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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 24, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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to understand how it affects our daily lives, just outline for us how big a problem is labeled food insecure. counting the cost on outages in the the hello, i'm about this, and this is the news on life from joe coming up in the next 60 minutes. millions of people in the center dollar voting for a new president dropped a week's attention and political on rest. nicholas hawk in senegal is capital the car we're pulling stations have just opened as millions of people come out to vote and it delayed but much anticipated presidential election
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saying good bye one last time. punish paintings in the rough. i'm more than the victims of the latest wave of his readings twice the russian air strikes hoping you're training and capitol for a 2nd time and a week in poland says a miss are violated. it's aerospace and it's for formula one that will champion max for staff and his problems at the australian one create the fire fire 1st pass and fails to finish. as here are, is called a science that can fit 3 in mail, the send you mt. we're going to begin in, senegal. revolting is 9, went away in the late on the much anticipated presidential election. the new pulling date was the names just over 2 weeks ago, and that came off to an attempt by the president to postpone the vote to december,
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sparking mass protest. 7000000 senegalese are eligible to choose a success as a present and lucky solve who's been in part for 12 years. going to take a look at the senate goals, electrical system. there are, as i said, around 70000000, registered voters in the country. and a part of the $348.00 fighters and abroad, they're going to be around 16 fighters and polling stations. 19 candidates are aiming for the top job and the winner is by a majority with a runoff. if necessary, the candidates must win more than 50 percent of the votes to prevent a 2nd round. for the president is elected for a 5 year time with a limit of 2 consecutive terms. when nicholas talks out of pulling station and dock of nick over the last few days, you've been talking to us about the level of and susie, as i'm going into this, a patient there off of these elections. i know the polls are open a problem. absolutely. i mean, it's just been just a few hours since the polling stations have open and look at the crowd that have
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gathered there. people here that have been standing in line before the pulling station open at 8 o'clock, waiting for hours to finally get a say in this election. and what are the person that has been to up here for a number of hours is chubb i come or i see from the organization, they're not sending out tomorrow synagogue. and thank you for joining us. you've been waiting for a long time for this selection. we spoke to you during the cancellation of the election, where you went out on the streets to try to protest for this vote to take place. why is this moment so important for you? chat about i am so happy to be able to exercise my right to vote, understanding of the citizen. this is something that we've won because the risk was high of the election being delayed until, who knows when, so i've been doing for 2 hours, but i'm happy. that's why this level of enthusiasm in this selection. because
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people have been so afraid, just not being able to vote, they realize that democracy is a is a principle of value that's, that's very important to them. so i think that's why you see so many people in the pulling station and since people are really happy, you're telling me it's just a few days time how solomon, how important this ritual is for this, then at least people described to us why, why? because it's only every 5 years, but we get to choose our, our president, and the rest of the time. we'll have to say that, you know, the sending of these people really go about their own business and are not too much involved into uh, daily politics. so when they're not happy, they will just wait for why at least until the day comes ends. uh, you know, um, would there make, make they their choice by just voted, right?
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yep. and, and so this is the highest, the collection where there is going to be change because it's the end of present lucky solves 12 years in power. what's at stake really here in decimal when it's very open. um there may be a huge change. uh, not only in terms of the person who's going to be the next president, but also maybe the whole system. um we hope that the constitution will be reformed. so that never again, what happened in senegal can you know, happen again. so yeah, it spends a lot of anticipation, it is a lot of expectation and in this selection, right, and inspection from young voters. and what makes the selection like, you know, whether while the rates as low as this. i mean, people have really come in for a mass to, to, to vote. i expect
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a very high rates of participation. and, uh, the fact that i can say, no one of fields indifferent about what's going on. i'm not sure everybody's going to vote, but for sure. this is the 1st time that the stakes are so high in the, in the country, and we've seen a short and campaign. and do you think that the candidates have had time to make their page to the syndic these people? not really, but i don't think that matters. i think that people know who they're going to vote tool and they've known for quite a while now. so no i, i don't think that's, that's an issue on saturdays to us to vote today and that's has happened. thank you so much. deborah, come on to from did not send it out to morris and they go, this is a high state collection and there are 2 stand out candidates. in fact,
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a former tax inspector, the employee bucks. you, jim, i 5, who's a figure of the opposition and his former boss. i'm gonna do bout who's also a tax inspector that was to have 2 very different vision of the future of center go . one is about continue with this of the projects of present microsoft, the other, the anti establishment opposition leader is about an overall of the system. giving more equity to the people of sending all this election is important. because this year, liquefied natural gas will be exported to europe and whoever is in charge of the country will be in charge of incredible revenue. and the people you see here want is a greater share of this new found wealth. next, thank you very much. indeed. obviously over the coming hours, we're going to be checking back in with you and the team to see how the voting is going for not and nicholas talking dot com. thank you very much. john advisor from
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nigeria is president says all $137.00 school students, abducted earlier this month of being freed previous media report. time put the number of children taken at 287 government attacked those schools and the northern state of kaduna on march. the 7th can nothing victims as young as for the disease of the disease is a special assistant to the nigerian president. and he says no wrong, some was paid for the students really. and this is something that took a dis, a she knew o s u l said a bush and actually a code on the 7th of much less than some 16 days ago. and some of that time the president gave it much in all the to the security forces. and the, the hate about, you know, security agencies to ensure that the students a fried in good time and induct and the, the alice will to do well. finally, at least by the uh, by the they,
