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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 27, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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fast to mesa, the fast nominations i made on the award official website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the . the un special rap mature on human rights for the occupied palestinian territories says that a reasonable grounds. israel is committing genocide to get rid of palestinians uncles, phenomenon. the balloons are in jordan, this is obviously a life from double. so coming up at least 12 palestinians are killed. and there strikes and rough of us as well, continues to ignore the un security council resolution calling for an immediate
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cease fire and gaza. such and rescue efforts are suspended for the 6 people believed to be dead in the us. city of baltimore, after a ship smashes into a bridge from a prison cell to the presidential palace, set a goal of new lead that promises to part corruption. the united nation special wrapper, 2 of the occupied palestinian territories has presented the findings of a report that says that a reasonable grounds. israel is committing genocide and gaza. francesca alban easy says, as well, has violated 3 of the 5 that's listed under the un genocide convention. including coming members of a specific group causing serious bodily old mental home and deliberately inflicting conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part. she also found that genocide acts were approved and given effect of the
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statements of genocidal intent by senior is really military and government officials. these at albany, the argues part of 8 settler colonial process of the ratio which has been underway for more than 70 years. she recommends, among other things, and immediate arms embargo and israel and 4 member states to support south africa and it's attempt to prosecute israel at the international court of justice. i'll just say it was gabrielle is on the reports from you in headquarters in new york or the title of the report says it all anatomy of a genocide for words. it's some up the actions of israeli soldiers highlighted in findings by the un special rapid tour occupied palestinian territories. these riley sold yourself, published footage, boasting about their killing of families. mothers cheated for in the bottom to go home, smokes and schools. so that's incriminating videos, show them so distinctly mocking and mediating their policy and victims not only by
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violating their physical integrity and right to life, but also their dignity line by line. the 25 page report reaches a clear conclusion is real is in violation of the un genocide convention must disappearance and arbitrary read attention so widespread in systematic torture in any main treatment. add to the experience of endless death and loss desperate people had to search to rumble with their behinds. many have been unable to bery hungry of loved ones. the report offers 7 recommendations among them and immediate arms embargo on israel. while the briefing in geneva centered on israel's acts of genocide, here in new york, the security council heard from tour a business line, the un special coordinator for the middle east peace process. he brief the council about israel's continued expansion of illegal settlements in the last few months.
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he's a radio thirty's demolished, c sub force people to them all these 300 structures. displacing 314 people, including hundreds, 37 to france condemned israel's announcement last week that had seized 800 hector's in the west bank. that couldn't you just recently, ident, simple 3 of them. 6 is the really set them in buildings containing an even x and everything in the west bank. france condemns decent policy which to contribute to international law to live or recognize the legal, an exemption of petty, to resist, nor the legalize ation of all post. these really decisions on the 22nd of march, confiscating 800 hectic offline in the westbank is unacceptable. this is the largest confiscation offline, but is right in the occupied with the scene in 3300. it seems of lot quotes is fran said it is considering measures in coordination with european allies against settlers and is planning to propose an initiative to the security council related
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to the unified palestinian state. gabriel, as under how does either at the united nations in new york, meanwhile, is writing forces of targeted a residential area in southern gauze. a housing displaced, palestinians in russell guns, as health industry says at least 12 people have been killed in the attack in our milwaukee. moving to 1500000 people are sheltering in rough up is ready, military is continued strikes, ignore the un security council resolution calling for an immediate cease fire in guns out 0 is target assume has moved from a rough and southern gaza. israel is rounding up its military attacks, of course, different areas in the tree, and in particular here in a rough within the past couple of hours, we have been recording multiple strikes that targeted 3 residential houses that some english were informed to evacuate work no casualties. have been reported till
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now as the destruction was completely she and areas that had been targeted. and that absolutely reflects the ongoing reality here in roughly that is no longer at be safe for more than one point. $5000000.00 palestinians being displaced, putting all the parts of the gaza strip in the north compartment, continue. we're in a devalue refuge account. there has been show house being targeted in the course of the past 24 hours. the according to gauze health ministry, the is very admitted to troops that killed more than 80 palestinians um its ongoing a rustic system on his head from eye witnesses on the ground, who managed to slip from the ongoing military seat of a she felt hospital reporting that isabel has destroyed the majority of areas and she felt hospitable, turning the entire area into a great yard where destruction is every single corner on definitive hospitals as they have been also reporting about field executions being made for a number of palestinians who have been killed and other families who are still
