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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 24, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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let's also show you, we'll deliver it to so donates with confidence, donates with outcast foundation. with every packed on 19 with every press will bring it to liked it to love in palestine. we share the polls open and set a goal. as motors, choose a new president as to weeks of political tension and delays. and i'm nicholas hawk, in the car's capital center goal, where 7000000 voters are coming out to vote in it delayed, but much anticipated election. the 50 venue, this is elsie rely from don't also coming up overnight is really your strikes,
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pause, widespread devastation across southern gaza. at least 6 palestinians are killed, talks to reach a ceasefire in gaza, stalls. i'm us is israel has rejected its proposal to end the war. russian airstrikes hit the ukrainian capital for a 2nd time in a week while poland and says a messiah violated it's your space. the . so let's start, instead of go, we're boating has just begun. indeed, delayed presidential election. the new pulling date was announced 2 weeks ago after an attempt by the president to postpone the election to december sparked months of unrest. voters will be choosing a successor to president mackie, sel, who's been in power for 12 years. nicholas hack is out of pulling station in the car. nicholas you reported on all the twists and turns of the run up to the selection, frankly, even a few weeks ago we didn't know whether we'd get to this date,
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but here we are. that's right. i mean, there's so much anticipation in this vote. a lot of sending these people have protested. some have died to have this moment take place and look, we're at the number of people that have come out this morning. the pulling station just opened moments ago, a lot of old and young and also 1st time voters. joining me now is julia sonya julia, you are a 1st time voter. and you told me earlier on that you could have voted in earlier elections. but because of administration, reason and also because you've been traveling, you didn't come to vote. why is it important this, tyrone, for you to cast your vote today today is very important because um this election has so many intake and we feel like we should on miss this opportunity. see, and as a 1st time boards or i feel like i need to make my voice heard. and the political
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to see. when we notice these past 2 years has made us want to come and, and, and show we want to be one of the changes. so we have to come out and numbers and, but when, when present, like you sell announced a delay or even a cancellation of the election, what was your reaction then? i was, i was very disappointed that somebody took my my rights without even asking they, they don't allow us to express ourselves in the, in the ballot. and that's what we were all waiting for after or what was going on. we say to ourselves, no worries. we make sure our voice would be heard of the bullets and for somebody to just come and cancel it. it was, it was very hot. so now you're coming out to vote. why. what are you expecting from this campaign that was quite short? did you have the time needed to understand or to choose which candidate you wanted to vote for? uh, yeah, at dates. yeah, it was shot,
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but it was efficient use of the help of a social network. so a, this election has not been like before because the way they did the campaign and, and stuff. so i'm expecting this one to go in peace and, and, you know, yeah, i, i think everything would go, well, i just went beyond a, you know, the delay in the election, given this region where there's been a lot of cruise in neighboring countries. why do you think this election or this vote is, is like no other. yeah, because indigo has been um, position as a, as a leader in terms of democratic oh, arise and election. so i feel like this ation show a game. but some of this before i've a mature and they know what they want. we want elections. we want to, to like our present and in a democratic way. so i think it, it, we go, we will go box as being leave this in the sub regents. and in terms of
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the electing a president democratically to you're expecting change. yes. do this on? yes. thank you very much. there is a lot of hope in this election after 12 years of president mackey. so in power change is about to come to candidates stand out from the others to a former tax inspector. when the boss, i'm a new boss who is the ruling party candidate and the other, the former employee by through jim i 5 who was in prison just a week ago and was free and he was a relatively unknown to the public. and in the matter of a week, during this campaign, he rose to start and there's a lot of expectation and anticipation in this election that will be closely monitoring. yeah. and, and, and everything that has led up to this moment has been really unprecedented in the context of set a goal. it was really interesting to listen to julia sonya your voters to do thank
