tv NEWS 30min Al Jazeera March 23, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST
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restricted understanding, the reality for these demonstrators, it's presidents must be solved, threatening the stability of the country. i'll just say it was teens across the world. when you click sense to the fonts at the store, the i so times responsibility for an attack on a constant hold in moscow and more than 60 people have been killed. the gunman. lodge the hello autumn. this is elsie on life. also coming off the drugs to be solutions was not being adopted wanting to the new permanent member of the concert. the un
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security council fails to policy us resolution recognizing the need for an immediate cease fire and gaza, russia, china, and algeria said, it doesn't go far enough to protect and housed in the us. secretary of state means as there are lots of tweaks and comments to benjamin netanyahu to insist he'll go ahead with an assault on drop from web over washington support. and will instead of go with presidential candidates, have been holding the final values ahead of elections on sunday. the authorities in moscow is searching for several gun went off to an attack on a constant hold, which has left more than 60 people dead around $150.00 others were injured when the shoes, a storm, the venue in open file i sold, has claimed responsibility joseph giovanni before from us cause
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the inside one of the biggest performance then use the moscow gunman open fire as they make their way through the caracas concert hall, leaving a trail of bodies behind. and this is a scene. once gunman reach the main auditorium. there's panic and chaos as hundreds of concert bars. try to escape the scene. the shooting. there were many dead and wounded. a flat spots have been now. all i heard was gunshots, that's it. and inferno also breaks out, taking firefighters hours to contain a tax on this scale, are rare in russia. this incidents has raised questions about the security services abilities. security guards of this and concert hall were not armed. they
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had only new users or something like that. they didn't have with the weapons, so no one is really a trip there for a major terrorist attack. and that's going to, of course, that'd be, that's not good for the grammar. the russian foreign ministry is calling this an act of terrorism, while the investigative committee has opened a criminal investigation. while the capital is not under locked down or curse to a number of events over the weekend here has been cancelled including concerts. the u. s. embassy has warned of a possible terror attacks of a large crowded areas earlier this month. what's eventually to is one of the definitely is in russia, in well over a decade. door such as laurie l 20. moscow. the white house is what americans have been advised to avoid launch gatherings in the russian capital of the images are
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just horrible and just hard to watch. and our thoughts obviously, are going to be with the victims of this terrible, terrible shooting attack. you look at that video, if you haven't, you got to recognize that there's a moms and dads and brothers and sisters and sons and daughters that haven't gotten the news yet. and this is going to be a tough day. so our thoughts are with them. you might have also seen, hopefully is our state, the state department or embassy air. a, put out a notice to all americans in moscow to avoid any large gathering concerts, obviously, shopping malls, anything like that. good boston is joe global as lot of politics at deacon university and melvin. and he says of russian interventions and have gone to sit on a rock and syria could have been the motion for the attack. this is in causing problems with this device. it's not got us on it has a 5, isn't almost all the people problems of, of the cost on
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a couple of $1000.00 people. but they launched on this and dozens of attacks inside of coming to them, including it is the, the russian embassy and against chinese and other attempts. russia beach is probably in isis unless this kind of propaganda. and there are many russian nationals associated with isis that also arises in cars and problems. so this attack is probably the type of convenience, but the way there's been 6, they attacked it as long site as claimed. but last night is in russia pro, outside the corpus is a cause a, they say that russia has, well, that's hands, it isn't. what's happened not got us done, but also in syria or in the rock. and you can sort of understand the logic. but the fact that we've got a connection with russian nationals probably explains what's going on. the, as the un security council has failed to pass
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a new us resolution recognizing the need for an immediate cease 5 and gaza, russia china and algeria version against the draft. gabriel and his on the reports from new york, the united states was reminded on friday that precise language is key when it comes to un security council. resolutions goes against russia and china vetoed us draft resolution the cold for a cease fire, but didn't specifically demand wine boating. instead saying the ceasefire was simply imperative language like that, russia argued would not hold is real accountable culture. but it came on, you let those 2 i wish to draw attention to the following. the us draft contains in effective green light for israel to mountain military operation. in rafa, algeria the only aero the member on the council also voted against us draft, regrettably, to the resolution for the short or followed expectations.
