the need for a cease 5 recently then why not make it clear and the resolution and demand and immediacy spot. i think i have to wish and that they would accept the comic ceasefire if it's only very simple and that it doesn't for, for you know,
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gigantic steps forward then doesn't condemn, is rose on so forth. it's likely that the united states won't support it. and i'll tell you why it's not for diplomatic reasons for political reasons and strategic reasons. i think the united states household has come to the conclusion that this war is over from the water. as we have known that the past 5 months is over. and it does once to wind it down and does want to come to a ceasefire. a sustained one tied in to the negotiations that are going into hand keitel tied into the political map and is right on the united states. so that it can build on that towards something that looks like a supplement moving forward. it is in the interest of the united states. it's in the interest of the by did administration into some by didn't himself just if he wants to be re elected for something to give in terms of ceasefire and moving forward. if it stays sustain, leading to a sustainable, then he's even probably going to be more welcomed by the united states. but the
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idea that the house got a hold of his wrangling, that the united states would behave like what it calls restaurant china and v to another solution. it's going to come out ridiculous. can i add to that? i've spoken to several diplomats including a number of investors in the last week or so about this. and they think it is likely that the us would not want to use it to be total again because it wouldn't just be telling on behalf of israel. it would be the retailing on behalf of a genocide vetoing on behalf of of assignment. but i do think there was a problem about the timing today. if this vote comes today, it will look like the us humiliated. so i think that these, i've tried them all, but if that, that is that, that is a factor. i think that'll be the, that those, that of considering whether it's put this resolution forward today we're thinking about that the us will be thinking about that as well. as i say also with the prospect of a nother v type in the company i was on a completely different issue. yeah. but it's, it's, it's crazy to think that
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a vote might be delayed given just how much is that steak and gaza at the moment. but you are assuming that the soonest there's a 4th is going to be c spy and cousin, which none of us is assuming that because nothing, yeah, has just said that even if the united states itself is not on boards, as with. busy land and vision of what i saw, but this rest of the democratic one would not whether this is a psychological fact or a real threat to is to be seen, but we still have this credibility gap, right. and that's what james talks about to tell you, every time secretary blinking comes to them at least mix promises, listens, then is assured, and makes us promises it or falls flat in the end of the day. because his read is not responding well to the united states. and it's ultimate, that is what it does, not us, it was funding was to american desires and advice. and as a matter of looking like a for every time a secretary of state or of secretary types come to the region this time around
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again on the line appointed. james just made secretary blinking is attending the walk up and some walk of it. yeah, no, the 1st time, not the 1st to even find him at the end of the walk at which means they are bought some bar still to the decision making behind this war. that me is if in fact is there and still goes on with it. i mean, i'm not, i cannot really take pay the innocent or do you know we started our best, what it didn't work, because it's ottoman, it's financing, and it's shielding. israel in the international arena. it's, it's thoughtfully completed in the united states. must bring is read not to, it's nice. what's bring, is there a, it's senses? do you not have a stable, essentially, and what spring is what to assess because i mark as much packed thing, i guess is drugs interest. that's what every american official has been saying. the past 5 months, we want that. what's in front of spines? best interest we want. what is your aerospace interception?
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chuck schumer said the day before yesterday. that's what by then i'm thinking upset the last 2 days. they are thinking of the best interest of is or nothing. you know, isn't that the now is thinking, but if he's all invest interest or his going issue was best interest. i know there's expressionist genocide, those a policies best interest model. i'm thank you very much, that is our senior political analyst model on the shadow, a diplomatic editor james base. and we will of course, be watching what happens at the un security council very closely over the next few hours to see if we do have that 2nd revised quoting for us, the spot and god. so thank you for now. well, let's now go to home. the son who was the correspondent and occupied east jerusalem . so how the, how the is radius viewing the v time of this resolution of the un security council? well, there's no official comment from these rallies on the us move in the un security council this afternoon, but they're also wasn't any comment from these really is when the us put forth the
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motion to begin with. it all comes on the heels of the us secretary of state anthony, blinking meeting with not only israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu with meeting with israel's ward cabinet as a whole. and according to reports within his really media, they're saying that there was a lot of disagreement between the 2 leaders. these really prime minister said that they discussed the ground invasion instead of fox. something that is of great concern to the united states that have said previously, it would be a mistake, calling it a red line. and this afternoon, these really prime minister having some remarks saying that he hopes to enter it off with us support. but if there is no us support on that front, these rallies are going to do it alone. and that's and you know, who says it's absolutely necessary in order to achieve a total victory. overcome us with the back and forth disagreement between the americans and the israelis continue or i tell him that thank you very much for that
