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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 28, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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how does this integrity in the seat of the the plans to hold robin, you are watching the, i'll just it renews our life, my headquarters here in the hall coming up in the next 60 minutes. video shows is very sol as is coming out of the palestinians in northern garza. then burying though with a bulldozer, they're struggling because they're exhausted. they run out of the resources. they may need a team of international doctors in dollars that describes the dies situation facing medical staff, treating thousands of palestinians. also, it has a dive,
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is recover the bodies of 2 workers from the baltimore bridge collapse. investigators are examining the container ships black box of question. the crew and west include shortages in the democratic republic of congo, united nations, wolds of a disastrous humanitarian crisis, as the army buckles rebels. the welcome to the news. it's a 700 gmc, that's 9 o'clock in the morning. in gauze l g 0 has obtained video showing is really full season garza shooting and killing to palestinians. one of the men repeatedly weighs what appears to be a piece of white fabric to show. but then most of the threats the bodies of then that read by a pull those that these really ami hasn't commented on the video. and we will and use that. you may find some of the images in barbara and go for his report.
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distressing these unarmed man a trying to return to the homes in northern garza. the only way to get sir is through our rashid street west of cause a city, a near the bulls to round about south west of gauze. the city is really forces the deployed a palestinian man. i purchased a used right of soldiers. he raises a white flag, an international sign of surrender and is ready troops to allow him to approach safely. meanwhile, the other young man turns back to where he came from. he too raises a white flag. here, the 1st man disappears from view in the footage. that is really saw just use a name, a homage vehicle to chase down the young man walking away from them. he waves a small white flag at them, but the white flag doesn't prevent salt as from opening fire on him. and his riley
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bull days arrives on the scene. and here we see the body of the fast man on the ground in a final indignity. for john bolt as a shovel, as the 2 parties and berries the men signed, and leta fees really soldiers attempt to conceal the executions. so whereabouts of a group of palestinian witnesses is on known? how much says in any cease fire equipment, the right of palestinians to return to the home safely without being shot at by his grade. trips must be included. barbara and grandpa owe to sarah. but we have to correspondence standing by for us on this story and run con hayes in the occupied east. teresa, the 1st that stole tiny mate move, who's in the rough uh, in the gaza strip. and the honey good morning, disturbing images that are all of these executions. is there any reaction to those pictures? uh where you off. so
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good morning, is it? yes, it's been very, very difficult to see the footage of the 2 young gun arm men pausing. no threat to these rarely, military forces deployed at the and both the traffic circles that the southern western part of garza city, very horrifying scenes of the 2 men approaching the soldiers waving white flags and trying to pass by the check points that are by this way the military with all the sudden they were shot. and what looks like edit a summary execution and then a both. those are just buried them after is random over very they've just did it. and then you know, an attempt to conceal the crime. it just is not a coincidence that this happened to coincide with the findings of the united
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nations, the roberts, for, for human rights in palestine. who is that talked about the conclusion that they came to felt many of the acts on the ground since the beginning of the war constitute in fact, it genocidal intense and war crimes of violation of it. international human rights where civilians and it children and people who pose no harm or no violence whatsoever are being killed in either in their residential homes or, or the when they were rounded up. but from evacuation centers, it's just very difficult cnn. and just put a lot of causing a lot of product and concern for people who are already exhausted and tired of the situations. the living conditions are made very difficult in overcrowded part of the city and, and can't wait to get back to, to their homes in the northern part and god, the city a just by this means right now we can safely say that any holds palestinians had,