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by the abductors. and of course it took a lot of, but you know, engagement way in which of the prison directed money should not be involved. and the money was not involved in this operation. there were no evidence on was paid because the president had and the i stated that some will not be paid because the government believed that the tories, those engaged in such kind offer i e mails act should not be you or that the more i had on the news are including i wrote mcbride didn't have a key view crane with the physiotherapy teens, helping keep the country soldiers in the fights. why boats? s. as in brazil or warning, the political history could be about to repeat itself. uninstalled to austria, score a history making gold and a match against the vacuum. sun is going to be here with that story. the
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we're going to go to guys and now what is really war? planes are bombing, con eunice and the size of the strip explosions. and gun 5 have been reported me, i'm not the hospital. all patients were moved out of the medical facility last month, but hundreds of displaced palestinians are sheltering there. by the size and rough, at least 6 people were killed. when is where the forces talk, it is a home emergency crews are trying to reach the wounded or buried under the rubble and recover any bodies. a for palestinians have died in the last 24 hours. i just need as honeywell, who is life for us in the rough i've just been talking through what's been happening, honey? yes. well, within the past 45 minutes more death and destruction took place in rough activity into what seemed to be assembly tedious. error strikes took place here in the eastern part of the city, and here is just not, not far from the good way to your hospital at please have kilometers to the
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southern part of the main gate of the hospital here where a residential home was targeted. and destroyed for people reported killed a transfer do i could wait hospital here. 2 children and 2 adults were brought in a plastic bags in pieces. they were told by a paramedic and civil defense, the crew as the work exiting david the gate of the hospital. there are more people are still under the rubble. we're still waiting for more updates of from the attack than they eastern part of as they were told. it's a residential home again in a very densely populated area. i based in part of the city and overnight a. * 7 people have been killed and were confirmed by and the john hospital, if 3 of them were children and reading family members, all 7 of from one family member and a close to 10 people's been critically injured was still more people on the durable . and in fact, they're talking over night was very massive not only destroyed the targeted
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building, but also its vicinity, 3 more buildings where it's severely damaged, just forcing people into more into further internal displacement. meanwhile, in hon unit, that's really monetary under heavy coverage of drone attacks and tank joe then military shop are pushed deeper into an area very close. do not their hospital just within the past couple hours. it pushed deeper at the vicinity of not that hospital, just destroying remaining residential buildings and further west around a lot of hospitals were drawing requests captors fields. paramedics work for the policy and the request and society as an i'm a hospice, a right now these really military and it's time phenomenal vehicles station and a 3 major locations around last at a hospital very close the gates, a lot of the hospital and further west to the largest academic institutions in the gulf through the university where literally we have still hundreds of people are
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still inside been filtering since the beginning of the war, honey. and yesterday let's talk about the a yesterday. you and the secretary general antonio. the titles was on the egyptian side of the off of crossing into garza. he was very critical of the long lines of trucks carrying much needed a racing to be allowed into the guys. but there seemed to be no movement there. talk to us through what's happening with the getting into jobs or as well the the fact that we're looking at just the opposite side of the border that gives you inside where my is literally a mile. so it's trucks sold with food supplies, then, and basic essentials and survival goods for people who haven't been able to move as smoothly and entered the gods group just causing further problems and aggravate are really catastrophic human. it's very a situation the guys trip, mainly right now is divided into large reservations over crowded here with depleted
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resorts is that a scar city of everything and the size of his tar vision is started to be visible here on a on the other reservation. i cute melanie acute 5 and going on where people a close to 27. the children have died of the in for is this far vision and the hydration. just very difficult situations right now with only a trick of amounts of it being allowed to enter in the entire goals and strip a dis, situations right now it is hard to state. it has turned into a graveyard for your children as one united nations officials put the entire, gotten through, turn into a graveyard for to turn to give it the difficult living conditions are created by the intense bombing campaign. and just at the united nations, the chief was visiting raw by motors, there's really military denied injury of an acre void to the northern parts. and it did that before. this is not the 1st time it's happened. it is the 2nd, you know, we. but before that, not only denied that in 3 of a human to turn
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a to the northern part on godaddy, but deliberately targeted aid workers aid seekers. and they couldn't void in the central area. just makes it very difficult the ground for 8 workers to do their work. whatever is happening is deterring them from taking the step of helping people and delivering aid to them. yeah, honey. when we were covering the secretary general's visits to the crossing, he described the situation with regard to humanitarian aid being not being allowed into gaza as a model outrage. honey ma moved from ralph. i thank you very much. indeed. a mediation efforts and israel's watering does appear to be stalling all the zeros loan. that is really negotiators. i've rejected how much the latest proposal for a cease far there are reports. these really delegation has left adults in doha and returning home. boston name is a member of homeless political bureau, and he's told obviously to that israel is only interested in the release of a captives not ending the war. it was very shocking the media to have
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unfortunately accepted tool tool tool to convey or to handle this. but so the idea as to the, to, to, to our, to our side because based on the bodies went on, but he's to and the good folks and the confusions and contacts with them and the, it does and with the americans. we have promised that at least these to 3, the minds of adult as these fail, the tooth and withdrawal, and that attend of a lot of these people to them now says there is a positive and there's an acceptance from that. so either so i know suddenly. busy out of nothing, this right is object and therefore we believe we believe that it is not about negotiations. it is not about who sees fab is about benjamin netanyahu is. ready using vending machine issues as a cover and to gain more time and more attempt to continue with his plans by
