tv NEWS 30min Al Jazeera March 25, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm AST
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of the the drugs if possible, almost 6 months for you and security accounts. so tomorrow is an immediate, safe spot and goes a bit early for the month of ramadan. my last 3 bedroom has mazda 3 bedroom, has freedom, must be a part of the hello am associates. hey, and this is alex rivera. life from dell also coming israel's 5 minutes to cancel or visit by a high level delegation to washington, also the us and does not reach her, but rather of stains from of ours. is there any problems, meanwhile,
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continued to hit casa, often the passing of that resolution strikes have killed her for a 100 people. since sasha thinks it's women and children instead of goal is on cost to have a to youngest, ever president, opposition? candidate vesee or jewelry? $5.00 leads the race off to his arrivals, couldn't see the 171 days of war. move in factory 2000 palestinians killed. and now for the 1st time, the united nations security council has called 1st east fight and golfing the drugs at 5728. it has now passed a resolution that demands an immediate face 5 but only for the muslim holy month of ramadan, which is now already huff or by the resolution. also, coal street,
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unconditional release of captives held in garza from 1948 to one to 24. we have endorsed. we have survived, as we have it is it acted only to face this? once again. life must be bad and this must be bad. and because freedom must prepared in palestine, we're getting closer to a deal for an immediate cease fire with the release of all hostages. but we're not there yet. now let's be clear. a ceasefire could have come about months ago. if a mouse had been willing to release hostages months ago, all members of the council on members should have voted against this shameful
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resolution to this council is rarely blood is cheap. this is a travesty. and i am disgusted. well, here's what the resolution actually says, an immediate cease fire for the month of ramadan, leading to a law sting, sustainable phase fine. it also demands the unconditional release of all hostages and ensuring humanitarian access to address their medical and other humanitarian needs. as part of the month of all parties comply with their obligations under international law when dealing with pass and state attain, it also goes on to emphasize the just need to expand the flow of humanitarian assistance into garza and to reinforce the protection of civilians in the entire golf, a strip 14 countries version in favor of resolution 2728. only the united states abstained from that. ford on the palestinian authority has welcomed this resolution . and the statement, the ministry of foreign affairs said welcome to the un security council of efforts
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to assume its responsibilities and protecting civilian, subject to, to genocide. it also said the success of the draft resolution today is the correct step. but it needs development on the path to the un security council, fulfilling its assigned role in maintaining international peace and security. to hello has also issued a statement welcoming, not security counselors funding. it's readiness to engage in an immediate exchange of prisoners held by both sides. and i also said it's important to insure the freedom of movement of palestine and citizens, and the entry of humanitarian needs for o residence of the gaza strip. a mazda is also called on the security council to pressure israel to commit to the cx, 5 stuff. it's genocide, a war of extermination, and ethnic cleansing of palestinians. well, that's got the view from the ground and speak to tom a couple of them. he joins us now from rafa and southern gauze, a topic we've had that what the p a and i'm also said about this resolution. but what are you hearing from ordinary palestinians and goals of that on the street?