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her for us. nicholas hack. thank you very much. i to an advisor for nigeria as president says 137 school students, abducted earlier this month, had been freed. previous media reports had put the number of children taken at 287 gunmen attacked their school in the northern state of could do now on march 7th, kidnapping victims as young as for or the beginning. garza where is really wor, plans of bombing hun, eunice in the south of the strip explosions and gunfire had been reported near nicer hospital. all patients were moved out of the medical facility last month, but hundreds of displaced palestinians are sheltering there. for the south and rough uh, at least 6 people were killed. one is really forces target to the home emergency crews or trying to reach the wounded or buried under the rubble and recover any body's houses here is honey. my mood is lived from rough. uh honey. what are you
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learning this morning? what's the latest? yes, where sir, we're getting confirm reports from in the jar hospital where the casualties are from over not a tax on a residential home and no jeanina neighborhood. that's the eastern part of central rough city. we're looking at 7 people are being confirmed go. the 3 of them are children. under the age of 12 were killed in the, in the tax. there are at least an injury is also transferred to the hospital, but with difficult isn't it? providing medical supplies then, and a space in the hospital during the treatment, and any intervention done by the medical staff is a quite difficult right now. they're also confirmed report of at least the 3 more under the levels as the, the destruction cause as the, the bombs was massive the cause, a great deal of destruction not only to the targeted house, but also the surrounding building that collapse on the ready bomb house. meanwhile,
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in hon, you and is this really military push the late hours of last night, deeper into an area within the vicinity of north of the house. but that button is the mean area, very close to about 500 meters away from the main gate of the hospital and within the vicinity of of the jordanian fields. hospital under heavy coverage of military and shop requests, captors and, and times that are right now, making their ways all the way to the western part of hon. you, in a city and a and surrounding the largest academic institution in the gaza service deluxe the university. right now with where there is a risk of re, a risk worked on the people who are, who have been shouldering inside the campus of the university and the tents that i've been set up since the beginning of the war for many of the displays, palestinians, if from the northern parts and gaza city, the situations are getting worse by the hour right now. and we're looking at within the past couple of days, people were going and inspecting areas that is really military pulled out of front
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trying to post it. those who are being trapped and missing under the rebels, and right now they are a tribe in areas where there's really a military have pushed deeper into honey, the boss of the largest agency in gaza. that's on the law. so the boss for the plaza really tweeted a short while ago, quote, for the 2nd time this week, a food convoy has been denied to northern guys are biased, really, authorities. so in light of that, i wanted to ask you, what the humanitarian situation is there at present. we know it's bad, but what can you tell us about that and, and how people are doing and where they're finding food this will perhaps there'll be the best word, the most accurate word to describe what's going on in terms of humanitarian situation is being catastrophic. we're looking at acute famine, the causing malnutrition, and the hydration, and force as far vision. the northern part where or 27 children have died because
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of this in force. the hydration and tar vision. also the, the, the, the, the state of k as it created in the northern part and gauze, and city, given the, the, the famine and the, the, the honorary crisis spreading. give her, we're just, we're looking at collab civil order as people, when they are, are they are being as talk to dad. they're trying to get everything. what they are able do get their hands on to in order to feed their families and to keep them alive. here in overcrowded run by city, looking at depletion of resources, and that's because of the trickle amount of a being in 3rd, being allowed to enter the gaza strip is really military. despite the visit of the united nations, the chief on the other side of the border did not deterred is really monetary from talking for not a 2nd time for a week, but also if it's ever of time within the past week, the aid worker is an aide seekers and a good voice across the goals are just making it very difficult for people and for
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everyone on the ground. and honeywell, who do reporting from russia in the southern part of the gaza strip. thank you very much, that honey. now mediation efforts to end israel's war on gaza appear to be stalling . houses 0 has learned is really negotiators rejected almost his latest proposal for a ceasefire. dar reports that he is really delegation, has now left the talks in doha and returned home, or from mazda is also announced that one kept evey 34 year old is really his died amount nutrition and a lack of medicine. and intel, of the protest as have been demanding the prime minister benjamin netanyahu do more to release the captives and gaza. i'm the so who to was at that protest until the demonstrator and then tell it to be really prime minister 9. and that election should be held immediately. additionally, they're calling for a deal to bring back, and the remaining is really captive. the enters,
