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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 23, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm AST

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feel that can possibly be the, [000:00:00;00] the head of the clock. this is the news on life from the coming out for the next 60 minutes, rushes present violence to punish those responsible for an attack on a most good concert whole. at least 133 people were killed when gunman storms, the building, the more disturbing videos. imagine people inside the whole taking cover to try and evade the attackers. the group linked to iso, it's claimed responsibility. also ahead, let's change the size is help the size of the home and the right side of the east.
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yes, you and so you general to any gutierrez visiting agent forwarded with guns, a cooling for an immediate cease fire to allow more agents and strips come down to election day and send a goal of to week to on 2nd to the final preparation to be made for sundays folks to list, then you press the comments for and that's for staffing and says sundays australian grand prix of will be a close race. after dominating the start of the season, the result driver claims. he surprised himself by strength of position in melbourne . the sir, we begin this news are in most gay, the russian capital is really off to one of the worst attacks in the country. in decades killed at least a 133 people, an injured 180. this is what's left of one of the largest contra holes in the city government storming the building. on friday night,
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firing indiscriminately on civilians is taxed onto the 5, it's just sweat through the venue. and investigation is now underway in police have detained 11 suspects. moscow says 4 people alleged of being involved to the attack have now be interested. a group blink twice on. his claim. responsibility has been flooded. reputed is declared sunday is a day of morning, basically careful of macro and that utility the, the criminals were cold, hardly focused on one task to kill, shooting our citizens, our children at point blank range. just as the nazis before and public executions and occupied territories in the past, and which was a bloody active terror. all the perpetrators and organizers behind this crime will inevitably face a just punishment, see, regardless of who they are and who was directing them, we will identify and punish everyone who is behind this terrorist attack. you this with a strike against russia and its people. so let's say now from our correspondent doses you bobby,
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who's in moscow reports recaps events of friday night. the inside one of the biggest performance then use of moscow. gunman opened fire as they make their way through the caracas concert hall, leaving a trail of bodies behind. and this is a scene once gunman reach the main auditorium. there's panic and chaos as hundreds of concert boards try to escape the scene. the shooting. there were many dead and wounded, a flat spots, and then now all i heard was gunshots, that's it. and inferno also breaks out, taking firefighters hours to contain a tax on this scale are rare in russia. this incidence has raised questions about the security services abilities. security guards of this and concert hall were not
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armed. they had only new caesars or something like that. they didn't have lethal weapons. so no one is really a trip there for a major terrorist attack. and that's going to, of course, the beast that's not good for the grammar. the russian foreign ministry is calling this an act of terrorism. while the investigative meeting has opened a criminal investigation or so sorry, l 20. moscow. what are the maybe will heavy laces international reaction to these developments? rep mcbride is in keeping ukraine and political aid in washington dc. but let's go 1st to unit shuffle the fall of a who joins us from moscow and unit. so 1st off, the death toll climbing spill in more details or imagine took history for us. what we heard from the russian president earlier, as well as legend to face an
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address to the nation. 19 hours of the towers, steps honk took place. he offered his condolences and declared national day of morning on sunday. mazda 24, he called, what happened in crook could see the whole of blodgett and bump our terrorist attack, and also space of it off. so that's hawk in the crocker city. hold the terrace, allegedly moved tools ukraine, where as he quoted, a window had been prepared for them on the ukrainian side, so that to repeat and also hinted that rupture considered the ukrainian phrase that the simple russian politicians also blamed you. praying for that talk while the us and, and also you praying itself rejected those claims at peace and also coal. that's hot. heavy blows to, to, to the nations, to, to the russian. i'm up to the russian nation. i proposed revenge. he praised the russian people for the unity for the coverage,
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and i oversee no doubt that the tragedy at court proceeded. hole has become the dead list, terrorist attack since the best long school siege, 20 years ago. at the moment, as you mentioned, at least 163 deaths have been reported. many more people are in a critical condition right now. and the mattress, the service has continued clearing the rubble and dispatching the premises of the whole right. now. usually what's likely to happen next, the or of course, the day of morning. yeah. is ahead for russia and some regions, 3 days of morning have been to clad the investigation is underway. the main question of course is who's, who's behind? that's how i kind and a, several russian politicians blamed ukraine for a while us and you credit and officials rejected those claims. as i mentioned, the reports lay too much to alter that times. that's of the i. so terrorist
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organization claimed responsibility for it, but it seems like the russian version is different. the f, as we reported the rest of 11 people, including food harris, who participated, and that's hot. they investigate subcommittees has said that the suspects were detained near the boulder with ukraine in the brask region. they were allegedly trying to cross the border into ukraine according to the f as b. and that's hawks also indicates he must to mind at that time. and they also say it was carefully planned in most co and cities around the russia. we see spontaneous memorials, us bringing up in memory of those killed and many up here at the number of medical centers hadn't most good to donate blood. are you able to have that for me? thanks very much. i back with you later. well, present patients said in his address the nation that the election attacked as well a trying to flight to ukraine. mcbride joins belie from k, but it's
