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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 24, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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great in the joy of breaking falls and the footprint we remember the blessings we all meant to share. for that do a sacred play is now your duty to fulfil all that can possibly be the . the thought of the cloud chris is in use of life and go home coming up the next 60 minutes, the election day and set a goal of the week. so political turmoil and public on rest means a costume that i left for a new president. nicholas hawk in sending gold capital. the car were 3 hours before the polls closes. and specifically, as people have come out in numbers to decide on who the next president of the
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country will be. is there any strikes target ciboney and homes in central and something dollars or at least 15 palestinians 15 killed russia in morning of to fridays concept for an attack that killed a $137.00 people? the suspects as expected to your quote for the 1st time and then support from the one world champion match for soften hits problems at the australian free fire fire for shop and bill to finish. as for our is carlos chains cleans victory in melbourne. the so we begin this news are in senegal, web vote, and the presidential election is under way polls will stay open just for another 3 hours. they're all 7000000 eligible basis at choosing a new leader. they're in 19 kind of is in total,
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and one of them is to become the success of president microsoft. these being in pa, for 12 years. the election date was confirmed just david, 2 weeks ago, only 2 weeks ago, after an attempt by the president to postpone the vote to december. that spots mass protest last month threatening setting goals. position as one of west africa is most stable democracies. let's take a look at the main candidates in the election. first off, i'm going to buy is president, mac yourselves had picked successor from milan for the republic policy. back to do, jeremiah, my fi is the chosen kind to develop position lead. this meant something, but if, if we were recently released from prison. hi, as part of the coalition that includes members of the dissolved pest. if possible, honey for above i call cell is a 2 time matter with capital doctor. he was previously jailed. i'm full geologist, which is supposed to say where politically motivated is the basis that kids a former prime minister who came 2nd in the 2090 election mohammed boone about dion
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is also a former prime minister. he was chief of the central bank of west african states until the cotton gum is the only female confident and she advocates for helping the private sector and for free health care. so let's cross the nicholas hackers live outside of police station in the capital dot com said nick, it's been a pretty, has it is route to this point, isn't that? but here we all, with the election day drawing to eclipse. yes and lots of candidates to choose from were in medina, in downtown to car. and just outside of this pulling station, just weeks ago they were protest. the people going out to protest after a present like he's all had canceled the elections. they are now here in numbers and we've been here since this morning to exercise their democratic rights to vote and choose the next president among those that come out to vote today is send them by, jen. no, you just came to vote here. you are from medina voted many times before,
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but what makes of this election like no other for you? yes, thank you. is this election is a very special to me because the we've been suffering for different things like a jobs like housing, just these and i can talk about it. i'm a, i have my place here to talk about it because i'm one of the victims these and you feel like you have been victim of in just distance from the states, from the system. what do you're looking for from the candidates or 17 of them in the running? all i've been looking for is to to be lucky to i've left. nick is the president who for people 1st and not himself. because when he was better fish,
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it's not going to work. we need to have people wish to help each other and the people are gonna eat better. they're going to find jobs. they're not gonna need to go to immigration. i like to like me i, i went to immigration but not by myself. i got married, i went there. i was trying to find a better life who's my husband. but because it's in just if we leave here, i've been put in a very, very, very, very well situation. and i do special for it. that's why i've been fighting. and that's why i needed to go today, and i'm lucky to see all these people are coming to work for different reasons. see, i see a lot of people coming out to vote. is there more people than you had suspected that have come out today at the polling stations?
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sure. um we have like 3 hours. we expect getting more people if of verifying the id cards. because some people are claiming the id cards. i don't know how it works, but if ever they get it, they're going to come and watch because the they've got more information now they know a lot of things. they understand the rights to vote. if you could some of in a few words, what is the key thing that you're looking for in a new president myself. okay, and president of a very, very, very smart president who describes a class to have spending got his people that we've seen, even in medina, in this neighborhood, a lot of young people leaving despite this booming economy. how do you explain that? that so many young senegalese are leaving this country. yeah,
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we gotta understand because they have no jobs here. they have to leave. we can not the, the flowers that we, i don't agree to see people are leaving this country, living that balance behind them. it's hard for them, but they have no choice among the candidates that you've seen. are there some that really stand out? and who do i need to throw? who do i need to say? well, i can for myself. i know the way i'm talking to you and i see that you are being smart enough to understand what i'm going to vote for what you're voting for . change is that what you're your hope i want for change for myself and for the future victims. there was a head of the best selection. there were thousands of people that have been in prison. some of them were freed under an am this the law?
