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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 23, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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the dozens of children bound him up during them and executed them. this information has been used by official spokes person to the 7 on tuesday or the at least 60 people are killed at a concert in moscow. and i some that includes claims responsibility, the hello um it is a problem and this is alex is here on line from dog. ha. also coming up a us resolution recognizes a need for a see sign in gauze or fails to possibly un security council vote on a set 1st most strongly wooded measure is set for the coming days. major military
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ground operation process is not the way to do it. the us secretary of state needs as well, with a warning body. prime minister benjamin netanyahu says he'll send a trip to drop off without washington. and we're in senegal. residential candidates have been holding this title valleys ahead of sunday's election. the prussian security forces are searching for the gunmen who carried out a mass shooting at a musket in concert hold. at least 60 people were killed and a 150 ended. the attack a storm, the venue on friday night and opened fire and i select group is claim responsibility. dosage of already begins our coverage from moscow of the inside. one of the biggest performance
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then use of moscow gunmen open fire as they make their way through the caracas concert hall, leaving a trail of bodies behind. and this is a scene. once gunman reach the main auditorium. there's panic and chaos as hundreds of concert bars. try to escape the scene. the shooting. there were many dead and wounded. a flat spots, and then now all i heard was gunshots, that's it. and inferno also breaks out, taking firefighters hours to contain a tax on this scale are rare in russia. this incidence has raised questions about the security services abilities. security guards of this and concert hall were not armed. they had only new users or something like that. they didn't have with the
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weapons, so no one is really a trip there for a major terrorist attack. and that's going to, of course, the beast that's not good for the crap on the russian foreign ministry is calling this an act of terrorism. while the investigative committee has opened a criminal investigation, while the capital is not under locked down or curse to a number of events over the weekend here has been cancelled including concerts. the u. s. embassy had warned of a possible terror attacks of a large crowded areas earlier this month. what's eventually that is one of the definitely is in russia, in well over a decade. door such as laurie l 20. moscow. the white house is old, american civilian wants to avoid major gatherings of the russian capital. some of the images are just horrible and just hard to watch. and our thoughts obviously are going to be with the victims of this terrible,
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terrible shooting attack. you look at that video, if you haven't, you got to recognize that there's a moms and dads and brothers and sisters and sons and daughters that haven't gotten the news yet. and this is going to be a tough day. so our thoughts are with them. you might have also seen, hopefully is our state, the state department or embassy there, put out a notice to all americans in moscow to avoid any large gathering concerts, obviously, shopping malls, anything like that. earlier this month, the u. s. embassy in moscow wanted about the possibility of an attack. alan fisher has moved from washington dc. what is clear is that even though there is this distrust between the united states and russia at the moment, they are still sharing intelligence about incidents like this. and that has certainly happened in the last couple of weeks. the russians have asked for the us to send through early information that actually gathered. there may be some
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reluctance by the americans to do that because that could possibly reveal sources. but it's clear that the 2 governments, what costly together, particularly as in the last couple of hours the united states has said that i sole key where behind this attack, and that was the group. did one of the russians about more than 2 weeks ago. glen com is the us national security and foreign policy specialist, and he says america is still showing intelligence with russia despite strained donations. but i have a different uh, a way to characterize. however, the warning by the united states earlier and the incidents of terrorist attacks in jihad is kind of terrorist attacks in russia. and they actually have a long uh, problem. longstanding problem with in particular, chechen islamic terrace who oppose what they view as russian imperialism and pauses
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apostasy, or, or godlessness and so on by the russian state. they haven't attacked in recent years, but there's a, a long sweat from them. the, the notification was a warning by the u. s. was 2 weeks ago, i think, and it was different than the standard avoid the dangerous places of gatherings of large numbers of people and said there's a risk of a terrorist islamic terrorist attack which the russians then the intrusion specifically denounced is a this information campaign to destabilize russian, which is nonsense nearest would not do that. if there is a terrorist attack, the information that the us has does share directly with russian intelligence the and in this instance publicly. so i think that's what happened. my initial, the thought was that it would be the directions but isis, which is more from afghanistan,
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has claimed that the, the un security council has failed to pass a new us resolution recognizing the need for an immediate cease fire and gaza. russia, china and algeria voted against the measure, gabriel and his under reports from new york. so united states was reminded on friday that precise language is key when it comes to un security council. resolutions goes against russia and china vetoed us draft resolution. the cold for cease fire, but didn't specifically demand wine boating. instead saying the ceasefire was simply imperative. it's a new language like that. russia argued would not hold is real accountable culture, but the theme on you. but i wish to draw attention to the following. the us draft contains an effective green light for israel to mount the military operation and rough algeria. the only air of a member on the council also voted against us draft,
