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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  March 24, 2024 3:30am-4:00am AST

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see, your 13 nights is a human appeal platform, which enables you to automate you with a nation's on every night to from a done hoping to make the most of this beautiful month. trust us with your messy this ramadan from the united nations security council agree on a resolution calling for cease fire in tulsa. it's rejected the latest text drafted by the us. other members will present a new one, but how not easy to pos and if it does, how would it be in force? this is inside stored the color that on james bays. the un security council has failed to pass us drafted resolution, recognizing the need for cease fire and gas. it was the 1st time the americans would use such strong language. but it wasn't enough for russia, china and algeria,
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they rejected the tax because it didn't. the mom, the new agency saw because it tied any pools in a still, it has to the release of all is really captives. the vote mocks, the councils latest failure to take action since israel's war on gauze. it began almost 6 months ago and it won't be the last vote. another draft is due to be tabled on monday, this time with stronger language. but kind of council members overcome their entrenched positions and internal politics to reach an agreement. and even if the resolution is cost will as well take notice we'll explore all these issues with a panel of guests in a moment. but 1st, this report from alexandra buys. once again, the human body responsible for ensuring international peace and security blocks from taking action by language and politics. those against on friday, russia and china vetoed us, drafted security council resolution that finally acknowledged the importance of a ceasefire in gaza. the text was significantly stronger than anything previously
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tabled by the americans, but it still fell short of demanding an immediate cease fire and tied any pause in fighting to the release of all is rarely captive. russia called the text hypocritical, and criticised it for not holding israel accountable attributed to him on the web post. i wish to draw attention to the following. the us draft contains an effective green light for israel to mount the military operation in rough or at the very least the old. this try to make it such that nothing you would prevent west in jerusalem from continuing the brutal cleansing of the south of the gaza. strip through you guys out, china accuse the us of dodging the most important issue. we will know what this weekend to wash your good and if the us the serious about to cease fire and then please vote in favor of the other draft resolution. clearly calling for a ceasefire. do us ambassador said the veto with cynical and petty rushing. china
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simply did not want to vote for resolution that was pinned by the united states because they would rather see us fail then to see this counsel succeeds. think washington is israel's closest ally and has blocked 3 previous attempts to call for a ceasefire. i'll jerry's ambassador, the security council's only error member, reminded his colleagues that if they had passed those earlier resolutions, thousands of lives could have been saved. 6 months into israel's war, more than 32000 palestinians, mostly women and children have been killed, frustrated by inaction. the majority of the non permanent members have drafted a separate resolution that demands an immediate and unconditional ceasefire. another vote is due to be held in the coming days. they agree a ceasefire is long overdue. but the question remains whether anything can be done to overcome the politics at the court of the un security council meeting. so john
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alexandra buyers out a 0 for inside story let's bring it to a panel of guests to discuss this further. joining us from maryland is francis j. ricardo and a former us ambassador of egypt and took here in colorado, who's saying harvey is a full my injection assistant for minnesota and full, but i'm positive. and in ramallah, hannon, ash raleigh, a former member of the policy he likes to the counselor she previously served on the executive committee of the pillow. a very distinguished panel, thank you very much for joining us. so the un security council vote 11 votes in favor of us draft, right? the resolution 3 against china and russia double because that's why it didn't go through. and algeria significantly, the arab member of the security council, one extension guy on hold on. can i ask you, your reaction is the policy and member of the panel to the security council. once again, failing to reach agreement on the gospel. again,
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the u. s. has got to many people late this month to lots of other institutions and other to try to pass the notion of money in cindy or if you want or, or a way in which i can pass on. so just as a sounds without having a need to talk to them, so that also to the acura about this and the that there's many different genius without in any way trying to address some of the issues 1st as managers to try to, to condemn how madison every possible way, how might, and some other organization and, and make sure that it's on record. and of course the 3 it today. so that q patients, so come us as long as they are packed up. and then as the again talks about to the, the underwater as though that is an investigation and it should be investigated that the nation that the members have on do i took part and be october and 7 attack