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. that is on the son who were the nation live in occupied east jerusalem. well, let's recap. what's happened in the past hour, russia and china have vito a un draft resolution on gaza that was proposed by the united states. the measure would have, and i quote, he had to turn into imperative of an immediate cease fire with some countries felt of didn't go far enough and should have demanded a cease fire. any more from the pushed interest of associates, though we cannot allow the security council to become an instrument in the advancement of washington's destructive policy in the middle east. if this resolution is to be adopted, this would definitively close the door when it comes to discussions about the need for a cease fire in gaza. this would free the hands of israel, and it would result in all of cause a, in its entire population having to face destruction,
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devastation or expulsion we, while the american invest that a to the u. n. accused russia and china, of having cynical reasons for voting against the draft resolution. rushing china refuses to condemn us from burning people alive for gunning down innocent civilians at a concert for raping women and girls for taking hundreds of people hostage. this was the deadliest single attack on jews since the holocaust and a permanent member of this council can't even condemn it. i'm sorry it's, it's really our ages and it's below the dignity of this body. the 2nd reason behind this veto is not just cynical. it's also petit rushing, china simply did not want to vote for resolution that was pinned by the united states because they would rather see us fail then to see this counsel succeed for a while diplomatic efforts that the un go on. the israeli military has been
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carrying out a wave of attacks across the gaza strip. at least 18 people have been killed and strikes on homes, jocelyn and con eunice nathan on thursday night. and it's rarely a tax coach $10.00 in gaza. city this morning. the palestinian death toll since october, the 7th has risen to nearly so to 2000 people of the well let's go to a correspondent in gaza. thought it was a is joining us. i believe his live in the alpha and thought it, i wonder if people that are in any way called listen to what's happening at the un security council. does it have an impact that yes, in fact, elizabeth uh, people are completely here in the, in the gaza strip at any particular novel. hopefully, all the domestic efforts and just being made and difficult about the corrina in terms of the meeting and they are due on the security cam so,
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and they believe that they have been building a holding different meeting spot without taking any practical steps it over to to mitigate the crisis here because a circle or at least exec, more pressure on isabel, just k u brackets military attacks to stop, it's been a treat. genocide does have faith in the god. this trips, specifically the death toll on the casualties continue to rise on hourly basis inside the charge. we just find the international court of justice schools. i'm going to uh, to take ultimate midges in order to avoid casualties amongst civilians and mainly palestinians here believe that the american administration is backing up is when an old. okay. just in the old lorraine, is that what at all diplomatic efforts to end of the crisis here in that territory, but mainly also palestinian. see that a the ongoing talks being healed in cairo on the go. how can be proved to really the coming days of specifically in light of the american willingness and desire to
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have a 6 weeks up. the truth here aside, the goal is a stretch that might spring a kind of temper tranquillity on the ground floor. people want to and looking forward a kind of a full military in the for the fighting here on the ground and also to give that chance to the back to reach to return back to houses. and then other parts of garza, which yet to beings, i consider it to be one of the main office that goes in times on the roads or about shipping. smart agreement between from us on is go inside of the country is which was it against the us resolution. said that it had no mention of explicitly, you know, stopping israel from going ahead with a planned ground offensive. and at alpha where you can you just remind us about how much of goss this population is in drop the conditions for them and what's at stake for them? yes, um no, right now we're rough. uh,
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we are talking about more than $1500000.00 palestinians are taking shelter inside the very small area in the park, south of the country, specifically off to fully old. it is recommended to otis to flee from areas of bottles and to guarantee into some safety in the south. that was completely controversial to reality, where the bombardment continued here in a rough while we're talking about just the last hour. whether it's a more tax, a rough one, palestinian has been killed by the is running up abutment in the cost of mind of this, this new york city and the uh, the conditions in terms of the humanitarian, the medical one gets in the, by the much more west, we are talking about 3 hospitals, remaining part of the functional and providing medical services for a more that 85 percent of costs as population and tens of 8 supplies being delivered to this very justly part sonic. i'm really sorry to interrupt you, but we are going back to the un security council because we're hearing from the russian invested it again, let's listen to of what was being portrayed by the u. s. delegation will not invite
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to the representative. try to persuade us about i told all of you that you would be covering yourselves with this great voting for the u. s. texas river, which for you to including those for volunteering. it was unacceptable. it's hard to do. do you want me to tell you how things actually were? it's not difficult to see. it's not at all complicated. your u. s. lords and protectors have beyond a reading and a hand. so if you are leaders in capital, they told you that you should not be worried because the russian federation veto this in any way. but you would not go against the us text. that is when you get that's the control scenario. so don't try to hit the critically and tell us that you are now disappointed about russia in china vito. the resolution once again.