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do you feel like justice is one of the key issues for you in the selection is, is because some people went to jail and they can not tell you what they have done. we do understand that to wherever you go or you find by people. but all these people we just got out from jim, you can, you can find that the, everything can throw that, that look, people send them again. thank you very much. you're welcome. bye. now 3 hours to go before these poles close, as we've seen. and we've spoken to observers including the european union, the west african body, echo all c a u. once the counting starts, that's when things are going to become tough. this is going to be a tight race out of all these candidates to stand out to form or tax inspectors. one is i'm gonna do boss who calls for change with continue ready. he's the ruling
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party candidate, and then there is a when you come or the outlier bussey drew and jeremiah fi from the opposition. he calls for an overall of the of, of the system. he wants to renew, we negotiate all the oil and gas agreements that were made during president mark. he sells time in the office. he wants to break away from the common currency really calling for a sweep through the political system. in fact, during the campaign, he was holding a broom. he saying he wants to sweep corruption and clean up this country and sweep the victory. we'll find out in the next couple of hours if people that we've seen supporting him. if that will translate into a vote, but we expect a tight race ahead. now, thought race be french and see how this pans out nick for the time being things a lot better than they can. they're in duyka. so let's, let's just take a closer look at some of the main issues in the selection. talk to the high unemployment and prioritizing young people for jobs. is one the official job. this
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rate is 21 percent of my other estimates much time. the economic fallout from the pandemic has driven up the cost of living in more than a 3rd of singles, 70000000 people. they live in poverty. and that's according to some estimates that like a jobs and bad economy, a driving thousands of people to look for opportunities abroad. last year, more than $15000.00 people made the perilous journey to spain's canary islands, which is a gateway to the european union and may be drowned. try to get the vote to say all they want as we've just been hearing is a better life. so yeah, the demo glasses, democracy is being rolled back. the bubble democracy is very important in this country. whosoever is, it will say not, there's not enough working. young people is struggling like me. we're struggling. we don't have a good joke. we want the president to help, especially the young for more instead of migrating is better to stay in your country with the advancement of your country and above all yourself. you study to
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have a good family. okay, let's take it on further. we can speak to remember to body and these are such are at a shake and jump university of doc had joined just now from is that can show in set a goal, maybe to great to have you with this type of cost as we've been hearing and talking about setting a goal was a full run of democracy in west africa, and that reputation does take taking quite a is net by m, o autocratic leadership. but now the electoral process is underway. how do you assess the shape of things right now? a while, i think since i'm coming along pretty well because we're expecting people to come out and i am going to get shot installed into the go right now. and this is the town where the main opponent of the region. it was months on courtney's mayor. and the, there's been a huge influx of boat is barely this morning even before the pools, the guy and the, the long to use uh, includes many young people. uh, mostly, uh,
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but we can also see adults. and, and i think it's very important. and because both to turn out, if i could to go talk to the, especially the following, a 66 and not a percent. and that's not turned out in 2019 and, and today there's speculation that the bucks suspicion might increase in this year despite a compressed a 2 day campaign period. so it's on from the usual $20.00 to $21.00 days. and i think that's the, the, the importance of the selection receive a kind of a people talk historical moment to say then what, yes, as a member to the desire for change is it's clear from what we've been hearing is a big driving force here. but does that apply across the board, or is it just the youth face? the ones that is the older generations to of what i think it applies across the board. because as you know, synagogue has been going through political time was over the last 2 years,
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beginning into 2021. with all these political attentions that uh, to the ruling party and the opposition, which was invited by it was months on put them in opposition leader and. and today we can see how this kind of polarization is playing out with, of course, uh, in the continuous a little bit to apologize between the just i'm ok of what they call the experience and continuity on the one hand. and dogs calling for the change in generation of the transition on the other. and this has prompted speculations that the election will serve as a proxy bottle between my 2000 and was months uncle through their, their, their candidate in this race question of the, you know, the possibly due to having a 3rd, a 3rd, a 3rd weight. but of course, this change is a,
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is related to the fact that the people that are expecting the country to turn away from this political, the tensions page. yeah, i know that's all works and move forward, especially economically i jobs for cleaning a big issue to. we've got 300000 young people who enter the job market every year. and apparently any 20000. she managed to secure a job. you can see why she's driving some to try and migrate a broad with. absolutely, and i think the economic crisis is the reality in this country because as you mentioned, many people get access don't get access to job. and every year, i'd say, pretty 1000 people, 300000 people into the job market without getting any possibility to secure a proper job. and this is what he's opening the door to migration, pushing people to venture using all these kind of ships to, to, to venture into europe. and i think today,
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one of the main campaign theme is job creation. but also making sure that democratic institutions abstract and in a way that allows people to be able to express freely their opinions and better form of the justice system. he's one of the, a big topic. as you know, over the last 2 years we, there seems to be a sort of uh, instrumentality, vision of the justice system, but also the security apparatus to repress opponents. but also people who wants to express freely their democratic uh, uh, the democratic will. okay, so, and i think maybe i'm sorry to, to jump in that, but that we, we should move on. it's great to have your perspective at 2 and 3 quarter as, until post plays. and by counting will begin. that'll be arranged and see what happens at a member to begin speaking just room exec insurance technical. thank if thank you so much.