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after the un security council resolution was passed are being drowned by these horrifying scenes and by the bonds that have been caused by the intense relentless bombing campaign across the gaza strip. indeed, honey, let's just focus on what's been going on. certainly over the lights as the sun rises across the gaza strip on thursday. why should we be focusing our attention today? it was highly just, it's getting very difficult these days due to just keep up with the ongoing atrocities and destruction caused by the war machine across the gall. this trip in the past 24 hours were very difficult here in rough i city, characterized by more mass killing and more destruction of residential homes and lots stuck funds and our go through our lands. and overnight we're looking more
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a concentration on the central area and air that's supposed to be safe for the 1000 of people who fled at the the horror of the or the north northern part and gaza city. and also at the early hours of this morning and extension of what's going on within the past 10 days around the vicinity of chicago hospital. we're not only we're seeing this really military causing a great deal of damage to the good health complex as you've accomplished the store and gets a property on medical equipments and buildings. but the fact that was running a, conducting a systematic destruction of older residential homes, we're looking at entire residential neighbor home. the route is she, the hospital that has been destroyed then severely damaged beyond recognition, systematic control, demolition of homes as well as the, the ongoing, the burning of residential homes in the area. and what seems to be an assisted, not a good, clear, and solve the area for many signs of life, including the health facility complex itself. the 4th a in rafa,
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thanks very much. let's close over to him. and con, isn't occupied east jerusalem at a month in the past few months while the war on gauze. uh, as far as, as well as incentives being continued, we see some disturbing images. not more disturbing than what we're showing today. any reaction from these very legal services as well, just as i was waiting to speak to you, we did get a response from the is right. the only what we did was just a few hours ago was send them the video and asked them for the response. they've said very clearly, they've said that the video in question is edited and doesn't show the context of the incident. a thorough professional examination is required in order to assess the details of the incident. upon receiving the report on the incident, it was transferred to the relevant professional bodies, full review. that's a pretty standard on. so for these ready meet when we showed them anything, when any journalists us, any questions about what's going on,
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whether it's in your bug, westbank or even in goals that they say we're going to investigate. and then they leave it be hoping that something else will happen and the world's media will be attending will be put elsewhere. that tension will go elsewhere. we've seen this time and time again, so, so with remembering the israel doesn't prosecute soldiers, but any crimes are committed. potential war crimes. let's use that was about to potential crimes being committed, whether it's the occupied westbank, whether it's cause a israel protects its soldiers. we're not expecting a much more detailed response and that certainly wouldn't come today probably wouldn't come within the next couple of weeks or so. probably have to keep on these ready all week to try and tell us exactly what they're investigating and how they're investigating. even then all of that is minutes with these ready, all mean the responses simply says and they keep doing this. we are investigating a man, thanks very much for the update. your calls will continue to monitor that with you
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from occupied these choices. and thank you. a team of international doctors visiting garza highlighting the di condition stuff having to work in the 7 doctors, one to 2 weeks appointment to the likes. the hospital one of the few still possibly functioning. they say understaffed and david, what medics overwhelmed because the health system was collapsed to, to israel. 6 months pool. our team has been doing this for 5 days. were exhausted. i can't imagine what the been here for a 162 days doing this. $24762.00 days without resources is dealing. they've run out of the resources they may need. they've asked for those resources, but they're prevented that aid is prevented from coming in. i don't know if he's less off or come back in. there are hundreds if not thousands of 8 trucks that are stops there with this sort of a but we needed this hospital that can't get in the middle. but patients are lying
