tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera March 26, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST
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said bryce, we've touched lives in you in this holy month. the power of kindness, gray, in the joy of breaking falls and the footprint. we remember the blessings we all meant to share. for that, do a sacred play is now your duty to fulfil all that can possibly be the cause of them carry johnston. this is the news from 2 coming up the next 60 minutes a report by the un special offer to funds. the reasonable grounds is rather as committing genocide saying it's world garza shows, tends to destroy the palestinian people. these really has used to come a flash of your money, tare on low to characterize the entire policy, and people in life sustaining a live saving infrastructure of the guys that us target dable,
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key level destroy. about a day off, the un security council passed a resolution quoting for an immediate cease fire and gaza as more cottage across the street, a bridge in the us city of baltimore, collapses chicago ship rams into it. a forward to say it's a mass casualty event. government has declared an emergency and from jail to the presidency senate goal is set to have its youngest as a leader, often delays election. and don piece of same it's with you a full the last 3 spots of euro 2024 up for grabs. latham with 6 countries to and with the chance of making us and faithful. so show, hey, oh tony, times these former interpreters stole money from him to pay an illegal bookmaker and he knew nothing about the the
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do not to nations special rapids has presented the findings of a report that says there are reasonable grounds. israel is committing genocide in gaza. francesca albanese says israel has violated 3 of the 5 acts listed under the un genocide convention, including killing members of a specific group causing serious bodily or mental home. and deliberately inflicting conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole unemployment. joseph found that the genocidal acts were approved and given the effect of the statements of dentists. all intents by seeing it is very military and government officials. these acts organize the august part of a sec, let clear new process of ration which has been underway for more than 70 years. she recommends, among other things and immediate to arms and bargain on israel and from member states to support the south africa. and it's attempts to prosecute israel that the international court of justice. let's listen to possible combination presented to
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the you in the human rights council in geneva. he's riley soldiers have published footage, boasting about their killing of families. mothers cheated in the bottom to go home, smokes and schools such as incriminating videos, show them so distinctly mocking and mediating their policy and victims. not only by violating their physical integrity and right to life, but also their dignity, their most intimate to processions and spaces that the soldiers, 7 3rd and looted and by disagreeing cemeteries and places of worship. when the ground defensive starts at the number of the casualties seem to reduce body, in fact, that even though the atrocities increased must these of periods and arbitrary detentions widespread and systematic torture in any main treatment add to the experience of endless death and loss. desperate people had to search to rumble with
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their behinds. many have been unable to bery hungry, have loved ones. these acts of genocide have be motivated by the human on people as seen in this course, which characterizes the entire policy opinion, people in gaza as enemies to be eradicated or forcibly removed. but as we mentioned to you in a special reference, i also called on countries to immediately impose sanctions and an alms in boxes on israel by making repeated claims which have been systematically discredited. the thomas used to hospitals as authoration centers is real, appears to be operating on the premises on the premise. that if you tell a lie long enough, people will believe it. he's really has use become a flash of your money, tell you on low to characterize the entire, probably seen, and people in life sustaining a live saving infrastructure of gaza. us target dable key level destroyer bolt in this darkest hour. the international community can not continue to ignore that.
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it's israel's project to read palestine of palestinians in defense of international law and the world's failure to go these role to account the tests led to, to genocide, laid bare and gaza denial of the reality. and the continuation of these real st puny and exceptionalism. he's no longer viable, especially lights of yesterday's binding security council resolution. i implore a member states to abide by their tents, which start with imposing in arms, embargoed, and sanctions on israel. and so ensure that the future does not continue to repeat itself a lot of times. and now bob, diplomatic? yeah, that's a james base here. and this to you, james, that her report could not have been any stronger, more explicit for that. no it's. it's that she has a title, normally these you and reports just say the report of the special ruffle to which he's put a title on the top and not to me of the genocide. and that is really what you go to in the report. if you read the whole $45.00 pages of the report, it explains what
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a genocide is legally. it then goes through what has happened. looks at the grounds of genocide and says at least on the 3 grounds. the, the, the, the accusation of genocide has reason to be being matched according to have findings. she says, of course that you need incitement for genocide and she quotes specifically some of the comments that have come from every level of the combined structure all the way up to the defense minister and prime minister netanyahu. and she says that it was so oftentimes shifts this incitement by the israelis. and she says, as you, her, as you heard the, if she thinks he's writing tactics which you up using international humanitarian law and distorting, is to justify the war of a non lation. she said that the way that working is, if you tell a lie long enough people will begin to believe it. when she'd finish, there was clapping in the auditorium almost on precedent