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the so these really ministry is lloyd heavy and ground attacks on southern guns and talk to con eunice in rough or at least 15 people have been killed off. is there any forces from 3 homes children are getting among the wounded and have been taken to the nearby out. much of the mazda is ready, armies killed and emergency record started. the amount of hospital reports of intense shelling and baffles. near the facility palestine red crescent society says soldiers have surrounded the hospital and workers in severe danger. and in central garage is ready forces to protect residential buildings and follow at least 32226 policy into being killed. since october. while is, israel continues is indiscriminate attacks, the humanitarian crisis, and groceries getting what you and secretary general entered into tears. is it neighboring egypt where he said the any effective and efficient way to deliver 8 is
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by lot looking gift guys. so it's almost appears that the photo of cement of war, family and conk was then this out of galloping across it. and that is why the time for the media to made it satisfy it is now the speed it's of compression. i also urge the immediate and then conditional release of hostages. the suffering must and policy means even guys, a desperately needs what has been problem is a slot of a target. losing joint is now from reference. southern guns are entire, we heard the inspector general calling for a flood of aid. what's the situation of the main of the yes, in fact the you on the correct 3, general and toner gutierrez, had been stating and saying this because of the severe and the concrete fact on the ground that palestinians are completely helpless, desperately needs
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a cli amount of unprecedented flu or humanitarian supplies into the territory just to help them to recover from the optim not so if the is very ongoing from bottom and close, she destructions in all areas of life as the lights up being financially pro can um they are mainly depending on oil humanitarian supplies being delivered throughout the roof, and to come up with some of the crossing into detail at 32 now after the repeated codes being made by the secretary general and lots of, it's a national organizations, there is no, any clear increase of the capacity for humanitarian homeboys being delivered to the cell or even to the another at pots of gauze. and specifically in the past few weeks, we have been seeing a partial access for humanitarian called voice to the know that pots have gone apart. yet with the ongoing repeated attacks on people who are working on securing aid supplies and like and or h seek is themselves. there are new access for dr. the to the another. in
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particular, israel has denied the uh, the access of humanitarian, cold voice to the noise in the past. or if you that you spot, yet it under what has well, has been repeatedly cooling as well to mitigate the restrictions and to allow for folder access. and the flow for humanitarian supplies, thus people in the north can get an amount of age that can help them to recover and also to cope with the current situation. on the ground, there be more strikes on hospitals in southern dogs and their husbands. i should say net and southern gaza. it must be a nightmare for patients and doctors dealing with yes and fox. uh we are talking about to send so far. so its inside units that have been completely on the minute received on the, on the unrelenting bought, mentioned the deposit 24 hours rep. and seeing that the used by the forces has, have been really blowing again, their troops on the vicinity of
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a nozzler. and also when i'm a hospital where they have forced a number of patients who are able to work to leave the hospital on foot to head to and my was the area in the western side of con, you in a city. but to now the are keeping the number of patients who are suffering from critical injuries and they are unable to walk. and unless they are forwarded with an assistance to be trapped inside on getting back tools and confrontations on the vicinity of both hospitals. a to now between almost point is and the is very sewage, isn't that the much to the severity and to the hot chips that new stations aren't completely challenged. they have been facing. i'm typing challenge with a since the is the great expansion of the monitoring cogent and the city of cloud units. but according to eye witnesses, they have been unrelenting bolt mentions post facilities in the past. the 24 hours where residents have been describing the situation in the west ever since the expansion of the military operations the all right, we're live with that for now. targeted thanks very much for that update. target
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busy speaking just reference something done, sir. well, i always paid to the spokes person for the palestine red crescent society. that initial 1st i can she describe these ready siege on? i'm a hospice. the situation is just escalating about the whole speaker, and we just learned one of the engine for she wants to who are taking shelter is going to the hospital. the shots and injured of the injury in the head is right in the drawings, are now calling for everyone inside the hospital to leave the hospital and it strikes stripped off their closes. the situation is very dangerous and kind of showing is taking place when hi, the gun fired is really the v comes on now reducing the area in the front of the house between the surrounding area of the hospital, the closing the main a date of the hospital with a doctors,
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every one inside the hospital is no big or chopped. since there is a very intense and heavy dog as the life of all of the wounds that patient and the medical staff and those who are taking some that are in the very dangerous because of the continuous fun for your as with off, as i said, the continuous shinny, as with this is not the fear straight food at the hospital at the hospital was under continuous disease for more than as 40 days. and now again is really the occupation forces disease the hospital on demanding every one to leave. if problem inside the hospital, at the same time, they are pirating bombs at the hospital. one of the whole speaker leads towards the fire because of the smoke bombs being lost at the hospital. snobs