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the us ambassador said the veto. what cynical the and petty russian trying to simply did not want to vote for resolution that was pinned by the united states because they would rather see us fail. then to see this counsel succeed yada a small south american country and an elected member of the council abstain, arguing the us draft failed to call out israel. why then, why did relevant demands in the resolution not clearly addressed to the occupying power? not even once was this done. indeed, if one were to read this resolution without background knowledge, it would be difficult to ascertain which party in this conflict is committing the choice of peace and gossip frustrated over inaction on gaza. a majority of the 10 non permanent members of the council had been circulating their own draft resolution and it does demand an immediate cease fire. a vote is expected saturday
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morning. the us is already signaled they have some problems with the draft, but it's unclear if the us will use it's vito power to block it. you give me what this weekend to flush your good and if the us the serious about the ceasefire, then please vote in favor of the other draft resolution. clearly calling for a ceasefire. 6 months into israel's hor, on gaza. the counselors in agreement cease fire is long overdue, but add an impact on how to achieve it. so meeting research on gabriel's on don't. how does it at united nations in new york? thought a couple of them as in jeff uh and southern gaza and he has more reaction to that failed resolution the general sentiment among cause since they are completely frustrated as they are completely full, if it has lost the trust in terms of the sense of the international community typically that they're happy multiple fairly, as regarding the arrival to us,
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these 4 agreements that between how much on the is what i'm. this is terrifying, specifically that with us a had a full set and veto against 3 resolutions. quoting for an immediate sanction of fighting on the ground and therefore a holding a ceasefire to now there are also still have a window of hope regarding the american that's f, as in cooperation with cassandra egypt in order to bridge the gaps of arguments between both spots who are, are, who are fighting on the ground, and also to allow for the flu with the humanitarian supplies for desperate concepts . but let's be completely realistic that goes on a freight from the possibility of reaching for a temper ceasefire agreement, in which officer, the funny thing will be resumed again, which means that there is no, any critical change might be taking place as the majority of desperate people here once a complete cessation of hostilities and a guarantee for for which had for the majority of displaced to their houses in
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other parts of the 2 or 3. the us secretary of state has wrapped up his license visit to them at least to me, blanket and said he held the kind of discussions with his riley problem is to benjamin netanyahu warning against his plans of ground defensive and dropped off on the cell who supports from occupied east jerusalem, yet another diplomatic push us secretary of state and to me blinking landed until a be to meet with top is really officials. but this time with a shift until it's blinking 6th visit to israel since october 7th. and this was a chance to express washington's disapproval of the impending ground invasion of gauze. the southern most city of a major military ground operation process is not the way to do it at risk killing more civilians. it was
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a routine greater having with the version of the manager and assistance. it was further isolating is really around the world and jeopardize is long term security in spanish. but prime minister benjamin netanyahu maintains a ground defensive and drop off is the only way to achieve what he calls an absolute victory. sure, a little bit. we have no way to defeat him off without entering rasa in eliminating the rest of the hum us battalions there. and i told him that i hope we will do it with the support of the united states. but if we have to, we will do it alone. despite that threat, israel has sent a delegation to dell. how, or talks with hamis are on going to secure a ceasefire. blinking says mediators are trying to bridge the gaps on remaining sticking points, but anonymous is really official said, no real progress has been made. next week, israel will send
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a delegation to washington to brief american officials on its military strategy in drop off with nearly one and a half 1000000 palestinians are sheltering there. in the us fears the planned operation will put more lives in danger and impede the delivery of 8 from the statute as ito occupied east jerusalem to san diego. and now it presidential hopefuls have been holding the final values before and actions on sunday. the country was plunged into crisis after president monkeys solve postponing the election last month. the constitutional cancelled and rescheduled the village. nicholas hawk has moved from the valley an invalid for the election, but the jury, this town pain has risen to start. as many people here hope that
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today due to the continuity of the states, i think is extremely important. you cannot build on ruins. i think some things have been achieved in senegal and we need to consolidate. we need to defensive, we need to broaden, we need to improve. we need to move foster the crowd at this route. we do not trust . and i do by the same name as a continued the president. my key solved, lived other crowd behind me. many of them were young kids, when murphy sold came to power. they see age on life by someone that represents on there as far as the xerox and headboard still ahead on knowledge of the following months of speculation about her whereabouts. the case princess of wales explains her absence. the
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low day after very warm start to spring across north america. things the tiny more wintry this we can. we've got a gnostic batch of storms developing across the se, states of the us. they're gonna sweep across the east coast, bring for rushes, wins very heavy rain with a threat of flooding out a wintery edge to eastern parts of canada, where we have had red warnings out full that varies for that very heavy snow. behind that it is looking much clearer across the great lake, stretching down towards the gulf of mexico because the move wintery and wet weather started to creep its way from the west coast across some central areas. the rockies seen that heavy snow. i'm as it'd be most snow across the midwest, minneapolis seeing some heavy falls on sunday with blustery winds, blowing up from the south, bringing slid that heavy rain to the likes of colorado. and for the south,
