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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 25, 2024 3:00am-3:30am AST

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to a forward slash e m the the, the any claims of victory as votes accounted incentive goals and presidential election? the of them are kyle, this is out 0 life and also coming up. is there any forces around 2 hosp results in southern gall? so often renewal soldiers continue a deadly week long rate on the strips largest hospital. and so it tells me you a name of food convoys whom i'm role will be allowed into northern gone. so when there's a desperate need for age and suspects appear in court, transfer terrorism off to friday's deadly attack at almost a constant,
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the to begin and set a goal west impulses of a key anti establishment candidates, celebrating off the sunday's presidential election crowns. gathering outside the residence of offices should lead to or spend some code to himself was disqualified from the race because of a defamation conviction that he fact fossil ridge m, i fi who is standing in his place. boat counseling is still under way and the official results are not expected for the coming until the coming days. nicholas hawk is outside some kind of house in the capital doc of joins us now from those celebrations. so nick explained to sancho know that see on the ballot, but his support is, are essentially quoting an early victory for his chosen kansas. the
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yes, this is really not unusual likes and people celebrating outside oppose this and that . so even in the running whose minds don't go buds for many people here, the size of this election took place and the 1st place is reason to celebrate. there's been so much pent up emotion now being release all these meats. just wish to go. laura, there were riots demonstrators protesting against security forces for this election to take place. and i know more and has claim victory. the county is under way, but there are some candidates notable candidates, either for repair of the current police, myself, or the only woman candidate. on so, but my car who have all congratulate the bus in july by the office, this is your son who is deputy, who is this standing candidate for the band political 45 step for
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a possible victory. a mad that was in prison just a week ago that no one really knew a former tax inspector spent time in prison and, and, and during the course of account they became a presidential candidate for many people. here he is, the future president of senegal laura and make it so and so it gives me it cuz some code and you might find a real break from the system and essentially from the current present incumbent lucky solve the that's right there, the ot establishment candidates really calling for a break from the past, but most importantly, they're a generational shift buzzer would you mind far? it's barely for 2 years old. we spent, sancho is in his mid forties from here the to the other candidates that are much older. and he speaks to a younger generation that one of the fast moving changes to the way center goal is
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run less power to the president's more and more power to the people to take less than big the gap between the poor and the rich is another key issue really good, she's done those oil and gas contracts, a big businesses, but also change their relationship with brands that former colonial power. but before you think, claim victory, the counting is still under way after a to moultrie day, a voting take a look at this rewards dressed presidential for the occasion. julia sonya cast her vote for the 1st time, a solemn movement that almost escaped her. i felt like i make my voice heard for all the fight i've been doing. when president mikey saw canceled february's election and security forces stored in parliament to remove opposition and peace, who had tried to prevent the delay. sonya says she felt robbed of her voice. voting
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was the right she had taken for granted. so yeah, took to social media to fight. while young people across any go demonstrated, the constitutional counsel stepped in forcing the president to hold that vote. this is the far we have where i saw the main one is, is just we feel like sending guys small fan the more we feel like be so much a gap between the points of the light and the youth. its candidates put on a show and a short and fast campaign, unemployment, good governance and reducing the gap between poor and rich. have been the main issues for voters to former tax inspector. stand out opposition. pick your best through jim. why fi is competing against his former boss, governing party candidate and former tax inspector. i met you by 5 voted from his hometown in the countryside, react instead of silver, and to get is on the one. so for a need to in reality and that is that of the people who to day will choose
