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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 23, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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in it is always an attempt to frame as to side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias. understand what they are looking to get out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. the key phone, we will identify and punish everyone who is behind this terrorist attack. when you see vowing revenge, the russian president declares the day of national morning as the death toll from an attack on the constable and must go process to 133. the ultimate cried. this is all just their life. and also coming up as public pressure mounts on it as well as government to ends, the war and garza. the mazda is a suzy 4 year old. captive has died because of
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a lack of medicine and foods. a sofa upon talks between the 2 sides on the safe spot and exchanging captives to pay to a store again. and soon the cows presidential election begins in just a few hours up to weeks of on risk and uncertainty. the pressure is stiffing up security for at least 133 people were killed and nearly 200 injured and an attack on the constant hole in the capitol. the attack climbed by and also linked group is the worst in russia in decades. president vladimir persian has declared sunday and national day of mourning dosage power has moved from moscow to the scene. the morning after one of the worst attacks by an armed group in russia's recent history, emotions are running high as the russians come to terms with what happened,
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including those who survive. you post this list enough, they started to shoot in our direction, they shot people and through federal bombs. people were panicking and so scared only now i understand how lucky i am. then you text me finances and it is so terrible. what's happened here, i really can't comprehend this. it is an ugly, active tear. there animals sit on the heavy security and check points. now surround the suburban area about 20 kilometers northwest of the center of moscow. people have been coming here all day to pay tribute to those who lost their lives and what officials call a terrible tragedy. the task of recovering the bed is expected to continue for the next few days as well. the morning of the families of the victims, along with the rest of the country, president vladimir putin has called the attack a bloody and barbaric act and vowed revenge. what was the move in? we will identify and punish every one who was behind the terrorist attack. who prepared this strike against russia and its people keep them on you. no one will be
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able to show the poisonous seeds of discordant panic connection multinational societies. as the president address the nation, hundreds of people cute to donate blood at centers in moscow. the fs. b, security service set for suspects had been arrested while heading to the border with ukraine, and that they had contacts in that country. ukrainian officials have denied involvements. these pictures reported we show stores of ammunition seized by officials inside the caracas city hall, suggesting the attack was planned in advance. i so and i scanned a son has claimed responsibility door. so jabari alcera moscow as a president person said in his address to the nation that the alleged attack has been trying to flee to ukraine. ro mcbride has reaction from cave. ukrainian officials here have dismissed any claims of a ukrainian connection to this attack. we've heard from under the use of who's
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a senior representative, where the military intelligence here at cooling such claims and nonsense, that the alleged perpetrators were apprehended good as they were approaching the buddha. area with ukraine saying it's the kind of explanation put out by russian security, the f. s. b a for what he called a zone defied russian population. making the pointed off to a more than 2 years, a full scale will that boulder area on the russian side is so saturated with roadblocks, with soldiers, with security. that if you were trying to escape such an attack into state free and then the escape the law, it's the one place that you would not be heading. and we've also heard for the from the center, full counseling, this information, another government body here and other government agencies which is gone further by suggesting, suggesting but without any evidence that this may have been the work of the russian special forces as a so called false flag operation intimating that russia has been suspected of
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conducting such attacks before running about the. busy of the century is that was as a pre cost. so they say to the invasion of chechnya and the reason that the security forces of russia may have august, right, it'll be involved in this attack is as a justification for a new round of mobilization. rob mcbride, i'll just say eric keith to tell us, i'm also is a senior lecture and security and development at kings college london. she says russia's attempt to link q crying to the attack and most goes on justifies. i see that this is a huge security failure also because of the or the safety of the attack, the number of casualties which keeps growing and uh, the big fire which and dogs the place i also left behind is there were not many policemen. they took them quite some time to get there, and this is the sort of the security structures. and that is also quite astonishing