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. i'm sean without my my creating impressions like that and it's even manage it to attack about how it is. but that isn't a single dimension as then what kind of as, as genocide of asia is kind of against too many to of it's been ongoing use of hunger, food, and medicine and so on as instruments of war. and it just somehow is a passive voice. all the, all the humanitarian disaster, all the summer. i'm in a conflict induced and somehow the conflict is between what tool does one mention of that has been in, but everything else is about time a and then, but is through the complex and all the separating induced by the complex. so it made that the issue at times to examine that a says run completely and puts on record all. then i get this thing pertaining to whether this is how much another group, so the,
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and why relegation dodge that even the hosting but does not address the issue. that is, is there that is responsible for blocking the trust and punish blocking before that system. and then on the other materials from coming through, does it have a to palestine? and it is actually is then that is bombing and selling and killing. i'm plotting defenders to me and it's been ongoing is doing that constantly. so what do you as wants to have for it to come in? and so that's it. is there any kind of get into that one day? i'd rather spend the different ways to die in guys and certainly isn't as has always possible. and that's why we find these as solutions, as always, when the adapted by the us using and base of tactics, avoiding issues and condemning the different boxes without really condemning israel as a major source of investing. but in congress of what's happening,
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that's why i think needs to be to, in this case was what it is. uh, because historically the u. s. would in a sense, manipulate any other solutions and then try to lose them and make them meaningless in order to upsetting. but as you saw 548 meters a, an order to ensure a trans, mpm su, 4 to 8 meters against any kind of it is a no show that to a ton visible a comfortable. and this is that cause this is the context within which we have to address the american manipulation of the month to lecture institutions as no. well, a pretty dining verdicts on, on what happens in an old mat resolution from you that you will role veterans of international diplomacy. and you know that in un security council resolutions, the position of language is very important to have the resolution here. so you might be with me just reading the exact words of the key paragraph which said the
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security council determines the imperative of an immediate and sustained c spot to protect civilians on all sides. and to hold that hand on the equipment to the supports. ongoing international, diplomatic efforts to secure such as the spot in connection with the release of old remaining hostages fronts this, they changed that language in the last 48 hours. and secondly, blinked. and it was already traveling in the region was already in colorado said that shows the us is pushing for a c spa. all the said it was very deliberately, i'm big us using the what determines the imperative of the c. so rather the moms as the spa, i'm directly linking it to the release of those being held captive in god. so what do you say to that process? first of all, uh i accept the criticisms that the doctor shall we levels just one of the most admired or the palestinian leaders police in the united states. and i think there's only 9, there's a lot of arch and what talked restaurant we called acrobatics that it's striking in
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the language. however, i see the substance of it is very, very clear. it would have been very helpful, i think, to american and other diplomatic efforts, the country and the injection, the efforts of business that it can about sort of how reduce you had the past had at least the russians and the chinese abstained and had an explanation that could valid, criticized it in their exclamation for an explanation of vote along the lines of dr . sharp pointed out, not going far enough, etc. but the underlying and all that. i think it would have helped the diplomacy that is ongoing and i think it would have helped in the long around the israelis would have shaded. these really right would have hated it is really a piece cam such of it as may be left. uh, mike,
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mike welcomed it. i don't know there isn't much left to that piece camp under the current circumstances. but in discrediting the is rarely rejection is of a 2 state solution of the, of the palestinian identity of the palestinian state. and as long with rejecting and condemning the to the rejection is on the pallets and inside how much like, i think it would have set the grounds for some substantial diplomatic advancement. and then if you put into that, that the russians and chinese, at least epstein what a powerful backing that would have been and by law doing it with all of this language. the doctor, sharp pointed out, was in a way, in a backhanded way erecting deed is rarely, excuse is, is really right. when does really piece cap rejection as a reckoning her excuses to knock them down. it had that resolution passed,
