tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera March 26, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST
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will not have been sent in the places that now would change and we did heavy rain storms. those storms likely to be effected. if we don't get the problem under control, we'll just have help coming soon. the the alarm several venue. good to have you with us. this is the news. our life from bill coming up in the program this hour, nearly 6 months since the israel's war on gaza. the un security council demands an immediate cease fire un chief saying it must be implemented but no change in is really a taxi and gaza strikes targets civilian homes, killing at least 17 palace to a change of leadership and set
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a goal. and the nation is said to have it's young, get several presidents after a delayed election. and we'll be reporting from libya on the flight of soothing these refugees died for a better life. the it's 7 g m t that's 9 am in gaza and for the 1st time in nearly 6 months of war, the un security council has passed a resolution demanding an immediate cease fire. it's also calling for the unconditional release of all captive held into strip. but united states changed it stands by not vetoing this resolution as it has been passed resolutions. israel has been angered by that decision gabriel of his own though begins our coverage from un headquarters in new york of the drugs. this is the 27th, 28th in a room, break of decorum. the security council chamber erupts into applause. perhaps he
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signed a release. it was moments after the council adopted a long awaited resolution for an immediate ramadan cease fire in gaza. and the expanded flow of humanitarian aid. the vote was decisive. 14 council members voting in favor. the us abstain, allowing the resolution to be adopted. the fight in most of the killings most of the suffering and inclusive punishment most. and after more than 5 months of a war of alterra and destruction, i cease fire is the difference between life and death for the hundreds of thousands of palestinians and orders re add, man, sure, the palestinian ambassador. god emotional. this must signal the end of this assault about thrusts of these, against the lot of people and nation is being met and that the
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nation is being disclosed as a nation is v displays for decades now, but novel at this scale. since then on these really ambassador said the council is biased against his country. this council is rarely blood is cheap. this is a travesty. and i am disgusted in the, in the last few months the us has vetoed 3 separate draft resolutions demanding a ceasefire. but this time was different. critically a cease fire and the release of hostages will allow much more humanitarian aid to get into gaza at a time when famine is looming. large. when you and security council resolutions are adopted, they become international law. but during her remarks, the us ambassador made a curious and surprising comment,
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saying that the resolution would be non binding. after the vote when asked about this, a un spokesperson said that the us appears to be wrong. all the resolutions of the security council are international law. so uh, so to that extent, uh, they are as binding as international lawyers. you know, post on social media, un secretary general said deceased by a resolution is long awaited and called for it to be implemented. saying failure to do so. would be unforgivable gabriel's on do. i would use ita at the united nations in new york. israel's foreign minister says that the military will not stop fighting little has changed on the ground in gaza since that security council resolution at least 17 palestinians including 4 children were killed and it is really s drake targeting a home. now rafa overnight is really government has repeatedly said that he plans to launch a ground defensive on the roof. that causes southern most of the city were more
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than one point. 5000000 palestinians or shelter houses. here is honeywell who is in russia. he joins us now. honey. so it's the 1st time since this war began that the united nations most powerful oregon, the security council has called and demanded a ceasefire. howard palestinians reacting to that yes sir. well, it says quite significant for the vast majority of how many and then as being, as expressed by the united nations, it cheap as long waited resolution in the mouth, suffering and miserable living conditions for gardens across the gaza strip here. but the fact that it is happening in gait, it just highlights that, that one important thing which is that a change of position a from the one country that has a traditionally protected. and it's an allies,
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israel, of, from the un security council resolutions from united nations agencies for the past few years that more at visible during the, the time of this genocide, those war. but the fact that we're looking at is happening right now. it's making people helpful, making them optimistic. it's still very cautious because we've heard the reactions of front is really prime minister's office as well as his war cabinet. and there is an ongoing, uh they, they are strikes, they can replace the overnight and real fast it in other parts of the got the script and just publicly saying that it's not that, that this, the resolution does not mean anything for days. really, military. one important thing here is just appeared the time frame of the resolution to be implemented. it has to be implemented right away. otherwise they're looking at a very short period of time. 2 weeks at the end of ramadan is not enough to respond
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to the humanitarian needs and the human material has to be caused by the intense bombing campaign. as doctors without borders. director express honey, you know, we heard or corresponded in new york. gabriel elizondo reminder of yours that this resolution is binding international law, which means it's now an international legal requirement for all parties to stop fighting. as a reminder, not that this comes as a huge surprise to anybody, but as a reminder, can, can you remind us what's been happening in the gaza strip since that resolution was passed of the is will all of the ends get couple hours after the resolution was passed the we here in overcrowded part of the gospel drop by city were more than half of the population of being caught in here. then the presence officers balanced the drawings and attracted drawn still
