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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 28, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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in march, 1st, to may, 31st nominations are made on the award official website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the exclusive video obtained by al jazeera shows on, on the palestinians being killed and then buried using both of those spies very forces in northern guns. the on carry johnston your without just a life from also coming up. hospitals in northern gauze at one day receiving multiple instances daily suffering from severe malnutrition, anti hydration. the bodies of 2 of 6 missing workers are retrieved from
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a river in baltimore, as a thought sees with to reopen the pool. she's days bridge collapse. and scrambling to suffice intelligency and look at how to use on the rights onto the government. the houses here has obtained footage showing is very forces in gaza shooting to announce palestinians dead at close range. one of the men repeatedly weighs what appears to be a piece of white fabric to show then not a threat. this is an international symbol of surrender. the bodies of the 2 palestinians and then buried by and is really both times that patrick assume has more from rafa and southern guns. so a completely disturbing and distressing images that the v do that in just the or has obtained shows how to on that list any is have been killed by these body forces
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. they have been completely disarmed. they did not impose any significant stress on these body forces as they were, as they were completely a waste, with the distance from the east valley forces who were taking a cut off behind some piles. and that's absolutely terrifying as to palestinians have been killed. and we completely see how is very, what they'll do is those have been buried them on the coastal line of the b. c thing to leave and from the video that has been obtained. it's absolutely clear that the location where those 2000 years have been killed in short phase where the forces was completely next to the recent a p, a that had been established by the world since a kitchen in order to facilitate a process, a delivering process to the gauze was the trip on the gauze. was city i'm, that incident wasn't absolutely the 1st to print. it's kind of within the past a few weeks we have been multiply,
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i see. and how the is very pieces have been carrying out, see what the executions against number kind of a city is in the another, at pots of guns where they are. the bodies have been remained alone and laying on the roads and sometimes being piled up with a different kinds of garbage as what had been happening. of another positive gauze and big la, here town, where the majority of those did bodies had been decomposed without being rescued. and that's absolutely terrifying. it's. it's completely a new breach of the humanitarian of the international humanitarian low that deuced palestinians were completely on on the do not impose any significant threats which at fault. because a professor of international law at princeton university and the former u. n. a special reference to on the palestinian human rights. he's critical of western powers for not doing enough to stop the will. it is a visit confirmation of continuing israel, a atrocities directed at uh in the
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send and vulnerable and and threatening palestinian civilians. and it's shocking because it's made available in convincing evidence in real time. and that, that's been part of what has been so shocking throughout this entire is rarely on slot and guys that the eyes and ears of the world have been assaulted in real time by this form of genocidal behavior. and it is a shocking reality that there has been no
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adverse reaction from the liberal democracies in the west. it is a shameful moment in western international ro behavior. it's completely consistent with israel, a defiance of international law, unless it happens to coincide with the strategic interest, which it rarely does during this period of pro long documentation. israel pursues its own objectives, which are inconsistent and contradict international humanitarian law. and the genocide convention and numerous other
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sources of legal authority. it refuses to comply with the enter on the order of the international court of justice. it refuses to alter its behavior in response to the reason cease fire, which is a weak resolution of the security account. so never the less. it's a legally binding document that constitutes a decision. the violation of which is itself. a criminal act is arouse war, and garza has killed more than 14000 children, while others are left suffering from severe mound nutrition and the hydration. come out, add one hospital in northern gauze, or is one to it's receiving a multiple instance every day whose weight does not match the age. doctors are
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appealing for desperately needed supplies. at least $27.00 children have died of mound nutrition at the hydration since october. 6 the. 6 the, the, the, the, the, the part of the i see you stuff as come out one hospital. we clearly noticed the influx of huge numbers of newborn baby suffering from acute know nutrition. and it wants to be a di hydration. this is mainly due to the absence of for me, the milk cause then as a result, eighties reach critical and severe degrees of dehydration. and s a. d, me i disorders and ultimately test. on a daily basis. we receive $2.00 to $3.00 cases of underweight babies, for instance. so we just received this 2 month old baby go away or the 2 kilograms . this is mainly because of the total absence of the for me to milk need for this baby. ringback one child has been killed and another engine in central garza often is very strong to get a house in their school sheltering displaced people. the 2 girls were inside the
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tent and overage refugee camp and shrapnel in stones and on the campus home to about 46000 to protest the refugees since his daughter, the war. israel has crowed out. numerous attacks on the refugee camps attacks are on getting in northern gauze as well. the loot reports from jeremiah is mindful, is this continue with the ink cogent in the as ship elizabeth and the surrounding area of how she brought us with them. they also, there was, uh, the enforcement indeed. nothing is there for ship hospital which is uh, the new kind of a new military. and in that area also there is, uh, uh, accompanying over resting too many of all the seniors while living in that area. and then i'll be in the office at the end room, and our server has to be at noon to the southern of garza,