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a yes. as we have been talking to on post palestinians here inside the roof of asking them about their reaction towards uh, the uh, the resolution being passed by the united nations security council. they completely appreciate you that step that considered to be stuck in the right track from the palestinian perspective on the key change of discounts. the international community regarding the uh, the war on gauze i hear as other were progresses for more than 170 days of flights . and until the moment spot, i also found a city is believe that legally they do not believe that is available to met. totally to the resolution being passed as isabel keep insisting from side to continue it's full until achieving the ultimate goals that had been set earlier since october the 7th. and that's why palestinians are afraid that isabel wants completely commit to that resolution. and they are quoting the, to national community, the united nations security council to exec move pressure,
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when israel and all that just took, it's the station itself. it's minute you asked you on the ground just the during the holy month of ramadan, which cause that it to be temper from the palestinian perspective as we are only 2 weeks away from the end of this month. just it might help to mitigate relatively the situation on the ground to you and tarik, even as this resolution paused, i understand this bill has been ongoing as strikes. what's been going on on the ground that yes, in fact, most of the situation is getting much more dialing hourly basis as well as the battle around the she felt hospital continues for the uh, 7 of the 7th day in the row where confrontations between almost quite as i think is what a so we just is are urging in that area where those of palestinians have to report that killed. but there's 2 patients still trapped inside of the hospital being denied from leaving the medical tongue bound on those touched unrelenting
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compartments. but we have been set notes, the move, so admitted to attack. so in the middle area where a southern palestinians have to report the killed in the area. and one of the latest attacks had been carried out here in a rough, a 100 western part of the city where a group of residents have been hit within his ready drone messiah, where a number of casualties have been tons, it's once but to a toy, to hospital to receive a medical treatment, but the situation completely sounds to be critical. um, it will go a growing consent and uh, from the international community for the is where the government just pays back the military offensive, of course, that there are 3 as the desk to link casualties amongst the who. yes. oh, daily basis continues to klein. park. i was there and there was a very license for us from the grounds and rafa and southern gaza. thank you. terry hall meanwhile is around, has now cancelled an official trip to washington in protest against that pos, security council resolution. quoting for a 65 prime minister benjamin netanyahu was office issued a statement saying the font the us did not reach her. the resolution is
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a clear retreat from. it's quite a consistent position since the beginning of the war. the statement says this retreat is hurting war efforts, as well as efforts to release the captives. according to the prime minister's office from us now has hope that they will be assessed by without releasing the captives. well, let's go to honda, so hurt and occupied is true some for more reaction underwear. seeing kid defiance here from israel, even i imagine threats to intensify its military campaign. the we're hearing from a lot from is really officials this evening from these really prime minister to the defense minister, members of israel's war cabinet. and israel's foreign minister, all of them essentially saying the same thing that israel has a right to fight this war against him. us and that there will be essentially no ceasefire until all of the goals of the war are achieved. we've been hearing this from been against as well. all of this comes as the is really prime minister
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benjamin netanyahu has decided to not send a delegation to washington to brief american officials about israel's impending ground invasion instead of law. this is something that's cause a lot of contention between the 2 allies. and in fact, it is causing quite a stir up within his rules on government. while benny gans did say that this un decision will essentially not be honored and not the war will continue. he did say that it's a mistake to not send this delegation to washington because at this point in the war, it's critical for us support. the americans are seemingly perplexed by nets. and y'all, who's response to the us of suspension of the one security council vote. and that's why he has decided to not send this team to meet with american officials. it's just a continuation of the public disagreements that we've been seeing between both
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israel and to the united states. this delegation, remember it came at the request of us president joe biden, so it is a further adding fuel to the fire of the disagreements between the 2 countries. i'm the subhead to with that they just reaction for us from occupied is to resend the thank you, honda. well, joining me now again in the studio as well and the sharp out of there a senior political analyst, my one of to all of its rhetoric about wanting us to use find in washington back itself into a, a corner here. well, we actually seeing a more profound shift and it starts to think there's a shift. it's not profound, but there's a shift. i'll tell you something. uh imagine for a 2nd, the alternative scenario to what just happened today to what and bravo today. cuz my sense is that the united states gave is around the hand today. it did not betrays route the united states by shifting the wording and the resolution allowing for that to freeze unconditional release of the hostages has basically given. is
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there a they will put you in it to after 5 months of and, and dropping in general sites to say, okay, we support that, you're not the admissions of visitors. and for 2 weeks, we're going to slow down. we're going to try to allow more aiden, and we'll have 2 weeks out over. we will discover that how much had not released the captives the hostages unconditionally. what is read the by? why a 2 weeks pause basically in the fighting, which means is there a then we'll see that it has every right to continue with the war to release as hostages from class. so in fact, the united states link to hand to is read to basically break out of the isolation. but is there as prepared to be isolated. now the most isolated member of the united nations is not north korea. it is worth but its its own making,
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not that to the united states. so you were saying that washington tried to help israel out to you by giving them essentially throwing in the body. and in order to be able to reclaim some kind of moral high ground. but i'm wondering then did, did you think that there was any point which is where it was going to actually abide by any kind of a, a safe spot? if it was smart? if it westmark, that's what i've done that. i'm just to be clear to my mind. nothing the united states has done over the past 5 months. has been anything but at the surface of his ride, been closing the united nations resolution. so in a sense, what by dint has been saying to nothing, you know, the past several weeks about the war winding down a bike is becoming more isolated globally. and in the region about, is there a winning the battle, but losing the war about winning immediately? but losing strategically all that stuff is coming out of washington was basically in as far as is there a concern should have been wisdom coming out of washington health thing is right.