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having ramadan and gaza has been a challenge for many palestinians. but despite the hardship something of finding ways to keep the spirit and traditions of the fasting month to life because he left his heart again as well as the luckless shabby rain. never thought she'd have to prepare a meal in a mixture of tent for number. uh huh. without a kitchen or electricity. but since israel's warm calls, the more life has changed. she's managed to get some vegetables, but says food is now a luxury. many can't afford the ham, i is never mind it before. we would include beef chicken and turkey to make out traditional mac labor, rice dish. now we have to make do before the well we used to have delicious meals, but it's just too expensive. yeah. yeah. much i with e, even if last name a, a, all the cooking in these conditions is challenging, especially during ramadan, many palestinians lakes highest say it can also hoping a sense of normality and
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a taste of home is only for a moment. had the cliff enough to almost to lose a put peanut and traditional palestinian mail. everyone loves it. despite the will, will use every opportunity to celebrate the old tradition. yes, there is no b for chicken, but that doesn't stop us. we share it with our neighbors. we must show blessings with one another. no, like thousands of palestinians in gaza. people living in this camp and bravo have lost everything. and many are still trying to make sense of how much their lives have changed. and the one, the button vis ramadan is different than others. last year it was full of joy and happiness, democracy before then we were living in the houses and apartments, but now this year we live in the 10th. i seem to view, it shows that even though reminders of loss and war are unavoidable, still there's a sense of community and resilience over the them. cameron electric,
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the one this room of dawn is does. so because of the lack of food, we also got to put an end to this war to help us to go back to our neighborhoods and the houses. i may have this year more than others, family say cooking isabel, much more than food. it's a reminder of face generosity, tradition, and ultimately of survival. katia a little bit, so the again, houses here now suspects in the west attack on russia in over 20 years, it'd be brought to the investigative committee headquarters. the agency released this video showing several of them being taken to the compound 11 suspects were arrested in connection with friday's attack. as a concert hole in moscow, at least a 137 people were killed the russians. right now i'm saving a day of national morning. these are life pictures. this makes shift memorial is just outside the concert hole in the outskirts of muska, emergency services,
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still recovering bodies from under the delivery at the building. it was nice, they destroyed by far. that was started by the attack as of the shooting and just a short while ago, these pictures image of the russian president vladimir putin, at praying of the russian orthodox church in moscow. at he's seen, as you can see, like a candle honoring the victims approaching vowed vengeance for the attack in his dress to the nation on saturday. i looked up more promotions here as those of jabari and muska. these ruins are all that's left of caracas, city hall. a popular concert venue in moscow. emergency personnel are working around the clock to clear the rubble and recover bodies buried beneath it. despite the weather, mourners keep coming to the scene of the attack to pay tribute to those skills here . when gunman, storm the venue, you know,
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what can i feel terrible for the people who suffered here? it's horrible. at least the situation makes this thing that many things need to be changed to this house. reality. i'm assigning over the play me up with my colleagues and i worked here at the events competition. they were more than 1000 children participating when this whole start to do on the desire was to remain calm and evacuate the children, which with this last one i have no words to express what i'm feeling at the moment . the security service says 11 suspects are in custody. 4 of them were detained while heading to the border with ukraine. investigators say they have contacts there. the ukrainian government has denied involvement flags, or it have stuff, and government buildings across russia. more than 5000 people have answered an appeal to donate blood for the injured survivors. president vladimir putin has called this half a blow to the nation and promise revenge. while the security services continue with investigation. many questions remain on answers about one of the biggest failures
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in russian intelligence in years. sources avari alton sarah, moscow. with no meaning a gunman ever pulled to be installed into a police station in the capital, enjoying several people witnessed to say they had bloss and gunshots that are van police department and the district of no, no. according to local media, the attack us tracking to designate grenade soft to set me off. an explosion is just a head here it out. is there a cost me story at a school in west city condo with safety? 6 people, including students, were attacked by on, on groups based in the democratic republic of congo. i'll tell you why such border attacks are on arrives. we'll support coming up to australia, school history, market making go in that much get into the back to far with the
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the existing time for your weather update across the america. so let's go, we've got it familiar, set up here. warm moist air off the gulf of mexico meeting up with cold air rushing off the rockies. this is going to spark a line of storms from texas right through to missouri, but check out what happens. north of this, i think we'll get into blizzard conditions. northern plains and upper midwest over the next 24 to 48 hours. it's dried off for the us northeast and not a bad day today in new york, 8 degrees and the sun's out and to the west. we go. here's all that snow over the northern plains here, cold across the canadian prairies, also not a bad day, and vancouver at 13 degrees in still weather up and down the coast of california snow for the sierra here and for central america, it's been quite hot. the sun, quite intense, not really dealing with a lot of wind storms happen from eastern cuba into haiti,
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and dominican republic today on sundays. hundreds of millimeters of rain fell in this part of brazil as proceed to santo state in se brazil vehicles flipped and carried away. also, rio de janeiro state has seen some flooding just north of rio de janeiro and patropolis were just a few years ago. we saw some deadly funding there and still the speed of storms with that warm and humid air off the south atlantics. so prepare for it on sunday. so you the reporting from the action. how do you mean a great when i'm hearing the facts, palestinian or arabic content has been removed or restricted understanding the reality for these demonstrators, it's presidents must be solved, threatening the stability of the country. i'll just say it was teens across the world. when you click sense to the fonts at the store,