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a complete bombardment. the rest of the guys a slip and coughing, got off until the pension inside inside, and also to amuse and measuring. i'm pretty sure you're in the security council discussion they have been for it is about nathaniel hard and addiction of ending this aggression. despite of all the bushes, a russian president vladimir putin has imposed a new security measures after friday's concert hall attack and moscow, at least a $154.00 people were killed in more than a 150 were injured sundays been declared a national day of mourning or such a body reports from moscow. the scene, the morning after one of the worst attacks by an armed group in russia's recent history, emotions are running high as the russians come to terms with what happened, including those who survived naples. this was enough. they started to shoot in our direction, they shot people and through federal bombs. people were panicking and so scared
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only now i understand how lucky i am. then you text me finances and it is so terrible. what's happened here, i really can't comprehend this. it is an ugly, active tear. there animals sit on the heavy security and check points. now surround the suburban area about 20 kilometers north west of the center of moscow. people have been coming here all day to pay tribute to those who lost their lives. and what officials call a terrible tragedy the task of recovering the bed is expected to continue for the next few days, as will the morning of the families of the victims. along with the rest of the country, president vladimir putin has called the attack a bloody and barbaric act and vowed revenge. what was the move in? we will identify and punish every one who was behind the terrorist attack. who prepared this strike against russia and its people keep them on you and no one will be able to. so the poisonous seeds of this golden panic connection multinational societies. as the president address the nation. hundreds of people cute to donate
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blood at centers in moscow of the fs. the security service set for suspects had been arrested while heading to the border with ukraine, and that they had contacts in that country. ukrainian officials have denied involvements. these pictures reported. we show stores of ammunition seized by officials inside the caracas city hall, suggesting the attack was planned in advance. i so enough got us down has claimed responsibility doors to jabari algebra, sierra moscow, yourself a lot of us joining us now from moscow. we were just mentioning sundays being declared the day of morning we can see behind you some of the tributes and flowers that have been placed by people uh, following the attack. let's talk about the investigation. you were telling us 24 hours ago about the way that the investigators were going through the inside of the concert hall to find out more information to talk us through what's been happening and where we are with that of the well,
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you're absolutely right. understanding of the memorial for those who dies in the flying j as hon on congress city hole in the outskirts of mosca and hundreds of people. a surrounding me right now. sounds new york, hearing the advice way, say for an opportunity to pay the respects the pile of flowers is also growing behind me just a while ago and a minute of silence was held here. in the meantime, the clearance of the rubble continues inside the hole and rescues us still searching for people every mind and remaining under the rubble as well as the bodies of the guys. so the numbers may rise. so basically, today, the whole days to be divisive to the search and rescue as to which the main parts of the operation will mostly be completed. and i will so get reports from because i'm close that whole it will be restored and another quick updates for you more
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than 5 sounds and a residence of most cuz i'm the most could region. i've donated blood from the victims of that type. so people do cat and do try hard to recover from all the whole world that has about 9. listen. and also that the uh, the, the marketing video morning is gonna be just restricted, of course, to moscow into where you are at where it is being observed across russia as well can use that was through what is happening elsewhere. the whole system full was the investigation is underway basically on this not today, which was yesterday, 11 people had to let you leave taking pods and the sold, including those fu man allegedly shooting and killing people. what detains and their reports of a heavy police presence. right now, near the bus monday, cause a musket as there is a possibility. the suspects may be taken into custody. do that, but of questions, of course, remain about who is behind that hot. as the russian presidents alleged that to the
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ukrainian side, it was involved and we hear they some of the retreat from a number of us pushing or pulling petitions. well, do question need to directly blame ukraine for that? a child that they say that the cause of trying to flee to crate, that the previous slide was preparing a safe passage for them. so they also try to avoid saying that the cause electrically work from the jew castanan oldest not to be nice to racist or nationalist rhetoric sales to all those talks actually destruct people. people's attention from thinking about the role of intelligence, social security services and prevention. they talk you later. thank you very much. indeed you're, they shop about about talking to us for most of you or your friends, the president has rejected the vladimir prudence accusation that the suspects arrested for the law school concert hall attack wire, trying to free to ukraine. he says the russian leader is trying to deflect the blame for his security failures, which is on the stores of st. montessori you, instead of addressing russian citizens pollution,
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was cited for the whole day. thinking about how to link it to you in a crate and everything is completely predictable. step single. russia is counted on air strikes and western ukraine in the early hours of sunday and keeps as its air defense. systems managed to repel the attack. preliminary report suggest no casualties, a major damage. witness who say they heard explosions and saw something besides being shot done. well, let's just or who's a one russian miss. i've violated their aerospace before returning to ukraine. grinning and forced to say they've had to, russian lending ships, communications center and other infrastructure in crimea. russian appointed official says air defenses intercepted and destroyed more than 10 minutes of targeting the port city of some hospital. there is an increase in russian attack. so putting pressure on your training and medical units on the front line health workers and looking at the end of a to of ways of helping wounded soldiers recover. welcome brian traveled eastern. you're trying to find out more not far from the front line that you've done yet.