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a man or woman to be the president. his opponent, i do by voted in the car limits as to the last message we are sending out is one of peace synagogue belongs to us. we are old children of this country. they looked at her companions. well, even if it was short, but it was swift and called popular opposition to figure it was men soto who has been disqualified after a criminal conviction for defamation is supporting fine. so co supporters say his charges were in attempt to derail his candidates. there is a high border turn out in this election with many travelling across the country to cast their votes at this pulling station. a lot of young women and young men coming out early to vote. they are a key demographic that can take the vote in what is a tight race still nice. the counting has begun. there is a sense of anticipation and excitement after 12 years of mock yourself and the last few months of interest and delays. san diego awaits the outcome of the vote,
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and the name of its new president nicholas hawk. elgin's the right, the car the is there. any force is continuing to target residential areas in southern guns, or at least 3 people have been killed off to a strike hit a family house and the yap. an account in rafa is already minutes has intensified as a tax on the same thing that more than one point. 5000000 for supreme displays, palestinians of seeking shelter, i'm sorry to have a, as in, has moved from rafa and southern garza is verified to get targeted residential house in the facility of an adar hospital in the eastern part of rough off as the number of casualties have been transferred to the hospital to receive medical treatment on this was not the only attack that had been carried out against rough district today. but isabel had been hitting
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a rough multiple times. we're talking about full residential houses, have been completely flattened with at least 23 palestinians have reported killed while 20 others being injured till now. and that's absolutely a specific number that had been resulted from the ongoing is very a tax on a roof on this area where more than 85 percent of guns of the population are taking and seeking refuge and as the is where the forces had been designated since the beginning of the were as a safe so the situation is, is it getting much more die and difficult because has to, has been time to be a graveyard. hospitals, a residential house as being attacked and destroyed. where the and most of them that i'm a hospital in con eunice had been on complete as well as the, during the past 24 hours where these very forces in it i'm a hospital had been forcing a number of patients to day to sleep from the hospital on the really critical conditions while the are still patients inside suffering with from disabilities are
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still unable to get out from the hospital as people abutment and confrontations between almost like this. and that is very so we'll just continue. but what we can see on the ground that is a systematic creation of a converse of environment in which is well throughout it's a systematic destruction of neighborhoods and hospitals. they are completely changing the milestone of living, the making it livable for the majority of causes. and this absolutely forces residents to flee more to the south in order to seek safety. where he and the south compartment did not stop in the past 24 hours. but that's exactly the situation that were different fee was being made in order to evacuate the patients from such hospitals to do an agency if upon the city and refugees says israel will no longer allow the food convoys to enter knowles and gaza, where people are dying of hunger, to get to general sleep plaza really released the statements on the social media platform x saying the is where you'll start to use have informed you and they will
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no longer approve any of food convoys to the north of gone. so, i don't know, it has cooled, the decision that way, justin says, as well as making it intentional, to obstruct live saving assistance during a man made funding some raises the director of planning at and what he says as well as decision is a death sentence for palestinians, the implications of dramatic coming after 5 and a half months of the relentless or the an independent no authority was last week of, of imminent comments. people are already dying of starvation up and up in the north . and this is essentially a death sentence on many of of those people. i'm hearing ralph in this situation. the bombings are relentless everywhere. but, but the situation conditions, particularly harsh in the northern garza's for it, where we estimate there are about 250000 people who been trapped there for about 5 and a half months. and where is the i saw the largest 8 organization inside garza start
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blocking unrra from delivering up there as i say, just lessons the conditions and is a deliberate obstruction. as my boss said, the commissioner general of and wrote a deliberate obstruction of life stating, assist, is to art for a population that is already facing. hug for funding, and stop ation. so sick, but simply more people will die. i mean, while the director general of the world health organization has released a statement saying, blocking unruh from delivering food is in fact a 9 starving people. the ability to survive this decision must be urgently reversed . all efforts to deliver food should no certainly be permitted, but that should be an immediate acceleration of food deliveries. i mean is actually general antenna guitar issues and neighboring egypt has repeated his calls, but desperately needed supplies. looking get guys, it's almost appears that the photo of cement of war fan mean punk was then this out