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the palestine is once a very different place from today to cities became connected to the interior in an award winning film, which is 0. well, here's historians and eyes witness accounts that portray early 20th century by this time as a thriving fibers moved to reach, it was fulton investments were excess, moving from one city to another kind of stein 1920 on al jazeera, the the, [000:00:00;00] the other guy you're watching out,
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does your reminder about some students and faculty is underway, incentive goals, delayed presidential elections. you pulling date was announced just 2 weeks ago to attempt to postpone the elections to december spot months of unrest. these really ministry laws heavy and ground attacks on southern gaza. i talked to con eunice and rough or at least 15 people being killed off these ready forces from 3 homes. and he said to full palestinians, have been killed by his reading strikes in the past 24 hours. russia is of the national debt morning after shooting in moscow can at least a 137 people. and i so linked group had claim responsibility for the west to talk to him about it every 2 seconds. well russia carried out as strikes in west new crating. the idea as of sunday keeps as a defense systems managed to repel the attack. and emory report suggest no casualties or major damage. what does this say they heard explosions? and so some of the cells being shut down, i would show parties,
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say one russian missile violated there a space before returning to ukraine. meanwhile, you creating forces say they've had to rushing ships, communication center and other infrastructure and crime man. to have a place and look at who controls what the new crane of to 2 years are for russia is be making smart advances in the east. it says it sees the village on the outskirts of the west and outskirts of abutment last month for us. some troops also captured at visa and near the net. the 1st major territorial guide in 10 months. this comes ahead of reports of muskets preparing for new offensive possibly. by the end of may . it's patrick barry is defense and security analyst at the university of boston. the u. k. in that form and data, unless he says rush repairs to have the upper hand at the moment. i think essentially the, the momentum is the landscape himself said the russia has one of the winter. and i think the men's and the ship said to, to the russian forces on the ground at least um,
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active k was approved for that. they took that as high puff spots, and they took it in on the last, on the big question, natalie is, is there something brewing in probably may ones the much starts to draw in the area of ukraine? so we'll have to wait and see. i'm sure the ukrainians priorities are basically mon power rather short. the soldiers are exhausted because they don't have enough troops to rotate them. right. so they really need to get the mobilization of the next batch of, of the conscripts essentially sort of i and that takes time and takes time to train them up. and they've also got the issue of fortifications, which they need to prepare and better prepare than they have already there. they've been starting up since december and it's ongoing. and of course you've got the ammunition questionnaire and the weapons question, which is a lot heavily reliance on the us. so not entirely given france, you k, germany in the you is pumping money in the so essentially the, it's not old ideas,
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be ukraine. they've obviously hit, you know, as we saw in the last few hours, they've hit the black sea fate and suffice to call again and reduce some of their carriers that they have for it by 30 percent over the last year. and so they are making gains there. we've seen the attacks on the refineries as well, which will happen to harassing impacts, but it doesn't look good either for, for russia. so, and russia, although they're getting into their group, they haven't totally find it. yeah, i mean they still have major problems, they are there and even though i'm getting better for politicians and sec yeah, yeah. combining ahead of next week's local elections rates as will be elect mez city council members or president, rest of typo the ones act policies. try to win back to the largest cities system but an anchor. they were last of the main opposition policy in 2019 inflation. the rising cost of living and a post to create narrative, a major campaign issues. the symbols man action in the model is seeking re election
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under the main opposition. republican people's party is main charlie jet moved out to put them as a candidate put forward by the text president stumble as seen as a critical bible ground its results. good shape, the future of the opposition seen him cuz he lives across the one that live for us in assemble. and so them, you would just sit a riley for academic and then we'll know what all of his john says, do you think and his right well, yes. and the previous hours circus person visits type are gone and he's really not quite as candidate more as chrome rallied and assemble and just house an hour ago. a come in, my mother was in basically the district of is the where he was the district may or before becoming assemble and metropolitan may or his speech was mainly about democracy and he was explaining that his team is young. he is young and they have a lot to do and, and they didn't want to be stuff. but of course, in the previous selection in 2019, and the 1st round that come,
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i'm all the one with a taught margin. but back then the electoral board said they were irregularities. and they scheduled a re around and with the uh, with the situation that didn't allow him all to take his seat. uh, he received 800 thousands of moves and the 2nd round and the way around. and that made him a hero and long the all position at, but this time everybody is discussing whether he's going to be that lucky because in the previous election, he was candidates off and the position blocks up consisted of 6 parties plus the pro chord, each bar the back then its main was the h d p, but this in this election, the h d p, the mid in us. now this group party, they both have their own to nominate to their own candidates. and this stumble, which me is this, and this can be a loss in the number of the words that they come in. my molar can win, but of course,