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it makes the mind, the governments simply have not done enough to secure their release. no pressure has been bouncing along the direction internationally. and domestically, but seemingly on paid by all of these protests that are still going on. and 6 weeks later these protesters say they're going to continuously be walking rhodes every saturday until those demands are met. come to some who just need all television. some name is a member of the homeless political bureau, he told alpha 0. israel is only interested in the release of the captives, not in ending the war. it is very shocking because i've been with you. it does have a unfortunately accepted to, to uh, to uh, to convey or to hand to over this. so any ideas to the, to, to, to our, to our side, because based on the bodies went on, but he's to and they won't get to suddenly confusion and contact with them with the
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it does and with the americans. we have promised that these, these to treat the minds of adult ethics, fail the tooth and withdrawal, and that again of a lot of this dispute was to them, houses, there is a positive and there's an acceptance from that. so either side, no, suddenly uh out of nothing this right is object and therefore we believe we believe that it is not about negotiations. it is not about you sees fab is about benjamin you to know is the. ready your thing, vinegar, she issues as a cover and to gain more time and more attempt to continue with his plans by a complete bombardment. the rest of the guns, a slip in coffee and cut off until the attention inside is played and also to the music and measuring. i'm pretty sure you wouldn't least the security council of discussion they have been for it is about nathaniel hard and addiction of in think this aggression, despite of all the bushels a u. n. secretary general,
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antonio gutierrez has again called for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in gaza . during a visit to the egyptian side of the roof of border crossing and came just before it is really attacked in gaza. city where troops opened fire on crowds waiting for aid, killing at least 19 people. victoria gave him the reports hungry palestinians, desperate for food shows that by his really full seas. nick, you wait round about an intersection, often used by a trucks and goes to the city. many were left seriously injured and some of the elements after the more we survived this, make sure that the us there are many that many injured almost done to get our children a bite to eat. the injured we taken to ali baptist hospital bought with gauze, is health care system. it near collapse many which we 2 outside in the openness with the ones who could read round about because they wanted to eat,
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they wanted to live. these really is fired at us. some people died, some were injured and some got back unscathed. may god have mercy on us. more than 32000 palestinians have been killed since israel launched it's. we're on gas and more than 5 months ago. and this is not the 1st time israel's being accused of shooting of palestinians wasting the age accusations. israel denies. this attack was carried down to around the same time, un secretary general, antonio gutierrez was visiting the egyptian side of the raffle coursing. he again called for an immediate cease fire, and israel to lift its brocade and allow the delivery of desperately needed age. is our only hope. it's that i am totally flog guys, so we'd like saving a the choice is clear i the search was thought of haitian. let's choose the siding is out the sides of the hole and the right sides of the city. the
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diplomatic efforts are continuing to find some form of agreement between israel and thomas. the people have cause a no time is not on this side. victoria gates and b l g 0. in the occupied west bank. now these really army has been carrying out more raids and incursions. video shows soldiers heading into the city of hebron and targeting a shots number of palestinians were reportedly detained. more than 7700 had been arrested since the war on gossip began. and palestinians have gathered on the streets of the north shapes refugee camp, east of to car, and this is still in the occupied west bank. this video shows a man telling the crowd that the armed wing of islamic jihad, targeted a vehicle belonging to is really troops. this apparently in response to is really raised on the camp is really strikes on eastern 11 on have injured at least 3 people. emergency crews have been deployed to the city of the back. b is really
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military says a target today has belong weapons workshop. it follows a series of cross border attacks in the past 6 months. the still ahead on elsie's 0 cost me story out of school in west, in uganda with $36.00 people, including students were attacked by on, on group faced in the democratic republic of congo. i'll tell you why such border attacks are on the rise the the well that feeling of summer seed is about to be wiped out across southern spain. hi everyone. so we'll shake up the weather pattern by mondays, so enjoy it while you can on sundays, seville, 30 degrees. watch what happens on monday that what weather dance is in the winds pick up. and so the temperature in seville falls by 4th and 10 degrees. speaking of