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it was we had south, it's essentially america and the caribbean. the unsettled whether the total and all of that system pulls across cuba and the bahamas. so some pretty ferocious thunder storms. it could see some destruction from that, with the heavy rain, some heavier rain pulling across southern parts of mexico. and the leaves will see the temperature come down in police city on sunday. that's you with the a human appeal. we know just how precious every moment of rema time is. every 2nd, please be you diploma. brings you the opportunity to embrace the spirit and blessings of mercy. your 13 nights is a human appeal platform, which enables you to automate you with a nation's on every night to from a done hoping to make the most of this beautiful month. trust us with your messy
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this ramadan. the challenges they are out of man is donovan, to ha, reminder of on top stories to sell more than 60 people have been killed off. they've done the storm to concent venue. in most corner authorities are still searching for the attack. isn't so engine moving a 100? and since the people i sold him has claimed responsibility the united nations security council has failed to pass a new us resolution recognizing the need for an immediate cease fire and also russia, china and algeria voted against saying drunk, didn't do enough to protect civilians. the us house of representatives has voted to
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band funding to the key palace to be an aid agency on why as possible 1.220 and all a bunch of bill. the move comments and response to, as well as claimed on what employees were involved in the ex or the 7th attacks. the other role spending bill is meant to avoid a partial us government shutdown at midnight and now goes to the senate for a final vote. the u. s. has historically been the largest fund off the 8 organization may have a while as the national executive director of the council on american islamic relations. and he says the band with hom, the most vulnerable palestinians. it says a major set back to on the rows. it could to get a mission today to have to help save the palestinians. and at wind the, the organization can survive with the, with the help from the rest of the world. but as you said, us is the lion's share of, of, of the supporters of,
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of the united nations. and the, you know, this way, it was just a be complicit with the set up. is there a, in suffocating defense thing? and in pushing a tens of thousands of young children into a, a mazda nutrition. and we have seen the number is increasing the depth of people, especially children, were almost at 30 people who died 27 of them children. and this is a, it is a void that gets him, it's a man made state is set up. is there a made catastrophe, aided supplied, supported political, be protected by the united states government unfortunately. so the world health organization is one in children and gaza dying from now nutrition says getting more age into the strip is the only way to prevent famine for tomorrow had has more children and gaza are struggling to survive. mohammed is suffering from
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malnutrition. his mother says food has become nearly impossible to find how mostly a small yesterday i took my 11 year old son to have his blood tested and the result came on, his blood count was 11. how's that possible? that's very low and weak. but what can we do? there's no x, no meet, no, proceeded, no fish, no vegetables either snap others suffering from the serious medical conditions are getting worse due to lack of food and medicine. what are the small cystic fibrosis? how do you have cystic fibrosis? this disease requires a lot of care. we have been at war for 5 months. no, nothing is available anymore. day by day, his condition has deteriorated. so the world health organization teams and got to say children are dying from a combination of malnutrition and disease. nearly 32000 palestinians have been killed in israel's war on gaza. tens of thousands have also been injured,
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but dr. st malnutrition lowers their chances of survival. america is the lack of food and the lack of availability of certain types of food affect the patient. as a wooden stone teal, this poses a serious risk to life. as all israel has severely restricted 8 supplies to god, the. the world health organization says opening up more routes is the only way to prevent of famine. requests to deliver to supplies that often blocked or refused has done these drugs and continuous fighting, including in close to hospitals mean delivers, are few. and so the international community is pushing for more a to be allowed at the gaza. and until that happens, children will continue to suffer spent in monahan, alex's era to the occupied westbank with his being another night of violent
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disability rights. palestinians confronted his reading forces june incursions in bed. it's the and sort of cut in since the wall and gas of again, it has been conducted almost daily evades. well than 400 palestinians have been killed and 7000 detained. i'm in ramallah is ready for has killed a palestinian man. investigate to say he targeted and is ready settlement an injured at least 7 soldiers in a shooting. little con has moved from the occupied westbank. i'm in the village of the of the i was from here the early i was a friday morning and was you all have college. i made his way with a guns towards the face of to illegal is where the sacraments that he shot towards the settler foster didn't enjoy any one. he didn't hit out on the side of a hill and that's where he got into a fight flight for these right ami? he ended 7 soldiers, one critically, an apache helicopter suckling above fy towards him. local, say the 2nd shot to hit him and he was a carried away on
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a stretcher. while we were filming the army shot to guess that's how simple the drug even though clearly labeled as press the army, surround it, and then run, sacked his family homes to the rest of his brother and his wife and interrogates. just follow the in the house because obviously what happened to that, but i mean, my son was tough. he worked as a part of he didn't have any problems in his life, and there was no sign that he was planning this. well, he kept listening to the news and he was always sad about what's happening in does a person under or funding it or this, right? another trip left to waste just as the home office i had kind of just, i just want to show you some of the destruction of left in the way this runs data such as being smashed close for the entire life full i flew and just next to i'll take you into the children's veteran. it's all over here. it's been so sweet an awfully run fox. you look inside that close that twice. once again,