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so i would have seen it as a very useful outcome. and for the 1st time, the united states back in even if in an artful way, less direct way than i would have, like perhaps a call for a ceasefire. a, a initial ceasefire deliberately explicitly to lead to a permanent one. i would, i thought that would have been useful your view. well, not husein, because if it is linked to the release of those being held captive in jobs are there are thoughts going on in the hall, but they could take weeks, they might not go anywhere. and then that means the reason i say as far as the, when i guess the, uh, the top priority now for all the members of the security council, including the united states, as well as the but his thing and, and the out of state is to have an immediate cease fire in, in, in the us a. so this human disaster uh would come to,
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to an end to. and if i discussed the solution that the united states submitted the yesterday before the security godson, i would, i would uh analyze it in terms of the successive attempts on the parts of the security is cancelled from october 7th, 2012 to city city yesterday. to adopt a solution point and photos these 5, the wording of the draft. there's an ocean yesterday from an american thought of you, i guess was a bigger box or it was cost effective in the sense this is the 1st time that the united states before the security golf course for an immediate and sustainable ceasefire. so this is something that we could have both of them understand some uh it is that the nation's that's where i that's it and by dr. ash raleigh or by the
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representatives of russia and china before the concert yesterday. and i would have preferred from a diplomatic part of you and the conservation, the interests of the innocent civilians by this thing ends in the guests that indulge though for trying to abstain lie deanna did. yesterday. the doctor's allusion submitted by the united states yesterday. gardener's 11 votes of support, the 14 allowed to 15 members on the council. so this is some majority that we have to take into account the only, aside from the 2 liters exact size by china and the restaurant the only uh position to the draft as it was on being from, from, from juliet the on the i to member state on the concept. so i,
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i think that it yesterday was another reflection of g as in the national geo politics and its impact on the workings and the effectiveness of the security council dealing with the situations that undermine that. undermine that not letting these and pen pen security all not point on that point. and if i, if i could bring in on, i know on that point the us on bassett said that she felt that this was the reasons that by rusher and trying to write things they did was deeply, deeply cynical. so one of the reasons is they would never vote for anything drawing up by the us. you agree with what china and russia did? yes, today. but do you agree with her that this is all infected by the big sheer political divides in the world right now? a look at very clearly that many pollution of this multi lateral body has always
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been carried out by the us. i told you where i put to meet or when it comes to events have been exercised by the us. and if you nation of the language of this course, eviction of any kind of resolution has always been by the us. so let's not, not start talking about china and the shots and the sizing, or the employee and all sorts of metrics in order to prevent resolutions, not that talk. now the u. s. good that immediately put an end to the war 2 that came into the slot, the genocide by just not providing isn't done with the weapons and with the findings and with my daughter a blank check in order to carry out, talk to his lunch is good. that immediately both the food into guys up by the, through the land clustering points by bringing in her hands to open that's, i have cut them up with some of them that are trusting points that go down, built in the food and prevented this started patients that use of food on medicine
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and supplies as a means of killing people. lots of things that you ask about that. instead, it's managed to vote to be to 7 believe the as soon as you're lucian, one after the other in order to buy as many times in order to avoid any kind of resolution that was in any way. and b is that genocide done that on page, and that is to blame others by putting into sizing the situation the u. s. has always used for you and was all much but be in order to maintain it, says infinity and under to the what is the and that's been part of the actual conflicted with relationship and we've, it's been said then ultimately that's the u. s. will never allow and it has a notion to because it's decides as an openly or to use any sanction against, as i know the language, it does not mention as then as we say, and i make that is something called my been a little mature,
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which is the equivalent of the best of voice in english, the unknown perfect rates are the only known people mentioned. and this is illusion of how much and others the organization that etc, etc is whatever. and of course, and why of having to investigate and accept the independent new to investigation. and of course the host these but it comes out to, you know, a perfectly innocence and so it has nothing to do with this. everybody else is going to them. and it does everybody else's responsibility on all. the fact is, most of like my international law and international humanitarian law, even the palestinian people, i'd mentioned on the watson and the left is the most true about the vision of a 2 state solution, which is fine by line goodwin. they are now in trying to destroy the city and state and to, to carry out genocide an ethnic cleansing and metric has been published. i mean,