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a early hours of this morning. a couple with massive airy strikes of a northern rough where a residential home was targeted and destroyed 17 people were killed in a plane, violation of this resolution. and a violation of international court then just put as well right at the forefront of, of publicly violating any binding international law resolution. and just suggest that these really military, it's work cabinet that a prime minister, nathan the out do not care or do not take these resolution seriously and did, did that? it seems like they do not want to abide with these laws in other parts. the goal is to serve the violations, continue with constant ongoing, gar tillery selling, as well as a tax in the northern part that is largely a struggling with famine within the past week set on daily basis. ongoing attacks on hospitals and other public facilities. the central area as well,
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came under heavy bombardment. it just not worrying very much about the reaction of the world and continue with the, with the genocidal acts on the ground. yeah, and, and many gant who is a member of the war cabinet has said explicitly that the un security council resolution will have no operational impact on how is real conduct this war. so there we are, honeywell, who would with your reporting there, from the southern part of the gaza strip. thank you very much. i the i'm us issued a statement welcoming the un security council vote. the group says that it affirms its readiness to engage in an immediate exchange of prisoners held by both sides. i'm also also said it's important to ensure the freedom of movement of palestinian citizens and entry of humanity are in needs for all residents of the gaza strip. i'm also also called on the security council, the pressure israel to commit to the ceasefire and stump it's genocide. a war of extermination and ethnic cleansing of palestinians. mohammed knows all as
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a member of hamas as political bureau. earlier he spoke down to 0 and he told us a group requires an agreement with israel before it releases any captives held in gaza. we are literally to put those in your sales regarding the mix. these files. this is not really is committed to limit events. you split out how much is the limits? is player about the good did know we have negotiations and we are really doing these the is i really the dams what's harassed, but we want to make an agreement to make it really easy. oh, big is that ideally it did without without
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an agreement. we can't really then re so that when the response of the resolution is really officials canceled a trip to washington in protest against the us. failing to use its vito 5 minutes to benjamin netanyahu, his office issued a statement saying that us actions were a clear departure from it's consistent positions since the beginning of the war. the statement says the resolution gets home on the hopes that international pressure will force israel to accept the ceasefire without the release of these really captives held in gaza. israel may have cancelled that delegation visit to the us, but it's defense minister. you will have glotts is, was already in washington, and he's holding separate talks with national security advisor, jake sullivan, and the us sector of state anthony lincoln. alpha 0 is white house correspondent, kimberly how kit has more from washington dc to the white house is calling the decision by the israelis to cancel a meeting with us officials later in the week. disappointing. the meeting was
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designed to discuss is rarely campaigns. plans into rafa and whether or not there could be alternatives, the state department saying that there was a fear that there could be undue civilian harm. also the belief that the by the ministration feels that this could reduce israel standing in the world. and as a result undermined is security will ahead of another meeting taking place. on monday, these really defense minister spoke to reporters ahead of his meeting with the secretary state and the national security advisor. saying that he felt that the actions of the united states at the un security council, we're certainly not supportive of israel. and as a result, he issue this thinly veiled threat. take a listen as long as hope will solve it. we have no more a right to stop the war and gaza until we return all the hostages home for you not
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reach a clear decision in gaza, it may bring us closer to a war in the north with the fuel. now i will stress the importance of destroying hamas and returning the hostages home. we will operate against almost everywhere, including in places where we have not yet be no white house security councils. folks, person, john kirby has countered the argument by israel also that there has been a shift in policy as a result of the united states of staying on this latest u, as security council resolution, as opposed to vetoing as has been seen in the past. in fact, herbie saying that this is not a reflection of a shift in policy. instead the united states saying that it was that to get to a place where it would see a clear condemnation of how mosse and its actions on october 7th. and given that they could not get that language. so this was a resolution the united states says it could not support kimberly healthcare algae, 0, washington iran, connie, unoccupied to east jerusalem, joins us now in run. let,
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let's wrap up this a, this is really response to the united nations security council resolution. they said it's not going to impact how we conduct this war. there seems to be basically ignoring it and pretending that it hasn't happened. well that's actually completely consistent, is right, the policy, remember there's been about 148 to you in resolution since 2015 is roles ignored. every single one of them. it's very good at ignoring all of those resolutions. in fact, it has a spin on this cold in the u. n. g symmetric out west an anti israel at best so it can ignore this. this is much more difficult is relative know because of the us is role in all of this. we've got impact a lot of that already, but let me just remind you, the fact that the us up stained rather than v type is what's driving the anger from
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prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his allies. ready in is what he is saying very clearly that this administration is trying to stop netanyahu from carrying out the. ready the way he wants to be able to carry out now that something that is driven a wedge between them, the un resolution it is binding, it is international law of israel, kinda ignore it because it still has the key support of the us. $3500000000.00 a year in military assistance, a learned that money hasn't been threatened. so there is a rift in the relationship. there is a public facing rift in that us relationship, but back stage where it counts the money that's still coming to them, right? i wonder, are you able to get a sense of how this is all playing out with the is really public because this is another show of israel's isolation on the international stage.