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a 2nd day. we've had that cuz we have that in the un security council. we have the vote and the security council, the vote for a cease file finally off in 86 months. and remember who was sitting in these chambers. this is members of the public. these are on passages of other countries who are copying that report today. the very, very damning conclusions of that report today and coming yesterday, the treatment of the security council. of course, we know that her recommendations are unlikely to be met and we know already that as well as not complying with cease well, aside from its biggest out either in the us. some of these ro is israel becoming more is isolated internationally with you. so i think that is the point of this, that there was a growing feeling that is rather than live in israel, was alone in the un security council 24 hours ago when that fight was cost us. the us made these point to which most of the service most of the countries don't
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believe that the vote was non binding on the us of stain. and yet it was only israel and security council chamber, the condemned that vote. the us ambassador seemed to, even though she abstain, seemed to generally support the idea of the seas flaw. and again, today i think this adds to the power i status of israel, the globalized installation of israel. and remember, one thing that's coming up on the rise and in the next month, is that the palestinians are planning to go to the united nations and become a member of the united nations no longer unobserved the state. if they're going to be a 2 state solution that logic is, well, we have to be a member of the united nations, just like israel is a member of the united nations that processes the price is going to the security council getting them to vote. and if they they, they agree to it, then it goes to the un general assembly or $193.00 countries. the 2nd pause, no problem until a 193 countries would vote for is roughly a member they have to but they have the votes that they have. the majority that the
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problem, of course, is back in the security council and walk through us would do. but remember what the us secretary of state, instead of the weekend when he was talking to the prime minister, his drawbridge with nothing yahoo, he said, do you go to be very, very careful about the, the, what, what this is doing to the reputation of israel and so even though we've seen developments in the last 48 hours, that last 24 hours, even that instantly, i'm not going to change tracks on the ground. they may well affect israel standing in the world trade space. thanks very much. indeed. on the shelves are i can see a lot of keys on the global research ship and school consultant saying he was there and adviser to format is very present shame on paris. he joins us from west to east now. thank you for joining us, sir. what did you make of lot from such calvin days that you had to say that regarding genesis?
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well, miss albany sees a liar. she's an idiot with a typewriter, that's what i would describe perez. i mean, it's no coincidence that over a year ago, 30 senators in 2 different instances called for the united nations to fire her because she's just the plain and by semis. and you repeated what she said, which is if you tell a lie long enough people will believe it. the lie she was referring to was it is or it was claiming that come us use us hospitals to launch terror attacks has taken over. hospitals has built tunnels under hospitals. does anyone really believe that? i mean, she made up her mind writing this report before she went into any facts and she has no, no recollection there of what happened on october 7th, nor did she actually condemn it on october 8th, 9th or 10th, she just said as a result of is really colonialism just like she said in the report that's been going on for 70 years. okay. well let me just into another pass on the way through the end just for a moment is really with your with them since 2020. so let me just ask you this,
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them in francisco been easy, isn't with us having person to defend the very serious of personal accusations. but part of the report point to it says, quote, the special rapids family condemns the crimes committed by a mass on the posting on groups. it is relevant, the type of 7 and the which is accountability on the release of hostages on quite does that sound anti semitic to you or? no, but everything leading up to it. i mean, she's been banned from coming to israel. and how do you get a bi partisan group of 30 congressmen to demand from the united nations that call her and they submitted and asked her to be removed from her position in 2014, she claimed that the jewish lobby controls the united states. so i think i was being gracious by calling her an idiot, meaning really believes this stuff and how could anyone like that get a job and a legitimate organization, except if it's the united nations and accept if the job calls for bashing israel,
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an inner report, it's 70 years for her, it's 7. this started 70 years ago. is bologna. there's nobody takes this seriously . not in the united states and certainly not in israel. okay. let me ask you, let me ask you the job and let me ask you this. so you mentioned hospitals a little bit early. i mean, do you believe that minute to a soul on the hospitals for example, can ever be justified? absolutely. 100 percent of the, as she also mentioned in the reports schools and must, besides the fact that the, the content of the textbooks and the masks very often are preaching murder and hatred of is really jews. the titles are actually built under schools and weapons, are kept in schools, especially united nation schools, and under must. so of course it's legitimate, but going back to the hospitals, israel went back into as chief a hospital now, and there's massive terror in infiltration of the palestinian islamic jihad. of
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course, they're operating above and below hospitals. this was proven, this was proven from videos. this is proven from tunnels that we've israel has found in each of these places how she can even say that and how people actually think that they're hospitals there. yes, there are people that are wounded and people that are sick that are being treated there. but it's a cover for from us, for palestinian islamic jihad to hind behind the cat. okay, and let me onto the say it was, we get your point. then let me ask you this. i'm looking beyond the report. then, do you think that countries should abide by united nations security council resolutions or? well, it depends what the resolution is. i mean, this resolution that pass yesterday and you are correct that the united states disappointed israel in many ways by abstaining the, it's great that they've got a congratulations from, from us, from china, and from russia. that should give you an idea of how, how exciting and how binding this is. and, and again, the,