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it has, it says instead it has been turning on the by did administration because of the finish was over its 5 minutes the whole. so where is that relationship now and how much of a blower has today is actual version and the us extension delta to that relationship, it feels it seems suddenly that is real, doesn't feel like it needs us support and certainly acting that way. it's acting that way. but i mean, imagine for the 2nd, right, that is there a is basically, um, you know, its turning the tables in the united states and saying, okay, you've done that. the technicians with no longer take $40000000000.00 from you. i was no longer take your sixty's enough sixty's. i will no longer get take $6.00 yet, and i, munitions, and everything else i need so badly to survive and then at least i would no longer be required in your diplomatic us. is the united nations as far as would be suicide before it is there. so it's basically playing the, you know, the,
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the problem i think child, you know, having fits, if you will. and the raising gets worse against its patrons in washington, on so on, so forth. because it's us point brecht right now, and as far as the relationship close and we are seeing slowly but surely for some serious fracture both on the side, the level and on the political level and a bit on the strategic level. and in terms of guys, as you and i been talking earlier, the way i see the differences in 2 words in the united states sees the water as basically the beginning over the end. yeah. and the piece, the wind down is there a sees it as the end of the beginning, and now it needs to take control of guys. uh, specify it in, in every him as a fighter or, or, or staff or whatever or member take on his block, pick one, a one and so on, so forth. right? so there is a, a bit of a strategic differences if you will, of opinion and,
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and evaluation of where things are now the united states believe is red is basically losing slowly, but surely every possible advantage it has had with the honda accords with no one of his actions relations with potential permission. so, so would you have an idea with possible normally position where the atom society is in the middle east and so on, so forth. all of that is right is losing, and it's not because of the united states. the, i think the us has done everything for israel, you talk about these, these factors appearing in an israel being the problem child. if the us as a parent then, is that the run for some form of discipline, for instance, like what happens off the ramadan. now and the us isn't very clear about not wanting a massive minutes, reparation, and roughly what happens to that relationship. israel completely defies washington . thing is right. you just said washington, i'm glad you use the word washington. because washington is not just the executive . it's not just the obama at the, by the ministration. on the last saturday,
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the us congress in its budget of 1112 pages passed the whole number of items in favor of his writing against the palestinians by the likes of ted cruz and other among the public as so the republicans will control congress in fact choosing is read to undermine by then i'm is there is using them on the bottom by then. so by didn't until this afternoon was saying no, no, there is no change of position. we just have to do this because we're all looking stupid at the united nations and we've got to do something. and this was initially it's not binding. and it's only for 2 weeks and it's not going to change much. and yet, is red, continues to be the choose the bigger, if you would, you know, with the ultimate clips. why that it's known for on this. i always great to get your thoughts. thank you for joining me again on the lesson as hostile a head here on out of there. 3 more people have been accused of participating in the attack on a constant hole in moscow on friday,
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the weather brought to you by visit cutoff. okay, so not as humid as it has been across indo china. however, once we pick up the story there, the breeze is turned lighter off the south china sea, so i q $31.00 degrees. i know a 29 and some showers in the mix here. sun, plenty of it to go around china, so that's allowing the temperatures in the low twenty's look at this $31.00 degrees in hong kong. different story though, for japan, it is a deluge her dark of the blue and the yellow of the more intense that rain is falling, had been some landside alerts on japan's q 2 island. i suspect we could see some for honshu tokyo looking to pick up half a month's worth of rain for monday to tuesdays over 48 hour period. get a break on wednesday. and then the rain moves back in on thursday late thursday
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though, there's been more flooding. central java problems on indonesia is main island of java. rain looks to be a bit lighter on tuesday. and to a straight layer. we go after that 3 day deluge and alice will say cloudy, sky, they are, most of the rain will be falling around queensland. so parents, for example, but also if we look back to the west, it is still dry here. but let's go back to that rain story in queensland, but it's been looking at some pretty solid bands of rain coming in here. so a soaker there on tuesday and to new zealand. we go, it's been white across the south island, some light showers and temperatures. little low. the weather brought to you by visit cut some unique perspective. everything is political. you cannot stay out of politics and everything is a feminist issue to on hud voices. we see our leadership destroying the ability to have a normal. i says you guys are. and that the story is the feel of us having a normalized, elizabeth connects with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find