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a robot. so thinking in ukraine about this suggestion, the yeah, these are you, these claims of the ukrainian, the connection to being roundly displaced here by all the officials in kiva yesterday we heard from the president's office. we've also heard from anthony youself. he is a senior spokes person with military intelligence here, saying that this claim that some of the perpetrators was stopped as they were on the way to the ukrainian bulls are simply nonsense and saying that these is, this is the kind of narrative that would be produced by russia's security service the fs, be for what he calls a zone, the 5 russian population making the point that after just over 2 years of his full scale, will that part of the boat or just the other side. and the russian border with ukraine is so densely saturated with road block soldiers security that if you were trying to evade capture escape, the longer it would be the one positive russia way you would not had. we've also heard from the center for counseling,
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this information on how the government agency here that has gone further by suggesting that maybe this was the work of russian special forces. although without offering any concrete evidence, but intimating that this is the kind of operation that a russian special forces might have had a 100 a date and indicating similar kinds of operations of civilized attacks that took place around the turn of the century. again, around must go, which they say was allegedly a pre casa for an invasion of chechnya. and suggesting that if the russian special forces were involved in any kind of way with this latest attack, that's maybe it would be, i suggest, if occasions that you believe for a mass mobilization within russia, thanks very much. any of that rub uh now the whitehouse thing. all americans have been advised to avoid major gatherings in the russian capital in any of this month . the u. s. embassy and most capable of the possibility of an attack. let's explore this with political hand drawn just now from washington,
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dc and patsy. those warnings apparently came as part of the so called duty to warn protocol the exact thing. obviously the us and russia have very tense relations right now, but the protocol basically says it doesn't matter if your allies are foes. if the u . s. government has actionable intelligence, meaning that intelligence services might have time to prevent that attack, that they share that information. and that's what they said they did. on march, march 7th, they made a public announcement to americans, the moscow of us embassy in moscow saying that a attack on a large venue is possible in the next 48 hours and that they met specifically mention concerts. now at the time the us visual said they also notified russian intelligence of that information. again, believing that was actionable. and one source has even telling the wall street journal that they've been hearing chatter from the group isis that they plan to
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attack rushes from early on in november. so for months they've been following this . now when russia was told that and the attack didn't happen again since march 7th, but a lot of our food in the russian president came out and said that this was for voc, live and outright blackmail and intention to intimidate and destabilize the society . so he really just dismissed that, but russian officials now because we heard only one official, it's the weekend here. so we won't have any briefings from the white house of the state department. we did hear from john kirby on friday, the national security spokesman, offering his condolences and saying that they have no intelligence that ukraine was behind this. we've heard from the russian foreign ministers, folks been saying that if they have that information, the just for a provided for russia are basically stay out of the discussion. so obviously it's going to be an ongoing discussion. we don't really think we're going to hear from any officials in the us today. the only administration official that's going to be out about is the vice president campbell harris. she's in florida. we have
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a team traveling with her there. so if she does say anything, we'll be able to bring it to you, but right away from the past. the thanks for that top had to go, hey, to washington dc at willis. now dig into the group that has reclaim claimed responsibility for the shooting. it's called the iso and i've done this done, whole ice ok and was formed in 3014 by break away fighters from the f gotten and practiced dining tell about the own group was behind, and the tackling couple efforts in 2021 that killed about a 170 civilians and searching us soldiers. it's opposed to us involvements in the region and has fought against pakistan security forces on the taliban in afghanistan. and let's bringing that freight where he's a russian correspondent with christian science monitor joined just now from moscow . at fred, what's your view, and what will they said? i took a claim yet. can we take that at face value? do you think? i think it's the likeliest explanation of the nature of the attack. certainly is
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like off the chart as far as anything that is going on and the rest of the ukrainian more clearly us some if it is part of this ongoing war, if it's um, you know, it's a massive escalation. i don't think it is. i think for like least explanation is, is a little mist terrorist. it's their m o. and there are lots of reasons for them. i mean, in their minds to attack russia. but yeah, of course here in moscow is as you heard there is, there is quite a, an effort to try to find a ukrainian trace. right. i like to tell us more about the, the reasons i should say would have because they had been responsible for types. we didn't rush it before. and yes, and there is, there is a certain base of islamic terrorism in the north caucus is in russia. there are
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some remnants of the kitchen, the kitchen, um, and anti russian resistance still there. and although they, they been rumbly defeated and, and silent mostly silent for the last 20 years. but rushes involvement in syria would, would be a cause in the minds of ices to attack russia. we just don't know. but it does seem that all the people who are arrested, those 4 guys are tragic, tragic citizens. and that, that suggests they come from that part of the world and they and they do move freely in russia. i think it has to be pointed out that most co especially has been pretty open and almost like a piece time city. these past 2 years of warfare um it, it and migrant workers from central asia to move for other freely around.