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the through. i don't see the st to so this, this situation the a people inside the safe house because i kept inside small room in the human resources development building, which is patients. and some of the concepts are fucked. and which is not the pre, but it all to be a for me because go to the occupied westbank now with palestinians. and the janine refugee camp say they live in fear, for most daniel cushions by these very ministry of the army says it's targeting fights is civilians say they feel trapped in the ongoing waves of finance. we're accounting reports from a most gloss and shrapnel. last, it was evidence of enough of the finest likes in janine. on tuesday before midnight, these writing note treat entered the city reading homes called skating goods and destroying ammonia. on the outskirts of the refugee camp, they shot
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a 19 year old man. before entering the camp with an armed with folders, a upcoming roads destroying infrastructure, douglas on the ground, say these radio and we were treated among violence. confrontations with fighters before setting in on the road, the bloss coming 3 whole bad people here. city live in fear. some refuse to leave out the say that he forced to play a man. that is what i mean. what a safety we're not safe anywhere. they could, patient has destroyed our life that we will stay here and they can patient will leave one day if the most advocacy of theater any cause enough, the o as, as tracks and no safety at all. any date is in his track. if it is a funeral, the camp is not safe anymore. people are running away. yup. the 2 years, the tempest being the epicenter of violent incursions by these right military and confrontations with policy and fight is just one week ago,
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a joint strike kids to find to another. but what it targeted the car, at least 40 palestinians have been killed in air and joined strikes. and janine alone since october, the 7th. and just under a quarter of full posting is killed in the occupied westbank were also killed here . that can in the fight is by drawing because they can find them on the ground. every week we bid farewell to a group of young men from the camp. it is difficult to leave our homes and everyone is afraid of the berries. i loved ones, palestinians a challenging, but any chance of peace is also dead. this being a major increase in his writing of the tree rights and the occupied west point since october the 7th, that's on average, around $42.00 rates every single day. israel justifies this by saying that wishing up sizes and preventing violence, palestinians say,
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this doesn't work as they already bind to tax the worst and already volatile situation nor hon. i'll just say we're ramallah, we all tied, westbank is ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu, his office has told the white house it wants to reschedule. the cancel meeting is there. any delegation was due to visit washington to discuss israel's plans ground, defensive and rafa that in yahoo! cancel the trip off of us, refused to veto a un resolution demanding an immediate cease fire and guns that as to what i can say on an israel more broadly. as you asked me about meetings that week that that were held here. they were constructive discussions with israel defense minister over the last 2 days. russell was one of the many topics discussed with jake sullivan. tony blinking, lloyd austin and the burns at the prime minister's office has agreed, has agreed to reschedule the meeting. dedicated to rafa. so we're,
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we're now working with them to set to find a convenient date that obviously gonna work for both sides. but he's his office has agreed to, to reschedule that meeting, that would be dedicated to russell, which is a good thing from this. how, who it has been following the story from occupied east jerusalem to initially anonymous american officials had spoken to was really medias saying that indeed israel's prime minister's office had reached out to the white house to reschedule. this visit? buying is really delegation. when is he to reached out to the prime minister's office? they said they had no comment on the matter. however, the white house press secretary put in john pierre, confirming this afternoon and a briefing with press saying that these really prime minister's office did reach out to the white house. and they are looking at a date that is convenient for both parties. and when that date is reached, there will be an announcement from the white house. but it's interesting because earlier on wednesday,
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these really prime minister had the essentially boasted about canceling this meeting. not only because the us didn't use their veto power in the un security council when there was a measure calling for a ceasefire in gaza that was both lasting and sustainable. but these really prime minister also said it was a message to him, asked that in the face of international pressure, israel is not going to case even if it's from pressure from israel's biggest ally like the united states. and that the americans were quite upset about the cancellation of this visit. in fact, the national security council spokesperson john kirby spoke to his really media tonight and said that the americans were hoping to hear from his really counterparts on how exactly they plan to invade garza southern most city over. that's off and what exactly they plan to do when it comes to evacuating nearly one and a half 1000000 palestinians who were asked to go there by these rarely army as the rest of the palestinian territory was being besieged. the is really prime minister has said that with or without american support,
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this invasion instead of law is going to happen. but it shows you the changing dynamics between the 2 allies. is there any minute treat has carried out more strikes on board of towns in southern lebanon? at least 9 people have been killed in the corner until the half of the border with his ro, among them, his beloved fights. this is ralph has described. the attack says retaliatory, so the head here now is, is there not a nation says, is deeply concerned about the doc monetary and situation, the democratic republic of congo, the critical debate, pony farmers are angry, people have starving, and we actually have to exports a whole lot because we've money to buy informed opinions, the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank