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in the core doors. when we go looking, we don't find rooms for the patients. so they're all in the core doors, either on mattresses or blankets on the floor or a bed without the basic components. they're struggling a lot and those are those war. and also it has killed more than $14000.00 children . well, if it's a suffering from severe and bound nutrition under calculation doctors in come out one hospital in northern garza site, but i think many infants every day whose weight does not match that rage and repeating the desperately needed supplies. at least $27.00 children have died of malnutrition in dehydration since october. the mean part of the i see you stuff as come out one hospital. we clearly noticed the influx of huge numbers of newborn baby suffering from acute now nutrition. and it wants to be a d hydration of well this is mainly due to absence of for me to milk cause then as a result a these reach critical and severe degrees of dehydration. and s a d,
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me i just or does an ultimately test on a daily basis. we receive $2.00 to $3.00 cases of underweighed babies, for instance. so we just received this 2 month old baby go way or the 2 kilograms. this is mainly because of the total absence of the for me to milk need for this baby. ringback so in the fight westbank, a gunman has opened fire on 2 buses. cutting is really sightless. 3 people were wounded. one is in a critical condition. children were among the bus passengers and jericho in the jordan valley. let's call save it to lower. com with more. um, this is obviously a developing story. laura and sykes are coming in slowly. what more do we know about this attack to your right. so this is very much a developing story and an active saying at the moment we are gathering information . we know that this happened in a place called l was in the jordan valley on a road complete 90 that were to main road suite. 60 and 90 that connect to
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a lot of the illegal is right assessments all the way along the jordan body and throughout the west side we know that the at, according to eye witnesses. so there was a shooter who was dressed in the military uniform and he was wearing a mosque. he shot towards a couple of his right boxes and all the vehicles so far. one man is in critical condition and 2 more happy, lightly wounded, including a 13 year old boy. there is a man hunt on the way. according to b is write a full says, and we know that is ready, settlers and also is ready for his have booked off the allowance and neighborhood and also at the city of jericho, which is just south of stop. so we will give you more information as it comes in, but we do know that there were at least 43 posting and shootings in at february and 70 in january, according to posting is take us. of course, we'll continue to monitor that. let's pivot slightly to the sort of the ongoing tension across the west bank and the use of moist lady drive and seems to be older
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of the day a as well. policies lives have been off handed in multiple ways, and this is just one of them is happening more frequently in the city and refugee kept in jeanine and north of the occupied west bank. and we've had an increase of is ready drones and as strikes there, um it's, it took place on tuesday night into wednesday. there was an attack that killed at 3 palestinian men inside the refugee camp. and we know also the week before another drone attack killed. and now the at 3 policy you meant to were fights is now the is really say they are trying to root out by to in the camp. they're all multiple flight to groups. so tell us thing is say this is really striking fear in the heart of the refugee camp that it's affecting everyone living that many of leaving some refusing to. but they say that just waiting for these nightly military rates. here's my reports,
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smashed gloss and slapped little blocked hills. evidence of the drop in 5 minutes night in geneva. on tuesday, before midnight, these writing note treat entered the city rating holmes called sketching, goods and destroying a monument. on the outskirts of the refugee camp, they shot a 19 year old man before entering the town with an armed with voters uh, up to hunting roads and destroying infrastructure. jealous on the ground. say these radio and the retreat is among violence. confrontations with fighters before sending in, understood the bloss coming 3 whole bad people here. so they live in fear. some refuse to leave office say that he forced to play a man. that is what i mean. what safety were not safe anywhere? they could, patient has destroyed our life that we would stay here and they could patient will leave one day if those advocacy of theater any cause enough, the o as,
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as tracks and no safety at all. any date is in his track. if it is a funeral, the camp is not safe anymore. people are running away for 2 years, the campus being the epicenter of violent and cousins by these regular military and confrontations with policy and fight is just one week ago, a joint strike kids to find to another above what it targeted that car at least 40 palestinians being killed in air and joined strikes and janine alone since october, the 7th and just under a quarter of full posting is killed in the occupied westbank were also killed here . so the settlement that can in the fights is by drawing because they can find them on the ground. every week we bid farewell to a group of young men from the cap is difficult to leave our homes and everyone is afraid of the us. they buried their loved ones, palestinians a challenging but any tons of piece is also that this being
