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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 25, 2024 12:00am-1:00am AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, kind of that right most of your time, this isn't use our life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes is really tanks and soldiers besieged to hospitals in southern garza and in the north, at any rate or else chief of hospitals causes launches has continued for weeks. israel tells us it will no longer allow and refute con, voice to northern garza, despite an imminent calls of congress and set a goal is to be contested and much delayed. presidential election law defined months of political unrest. 2 suspects in the moscow, a constant horn attack that kills
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a 137 people have hit in court. they've been charged with terrorism. i'm in sport raining us open champion. total golf has reached the last 16 of the miami. i've been the world number 3 came from behind to beach or stand down and st set to it that the whole we begin and goes on where he is really military is conducting heavy and ground assault on southern parts of the strip civilian casualties from indiscriminate attacks on mounting, at least 80 full palestinians have been killed in a 24 hour period. at least 7 of them were killed and is really striking, rasa. that's why more than one and a half 1000000 for somebody, palestinians have been seeking shelter. the interest has been rushed to the nearby on non jo hospital. meanwhile,
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the 3 hospitals in gaza under siege by the is randy ministry. these are some pictures from nasa hospital about 3 weeks ago. is really minutes. vehicles are currently surrounding the medical complex law hospital located about a kilometer away as well. so on the attack, a lot of a sudden and then most of the medi yet since to 30th night, we have been carpet bombing. tobias really were planes when the entire area near nicer hospital was shaking. it looks like we're in the earthquake. we took shelter in our building stairwell until the morning. we've seen these really soldiers release each to the area. so we ran for our live off some shelter in the hospital, and others remains trend. it is really snipers or shooting it, though, is moving in the road. many dead bodies are lying in the street. both nasser injured damien hospital service, seized by his reading tanks, et cetera. what don dumbest has been ordered. if i do on a sock, that is stuff i did on so the early morning hours, we kept hearing gunfire. many injured to right. and this medical facility mostly women and children,
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one child to come to his wounds and for others are in critical condition. the old stuff, a direct head injuries. all of them are displaced from other parts of the gaza strip. me so i that didn't the left left, left the down, you know, months of it, since these really occupation forces returned to the nasa hospital area. we have lost contact with the medical teams that many are still working on storing parts of the hospitals that provide basic services to candidates and the injured. we do not know what has become of the medical team operating the gun, one estimate and the north aisle schafer. hospital and gaza says he has now been under siege for 7 days in a row because of health ministry says is there any forces have killed at least 5 medical stuff inside the facility and hundreds of people have been detained. a, well, let's get the latest from the round and speaks of powers. i was in a correspondent who joins us live now from rough and southern gauze. and tara, we know the nation. yahoo has been vowing this rasa offensive. we'll go ahead. in the meantime,
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it seems that as strikes that have been intensified yes, that's really a correct to the is what he meant it to be true. type in a justifying the military attacks on a roof. i district as we have been reporting just an hour ago. there was a clear active movement for these very minute treat surveillance of drugs in different areas in a row far as just 30 minutes ago. they use very odd to the 25 to get some targeted areas. it didn't show house on the facility of an ajar hospital in the eastern part of rough as the number of casualties have been transferred to the hospital to receive medical treatment on. this was not the only attack that had been carried out against rough district today. you bought, isabel had been hitting a roof of multiple times. we're talking about for residential houses, have been completely flattened. what at least 23 palestinians have reported killed well 20 others being king did so now and that's absolutely a specific number that had been a resulted from the ongoing is very a tax on
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a roof on this area where the 85 percent of cause of the population are taking and seeking refuge and as these very forces had been designated since the beginning of the were as a safe stone. indeed. well, we know tar associates has also been a war on hospitals. do we know what the situation is right now now? so the animal in chief of as well, in fact and says if the situation is, is a guessing much more dying difficult because as to has been time to be a graveyard, hospitalized residential houses being attacked and destroyed where the most that i'm, that i'm a hospital in con you and as had been on the complete as well, you see during the past 24 hours where these very forces in the hospital had been forcing a number of patients to day to sleep from the hospital on the really a critical conditions. while the ours to patients inside suffering with from disabilities are still unable to get out from the hospital as people involvement
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and confrontations between almost like this. and that is what it is to just continue. but what we can see on the ground that is a systematic creation of a curse of environment in which as well throughout it's a systematic destruction of neighborhoods and hospitals. they are completely changing the milestone of living, the making it livable for the majority of causes. and this absolutely force the residents to flee more to the south in order to seek safety, where he and the south bottom and did not stop in the past 24 hours. but that's exactly the situation that were different fee was being made in order to evacuate the patients from such hospitals on a couple of their, their with allies as far as from the ground reporting from rossa and southern gaza . and thank you time. meanwhile, the you an agency for palestinian refugees, israel will no longer allow their food convoys to enter northern gauze where people on dying of hunger director general philly. plaza. really released a statement on social media platform, x, stating that these rarely with are these,
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have informed to you, and they will no longer approve any on refute convoys to the north of casa, or has cooled the decision outrages and says, is, what is making it intentional? to instruct life saving assistance during non made filing, well summers is the direct to planning it on, right. he says, israel is decision is essentially a death sentence for palestinians of the implications of dramatic coming. after 5 and a half months of the relentless or the an independent no authority was last week of, of evidence comments. people are already dying of starvation up and up in the north, and this is essentially a death sentence on many of of those people. i'm hearing ralph in this situation. the bombings are relentless everywhere. but, but the situation conditions, particularly harsh in the northern gauze for it, where we estimate there are about 250000 people who been trapped there for about 5 and