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and indeed the ukranian operatives. we, we know, i mean, the reason there's some skepticism in russia about ukrainian denials is that they've denied before that they were involved in assassination. so of journalists to journalist where it says something i didn't rush in the past. i just want to be a for the, how does this fit for president vladimir putin is pretty biasing. is that given especially given the us warnings that came in reason task? i think i think it is, but i, i think good to the tendency of people at moments like this is the rally round their leaders. i don't expect this to present, of course, and was big problems with, i mean is his, he just won this huge referendum like collection. so, you know, i, it's, it's not the experience here even early in the putting period when we have those
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horrible acts of terrorism here in moscow, in a theater in the metro and people didn't turn against him. then when he was new, be here. i don't expect that to happen. know, the pilot, she prime minister says that the most girl attack must not be a pretext to escalate violence over on the crating angler closer to the vitamin preaching might go down that route. i think that the russians were preparing for some sort of escalation anyway, they're, they're developing a new army, i think, to launch an offensive in, in this summer time. and i don't see how this change is that one way or another, what it will change is the move in moscow. i think the piece, the and capital thing is thing of the past that we're going to have a security locked down in moscow and other parts of russia for the foreseeable future. because of this, fred, a great to get your perspective. do appreciate that. the fred west beach is from muska,
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correspond rush correspondent with christian science monitor. thank you. the, the, you and check the general has a game pooled for seas. foreign guns and during a visit to the egyptian side of the roof of crossing negatives described the blocking of aid and the humanitarian crisis in this trip. as a moral outrage around one and a half 1000000 palestinians who fled a tax elsewhere and cause a now sheltering in rafa. israel says it will launch a ground defensive in the city despite international condemnation. it is very dangerous to distribute humanity, navy, and gaza on top of that law and all of those completely being broken. which means that we have witnessed several situations in which
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the distribution, a vision that aids into a situation of violence and also situations. the rich people who are bugs when distribution was taking place. so there is a fundamental question. there is no way to have any effect a distribution, even garza without a humanitarian ceasefire. meanwhile, at least 7 palestinians have been killed, self have gone to the city. if they waited for aid and witnesses say is ready, forces open fire on crowd separate 280 round about before a trucks arrived. dozens of people in just many were taken to the baptist hospital . in northern garza, it is one of the few medical facilities still functioning in the strip. let's go to reference of the girls and now tar convincing. joins is from the entire dreadful scenes from this latest attack on the q a roundabout. yes, in fact
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a new logia attacks that have been carried out by these very forces on 8 see cuz i think we're racing for a humanitarian comb voice to have an access to another part of gauze. now israel and it's attack has killed 7 palestinians, while dozens of those being critically injured and trumps, but to allow the hospital to receive medical treatments and a doctor a hospital. specifically, this is not the 1st attack on 8 c, cause as well before has deliberately targeted h seek, has committed hundreds of violations against those people on the side that they have been in the course of the past weeks, attacking also a policy and think of who were responsible for securing the humanitarian comb, voice to the number of cost of casa in a very deliberate attempt to create a setting state of k. as in the know the rent a box of the territory, which had been completely on the badge of a critical farm. and that is a striking, every single house remains inside the nose,
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but to now palestinians are completely desperate as they are. oh yes. and another part of guns are receiving much needed supplies and ongoing restrictions as well have that has been in fact, imposing on the delivery for outland corey doors. the southern states and regional axes have been dropping a so the gaza strip, which obviously could not be sufficient alternatives as people indoors and not only the only from hunger but also die from the ongoing compartment. as they were waiting for a humanitarian supplies, we heard a couple of minutes ago target from the inspector general of the magician side of the roof of a crossing, stressing the agency for a radical amounts of aid that's required and draws a yes. in fact, the you on is a for 3 general had been stating, i'm calling for this because he clearly understands of the trip. the code situation that people in the states enclave had been going through since october. the 7th is specifically like the biggest way to prevention of pull humanitarian aids
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deliveries in the 1st stage of the fight. seeing them later, the human attire at crisis thought it to shortly aggravates. and that's absolutely terrifying. specifically that the you on secretary general had been seeing how much and how many humanitarian cool boys are stationed in the exemption side without having gets the permission to get in the territories. and in fact, these amounts of humanitarian comb, voice can help relatively to a health palestinians to cope with the situation. but people are dying from hung up being bombarded in the north and the amount of fates dissing through out the roof and current mobile cell in person. vote is can not be sufficient to more than one point. 5000000 palestinians out trucks. here in rough. uh and what is important for palestinians is the acceleration to reach to us east wind agreements that mike guarantee of the increase of capacity for humanitarian supplies and forces the old kinds of military activities on the ground. the hottest thing is can be able to