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because this is a very big place where people like gatherings. so one would have expected some kind of for least deployment is only for internet and security reasons. you know. uh, so it is, it is very embarrassing and where the service side is like, it seems that the russians are using this to bring the connection with ukraine. so i, i see a, i very much see about ukraine and it's going to see my secret tax and must've a sort of bombardment or something of that kind coming from russia. although i don't think they have any connection whatsoever. but base amc showing that the brain is somehow behind, you know, have 14 to sort of divert the attention because where would he attack otherwise? i mean, he's not going to start bowman upfront. his done, the beyond wing off of mazda is a 54 year old, is ready,
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captive has died and gaza due to a lack of medicine and food. but the latest talks on the truth and the exchange of captives and prisoners appear to have stalled. according to l, just services as well has told media is it rejects stopping the wall and withdrawing its forces from gaza. but a mazda is demanding a full cx. 5 mazda also wants to tell us the needs to be able to return to northern gals. if it is ro, says it will only allow 2000 displaced people a day to return at that right. it would take more than 2 years old, this place pellets to needs to leave rafa, as well also wants to release of as are the captives of old categories and the 1st stage of the deal. but a mouse has indicated it will only release women and children. there are also differences or the release of palestinian prisoners saving lives, sentences, and is rarely, giles, blood pressure is mounting on israel's prime minister to agree to a cease fire. let's go live now to home to salute, to isn't televi for us,
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the saving into, along with these tools, the death of this captive will no doubt fuel protest that we've seen this evening and really ramp up even more pressure on benjamin netanyahu. the pressure has been around thing on the is rarely prime minister. and in fact that this evening's anti government demonstration, the main demand from protesters was for these really governments to secure a pause in the fighting so that the remaining is really captive can be released. and shortly the death to of the latest is really captive inside of the gaza strip is adding fuel to the fire of these demonstrators who are saying the government is simply not doing enough. and in fact, there were people speaking out this protests who were captives, who were formerly held in guns, calling for new election saying that these really prime minister should do more. we've been seeing the rhetoric from protesters from families of is really captive,
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but they are afraid their loved ones are going to die in gaza as a result of is really bombardment. but this is really captive specifically has died of how mass has said due to a lack of food and medicine. so this is something that is further going to ignite these demonstrations that are now being held every single week, blocking roads. and these protests are only getting larger and louder to just on that. so given that they are growing in scale and, and i guess the anger as well, they are on the streets. i mean, have these purchases, you've been able to make any difference though, when it comes to netanyahu's decision making? the short answer to that question is no. these really prime minister is seemingly on phased by the amount of demonstrators by the demonstrations that took place, not just until a b, but actually all over the country in jerusalem in haifa, outside the prime minister's private residence in k, sorry,
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a. so the prime minister has said, still that military pressure is the only way to bring about the release of the captives. and remember, this isn't the 1st protest movement against these really prime minister for a year. there were anti government protests against judicial reforms that the country was going through and the premier was on phase by that as well. so even as these protests are ramping up in size and in scale, and as it released as really captives or even calling for him to resign, the pressure to him is still not seemingly phasing him as he says he's going to prosecute the war. however, he sees fit until what he calls an absolute victory. okay, thanks so much. we really do appreciate it. that sounds a salute for us and tell a phase of joining me now is sienna is a car. he's an associates professor of golf ballistics academy university's golf studies. and thanks again for being with us. we can begin with the negotiations and what we've just heard from israel side of things their response. i mean,
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it really does appear at this point in time given that as well told media is reject stuffing the war and withdrawing. it supports us from gaza. but i mean, it really does appear at this point in time. the sides are as far apart as if yeah the the, the gap between the 2 positions just brief, i'm mainly related to stop in the appraisals. and in guess how, i'm confident that these for i get the same that the we enter a unit off of regardless of the, the black will support from the united states. and even the rejection from, from the united states on, on this operation. it, but i think that there, there is something that the can give us some hope that this can change a little bit. can see that in that the easterly, the location is set to be at least several days. and even one week, according to the for the, it's really media. why they would state that long. if the i'm not a me know that you didn't something, this is something that it could be interesting to see. thank you. so from what we