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a half months under is the i saw the largest aid organization inside gauze and start blocking unrra from delivering of the arrows, i say just lessons the conditions and is a deliberate obstruction. as my boss set the commissioner general of on ro, deliberate of destruction, of life stating, assist him to art for a population that is already spacing hooks at summit. and salvation, so sick, but simply most people will die all in a statement, the director general of the world health organization has said that blocking on rough and delivering food is, in fact, denying starving people the ability to survive. this decision must urgently be reversed all efforts to deliver future not only be permitted, but there shouldn't be an immediate acceleration of fear deliveries. the ones actually general antonio gutierrez, he's kind of a neighbor in egypt as also reiteration of his clothes for desperately needed supplies. you can get guys, it's almost appears that the photo of cement of war fan mean punk was then this out
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of galloping across it. and that is why the time for the immediate to made it satisfy it is now the spirits of compression. i also urge the immediate and then conditional release of hostages. the suffering must and policy means even does a desperately needs. what has been problem is a flock of 8 as well. is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who has vowed to kill him? asked lady i us and want to compare this mission to the death of a biblical character named come on who is an enemy of the jews. he said we are fighting and we will be victorious. we will. and so rough on the chief of total victory, we eliminate him on and we will also eliminates in law and us vice president coming to harris. meanwhile, as refusing to rule out whether or not they will be consequences if it isn't. if it pushes ahead with that ground invasion of rafa, she made the comments during an interview on
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a b c news or this week. to see believe it and yahoo was an obstacle to peace. i believe that we have got to continue to enforce what we know to be and should be the priorities in terms of what is happening and gossen. we've been very clear the far too many innocent palestinians have been killed. we have been very clear that israel and lives rarely, people in palaces are entitled to an equal amount of, of security and dignity. and frankly, we have been very focused on also getting the hostages out. and getting aid in nan, yahoo appears to just be flat out ignoring president biden's warning about in a sense of in rafa. is that a red line for your administration? we have been clear in multiple conversations and in every way that any major military operation in rafa would be
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a huge mistake. let me tell you something. i have studied the map. there's nowhere for those folks to go. and we're looking at about a 1000000 and a half people in rafa who are there because they were told to go there most of them . and so we've been very clear that it would be a mistake to move into rafa with any type of military operation, a mistake. but would there be consequences if he does move forward? but we're going to take it one step at a time, but we've been very clear in terms of our perspective on whether or not that should happen, or you ruling out that there would be consequences from the united states. i am ruling out nothing. it's all joining me this news out as mohammed, alas, for an political analyst and professor of media studies and the doha institute for graduate studies, nomic, what did you make of comment of harrison's time? i thought it was more of the same mean the us as a long history of this kind of empty rhetoric when it comes to is real. i liking it to i often like to talk about the settlements. the, the us review israel for settlements,
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but does absolutely nothing about the program of settlement expansion. and for 5 and a half months the u. s. has criticized israel. they've disagreed with is really tactics on the ground and gaza. what they've done, nothing unless we want to count what they've done to support israel, that they've offered israel on dying support in the form of supplying it with weapons. obviously they even bypassed congress twice to deliver even more weapons to israel. and then obviously there's the support in the united nations, which i think is very important as well. it does feel though the public key, the us tongue has shifted a little and especially in the last couple of weeks or so, especially around the roof or offensive. also around a deliveries. do you think what seems to be an increasing criticism of israel from washington? is that a function of this being a huge selection you or is it pops about the, the very real potential of mass found that we're seeing mount in,
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in gaza. why don't, i don't know. that's how concerned the us is about mass fam and they haven't been overly concerned about, you know, almost 32000 people killed during this plausible genocide. i think it has something to do with the, the elections. i think it also has something to do with the us uh, sort of their global standing. uh, they've taken a hit. there's no question of public opinion globally about the united states or of the united states has gone down. and i think the us is concerned about that, but i'm always much more interested in what the us is doing than what the us the same. and so far i don't have any indication that the us is willing to change course in any meaningful way. now could that change? certainly, there are disagreements, strong disagreements between that and yahoo! and by inviting certainly it's something we have to keep, keep our eye on. you say that the standing of the us has changed. i wonder how is that relationship has been with european allies, for instance, like justin in the last little while we seeing friends present a manual knock on he,
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i believe just literally coolness and yahoo on the phone. and he said that the force transfer of people from rossa would be a war crime. we. we know that that would be the case. we've seen mounting pressure from europe on israel is not changing the conversation with the u. s. as well. i don't know what's going on behind the scenes, but we've, we've seen some of the public, public declarations. i think things are very uncomfortable for the united states. the us is increasingly isolated because of its positions on israel. but the reality is that nothing can happen. the europeans can't do anything. do united nations can't do anything unless the united states uh wants something to happen. there. the, the, the, the world's policeman are the only superpower in the world, and they have all the leverage when it comes to is real. well, let me ask you, then we say the usaa saying that they don't, they, they think that a representative would be a mistake, but we're hearing one of these comments from nash and yahoo! really tumbling down on this roof or offensive. has he boxed himself in like it may very well when for him to,
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to back down on any kind of offensive. and i think we should take his threats of, off invasion very seriously on these particular issues usually follows through. we remember back in november when he said he was gonna go back to barton gaza at the end of the truth. he was true to that. so i think we can take him at his word, but i think what he's reading, he's reading all these empty comments from us officials about red lines and there are no red lines. they've been talking about this for 5 and a half months. the us isn't prepared, at least not as of yet to do anything. in the meantime, as we see movement towards or off or offensive, a delivery is being hosted in the north, the situation deteriorate, father and gaza. it does feel like they may have been some movement and at the, towards behind the scenes all you holding out any hope that that may be any kind of a deal during ramadan or, you know, i know that some analysts are a little bit more optimistic. i'm not super optimistic just because i think it's very difficult to reconcile. what from us once with what israel wants from us?