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of galloping across it. and that is why the time for the media to man and satisfy it is now the speed it's of compression. i also urge the immediate and then conditional release of hostages. the suffering must and policy means even guys that desperately needs. what has been problem is a flock of 8 is ready, 5 minutes have benjamin that's neil who has bound to kill. how? lastly, the i'll send was it compare this mission to the death of a difficult kind of difficult mom who was an enemy at the jews. he said, we will fight, we are fighting and will be victorious. we will enter raso and achieve total victory. we eliminate to time on and we will also eliminate san juan. but again, some member of as well as will cabinet says he'll quit the government if a bill exempting ultra orthodox jews from 9 to 3 minute to serve. as paul says, his lawyer is set to be presented next week before as well as parliament commits it,
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as well as ultra orthodox jewish community has been exempted from military service on religious grounds for decades. a month, a little while actually meet the nation kind of acceptance the come assets must lots of votes for it. and to my colleagues and i will, most of the members of this emergency government should such legislation. pause in the connected and to enter the little bits of his route in a way that's will have unity. i'm from national security in general, and especially in time of wanting to come up here as vice president, pamela harris is refusing to rule out consequences for israel if it pushes ahead with a ground invasion of rafa. she made the comments during interviewing abc new so this week see, believe it and yahoo was an obstacle to peace. i believe that we have got to continue to enforce what we know to be and should be the priorities in terms of what is happening and gossen. we've been very clear the far too many innocent
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palestinians have been killed. we have been very clear that israel and lives rarely, people in palaces are entitled to an equal amount of, of security and dignity. and frankly, we have been very focused on also getting the hostages out. and getting aid in nan, yahoo appears to just be flat out ignoring president biden's warning about in a sense of, in rasa. is that a red line for your administration? we have been clear in multiple conversations and in every way that any major military operation in rafa would be a huge mistake. let me tell you something. i have studied the map. there's nowhere for those folks to go. and we're looking at about a 1000000 and a half people in rafa who are there because they were told to go there most of them . and so we've been very clear that it would be
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a mistake to move into rafa with any type of military operations, a mistake, but would there be consequences if he does move forward? but we're going to take it one step at a time, but we've been very clear in terms of our perspective on whether or not that should happen, or you ruling out that there would be consequences from the united states. i am ruling out nothing. so it has had on, on to sarah a generation also school a grim reminder of the effect will, has had on millions of children in yemen. the a political, the bank, pony farmers are angry. people are starving and we actually have to exports all good. because we need money to buy informed opinions, the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank
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assessments politicians and 50 often in the highest level they've been using games for this policy. let me come out to intimidate and course the rivals inside story on al jazeera, the latest news as it breaks, that is really our talary shows this area last night. august and infirmities was remo, done with their tears and heartbreaks this year with detailed coverage. the gaza strip has 1100 patients with chronic kidney disease. we need 3 treatments a week from the heart of the story before our home has been diminished. their prayers continue with a situation to get it to the of these changes will be rapid, costly, and largely, and desirable. the viability of many ecosystems is at stake, as is the viability of civilization. as we know it's going uh, coming soon. the
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collect annual what challenges there as reminds of on top stories this hour instead of goals, suppose it'd be under the establishment, kansas bestardo, joe, my fi on celebrating is a key ally of the disqualified don't position needed elements. ok. vote counseling is underway. also sundays. presidential invited to me, official results are expected in the coming days. and $24.00 says continue targeting residential areas and something gone. so at least 3 people have been killed off to strike as a family home in rough or dead. and the images have been washed to q way to hospital. i mean even agency for palestinian refugee said as well, will no longer allow the food convoys to enter. northern garza famine is eminence