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understand that they are going to stay and try and continue negotiating, even though i guess initially the they, they have to have miles apart. it could be a way to gain time for the person to happen in any case. but the operation you talking about the, the route on vision to for off i, you, i mean, with go to an early indication of mazda is response to is riley here. a, they've said that the, that it appears that the very negative. and it's basically, i'm to obstruct the agreement. it is that how you think it will be perceived, especially by the united states. i mean, it is, they will always be actively mean how much for the local fed compliance. but it's also true that by then i'm going to have been in the system. that'd be starting nice to do something you know, back to, to, to reach on any of these on, supposedly, uh, you certainly have accepted the, the ratio of the present out of it's really mean that personalized. and it's really
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just with the exchange of the hosting. it's always seems that the united states is getting a little bit from these fairly side of listing the numbers that they were requesting . what they are not getting from from, from install is to stop the then they, they meet the appraisals. i didn't see that unit, it says now specifically blaming how much of this specific time. but it depends on how the responses come in this day. tomorrow we would see how the i'm going to cover next, one of the main points that him us. i want to in any agreement with the palestinians to be able to leave for offer an invitation home, especially into the north of gaza. israel says it will only allow 2000 displays people a day to return, which has nothing, considering how many people have been forcibly displaced from the noise. what do you make of that? i mean, does that, does, is that just ridiculous at this point in time? i mean, contributing the amount of people that they left, i mean,
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they wouldn't take yes. mm. to raise that. so at this means that they use for the military force, it will be in pro 510 in the, in gaza all this time until they find out a return to the north because they need to keep the content of everything that's happened is that so the other of the, the months of hamas, which is the, the, the, with the roll out of all the these are the troops is of course contradicting this idea. yeah. thank you so much. we once again really do appreciate your time, lucy, on that. thank you. or was you in secretary general? antonia gutierrez, hes again called for a cease fund and gals, insuring a visit to the egyptian side of the roof of crossing. now on the ground, the administrative health says $72.00 palestinians were killed in the last 24 hours . is there any forces up in file in crowds wasting to i killing at least 19 people and entering 23 of those victoria guys and be has more hungry people desperate for food next seriously injured and some damage is where the soldiers
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opened fire room palestinians waiting a q 8 round about an intersection often used by a trucks in gauze and city. let them in stock anymore. we survived this. they showed that to us. there are many that many injured almost died to get our children a bite to eat and about the injured we taken to ali baptist hospital. but with cause is health care system in the collapse. many which we suit outside in the openness with the ones who can read round about because they wanted to eat. they wanted to live these really fired at us. some people died, some were injured and some got back unscathed. may god have mercy on us. more than 32000 palestinians have been killed since israel launched it's. we're on garza more than 5 months ago. and this is not the 1st time israel's being accused of shooting of palestinians wasting the age accusations. israel denies this attack was carried
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down to around the same time, un secretary general, antonio gutierrez was visiting the egyptian side of the rest of the crossing. he again called for an immediate cease fire, and israel to lift its blockade and allow the delivery of desperately needed age is our only hope. it's that i am totally flog guys, so we'd like saving a choice is clear i the search was thought of ation. let's choose the siding is out the sides of the hole and the right side of the city. the diplomatic efforts are continuing to find some form of agreement between israel and thomas. the people of cause in no time is not on this side. victoria gates and b l g 0 was still a hit here on al jazeera and providing to put food on the table during ramadan. how the war and gaza as reminded both needs of the conflict in the 19 ninety's
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places that now would change and that heavy rain storms, those storms likely to be effected. if we don't get the problem under control, will just have help coming soon. hard huge. i mean, to be used as the ios, the software casualties we have not suffered states pilots is thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house. thought provoking on to who that you say know double standards to all of us. any, anyone in particular i said to facing realities, government seems here to whittle down democracy. if this is troubling for you, it's very, very painful to hear the story on talk to how does era expo 2023, the world,