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regrettably, to the resolution for the short or followed expectations. the us ambassador said the veto. what cynical the and petty russian trying to simply did not want to vote for resolution that was pinned by the united states because they would rather see us fail. then to see this counsel succeed yada a small south american country and an elected member of the council abstain, arguing the us draft failed to call out israel. why then, why did relevant demands in the resolution not clearly addressed to the occupying power? not even once was this done. indeed, if one were to read this resolution without background knowledge, it would be difficult to ascertain which party in this conflict is committing the choice of peace and gossip frustrated over inaction on gaza. a majority of the 10
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non permanent members of the council had been circulating their own draft resolution and it does demand an immediate cease fire. me what decision to you if the us the serious about the ceasefire, then please vote in favor of the other draft resolution. clearly calling for a ceasefire 6 months. and israel's hor, on gaza. the counselors in agreement cease fire is long overdue. but at an impact on how to achieve it. so meeting research on gabriel's on don't out is either at united nations in new york. the us secretary of state has wrapped up his license visit to the middle east anthony blanket and said he held kind of discussions with us where the problem is to benjamin netanyahu warning against his plans for a ground defensive and at all, fine southern gaza on the side of who reports from occupied east jerusalem. yet another diplomatic push us secretary of state. and to me blinking landed intel
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would be to meet with top is really officials. but this time with a shift in tone. it's blinking 6th visit to israel since october 7th. and this was a chance to express washington's disapproval of the impending ground invasion of gauze, the southern most city. that's a major military ground operation. and robin is not the way to do it at risk killing more civilians. it was a freaking grader having with the version of the manager and assistance at risk, further isolating israel around the world and jeopardize is long term security and status. but prime minister benjamin netanyahu maintains a ground defensive and drop off is the only way to achieve what he calls an absolute victory. sure, a little bit. we have no way to defeat him off without entering rasa in eliminating the rest of the mosque battalions there. and i told him that i hope we will do it
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with the support of the united states. but if we have to, we will do it alone. despite that threat, israel has sent a delegation to dell. how, or talks with him us are on going to secure a ceasefire. blinking says mediators are trying to bridge the gaps on remaining sticking points. but anonymous is really official said, no real progress has been made. the next week, israel will send a delegation to washington to brief american officials on its military strategy in drop off. for nearly one and a half 1000000 palestinians are sheltering there. in the us fears the planned operation will put more lives in danger and impede the delivery of 8 from the substitute as a 0 occupied east. jerusalem. un secretary general antonio gutierrez, just set to visit the it off of border crossing on saturday. to reiterate has called for humanitarians, he's fine. he made
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a weird because on the egypt and side of the boat to the crossing has been a vice with gateway for humanitarian supplies into this trip during the war. around 1500000 palestinians who fed flushing elsewhere have crammed into the alpha. the us senate has passed to $1.00 trillion dollar funding bill to avoid a partial government shutdown. it came off to hours of debase one of the provisions as yet on bad, on financial support for the un agency, for palestinian refugees on why israel says 12 of us employees took part on the 27th of tax, but hasn't provided evidence. the us, as the agencies biggest, don't on me have, i was the national executive director of the council on american islamic relations . and he says the bad will affect the most vulnerable palestinians a. this is a major set back to on the rows. it could to get a mission today to have to help save the palestinians and why the,
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the organization can survive with the, with the help from the rest of the world. the u. s. is the lion's share of, of, of the supporters of, of the united nations and the, you know, this way, it was just a be complicit with the set up. is there a, in suffocating defense thing? and in pushing a tens of thousands of young children into a, a mazda nutrition. and we have seen the number is increasing the depth of people, especially children of we're almost at 30 people who die 27 of them children. and this is a, it is a void that gets him, it's a man made state instead of it is there a made catastrophe, a did supplied, supported political people, effective by the united states government. unfortunately, there's been another night of his raining rates in the occupied west back. oh oh,
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how is to me and confronted this very forces during incursions and that is the answer to cut in since the war and gaza began in october. the army has been conducting raids nearly every day. over 440 palestinians have been killed and 7500 detained it, destroying the receipts and in the occupied westbank. but many say the best berries go on in palestine come from gaza. but as well as well has destroyed farm and communities, or con, has been meeting families in the city of phone, cut them incense, this report, as the smell of sweet store breeze was through. this found me run foam in tow. crowds with foam is a working fost to fill a short full the usual input from guns that have stopped leading a void and the local market of palestinian parties. the business was so lucrative and gone to the fruit was known as red gold. the sweetest grown if they tell noon and state law here, what i'll do,