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once, i think for obvious reasons, a permanency is fire. they don't want a temporary pause. only to see israel go right back to bombing garza and israel has made it very clear that they are not gonna stop until they achieve what they call total victory smell. it allows for a really great to have you back on the news out. thank you for joining me. meanwhile, is really forces have conducted mores across the occupied westbank tanks was seen entering the western town of as soon a kind of kinda fighting broke down between the military and palestinian fighters that these where the army has killed $450.00 palestinians in the occupied westbank since october the 7th. meanwhile, are these rarely ami has released a palestinian prisoner who was arrested some 20 years ago when he was just 15 years old. supposes, and that's another hour, tiny outside in his way to jail their novelists. his family say that is really, authorities prevented them from visiting him for many years. they also accused,
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as well as prosecuting them while he was in jail. the in russian 2 suspects and fridays deadly moscow concert horn attack had been charged with terrorism. the 2 men appeared and a most co courthouse just in the last couple of hours or so. and they've now been placed in pre trial detention for 2 months. at least a 137 people were killed in coming open fire on concert goers. and the crooked city hor, 11 suspects were arrested in connection with that attack. russians today as having a day of national morning, a service was held by a makeshift memorial just outside the concert hall. imagine sea services, though, all still that recovering bodies from under the debris of the building. this must be destroyed to find, find that the stones and by the same attack is often the shooting and russian president gotten to prison. he's been to a russian orthodox church in moscow where he was seen blasting
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a candle on the ring. the victims fusion has about vengeance for this attack. and his address to the nation on saturday. now from a correspondent, dose of jabari in the russian capital of these ruins are all that's left of corrupted city hall. a popular concert venue in moscow emergency personnel are working around the clock to clear the rubble and recover bodies buried beneath it. despite the weather, mourners keep coming to the scene of the attack to pay tribute to those skills here . when gunman, storm the venue, who, you know, what can i feel terrible for the people who stuff with here? it's horrible. at least the situation makes us think that many things need to be changed to this house. reality. i'm assigning over the plan we have with my colleagues and i worked here at the dance competition. it will more than $1000.00 children participating. when this whole started doing,
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the desire was to remain calm and recreate the children, which with this last one, i have no words to express what i'm feeling at the moment. the security service says, 11 suspects are in custody. 4 of them were detained while heading to the border with ukraine. investigators say they have contacts there. the ukrainian government has denied involvement flags, or it have stuff and government buildings across russia. more than 5000 people have answered an appeal to donate blood for the injured survivors. president vladimir putin has called it's half a blow to the nation and promise revenge. while the security services continue it's investigation. many questions you may not answer. it's about one of the biggest failures in russian intelligence in years. sources avari algebra, moscow. hold on to bring an ego snobbish. he's a lawyer who is practice criminal law himself in russia. he joins us today from washington, dc, and cool. so we've now seeing 2 of these lead churches in court. now both of them
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have been charged with committing a terrorist act. i believe they face a maximum sentence of life in prison. but i also know there's been talk of the death penalty. where does this go from here? yeah, so actually like death penalty is not used in russia, but i believe that in this case will be very similar to case connected with the be salons schools plus the just crisis of 2004 in this case uh, attorney general direction to duration that is a key oscar bought to use this sentence, death penalty to the only criminal that was alive after that. um uh, crisis when the whole school was felt as close to just so i believe that that will be more or less of the same piece here. oh, there have also already been allegations of pull chance and pushing boots or videos of unmatched. what sort of protections on that for prisoners right now,
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like during this pre top pre trials, attention hearing. well yeah, actually that was actually, they were actually to reduce at least to reduce reasons with the information that the 2 defendants were tortured. one of them, so an office i've got to defendants, ear and made, made the defendant to eat it and to not the was when uh, officer used to look teresa to to torture the defendants. so um, yeah, off to these uh you understand to that they would say what have uh um or for some, some want bought um uh, based on the fact that the quote uh interest that uh at least 2 of them to the uh, i think that to the court is not very interested in this. oh, let me ask you then how you expect the trial to go forward given what we've already seen in terms of interrogation, present fusion, for instance, a promise to infect fair and inevitable punishment. that was, those were his words on these alleged tears,
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how independence all the criminal quotes in russia. yeah, so i believe that the russian government will use this case as a reason to reinstall the death penalty in russia. so i believe that this case will be openly supple. what it's an old media in russia we'll cover these i ended will use to prove that the death penalty is necessary for these particular case and for other any possible cases. so i could say a huge policy shift to as you say, this is obviously a case with huge public interest and, and deep feeling. what sort of scales you envision this trial being you say media will be covering and choosing the trial will be terabytes. uh maybe uh at least partially because uh, for example, in this uh, besides school hostages crisis in 2004, it was colorized and uh,