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right now trapped for more than a week without having sufficient amount of fluids in water. and without being at least rescued and unrelenting, and on completely buried work conditions that they have been going through in the course of the past week. us defense secretary lloyd austin has told, as well as defense minister, the safety of civilians in the rafa is a top priority. you have to go on travel to the pentagon for the inputs meeting on tuesday, as well says it's planning a ground defensive in the southern most city of the gaza strip. with 1500000 displays, palestinians have been forced to seek shelter. thus, despite concerns on the us and the international community today, we will discuss the developments in gaza and the means to achieve all goals, the destruction, from muscle ministration and bring you back. there is one of the hostages, the negotiation on the cost of this issue,
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and how must positions require us to join hands in the, you know, military and their faults to increase pressure on how most for typing, palestinian civilians from harm is baltimore, almost subsidy. ever strategic, impaired and gaza today, the number of civilian casualties is far too high. and the amount of humanitarian aid is far too low. gotcha. is suffering humanitarian catastrophe. and situation is getting even worse. the safety of the 1500000 palestine angel williams. and rafa is also a top priority for the united stage. how much has pushed back on the claims by these really minute tre, that it's killed. the deputy come on to of it's ministry wing is real says model one is was killed by a strike out of this month. the targeted, the central gallons
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a strip. and i've, i've seen that how much come on that was also reported the killed in the same attack. but any of my colleagues as tanya chase both of us, um i have them the senior spokesman for him as he says he kind of confirmed the death of model and so i'm clear of them. i know i'm on a cell, i'm a kid that everybody knows that model one isa is one of the major commanders of cas, i'm brigades, and everybody knows that the israelis have been saying since day one that they want to target the outcome some and how much commanders and because us trip, however, in the absence of an official statement from from us or some confirming the martyrdom or wounding us any of its commanders or members, we cannot confirm such information. have you heard anything from the all? cassandra gave you a minute feeling as to missed it uses whereabouts and safety, the missing heavy manual methods, him to that one has this information is not usually traded inside the movement, the whereabouts or information pertaining to the safety or outcomes. i'm commanders
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is not information that is exchanged internally. however, in the absence of a statement by of cosign brigades about the martyrdom or wounding if any, if it's leaders, then the, the information published by the enemy is not deemed as confirmed. it could very well be part of the psychological board that is waged by the occupation against the resistance and the palestinian people. so just to be clear without view is at the moment mr. holmes on you was saying that you have no information. as to mister e says whereabouts or safety, because the military wing has not shared that information with you. i understand that he was acting as a sort of korea, so the captive negotiations. so mediations have been saying that he has not been seen for some time. all those talks being affected. uh, i went on uh, yeah, i knew most of the luck with him shot 1st off. it's not about information sharing. i can confirm that any information pertaining to the safety or any attack against any of our commanders as something that is
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a nouns by the i've got some leadership regarding the negotiation process, there is a how much delegation that handles the negotiations. these negotiations were recently forwarded by the israeli side and our brother, dean, which i had met, the one that you saw was not present in any negotiation sessions. and i think that any talk about him not participating or appearing can to negotiate actions until now. as part of these really claims that they succeeded in reaching him and assassinating him, or at least 7 people have been killed and his really ass try can sell them 11 on their talk kit, the village of how about a it tug up at a building which is a health center use by liberties um group is really ministry and the lebanese um group has the law of exchange. finally, every day since the one goes with the gun on october stuff the
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because of all the names now and the us comes, god says it. suspending search and rescue efforts and bolting will offer a condo, ship lost power and hit a bridge causing it to collapse. say police say the rescue mission does not change to a recovery operation to find the 6 people who are still missing. 2 people were rescued after they were thrown into the river. a lot to announce tonight that based on the length of time that we've gone in the search, the extensive search efforts that we put into it, the water temperature, that at this point, we do not believe that we're going to find any of these individuals still alive. an official report from the sign to the collapse bridge in baltimore right. the day they continued to set the broken bridge, the stranded ship standing overshadowing it all as it was just as the one safety in the morning when the single pull registered cargo ship dally sent out to meet it.