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and the politics is different than into kill compared to western countries. and everything can change it very quickly, and we don't know whether those pro, cor, this, or a many opposition, a mini national this part, the candidates will receive votes from a moles full or the rolling the parties full. but of course, the chances are not, as well as before, the incident, why is it as simple as is extremely important to fight the opposition? i know the ones that policy this well assemble is the largest city in turkey, known it to discuss that the official figures say it has $16000000.00 population, but many believe that it's much higher than that. of course, all the industries in this region in this area, the capital, the finance is here and the highly educated community are here is stumble in an on car r o o r. have always been a challenge for all the old political parties, but of course were present
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a zip 3rd party. john was once the mayor of the city who had rain over the city, it for nearly so to use it is very important because the budget. so these minister felt these are very high to it, so the only about politics, but also about finance because in true care for the good part is uh, that's a, that's have power over diminished abilities and it has also have access to finance . that's why, very important, and that was it. so i'm in 2019. when the ruling knock part to receive the major set back after losing it to occur. i'm am, i will. that's why add on says he, his party has to recon care is found blend long ago he had said that whoever wins the stumble of woods when turkey the so that's like a litmus test for the elections coming up in 2028 back to sit and thanks for that, does it? because you'll do that in as simple where that otherwise more. thank you for those left waiting parties of held. rodney is the head of the anniversary of the 1964
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military. too many people still worried about the country state of democracy after last year's attack on congress, on a key. and the key of reports now from saw paula, as the pro jesters took to the streets of stone phone. despite the heavy rains marketing to 60 its anniversary of the military cool, which led to a decade long dictatorship, they say that preserves young democracy is still at the point, but it's not businessman military and the right wing politicians who supported the dictatorship back in 1964 tried to stage a coup just last year or we don't want history to repeat itself. must demand punishment for those responses the he's referring to former presidential able so now to with center investigation by federal police. he's accused of plotting this cool to keep himself in power. after losing the 2022
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elections. demonstrators say they also wanted to show the strength of results left when parties, especially after thousands of right wing voters attended both, so not will rally last month. we're seeing clearly that so far it is divided even into the sure. there is no consensus in today's society. the uh, the quote was something bad for a resume. there are some people who would support on order to receive mutari taking action against the government, the bad from running the estimate, the right and they could come the
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a to charge now where the constitutional code is about 10 candidates running in the presidential election, which is scheduled for the may, 2 of them are outspoken critics at the ministry government. the court rejected their application. so i think ricky laboratories, 10 other candidates, remain in the race, including the kinds of june to lead, to how much interest debbie and his prime minister of the main opposition leader who was expected to join the race for the president was killed at his party headquarters that was last month for the advisor for niger as presidents as old 137 school students, abducted earlier this month, have been framed. previous media reports had put the number of children taken at 287 gunman to types the school and the northern state of could to draw a mazda 7. some of the kid, nothing victims with as young as for me or can you do is executive director of the n g, a partners west africa nigeria. she says there are several on loans have questions
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surrounding the release of the i've talked to children. i believe that there might be some that was based on taking place. right. and we are in the realm of the season, but whatever it feeds, right, whatever the, whatever the reasons are and the fact that the girl, the children have been rescued. we do not see there's still an element of lack of accounts to be so who are the people that took away this go the ticket with the children? oh, the which girl? why did they take the the children the way? i mean they, if we run some was not paid. same reason. you're asking, why did they release the, the, the children. these are the questions that i begging for, and that is not enough to have the children back full for us to see it. so to add to this, i trust that these to this criminal activities that people need to be held
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responsible. the god assistance needs to be held accountable. a t, a gun to where the ministry has won the non group base in the democratic republic of congo is planning more tags. the allied democratic forces has been linked to a number of killings, and that includes in the tank on a school near the border last year that killed 43 people. catherine solely now has this report from fundraiser in weston, uganda. julia simple site is still in morning live for his family, fell apart last june when 5 to is from an on the group based in the democratic republic of congo, crossed the buddha to a talk. a secondary schools, 43 people, mostly students were killed, included. he's 18 year old son, mckindoe's idea of over took over the we thought we are protected. but to our surprise, we were shocked to see adf across the border to come kill our children. meaning our
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borders are not safe. and its eliza i came to who lives next door is suffering. a different kind of pain passed on. festus was among several people. keep about doing the raids. he's called the least diamond. he came to him pond way to look for work and stay safe from rebel the tox nickel. now, but i pray my child is a life in the far east. i paid to god every day to perform a miracle, so that he couldn't come home. the school is now on a bundle and show off the petrol boom. a talks by a silence with my check. he's the escaped across the border into the room, the national park. these are the remind as of what happened here. the students were in there them when that talk happened. and it's really hard to imagine the tyra and fear because there was no escape the adf, which pledge allegiance to i, so was based in uganda years ago,