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the fascination of the joint. and let's discover a better world expo 2023. the ha, or the you're watching, i'll just hear a reminder amount of stories the cell. russia is basing up security after at least $133.00 people were killed and nearly $200.00 injured and an attack on a concert hole in the capital. police say that the rest of
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a living people be attacked, claimed spine also linked group is the list and rush it. and the zip codes pressure is mounting on is ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu is from us, consumes a captive in kansas. as dives to, to a lack of medicine and food that coincides with weekly protests and tele v. for vacant joe, who is handling onto the pool and at least 19 palestinians had been killed south of guns. and since he is by pointed to eye witnesses say, is there any forces i can file on crowns that 20 round about before a truck survived. dozens of people injured, attending to send a go now where of to weeks of uncertainty versus preparing to hit to the polls for a long awaited presidential election. on sunday they will choose a success to president mbeki. so who's been in palace to 12 years and with one and 5 people unemployed and proven job prospects, will be one of the main issues for young boys as,
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as nicholas hawk reports from in the, on the edge of the fishing village of and die on long as a fashion design hub, it's been created by designers, so fusing a see to stop young people from looking to the west for opportunities that can be found here at home, instead of go. the cotton fabric textiles enclose. here are all source and made in senegal. in 2019, the thing is he had hoped that the presidential elections would bring support for young entrepreneurs. but in this year's election, she wants change. in 2024. things are much more difficult. it is very difficult to get any type of support from the government at this point. i think there is just a magnitude of issues like job creation or quality training that the government hasn't been able to really just, you know, live up to the expectations for goods largest deep sea port is under construction
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here. a mega project meant to bring jobs to the small fishing village instead. it has brought this fair says unemployed. well, there, yeah. could you? there are no jobs for him, nor others from the village. he's preparing to travel to spain to use his skills where they're wanted. yeah, but with this before matching with me, it's an injustice that i can't find work and i was given the state diploma and the state count to find work for a month. and i have dropped my cd in so many places. i have been working on the streets since 2019 it's degrading. so i went to my dignity back that 53000 migrants arrived in spain last year. most were unemployed skilled men from senegal. the mayor of and diane is on the campaign trail for the ruling party candidate. he's promising jobs and looking to persuade women not to let their husbands, sons, uncles, or brothers leave, but to stay in the vote in this selection. women are a teen demographic in this presidential election. they often work in the informal
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sector and their contribution to the economy is overlooked. but they have a key role in deciding who will become the next president of this country. they make up the majority of the electorate, and yet there is only one female candidate in the selection on top of a car, a young the entrepreneur calling for change. but for think a see politics is like sash and she says it requires a radical make over. he's supporting opposition. candidates you might find, hoping for an overall of the system that she sees as unfit and unfair, and overlooked instead of goals on top potential. nicholas hawk elder 0 and diane hundreds of protesters have taken to the streets of the indian capital for a 2nd day that demanding the release of tell is truth minister, whose being rest of the corruption allegations he denies any wrong doing. and his policy says, the charges are politically most advises. the risk comes just weeks before general
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elections begin. mr. casey above it is indeed a letter. there is no evidence. there is no citizen or no money. mister more the, the prime minister of this country is scared off miss sullivan. because these are on this, i'm going to be done. that can challenge this. and that is the only reason why you've been put behind bars on the dish and the doors are slowly being put behind bars. it's like an emergency situation and almost monthly right now. possible storms in southeast and brazil has killed at least 9 people. 7 of them died in rio de janeiro states including 3 in the city of patropolis, when the hon collapsed. well, this was the moment a 4 year old girl was found to live there after being buried 5th, 15 hours. she was one of 5 people risk, huge and the situation has been described as critical due to intense ryans and an
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overflowing river nearby, a mustang and brazil, and supporters of presidents, louise and us here, little of the sofa holding rallies in defense of democracy. protest is a cooling for those who posted last use attack on congress to be punished and for an end of genocide and gallons of milk. again, a key if has moved from south polar showed up here in the center of the military. and the 2nd reason is if they see that the president of palace in on january the 8th 2023. and the 3rd reason is that they are protesting against israel. and again,