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in northern gauze. as 70 percent of the areas population is already suffering from catastrophic levels of hung up. let's say the chosen that says 2 and 5 children in yemen. i'm not going to school because of the conflict. that's equivalent of 4500000 children across the country. and with that declining economy, many of them have no choice but to try and find work to help support that families which are gave some of the reports. it takes courage for 9 year old rebecca to attend school in the city of la. he's in south west in yemen. many of her classmates stopped coming last month after 2 children were killed when a discarded artillery show exploded. in this data and it's got to be a lot happening. the explosion was violent and close to our homes. it's the 1st time we've heard such an explosion. we used to feel safe, but not anymore. we're skate of sleeping on something like a bomb that might explode. fia has taken over us. i get anxious when the teacher
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isn't around. say the children says there are around 4500000 children who aren't in school in yemen. lack of security is just one reason. moving 85 percent of human ease live in poverty. and the decade long was forced many parents to take their children out of school, so they can work and help ease the financial pressures that millions of families face every day out of a home. because they don't usually, my classmates quit studying, to support the families financially to assist the father. since things have got more challenging economically, many of them live to work on funds. honey knows best of the most the value of a good education, but his teacher's salary doesn't cover his family's basic needs. he's had to make some difficult decisions way uh, out of love and i have 4 daughters. i took 2 of them out of school, my son out of his $46.00 a month, which isn't enough of these days due to the cutting our prices and health care
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expenses. out of the whole saturday, the student fees take 25 percent down un broke, a truce officially ended in october 2022 but still lodge the homes. that saved the children says without an official ceasefire. families don't have the stability, they need to rebuild the lights and an entire generation risk being left behind. with long term consequences begins recovery and development. victoria gates and b l g 0 or new guns as military has one dozen on group based on democratic republic of congo is planning more attacks. the like, democratic forces has been linked to a number of killings. that includes an attack on the school near the border last year, which killed $43.00 people. catherine, so it has this report from fund way and west them. uganda. julia simple site is still in morning live for his family, fell apart last june when 5 to is from an on group based in the democratic republic
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of congo, crossed the buddha to a talk. a secondary schools, 43 people, mostly students were killed, included. he's 18 year old son mccain, though. i did go over, took over it, but we thought we are protected. but to our surprise, we were shocked to see adf across the border to come kill our children. meaning god porters are not safe. eliza, i handle who lives next door. he's suffering a different kind of pain. pass on suspects was among several people keyed up during the rates. he's calling police donnelly came to him pond way to look for work and stay safe from level the talks. me go now, but i pay my child as a life in the far east. i pray to god every day to perform a miracle, so that he couldn't come home. the school is now on a bundle and show off the petrol boom talks by assailants with machetes,
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the escaped across the border into the room, the national park. these are the reminders of what happened here. the students were in there, don't. when that talk happened, and it's really hard to imagine the tyra and fear because there was no escape on the adf, which pledge allegiance to iso was based in uganda years ago, before being defeated by the army. the rebels been fledged to d r c, where they've killed or kidnapped many civilians. various government forces including the, you've got an army in the peacekeeping mission are reinforcing. the companies ami some big the money to give you permission to the room go to minutes. because of the you from me for it. we discovered it was quite a petition including, i think the press for the data or both over the score. yeah. that and it was these,
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i get to how do they get both the box importantly, your guidance here tyler's life may never be the same again, but they also say that was not leaving. fia kathy saw you all to 0 pond way less than uganda and russia full suspects and fridays that they most of the concept whole attack has been charged with terrorism. and then appeared at a district course in the course and the russian campus. so they've been placed in pre trial detention for 2 months. lease to 137 people were killed when government opened. fire on concept goes, goes crooked cities who 11 people were arrested in connection with the attack of people in russia having to have national morning service was held for i makes it for moral just outside the concert hall emergency services, the silver covered, and fontes for month the deputy, as the building was mostly destroyed by fire, that was thoughts and by the attack. as after the shooting motion,