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a major increase in his writing of the tree rights and the occupied west point since october, the 7th, that's on a fridge. around 42 rates every single day. israel justifies this by saying that, wishing out faces and preventing violence, palestinians say, this doesn't work as they're already binding to tax the worse and already volatile situation north on. i'll just say we're ramallah the outside westbank goes where the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, his office is told, the white house that wants to reschedule a council meeting. and is there any medication most due to visit washington to discuss as well as planned to ground defensive in rough or less? and you all had cancel the trip after the us refuse to veto a un resolution demanding an immediate cease fire in call. so what i can say on, on israel, more broadly, as you asked me about meetings that week that that were held here. they were
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constructive discussions with israel's defense minister. over the last 2 days, russell was one of the many topics discussed with jake sullivan, 20 blinking, lloyd austin and the burns of the prime minister's office has agreed has agreed to reschedule the meeting. dedicated to rafa. so we're, we're now working with them to set to find a convenient date. that's obviously going to work for both sides. but he's his office has agreed to to reschedule that meeting, that would be dedicated to russell, which is a good day. i a spring in the challenge, the collar, he's an associate professor at castle university's golf study center. i could help you with this on the product. i'm again, let's try, let's just begin with this is really delegation as we wouldn't really know the tone of the conversation until we know the makeup of the delegation. and that will give us an inkling as to which way these talks. again, what it's about is it about the human resolution and america's relationship with this route. where is this about the rough operation? well, as fast, we could,
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we can see the be the confusion about that mean is fairly press. our can send that this meeting is not confirmed. i mean the, it's through the anybody who requested the risk of the meeting, but he did not authorize who is going to go. the 2 names of the minister for it so that he got fast on the head of the security council, which means that most probably the media will be only about the raw file for ation . not about what's happened with them with the united nations. uh, so with the concept resolution, even inside the home. yes. so they said that this would be in the past, but it's showing that there was some of the big problems that this will not affect . i mean, the fact that the united says allows that are associated to the past. we know the effect, the long term relationship between the united states and the throttle. because by then clearly stated, there is no change in the policy. if it is about then rough uh, and the potential and incursion by these riley's in
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a certain time line, there is going to be a very interesting conversation to be had in washington. because washington is reluctant for these varieties to go in without a credible plan to protect civilians. exactly, and this is, this is the whole point of all these discuss what we're having about. what i'll do it by the demonstration is doing on one side, the same style. no, you kind of do that. we don't want you to end that we don't want you to kill the more 1000 people. we don't want to extend the conflict, a equity in order to, to it's really sources they plan to. they're based on the augusta. we take that as a bid or may mean that they are thinking of extending the there were at least 2 more months how the united states will react when the in the meet them. they would say, okay, this is our plan. we're going to take 2 months to do dental protection that week. a lot of people, regardless what they got, if they subsequent, because instead and doing a visit, we tried to ask them to use their customer base to provide at the assistance of the
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people that they are and they are suffering to invest. how about the republic can go to that you start easily enough to put the seed media. and so even within the united states, because probably some of the reasons that disagreement about what is what he's doing by the wrong a democrat. the supporters are supposedly against that's both republicans don't under public ones, member for the senate on the, on the call with the student supporting his throat, saying that he would not be interruption at all. military support or finance have so far, so by the house. this a lemma will for the please see, is it the, this, the, him sit on the domestic front and certainly within the politics of the united states . but looking further afield that all countries and areas of the world raising the voices, whether it be china or russia or the european union now. and yet we still have our countries who signed the codes. the abraham a codes that still have diplomatic relations with israel. several central american