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well, let's take the media for an uh, an example. normally these are the media is very divided hard, right and a very small liberal left kind of media very divided on all of the issues there actually united. um, i'm talking about the fact that the that may will be a rift in the us is really relationship and that's indeed worrying the public because it's not just a joy button. the former us president donald trump is chris size. israel as well saying is what it needs to stop. it's will in goal is that there was a calculus. the prime minister benjamin netanyahu may have had in the back of his head. the nose is an election coming up in the us. if you sticks to these guns with bite and maybe the next administration may well change its position on israel's actions in gaza, that doesn't look like it's happening. problem present. donald trump has been very clear that might just be electioneering, but all of this has an impact. does it change the public support for the well no,
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it doesn't. that's still pretty high. but this idea, this notion that they can go into a raffle with this ground defensive without any kind of international opposition. that's now going away. the u. s. has been very clear and that vote of ups tension from the us is the clear a signal yet that it's not a green light to go into a graph or wrap up with a mass of ground invasion camera on con, reporting from occupied east jerusalem. thank you. very much and right, so back to what's happening on the ground and is really strikes overnight have sent more injured palestinians to the already overwhelmed l. x. the hospital that's in the central gaza houses here as infidelity reports from there on the bottom. of course, you know, the size, the emergency department in the hospice and in the middle, the area of the cause as to where the hospital is past with injuries. after that is ready for it says target to a house in july the in the middle area or outside the family.
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we see the injuries severely at hard by the is there any error strikes the target to the middle area? and this is the 1st attack after the you and resolution caused by the security council. and earlier today we see women. we see also children injured. the airstrikes targeted at this time, and the after they had their mean of a star in their house. according to the eye witnesses, there are also children and babies that were killed in the air strikes after the past or the cause that they know the problem in the district, but still policies have been killed and injured. this isn't the city i just need.
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uh, i left the hospital that has been joining is omar, sure, professor of security and military studies at the doha institute for graduate studies. so usually where do we discuss military operations? what's happening on the ground where the war is going? we have got to talk about the security council resolution because the purpose of it is to stop the fighting. clearly it's not working. so it's only a few hours old and clearly is not working. yes, unfortunately, that's the situation. i think it, it will work only when there is significant applied pressure and so far, extension in the, in the security council, the does not, is not significant applied pressure of the significant, the applied pleasure with mean addressing the issues of weapons and munitions. probably some of the marks on international law, although that's, that's only for the defeated and is right. it's not defeated yet. so the international applies to you and you defeated me the 31st, then you politically, because the battlefield needs so either then politically defeated and then the law
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applies to you before that is m. s line of the, sorry to button. but you, you had made this point and, and i had made a note of it. this is the principal upon which israel operates, that. it knows the international law will be applied to israel. and israel will sort of have to follow what if it loses. if it is defeated, yeah. which it isn't. it, no, eh, so far the is ready to generals estimate that they are doing well on the battlefield. the, the, the. ready levels of the losses are acceptable to them. it's not like a soft 11 on, you know, when they lost the 300 soldiers over a period of 15 years. and that was not acceptable for these really public. yeah. find that at the not, not even for the, for the generals, this time it is accepted both by the public and by the generals. so they're not entitled to me that it was defeated and that's on one end, but also on the other end, it's whether it is or lower or that has to be fed. you know, international law applies to you only when you admit it penalty for is defeated then you know, that degree defeated to the of that important had as an issue just wanting to
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against him by the i c. and he's not met today defeated. and therefore it doesn't method, but almost about share the same thing, go it was, it was accepted by or was it needs for that for most of these present. but he was invited by south africa one day of no, no, no issues. and, and, you know, this goes on, all these presidents were not military defeated 1st and therefore politically defeated the plus do you, when you're, but it's the fee to the degree to be like a mean also which a, and the case of israel, it has been like that for, for since i think since 1948, it's interesting when you say the security council of the, i think one of your course of consultants is just reminded us that the security council resolutions are international law. yes, it security the us disputed, but it was binding and you know, they were reminded by the un no, no, no. this is binding international lawyers the letter of the lawyers. you have to follow this. everybody has to follow this. yes, everybody has to follow this except that the, they don't follow this, you know, and then it is the notifications because there is no police force mean
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a security council of issuance on and general assembly of a solutions on the out of his 80 complex has been going on can be traced back for 19471 which many of those were just ignored and what was suffering because they were ignored. and the, there's no 911 in the to, to enforce them. there's no police for, for the security council to enforce them. and when they get to enforce, sometimes you need to defeat the party that is violating 1st. and then after that you enforce international law. you were saying that from israel's perspective, their military operation is going more or less according to plant roughly. um, what is the status of israel's we're right now. i ask you because, you know, we don't have a lot of eyes on the ground. it's a little bit hard to read from the outside, looking in what it is that they're doing their bombing roof, like regularly. they are besieging multiple hospitals as we've been reporting. what is there a sort of wider a tactical plan at the moment? the technical band is to continue the grading so that there's that you maintain