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sarah filmed 4 years ago. now the war has destroyed farming communities, and everyone in gulf is threatened with salvation. experts say military hardware bones of damage the soil for many years that to me that the destruction of the farms and soil is why due to the military vehicles. and there will be use of destruction because of the material used in the explosives. and 1st correspond to use that this will affect the land and water for the long to get back in token and found that was apple, maddie and says harvesting the fruit is become increasingly dangerous a little bit. i mean, lot of soldiers are protecting these release tests on the test and we don't know what they could do. they may pick up the guns and stop shooting and they talking to the neighbors called was alive. but when he was trying to go to his farm, we're driving to another part of the watson and we were turned back earlier in the morning, as the farmers said, it's ready the soldiers with their it's dangerous to great parties here about 400
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meters away. isn't a legal is right, assessment is protected by is right. the soldiers pharmacy is say, since october, the 7th, when they've attempted to access the line, the often open fire at some this fruit is right for picking, but it's sometimes left throughout the, in this room, all the market to all cell phones from going so would compete every year with this really produced the silver stools, even though the amount coming from gone so would often vary depending on these radio restrictions. the fruit is popular with bias. the i see profound piece, i'm speaking, but my heart is chattering. this is the 1st time i have boots to raise the season, but i'm not sure if i enjoyed them with increasingly tight to restrictions on local farm is then not able to produce enough to fill the short full. so it's really sore brace still fill the small kits, meaning this sweet fruit for so many as we're moving to the base to reality. the
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con elda 0, occupied westbank, still ahead on algebra, escalating bottoms on the streets of hazy, again, later, was killed by police. thousands please, flushing the cache on the critical debate. pony farmers are angry, people are starving, and we actually have to exports all goods because we need money to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments for addition to the highest level have been using games for this policy, could be cut out to him. and course the arrivals inside story on al jazeera, examining the headlines is it or is hopefully today for the forms of life and
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unflinching journalism? awesome. every interview, just like the war sharing personal stories with a globe, or would you want to create a ropes for women? come and feel natur, released that trauma and creates explore, and abundance of world class programming on eligibility era. on counting the cost and you play a pallet is back in the energy debate, is it on the edge of a come back to you has pledged funny as of dollars to cash strapped egypt, what's behind the deal? and how could a potential battle takes all the math and creations and businesses counting the cost on algebra? the the,
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the washing. i'll just say all the me elizabeth, put on them. and uh huh. reminder of on top stories, this russian police a hunting for several gunmen suspected of carrying out of mass shooting at a most school concert, for at least 60 people were killed and around a $150.00 injured. and i some links group has claimed responsibility the united nations security council has failed to pass. a us dropped and resolution that recognize the need for an immediate cease fire. and also russia, china, algeria launched against it, saying the text didn't do enough to protect civilians. and the us senate has passed to 1.220 and dollar funding bill to avoid a partial government town. one of the provisions in ban on financial support for the u. one agency for palestinian refugees. the us, as its biggest donna introduce a prominent journalist and crusher of president chi size has been detained. a jobs says, well, how much vogala was arrested on friday off to insulting
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a public official on social media and on a radio program. his support has many of them. journalists, according on president side to stop restrictions on freedom of speech in tennessee . yeah. the presidential hopefuls, instead of all having holding this final rallies before sundays and action, the country was punched in to cross a softer president monkeys held postpone the election just days before it was due to take place. the constitutional council they've been rescheduled the vote because hawk has moved from the valley and invoice the they've already. 1 the election, but the jury this town paid reason to store the many people here who
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will change the country and be elected under the treasure. the amount of rent the product is. this has become the symbol of the opposition. their hope that you might reach to victory. and so we corruption the right now, but the biggest selling the candidates up against them being oppressed today. the continuity of the states,
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i think is extremely important. you cannot build in ruins. i think some things have been achieved in senegal and we need to consolidate. we need to defensive, we need to broaden, we need to improve. we need to move foster the. 5 that this row and do not trust and i do by, they seen him as a to infinity of president marquee solved, looked at the crowd behind me. many of them were young kids, when mucky sold, came to power. they seem to enjoy life by someone that represents their aspirations . i'll give you your options. headboard, china is closed. scott has 5 water cabins at of for the pain supply vessel and the south china sea. the philippine mil latrice as the vessels sustained damage, but there are no reports of casualties. the incident took place near the 2nd. tomba showed that the disputed wave controlled by manila, but also claimed by china, taiwan and vietnam, having a stroke of maritime incidents between china and the philippines and recent months