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recover from the office and that something is very ongoing. defensive because target was even joining as reference of him. does a target. thank you. the us says, the number of 8 positives being dropped into dogs that has increased as israel continues to block the entry of trucks into this trip across one. i think my mood has details of one to the re send from an american have ace and come to us of the us air force include make last minute checks at the low date, military air base near go to american. c. 17 plains are loaded with 80000 meals as part of an 8 dropped into guns. us and bassett, or took a tar, jamie davis is there to oversee preparations. i don't think there's a limit in our thinking to what we're willing to do with our partners. and we know that we have a military team here that's capable of doing much, much more, and whatever is needed. the nearly 2000 kilometer journey from don't have to gaza, takes a 3 hour. this is the largest us military
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a drop since the war and gaza began. it is an attempt to get a to those who are desperate for famine is immune and in the northern part of garza . and there is a risk of famine across the gaza strip. but as roman themes at the block, a much to the exasperation of agencies who say the situation on the ground is catastrophic. right now, you've got unnecessary impediments, you've got unnecessary restrictions. one land costing you could have 5 land crossings very, very easily. that's not happening and when i does get in and remote i, it is now getting in food water medicine, but nowhere near the amount needed that is the critical point. the reason weeks is rogue has been accused of deliberately targeting the tiny amount of 8 available and shooting of palestinians waiting for it. here in gauze on one and 3 children is suffering from acute mountain nutrition,
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and health officials are saying around 60000 pregnant women are suffering from malnutrition and the hydration causing glo birth weight. and increasing the risk of a still birth. agencies say a drop, such as this are the most efficient way of delivering 8 an opening gland borders is the only way to ensure that enough food reaches people to prevent them from starving to death. honey, more more data, verify that during gauzy to the latest us bunch. it approved by the sentence early on saturday includes a year long ban on funding for the you and agency for palestinian refugees. and israel says 12 whose employees took part in the october the 7th to tax the band as part of the $1.00 trillion dollar budget. to avoid a partial government shut down at the us is the agencies because then tomorrow i'll verify is and was specs for when she says denying the agency funds will destabilize
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the region in the us this not give the funding to the us be being our largest doing or this will create a huge gap in our budget, and that is a budget we use not only in government, but across the region for $700.00 school, a free education to half a 1000000 children, all was fine. refugees, vulnerable communities in the region, but also a health care to $2000000.00 sand refugees will be impacted if we do not get that money. the west is our largest builder as such a decision. that's something we would really regret if it really gets them. because this is not the time at the time of this immense warrant garza and possible regional repercussions, this is not designed to the stabilize the region further by weakening and main components of regional stability, which is other of the most important thing is to know that the allegations around
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12, so your staff members 12 out of 13000 in guys a and out 230000 in the region. these allegations are under a very serious end of us. again, right now, an independent us investigation within the rubbing, fully committed the transparency of the upholding the highest. you had principles, therefore it is truly our wish to reassure the us government, but also other governments with concerns about the possible implication of indirect and direct staff members in and i know you when advocates actually excluding the horrible effects of the 7th of october, we wished to reassure them that we're doing everything we can to come to the bottom of the story to make sure that we have all the safeguards that all of the rest of our 100 percent compliance with the un principals. several of the governments that had suspended their support to interrupt over these allegations have now reversed
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their decisions and therefore have review their trust in the agency of their trust . and that's irreplaceable. like saving role the agencies playing in gaza and then the region to live here. and how does there are the young entrepreneurs hoping for major political make over incentive goals? a presidential election, morocco, sunshine policy, your fact can nation. i piece, provide renewable energy here. because won't cut me off 15 minutes. society rating straight in open tennis champion, making an emotional return direction for hope. you're here with us store the the, it had a low that a stream all of severe storms has swept its way across the south of south america. causing flooding and destruction in places like uruguay. and it's now brazil's turn
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to feel the rock of those storms. just a day ago, i bought a blue sky from it, from a beach in rio de janeiro. we'll look at that. it's tons menacing. we see more in the way of when the weather, and we will see some pretty ferocious from the storms. a red light has been issued a full that very heavy rain on the cold front stretch just through much. oh, brazil, on woods to ecuador is what is peru we're going to see some heavy falls here in the days ahead. but to the very south of this which chalet it is looking locksley, hot and dry, and it continues to be a very hot and dry story up in the north for countries like venezuela and heat is the dominant factor across central america. and the carrier being, we had a record, broken income pitcher in mexico, were expecting that heat to continue for the next 2 days. you can see the red growing even dog, cuz saturday into sunday from the you can put into the old way to the caribbean coast of nicaragua, to the east of this. it is a very wet story. we've got fondest ones,
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rumbling their way from florida on woods to the bahamas, and the resilience can sprout from people in the house, just urban environments, a sewing costs for us in the community screen. so i'm curious, so it fair. my life is finished. one city farmer, spouse to protect them, have to think about how we're going to. it's probably going to pay our rent before a small on the people spaces and encourage them to grow foods taking a greenstone in the new case. biggest city we over london grown witness on a jersey to reporting for the action. have you have a great winning hearing to fox? how is 10 or airbag content has been removed or restricted understanding the reality for these demonstrators?