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inside there's the security side, the security slash, but at the side. and then there's these the political side, so that he may tell you inside the plan is it caused a tens of thousands of civilian casualties. and that has multiple edits, claims against humanity, and it will hold as well for a long time. it's really solid stipulation, and this would last for the what would you say the plan is it does ask, do you mean the plan is that the humanitarian disaster or their plan is, is not working and therefore it's just not working is not working in, in such a way in terms of the, the show we say, having a good reputation while conducting the operations, not working at all. you know, a group say that this is the plan that starting palestinians is their plan. that is the doctor and we know about the doctrine is the idea that to these right is implemented in 2006, it was allowed announced the by the former chief of stuff in southern 8. that if we detect the source of fire, we not just punish the ones. we're launching
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a little little kids. but also we punish the, the population in that area. yeah. the for, punish, disobedient population. sort of a, a twisted version of what we call the strategic area of bombardment. so you, you, is the population does indian population. so it does not post any minute and still fired rockets at you. so that's the, the head often i benefits applied on student words in guise at the moment. so even more than it was enough of them because of their high population density in, in gaza. so that's right, that's true. but that, so that's, that you made insights is, is also the security, the defense sides. they are degrading uh the how much uh and, and all the minutes to it. but as the information but with a very high cost, a in my opinion on that, who made insight and then also not successful. we saw it. i talked to the may tunnel that's, that's the, that's an area in the north of gaza. that the how much the tax by not just how much was, how much locks up a month i bigs, and about a 5 other organization. so in to the 7 organizations have operated in an area,
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i'll be talking to one north of gaza that it is really forces entered on the 27th of october. so we all know about the end, the end of march. this is happening yesterday. so it tells me also that this security in the mid 3 side is not, it's not that successful and did not reach is subjective to we say it's, it's a they, they did some significant damage. i would say for the mid 3 structures of how most of the all the formations, but it's not reaching the objective and then you have the political ending originally the, the end game. so what is the end game so far? i don't see an in game. i don't think they have an end game, so hence the, you know, the need, the, that, that meeting that was a post of cancelled with the americans to, to find a solution for what's going to happen in rough, a honda for what's. what is the strategic end of all this? okay, by then send them. yeah, i have questions for you on that. um we're, we're gonna have to wrap this up for now. i have to run, we've got some breaking news, but we'll come back. and as i said, i've got questions to you on rough. thank you. a marsher. ok,
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so the breaking news that we're hearing is coming out of the us and the us city of baltimore major bridge has collapsed into the water after being struck by a cargo ship. this is the moment that vessel caught fire on impact and the vehicles that are seen on the bridge and sank into the water as did the bridge. baltimore police say that workers might be in the water right now. it's unclear how many people have been injured. okay, we'll bring you more on this as soon as we get information. this is the, this is the latest footage of that moment coming out of baltimore in the us. now, the winner of the presidential election incentive goal is expected to be opposition challenger. that's the route to my fi is made arrival. i'm a new boss of the governing coalition has conceded defeat, also sundays election. fi is a former tax inspector who has pledged a tackle corruption in poverty as well as restore stability to the country. he was
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chosen by the disqualified opposition leader. it was months sancho, both of them released from prison before the rescheduled election. nicholas hack has more from the car. there's a lot of excitement in senegal to finally here. president elect busing to my fine. take to the stage and address the synagogue these people we saw no the candidates, but the president elect in a suit and tie, trying to reassure the population. he also congratulated and recognize the fact that the other candidates, including the ruling party candidates, conceded defeat before the official results were out. but he also addressed the issue of trying to reconcile the country across that great. i vowed to fully devote myself to rebuild the institutions to reinforce a need for peaceful social harmony. the absent in this press conference is
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opposition, the dirt responds sancho. now he bust through to my 5 referred to him in his speech banking him because none of this would have happened without we spend some coast supporting has been a key figure in this election, it was almost like an american style campaign, a tickets about sancho and joe, mike and it wasn't the candidate that they were selling, but more a project to change the way democracy is run in senegal, german, guys are we really, i voted governments humidity in competing corruption at all levels of society. now the real work starts, which is behind closed doors, trying to find out what kind of alliances best would you mind if i will have to make what kind of government he will have to form present. lucky, so we'll leave office on april. second, she has congratulated by sewage m,
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i fi who effectively at the age of 44 and on his 1st day has become the youngest president in san diego, making history. not only for center go, but for the continent as a whole. nicholas hawk, l g 0, the car. the still ahead on alpha 0, y a simple walks to a mosque that should take all this to minutes. as turned into a journey full of the check points indeed to the west as to wake up to the fact. this is a challenge to the very way that we live our lives to believe in democracy and human rights. freedom of expression, freedom of worship, claims and counter claims over computer hacking by china. badging denies years of cyber attacks, the hello it is a very active picture in the south west of europe. so let's pick up that story.