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today you have coverage yourselves with disgrace voting for a text which you yourselves do not support and did not support that's bringing on correspondent, who are standing by for us at the united nations listening to all of these proceedings. gabriel elizondo is joining us live from new york a 3rd time gave the russian ambassador to the un boss, lena bins. he has said that the united states that anyone who voted in favor of this resolution was covering themselves in disgrace. yeah, that's right. pretty strong words here for the russian investor and we now are seeing that perhaps he's really ambassador to the c u. n. is now perhaps because i'm really sorry to interrupt you as soon as you start speaking, but we have to going back to the security council because of these, these really investor has now smoking something that can be postponed, shows true moral clarity. the american revolution should have passed
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would have marked the moment of morality for the un. a place where good is evil and justice is injustice as it would have been the very 1st time that this council or any human body condemned from us and their brutal massacre. yet sadly, for purely political reasons, this resolution did not pass and terrorists can continue benefiting from discounts in white washing their crimes. colleagues, how can we explain to children in the around the world, the body mandated to uphold global peace and security refuses to condemn terry's for the most horrific crimes. the council's decision to not condemn come. mazda is a stain that will never be forgotten. colleagues, as these are as defend, its very future against those that c cover and i lation all human bodies have dedicated their discussions only to the situation in gaza and the civilian
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casualties. numbers is supplied by the terrorists are thrown around and quoted as if they are word of god. yet, in essence, these numbers are merely the live. they'll come us. the un is so quick to parrot. the time is come to put an end to dismiss. come us knows that they cannot defeat these red militarily. their goal is to a nightlight is red and their strategy is to terrorize our civilians. one weaponized being the international community to tie our hands in order to ensure their survival. and how do they do it? they use dozens as human shields in an effort to maximize civilian casualties, knowing that it will lead discounts, so the pressure is rarely and to end being the military operation. remember, please remember for is read every say really, and this is
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a tragedy for hum us. see really, and that's our a strategy or, and sadly, you are playing games to come up. so strategy, exactly as they predicted is rarely the law abiding democracy. we take every effort to minimize collateral damage, is red is gone above and beyond to ensure the safety of severely as we drop warning leaflets make tens of thousands of phone calls and provide guidance with military maps. the detailing safe corey doors is relas taken steps that no other military and any other conflict, any other conflict, has ever taken all in order to meet the gates civilian casualties. how much on the other hand built for years, hundreds of miles of carrolltown, those in which terry tides in our hostages are held. or why do they do it? how much does exactly this in order to explode, guys and civilian johnson?
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let's go to the palestinian invested us, can you take a look at the united nations visa v that draft resolution which was not adopted in the security council for the obvious reasons including it is one sided and it did not mention it except maybe one time and we reject framing what is happening as a title is an issue. it is a genocide against the entire population or the palestinian people in the gods. this trip also we would like to share with you that we as a group unanimous endorse and support the draft resolution by elected the members of the security concept which has been put in blue last night. and the security council would very soon,
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maybe this afternoon or tomorrow morning would vote on that the rest of the solution which the essence of it is coding for an immediate cease fire during the months overall mother, which we, you know, support because we want to save lives over the palestinian people in the gaza strip . and we want to have massive humanitarian assistance to the level of the needs of a lot of people. and we are against the force transfer inside guys an outside guys a and we are the we are the jack totally any attempts to store them and attack that off the area, including the city, open offer letter, stand here with all of my brothers and sisters,
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including the chair of the out of group for this month, then best that there will be a man is a strong statement that we are sending to the end to the entire international community and to the media and quote unquote motors over the globe that we are united we uh, we condemn in the strongest ends this genocide inflicted on the palestinian people in the gaza strip. that to lead to the killing of more than $52000.00 palestinians too. said of them, the women and children, and the number of then your people in excess of 74000. great number of them are women and children, and large number of that a scene in order for this. we wouldn't continue to do everything within our to
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dispose of. so the security concept to show that it's the responsibility to stop this war and to allow the better stadium people with the help of our brothers or sisters and the international community to be low and some guys to begin the process of the construction of guys and to the, to, to allow us to unions to go back to the places where they used to live in the guys us through before the 2nd. actually, let me model associated with you that we would have a meeting of the concert, a lot of ambassadors at 11 o'clock. we will discuss in details. advancing the uh, the uh, physician adopted by the combined up and muslim summit and for the
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summit of them to support the admission of the state to palestine to membership. and we are taking practical steps in this direction. and we will start mobilizing the largest number of countries to support us in that endeavor. and we hope that the security council would act on our application for admission at diminished theater at 11 sometime in paper. because there are 2 meetings in the security council next month. will be at 10 minutes to to 11, 1 november.
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