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cool, well we've got this cool breeze off the north sea that's pumping in quite a bit of cool air right across the continent of europe, but there is still some wants to be found in the eastern bulk in sophia bulk area, 18 degrees, the temperature is about a month ahead of schedule, but if you look behind it, in bosnia, for example, sorry about just 6. now eventually this cuts across and drops down the temperature . so sophia, you're down to 10 degrees on monday, back to the here, and now enjoy the sun in greece and turkey. because things are about to change here and still more rain coming into the picture in iraq and with a disturbance around the canary islands. that's giving us rain for morocco, some century down ports for northwest spelled g area. that series still doing its thing in the walk set. and bon joel, quite called cool, i should say for this time of the year. and with these varies off the indian ocean, persistent rain up and down the east coast about a gas scar and quite the soaking for mozambie. my pluto a months worth of rain and 48 hours or
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the brutality of the response to the events of october 7th had become impossible to make. no, there is no one nor, or international humanitarian law that has not been violated. it's been while you have some western power supports of, of israel's actions. he's well has the right to defend itself. it has the duty to defend its people. it is astonishing just how deep cleaning corrupt materially and morally. they all look at how the international news are being applied and ignored, and the israel cause of conflict. israel, a buffalo on al jazeera, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, the watching else, a 0, a reminder of our headlines this, our voting has just begun instead of goals delayed presidential election. then you pulling date was announced just 2 weeks ago after an attempt to postpone the election to december spark months of unrest. motors will be choosing a successor to president mackie sel, who has been in power for 12 years. at least 6 people have been killed and it is really strike on a home in rough sign, southern gaza is really war plants and also bumps on eunice, explosions. and gunfire had been reported near the necessary medical complex mediation efforts to end israel's war on gaza appear to be stallings officers 0 sources say is really negotiators have rejected almost as late as cease by a proposal and let the talks and don't brush that carried out their strikes in west and ukraine in the early hours of sunday, keith says it's air defense systems managed to repel the attack. preliminary
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reports suggest no casualties or major damage. witnesses say that they did hear explosions and saw some missiles being shot down. polish authorities say one russian, the style violated their aerospace before returning to ukraine was was yours. rob mcbride has more on all of this from keith. another nights of strikes across ukraine. here in the capital key, the arrow alone was sounded in the early hours of the sunday morning. and then just before doing a series of loud explosions across the city. that of also being attacked by drones in the east, around the new pro and creevy v. as that is said to have been target to the electricity supply and also a heating systems. i would also hearing that that have been at least 20 missed 1000 drones directed to the west and the v region again targeting critical electricity infrastructure is does seem to follow a path and as rush, it was ramping up. it's asked right to few days ago. we saw the biggest missile
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strike on elm keep in a month and a half that was followed the next day by a series of around a $150.00 drones and missiles being fired at electricity infrastructure across ukraine. meanwhile, the loved them is the landscape. the ukranian president has used his address on saturday evening to dismiss any claims by russia of a ukrainian connection to the attack in moscow saying that this is putin and his thugs. try to blame someone else, rob mcbride, i'll do that or keith. russian president vladimir putin has imposed a new security measures of to friday's concert hall attack, at least $133.00 people were killed. more than a 150 injured sunday has been declared a national day of mourning. dorset jabari reports from moscow to the scene the morning after one of the worst attacks by an armed group in russia's recent history . emotions are running high as the russians come to terms with what happened,
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including those who survived on this list and they started to shoot in our direction. they shot people and through federal bombs. people were panicking and so scared only now i understand how lucky i am. can you text me by now? it is so terrible. what's happened here? i really can't comprehend this. it is an ugly active terror. there animals still talked of heavy security and check points. now surround the suburban area about 20 kilometers northwest of the center of moscow. people have been coming here all day to pay tribute to those who lost their lives and what officials called a terrible tragedy. the task of recovering that, that is expected to continue for the next few days as well. the morning of the families of the victims, along with the rest of the country. president vladimir putin has called the attack a bloody and barbaric act and vowed revenge. what was the movie and we will identify and punish every one who was behind the terrorist attack. who prepared
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this strike against russia and its people keep one who no one will be able to. so the poisonous seeds of this golden panic connection multinational society as a president, address the nation. hundreds of people cute to donate blood at centers in moscow. the 1st of the security service set for suspects had been arrested while heading to the border with ukraine. and that they had contacts in that country. ukrainian officials have denied involvements. these pictures reported we show stores of ammunition seized by officials inside the caracas city hall, suggesting the attack was planned in advance. i saw in afghanistan has claimed responsibility door, so jibari, also sierra moscow as well as a 00. your shop of all of a joins us now live from moscow. you'll get, i wanted to ask you about the investigation, but, but just before i do that, i'm seeing the part of the scene behind you and people clearly gathered. i see there are flowers,