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region this medical cruise days, mostly hidden during the day for fear of drone attacks. it's night time they work really begins and the number of casualties is rising to the trend. little book, the bottomless, there is a lot more work to do, especially with the recent attacks. so we have a lot of busy fellow medic late and it shows us their ambulance, which they used to meet up with units bringing back injured soldiers from the battlefield to be treated and transferred to westfield hospital on this night. they get just one soldier. he has slight shrapnel wounds and concussion, and will likely return to duty off to treatment. a sentence like this one in hockey, the northeast, and ukraine. also a physical and psychological support to help recovery, but deem is still suffering from the effects of a serious concussion. 2 years ago, so we can always machine, the shell landed nearby and we were all thrown out of the car. everything was like
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a fog. you only remember fragments. t like via the. so just come here for regular treatments before returning to the units with the prospect of a spring offensive by russia. there's a growing awareness in ukraine of the need for most soldiers, with an emphasis on keeping the experience troops on the front line even enough to enjoy the centers also offer vocational training for students. while mobile units travel to the front line, i don't think is the patient's are so high, but it's like they're on holidays when they are with us. there is a psychological burden on the front line. and this offers a distraction from that. as this was, shows no sign defending these a service is seemingly in increasing demand, run mcbride, delta zeta. how to keep ukraine, want to take it back to one of our top stories as well as war on gaza in community is really armies killed and emergency walker inside the alamo. hospitable but all reports of intense shedding, and bottles near the hospital. the palestine right cries and societies as soldiers
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have surrounded the facility and workers are in severe danger and devolve, soc, is the spokesperson for the pot assigned red crescent society. she's joining us now from earl ma. what are you hearing about what's been happening at the hospital? the situation is just sitting about the whole speaker and we just learned one of the engine for she runs to who are taking shelter is going to the hospital being shot and injured with injury in the ad is right in his drawings are now calling for everyone in signed to the hospital to leave the hospital, his truck stripped off the or it closes, the situation is very dangerous and kind of shredding is all taking place when high think gone, fired is there any d comes on on reducing that area in the balls between the surrounding areas of the hospital and the closing the main gate of the hospital when the batteries at the
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one inside the hospital is now be a chop. since there is very intense and heavy dog assigned to the life of all of the patients and the medical his job and those who are taking some that are in the very dangerous because of the continuous tongue fire. as went off, as i said, the continuous jenny as well. this is not the fierce trade who i'm supposed to get to the hospital. i was under continuous disease for more than as 40 days. and now again, is there any occupation forces to see the hospital out of the mountains and every one to leave the problem inside the hospital at the same time they are pirating the boss out. the whole space is one of the whole speaker leaves towards the fire because of the smoke balls being lost out. the whole space said,
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can you tell us how many people are inside to the hospital and who they are is inside the hospital? an is aware of a medical styles along was along with the dishes and wounded items. how i'm curious as to mission now, as for the now, but since and also at the same time communication of code is this time continued on . i'm supposed to be typed in hon. you is the only way to get information regarding the situation there as to whether be extra afraid you aware of the teams trying to update us from the time to time the situation there. and it's worth mentioning about apple. so today, not only i'm a full space, it was a b, c, but also again, not that hospital. and i knew and as we should also remember that a she for a hospital for the 7th day she falls in golf subsidies. it is the largest medical complex in the b c for the 7th day yesterday i'm calling the patients i
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see 5 will speak to the dying because of the food as well as the water and the media culture. since as a occupation forces continue to receive at the hospital with every one of the patients and the wound in their life school. so our 1st she policy that the standard addresses we continue to call in the international community to instead of be immediately to protect the health care system and also to protect the house. because i'm having to workers inside the hospitals that are far apart from palestine. reg, chrysler society, thank you very much indeed. so i have done all the 0, the us vice president calls for strict or duncan souls at the sight of a high school shooting the cube. 17 people are all coast aiming to be come off because industrial powerhouse we're going to look at how the nation is attracting
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call manufacturers and, and support the tennis world. number two's targeting, the 2nd so consecutive type of sun is going to be here with action from the miami of the well that feeling of summer seed is about to be wiped out across the southern spain . hi everyone. so we'll shake up the weather pattern by monday, so enjoy it while you can on sundays, seville, 30 degrees. watch what happens on monday. that weather dance is in the winds, pick up and so the temperature in seville falls by 4th and 10 degrees. speaking of cool, well we've got this cool breeze off the north sea that's pumping in quite a bit of cool air right across the continent of europe. but there is still some wants to be found in the eastern bulk in sophia bulk area, 18 degrees. that temperature is about a month ahead of schedule, but if you look behind it in bosnia, for example, siri of o,