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it it last propulsion, 2 minutes after leaving the port to baltimore, there was headed for the francis scott key bridge, a major transportation link on the us east coast. as it collided, if people were thrown into the water, too were rescued almost immediately. one of them badly injured, pressed into a bike and was kept informed of operations through the night. and so as the tragedy could have been much worse, personal on board the ship were able to alert the maryland department transportation that they had lost control of their vessel. as you all know, reported as result, local authorities are able to close the bridge of traffic before the bridge was struck. which on dollars saved lives, the value was just minutes into a 2070 journey to singapore. the owners say all 22 crew on board are safe. no, the national transportation safety board has sent a team to investigate what went wrong. the team of experts include experts in article operations and what they're going to look at and begin to collect as
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information on vessel operations, safety history, safety record. they'll look at the owner of the look at the operator and they'll look at the operations this day. baltimore is the 2nd busiest port on the eastern seaboard of the us, bringing in $80000000000.00 that imports last year. the wreckage and the river below the stranded ship. mean the only channel in and out of the port is blocked and could be for some type that will impact the wider us economy. on the all imported supply chain. this is no ordinary rich. this is one of the cathedrals of american infrastructure. it has been part of the sky line of this region for longer than many of us have been allies. so to pass to normal, say will not be easy. it will not be quick. it will not be inexpensive, but we will rebuild together. the bridge took 5 years to build back in the 19
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seventy's, joe biden says the federal government is committed to rebuilding it, given the damage given the state of the area. there's no indication of when that process might even begin island for sure. i'll just see the baltimore a personal break here, and i'll just say that when we come back, thousands of migrants set off in a caravan to the us mexico, buddha, to protest against immigration policies on that states the supercharged temperatures in parts of south america. however, one, so we've been sitting records hottest march days, georgetown in diana, 35 degrees colors are on dark with the red. the higher the temperature you're down a bit on wednesday, but it's been hot. it's been dry here. so that heat will continue plenty of storms through the amazon jungle to be expected and still some showers into the mix for
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the southeast corner of brazil, but not as bad as it has been warm breeze, but likely to see some storms around by blanca. so also being hot in central america, hot and dry, and when do so, we see these wildfire is erupt in eastern mexico and vera cruz stayed quite stock images there. again, all has to do with the heat. we've seen it through hundreds, nicaragua, temperatures into low to mid thirties, and with this warrant coming in to the us golf while it's triggering the storms around northern florida, pushing right through to the carolinas. but no, it's of this. we are talking about snow from the upper midwest pushing in to northwestern ontario. it's starting to wind down, but by the time it's setting down 30 centimeters and warmer air, coming into the great lakes and the us northeast to otherwise we go and other pacific storms. so rain for western canada, the pacific northwest, and that was whether drops down to northern california, but likely just some showers in our stuff of the
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things as a content creators have become journalists, rescuers heroes and targets certain customers. so when a visa queens you meet on and yet they continue to report that the cost of this is the story of just one of the shall be, should be a little bit higher for the love of because on that just the to the welcome back. you're watching out as a right to combine about top stories here. this out to you in special rock mature
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for the palestinian territories, has released a report that finds that a reasonable grounds to believe is rarely it's going to change genocide in process . i just have an easy says as well as spotlighted 3 of the 5 i listed under the un genocide convention of these 12 palestinians have been killed by his randy as strikes and rough ones as well. continues to ignore the un security council resolution going for an immediate cease fire coming u. s. coast guard is suspending search and rescue. if it's in baltimore after a condo ship, it's a bridge causing it to collapse, state to be say, the rescue mission as no transition to the recovery operation to $1.00 to $6.00 people were still missing is already sold, does have a kind of rage in several cities across the occupied westbank, a 19 year old palestinian was killed. i'm 5, i was injured in coming to you in southern jeanine. bulldozers was seen destroying infrastructure during the raid. several more people have been wounded in operations then numberless. this way the army has killed more than 450 pound to send the ends