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its only general personally supported this case in port. i believe that something like this will have uh for these particular case, connected with the girl to see to get that. mm hm. so we know 11 people were arrested according to authorities. we've seen 2 in court. there were literally another 2 issues, but there are then 7 others. do you have a sense of what processing charges those 7 like face? yeah, so um uh, 2 or 4 of out of these 11. so they were detained, up and in trial 2 more uh, will be detained, spend and trial whizzing. i believe like one hour or something like this because of these 2. they are in ports right now as to 7 other people, actually, we don't have a lot of information about them. we just have information only from the they've had of um, uh, investigative community that they have like, uh,
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11 people. but we don't have information about 7 others, so i will leave it there. i will continue watching the case very toys today, indeed equal stomach lawyer who himself and practice criminal law and russia. thank you for offering new insights here on the i'll just hear a news. thank you and sending all votes of being counted in a type, the contested presidential election. 7000000 senegalese were eligible to vote and they were choosing between 19 running candidates the when it will succeed, present, knock the south and try to postpone selection. well, the 2 front front was in this presidential, but one of them is a former prime minister. i'm gonna do von. he was hand picked by the outgoing present that he saw me on the is the serial joe may fi, he's the g establishment counter that he was also recently released from prison. he is the chosen candidate of opposition need. it was not a sample of corresponding nicholas hawk was allowed to phone the counting and one of the opposing stations in the capital dot com and he sent us this report. the
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master date of holding the counting has begun. this is the most crucial part of the election process. so it's taking place in classrooms like this. schools are used as holding stations. sir. you have the representatives of the various candidates observing the counting of, of, of the assessor in fact stood up to the police early on who were trying to tell us to leave the room. but she stood up to them saying that this needs to be a fair, free, and transparent. and so the credibility of this election is at stake in other areas, though, is in other voting centers. we weren't, weren't allowed to film journalists were not allowed to film, but was taking place. but at stake is, who will become the next president of this country after and much delayed and anticipated election to candidate stands out opposition? figure by su,
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jeremiah fi and the ruling party. candidates. i do. they both are in the running to become an ex president of this country. nicholas hawk, algebra. the car. well, we can now speak to modeling deal. ok. she is the head of the electoral observation mission in senegal, and she joins us now from the capital co. i'm all and what's your assessment of how things are going today? was it smooth? i do believe it's been free and fast so far. this is, we are here with the phillips of this mission familiar in union. we have a round 100 web server seeing all the different regions of the country and the reports that we are getting at throughout the day here is that the process have been been a respected that the rules of the, of the, of the building and procedures have been respected, that of service such as ours, but also kind of service representatives of the candidates haven't been able to
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observe. and the process started testing transparent. and we have seen that no major incident. so yeah, the vote the seems to have been pursued in the, in a calm way. so those things are positive and we also hope that, and of course that turn out is good so that, you know, there's lots of sit, think of the city stuff that went to the, to, to the back of some and showed what you know, what you know maintain your choice for the future of i'm sitting here alone and we actually saw one calling station, a bit of a debates about closing on time. all you confident that people who wanted to vote did verge they and they had an opportunity to do so. we are not getting any reports at this moment that that, that were and both just being refused to vote that it's has to be have rather risk proof. i haven't had to call but we're still on the nice. what's the, one of the nice thing, the observed races of the closing of the following stations. so we will actually be able to present more in depth analysis. and we'll do something in the coming days
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because we have our service out there. now the playstation and also in the combination of sensors and wouldn't for the, for in the space and we present our mattresses. and according to you know, a methodology that spending districts when it comes to election observation we present on tuesday, of course, and we'll be following that certainly here, and i'll do 0 mullins, how does the vote counting system work? now? it looks from what we've seen, like a lot of it has been done by hand. well, i am actually existed at 6 the to one that just come from one playstation and, well it's, it's being done. and according to this, you know, the book, they the envelopes, the, the, the by the papers and they're breaking the candidates, the representatives of the candidates can watch and they sign also the posted on the bottom, you know, the, the tv of the, of the, for the putting station and, and then they have to put into, you know, post the,
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the results outside each pulling station. and as you know, the kind of transparency we would like to see in these posts as well. and obviously there was a lot of unrest ahead of today's vote with the postpone mentor to control the c around presence house time. so let me ask you right now, what is your assessment of the stage of democracy at this moment in senegal? you know, an election observation mission we are, you know, guided by international principles for an external solutions. we don't interfere in the, in the intellectual process and certainly not during the day the voting day. but it doesn't mean i mean, winding road up to the selections that we have very happy that they're being held. the really happy that the democratic institutions of synagogue has proven solely the not so that people say could go to the building. i'm sure indeed, and it's it's a very encouraging certified performing station showing castro mullins. okay. the head of the you electro on sedation mission speaking to us from the center. gaze