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before being defeated by the army. the rebels then fledged to d r c, where they've killed or keyed knob to many civilians. various government forces, including the, you've gone to an army and a peacekeeping mission are reinforcing the companies on a sunday, but big the money to give you permission to the room governments because of the you from me to fund it. we discovered there wasn't a welcome addition, including, i think, the press for the data or both over the score. know that and it was the, as i get to how do they get both the box importantly, your guidance here tyler's life may never be the same again. but they also say there was not in leaving fia kathy saw you all to 0 pond way less than uganda are still the head here are not 0. those full can we help the tennis world. number 2 is targeting is
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a 2nd consecutive fucking star will be here with action from the minute the asked. we can narratives from africans perspective for symptom of 4 states and to show documentary spine african filmmakers coordinated to like, he has said to simply me chocolate revolution from booking of 5. and i see beauty from synagogue, africa direct on. i'll just be around the latest news as it breaks the is really our talary shows this area last night as to new families was remo, done with their tears and heartbreaks this year with detailed coverage. the gaza strip has 1100 patients with chronic kidney disease. we need 3 treatments
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a week from the heart of the story he's far whole has been diminished. their prayers continue with the situations to get it to the the the, [000:00:00;00] the transport of his car. nick, thank you so much. from the one world champion, macs ra stipend hit some problems. the australian grand prix break failure brought his race to an early end, giving ferrari driver carlo sense a chance to win in front of a record melvin crowd. andy richardson reports prior
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to the phil is telling me to use much the stipends, red, and call it failed. him is on fire, it's completely melts at the car. after winning the opening to races of the season . we'll tackle hold of a stop and was out to the australia in chrome pre online full. that when the lights on both the right rear brakes stuck on and um yeah, it didn't cool. so i just kept them being warm or warmer, giving me really weird instability is and then of course it called fire 7 time we'll champion lose hamilton's race. so i finished early is mercedes, came to it on schedule, hold on left, 16. hamilton post. what shown is for rory's call, a science put on a driving master class. meanwhile, the gas out in front about 447 seconds sewing system on hamilton is set to replace out the autonomy and say, next season. it is this funny, missed the last girl, i'm pretty in saudi arabia because he was having surgery for a pen. besides this, this was quite the come back to
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a record melvin proud of more than 130000 or a miserable die from a series that even worse on the final left is george russell, crushed out as the british trying to was on her to me, incidents, all the sites went on to secure the 3rd grown pre when of his career. it was a fairy one to charlotte, clara in 2nd blunder norris, as mcclare and finish stood for now. the stipends still leads the overall cycling race start the year with the news of a non renewal and i'll be thinking ok, what's next day in my life and then the appendix then that no, no what am i going to be back? i'm i going to be bugging platform and how long it's going to take me to, to get back up to speed and uncomfy and unintended. you come back and when the at the moment. so it doesn't have it seem to draw only for next
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season. this pool, you won't be sure of office on the richardson alger 0. 02024 house germany has found some form with a confidence boosting. went over friends for inverts, made history by forming a germany fast efforts all for being and after the 7 seconds to help and a free game, willis, ron, for his country. the goal was set on by around major eds, tony for use to his back machine 3 years after announcing his international retirement. i have are at school completed. it's, you know, when over the world half of one was up, germany will kick off the zeros on june. the 14th was a group game against scotland. all she has set a new goal, scoring record in there to now friendly when again slovakia. christopher from gardner scoring after just 6 seconds. it's the fastest goal in international football history at the euros. austria are grouped with france, the netherlands and the winners of
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a playoff. between wells and anyway were being one know by brazil at london's wembley stadium. teenager entrance was the match winner age 17 years and $246.00 days entered, became the youngest senior international just for at the new england will regroup. for another friendly against belgium. on tuesday, while brazil will face fame image read on the same day to least 15 minutes ago, we're thinking while we have managed to see a lot of new players, we've had more than an share of the game. we've had as many attempts on goal as i have. um, so the difference in the end was uh, was one moment really. and that that is the ruthlessness of football. at least level football, governing body fee for has canceled the world cup qualifier between north korea and japan that was due take place on tuesday. north korea had refused to host the game without giving an official reason. japanese media is reporting that north korean officials were concerned that japanese squad would bring infectious diseases into
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the country. faces of the issue and the match outcome will be referred to their disciplinary committee. top see carlos alvarez has reached the 3rd round of the miami, open the one number to be the fellow spaniards. roberto convey us and being out in straits 7th street when the 20 year old is looking to complete what's known as a sanctioning devil after his victory up indian wells. usa us retail for me. uh, 6, this is one, but uh he seems like he was uh 1st uh it was uh, rate on march. uh uh, but said we were really happy with uh with the letter that i hit the ball um that i solve the uh, everything. and uh, hopefully keep, keep going. john champion, andrew murray picked up the best when of the year so far he went in straight sets against thomas barton every year. marie, in the 1st round of selling your next phase checkley or thomas matches.