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straight across the floor. now this time you left to pick up the pieces while they moved his desk north on out to sierra delta c a. the occupied westbank a u lead as a 1st assumption and brussels which included the 1st unified corner for an immediate humanitarian pools and gaza. they also promised continued military support for ukraine, and that's will with russia. natasha bucket reports. that's what the main thing is come out of this to day. somebody says you need is agreeing on a humanitarian pause and the flights and your goal so that they hope will lead to a sustainable seas find out that is significant because since the beginning of the conflict, the last october, the e. u has been divided over this issue. you've had countries including jimmy, who's been a store, supporters of israel, all the countries on the other side, for example, stay know,
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islands in belgium saying that israel's actions in goals and finally to international violated humanitarian a new. so there was never any decision that were common ground when it came to quoting for us, these 5, what has changed in recent weeks in recent months is the tone when it comes to addressing isabel got suddenly become a critical hair in a circle. but also as a catastrophic humanitarian situation in garza who's really a focus mines, not something the many you need is spoke about when they came a we heard for example, from belgium's prime minister, talking about the fact that it was unacceptable. there's so many palestinians, all facing, of funding. what you need is also talked about ukraine, that all the a big priority and they pledge ongoing military aid and support for ukraine. they said for as long as it's a takes, this is of course movie to use of to russians. invasion of ukraine,
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the modem is lexical, ukraine's, ukraine's presence also addressing some is saying that he hopes himself, of course, that a continued support. and the lead is looking also the possibility in the future of using some profits from phrase and russian assets in order to be able to buy a weapons for keys, especially butler, which is 0. roughly a prominent gang needed and hazy has been killed by police. the latest exchange of gunfire in the capital, fighting between gangs and told her friends as for thousands to free their homes, access all of which reports a guns fighting haiti's capital as gang spite to take way to control the country's following further decay us. so they're attacking public buildings and creating a climate. the fear police say the shot that the head of the dell must 95 gang known as t. i greg who escaped jail in a prison breakout earlier this month. his that is
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a setback for jimmy shut easier, also known as barbecue, who's heading in the lines of gangs that have fueled unrest in the caribbean nation . and our calling prime minister are real henri to resign. he's agreed to step down, allowing the start of negotiations on forming an interim government. but the power vacuum is being filled by armed groups. thousands of people have been killed and thousands more made homeless. the international airport is closed, as are many businesses making it difficult for people to get food and basic supplies. we now have a situation all of the options, the 5500000 of the 11.4 publication is in need of some type of human attack assistance. and that is, as you can imagine, me, sir, is the significant number and not have those 5 point. 53www are children.
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do united states is evacuating its citizens, while many people are trying to cross it to the neighboring dominican republic. haiti has suffer from years of turmoil, made horrors by 4 and interventions, political corruption and natural disasters as violence spreads, the government is extending a night's time curfew to try to limited access. i'm which out is there. catherine, the princess of wales says she has cancer and is undergoing chemotherapy. the british rule. it hasn't shed details about the type of cancer. john hall has moved from london a week. so steve of speculation about the health of britons, princess of wales has come to this a 2 minute video statement on a pretty pump, been draped catherine revealing that she's being treated for cancer in january i on the one major dose audrey and london on at the time it was thought that my condition was known concert us. the surgery was successful. however,
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the test to the operation found cancer has been present kensington palace as these traditional is made, few details known about the princess as health. while she's been absent from public duties, often major abdominal surgery in january, i'm sorry. where is kate middleton? i do wish that there's more transfer you to a vacuum of official information and online frenzy of conspiracy theories flourished. they were fueled by a family portrait release to reassure the public, but pulled by press picture agencies offered was revealed to being digitally altered by catherine herself. she admitted and enthusiastic about a photographer. in this week, it was alleged that stuff at the london hospital where she was treated, had access to private medical records. and the investigation is on the way with friday's video statement suggesting the possible data breach false, the royal communications machine. to get a head of a leak to the media,
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they hope you'll understand that as a family, we now created so time space and purposely. while i complete my treatments, it's been a tory few months for britain's royal family. in february, it was announced that king charles had an undisclosed form of cancer following treatment for an enlarged, prostate. 2 of the family's most senior and hard working figures rocked by your health and out of the public eye. it is a royal house, now family and crises less than 2 years after the death of its longest serving monarch, the queen. during the whole elder 0 former us president donald trump's social media platform. truth social is set to become a pub, busy listed company. shareholders and digital world acquisition corporation, signed off on a deal to acquired the agreement with set trump up for a possible multi $1000000000.00 pay day between ly from shareholders, clay, as a major hurdle.
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