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elsewhere. there is no over there, and it is right here. and right now the stream on out the the welcome back. you're watching all just there. let's remind you about top stories this out. the united nations security council has passed a resolution demanding an immediate and last thing see spot and gaza. during the muslim holy month of ramadan. historic resolution calls will be unconditional release of captives and unrestricted access to desperately needed to live savings for some us on the palestinian authority. welcome to the posting of our resolution for the muscles that we're finding. it's readiness to engage an immediate exchange
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. the prisoners apply for israel has cancelled an official trip to washington and protests against be adopted resolution point $65.00 prime minister benjamin netanyahu is office issued a statement saying the fact that the us didn't on these are the resolution is a can't departure from its consistent position since the beginning of the lonely is a former director general of israel's ministry of foreign affairs and a form is rarely in boston to sell off. okay. he says, the biggest impact this resolution is hanser fall is on israel's relations with washington. of the religious sauces. serious blow is also the reason of the delegation to be minded, say, say once you do such a decision in the folder, oh, i don't see myself for me. they want me to do that on rama
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anymore. so 1st of all, it says low level. also it'd be low because your decision did not state itself in the members of the security because of so the only on that by the nation sleep with is one in the west. and also the all of such a diffusion this way, when over the homepage we are the 2 or the, the in the, the, you know, what is i may have done have, may have cancel the delegation visit, bumped. it's defense minister. you have kalonde is already in washington for separate, told, with national security advisor, jake sullivan, and secretary of state i'm thinking i was is there is a white house correspondent can be house that has went out from washington dc. the
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white house is calling the decision by the israelis to cancel a meeting with us officials later in the week. disappointing. the meeting was designed to discuss is rarely campaign plans into rafa. and whether or not there could be alternatives. the state department saying that there was a fear that there could be undue civilian harm. also the belief that the by the ministration feels that this could reduce israel standing in the world. and as a result undermined, it security will ahead of another meeting taking place. on monday, these really defense minister spoke to reporters ahead of his meeting with the secretary state and the national security advisor. saying that he felt that the actions of the united states at the un security council. we're certainly not supportive of israel. and as a result, he issue this thinly veiled threat. take a listen along those hope will solve it. we have no more
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a right to stop the war and gaza until we return all the hostages home for you not reach a clear decision in gaza. it may bring us closer to a war in the north. you at the feel, neil, i will stress the importance of destroying a mouse and returning the hostages home. we will operate against tomas everywhere, including in places where we have not yet be now. whitehouse security councils. folks, person, john kirby has countered the argument by israel also that there has been a shift in policy as a result of the united states of staying on this latest u, as security council resolution, as opposed to vetoing as has been seen in the past. in fact, herbie saying that this is not a reflection of a shift in policy. instead the united states saying that it was that to get to a place where it would see a clear condemnation of how mosse and its actions on october 7th. and given that they could not get that language, this was
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a resolution the united states says it could not support. kimberly healthcare al jazeera washington. well, it's rarely minutes to get in, so has resigned from prime minister benjamin netanyahu. his emergency eunice, he called him and saw says that he's stepping down after being signed from the war cabinet. the 57 year old joins the units. he government off to the october 7th. the time is developed, so there is not expected to affect and that's, and you know, who, who still holds the majority in parliament, is moving on now and synagogues opposition candidates for serial. jeremy fi is on course to when sunday's election, his rival the ruling coalitions candidates i'm gonna do ball has conceded defeat. $51.00, some 53.7 percent with 90 percent of the volume counted. he's an anti establishment candidate chosen by opposition. indeed, it was months sancho, they were both released from prison just ahead of that 1st. correspondent nicholas huck has worn out on the, on that fine overcame in order to reach this victory. what's an extraordinary turn