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countries of relations completely and send back is really on bus. it is, it is a very desperate scenario in the international community. there is uniformity, but that isn't as well at the same time except the various come on. sense about what is wrong ways going on wrong in this situation? i'm, most of the governments have been both, i have become the more book about, that's a u. k. friends. i mean, the ones that they have for these are the notes that's against a strategy. however, nobody's sticking extra. i mean this or with this idea that you would have to say is actually the only one that can make you started to change that for the policy behavior or their input on behavior. but everybody's expecting that us to be the only one to do that. nobody else there to ask if i have to do something, i mean, literally they do it. but nobody's thinking actual why? because you have to take the main provide that of a police, that's all the i don't want expecting. you'd have to say to do all the the,
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at the job when the solution was passed by 14 votes. so the other members who had one a member of the didn't have the nation with a with because it's kind of also take some action, but nobody has it a and you still have your 7 more of the code may so. so thinking by lucky number, different countries, i'm african countries rather than me that some countries out you up and come through the bulk of this again it's, it's nobody's ask and then leave it on us to come back on the so i'm lucky, nobody can companies and that they, they are thinking some, some issues that actually be, i'm not affecting too much, is readily in terms of focusing back out onto america, you know, bite. and one to this scenario you might say done and dusted so that you can continue with his election campaign. this is becoming quite a large distraction within that campaign. and people in america, very aware of what's going on, the counting, know the war on dollars because it's in the process on social media it's, it's being talked about even in, in, in national news programs. maybe with some sort of bias or knows. and it's not,
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it's affecting his poll writing, isn't it? and this is helping him. so, i mean, the last pause. i mean, every month we see a new police showing how the democrats, both those have signed in to what part is fine. and then the, what is, what are the story by then kind of keep these trends. i mean, at this point, it's 75 percent of the democrats both are out against. but the story is doing to what extent by then keep at supporting his reading without harming his company. i mean, unless he be able to decide the different mother he doesn't care about we need. and the 2nd time in, in an exchange of keeping the, the foreign policy that you of to part of the case, right. of course, this is affecting already the campaign. and longer they are based on a 2nd email, as well as the front of me wants to do more harm we we cost to to buy this cost. so what happens any, in the coming days and the child is a colorado, thank you for joining us. or at least 9 people have been killed in these really
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strong spin, southern level. these really military talked in the clued up on the tie of hoffa, near the border with his right on wednesday. fights is from the lebanese loop, has belong amongst the death israel has described the of taxes, retaliatory hospital, and these really ministry have been looking for support or types of every day since the will and casa began. let's go save it to his and the father, who joins us now from a root. could have you with us saying, i mean tensions on the boat as we said between this but in the meantime, some months now. but the events of the past 36 hours have seen a very high death toll, an injury told of the well yes it has been dudley. 36 hours up to 17. people killed on both sides of the border. $1611.00 on and one is raining. there were 3 separate is really strikes
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to over nice and one on tuesday for has full of fighters were killed up to 11 paramedics rescued team. so our 1st responders affiliated with civil defense groups belonging to hezbollah. and it's a ally, amal and jamal. this let me, they were killed as well. so really you see this conflict becoming deadlier, but this is still very much a target to. and largely, i say largely confined to military targets. a civilian was also among visits yesterday. so this for task exchange of fire, this increased the attacks as part of a pattern of escalation that we have been witnessing since october. since household on opens a front against his ready forces to help the palestinians in garza. and the 2nd, the violence is unlikely to end until there is a cease fire in gaza at least is as well as position hezbollah has said that it will not talk the fighting until the war on. gotcha. and that will that be enough