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people laying flowers. can you share with us what you're seeing and what it feels like right now to be in moscow? wow, that's right. so people like coming here on us to lay flowers, say lights candles to bring some posters. and basically just to be present here because the country is kind of trying to recover from that terrible. i tug that took place on friday night. i'm standing not far away from the co hawkess's fitness center where it's all happens. and you can also see the flags race or stop everywhere as around the country on building staff. i know just in most crew, but in other russian spaces, uh candles. uh, being less in the, in various places as well as, uh, uh,
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monuments um us bringing up and people come that and say that they pay paying their respects. so at the moment the clear and separation continues here . we know that 212 is that looking for people remaining under the rubble and the bodies of those who can be that as well as the searching for some explosive devices into weapons. food can also be here. but as far as we know, the most good governor also said that they can be of voters under the rubble. so you, you tell us now what the latest is on this investigation. anything that you might have learned on this right, the investigation is underway. many questions remain about who is behind this up saquina that ice, those outgoing branch has claimed responsibility and submitting to national exam as agreed with us on the lines in the way how they talk had been carried out. now we'd hear that the russian presidents in directly expressed the idea,
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are we ukrainian trace in this case, and so do some russian concessions. now, while the russian major openly blamed ukraine for that supplies because they say that the terrorists were trying to flee to craig, and the ukraine side was preparing a safe passage for the use you yourself of oliver reporting from moscow. thank you very much. julia, you've in this military has warned an armed group based in the democratic republic of congo is planning attacks last year. fighters from the allied democratic forces killed 43 people out of school near the border cap. and so it has this report from underway in west and uganda. the sight of that attack julius and boost that is still in morning live for his family, fell apart last june, when 5 to is from an on group based in the democratic republic of congo, crossed the buddha to a talk. a secondary schools. 43 people, mostly students, were killed, included. he's 18 year old son,
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mckindoe's idea of over took over the we thought we are protected. but to our surprise, we were shocked to see adf across the border to come kill our children. meaning our porters are not safe, and its eliza i came to who lives next door is suffering. a different kind of pain passed on. festus was among several people. keep about doing the raids. he's called the least diamond. he came to him pond way to look for work and stay safe from rebelar talks. me go now. i pay my child is the life in the far east. i pay to god every day to perform a miracle so that he couldn't come home. the school is now on a bundle and show off the petrol boom. talks by assailants with my shack. he's the escaped across the border into the room on national park. these are the remind as of what happened here. the students were in there. don't when that talk happened,
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and it's really hard to imagine the tyra and fear because there was no escape the adf, which pledge allegiance to i, so was based in uganda years ago, before being defeated by the army. the rebels been fledged to d r. c. where they've killed or keyed knob to many civilians. various government forces including the, you've gone to an army and a peacekeeping mission are reinforcing the companies on a sunday, but big the money to give you permission to the room governments. because of the you from me to fund it. we discovered there was a body shop including, i think the press for the data or both over the score. now that enables these, i get to how do they get both the box importantly, ugandans here tyler's life. may never be the same again,
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but they also say there was not in leaving fia kathy saw you all to 0 pond way less than uganda. as observing ramadan and gaza. it has been a challenge for many palestinians, but despite the hardships, some of finding ways to keep the spirits and traditions of a fasting months. a live capture lopez, her young has more. s got my deal with the luckless shabby green. never thought she'd have to prepare a meal in a mixture of tent for number. uh huh. without a kitchen or electricity. but since israel's warm calls, the more life has changed. she has managed to get some vegetables but says food is now a luxury. many can't afford the hand why that is never mind before we would include beef chicken and turkey to make out traditional mach labor rice dish. now we have to make do before the well, we used to have delicious meals, but it's just too expensive. yeah. yeah. much i with e been sick last name a


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