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just 6. now eventually this cuts across and drops down the temperature. so sophia, you're down to 10 degrees on monday, back to the here, and now enjoy the sun in greece and turkey. because things are about to change here and still more rain coming into the picture in iraq and with a disturbance around the canary islands. that's given us rain for morocco, some century down ports for northwest still, jerry. that series still doing its thing in the walk set. and bon joel, quite called cool, i should say for this time of the year. and it is breeze off the indian ocean, persistent rain up and down the east coast about a gas scar and quite the soaking for mozambie. my pluto a months worth of rain and 48 hours the the, the latest news as it breaks demonstrators law ser remaining is really captive brought back from gaza. and they want the broad back now with detailed coverage posting and say that what areas did here in his final words,
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free power stuff made them feel sense. and for that, he was saying before going from the home to the story, at least knowing thousands collected in families are missing at least one loved one at the start table. palestine is once a very different place for me today. most of the cities became connected to the interior in an award winning film, which is 0. well, here's historians and i'd witness accounts that portray, early 20th century spanish style as a thriving fibers move to the reach of was molten investments were accessed, moving from one city to another, palestine 1920 on al jazeera, the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the doors, you know, just so you know, reminder, i told stories, most of the 6 people being killed and it is very striking a home and move off i in southern gaza. is there any war opinions or also bombing, con eunice? at least 80 for palestinians have died in the last 24 hours. holdings on the way in senegal is delayed presidential election is the new calling dates was and i was just 2 weeks ago, often attempts to postpone the elections to december. spock months of unrest. nigerians presidential advisors as a $137.00 school students who would have ducted earlier this month of being freed and were taken from their school in the north and cut during the states of more. in this story, we're going to speak to security. another study, convers shake, who's joining us from about? sure, thank you very much indeed for being with us. do we know why the kidnappers fried
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so many children as well as of now, you know, we, we do not have the full details of how the freedom goes, but i know the call be full. so this what happened for us to get put, had been negotiated, that lease payment will run some what we have to come back out because of the prism have come, what i'll say the way to be awesome. that'd be possible to know we should get well shifted century limit where maybe the bundled square will find out if the passage instant for them to split is. i know the alternate to would be that to the security for the house that i'm going to give you remember that will be with 100, attach it to children. well if the 15 years, which is not going to be easy. so it is possible that the area was around, there's on the do to bridge all the bundle. this will literally just whatever you have to if you bought it for that. and of course i think it was the cost to just do
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abrasion in the sense that uh the bundles where i talked because that was a little better than yours. but for the, for the security, for ease of what it was to use. so i would like to add the we also have to move that to the area where the children would at least get about $240.00, get to be careful where they went to kids. so it will workforce country with children of 5 in the 15 years. definitely the one digital to have. that's not what very easy for them. what is the motivation for kidnapping all of a children, particularly in this part of the country and nigeria. so when the, when this look is not been started, if would have been but i will get you woke up just continue to work with ball. i'm on the swap for them. we'll see just doing well. somebody just want to because they have us one of the other suggest top, uh, uh, within education we just use a portion of the country. but in the north west, what we're having to use and what's new global bonds? well, i don't think it's i don't because i just didn't want division for them. i believe them. what division? yeah. it's i'd up to junior already. that is one of the one that's what i saw. so
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one of the lead it would be to get to the, or fortunately, when they get to the team and come to turn them into 6 lives, i'm turn them into the west by 4. i think that's the way i see it. just wonder who it is. is it just love the seems like one way of seeing uh, we used to see what bottom in the piece and the people and the for the money for the, for the, for the rest of the product. if it is as widespread as you're describing not, well i think of the problems when it comes to trying to keep people safe and keep them protected from this kind of thing. so yeah, the problem is big because if we come from vintage where, when they took our books on happens to uh, this. yeah. we this is about the 75th school uh to not, you know, uh, i guess we'll see you on a 14, we have to do that out of pocket. it just give me possible data or does it have to be on the 14th? so the problem is going to be on the federal government. that is the notion of the subsequent and you should you on the substitute, the glow ration. but i think apart from yeah, the proclamation,
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i look have to be done to improve at least physical security as well. what is a bush and problem is complex, where there is no, you want to look for network. that is the one that is not any place where we need to push them. yeah. so what, what is the, i think of what the government needs to book, especially, and looked at the look with which are having to have what, what, what's the, what's the 5 plus the, for the test these i look has to be, don't to see that the subsequent program out of 20 to us lives in the actual physical security for schools in the area. and what, what do you have send the pictures on the school that gives the most experiment are for us. there is no kind of protection whatsoever. it was an event that just wouldn't happen. so the job or say who we appreciate your giving us your thoughts on this. thank you very much indeed for your time, sir. thank you very much. instead, on nearly 18000000 people are facing food shortages after months of conflicts, but you and is urging the international community to increase its support. the