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it's president lucky, self reckoning. the stability of the country, i'll just say it was teens of across the world. when you click send to the fonts at the store. the other again you what you know is, is there a reminder about the whole story and the death toll from an attack on a considerable and most good, who has risen to at least 133 people that makes it the worst attack of the country and 20th prussian police say the rest of the 11th the group linked to iso, it's claimed responsibility. the inspector general attorney gutierrez, is the gain code for cease fire and gaza during your visit to the adoption side of the reference crossing. you described the blocking of 8 to the strip and the
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humanitarian crisis. and gallons of as morrow outrage us senate as possible. that includes a year long, bad on funding for the you and agencies have promised to get refugees. that's israel says 12 it's employees to punch in the terms of service attacks. us is biggest data because a health industry says 240 patients and 10 medical pass. no, i mean pin down by is ready for us. it's inside. i'll shoot for hospital officers and that's health sharif report through school, nearby montgomery level for the health plan, which i'm sure fell through of that mean we managed to reach this part of the l. she for medical complex as the northern areas were being heavily bombed. time with all this really occupation forces have burned and destroy the number of buildings here is you can see as if you had the, the amount of destruction is massive due to continues bombardment and error rate on that guy doesn't mean it out. so families are still here because of the presence of
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it is really sniper and this really armies policy of targeting and shooting it, everything moving in the area. i mean the, some of the dead are still under the rubble of the block. and the medical teams couldn't get to this place because of the danger. and because you can see the buildings and the roads are destroy the match it up would be also the machine. right? yeah, we are under siege and the northern part of the chief medical complex. we have no food, we have no water. all the houses had been leveled on his really f. 16 attacked at least once or in every building on the remains of dead bodies are lying in the street. there is no way anyone can help anyone out in the system. there are 10 people in my time and again. so what can i do to find food for them? all these rates have destroyed everything in the complex. i hope i can see just one person with a good conscience. and i hope to see just one person who believes in god designs and stuff, the genocide and guys that hold on it. and we managed to reach us cooled under siege in the vicinity of the l cheap and medical complex,
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which i'm not sure this school has been under siege for the last 5 days. there is no food in the water for the display space from inside in less time to send a go. i went off the weeks of on seconds evaluations of preparing to head to the polls for a long awaited presidential election on sunday. they will choose a successor to president mackie, sel, who's been in pa for 12 years, and with one and 5 people unemployed. improving job prospect's will be one of the main issues for young versus nicholas huck. reports from india, or on the edge of the fishing village of and die on lies a fashion design hub. it's been created by designers, sophie ends in go see to stop young people from looking to the west. for opportunities that can be found here at home. instead of go the cotton fabric textiles enclose. here are all source than made in senegal. in 2019, i think is he had hope that the presidential elections would bring support for young entrepreneurs. but in this year's election,
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she wants to change in 2024. things are much more difficult. it is very difficult to get any type of support from the government at this point. i think there is just a magnitude of issues like job creation or quality training that the government hasn't been able to really just, you know, live up to the expectations for goods largest deep sea port is under construction here. and mega project meant to bring jobs to the small fishing village. instead. it has brought this bear, says unemployed welter, yet could you. there are no jobs for him, nor other is from the village. he's preparing to travel to spain to use his skills where they're wanted. yeah, but with this, the formatting with me, it's an injustice that i can't find work and i was given the state diploma and the state count to find work for a month. and i have dropped my cd in so many places. i have been working on the streets since to 1019. it's degrading,
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so i want my dignity back that 53000 migrants arrived in spain last year. most were unemployed, skilled men from senegal, the mayor of and diane is on the campaign trail for the ruling party candidate. he's promising jobs and looking to persuade women not to let their husbands, sons, uncles, or brothers leave with the state in the vote. in this election, women are a teen demographic in this presidential election. they often work in the informal sector and their contribution to the economy is overlook. but they have a key role in deciding who will become the next president of this country. they make up the majority of the electorate, and yet there is only one female candidate in the selection on top of a car, a young the entrepreneur calling for change. but for think a see politics is like sash and she says it requires a radical makeover. she is supporting opposition candidate you might find, hoping for an overall of the system that she sees as unfit and unfair. and
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overlooking said, it goes on top potentially nicholas hawk, algebra and diane i, let's explore this further with major heat them as he is a senior risk analyst that's the global risk intelligence fund, but it's made for cross and has a focus on west africa. and so i'm just now from london, would you say welcome to out to 0. so you have this baffled between the current president's man and was main song, his protege. how big is the develop? they didn't id ology between them and who may resonate more with vices? a yeah, so it's fair to say that these 2 political can stand on the opposite side of the political spectrum. so the ruling college and i'm going present, been sol enrolled in college and candidate and they are a set out the liberal policies,