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assessments pull, in addition to the highest level, they've been using games for this policy. let me cut out of the student's name and date, and course the arrival inside story on al jazeera. what constitutes extent, so we generally talk, you were saying, i want you to start with just the facts rather as to what happened as independent. we won't be i want to we don't have to leave them in the policy i'm. it's asking me to get 50 percent representation and accountability and benefit knowing that was and services this claimant reports. would that i should just trust the community off to the side. the cool that used to produce outstanding gentleness and i'll just the integrity in the pursuit of the
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you're watching out just here a reminder on top stores or so i'll just say what has of kinds of thoughts ensuring is very forces in gaza shooting to on the palestinians dead at close range. one of the men peach of the waves. what appears to be a piece of white fabric. the bodies of the 2 palestinians have been very defined, is very buddha's. israel has told the whitehouse it wants to reschedule. a council meeting with us officials kind of geishas touch, discuss israel's sons, ground defense, been wrapped up in washington. the presence of united nations, such as gravely concerned about the humanitarian situation. both east and democratic republic of congo companies forces are battling arms groups including m
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. 23 fighters and the minimal rich area. the m 23 have taken several towns from government troops. the threatened go to the main city in the region. decades of conflicts have displaced more than 7000000 people within the country. gabriel, that is on that has more from the un headquarters in new york. in recent weeks, the m 23 has made significant advances, expanding territorial control in fighting against the congolese military. been to k to the secretary general, special representative for the country said the security situation is deteriorating rapidly and the humanitarian situation is reaching near catastrophic levels. so the more than 7100000 people have been displaced in the country. that is 800000 more people since my last briefing was about 3 months ago. to 3400000 people now
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suffer from food in security, which means one, not a full companies are suffering from malnutrition. d. r c's ambassador to the un cold on the security council to take a stronger stand against rwanda. widely believed to be supporting the m $23.00 as huge disease. but for us as a judge we do when faced through the repeat offender, the security console has to cross the rubicon of impunity just to impose on dwanda the sanctions that are commensurate with its repeated criminal offenses. but the rwandan ambassador said it's per room d and the d r. c. that are at the root of regional tensions, according to the group of experts on the data, see most countries of fighting alongside the if did a genocidal melisha against implemented city in an attempt to end a political program through military means for when the techs do so that's a very to said yesterday a, this is why rep bill for the cut in, so you get,
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the issue has to be dissolved politically among the company is all these people come said a delicate moment as the un lead peacekeeping force known as a new sco is pulling out of the country at the request of the congolese government, the un said the 1st phase of the withdrawal should be complete by the end of april . and all the peacekeepers will be out by the end of the year. gabriel's on don't out. you see it at the united nations in new york. pacific time, our fi has been officially declared the winter or sunday goals. presidential election adjusted by 54 percent of sundays, national vote. the vote counting commission says hunting for more housing stations has now been concluded. the constitutional council is expected to confirm the results in the coming days, paving the way for the official hyundai, the power from incumbent. lucky. so the remains of 2 people have been recovered
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from both to most perhaps go river off to choose these bridge collapse. the pots of the 6 missing workers from mexico, guatemala el salvador, and hung juice. funds are being made to remove the congress ship that hit the bridge and clear the channel. so the ports can reopen. authorities saying that 85000 containers are on board as well. as 5 and a half 1000000 leases filled with lubricants, oil, investigators have become reviewing day to a carpet from the vessel with n b. c. news correspondent j grey's life. first in baltimore, nasa j some progress then with the search and rescue a so yeah, terry and we knows that the rest of the teams have recovered. uh, 2 of those uh, 6 victims who have been missing found in about 25 feet of water inside pickup truck that uh, fell from that bridge as a collapse uh those divers working and it's framed conditions, twisted metal,
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a separate tables as low as folder for rock in brick and concrete that were part of the collapse there, a lot of sharp edges there. and a lot of people, a lot of divers, having to work very diligently, a very determined way to, to avoid a cut in a, a suit or a cut of an airline to find locate of these 2 victims the governor of the state. promising that there will be closure for all of the families for a still missing and believe that this point to be in taste and some of that level we're talking about, the divers have been pulled from the water likely won't go back in at this point. the other 4 are likely to be found uh once they begin removing some of that very here. but that can't happen until the investigation is completed, or at least to, to the point where federal investigators say they are clear from the scene and
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ready to release that to cruise to start clearing things way we know that they did a board the vessel today retrieve the data recorder from that vessel and began interviewing some of the crew on board that crew, by the way, still in their corner, still living on that ship, and said to be cooperating fully with investigators who continue to say that they're going to be the follicle about this, they want to take a close look of not only where the bridge is laying across the ship now, but also in the engine room there was deep black smoke coming from the stack just ahead of the crash. and so they want to make sure they get everything they can all of the perishable physical evidence they can before they release the crews to start what will be a massive cleanup operation and a in early days perhaps. but has there been any more clarity on the sequence of events which actually led to the instance as