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outlook for food production in 2024 is blink. critical agricultural inputs are difficult to access as we need the 2024 main prompting season, which will begin in june with land preparation activities needing to stops already in april its simpleton. the is the conflict is devastating livestock production, a critical source of both nutrition and income politicians that are on the campaign trail and to keep my head of local elections. next sunday, voters are going to be electing mares and the city council members. president jacob typo the ones, act potty is trying to win back is stumbled and cut up that last the both in 2019 adeline's party, one last year general election with an outright majority inflation and the rising cost of living on major campaign issues. and of course, the others joining the note from assembled as i understand the president and the ones i'm going to speak in the next hour or so. how does the selection shaping up
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for the exact policy route? so it has to be the only elections that the last couple of years, mainly within the last 50 years of the church. yeah. 2 kids preparing for the mayoral election the next sunday. and after the presentation system that has been in place to get that set up for the rest of the is to change your mind open to to coke park. in this case, he lives in the chairman of his party and he's the president of the country. that's why he's been in the field campaigning for his have picked candidates for this may or election. and this is a web browser that is going to take place within an hour and assembled. it is very important for our goal and then for each election, the weather general or may or elections, he always holes this campaigns. this rally isn't this summer because it's some of the most proud the city rob. oh question. is there a 16000000 people living in
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a sample box with the official on recorded number of the references and everything? the city has the potential of 20000000 and it's a, it's a lot of that comes with the call. and i mean the generator of the economy and at least 50 percent of the the gdc is for the so that's why it is very important for him. and his partner together, the position part to c h, we scatter the next. we can hear the p a system, there's a lot of that behind you and the values that you're right, the turn is tumble. now if i'm in my model is running as well. what kind of challenges in facing you alluded to, some of them just as well as the name of all the was the candidate of the main part, the election of the 2000. 19 and into the last couple of elections. there has been a lot of the parties have gathered as a nation and they have supported the 2019 and the 1st one, the res, with
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a very thought margins. but then the government and the election board said there was, there was a spring and the board should be a recall to dish and they, they redid the election and then again the moving parties candidate was a former minister of 800000. that's what has been taken off from his hands and that's why he was the bulk of even the officer pod, the off today, the next sunday. they will not be that's a big a lot of the main body scan that they just like me. all of the protocol, or despite the age of the current name is that is attending a in the parks meeting in the election with its own candidate and the other parts there in the nations,
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the lines the position i like the part i imagined those options there also it, it's hard to say thing in the election with their own hand, that it just makes sense that the body filled the polls have shown that this will be a, make a mic race between x, the modem at the holding parties, uh to the candidates and the stop movies, the former environment minister, and very popular after the earthquake last 2 buses for next week we will see everything. clearly there's an awful lot of state test and will cost me all the talking to us and this done well, thank you very much. i and the itemized presence using harm election campaign to push for title gun laws on saturday. come on the hottest to the high school and parkland folded up for a gunman. killed 17 people in 2018. i did real cost or reports. this is hallowed. ground the marjorie strawman. douglas high school building were 14 students and 3 teachers died in
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a mass shooting 6 years ago. even now their blood stains the classrooms. cameras were not allowed inside the building out of respect for the dead, but vice president carmella harris described the horrible time capsule she entered . i was in class rooms where, frozen in time, the laptops of that era are still on the desks. investigators left the crime scene untouched all these years to preserve evidence for the shooters trial. he was a troubled former student reported to police many times, but still allow to buy guns. now that he's been sentenced to life in prison, the building will be demolished. we tell the stories, not only of how they were shot, but who they were. you know, the students, they all had bright futures ahead of them. tony mont alto lost his 14 year old daughter gina. he says the vice president's visit was meaningful. having the attention of,
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of that high and office to focus on school safety and violence prevention. certainly of course is, is helpful. she spend some time going around with each of the families. she sat with us. she spoke of us, she heard about to our loved ones since the parkland shooting florida and 20 other states passed red flag was those allow police to temporarily take away guns from people were deemed to be a danger to themselves or to others. and here in florida alone, that measure has been used more than 12000 times. harris announced a new federal program to help states implement red flag laws and call them more states to adopt them. she said she would continue pushing for a ban on assault weapons and universal background checks, measures that lack support in congress. and we must be willing to have the courage to say that on every level,