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markham friendly policies and to present himself proceed building a lot more projects over the years and the senate gall business and economic b as a result um, because of this constantly liberalization program, i'm a truck that the huge up in flow is falster for an investment. and on the other hand, we have a smart phone call and a position made a position come to that fire. and they plans to introduce a new power and see where you negotiate contracts with oil and gas prices in the country. and. and they really get in that huge support from the young people. i think the issue here is that despite the economy, the, that the country that it's over the years under the president. so as not to really facilitate that the why their socio economic development for the countries for
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population and a 30 percent of those h uh, between 18 and 35 to jump list as your package points it up. that's right, but let me just jump in this one point on, on the population. these understand the most of the 7000000 votes is age 35 and over. and if i, he kind of resonates with the use small that would intimate that perhaps he may struggle for those above 35 or yeah, yeah. i think, i think be on page and there is a why didn't crack. as i said, we did to uh what the team, the political camp ofa and what they've track record is. and the especially song call uh who support fire, because uh phone call was uh, come make good and you'd be, you'd be qualified and a minute from the race. and these cams is
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a popular kind of center on television and come who gained any support not just for young people, but the people in general is because their expense has resonated with so many both of them. the country specifically when it comes to socio economic grievances and because they directly talk to the political elite and the country and they constantly poking about corruption. and importantly, they also question the french complaints in the country. okay. um, in terms of, uh, uh, economy and politics. just so this poll has been rushed as i need 3 weeks notice for his months of fusion. if you can put it that way, invite and protest as does that, does a short time span leading up to sundays, but does that favorite either side? do you think? and i think over the last 3 is what we have seen. is that the increasing li uh, increasing as from time to thing from presidents out as really paid out again to
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come. because of the bible and civil society that we have incentive goal to, to the law, to pull up the opposition parties and candidates has really pushed back again to present themselves. time attempts to 1st say impala click onto the power and sec. and he's at times to make sure that the building parties who would equations and dominance remains in the country. so i think in the, in, in the long run, as we've seen, the huge momentum that the position gain breeze this, it shows that there's a strong position to ruling of coalitions and present in thousands of times to solve coming onto the truck and power side of the long run, it's it fact to say that it's tied up in the favorable position really, based in seattle opens out on sunday, but you had them as appreciate that thanks very much. are hundreds of protests,
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of taking to the streets of the indian capital for a 2nd day. the monday, the release of deluge, the chief minister of india encourage you will, whose be interested are the corruption, navigation seat. the nice any room doing? his policy says the charges are politically much of a risk comes just weeks before general elections begin. mr. kenzie of us are, is indeed a letter. there is no evidence. there is no citizen or no money. mister more the, the prime minister of this country is scared off miss sullivan. because these are on this, i'm going to see done. that can challenge this. and that is the only reason why you've been put behind bars on the dish and the doors are slowly being put behind bars. it's like an emergency situation and almost monthly right now. china is coast guard is 5, was it kind of it's a philippine supply vessel in the south, tennessee. the philippine ministry says the vessel was damaged but no casualties
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have been reported. the incident happened near the 2nd thomas show a dispute to brief control by miller, but also claimed by china, taiwan and vietnam. a series of incidents has taken place between chinese and philippine vessels in recent months and new security. laura's come to fulton home. com and despite concerns over human rights, delores known as law school 23. it imposes heavy penalties including life, imprisonment for what it caused national security offensive. among them a treason, insurrection, endangering national security and sedition. it also grounds extra pals to police, such as the ability to cancel passports and to detain suspects for 16 days without charge. chris young is a john list in hong kong and says the law will have major implications for media with jennifer. this is on call actually have been covering the china stories say in china and also living in hong kong and giving out a advantages say you guys,
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charges as far as the in terms of coverage is always be very strong. but now in view of the view of variance, all 5 of us, they see chris, the definition is quite for a lot to pen, almost cover everything. so um that low cost of significantly and also it says the logical agent press save on pulling terms of this. so probably what was the more so essentially you have a forwarding say extremely sensitive or unclear of materials, even though it went through the legislative process with the legislators say scripting, i think the bill of cross spark crossed but still with there are so many questions left and answer and in, in the find the worship of the, of the bill that, that, that becomes a goal and thinking effective today. there are, there are still
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a lot of things that are so broadly be fine. and, and, and that was things that you never know until a case of cuz that but, but then given the severity of that whole one case, there's too much. so my head here in out 0 in providing to put food on the table during ramadan. other warren john, so it reminded both of the ends of that conflict back in the 1990 as full national teams of building up to international football total. it's around the world are we here with the best reaction the the palestine. this once of very different place from today to cities became connected to the interior in an award winning film, which is 0. well,