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for as well as relatives demanding and use security arrangements along the border. they want has blah blah is refusing to sits on the negotiating table until the war on gaza. and so this nature of the nature of this conflict keeps evolving. 70 to 80 percent of the hostilities are along the border area in the border area. but they've moved deeper inside 11 off. they've become more target and settlement services if they will keep monitoring what's going on with you as the day progresses. like you still have to strongly i'll just say it renews as funding to survive in argentina. as poverty continues to rise under the new government, i'm with mobility as in america, the see last most of the livestock and one of the harshest winters in recent memory, [000:00:00;00]
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the hello, well strong systems continue to slide off the atlantic chugging further east across the continent of europe, lots of active, whether it's talked about in this one. so let's go with this winfield coming into england. it wheels, but specifically london itself. i think you're gonna see when it's pushed past 80 kilometers per hour on thursday, still boring and boring across portugal. and in spain, getting into some pretty good rounds of range here, and then up and down the coast of portugal your way. and so it came to exceed 85 kilometers per hour. and so as a result, the waves off the coast of portugal could get up to 12 meters, while the weather pushes away from it. elite now moves integration and sylvania. but we're talking to help. warm air is far north. is berlin in warsaw. warsaw 18th
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degrees for you on thursday for a turkey. yeah, we've got, let's go son, cloud combo in the capital on. correct. but you got 20 degrees on the nose warm in athens to with that warmer air. at 25, i'd seen some sand storms in algeria, but i think the best bet on thursday will be ne libya northwest egypt there. and got to take you to the south for an update on our tropical storm, which is just giving a deluge to that ne slice of madagascar. it's going to wobble in this area over the next several days, instead of a region producing up to half a meter of rain of the a week to look at the world's top business stories. how much is the rebuilding going to cost and who pays from global markets? and economies of small businesses have just started seeing inspection coming down and how it affects the dives? how big a problem is global food insecurity? counting the cost on o g a 02 weeks ago,
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the government of china now was to hike in the price of fuel, was made to it, declared an emergency in areas of food and nutrition. the united nations listed chide is one of the world's most insecure countries in terms of food supply, mainly due to the impact of climate change. the world foot program size, the food in these warehouses. it has 4017 percent of child support the nation. that's 2900000 people who depend on the toner supplies. it's for, for flushed out, especially now the ages is popular to or know many drill the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the book about the what you know, just it, renews with me. so rahman in doha remind to of on told stories these really forces in gaza shocked to on palestinians death. despite one of them waving a piece of white fabric, the bodies within bulldozed into the sand. these railey army says it's reviewing the incident but claims its missing context. as well as told the whitehouse that wants to reschedule a council meeting with us officials delegation was due to discuss as well as a planned grant. funds have been rough, but washington opposes the opinion. present governments. lensky has asked allies to speed up the delivery of fine to address that one person was killed and 12 others wounded in russian strides on ca. he's also what he say. russia carried out 2 strong sold residential areas in the city on wednesday. the tax
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possibly destroyed department blocks. now in the us divers, i've recovered the bodies of 2 workers from the baltimore bridge collapse. now they're looking for full of us who are repairing potholes. when the container ship crushed into the bridge on tuesday investigates as of question the crew under examining the ships, dates of the code to establish the cools. as mike kind of reports the investigation could take up to 2 years to complete. at sunrise, the dive teams resume that search the smooth set this up the river, concealing the has the dis, conditions below. and the 1st bodies were found shortly before 10 am. the divers located the red pickup truck, submerged in approximately 25 feet of water in the area of the middle span of the bridge. divers recovery to v o. 2 victims of this tragedy trap within the vehicle. full victims remain on,