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actually. first, let's give you a wide look at what's going on. most of the action is here. so that's where we're going to start the story raining when lashing both portugal and spain quite a bit of rain coming in to northern portugal. and those winds up and down the coast of portugal, gusts to about 75 kilometers power. then got this fire hose of rain coming in to the south of france. once again, it has been an incredibly wet march and there is more rain to con, disturbed weather. also for ireland and britain were gonna see a shot of snow for eastern scotland. it's going to be icey snow, but above 300 meters, 10 to $20.00 centimeters on the scottish hills. they're talking up warmer air through the bulk in so once again, temperatures are on their way up and that disturbed weather. now rolling across italy on tuesday, eastern side of the circle. yeah, we've got some snow through the mountains that's pushing into the carcasses. and while we had a sandstorm in ne morocco, the winds here pushed past a 100 kilometers per hour. it's what it's wendy and that northwest slice of africa and that is set to continue,
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could see some sand storms across algeria or to an easy and same goes for libya and then where we had some flooding in my pool. so just some light shows in the forecast for you on tuesday with the height of 27 degrees catch you later. i the brutality of the response to the events of october 7th had become impossible to make. no. there is no one nor, or international humanitarian law that has no being violated. then we have some western powers supports of israel's actions. he's well has the right to defend itself. it has the duty to defend its people. it is astonishing just how deep cleaning corrupt materially and tomorrow lead a look at how the international news are being applied and ignored in the israel goes to conflict. israel above the low on al, jazeera, of brutal occupation resulting in a her risk take your time. i'll just say it was investigated units interrogates the
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evidence and reveals voltage present it to the world to justify israel, the soap on garza, dozens of children bound him up during them and executed them. this information has been used by official spokes person october 7th. on tuesday or the the, [000:00:00;00] the there watching else a 0. a reminder of our headlines this. our many world leaders have welcomed a un security council resolution which demands an immediate cease fire and gaza during the remainder of ramadan. it also calls for the unconditional release of
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captives and unrestricted access to desperately need a date. there has been no lit up and israel's bombing of gaza since the resolution . at least 15 palestinians, including 4 children, were killed in an air strike targeting a home in northern rasa overnight. and in the us city of baltimore, a major bridge has collapsed into the water after being struck by a cargo ship. and the vessel caught fire upon impact, and some vehicles can be seen on the bridge as it collapses. it's unclear how many people have been injured. the fasting month of ramadan usually brings life to the city of hebron and the occupied westbank with thousands heading to the abraham. the most for prayers know hundreds of his really check points are making it very difficult for palestinians to attend those prayers. that abraham joined the one palestine worshipper on his journey to reach the mosque and hebron. i'd have to do that, but it has an unobstructed view of the abraham,
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the mosque from his house and have room in the south of the occupied wes thing. but to pray there, he has to overcome several obstacles. hi, my house is over there. and the most is 100 meters from here is that the checkpoints and restrictions, it's 2 minutes away. which should be a spiritual journey. is now one of few and barriers. and a city is trying to pass through is really, really through check which can be sent back held for hours arrested. people's tele summer even assaulted. the more than $120.00 check points. gates and obstacles scouts are the most south of us to hide. if is trying to tell the residents of this house that he's coming through, it's one way to avoid some of the tech points going from one home to another. but how does that even sub a? how do i just have to cross at least 7 is really military check points from my home to the most, the intimidation fear is not only from the army,
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but also from settlers covina tracking palestinians. the mosque is now 20 meters away, highest and has 4 check points to go through and routes, but he's not allowed to use the off limits for palestinians. so he takes another detour until he finally arrives the premium off because considered the 2nd holy aside from listening to palestine after looks almost compound in occupied east jerusalem. it has been divided into jewish and muslim prior areas after and is really set to expire on wisdom worshippers in 1994, killing $29.00 palestinians. i'm the head of the people as good. so we have less than half the worshippers, but we usually seem during ramadan, even the call to prayer on a saturday is not allowed. and i'm alone is a time to spend with the family. but don't add ups we back home. he's reminded of the isolation that she lives in one of several neighborhoods in the city with palestinians can only move around by foot. and during certain hours,
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the vehicles allowed are only the ones used by is really such those that there are few starts at 9 p. m these days until 7 am the next day. these 2 men were going home, minutes after the curfew starts. they've been held for 4 hours, at least for now i'd, if it's forced to miss out on 3 important pains, i need that, but he just need to have your own you have to find with china has denied western accusations of a government sponsored hacking campaign is groundless, saying, evidence provided by that you came to us as insufficient britain in the us, have a cube badging of a years long cyber espionage program, targeting politicians, journalists, dissidents, and critics around the world. and the us has charged 7 chinese nationals, whether you case section 2 officials and one organization. they say the attacks
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have gone on since at least 2010. so more than a decade and millions of people have been effective the west as to wake up to the fact. this is a challenge to the very way that we live our lives to, i believe in democracy, human rights, freedom of expression, freedom of worship. these are the things that we hold there, but we seem reluctant to want to defend those against the others who hold none of those virtues and values and want to take us away from us. okay, that's bringing katrina you live from aging. katrina in a moment will want to know from you. china is response to all of this, but it's going to make more sense if you could 1st detail for us what it is exactly that the u. k. the us now also new zealand say that china has been doing of the will, the seems to be a coordinated effort by the government to the us, the u. k. and as we say, you're dealing all of them all saying that chinese state sponsored hack is going to