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the problem with this particular united nations security council declaration. the other few didn't pass is it didn't make a clear connection between the hostages and the atrocities of october 7th, although it did call for the release of the hostages, and it only called for a temporary cease fire until the end of ramadan. okay, let me say this nice tennessee suite fire thing at 5. so, you know, as in people killed in garza, i'm gonna think do you think that way, how, how many of the guys do you do that? let me just finish my question. do you think that is rebel pressed ahead with a full scale military assault on rafa in the south of the gaza strip? do you think so? i'm not a military expert. i wouldn't know, but how many people did you have any time any? would you say? i didn't know, but i, i know that in that global number there are people that are not terrace and then women and children, of course, but there's probably 10 to 15000 from us terrace in house. the name is lama jihad
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terrace there. so um, you know, it, yes, when you have the terrace group and not only is holding are hostages, but he is under ground and using human camouflage and human shields by spite by going into, you know, the 250 miles worth of tunnels and gas it is enough, a long enough tunnel to get from washington to new york city and easily could fit all 2000000 a residence of gaza underground and not one would die. okay, we're gonna have to, we're going to have to leave it there for the and they don't all around the time to give me, we'll have to stop that mitchell. all right, thank you very much need for joining us here. and i'll just to thank you for having me as well, has disregarded the un security council, the safe spot resolution saying it will have no operational significance fits military garza resolution post on monday, quoting for an immediate c spot, but it'll has changed from the ground. so far,
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the 17 how to students including 4 children with kills and it is really s trying targeting home. their rafa of knowledge is really government has repeatedly said it tends to which of ground defensive own rafa. garza's sub most 16, more than 1500000 kind of things i showed you as the slot for the domestic and happened around 1230. that's after the un security council. israel doesn't look to the council. these with good people have displaced civilians. this is how they met their end. israel told us to go to rough, or if you want to strike rough or tell us to leave, why destroy the houses over our heads with the protection of civilian lives? what are we supposed to do? i assume it's in reference, southern dogs are for us now. so despite the un security council of israel's assault on guns, it has continued yes. uh that's why it's in fact that there is no. can you look up and find think yeah,
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of course the territory. it's ongoing plea deterioration of the humanitarian conditions across the maturity of areas in the territories. yes, we have been seeing that is what it says. so i think it's made it to offensive in gaza city where the bombardment continues on definitive pressure caught hospitals as it says that on the ground describing the situation to be completely catastrophic. as they have been saying that today is very military and so dozes and military times have run over full bodies of palestinians who have been trapped inside of the default hospital. it's ongoing operations of setting to file and private and public prefer it is that is completely surrounding us throughout the hospital as the buses that raising between homeless slices. and these with this to just yes, the situation in terms of being human, the humanitarian situation in the another concept because it is, it's still completely dalia as, as well, keeps humphrey in the flow of the humanitarian aid into the territory. the um, its no opinions um cools for as well to mitigate the ongoing restrictions being
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imposed. and also he and rough ends of south within the past 24 hours more than 20 palestinians have been killed off. so the un resolution being made as palestinians willing to about the possibility of enforcing such resolution as well that continues to violate all the resolutions being made um its full absence of he's been accountability regarding its military acts here on the ground, the side of the territory all right, thanks very much indeed for that. i'm not says top politically there is no honey or is sitting there writing and capital for tools. he met foreign minister saying on the and in the past few hours or on maintains close ties with m. s. and the 2 sides of health, several meetings as well as $1000.00 began for on this cool masses attack only as well to the 7th, a success. i'm an f man a lot here,
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despite the heavy prices and huge sacrifice, he's paid by the palestinian people whose name of the golden was design expense, the file to chief, any of the military objectives of strategic goes. they are now losing that political umbrella. if not the protection as seen in the resolution handed down by his security council. the resolution, although it came to light and with some gaps that need to be filled as an indication that these riley occupation is on the unprecedented political i selections. yes. yeah. what's the major rescue operation continues in the us city of baltimore, where a bridge has collapsed on to being hit by container ship number of people were thrown into the river, but not when the governor of mary then says response. teams are doing everything they can to rescue them. for the 6 people are confirmed missing might. honda is that the same a container ship was less than 30 minutes into it's $27.00 day voyage to sri lanka when things went horribly wrong. initial reports say that dolly was heading
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off to see just for one to 2. yeah. and when is the last propulsion, then the crew won't pull to authorities of a possible collision. it hit the problem, says scott, the key bridge. nature transport link for mary land. us east coast. it's a shocking site to see because you live your whole life here. and you've seen this thing your entire life. and then one day you go outside and it's not there. the bridge and, and the number of vehicles plunged into the protests. go river, the government of maryland to clear the state of emergency as a search operation continued hours later, we have a large area that we have to search. this includes on the surface of the water sub surface, as well as on the deck of the ship itself. 2 people were rescued from the war to one with severe injuries. this is a one think about