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here's historians and i would use accounts that portray early 20th century by this time as a thriving fibers, reachable multiple investments were excess, moving from one city to another, kind of styling 1920. on al jazeera. there is no channel that covers world views like we do as a roman correspondence. i am constantly on the goals covering topics from politics to environmental issues. a scale of is like nothing ever seen. what we want to know is how does these things affect people? we revisit places and stay human when there are no international headline. houses are really invested in that. and that's a privilege. as a journalist of the
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the right, let's get this pulled up as far. nick, thank you so much mattress app and it says sunday's australian grand prix will be a close race. the red bull driver claims he surprised himself by securing po position in melvin was off this crazy. the 3 time world champion has been an easy winner at 1st to ground praise of the season bodies struggled for long periods during qualifying. he still managed to finish a fraction of the 2nd ahead of ferrari's carlos things when it really mattered. st . missed the last race and savvy ravia after having an operation for a pen. the site is low, clarence lando norris, we'll start 3rd with 7 time world champion louis hamilton off the pace and 11. quite tricky to find the right balance to ride the weekend so far and even a cool thing. i didn't expect to fight for pulling through to even so. yeah,
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i'm very happy with the lapse that we did in q 3 and i surprised myself. i'm a little bit as well expected to be taught tomorrow. and that's really the last 2 races. i think we have the upper hand. but of course you have to be courses because you never know right. but i do think that tomorrow they will be very strong. and today i cannot ask for more, you know, because it's important going to be a 100 percent on the good. perfect you up today, but uh, i feel like if the more i feel good, i will give you my best short but to be max memorial, you need to be 100 percent. a hero 20. 24. how stormy? step up. their preparations the tournament later this saturday with a game against woke up a runners up france. germany had been route with scotland, hungry and switzerland. they target a 4th continental trial. while the trophy has been on show instead guards the team are in leo for it. the front match germany are going through a court run a form,
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just 2 wins from the last 12 match in france. a striker at kelly and bobby says he's coming team to play for his country at this year's paras olympics. it's an under $23.00 event button. bob, a at $25.00 could be selected as one of 3 over a 2 players. the lab per squad olympic football tournament starts just a few days after the conclusion of the year. is it to you? let me be sure. uh is it usually to my emission hasn't changed. i have always said that the olympic games in pairs are special for me is going to be a special event and i want to be part of it. i still don't have a yes or no answer and what else for you? so if i go there, it will be like a dream come true. if not, i will just have to accept a decision. what i'm invest about, they will come up against the netherlands and the group stages. i figure i was line, maybe it's our qualifier. scotland for now and a friendly on friday. scotland are now without a win in 6 matches. it's got to face how strongly in the opening day of year a 2024 early hollins,
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nor we missed out on qualification for the arrows and the masters through city striker didn't score in this friendly against a checking without like to to the checks winning to one in oslo impulse side for the finals and the pay searching portugal and the winners and the playoff between georgia and greece and the group stages of the columbia building up to the cobra. america, which will be hosted by the united states in june and july. the spring one know at the london stadium. literally louis diaz, setting up crystal palace, defender genuinely knows who scored this dining goal and the 2nd half. it was his 1st international goal and things. first friendly, last june, 2016. in lender building out to a friendly against brazil at london's wembley stadium. they were beaten finalist at the last year, owes leasing to lee and a penalty shoot at captain hurricane is among several senior players who will miss this game due to injury, a lender on
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a ton match and beaten run since losing to france and the quarter finals of the 2022 well kept a sabrina opportunity for other players. we need to see how the flies had to zeros . and if we were playing less the teams, you'd still have that little question in your mind if they played well. ok, well how are they going to pay against the next level of position? so from our perspective, it's a great exercise and a great opportunity really, russia had been due to play their 1st game against the south american team since the invasion of ukraine. monday's friendly match against paraguay had been called off due to the moscow called support attack. russia is banned from taking part in international football competitions, including the heroes this time as well. number 2, renaissance blanca has returned to action just a few days. after the death of her former boyfriend, constantine quotes of the australian open champion on the right here war and all
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black outfit for her opening match of mind. open against paula pedrosa. the battle russian won in straight sets to reach the 3rd round colts of a former n h l policy player died in miami, each 42, and what police described as an apparent suicide. role number 3, co golf is also into the 3rd round, the 20 year old beat american nadia patrol. scrub argentina. this was one of just 6 matches that were completed on friday. immediately baseball has launched a formal investigation and to illegal gambling and theft allegations around the alley. dodger stars show hey, a tiny town is in perturb. prader i paid. mr. hara was fired by the dodgers. earlier this week it's the ledge. me to hire a storm. millions of dollars from autonomy to pay off gambling debts, attorneys lawyer say the player is victim of mass of fact. sports betting is illegal in california. the states were atanya autonomy is based on the bron
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james and the lakers ended a 4 year a losing run against philadelphia 76 years. james had 20 points, 8 rebounds and 6 assists, as the lakers won a 100 and ones 94th, billing, or cit. 9th, in the western conference, a choose from each conference gets to take part in the playoffs. okay, and that is always worked out back to you, nick far. thanks very much for that. we'll see you later. thank you. no more. okay, is betting on renewable sources to secure its energy independence and position itself as a provider of green power to europe. the government has set a goal of meeting more than half the countries energy needs with renewable sources . by 2030, i somehow bought a, i just report now from tunzia in northwest, and this is one of the wells largest solar plants built in the deserts city of was that it sponsor of a major plan to shift to green energy or the abundance sunshine may soon be crucial