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well here. here's terry, what we know at this point and there's still a lot of pieces to this puzzle that need to be found and applied. but so we know that the ship ran into trouble just minutes after leaving the port of baltimore that it lost the power and propulsion. so there was no ability to steer and then seemed to move towards that pylon eventually striking it and causing the collapse that we also know that one of the anchors was drunk. what we don't know is if that happened before, after the vessel struck the bridge, so that's something they'll be investigating. and they'll be talking not only to those crew members, but witnesses and there are a few who uh saw all of this on full. they'll be reviewing frame by frame the video that was streaming video of this accident as well. and so that's something they've got to look more closely at and why they say this is just going to take some time physically going to take them some time to pull all of this together. take great,
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thanks very much indeed. pull that to update properties on the rise in argentina, an independent study by the catholic university puts the rates at close to 60 percent. there is a bi reports from one as ours. a garbage dump outside of window site is, has become the livelihood of hundreds of people, 14 hector's of trash just and now we're away from the capital side of the i used to work as a security guard, but it was laid off. he comes in search of scrap metal and anything else he can recycle. you seem to know the situation is very difficult right now and with the finding with what i get here. i have 3 children, one of them with down syndrome, but i can make around $10.00 with a full day of work. over 18 argentina is running at almost 60 percent. those here just a few of the millions of people in need of a to rates are the highest in 20 years. the main reason is the sewing inflation
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that makes it difficult for people to be able to buy food and other items. and that's why many end up in places like this one, trying to find plastic metals and things to sell, so they can make extra money. the devaluation of the origin time basal applied by libertarian precedent, have you had me last year we started feeding and increasing the price of leasing good places. he's moving forward with strategic reforms to measures to improve argentina's. and that's only going on me. the categories is 61, he says, coming here is the only way he has to make a living rainbow. we think we're gonna come here and try to get what i can think of going off the lift stopped eating thinks it's unavoidable. i'm not sure what will happen with the new government, but i hope things start to change soon. working here is huge, i think damaging to people's health. the constant smoke generated by the trash being burns and the decomposed garbage. many cannot afford to buy gloves.
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said it shouldn't, mother has been fighting to transform this place into a recycling facility when the market is because of the crisis more and more people come here. this dump is 20 inches deep and it's already 10 meters. high. contamination is high. we have to do something and provide people with decent jobs . argentina has been struggling with an endemic economic crisis. we years. we need to cost is almost 4 months ago and vowed to transform the nation with his liberal economic measures. those in desperate need can only hope he will succeed. 87 as if he didn't win aside or from son. brazil have on filed a $1000000000.00 green investment to protect the amazon rain forest. the plan proposes a reward system for countries investing in circle carbon sinks, such as the amazon rain forest,
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which not true absorb c o. 2 emissions proposal will be financed by public and private funds over the next 4 years. but there is next. the inside story looks at the un special references report choosing is relative genocidal. x in. gotcha. the, let's get going with your weather report beginning this one off in asia and buckets . time we've got whether dancing around the north here that energy is going to spill into northwest india. this will give us some showers in storms here. so think punjab state right down to the national capital region. so new delhi. so mark, whether in the forecast for you over the next 24 to 48 hours, otherwise it's quiet through india and maybe a shower through care, less downpours across or longer because it's heats and beyond. mar,
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40 degree is on the nose in young. gone on thursday. we can all of this. what, whether from 20 province in china, it straight through to shanghai, some pretty big downforce there, but once it moves out, this temperature is on the rise drunk jane. let's go 30 for you 20. it will han and young joe at $28.00 degrees. all this rain the will pour into the korean peninsula watch as it moves into japan's kyushu island, dark, the blue and the yellow. the more intense that rain needs to be just a few days ago to shoot was dallas. with quite copious amounts of rain, there could be more landside alerts issued temperatures on their way up points. again, in pool caps, you've been sitting records really on and off for the month of march. it's definitely been a hot months, march and heavy falls of rain for what strive of providence on indonesia is made knowledge of java on thursday. the in 2018. a john the sledge, 40 days of civic action against the armenian government. i'm president sockets.
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young's group on power. i'm going to labor to square. and documentary photos is non violent campaign to bring down a corrupt regime, tarnishing out a democratic revolution. i am not alone on the news velvet resolution on our report via you in special rep or tour accuse is real of genocidal acts in gaza. the entire area has been classified as the military objective, making all palestinians their potential targets. so how does the report reflect the reality on the ground? this is inside story, the
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hello and welcome to the program. i'm. i'm a general anatomy of a genocide is the title of a report by the you in special raptor tour for the occupied palestinian territories in just $25.00 to.


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