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capital dot com. thank you for your timeline. we wish you the best of luck in the coming busy days. i have a hostile as you here on out of here, the end of a nightmare, a 1379, jerry and students kidnapped by government already 104 instead. impact australian going freed thrills, i read the here's your forecast for europe, disturbed the weather and the west stand disturbed the weather in east. let's break it down region by region because there is a lot of rain to talk about. we've wiped out that summer field across southern spain, so be dropping those temperatures and seville. we've got rounds of rain to go. then the winds picking up through central and southern portugal,
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especially the south west coast of portugal. could see those winds were up to about 80 kilometers per hour. north of this went by their sides into the islands of ireland in britain. no weather alerts here suggest lighters, showers to be expected. and we've had some rain move across the bulk and so that's dropped down temperatures through to romania, down by about 10 degrees. and now greece and turkey, you're getting into this wet weather as well, especially that western side of the turkey a is stumble, coming in at 14 degrees. raining wins combo, also to be expected in morocco with that disturbance around the canary islands. so for morocco its capital robots, i think we'll see there's winds up to 60 kilometers power storms into north westfield. you're in luck. we're pumping in that heat to libya. is capital triple $833.00 that's fall above where you should be for the sum of the air. could see a tropical storm developed along the northeast of madagascar. but either way, we've got some soaking rains up and down the east coast on monday of
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the of brutal occupation resulting in a her risk take your time. i'll just say it was investigated units interrogates the evidence and reveals voltage presented to the world to justify these rails of soap on gossip. dozens of children bounce him up during them and executed them. this information has been used by official spokes person. october 7th. on tuesday, around with every donation given with every hearts that cancel, we are changing lives in palestine showing that's loved the days you donated, we delivered upon the ship. we'll be in bringing you husband loves to palestine for all to see said donated with confidence. knights with outcast foundation. we are in palestine together. we are changing the world. one halts,
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that's time the the welcome back. you want to go to 0 and let's remind you it not top stories for ssl, it pulls up close and counting has the gone and present in synagogues presidential election. 7000000 people were eligible to vote for one of 19 kind of the results are expected in the coming days and is ready to strike on rafa and southern goals that has kills at least 7 policy. the injured have been rushed to the new my own national hospital. is there any forces of this aged 3 medical facilities in the stress of civilian casualties from us will continue to the director general of on
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russ says it is rarely with ours uniforms. thank you. and they will no longer approve any of it screwed convoys to enter the number of cars on the head of the w . h over said that the decision must be just c global protest and support. and the palestinian people have been ongoing since is rather launched. it's, we're on garza and all the time. the stories and pictures now from the go. damian capital are demonstration is taking place outside the is really embassy confrontations between security forces and protesters have is usually then broken down. hundreds of people also gathered in the french cities must say they denounced israel's attacks on the strip calling for an immediate cease fund dissolving ramadan and goals that has been a challenge for many palestinians. but despite the hardships, some of finding ways to keep the spirit and traditions of the foster month live country club has already on has i got my bill the luckless job. the dream never
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thought she'd have to prepare a meal in a mixture of tent for now without a kitchen or electricity. but since israel's war on cause a real life has changed, she's managed to get some vegetables, but says food is now a luxury. many can't afford the ham i as as never mother before. we would include beef chicken and turkey to make out traditional mac labor, rice dish. now we have to make do before the well, we used to have delicious meals, but it's just too expensive. yeah. yeah. much i with e, even if last name a. yeah. all the cooking in these conditions is challenging, especially during ramadan, many palestinians like if i a say it can also hoping a sense of normality and a taste of home is only for a moment. heavy uplifted enough to almost to lose a put peanut and traditional palestinian mail. everyone loves it. despite the will, will use every opportunity to celebrate the old tradition. yes, there is no b for chicken,
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but that doesn't stop us. we share it with our neighbors. we must show blessings with one another, like thousands of palestinians and garza people living in this camp and bravo have lost everything. and many are still trying to make sense of how much their lives have changed. and the one the button, the vis ramadan is different than others. last year was full of joy and happiness. demarcus were full, then we were living in the house on apartments. but now this year we live in the 10th. i seem to view it. even though reminders of loss and war are unavoidable, still there's a sense of community and resilience. one of them, i don't have them cabin electric, the why not this room a gone and stuff because of the lack of food. we also got to put an end to this war to help us to go back to our neighborhoods. and the house was on a this sierra more than others, family say cooking isabel,