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whether you talk about changing laws or changing practices and protocols that we must do better. critics of the vice president's visit save. this was political theater. a campaign stop exploiting tragedy. but jayden, do you know, for you, a young democratic activist says voters in his generation had been craving harris's message. and so by meeting young people where they are, by going to these high schools where these tragedies happen, where a lot of people have been effective. i think that shows that commitment to making sure that young voters are heard. guns are now the leading cause of death for american children in gun violence. expect it to be a top issue for young voters in november, heidi to castro alger 0 parkland, florida. the result was left during parties have held valleys, democracy, anniversary of the 1964 military too. and they told for those who profit last year's attack on congress to be punished. monica, you're not going to have reports from sa, pub pro gestures took to the streets of stone phone
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despite the heavy rains, marking the 60th anniversary of the military cool, which led to a decade long dictatorship. they say that preserves young democracy is still at the point, but it's not businessman, military and the right wing politicians who supported the dictatorship back in 1964 tried to stage a coup just last year or we don't want history to repeat itself. must demand punishment for those responses the he's referring to former presidential able so now to with center investigation by federal police. he's accused of plotting this cool to keep himself in power. after losing the 2022 elections. demonstrators say they also wanted to show the strength of results left when parties, especially after thousands of right wing voters attended both donato rally last
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month. we're seeing clearly that society is divided even into the sure. there is no consensus in today's society. the uh, the quote was something bad for a brazil. there are some people who would support on order to receive mutari taking action against the government from running the estimate the right to make it the still ahead an autism in sport, an incident pack, a stream humphrey springs on record bushing fraud in melbourne.
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the brutality of the response to the events of october 7th had become impossible to make. no, there is no one nor, or international humanitarian law that has not been violated. it's been while you have some western power supports of, of israel's actions. he's 12 has the right to defend itself. it has the duty to defend its people. it is astonishing just how deep cleaning corrupt materially and tomorrow the they all look at how the international news are being applied and ignored. and the israel cause a conflict. israel, a buffalo on al jazeera, the, [000:00:00;00] the morocco scholar exports, which nearly 14000000000 dollars last year,
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the nation's aiming to become a manufacturing hub. and it's also hoping to make it some walk in the aerospace industry discussion will help our reports sometimes here in the northwest, the call and making industries taking center stage in morocco. this plant owned by friends, auto manufacturer, will know its pride in africa, a 2 and a half 1000000 vehicles have the produced here since to 1012. these robots checking for any input sections as cause move down the production line. as the industry booms, morocco is expanding, the sport intends, yes. the aim is to be able to ship more than a $1000000.00 cost every year. a seed hawaii, and his team on a charm offensive to pursue a big german and japanese call makers to establish helps here. this industrial zones have a truck to 1000 different companies worldwide. coming to invest in this,
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those and this 1000 companies have created the 100000 jobs. and the same 1000 companies are exporting over $10000000000.00 of exports value made in the zone. morocco c's high potential for growth in green energy they called and is also planning to stock manufacturing hydrogen powered cause in the upcoming years the hallways off because the biggest 6 for total cost decades with tax breaks, investments, incentives and police many agreements with the u. s. e u t on gulf nations to establish itself as a serious play in the congress call industry. now we're also wants to go global. and this is not just about manufacturing calls, but wal codes also setting it sites on high end technology and aerospace. this
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plant recently built in casablanca is working full capacity. it's manufacturers, also craft these engine components will assume the flow to its customers, such as boss, boeing, bowls, voice, and many other giants of the industry added has sent. he's busy expanding the economics, the zone middle blog, attracting big names in the industry. 20 years ago we started why electrical coat cables and why a honda is a 2 day. we have the companies that are producing the engine component very complex company, big airplane manufacturers. find in morocco is highly skilled and low cost labor force and bucks submitted to your unfortunate to, to make that profit for actually mine. but i was just the way casablanca, it's time for the sport here, sauna. thank you very much, rob. well,
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formula one well champion mux the stuff and hits problems at the australian medical ok. break. failure brought his race to an early and given for i, dr. call of science the chance to win in front of a rec, hold melbourne crowd, and the which it's in the 4th the fire fire for the 1st time into use mux, the stipends written call. it failed him. is on fire. it's completely melted the car after winning the open sea races the season will tackle hold of a stop and was out to the australia in chrome pre online full. that when the lights went off the right rear brakes stuck on. and um yeah, it didn't cool. so i just kept them being warm or warmer, giving me really weird. instability is and then of course it called fire 7 time world champion louis hamilton's right school. so i finished early is mercedes, came to it on the schedule, hold on, left 16. hamilton post to watch on this for rory's call a science put on