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accounted for. but old have been identified in coordination with our f. b i. partners. we've determined the countries of origin of those that are presumed, the ceased to be mexico. what the mala will salvador and hunters, the notifications. so these individuals, family members and loved ones outside of the united states is being handled by the federal bureau of investigation in accordance with their established protocols. we will use every resource to bring them a sense of closure. we think that's important and uh, and we think these families have earned portal and traffic on the cube ridge regularly exchanges made public indicate to dispatch a head sold to vote and the workers willing potholes on the bridge. there's a crew out there and i want to notify the form and then see if we can get them off the re sent for the warning did not come in time. so what i just found out, the whole thing is just the last,
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the investigators from the national transportation safety board again bowed at the ship and began the process of interviewing the $21.00 members of the crew and the 2 pilots would be in on board our entire focus on seeing is to collect the perishable evidence that's documenting the scene. it's taking photographs, it's taking any sort of electronics or components. whatever goes away once the scene is cleaned up. we need to collect that information for investigation . into s b says it will release a preliminary report within a month. but the final conclusions will take between one and 2 years. my kind of, i'll just say era washington. the independent study in argentina says poverty levels of prism following the election. the presence of the late, he's introduced radical economic reforms to reverse decades of economic tales. but
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the counselor at university study says the poverty rate is maybe 20 percent high in a treason by report. some point is always a garbage dump outside of window site is, has become the livelihood of hundreds of people. 14 hector's of trash. justin, now we're away from the capital. the last at abbey, i used to work. so security guard, but it was laid off. he comes in search of scrap metal and anything else he can recycle. you seem to know the situation is very difficult right now and with, with 5 and with while i get here, i have 3 children. one of them with down syndrome i can make around $10.00 with a full day of work for routine argentina is running that almost 60 percent. those here just a few of the millions of people in need of a to rates are the highest in 20 years. the main reason is the sewing inflation that makes it difficult for people to be able to buy food and other items. and that's why many and up in places like this one,
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trying to find plastic metals and things to sell, so they can make extra money. the devaluation of the origin time base, so applied by libertarian president, have you had any last year we started feeding and increasing the price of leasing good laces. he's moving forward. we strategically forms 2 measures to improve argentina's and that's only going on mean categories is $61.00. he says, coming here is the only way he has to make a living rainbow. we think we're going to come here and try to get what i can think of going off the lift stopped eating. think it's unavoidable. i'm not sure what will happen with the new government, but i hope things start to change soon. working here is huge. the damaging to people's health, the constant smoke generated by the trash being burnt, and the decomposed garbage. many cannot afford to buy gloves. said it shouldn't. mother has been fighting to transform this place into a recycling facility,
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but the not good is because of the crisis more and more people come here. this dump is 20 inches deep and it's already 10 meters. high. contamination is high. we have to do something and provide people with decent jobs. argentina has been struggling with an endemic economic crisis for years. we made 2 costs is almost 4 months ago, invalid to transform the nation with his liberal economic measures. those in desperate need can only hope. he will succeed, 80 said will, as if he didn't win a site if you and if you will say that the gravely concerned about the west in humanitarian crisis. an eastern democratic republic of congo. police pulse is a battling all the groups, including him, $23.00 fighters in the mid roll rich areas. the m 23 of taken control of several times of the provincial capital game, but isn't the threats that case the conflict of displace mold and 7000000 people within the country? okay,
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but i was on the hospital from you and headquarters in new york. in recent weeks, the m 23 has made significant advances, expanding territorial control in fighting against the congolese military. been to kate to the secretary general, special representative for the country said the security situation is deteriorating rapidly and the humanitarian situation is reaching near catastrophic levels. so the more than 7100000 people have been displaced in the country. that is 800000 more people since my last briefing was about 3 months ago. to 3400000 people now suffer from food and security, which means one out of full companies is suffering from malnutrition. d. r c's ambassador to the un called on the security council to take a stronger stand against rwanda. widely believed to be supporting the m $23.00.