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slide the security attacks on the government as well as on millions of the citizens . now they say that the goal here was to silence agents critics to disrupt and compromise government institutions, as well as dispute trade secrets. the most recent announce that we had was from new zealand on tuesday, and they say that a chinese known as a t t 40, which they say is linked to china's ministry for state security. and they say that this attacked using land. ptolemy offices in 2021, thankfully, they say that the damage was contained thoughts and humans. foreign minister has said that this foreign interference of this nature is intolerable. now that fuller's actions on monday from the us and the u. k who have filed charges, unemployed sanctions on a number of chinese individuals, the u. k. 2 individuals and the company of the us on 7 individuals to say that these people have involved in espionage activities over the internet. the years. and i have affected 40000000 people, at least including politicians, academics, dissidents,
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as well as defense contractors. we've also had another ally of the us australia chime in with the state of supports of these accusations, saying that in the past it's to has been targeted by the aging or chinese side the hackers. okay, so let's get to china is response. now i see the, the, the briefing by the way, the live daily briefing of the chinese foreign mystery is happening now. so this may be updated. you may be able to update with the, with new public pronouncements. it just seems to be ending in a short while, but for now, what do you have of the, what we've just had moments ago for more of a onto questions on this issue. and this statement has been, that's trying to suddenly oppose this cyber attack cyber attacks of any nature. it also said a quoting, referred to the us, uh, do you case, or an accusations that said this information provided by london relating to this group, so called a p t. so she won. they say that the u. k. simply provide an insufficient evidence
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and when china aust, about this at the u. k, didn't respond and for the us, well, it had stronger woods. the chinese for ms. reese and ministry spokesperson accusing washington of encouraging the us 5 eyes alliance to fabricate and disseminate information misinformation relating to aging. it also said that it has many times itself aging taken reports of cyber attacks originating from the us against china to washington. and that washington, it says, has played and done on this issue. now before this, we had from the chinese embassy using the us, the u. k, as well as new zealand. they call these accusations completely groundless, saying that this is, this is slender as it says that the aging has a fundamental principle of knowing each appearance in the governments of other countries. it also, obviously a relating to how this will impact a china going forward. well, these sections, these charges are only involved. a few people thought this is definitely
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a large kind of international image at a time when it's trying to recuperate. it's a slowing economy. and crucially, well as trying to attract more for an investment which is much needed right now. katrina, you're reporting from badging. thank you very much for that. as a mass graves containing the bodies of dozens of migrants has been discovered in libya, it's thought at least 65 died, as they were smuggled through the desert. around 750000 refugees and migrants are in libya, many or day laborers, and depend on the work for their families back home. the jobs are scarce, especially during ramadan. as many train up reports from this route to know how old and her family recently arrived in the slot from sudan. she says it was a long and dangerous journey. they spent their life savings paying people traffickers to get here. but then how do you, after the fighting started in sudan, things became horrible and it was no longer possible to live there. our neighborhood was
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a war zone and was being showed. there was no more work. getting food or water was a huge problem. we had no choice but to leave with their savings depleted, and that's the says putting food on the table for a month on this year is difficult to do. you ins. migration agency says around $6500.00. so the news refugees have arrived in libya since fighting started last april. but libyan officials say the number is much higher. according to united nations, more than 700000 migrants in libya, while some of them are flood violence, the vast majority, 86 percent cited economic reasons for coming to to sophia and from niger supports his parents, 3 siblings and the wife and so on. the like in mrs. coming to see if i sent my family what little money i have, they need basic food supplies for them of them, but i didn't have much money. i started watching it on his iceland. i went to the
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round about today, but there was no one good wheeling it will get back to me, because i have to send the money fight. as good a roundabout images router is usually busy with hundreds of migrants looking for work. but during the whole, the month of ramadan, things slow down and work is hard to come by. many migrants find it difficult to feed themselves and provide for their families back home. during the whole, the month of ramadan, a time for helping those less fortunate donations centers are scattered across the city, such as the small either send it to help, we usually feed $250.00 to $300.00 people every day. we've been doing this every ramadan for many years, and some people donate food where they bring money and we buy the food for the whole, really, libya has long been effected by conflict and political divisions,
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but migrants still risk coming here. although challenging and at times dangerous, for many, it's their only hope to provide for their families far away. now, trina, elder 0, this about the russian president, vladimir putin, is blaming the most go concert hall shooting on what he called is when this radicals a $139.00 people were killed in the pack on friday, 7 suspects have been formerly charged or such a bowery reports from the russian capital under heavy security for man brought into post monte court in moscow. all accused of being the gunman and fridays attack. caracas city halls appeared one by one bruised and battered tajikistan natives sat silently while terrorism charges were brought against them. charges which carry a maximum of life imprisonment or one of the accuse appeared semi conscious and was brought into the court on the wheelchair, accompanied by his doctor as accusations of torture had been spreading. president