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womens, well, number one, it is beyond taxes. all went around 3 and 4 star seed. italy is camilla gregorio for the loss of just 2 games. it was 81st when and her $100.00 elite level match only. so really williams had more. when's at this stage of family of soccer continued her come back journey with the 2nd round victory. the 4th time grand slam champion beach 17 feet straight. that was off. his point in her 6 tournaments was given for her daughter to face, caroline, a fussy, and then we'll finish with some sailing boats that can hit speeds more than a 100 kilometers an hour. these 50 cattle rams were competing at the sailed g p. race in new zealand, australia were on the lease, but had to retire after they crashed into a race marker 5 and the door for the home teams were known as the black foils, new zealand meeting, france and canada, and the final claim. their 4th when of the season and take the overall championship
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lead. and that is all your support for that and back to you next. very well. see you later. thank you very much for that. member. okay, is a me to become a manufacturing helps the nation's colleagues, sports reaching any 14000000000 dollars last year. there's also hoping to make it smaller than the aerospace industry latasha my her power points now from tunzia in the northwest. the call making industries taking center stage in morocco. this plant owned by friends or to manufacturer would know is it's right in africa. a 2 and a half 1000000 vehicles have been produced here since to 1012. these robots checking for any infectious us cause move down the production line. as the industry boons, morocco is expanding its bolt in 10. g is. the aim is to be able to ship more than a $1000000.00 costs every year. a seed, hawaii, and his team on a charm offensive to persuade the german and japanese call makers to establish
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helps here. these industrial zones have a truck to 1000 different companies worldwide. coming to invest in this, those and this 1000 companies have created 800000 jobs. and this same 1000 companies are exporting over $10000000000.00 off exports value made in the zone. morocco c's high potential for growth in green energy day cold. and it's also planning to stock manufacturing hydrogen powered cause in the upcoming years, the hallways off because the biggest exports, total cost it to that case with tax breaks, investments incentives, as please my agreements with the us. he took the on golf nations to establish itself as a serious layout in the conference call industry. now we're also wants to go global
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. and this is not just about manufacturing calls, but wal cove is also setting it sites on high end technology and aerospace. this plant recently built in casablanca, is working at full capacity. it's manufactures possible craft. these engine components will assume the flow to its customers, such as boss, boeing, bowls, weiss and many other giants of the industry added has sent. he's busy expanding the economics, the zone mid bog, attracting big names in the industry. 20 years ago we started why electrical coat cables and why. oh, how does. uh today we have uh, companies that are producing uh, uh, engine components, very complex company, big airplane manufacturers find in morocco is highly skilled and low cost labor force. and buck submitted to your unfortunate to,
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to make that profit for actually mine. but i was just the way casablanca, that's it for me, for this news up, and i'll be back in just a moment, set with another half hour of use and see that the this is essentially curious on just lost jobs to find expeditions onto british jurisdiction vs jobs of endangering national security, security and civilians and soldiers by accents and reveal vast amounts of classified information among not classified information. was videos of the us helicopter attack in iraq. the killed 11 people, introduced civilians and 2 voices. janice remains inside belmont prison here in london awaiting a final decision whether he can't appeal as legal team, says they will be arguing on the basis of freedom of speech. there's never been a prescription via screenshot before to use
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a lot of free speech documents for trial arguments of the why get a federal back in the us. his wife died and said he is set to united states political prisoners. that's what happens is legal team says if this attempt fails, the last remaining option is to appeal to the european court human rights. the brutality of the response to the events of october 7th had become impossible to make. no, there is no one nor, or international humanitarian law that has not been violated. it's been while you have some western power supports of israel's actions. he's well has the right to defend itself. it has the duty to defend its people. it is astonishing, just how deep cleaning corrupt materially and tomorrow the they all look at how the international news are being applied and ignored, and the israel cause a conflict. israel, a buffalo on al jazeera, of brutal occupation resulting in
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a her wrist take your time. i'll just say it was investigated units interrogates the evidence and reveals voltage presented to the world to justify these rails was sold on gaza. dozens of children bound them up during them and executed them. this information has been used by official spokes person october 7th. on tuesday or the election day instead of goal of to weeks of political time on public congress, millions, accounting that balance for and you press the on the clock. this is out. is there a life in debt? also coming up, is there any strikes target? civilian homes in central and southern gaza at least 15 palestinians have been


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