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a trach. we have to 1st and foremost, great. all of those for impacted of those families, pray for our 1st responders and think all of them working together. city state local to make sure that we are working through this trash the own off the ship, which is registered in single poll says old 22 crew members of the sites. those baltimore police and the white tiles said the collision was not connected to any act of terrorism. the poor 10, the surrounding area had been closed. several government agencies are working to get to the roots of what happened. but for now, the focus is on the search for any survivors. like kind of out you sierra, baltimore, a correspondence of my how to joins us lives now from near that collapse, bridge in bolton, or mike, a dramatic and shocking event. what are you hearing about the rescue with
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well, the risk of assets ongoing and is likely to be until those 6 on the account to pull people off on. so just to step back here we h people, it is confirmed, went into the volta. when the container ship went into the bridge, 2 of them were rescued virtually immediately. one of them was taken to hospital, but as i say, 6 people are still unaccounted for. now this is a multi agency search and rescue operation underway. here. you bought the coast guard involved, you got the f b, i involved how you got full agency is coming together in an attempt to find these 6 people. but it's a very, very massive, expensive area that has got to be searched the water around here. it's a mess of massive search area and also compounding the issue the tides. this is virtually a title based in advertising going off now. but with the tides, the car is very difficult for those on the small boats, even on those the helicopters,
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flying overhead to try and focus down in on the search. all sorts of devices are being used in the search, including we understand. so not technology have, but this is the absolute focus. now is the finding of those 6 people who remain on the continental. meanwhile, the damage to the bridge, there's no talk yet about how long it is going to take to rebuild, or if it is indeed going to be a rebuild. this is going to have a massive impact on the region. remembering that some the t 5000 people travel on this bridge each day. so it's a major commute to a road in the whole eastern seaboard of the united states. but west, i say the focus is on the search and rescue activities. we're going to be hearing from the national transportation safety board within the next hour or so. and perhaps symbol of that information will be given both on the search, but also on the causes of this disaster going on. i thanks very much for that
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update. we could ex, found that within a psalms is facing another way to find out whether he can appeal his extradition from the u. k. to the us. fundings hi quotes has agenda decision on the appeal until the 20th of may found to, of which it looks faces 18 charges in the u. s. related to the release of classified documents, and the was enough dentist on rock solid and has been fighting expedition 6 is charged in 2019. i'll just say who has turner has more from them a reprieve for julian, the songs in his attempt to find extradition. so united states to face espinoza's charges that his lawyers say could net him a 175 years in prison, but not the full appeal hearing hope to achieve these lawyers that argued before senior judges here at the high court that those charges are legal and therefore, in contravention of the expedition agreements because they amount to a politically motivated attempt by the us government to retaliate against him. and
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these organizations which he leeks for the publication of thousands of documents of communications that reveal the ledge criminality by the us. any rock and up got it started, they said they simply couldn't receive a fed trust that he could receive the death penalty. well, the justices decided that the sanchez appeal can go ahead, but only if the u. s. and the u. k. failed to provide reassurance as in this case or the for the hearing here on may. the 20 is why stella responding to the decision such as was found in the us with a sense they being given permission to intervene. politically. she said her husband was affiliated with president, being held in bel most prison in london for 5 years without the charge. and she called on the president fighting to drop what she described as a shameful, jonah hotel, g 05, trying these nationals on the local drive or having tube and a suicide attack and focused on it happened in showing that in the countries northwest,
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local police say that we're heading to work on that. that's the dumb project, becomes just a week off of 7 gunman and 10 to the storm. the offices of the court in the south west come on high that has more on the attack from the capitol is on the back. the 5 drain is walker along with the boogers on the drive. i will get it in bass shot right now. reagan bag with explosives that i'm doing through the way. go and doug went into a ravine and guard via now, according to the buckets on the military. this is a direct attack on the focused on china strategic partnership. the buckets i need for the know present, the president has condemned. there's a bucket dante, the judge become a front line state against, edited them. are the bucket down your daughter did also saying that they're boring . at least 2 major attack on bucket dining naval facilities in the board of water and 3rd, but in the last few days. and of course the chinese are now austin, focused on to carry out
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a proper investigation. and do one is to go to break. it should be remembered that there been a number of attacks against chinese interest. the chinese has been focused on various hydro or electric projects along the end of the game, or traveling from islam bar to dodge to when it came under attack. the model either i was your due to off. it's not my body. so the head here on the knees on a mass grave is found in libya, force on the sides of soothing these refugees, was seeking effect a lot, also in the west as to wake up to the fact. this is a challenge to the very way that we live our lives to offer these and democracy human rights. freedom of expression, freedom of worship. claims on counts. a claims of a computer like china, facing the nice side and support visiting for, for the name on this, on the, on the open tenants kind of sound correct school show you have a spot on his 3rd round the
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the hello central america is running a fever breaking temperature records both by day and night, so it's been hot, it's been dry. and this as a result in eastern mexico, the state of vera cruz, we've had wildfire as a rupture, but i want to talk about the temperature story. so we've been sitting records in honduras is capital to go seek out the hot it's night on record $22.00 degrees. now by day you're in the low to mid thirties, so we got the colors on here. dr. the read, the higher the temperature, and then there's one feet of air into the us. it's sparking storms from mississippi, alabama right around the florida panhandle. and there is the threat that we could see some tornadoes different starting north of this snow coming in through the upper midwest and northwestern ontario province. at the time it's all said and done