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of events for a candidate for from a band political party that had spent almost a year in prison for facebook post spending just a week town painting going for political prisoner to the next president of sending out busing? july 5 will address his supporters in the hours to come, but there is a sense that real change is coming with campaign that was almost run like an american style campaign on this tickets of sancho and bussey region. my 5 together, the opposition leader with one sancho was disqualified to run in this race. and so together they brought about a new project. they say for sending out a project to change the entire system. minutes on the day of his 1st day
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that the ruling party candidates, i'm i do about conceded defeat and that president lucky. so congratulated 5 for his victory. the young former tax inspector who has turned $44.00 today will be one of the youngest heads of states in africa, making history, not only for his country, but for the continent altogether. nicholas hawk alger 0, the car from now to nigeria, where a 137 school children are back in safe hands. also being kidnapped by an armed group. the students were taken earlier in march by gunman from a school in the town of korea, and the country is north of ticket numbers of the monitors around some of nearly $700000.00. the nigerian military rescue them just before a deadline to pay about some in south korean senior doctors and professors medical schools also missing their resignations and support striking training doctors. they
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want the government to withdraw. it's time to increase student enrollment and medical training institutes. use kim reports now from sol some publicly others in private, medical school professors across south korea who double as senior doctor's at major hospitals have been resigning. they had been clocking weeks of overtime to fill a void left by the thousands of resident doctors and interns who walked off a job last month. pushing back against the governments medical reform plans. they are joining the growing chorus of medical professionals who insist the plan centered around raising the number of medical school entries by 2 thirds next year will destroy the profession. and they talk to one a to one of the special medical school admissions quote, as well clearly lead to the collapse of our country's medical education system. beyond the breakdown of medical education itself. there appealing to the courts to
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block its implementation, senior doctor as will keep their posts while their resignations are processed, but reduce their hours to the government mandated, 52 hours per week, which is expected to slow outpatient care. as this stand off is in a 2nd month, patients say that any indication front line senior doctors could join the walk out, feels like a death sentence. hundreds have already been in for their surgeries and treatments are postponed indefinitely. many of them cancer patients in a race against time. games home do is one such a cancer patient. you accuse us both the doctors and the government of ignoring the needs of severely ill patients. and they are playing a game of chicken with the lives of critical patients like us. the training doctors seem to think their collective acts as a matter of pride or self esteem. and that their generation must transform the
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medical field. but such movements represent waves of depth and fear for us, especially those with serious illness. to the government has yet to attribute any patient death to the walk out. but it's not clear if and when the 13000 striking doctors will hold talks with the government and reach an agreement. unis kim ultra 0. so i must go to court, has accused 3 more people of participation in the attack on a concert hall in moscow. which killed a 137 people. they've now been placed in pre trials attention for 2 months to 3 suspects of father and his 2 sons have been charged with complicity in a terror attack. one of the sounds is allegedly the last or not of the call that the gunman used to reach the venue and then to escape. 11 people were arrested in connection with friday's attack. on sunday, the same court charged for a suspected gunman in friday's attack. joseph jabari has moved from moscow. the 4
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suspects have appeared late sunday evening ads does monte court in moscow under very heavy security. the 4 men range in age of $19.00 to $32.00 are believed to be natives of tajikistan. they are facing terrorism charges, which carry a maximum live sentence here in russia. the form is it appear to be fairly bad shape physically. they had bruises on their faces that were visible. and also one of the men was semi conscious. he was wheeled into the court house with his doctor . there is allegations that these men were tortured wall in custody or when they were interrogated. not confirmed by any officials here and when the spokes person for the crumbling was asked about these allegations to be true. pest golf said i will leave this question unanswered. there is.
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