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president vladimir putin went to an orthodox russian orthodox church in moscow. unless a candle annoying the victim's boot and vowed vengeance for the attack and his address to the nation on saturday to us, vice president is using hon. election campaign to push the types of gun laws on saturday. carmella harris told the high school in pumpkin florida. that's what a gunman killed. 17 people in 2018. how does your castro reports this is hallowed ground. the margery storm and douglas high school building, where 14 students and 3 teachers died in a mass shooting 6 years ago. even now their blood stains the classrooms, cameras were not allowed inside the building out of respect for the dead, but vice president cala harris described the horrible time capsule she entered. i
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was in class rooms where, frozen in time. the laptops of that era are still on the desks. investigators left the crime scene untouched all these years to preserve evidence for the shooters trial. he was a troubled former student reported to police many times, but still allowed to buy guns. now that he's been sentenced to life in prison, the building will be demolished. we tell the stories, not only of how they were shot, but they were you know, the students, they all had bright futures ahead of them. tony mont alto lost his 14 year old daughter gina he says the vice president's visit was meaningful. having the attention of, of that high and office to focus on school safety and violence prevention. certainly of courses is helpful. she spend some time going around with each of the families. she sat with us. she spoke of us,
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she heard about our loved ones since the parkland shooting florida and 20 other states passed. red flag was those allow police to temporarily take away guns from people who are deemed to be a danger to themselves or to others. and here in florida alone, that measure has been used more than 12000 times. harris announced a new federal program to help states implement red flag laws and call them more states to adopt them. she said she would continue pushing for a ban on assault weapons and universal background checks, measures that lack support in congress. and we must be willing to have the courage to say that on every level, whether you talk about changing laws or changing practices and protocols that we must do better. critics of the vice president's visit save. this was political theater. a campaign stop exploiting tragedy. but jayden, do you know, for you,
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a young democratic activist says voters in his generation have been craving, harris has message. and so by meeting young people where they are, by going to these high schools, where these tragedies happen, where a lot of people have been affected, i think that shows their commitment to making sure that young voters are heard. guns are now the leading cause of death for american children in gun violence, expect it to be a top issue for young voters in november. heidi to castro alger 0 parkland florida . christian worship is across the walls have been celebrating palm sunday as month through a ton of jesus and to jerusalem, hundreds of pilgrims attended the procession that i'm prayed for. peace and the region as well as rule on garza continues the. and that's it. from me, laura car, you can find much more on all websites out there. don't come any time whether it's
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next. i'm an inside story looking at one i saw a link group as tom, the 2nd rush, the as you're just in time for your weather report right across asia, that sco beginning in india, there's freeze of debate and goals sparking up some storms in that northeast corner of india, right through bung with dash, but for the rest of the country. plenty of sun to go around. rain is moving out of the rock, pushing into iran around this address mountains. i think we've got a deluge for sure as looking to see a month's worth of rain in about 24 hours. we've got this breeze off the south china sea that's pumping in humidity to northern vietnam. china is kind of an island. so your factor in that humidity is going to feel closer to 40 over the next several days,
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what weather working its way across the yangtze river valley. this one is going to drop down temperatures in shanghai. and as it moves over the open water here, pours into the korean peninsula, japan's q. shoes, your cocoa and haunt you islands. but watch on tuesday, you're going to be in the sick of this. i wouldn't be surprised if we see landside alerts for q issue and just dallas with rain through hunt. you dark in the blue and yellow. the more intense that rain is. let's and this one off in indonesia. yeah, we'll focus on borneo island because i really think it's this western side, west column and 10 province where we're going to see the biggest burst of rain over the next 24 to 48 hours. that's it for me. the palestine is once of very different place for today. and of course, 2 cities became connected to the interior in an award winning film, which is 0. well, here's historians and i would use accounts that portray early 20th century spanish
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style as a thriving fibers. richard was fulton investments were exit, moving from one city to another, kind of styling 1920 on al jazeera or how we rushed to retaliate to the mass, shooting in moscow and affiliated these lennox state to the rock and the bond. this claimed responsibility the group has targeted russia before one of the implications of this latest attack. this is inside stored the hello again on james basis, the worst attack on the russian capital.


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