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put and once again questions who is behind the attack and come with the, with the who benefits from this. this atrocity may be just a link in a whole series of attempts by those who have been at war with our country since 2014 by the hands of the neo nazi key of regime on the nazis as, as well known, have never hesitated to use the dirtiest and most in humane means to achieve that goal. seriously. on monday, 3 more men charged with complicity for their religious involvement in the attack appeared in court. meanwhile, the search operation continues caracas city hall, that makes this memorial at the sight, continues to grow. hundreds of people gather to pay tribute to those who lost their lives in what president vladimir putin called a blow to the nation. the prime minister of tajikistan set his country, a post terrorism, and intended to fight it together with russia. as he signed the book of condolences at the russian embassy and to show him back,
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the spea security service set for suspects had been arrested while heading to the border with ukraine. and that they had contacts in that country. the ukrainian officials have denied involvement, security and the russian capital is still high at most public places. these measures are likely to carry on in the coming days as officials continue their investigation and number of plants, large events, and most coal has been cancelled, including the golden mass festival as of gold story theater. a reminder that russia is a country at war on more than one front door sense of worry l g 0. moscow. in 80 schools and government offices remain closed after intense violence over the weekend in the capital puerto prince residence assess the damage. on monday off the gang set fire to the complex housing small stores and workshops leaders outside the country as struggling to agree on a transitional council to restore order to the country. and replace prime minister
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ariel already to home was belonging to the us hip hop star sean derek homes have been rated as part of a sex trafficking investigation he has faced and you are successful. the accusations since his former girlfriend single cassie ventura file a lawsuit in november. the founder of bad boy records is one of the most influential producers in the music industry. firefighters and mexico are battling nearly 60 forest buyers across 15 states. one of the worst effected is vera cruz. several families there have evacuated, have to homes, live stock, and agricultural fields were destroyed. the fires have been made worse by a severe drought has been affecting multiple regions across the country. and still a head on alpha 0 y venezuela's opposition candidates on blocks from running and the upcoming presidential election.
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the, the main off edition coalition in venezuela says it's been barred from running in the presidential election in july after midnight. registration deadline passed, the opposition said that its efforts to name a candidate to run against president nicholas monroe had failed. and the reports a pro government rally on the streets of got atkins, most or supporters of nicholas mother was seeking a 3rd 6 year term as been as well in president on monday model officially registered his candidacy in the upcoming national election.
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i've called molto new to the squad. my name well to inscribe the dream follow home life though 9 other presidential candidates have also registered vin as well as main opposition leader. muddy equity to my child and her handpick substitute cody jody's, have both been bored by the government from officially registering miss did it to school to i know in this, elana, my right does event as well and citizen are being compromised by not allowing me to access the system and registering my candidacy for the presidency event as well. the policy experts say this is part of a concerted effort by the government to block out political opponents. but allocate the same kind of thinking that we were expecting and on even playing field. but what we've seen over the last 48 hours is not only and not even playing field, it's become a vertical wall and that changes the game. human rights groups have accused them of the little government of not only undermining the democratic process,
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but of going to extreme links to silence the opposition of the somebody from 4 to 5 and showing me that the product at the end of the 1st disappearance, arbitrary detention showed that occurred against the political, the presidents. despite all this, the opposition and the people have mobilized and have demonstrated a very important desire for change. they've been, as well as elections are scheduled for july. concerns are growing from international observers, like the us state department, which referred to the recent arrest of opposition members as a quote, disturbing escalation of repression. but was that up a little alger here? the president of france has vowed to help combat the legal mining for gold and the overseas territory of french be on it and south america. and many of them that cool has been on a 2 day visit on route to brazil, and he said friends would work with neighboring countries to dismantle the supply chains of gold traffickers. soldiers and nigeria have rescued dozens of kidnapped school children. just before ransom deadline ran out. gunmen abducted
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a 137 boys and girls from a school in could do an estate. earlier this month, a teacher who was also sees, died in captivity. 6 of the children are receiving hospital treatments. the kidnappers demanded a ransom of nearly $700000.00 or a few details of the rescue, but the jury is information minister says no money was paid for the children's freedom of dennis stands. economy has suffered since the taliban took over in 2021, as some sectors have been collapsing altogether. but businesses are still finding ways to stay afloat despite significant restrictions on banking. a solid binge of a travel to the western city of herat and has been speaking to business owners. a multi $1000000.00 production lines have been pumping up some of the funds most popular for the drink. just like all the term on or the last. when to use these bottles of not only retain the local base, but they've now found