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across the occupied west fence since october 7th us. and these were this booking convoys of a trucks loaded with food that is destined for northern gaza regent. as long as the cutoff and the situation is becoming increasingly desperate, newborn babies and young children in the area are experiencing severe malnutrition as a bank before they were born into this will. they know nothing except this hospital come out, and one is one of the few remaining costs, because in the north of casa, hidden was the children not being the heaviest price had to do to these really policy, establishing children are suffering, see their model attrition. but most of the infants and children are headed brain strokes. we are doing our best to save their lives, lives them, and medical ventilation of children. so right, there's really good this bombardment. it is very unlikely don't survive due to distribution. the children continue to pay a heavy price and this will,
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this mother describes the desperate situation. i was going to kind of save money of the 2nd, my child fell sick and her condition has been deteriorating. that the stuff managed to spend her life. but the electric power is out to most of the time, there's not enough fuel for generations and the lives of these children here hanging by a thread. we are living in missouri. no. during the week, a united nation is convoy arrived, the limited supplies getting access to the north of gaza can only be done with the permission of israel. members of the world health organization were able to evacuate to patients. they went around today in the amount of the one with the one of our a management significant team. so specialize the enough. but it also with the academy for federal medicine to ensure a safe. and if i don't know to children, not to south guys up and then from there to offend county for the front of the specialized care. it's a relief for the parents who have written this, these children suffering. the can the yeah, i think
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a savvy was doing well before the war because he was getting the necessary food and he was taking the necessary milk and medicines. but during the war his condition deteriorated. as these things were not available, no fruits, no vegetables. israel continues to block h to northern garza or agents or say farming is imminent for these children who know nothing of the world at sight. this hospital is the only lifeline said big of their police in jordan have dispersed hundreds of people rallying outside these randy embassy in the capital i'm on offices. tried to push demonstrates it away from the building during the march and some of the down to the palestinians. protest is up and running the daily and supportive garza, i'm to demand the jordanian government. i know it's piece string to that is ralph so that we can make found that june and i saw just facing another wait to find out
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if he can appeal his expedition from the u. k to the united states london. ty code has a john de decision on the appeal until may 20th. the founder we can expect is 18 charges in the us, relating to the release of classified documents about the was in iraq and afghanistan . i'll just say with jonah, how reports now from london a temporary reprieve. the julian assigned in his fight against expedition to the united states with espionage charges. he's lawyers say good 1975 use in jail, but it's not the full appeal hearing. he took for the plate justices decided that a sanchez appeal can go ahead, but other than the, the us and the u. k. failed to provide reassurance. is it these cases are for the hearing here on may? the 20, the quote, once a guarantee assigned will not receive the death penalty. and the judge is rejected . the argument that the us charges are politically motivated and therefore culture
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a, to the rules of extradition. these 400000 documents in 2010 sounds, and here's organization, wiki leeks, published thousands of documents linked by the whistleblower chelsea manning. the revealed alleged us criminality, including torture, extra decent feeling and rendition by the us government in iraq, afghanistan, the us government says the documents were obtained illegally and their publication compromised the safety of sources contained in the asylum, just been fighting extradition for 5 years. while in london's belmont prison, he previously spent 7 years as a political refugee inside the ecuadorian embassy in london. speaking of the woods, his wife stella said she was astounded by the decision. what the courts have done had been to invites a political intervention from the united states to send the letters saying it's all okay. i find this astounding
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describing her husband as a political prisoner, stella sounds cold on the bite and administration to drop what she said was a shameful case. joe. know how elder 0 loved the senate goals. president elect says he will govern with transparency by suitable jamalia fi, a promise to fight corruption. levels is set to be the country, his youngest liter, following a delayed election on sunday. i'll just say it was nicholas hunk has moved from a capital stucco. we're in downtown to car, not too far from the presidential palace where after 12 years of mackie so change is coming despite the delayed election that brought so much true moral. the outcome of the vote did not divide the people, but instead united the senegalese people just to get us to be very proud to be senegalese, and to belong to a great democracy. today we have shown on proven to be