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to a ball will homes not only here in morocco, but also the field. but the government's ambitions don't and that the north african country wants to produce a surplus of clean power. hot, one of the largest storage facilities worldwide with such kind of to technology, but to allow us to produce electricity from sun even during the evening. for around 8 hours during the night. morocco wants to produce 10 gigawatts, a year of electricity from renewable sources by 2030 entities, a looking high up in the mountains erecting new to binds to harness the power of the wind. this wind farm is on your doorstep, and for a reason we're working wants to produce enough electricity for renewables, unexplored due to a euro. but he's turning graduate towards green energy and taking steps to and it's
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a dependence russian gas impulse seen as well as the device for the phone number is the wells bank regional director of infrastructure for the middle east and north africa. he advises governments on energy security and efficiency is really a game changer. i mean, country is weird to yours to depend on our impulse. we've but merge on this over the nodes beat soto a, we can know reduce the dependency on part in clean energy isn't just helping morocco reduce costs. you could soon be driving the economy. the government is allocating a 1000000 hacked toes to hydrogen projects, possibly putting the country on a path to net 0 emissions in the future. for the investors of budget can to get involved building facilities to produce more clean power and storage for as
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long as it takes to sell globally hosted by the 0. 10, g is morocco. a muslims in bosnia and herzegovina has been closely following the board and dogs of this remedy. many that recalled their own experiences during the buzzing bull back in the 19 ninety's when they too have limited access to basic foods. ida has the music reports now from sarajevo. this is a traditional starter for rama done meals in bosnia homemade, sour cream and cheese mountains together. didn't greedy and swear impossible to put in the tables during the balkans war us. so it's a matter of nickolowan and amazon. we used a little bit of power to milk, not much. we could not afford to waste 2 tablespoons. if that was oil, we would use that with some more. um, for the solid taste you normally get from cheese. we use vinegar, she says genocide in gods, that reminds her how she broke fast with improvise meals. luckily funds not me.
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i think of people who can cause every night re at least has some bravo, flour, all wheel drive. but thousands of children and gaza don't even have the mothers to make a star for the few supplies of humanitarian aid were often the only option for meals in war time. bosnia. this is the setup of a typical board time kitchen in the historical museum of bosnia. the display shows most people ate at the time, mainly canned goods from so many terry and 8. the 1st challenge was lots to put on the table. the 2nd was how to prepare food with vows gas and electricity. cooking was mainly improvisation on a makeshift stove like this one. how good was not the only problem? it was nearly impossible to pray and mos kinda constant from bottom in the central mosque and sorry of it was heavily damaged. but the more i send,
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who close to prayer says nothing stopped him from performing his duty with or without food. and despite the losses in his own family, the ms. morgan rogers, who bedroom box would be, well, i know moms used to get one 3rd of of bread low. it was sour and almost impossible to eat. but that was it both for so for and for. if dar no, yep, there was a blessing and are fast the man who broke his fast with a couple of water. and today's was happier than to day was 7 plates on the table. on the day of judgment, i will ask my lord to face whoever dismembered my son's body. the same is happening cause it today. women give birth and one square meter and war criminals have no mercy upon them. the 2 years own rama then for bosnian, muslims feels normal again. but the simians suffering garza remaining, their thoughts and prayers. ida had the most that you all do 0, sorry about that's it for me to class this these. i'll be back in a couple of minutes and then we'll see you then
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the if nature does not function, we don't, we depend, nature takes care of itself. we learn from nature, we have a chance to move forward. dying are coming soon. in an increasingly complex world, it's paramount to be direct instruction was there should be this month on sort of discussions that come through the norm upfront on how to 0. this is the 1st genocide that we see in the real time it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we're witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame a 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have
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a western bias. understand what they are looking to get out and raise the listening post covers how the news is covered. well, it's hold on buildings in with new by we show signs of fighting with the marks of artillery shells that landed on them a mid 0 in images of lives. this truly the army and the rest have have been fighting since last april. the united nation says at least 13000 for denise have been killed. local responders say that total is likely to be 3 times higher because many bodies have not been able to reach hospitals to be counted. and many others are yet to be buried. for the 1st time since last august. yeah. yeah. of politics. it's returning to his home district of what new. boeing and on the mat. he's comfortable that the grave of his friend and neighbour mile young, who is buried in the street in front of his best isn't the only cemetery in the capital that has been destroyed by the conflict. it's left to many families
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wondering about the bodies of their loved ones who they buried before the war. many others are also waiting for the fighting to end to give they loved ones, proper burial, or the brush as president vows to punish those responsible for an attack on a musket concert. hold at least a 133 people killed when gunman stones to building the around the clock. this is out. is there a light from the also coming up the more disturbing videos, image of people inside the whole taking cupboards of trying to fade the attack in


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