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this is the, the change on yours, on, i think if we start tag to start to pick the same, do then the, that this might work on. we can use the for the 1st time they mention cx, 5, no mention teach 5 and before, but they manage to ensure that that is language that the records in the add ons are rest multilateral organization. that's would not in any way condemn exams that would a consolidate the come on, let's crime. and on the contrary, that was put on that kind of thing is that, that not even to learn about what the, what time i showed others that or even they, they underwater and so on. so i really like to talk to him at the ration. yeah. let me, let me bring in the front, says now if i can, francis um, all the spotlights is on the us, some passed it to the united nations, linda thomas greenfield. you, i know we've had postings to 4 different countries as us on the box of the,
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you know, the precious, but she must be under a great deal of pressure here. and i just wanna bring in a little bit of my own reporting because i mean based that the you and the last 11 years were out to 0. and i've had a number of conversations with her in recent months. and with me, she sticks to the official us line, but i've been told by a number of senior security counsel diplomats that she's increasingly uncomfortable in her role and uncomfortable with her countries policy. and yet, she's the one who has to stick a hand up in veto. if those, if that reporting is correct and i can only tell you that's what people are telling me. how difficult must that be. it certainly is difficult, but she is a professionals professional and she has a uh, an oath of office and a deep professional and personal loyalties to her office and her responsibilities under the constitution. but this question leads to the follow up with dr. usher always like she so wonderfully articulated, the palestinian,
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the outside of the palestinian sense of injustice over many years. and many americans not just american diplomats who have served in the region under more than understand that i sympathized with it. we've seen it. we've witnessed it the treatment that has all that to the so i, i one can't set it aside. it is there. on the is rarely size there's, there's, there's deep sentiments and, and feelings. i don't mean to equate them. that's not the point. when you're a practitioner and you're trying to find a way forward, you often have to, in some way, show back it. but this passionate way. there's very offensive things that you find in the language of a resolution or something and see what you can get that will take you forward to the, the larger goal. in this case, a, i think the, these really have created this really, right?
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because really, it could mix these as rarely piece rejection as the those to explicitly have supported come off in order to support a 2 state solution. they have committed to his store and wonder in doing what they have done in garza, most of the world now, which before i will speak of the western world, at least in, in the united states. there's a reason why the united states relentlessly has vetoed a resolution center unusual. that's because of popular sympathies and understanding, even it's misplaced for the right, but not just is really state point of view, but the, the is really right wing tab and less understanding for what the palestinians have experienced under occupation all this time. this is historic strategic belonged or, or the net ton yahoo! lead is rarely state in, in committing what the most of the world. now the western world is explicitly
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stating as a criminal acts under international law. and perhaps even under us law. look at what senator schumer said, the other day he didn't call for a ceasefire. you could criticize what he said for god, it's not going far enough. but he made a historic speech reflecting a historic change, i believe, in american and western world, public opinion. these are really said have watched it from that time, yahoo government has thrown away. it's what it has, what israel has accomplished over generations and getting the sympathy of the world and for training. the palestinians, as doctor char, your said is as some kind of, you know, terrorist terrorist, terrorist painting them with a broad brush is as if all palestinians or the p l o r or terrace. okay, that has been prompted for process is i'd like to take us because we don't have
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much time in fact to the security council because this resolution didn't pause, but there was another one coming up on monday to make sure it's a resolution. and this one to mom, so let me just see spot for the month of ramadan, respected by all parties leading to a permanent sustainable cx 5. this is proposed by 8 of the permanent members already china, russia, on front se they'll support it. so they have the votes saying, this means it's down to the us will the us because this will not given secondly, blinking was talking out the idea of a c spa and the us supported deceased father and all those say he was those comments were a bit of spin, but they're in a tough position now. um they are they gonna vote for that resolution? what do you think co sign? well, i hope that the security concern would come to a consensus underneath, on the immediate need of adopting it as an ocean cooling for any media to and sustain sustainable ceasefire in augusta. and i hope that all the