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could see 30 to 40 centimeters here, some showers working their way across, western canada, the pacific northwest. and we do have a pacific storm coming in. so it's going to give us a feed of rounds of rain as we head toward northern california on wednesday to south america. we go, it's particularly what through the amazon jungle here that is intense in that southeast corner of brazil. but the rain is still falling. there and then we've got this strong northerly wind. sure. so that's a warm breeze that pumps up the temperature in via blanca to $29.00 degrees. and oh yeah, multiple sunshine on tap for you on tuesday. the examining the headlines is there is a release today for the close of life and god on flinching, journalism. awesome. every interview, just like the war sharing personal stories with a deliver or do you want to create a world where women come and feel naturally released that trauma and creates
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explorer and abundance of world class programming on which is the era a ask like a narrative from africans perspective, these are the want them to do what came up proper from, according to show documentary spot, african filmmakers have been on the to, on for over 20 is future with fish from the ship and the queen from nigeria, new series of africa, direct on colleges sierra, the
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book about her mind to about top stores. now the saw you and special method to has released a report that finds that a reasonable grounds to leave. israel is committing genocide in 1000 francesca albanese says israel has violated 3 of the 5 acts listed under the un genocide convention. israel says, are you in security council the ceasefire resignation will have no operational, significant splits victory and causes reservations and bonds and immediate c spot in the strip the remainder of the remedy that no. so opposed to the unconditional release of the cuts. us city of baltimore, 2 people have been rescued after vehicles loan and stuff, and collapsing, rich after containing a ship rammed into a initial report. say the ship lost power of the in pending condition. the a set of goals that president elect through j. my father says he will definitely
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with transparency is about to fight corruption at all levels. he said to be the country's youngest visa photo in the delayed election on sunday. the actual commission announced his when was 54 percent of it. his main rival coming to bottle of the governing condition has conceded defeat. to modify was endorsed by disqualified opposition, leaders months. ok. both were released from prison a few weeks before the po us because our kids are the echo west african union press conference now for us in the capital dot com. so are there any procedural issues at all? regarding the van to solve the election, or is it all done and dusted? well, according to the african union and the west ask and body echo weiss and we've seen some of the observers there including the former president of nigeria. i could look at jonathan, the former prime minister of rwanda and the 4th present varieties are quite that high level press conference here,
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congratulating santa goldman and the strength of its democracy here and for the west african party. and for us, there is a lot at stake, fits is a region marked by cool is a new share molly advocate of foss. so into the see a free and fair election underway here is really victory, not just for sending out, but for the region as a whole. there were some recommendations made such as ensuring that everybody had their voter ideas. and also as a recommendation to the president elect to continue this national dialogue that's needed to rebuild this political confusion and more participation of the civil society and politicians invalid. and of course, they talked about a higher rate of participation and needed, but there was quite a high turn out on sunday. this has been quite incredible in unusual election that has been washed by people in the region because in the course of 10 days we seen by
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surrendered my fine a political prisoner turned to president elect in a fast track campaign where we saw both fi and the opposition leader sancho criss crossing the country at someone that was relatively unknown at 10 days ago. rise to become the president of center golf. but there is a lot now a lot of work to be done. and he mentioned that during his press conference yesterday, his 1st address as president elect, and we saw a different type of, of busing which in my fight we, we saw him from being a candidate to a president and he has quite and i'm vicious plan. one of the key elements of his project is rebuilding the rule of law, the u repressive stage, in which there was a lot of killings on the streets, a fighting between security for forces and protesters here in san diego is unusual
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. and the fact that there was so many people that died in the run up to the selection in the last year is something that needs to be address. justice is another one greater equity between the rich and the poor. and most importantly, also we negotiating. there was a lucrative contracts with big businesses and that it's not just the oil and gas companies. it's also a european fishing vessels that trial the coast of san and go plowing and taking a lot of the, the livelihoods of lot of senegalese. and to really to try to stop the stem and the flow of migration towards your now gem i $51.00 thanks in part to the large diaspora. the crowds of senegalese living abroad that funded also participated using social media to try to garner support. and that's the outcome of their work that we're seeing now today. i think i talked to you thanks for that.
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last thing with this, then a son is an economist to support to the center police officer shall coming in. she joins us from dock of welcome to the program, so astonishing jen hearing from prison to present what more do we know about him? i think what we know is she's a man with determination and she wants change and she understands percentage goes people. they won't change or, and i'm not surprised or know by she's when in the 1st row. don't forget. it's not doing the 2nd round. it's in the 1st round of she won. she and so because they believed that seneca, these people want to change. and i congratulate him with all my heart. what does this mean then? do you think for a senegalese democracy, unimed the, the economy?