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. violence and hayes use capital has driven more than 30000 people from puerto products. and the last 13 days, a prominent gang leader has been killed by police and one of the latest incidents, the international communities urging a ceasefire to allow aid to reach those in need. axles on the wedge for pulse, a gun fight in haiti's capital. as gang spite to take way to control the country's following further decay us. they were attacking public buildings and creating a climate the fear. police say they shot the head of the dell most 95 gang known as t. i. greg, who escaped gillian, a prison breakout earlier this month of his that is a set back for jimmy shut easier. also known as barbecue, who's heading in the lines of gangs that had fueled unrest in the caribbean nation
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. and our calling prime minister ariel henri to resign. he's agreed to step down, allowing the start of negotiations on forming an interim government. but the power vacuum is being filled by armed groups. thousands of people have been killed and thousands more made homeless. the international airport is closed as our many businesses making it difficult for people to get food and basic supplies. we now have a situation all of the options. 5.5000000 of the 11th of the nation is in need of some type of human attack assistance. and that is, as you can imagine, is there a significant number and not with those 553w are children. do united states is evacuating its citizens, while many people are trying to cross into the neighboring dominican republic. haiti has suffer from years of turmoil, metaphors by 4 and interventions,
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political corruption, and natural disasters as violence sprites. the government is extending a night's time curfew to try the limited access. i'm gonna reach out to 0, man is waiting opposition. data money, according to machado, has named an alternate candidate, a 2 year old professor, according to your to is to run in her place an upcoming presidential elections. that's off of the countries quote, followed her from holding public office for 15 years. president's nicolai's mother to prompt his international condemnation for an alleged pressure campaign against machado to the company that runs former us president donner from social media platform. truth social, a set to go public. shareholders and digital world acquisition cooperation, signed off on a deals decline the firm trump full control, at least 58 percent of the new company was maybe $3000000000.00. it's a windfall that could help his legal was pushed and salumi has moved from new york
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in this move is expected to pump millions of dollars into trump, media, and technology group. the company behind trump's social media platform form truth social and it could also potentially provide a fresh source of cash for the former president as he space as mounting legal bills . the market value of trump media has been placed at $5000000000.00 and the former president share the company would be $3000000000.00, but he would not have access to that money. he could not sell his shares for 6 months unless the board of directors wouldn't grant him a waiver. now, the former president is facing a monday deadline to come up with $454000000.00 to cover a penalty. and a civil fraud case here in new york, he's been unable to secure that funding for
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a bond while that case. and that decision is on appeal. and so he is at risk of having assets seized. and at the same time, he owes another $88000000.00 to a former magazine writer e jean carol, who sued him for defamation. so mounting costs for the former president, but trump media set in a statement before this merger that the move to go public will help the social media platform to enhance its product. christmas, lee, me, i'll just share a new york and the u. k. cash with the princess of wales. so she has cancer and is undergoing chemotherapy as far as weeks of speculation about her health and whereabouts she was hospitalized for abdominal surgery. in january, concannon's was also receiving treatment for cancer, said he was proud of his daughter in law for freaking out the princess off the time space and privacy for her family. and that set for me,
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elizabeth put on him with there was next. the inside story looks at us secretary of state and asked me lincoln's most recent visit to the middle east. and you can always keep up to date with all the news on our website. i'll just say, i don't. com. the the had a lot of that was done in the middle east and live and, and it's turned rather gloomy and cloudy across parts of the gulf. that's thanks to this rash of cloud. it's bringing some heavier rain to pop of saudi arabia. the next few days we can see some flooding from that ray, so the showers as well touching in so could talk, developing across q, wait and buck ray, but the west of that range starting to push across iraq as we go into sunday. much cooler feel across the events and across the field as well for the north west of
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africa. thanks to a swelling system. we're getting some when, when the weather to the canary islands, some of that trailing off across morocco. this is a story of a strong feathery, when that's kicking up this a har resend that will push across into the iberian peninsula over the next few days. now we've seen a lot of hate to close eastern parts of africa, but temperatures are starting to come down slightly and sit in the high thirty's for in jemina in chad. the heat continues, however, full botswana above average, temperatures here, well in the way of west. so whether developing and you can see those strong winds starting to push the rain from madagascar into mozambique, and east and south africa with some very heavy rain to come full of sue to on sunday of the heroes from al, just on the go and meet tonight. out is there is only mobile app,
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is that the, this is where we just fix allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and typed on a new app from out to 0 new at you think is it the nearest extra estate is on his 2nd visit to the middle east in israel. stuff is worn, johns up, so was added to the blink and got to offer this kind of washington pressure, israel's government to change direction. this is inside story. the don't welcome to the program i'm the clock is secretary of state as in bought from
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another diplomatic tour of the mid least stop society or a bit egypt and telling me is all part of it push receipts far green.


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