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members on the concert, whether permanent members or non permanent members will put domestic, bought at the excess site and costs on today. that efforts and the initiatives on bringing to and then there's a heated discussion against the palestinians in, in garza, this is from my person. i'm fond of you is the most immediate task now uh if we keep going. uh, if we keep using each other then uh then uh i, i'm afraid that security council would fade at to a tenant, the palestinians. we need, okay, i want to bring it in, hold on, uh the for them for the last. com. okay, is that if i could bring in a not until the last for the last comments on this, if the us supports this resolution, orb stains does not really mean. and the thing will,
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is ro comply or what sort of pressure is needed from, from washington briefly if you can. it has never complied with any of the ocean named one of the notion that this man has implemented a single one. so let's, let's not think that we can expect something out of this monday. there's a notion get something out there, but this late, this is a notion that is to be presented. it's very clear and very touching fabric type. it means that you card, which is what me and, but i'm the ones i've been saying and that's or other guests were saying that there was, that is a change in public opinion. people i'm seeing the hunters that are taking place by is the number of clear on 120 in plain sight. it's janet i and now there's a, there's a new center called schwab and immediate seat trial. it doesn't go on over the place in order to exonerate this drug condemned that. and this is the important thing, the u. s. good. that done this before they i screwed up same course of thousands of
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on demand liars. and even from day one they could that said ok, let's out at all for own in terms of exchange of businesses, not everything is dependent on the the hostages network, the objectives and october 7th. we have over 9100 understanding in prison. and so i often just, my interest is then hold all of the guys that hosted the hotel and then people even though it back in a center, let's find some sort of action that would say is willing to comply with international know that, that it's but it did a between the side and of course in terms of the law, the, there's no objective parity. and the u. s. should at least one vote for the motion. that's as simple and straightforward. and that says, we must say large. now let's try to kind of days of damage. thanks very much to our
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distinguished panel of gas today. francis j recall, do you have any who's saying already on how to the actual raleigh extensive coverage of the war on gauze? it continues around the talking out to 0 and you can find more context and analysis on our website, which is 0 adult calm. we'd like to hear your views on today's discussion. go to our facebook page, that's facebook dot com, forward slash a inside story. we also want any thoughts you have on what we should discuss next time. you'll find this on x 2, that's at a j inside story for me, james, based on the whole team here in doha, stay safe. i'll see you guys. bye. in the group of poland to search for clues this dusk falls in eastern time in the targets. how does a suppose then? you might think these are the other symptoms. wild elephants here have adapted, hiding and sleeping in the day foraging at night. there are numerous appetites,
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true in the mass of the forest, and on to phones while they trying to avoid contact with humans. when they do meet, the result can be disastrous. my neighbor was working that night and came across the elephant and couldn't get away in time. the elephant ended up stopping him to death in a report from the villages of a disturbance on the edge of the community to several imaging dry and take. so 2 distinct shapes, the elephants were just a 150 meters down the track and we could have them still a thing in the darkness. as the volunteers showing lights that attend and they move away. but they'll be back. they frequently return to places they know they'll find food analysis never forgets in china. this is a stomach room. the bathroom for the father was killed. boys and girls as young a 6th learned to handle firearms and develop insurance to be ready to protect the country. i would make you run so hard to $1.00 oh,
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$1.00 east visits. china is military capital kids on alger 0. the i'm more inclined in though how these, the top stories on out is there. how much the official has told down to is there is really negotiates has, have rejected the latest proposals for us. these 5 of our policy is why the delegation has left the latest round of talks in the hall and return to israel. so i protest as have been demanding prime minister benjamin netanyahu says most to secure the release of captives in gone. so last name is a member of the homeless political bureau. he told down to 0 that as well as only interested in securing the release of captives and.


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