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what have been the issues the, what's the most important thing is that the president bussey who do my face said very clearly that she wants the echo as they can. i mean, community of west african states to stay strong. and she believes that the union is when is going to show our economies, we're about to have expectation of oil and gas in setting up. but this is not what determines our kind of, it's our people and i'll, people need a better cost of living, a reduction of the cost of living living. and this is what best you said. and it's
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his plan and that's what people went on with that plan and, and how much this sits with other countries in the region. and indeed from what she said is very clear. she said, synagogue is an independent stage that is open to old partners. synagogue is not limited to one or 2 countries and it's open. we're open to have partners to come and work in a transparent way. but 1st, what i believe is the most important thing is that she wants to find corruption. by using technology in every administration level. so the investors going to be confident
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that some adult it is a safe place to be. we prove to the world that we are a true democracy with the world that we have elections without really violence. the people weren't expecting and that is something to congratulate, i think. okay, with it the been thank you very much and have a great we very much appreciate your time. thank you. mass graves containing the bodies of dozens of migrants has been discovered in libya, its force at least 65 died, as it was smuggling through the desert. around 750000 refugees and migrants are in libya. any all day laborers and depend on work for this time, it is not, but jobs a sketch during amazon. that's not at china reports from this route to a boy. you know how old and her family recently arrived in the slot from sudan. she
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says it was a long and dangerous journey. they spent their life savings paying people traffickers to get here. but that, that hattie, after the fighting started in sudan, things became horrible. and it was no longer possible to live there. our neighborhood was a war zone and was being showed, there was no more work. getting food or water was a huge problem. we had no choice but to leave with their savings depleted. and this, this is putting food on the table from a bomb this year is difficult to do. you ins, migration agency says around 6500. so the news refugees have arrived in libya since fighting started last april. but the libyan officials say the number is much higher . according to united nations, more than 700000 migrants in libya. while some of them are flood violence, the vast majority, 86 percent cited economic reasons for coming to do sophia and from niger
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supports his parents, 3 siblings and the wife and so on the back. so i can miss coming to see if i sent my family what little money i have. they need basic food supplies for them of them, but i didn't have much money. i started watching that on his very slide. i went to the round about today, but there was no one good wheeling it will get back to me because i have to send the money fight the as good a round about images, right? the is usually busy with hundreds of migrants looking for work. but during the whole, the months of troubles on things slow down and work is hard to come by. the many migrants find it difficult to feed themselves and provide for their families back home. during the whole, the month of ramadan, a time for helping those less fortunate donation centers are scattered across the city, such as the small the sending to help we usually feed $250.00 to
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$300.00 people every day. we've been doing this every ramadan for many years, and some people donate food where they bring money and we buy the food for the whole retail. libya has long been effected by conflict and political divisions, but migrants still risk coming here. although challenging and at times dangerous, for many, it's their only hope to provide for their families far away. now, trina ultra 0, it's about the process present setting that person is blaming the console, sitting on what he called is list radicals. 139 people were killed in this, then most go on friday. 8 suspects have appeared in court including the full gunman with charles, with terrorism. the man being charged on tuesdays or a russian citizen who naturally rented down to the apartment to the government, to such a body has more from us. this is a suspect has been brought to buzz money court here in the capital. just
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a short while ago. this is a man who authorities are saying rented out an apartment to the attackers near at caracas, city hall. and this was an apartment that was used basically as sarah, a central command post for signing unplugging this attack. this gentleman is the 8th suspect to be brought into court and at charges of being made against him as we speak. we saw at earlier on sunday evening the 4 gunman that our choose of carrying out the attack as being brought into budwani court. all 4, being charged with terrorism acts which carry maximum penalty of life and present mate here. and they have all, as far as we understand, has pleaded guilty to the charges and they seem to be pretty at bad physical shape . there's been accusations that they authorities are being very heavy handed with the choose. on monday we saw another 3 men, a father in tucson,
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sons as being brought into the same court house, or they are allegedly as if people who had provided the vehicle to these gunmen. and those 3 men are police pleading not guilty for their electorate involvements in the attack. so the, the authorities are acting very quickly. and we heard from the russian president vladimir putting, maturing his security council meeting on monday. or he continued to blame at keir for having a role in this attack. a signer has denied the west and that's his ations of a government sponsored hocking campaign. as groundless saying, evidence provided by the you can, us, is insufficient. britain and america of accused beijing over years long aside, but espionage program targeting politicians, justice defendants and critics around the world. u. s. has charged 7 chinese nationals whether you case function 2 officials and one organization. they say the