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a country that was done by our democracy. we have proven to be a silver in under our destiny is in our hands. but i'm hoping for change in the economy and the use unemployment will be addressed. there's only $200.00, the selection went well, it took place in peace and stability. and the best has one for a peaceful, senegal, and for the whole of africa, from the european union into the african union. and most importantly, the reason embodied echo was to all have commended the authorities for organizing what they described as a free and fair election. this is important because it's a region marked by democratic setbacks with a number of who is in the region 2 programs. and he did, but we need to be so similar of what is, what do they need from prison on the eve of the elections contributed to their lively use web was where we set out there to conduct the origin front visit and they said they had to go in at a cross road, taking
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a new direction away from a roof team that had a lot of police repression. an authoritarian over tone to a new president that has spent the last 11 months in prison for as facebook posts. she is relatively unknown. does not from the political leads, and people here hope that he can deliver on this promise to bring justice more freedom and fortify senegalese democracy, nicholas hawk. alex's the right, the car independent us presidential candidate, robert f. kennedy junior, has announced his running mate from november's election, california lawyer, nicole china handler, run for the vice presidency alongside kennedy's long, short bid for the white house. kennedy is seeking to grow support among folks as well. i'm happy with november's re match between job biden and donald trump. reynolds reports from oakland, california of robert f. kennedy junior and his new running mate. nicole shanahan
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spent just a few minutes on stage together waving to supporters as the announcement event ended. but earlier each spend time praising the other. i want nicole to be a champion, is a growing number of millennials and generously americans who have lost faith in their future and lost their pride in our country. there is only one candidate i have met for president who takes the chronic disease academic seriously. it is robert f. kennedy junior shanahan is $38.00, grew up in poverty and became a successful attorney in tech entrepreneur. she's also the ex wife of google co founder surrogate. bryn kennedy is 70 a long time environmental lawyer and an advocate of various discredited conspiracy theories including the childhood vaccines and on specified environmental toxins cause autism. shanahan referred in directly to those claims. no single safety study
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can assess the cumulative impact of one prescription on top of another prescription in one shot on top of another shot on top of another side. kennedy's broader messages that all major government agencies and other institutions are corrupt. advanced agencies work for the military, industrial complex, and health agencies work for big pharma. at the us, the a work for a big ag and the process fluid cartels at the p a is in go with the polluters. many supporters say they are disillusioned and distrustful of government, political parties and the news media out of 350 some 1000000 people in the is that really all we get just happy to be here to support somebody, but i want more not just the money out of kennedy as support from 13 percent of likely voters is according to one recent cold president,
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jo biden's campaign is concerned. they didn't even lead divided swing states. kennedy could siphoned off enough liberal votes to hand the white house to former president donald trump. so far, kennedy is qualified to appear on the ballot in just one state, utah, in order to make it on to all 50 states. phillips is in an arduous process, requiring multiple signatures, expenditures, money, meeting, certain deadlines and so forth. so whether kennedy qualified to appear on all of those stake ballads remains to be seen. rob reynolds, l, just your california. what's being cool, one of the most restrictive social media bands of mine is in the us has been signed into law in florida. and the new rules, social media accounts, but children on the 14 will be banned 14 and 15 year olds that require a parental consent to use the platforms for the governor run desantis as the lawyer will protect mine. as he says, though,
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he expects legal challenges in southern mexico, the thousands of migrants have set off in a caravan heading towards the us border on a hoodie, we'd march is become an annual tradition to protest against immigration policies in the us and mexico monitoring for that report the city of the tulip in southern mexico, the starting point for new migrant care van, heading north toward the westport. we want to leave the temperature low because temperature last turned into a large making scale. this latest caravan is comprised of migrants and asylum seekers of various nationalities, including been as well and ecuadorian and 100. many of them traveling with young children wherever we are going is simply to seek a better life. the truth is we face many dangers in our country, and that forces us to flee with our children. human rights activists say the care of it during holy week has transformed into an annual tradition to protest against
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immigration policies in the us and mexico. uh it will be adding up was as.


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