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much more than food. it's a reminder of faith, generosity, tradition, and ultimately of survival. katia a little bit, so the again, houses here. the advisors for life, jerry, as president says, all 137 school students who were abducted earlier this month have now been freed. previous media reports of what the number of children taken at 287 government attacked their school and the northern state of kaduna on march 7th. can you or can you order? is the executive director of the n g o partners, west africa, nigeria. she says they all still several on on. so the question so surrounding the release of the, of the children i believe that there might be some that was the issue on taking place. right. and we are in the rama them season. um, whatever,
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18th, right, whatever the, whatever the reasons are, and the fact that the girl, the children have been rescued. we do not see. there's still an element of lack of accounts to be easy. so who are the people that took away this go the took away the children. oh the what you're good. why did they take the, the children the way? i mean they, if we run some was not paid. same reason. you're asking, why did they release the, the, the children? these are questions that i big in for, and that is not enough to have the children back full for us to see a tool to add to this. i trusted to, to this criminal activities that people need to be held responsible for the gab systems need to be held accountable to chide. now where the constitutional court has bought 10 candidates from running and the presidential election, which is scheduled for ali,
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may to have been outspoken critics of the military government. the quote rejected the application sizing irregularities. 10 of the candidates, the remain in the race and treating the car and generally the interest of business and his prime minister, the main opposition leader who is expected to join the race, was killed as his policy headquarters last month. a russian carried out a strikes in western ukraine and the early hours of sunday keeper says it's and defend systems managed to repel the attack. preliminary report suggests no casualties. imagine damage, but witnesses say they had explosions. and even so, some missiles being shut down patrols are it is, it's a one russian miss. alt violation there as space before then returning to ukraine. the recent increase in russian attacks is also putting pressure on you can medical units that on the front line health work is having, looking at innovative ways of helping wounded soldiers recover from the pride of
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travel to east and ukraine to find out more. it's not far from the front line that you've done yet. regions this medical cruise days, mostly hidden during the day for fear of driving attacks. it's night time they work really begins and the number of casualties is rising. stars is attributable to the bottomless. there is a lot more work to do, especially with the recent attacks. so we have a lot busier fellow medically and it shows us their ambulance, which they used to meet up with units bringing back injured soldiers from the battlefield to be treated and transferred to westfield hospital on this night. they get just one soldier. he has slight shrapnel wounds and concussion, and will likely return to duty off to treatment centers like this one in hockey, the northeast and ukraine of a physical and psychological support to help recovery, but deem is still suffering from the effects of a serious concussion. 2 years ago, so we can always machine,
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the shell landed nearby and we were all thrown out of the car. everything was like a fog. you only remember fragments. t like via the. so just come here for regular treatment before returning to the units with the prospect of a spring offensive by russia. there's a growing awareness in ukraine of the need. formal soldiers with an emphasis on keeping the experience troops on the front line even enough to enjoy the centers also offer vocational training for students. while mobile units travel to the front line, i don't think is the patients are so happy. it's like they're on holidays when they are with us. there is a psychological burden on the front line. and this offer us a distraction from that. as this was shows no sign in defending these a services seemingly in increasing demand run. mcbride, don't use it, or how to keep ukraine the politicians and took a campaigning ahead of next week. so local elections that voters will be electing mez and city council members present the rest of the time. the other ones,
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i apologise trying to win back to the largest cities, it's tumble and incorrect. they were last of the main office vision part in 2019 inflation. the rising cost of living and the post of great reconstruction through major campaign issues assembled was met a criminal law who is also seeking re election under the main opposition with public and people's policy. his main challenge and we're on the court, them as a candidate has been put forward by the texas president and assemble is seen as a critical battle ground. and the results could shape the future of the opposition and armenia, 3 on demand have attempted to storm a police station in the capital bureaus on investigation. say the attack has designated a hand grenade while trying to seize the building. 2 of the suspects were injured in the next version that i thought was detained off to a brief stand off. the government are upholstered, the members of a group that opposes the plans drawn to the villages and armenians tumbush region to neighboring as
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a vice on assignment. harris is set to become islands youngest and the prime minister felt that he was elected to lead the governing fiend. gail policy and follows the surprised resignation of prime minister nero veronica on wednesday. is that the 7 year old is best known to helping to stay of the country's initial response to coverage 19 as a government. i want to thank you. i want to thank every single person in this room and every single community you come from across ireland. i wanna thank you for your trust and i wanna promise i'm pledge to you today that i would repay that trust with hard work, with broad selection tiers, day in and day as with responsibility, with humidity and with civility. the police and brazil have arrested to the men suspected of ordering the killing of a rear diginero council woman back in 2018. but really franco was killed in