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a driving master class. meanwhile, the gas out in front about 447 seconds selling system on hamilton is set to replace out the autonomy and say next season. it is this funny, missed the last girl and pretty in saudi arabia because he was having surgery for a pen besides this, this was quite the come back to a regular melvin proud of more than 130000 or a miserable day from a series that even worse on the final lap, because george russell crushed doubts as the british trying to was on her to the incidents science went on to secure the food growing pre when in his career. it was a fairy want to with charlotte club in 2nd, london, north of mcclare and finish stood for now the stipend still leads the overall cycling race start the year with a news of a non renewal. and i'll be thinking ok, what's next? saving my life for and then the appendix, then that no, no,
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when am i going to be back? i'm i going to be bugging platform and how long it's going to take me to to get back up to speed and uncomfy and unintended. you come back and when the at the moment so it doesn't have it seem to draw only for next season. this pool. you won't be sure of office on the richardson, l. g 0. you're 20 to 24. host gemini, have found some form with the confidence boosting when over foster sony off. it's made history by scoring to him and his foss. this other goals fits hitting the neck of to just 7 seconds to help the end of a free game when the run and the for his country. the goal was set top supply rail and the goods. tony clues was back in the teams for years, often announcing his international retirement. i have as cisco completed as to now, when over the wall top runners up at gemini will kick off the yours. on the 14th it
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was a group game against austria sets a new goals going reco then the 2 now friends who went against the voc? yeah. cuz they still saw from gardner going off to just 6 seconds. is the foster school and international football history. i, the us, austria are grouped with from the netherlands and the winners of a sales between wells and pulled in england were beaten one l by brazil at london's wembley stadium. the teenager undertaker was the match, went on 817 years and 246 days. and it became the youngest senior international score as a venue at the vin. well, indian, we'll regroup for not the friendly against belgian on tuesday or for sale, which will face pain in the dredge on the same day. recess was 15 minutes ago. we think while we managed to see a lot of new players, we've had more than
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a share of the game. we've had as many attempts on goal as i have. um. so the difference in the end was uh, was one moment really. and that, that is the ruthlessness of football. at least level to football as governing body sci fi has canceled, the woke up qualified between north korea and japan that was due to take place on tuesday. north korea had refused to host the game without giving the official reason. japanese media is reporting that no screen officials will consent. the japanese squad would bring it in fiction with diseases into the country. well, if he, if i said the issue and the match outcome will be referred to the disciplinary committee, topsy is called us outside us. it has reached the 3rd round of the miami open. you will number 2 beat fellows fanny of the roberto cubby, a band and straight set. it's his 7th street when 20 old is looking to compete. what's known as the sun shines double. i'll say he's 53. i've indian wells law
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suite. womens world newborn eagles fly. take a is also into round $35.00 to defeated into these camilla georgie for the loss of just 2 games. it was an 81st when and her 100 is indeed level not only so we know williams has more with at this stage 3 nelson who has some sailing bows. that can hit speeds of more than 100 kilometers an hour is a 50 come. our eyes were competing at the cell g p. race in on, seen in australia when the need, but had to retire after they crossed into a waste. monica that opened the door for the home team or known as the black foils, using and beating fronds and canada and the final to claim the full. when of the season and take the overall temperatures, and that's what he's built for me. i'll have moved for you later on, but for now,
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how do you about to sign as always, thank you very much. indeed. i said it was going to be here in a couple of minutes with more and all our stories on roof, not the same. stay with us on august. the protests against policies from brussels. ok, escalating these farmers increasingly consider the you there? and then me only 2 years ago, thousands of ukrainian refugees were warmly welcomed at this border. now it's blocked. pharmacy use support for ukraine has gone to the fox said ukrainian green is flooding. poland, and we're getting 4 and 4. we don't know what to do with our products anymore awhile to find. because i saying that say like military and humanitarian a passed these protests of seriously damage your brains relationship with the one country that help is most sense throughout shot and faded. ukrainian drivers help
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the low k 12 and they have 0 loans that have everything. and i still carrying dentist and finding out and you find everything is much more difficult. ukraine has accused it both test us of having a political motive, especially with you elections coming up. images of farmers carrying pro russian fantasy estimate things even worse. african narrative from africans, perspective for symptom of forces and to show documentary spine african filmmakers coordinated. do like he has said to simply me chocolate revolution from booking a fine and i see beauty from synagogue, africa direct on. i'll just be around a week to look at the world's talk business stories. how much of those plans going
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to cost is the rebuilding going to cost and who pays from global markets and economies to construction and small businesses. we have just started seeing in station come down in many parts, well to understand how it affects our daily lives, outline forth how big a problem is labeled. food insecurity. counting the cost on outages in the millions of people in senegal or voting for a new president. after weeks of tension and political interest, the time nicholas hawk and set a goal with capital the card 3 hours since the pulling stations have opened. and thousands of people have come out here to vote in delayed and much on since faded
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presidential election. the several venue to have you with us, this is alice has 0 live from doha,


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