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attacks have continued since at least 2010 millions of people affected katrina, you as more from beijing in the u. s. u k n o u z. let's have a curious china state sponsored cyber attacks aimed at disrupting and customizing government decisions. stealing trade secrets and silencing critics updating on tuesday we heard from the new zealand governments that said that a group known as 8240 in 2021 access and internal system for column and terry and as well as assistance across was. so they say that these actors removed as soon as they were identified and that they were working with china's ministry to state security. and you're dealing raise these concerns that moving forward with the us and kate on monday, with a step further and posing sections and several chinese individuals who say that these individuals have been working with the group learned as 1831 that has been active for about 14 years and their activities include in sending 10000 initial
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e mails to groups that were for schools of china, including the dissidents and governments. officials, with the aim of hacking into the confuses and intent to services that china has completely dismissed these accusations as unfounded. holding them malicious land. united states has encouraged to defy lines. the words, the largest intelligence organization leads to fabricate, and the disseminate various false information about chinese hackers. now this team the with the united kingdom to high pop the so called china cyber attacks and they even launched a reasonable unilateral section such as china. china firmly opposes this. the china is also case washington of us. cyber attacks against staging now was a relatively small number of people to be impacted by the sanctions. this is a blow to china, especially it's international image at a time when it's trying to reinvigorate. it's slowing economy and a truck much needed for an investment. katrina,
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you all to 0 say to the french. preston says promise to help combat the legal mining for gold and overseas territory. french keyona in south america. and i am a con, husband of a 2 day visit on his way to pursue, you said fronts would work with neighboring countries to dismantle the supply chains of gold traffic. so to come here now is, is there a stray to move a step closer to qualifying for 2026 web cups. that's coming up and spoke with the business latex to be sponsored by interlock tuck. he's real estate consultant. the
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aside from the sports news now his very thank you very much. have the highest paid school ultimate on the planet baseball stall, show. hey tommy has denied ever basing on sports. he's being forced to defend himself off to be coming in broiled in a gambling scandal involving his long time interpretive. david stokes has the story as usual, always what and show hey i, tony. during that i told you a spring training i would pay off from denver's to do. you have to dodge if you fast bulls out on the field and all fit to jump in a star. how the press conference for the 1st time since his interpreter was fired by the judges for allegedly stealing money from my tony to pay an illegal but make i tony times he was the victim effect. i knew nothing about it, but what was your name? i know i'm very sad and shocked that someone who i trusted has done this. i never bet on baseball or any other sports and was never asked to assist the betting
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payment for anyone else. or tony a to time in v p says christ friend lloyd, to him for use in stone, millions of dollars you got to when you and i it payments you hara, here on the right had been has interpreters since he joined by julie facebook in 2018 it's still not clear how he was able to access. i tony's accounts. me see hara, and the book make a now on the criminal investigation by the us internal revenue service. what does it get on? i'll talk to you to summarize how i feel right now. i'm just beyond shocked. it's really hard to verbalize how i'm feeling at this point. up until a couple of days ago. i didn't even know this was happening cuz i knew auto wasn't i, you know, a tony is one of the highest paid athletes in the world after joining the judges in december on a record breaking 700000000 dollar 10 year contract. i don't know, i'm going to go with what he says. i'm just not going to go with what the press says. he thinks only base well, you know, i live in that money. he's not interested. i have a as a good soul,
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but i don't see him doing any of the legacy. i think i'm right. he has a good saw it. i don't think he's involved in until the investigation is done. my thing is on the fact that he didn't do it for right now, i hate to say it, but i think a lot of baseball players are actually been on sports together. so accessible attorney says he's assisting old investigations into the gambling scandal and he's looking forward to the judge's next regular season game on thursday. david's folks don't use their well strategy. i have taken a step closer to reaching the 2026 woke up hope to progressing to the final round of qualifies. they fresh living on 5 know to become the 1st teams we have on to the next stage in asia. craig goodman, who said half last week to win over 11 on because of a virus for 10 to action with a bang. setting up the 1st and then scrolling from long range to just off the whole site. and he also had a hand and a lebanese own goals and school, the final bill in the 81st minutes from extra state and can do it because of the
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security situation in living on the last 3 spots. so you're a 2024 all up the grabs laser with ukraine looking to make it so they 1st made you 2. and then since the russian invasion, they will face iceland on tuesday. and what is the home fixture? but because of the will, will dimensions being paid in the polish city of the 12, roughly half of the squad plays in the ukranian league with games, or how without fans, and sometimes disrupted by a raid sirens with most solid facing ukrainian cities over the last few days, teams coach, saves the plans, are even more motivated to qualify. and of course in the morning i saw the place today they had over the telephone saying they will see what's up with the new grading and of this. and keep of course it's difficult. it's difficult for them because some of the families is there, and i'm sure they will be more ongoing in tomorrow. they will be more than what you waited for these. getting wells full face,