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a drive by shooting spunky and international outcry. a federal congressman was detained on sunday, along with his brother. the form ahead of re or civil police department was also arrested for allegedly instructing the investigation. franco, who was a black, gay, active as bone and f avella, was known for defending minorities and for speaking out against police brutality and results. left wing parties of held rallies ahead of the anniversary of the 1964 military. too many people still worried about the country state of democracy after lost is a tax on congress, monica, and i have reports down from south paula. a pro, gestures took to the streets of some phone despite the heavy rains, marketing the 60th anniversary of the military. cool, which led to a decade long dictatorship. they say that preserves young democracy is still at
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the point, but it's not businessman, military and the right wing politicians who supported the dictatorship back in 1964 tried to stage a coup just last year or we don't want history to repeat itself. must demand punishment for those response to the he's referring to former president tables. so nato was under investigation by federal police. he's accused of plotting this cool to keep himself in power. after losing the 2022 elections, demonstrators say they also wanted to show the strength of results left when parties, especially after thousands of right wing voters attended both. so not will rally last month. we're seeing clearly that society is divided even an issue. there is no consensus in today's society to the uh, the quote was something bad for
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a presume. there are some people who would support on order to receive military taking action against their government from running in the under estimate the right and they could come to the christian worship is around the world uh center facing palm sunday and marks the return of jesus inferior service, hundreds of pilgrims attended a procession and face to face and the reason, as, as well as her and also the, and the rock thousands of gathered to celebrate the holiday in our home. the new predominantly christian town, held
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a procession through the streets off to the champ, send this off to the head hill, and i was his era. roco is aiming to become applicants, industrial. how have will take a look at how the nation is attracting content. and as for the 24 year old, seem a respite chief, something not seem to move them the on counting the cost nuclear pallet is back in the energy debate. is it on the edge of a come back? the e. u has pledged for the ends of dollars, the cash strapped egypt, what's behind the deals? and how could a potentially battle text all the math and creations and businesses. counting the cost on algebra. 2 weeks ago, the government of china and i was to hike in the price of fuel was made to it, declared an emergency in areas of food and nutrition. the united nations mr. chide
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is one of the world's most insecure countries in terms of food supply, mainly due to the impact of climate change. the one foot program size, the food in these warehouses. it has 4017 percent of child support, the nation. that's 2900000 people for depend on the toner supplies. it's for, for flushed out, especially now the ages is couple of to for no money drill the the the welcome back, it is time to support and here's the status here. thank you so much. koko golf has her site set on winning
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a trophy at home. the world number 3 has reached the last 16 of the miami opened for the 2nd time in her career. unaided was 7, florida golf had to come from 4 to down in the 1st set to be a stand all down of friends. the reading us open champion, one or last time games to be thrown down in straight sets of the 20 year old golf, is the youngest american player to hold the top 3 seat at the mine. the open house is for you to be back in florida and this is home for you. me to be here in south florida? definitely where a garage. i have a lot of family in over there and over there. so yeah, it's really nice. it's just to play in front of them and obviously play in front of the main crowd. a fellow american jessica pergola is also through should be canadian layla fernandez in straight sets, role number 5 to global next phase one is c. m a napa row over on the men's tour
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hung gary and tennis player 5 being marsan, plains is sending victory over succeed, hold the risk of 57th rank player will also be carlos alco as last year brush passed through 6161 is 59 minutes models and reaches the ground a 32 in miami after cleaning the 2nd biggest when a fit for rolling well, chevy and mastery shopping had some problems at the australian ground. pre break failure brought his race to an early end, giving ferrari driver, carlos things. the chance to win in front of the record melvin crowd. andy richardson reports the fire fire for the phil is telling me to use much the stipends written and call it failed . him completely melts if it's all up to winning the opening to races of the season. will title hold of a stop and was out to the australian chrome pre on. lot full see that when the lights are involved, the right rear brakes stuck on and um yeah,
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it didn't cool. so it just kept them being warm or warmer. giving me really weird in civilities and then of course, the cold fire fade 7 time we'll champion lewis hamilton's right school. so i finished early this mistake. these came to it on the schedule. hold on left 16 hamilton post to watch on this for rory's carlos sites. put on a driving master class. meanwhile, the gas out in front about 447 seconds filing system on hamilton is set to replace out of the autonomy and see next season. it is this funny to miss the last girl. i'm pretty in saudi arabia because he was having surgery for a pen, the sciences. this was point the come back to a record melvin proud of more than 130000 for a miserable day from a series that even worse on the, on the left seat was george russell crushed doubts as the french trying to was unhooking the incidents sites went on to secure the food growing pretty when if his career was
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a fairy won't suit with charlotte club in 2nd, london norris, as maclaren finished the for now the step and still leads the overall cycling race start the year with the news of the non renewal and i be thinking, okay, what's next day in my life for and then the next day and that i know what am i going to be back? i'm i going to be bugging platform and how long it's going to take me to to get back up to speed and uncomfy and unintended. you come back and when the at the moment so it doesn't have it seemed to draw only for next season. this pool you won't be sure of office on the richardson out you 0 or hey, martin has one forty's, ground pre to take the overall notice g p world championship lead the standards finished have in. yeah, that's the and e and the portuguese football manager. josie moreno waiving the checkered flag there,