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the attacks that are going on in jobs and the death of so many children and women, monica, you're not all just there are, some was lives in bosnia and herzegovina has been closely following the war and gauze of this ramadan, many of them recall their own experiences during the posting and war in the ninety's when they too had limited access to basic foods. either has a message for pull. it's from sorry, i thought this is a traditional starter for rama done meals in bosnia homemade, sour cream cheese mountains together. didn't greedy and swear, impossible to put on the table during the balkans war us. so we develop nickel power. the name was a to put we used a list of bits of powdered milk, not much. we could not afford to waste 2 tablespoons. if that was oil, we would use it with some water. um for the solid taste you normally get from
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cheese. we use vinegar. she says genocide in god's that reminds her how she broke fast with improvise meals. like always punch. i think of people who can cause every night re, at least has some problem flour, all wheel drive. but thousands of children and gaza don't even have the mothers to make a star for the few supplies of humanitarian aid were often the only option for meals in war time. bosnia. this is the setup of a typical board time kitchen in the historical museum of bosnia. the display shows most people ate at the time, mainly canned goods from communitarian 8th. the 1st challenge was lots to put on the table. the 2nd was how to prepare food without gas and electricity. cooking was mainly improvisation on a makeshift stove like this one. how good was not the only problem? it was nearly impossible to pray and to mos come to constance embodiments
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the central mosque and sorry of it was heavily damaged. but the more i said, who close to prayer says nothing stopped him from performing his duty with or without food. and despite the losses in his own family, means more of the user bedroom boxes with the big only my moms used to get one 3rd of of bread low. it was sour and almost impossible to eat. and i, but that was it both for so for and for if dar no. yep. there was a blessing in our fast the man who broke as fast with a cup of water. and today's was happier than today was 7 plates on the table. on the day of judgment, i will ask my lord to face whoever dismembered my son's body. the same is happening cause it today. women give birth and one square meter and war criminals have no mercy upon them. the 2 years on run with them for bosnian, muslims feels normal again. but the fellow simians, suffering garza remaining,
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their thoughts and prayers. ida had the most that you all to 0. sorry about as well as of may tell them the credit for the moment so you can find much more information on a website that's al jazeera dot com. and then use continues here up to 12 just here . that's coming up. next, stay with us. the the, the weather brought to you by visit had a lot of that was stopped by looking at the satellite image of australia. and you can see dense cloud that continues to show where the heaviest rain is going to forward across central areas on sunday. that thanks to the remnants of tropical franklin, megan bringing very heavy rain since thunder storms, gusty winds, and also very low temperatures. for this time of us, the pace is like alice springs and the rain rushes out, not just for the northern territory,
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but across queensland with some of that flipping down into new south wales. but for the south of this, it is a very wide and settled picture. the southern pots oval stray. and it remains that way for southern parts of western australia disappoints with the rain touching up into the north. and that's not good news. the path which is on the verge of its driest 6 months, spelled in about a $148.00. yes. and was also dry in the opposite corner for south eastern parts of australia. sydney sing also settled whether with sunshine no to settled down in the south which has made me or you can see those gusty winds blowing the shallows of the tasman. see that we'll see a slip in full chains, phone use the land. it's much more settled in the south island on sunday. what's up in the north. but a change comes in on monday with a very heavy rain across the western parts of the south side. and the weather brought to you by visit castle. why have american evangelicals become his real
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strongest factor? does us present, you'll find the right to stand with israel with no red fine. as long as us support continues, is there anything that can stop is real? solve on concept from going on in. definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, the, the kind of thing and these riley conflict has been a key dividing line of international diplomacy for decades. ever since israel's foundation in 1948 disputes have revolved around, we call to probably tell us the entire truth, human rights violations, and the fight for posting and self determination. this struggle contrast with the conflicts escalations and the state code and secure.


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