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a market in $28.00 countries. it's an important economic lifeline for hundreds of workers and associated supply chain industries. since the collapse of the form of government understands exports have declined. many large business owners, instead of companies abroad, the sacrament, sanction that's kind of stone, has to be acknowledged as a nation. by all countries, we have to deal with problems related to banking visas and international travel. we need facilitation assistance and access to the global market for purchases and banking activities. although did our banking restrictions on? no other government recognizes this one over $50000000.00 loan comfortable products including pine. that's what i mean. the biggest export, china is buying the largest amount surpassing condition and markets in the gulf
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states. europe in america once punished, roasted sorted. besides the higher price, a chinese importers by non processed or wrought pine, that's, that means less revenue and fewer drums for many off guns was livelihoods, depending on the industry. because of drug trafficking, carlos from a bunch of sun go to extra scrutiny, not as a further impact on exports, etc, but which cannot the get. cuz what i'm most of the time our neighbors purchase of getting binding that's at the reduced cost were smuggled dental and then the export to other nations. we require facilitation for regular trade. there should be arrangements between governments for businessman and those sites are key to holding myself, the mountains of minerals delivered the most expensive spice of guns. no, they have enough to offer to the outside world. but hon. pick delicate strands of south from are no match for minerals like coal, whose exports had a drastic decline. it's an important contributor to the nearly
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a $150000000.00 annual exports. but i've gone his funds increasing in force mean is buying more than it's sending the result in whitening trade deficit. and unless the kind of government comes up with a comprehensive economic time and extended restrictions on events on the eve, it's industry is unlikely to flight. so i'm gonna be driving down the hill and south korea senior doctors and medical school professors have resigned and supportive training. medics were on strike. they are demanding the government scrap plans to increase places at medical schools. as you just came reports from so the government says more doctors and needed to cope with the rapidly aging population some publicly others in private medical school professors across south korea who double as senior doctor is at major hospitals have been resigning. they had been clocking weeks of overtime to fill a void left by the thousands of resident doctors and interns who walked off
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a job last month. pushing back against the government medical reform plans of their joining, the growing chorus of medical professionals who insist the plan centered around raising the number of medical school entries by 2 thirds next year will destroy the profession. and they talk to one a to one on the special medical school admissions quotas will clearly lead to the collapse of our country's medical education system. beyond the breakdown of medical education itself, there appealing to the courts to block its implementation, senior doctor as will keep their posts while their resignations are process that reduce their hours to the government mandated, 52 hours per week, which is expected to slow outpatient care. as the stand off is in a 2nd month patient say that any indication front line senior doctors could join the walk out feels like a death sentence. hundreds have already been informed there surgeries and
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treatments are postponed indefinitely. many of them cancer patients in a race against time came is home due is one such a cancer patient. you accuse us both the doctors and the government of ignoring the needs of severely ill patients come to. they are playing a game of chicken with the lives of critical patients like us. the training doctors seem to think their collective acts as a matter of pride or self esteem, and that their generation must transform the medical field. but such movements represent waves of depth and fear for us, especially those with serious illness. the government has yet to attribute any patient death to the walk out. but it's not clear if and when the 13000 striking doctors will hold talks with the government and reach an agreement. unis kim ultra 0. so and that concludes this news hour on alpha 0 to take
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a very short break. reset and will be back in until the hour with a full slate of world news that is in 2 minutes on office. the a huge reserves of lucio used an electric battery, some fine to for reducing over reliance on fossil fuels. live. be nice can fast ideas, so player or unique ecosystem that indigenous communities are desperate to protect from a mining people empower? asks, is it possible to extract the metal without causing an environmental catastrophe? argentina's white goals on just the people who has lived here for generations still use the national terrain for shelter since israel's war on god. so begin post indians living and remote communities in the
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occupied westbank se circular attacks have double coordinated campaign bias. really, sensors and soldiers, one of home demolitions forced evictions and settlement expansions is forcing people back into the caves. subterranean life is changing, moving in a k is not the same as it used to be. there's electricity, indoor plumbing, modern appliances, tiles, palestinians living in this community may be forced to live under ground, but they say they can't be forced to live in comfortably. but the threat of displacements violence is never far away in palestine. it is another front line. and other structure of indigenous people fighting to stay on their own land in the line to palestine. hope is then we reach out to hand, let the giving begin with okay. foundation you donated with kindness. you showed
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you ok. now let's also show you, we'll deliver it so dominates with confidence, donates without kat foundation. with every packed on 19 with every press will bringing it to light. a little love in palestine we share are the nearly 6 months into israel's war on guns. the un security council demands and immediate ceasefire. the you in chief saying it must be implemented, the sponsor of any age. it's good to have you with this. this is elena 0 life from the also coming up today. despite calls for a ceasefire. no change in is really attacks and gaza airstrikes targets civilian
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