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potent and caught of the house found form of the starting the campaign with back to back to feats against all media and so key. and last year they are on a 7 match on these and street. having flashed finland on thursday and they coach, seems to theme is feeling confidence about reaching a 3rd success of european championship. for all relax is names of course, that is not gonna be a lie. and if i said, i'm not going to feel the nerves, of course i'm, i'm human. but, you know, when you work with them, and you see, you know, that be honest for you to get in the, in training today's, you've seen it yourself for the 1st 50 minutes, the show relaxed and love each other's company. doesn't guarantee wins. course it doesn't. there's a lot of other factors you need to look up, but it comes, everybody has a common in phones, phones, poland, and also recovered from a dismal, starts with a qualifying run, having lost them all does and albania, earlier on. and they'll have both of them and striking a rubber living dorski leading the team. the captain is on the 18th to goes full potent and only 3 european players have more international goals than him. at
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$35.00, he's looking to qualify for what could be he's lost, the international tournaments, but if they don't, they coach knows, it's likely he's run with the national team will be over the something that him to the i've been a coach for so many years that humorously speaking, i know that in one hand you hold your contract and then the other hand, your suitcase, have been hired many times. in fact, many times we just need to focus on the final and the most important thing focus and when it doesn't matter who i coach children, the national team, i always want to do my best. and when the georgia are looking to qualify for the 1st major to them, and when they host greece, the greeks won the euros in 2004, but haven't made it to a major 2 of them. and since the 2014 woke up from a chelsea and you're going to international gustavo yet, is in charge of greece. and it's, he's lost game before his contract expires at the weekend. so it could also decide he's future as manager the former president of the chinese football association has
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been sentenced to life in prison for bribery to ensure you on a pleaded guilty to taking bribes with of 11000000 dollars. 3 of the senior football officials were also seen some still on tuesday to between 8 and 14, using prison for corruption. it's part of an anti corruption drive. they bought china as president changing ping and comes up to china. release south 3 and foot board, a son john ho. some who was part of the south korea national photos, the rest of last may? well, thanks for chinese sleeping. club. sions on tyson and suspects of accepting bribes is now being sent back to south korea. and i spoke at the miami open tennis way, will number one, it has to be on, so it has to be knocked out in the 4th round by 14. see the cuts at email exams of off the victory at indian wells. she on sake was looking to win this tournament to complete what's known as the sun shine double something to madison even 2022. but her russian opponent had other ideas that exams of
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a taking victory in straight say, 6 full and 6 to for her 1st when over raining was number one, claire. she'll face, let's see. just because they do that in the course of finals. us open champion, coca golf is also out in the full round the world. number 3 was beaten by 23rd c. colleen garcia of reducing the 1st fit golf. get back to full. so decided garcia found it a full break points in the opening game of the food safe and from the never looked back. closing out so much 6 to she's trying to become the 1st french woman to win this tournament. not a problem, so call us alvarez in the names, events that will them to keep getting calls gamble feeds in straight sets 626 full to book his place and the last 16. how can we have been stolen on for the sunshine, double following his victory, the indian wells last weekend. they were a couple of other sporting stones in the crowd to watch authorize. because it in football, the name all and miami heat and be
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a play of jimmy butler. they were on hand to congratulate the spaniard off to its to joining all caressing the false round. is the man who knocked him out of this is a straight and opened alexander's veteran. the full seed took care of american christopher banks in straight sets of who reached the finally miami 6 years ago. the face 15 feet cut in hudson. and we'll finish with an incredible turn around demand b, a is the atlanta hawks came back from 30 points down to beat the boston celtics. the eastern conference speed is, was 6858 up in the 1st health condition. but the 100 hunter lived the fight back for atlanta. if you scroll to 80 full points, including a lake, 3 points, a with 9.2 seconds left on the clock, which one is for the hooks? $1211840.00. it's the largest, come back in the n b i the c's one. man, that's what we need it for. now multiple fits from the other lady took a picture. thanks very much. indeed. that's it for this needs. i'll be back in
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a few moments with more all the days in state of the in china. this is a stomach room. the bathroom for the father was killed. boys and girls as young as 6th learned to handle firearms and develop insurance to be ready to protect the country. i would make your run so hard to $1.00 oh, $1.00 east visits china, us military camp for kids on al jazeera. the latest news as it breaks demonstrators law ser remaining is really captive brought back from gaza and they want the broad back now with the to coverage posting and say that what areas did hearing his final words pre postpone made them feel sense. and for that, he will soon be forgotten from the home to the story. at least 9000 palestinian families are missing at least one loved one. at the table, the
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a political, the bank, pony farmers are angry. people have starving and we actually have to exports the whole while good, because we've money to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments on addition to the state, the often in the highest level they've been using games for the political economy service. so we can submit a course the arrival inside story on al jazeera. now, scientists say prime needs remain crucial for biomedical research, the but some of being given new lives beyond the board on the outskirts of virus is nothing is essentially for all kinds of fine to move, including those ones used in scientific research. the century houses 22 retired live monkeys from across europe. this female recess mcgarr cause
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can survive 19 years of experimentation in french labs. she was the 1st lab funky to be given to you home at lot and yet the reports bother you in special ed rapids finds a reasonable grounds as well as committing genocide saying it's $1000.00 shows and 10 to the story. and these are the, has used to come to flash of your money, try on low to characterize the entire policy and people to nights sustaining a life saving infrastructure of us targeting caleb to destroy the .
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