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and 19 year old pedro casa was 3rd earning his 1st ever podium finish button top standards. after reading world champion, francesco benya crashed as a raised following a coalition with 6 time world champion. mark marquez and i'm really happy and proud of the team we are doing. we said they knew they've got the has worked in, but they didn't sign these not inside to raise these for sure. and you know, doing here and i tried where i almost lost everything. i almost stopped racing. and now i'm here on the, on the 1st place. this is amazing. and i am so grateful to the stride because i learned a lot. now some assume a wrestling history has to be made in japan, tucker and fuji has become the 1st competitor in a 110 years to when the top division tournament on day did the 24 year old need going on a yamaha seal. the emperor as half an a soccer, making his trials, the more impressive to the man from northern japan. he only made his pro day do in 2020,
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to see the titles. despite injuring his ankle on and ultimate day of the 15 days to him, the washington capitals have boosted their chances of reaching the n h l. playoffs . alex yvette can score twice and a free nothing. when over the winter i dropped a batch can now have it $26.00 goals, the season a mass of turn around for the russian shoot only for 8 times. and it's 1st $43.00 gains of the campaign. before we go, there were some bizarre scenes on the streets of paris earlier in the french capital, which is gearing out to hosting lympics this year. so i'll be stroll waiters square off against each other. and a race event is more than a century old and makes its return. after 13 years, a waiters have to carry a plate with a croissant coffee and a glass of water for 2 kilometers. who ever finishes 1st without spilling anything, wins the race. okay, and that is all used for print something a long ways ago with a tray. thank you. far. well, morocco is aiming to become
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a manufacturing hub. the nation's current sports reach nearly 14000000000 dollars last year as also hoping to make it small. and the aerospace industry, as national bar reports from tundra and the northwest the call and making industries taking center stage in morocco. this plant owned by friends, auto manufacturer, will know its pride in africa. a 2 and a half 1000000 vehicles have been produced here since 2012. these robots checking for any input sections as cause move down the production line. as the industry boons, morocco is expanding, the sport intends. yes. the aim is to be able to ship more than a $1000000.00 cost every year. a seed, hawaii, and his team on a charm offensive to pursue a big german and japanese call makers to establish helps he did. industrial zones have a truck to 1000 different companies worldwide. coming to invest in this,
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those and this 1000 companies have created 800000 jobs and the same 1000 companies are exporting over $10000000000.00 of exports value made in the zone. morocco c's high potential for growth in green energy they called. and he's also planning to stop manufacturing hydrogen powered cause in the upcoming years the hallways off because the biggest explore total caused you to that case where tax breaks investments incentives as police many agreements with the u. s. e u t and gulf nations to establish itself as a series, the congress call industry. now we're also wants to go global. and this is not just about manufacturing calls, but wal codes also setting it sites on high end technology and aerospace. this plant recently built in casablanca,
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is working at full capacity. it's manufacturers, also craft or these engine components will assume the flow to its customers, such as boss boeing was voice, and many other giants of the industry added has any, is busy expanding the economics, the zone mid bog, attracting big names in the industry 20 years ago. we felt as why electrical coat cables and why a honda says, and today we have the companies that are producing the engine component very complex competitive bid airplane manufacturers find in morocco is highly skilled and low cost labor force. and bucks submitted to your unfortunate to, to make that profit for ask your mind, well, this is eva casablanca. well, that's it for this new zone. but i'll be back in just
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a moment. stay with the the brutality of the response to the events of october 7th had become impossible to make. no, there is no one nor, or international humanitarian law that has no being violated. then we have some western powers supports of israel's actions. he's well has the right to defend itself. it has the duty to defend its people. it is astonishing just how deep cleaning corrupt materially on tomorrow. the day i look at how the international news are being applied and ignored, and the is real goal is to conflict israel above the little on al jazeera palestine . this once of very different place from today to cities became connected to the interior in an award winning film, which is 0. well, his historians and i would use accounts that portray early 20th century spanish style as
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a thriving fibers. reachable multiple investments were excess. moving from one city to another, kind of styling 1920 on al jazeera, the on the, uh, the, the, to the lease or like the cobra did go to g. 4 notes in mind that says he already did all my policy related to g, g, or you good, good. see, uh oh i can go i gave you a to gigi, the yankee or a c o knows the load balancing from the parallel processing. and so do it's why we work with bill cuz who may could be a business to know your business? yep. we all, we,
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you of the hello again. i'm just calling to obtain this is and use our life from don't. coming up in the next 60 minutes. is there any forces in suckle 2 hospitals and southern garza well and the north soldiers carry out a week long deadly rage on the stripped largest hospital. israel tells the un no more fruit convoys when rent will be allowed to northern garza where there's


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