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come as huge disease, but for us as a judge we do when faced with the lower repeat offender, the security console has to cross the rubicon of impunity just to impose on dwanda the sanctions that are commensurate with its repeated criminal offenses. the but the rewinding ambassador said it's per room d and the d r. c. that are at the root of regional tensions, according to the group of experts on the data, see most countries of fighting alongside the f. d. a genocidal melisha. again, it's tempting to city in an attempt to end a political program through military means for one that takes do so that's very sick yesterday a. this is why rep bill for the cutting, so you get, the issue has to be resolved. politically. among the company is all these people come said a delicate moment as the un lead peacekeeping force known as owners go, is pulling out of the country. at the request of the congolese government,
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the un said the 1st phase of the withdrawal should be complete by the end of april . and all the peacekeepers will be out by the end of the year. gabriel is on do out here at the united nations in new york. in san diego and bustle. they may fail as officially being declared the winner of sunday's presidential election with just over 54 percent of the vote. the electoral commission says counting from all of the opposing stations is not finished. the constitutional council is expected to confirm the results in the coming days, paving the way for unofficial home data from the incoming. lucky so the click tax has moved from the capital dr. as we are outside the car is tribe, you know where moments ago in the appeals courts, the provisional results of the presidential elections were announced with 54 percent of the votes. it is a comfortable victory for opposition candidate pressing with your wi fi. a score
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that has never been matched before. this is the biggest lead in which an opposition figure has ever won. and election is core that has done many people, including members of his own. 1 already, meanwhile, the ruling party candidate and i do bus gord only 35 percent of the vote. the people have sent a goal clearly made their choice. they want a break from the past. now by sir, we do my $51.00 in urban areas in the car salary, but also is miguel shaw, which is the strong hold of his mentors, opposition, leader, east months, sancho. but in the rural area, that's where a lot of work needs to be done. we met with his father, both origin life's father in his village, outside of the car. he said that his, his son will work with honesty and hard to work to try to deliver on the promises of greater justice in greater equity. for the senegalese people,
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the hanover power will take place on april 2nd, where it will be the end of the 12 year long rule of president. lucky. so in the beginning of your new era, for the senegalese people, nicholas hawk alger 0, the car place in to goes capital. they may have shut down that opposition, meeting cold to discuss a constitutional reform legislation passed early. this week would give them powers to appoint the president and scrubs direct elections. the opposition sizes law loans having president dustin bay to extend his rule indefinitely. the french military helicopters of alice 1270 citizens from hazy to escape gang violence. the french foreign ministry is urging hundreds of other possible told us to contact the m c and for their friends. if they want to leave the vacuum ease of being floated into the nearby french highland of march to meet well as the weight for the transitional government drives all the humans,
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having quiet is unfolding. food and medical supplies have running critically low. the comfortable defense has been ravaged by gun violent since february bubble wrap . life has the latest, almost been happening on the ground regarding the ongoing security situation in haiti as of violence linked to gangs continues to grip the country. the governing council, which seeks to oversee the political transition in the country, has issued its very 1st statement that statement reads, we are determined to alleviate the suffering of the haitian people trapped for too long between bad governance, multifaceted violence and disregard for their perspectives and needs though the group has vowed to restore democratic order, the statement did not outline a timeframe or specific actions that need to be taken in haiti. evacuations or for nationals from the country. continue and international observers ward over
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a worsening humanitarian crisis for the 10s of thousands of patients that have been displaced as violence in the country continues to search. by the way, that off auto al, jazeera mexico city, the still ahead here all the houses that are, will tell you about the new initiative by result of the funds to protect the amazon
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forest. the the about know the health care system and i've gotten installed is in crisis, hospitals and clinics. a fully equipped to medical stuff often leave the country full back to opportunities abroad. but
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a lot of international suppose is adding to the problem as a sort of individual pulls from cute on providence. so this is not a track for tennessee coast and a bunch of travelers even be a good driving conditions. but that's still a landslide. narrow mountain road with just one car composite, the time is the only way to the hospital loaded on vehicles capable for the journey . most of those needing medical help don't have the luxury of ambulances in the side since the thought about to take over of 2021, there's been a shop dropped in donor funds, which helped together in broken public health. just the lack of international support also resulted in shutting down basic health units and many clinics. now, the 150 bed sent for the hospital, not when you said half a 1000000 people from corners, 14 districts, and also patients from newest on problems. that's with the low traveled from because he cannot afford to go to
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a private hospital. his son suffers from the moody, easily treatable under the right circumstances, but to contend fate without proper care. why didn't use the whole lot of the younger we have doctors, but not many. and we don't have medicine. and the doctors don't know how to treat patients with pneumonia. there was not a big hospital like this about the current government, which calls itself the slumber cameron faced multiple bands and women and have also scared of a many health care professionals. all the women are no allowed in the health sector . it is still a shortage of doctors and nurses do not offer this. that's not how that's coming from. the patients arrived here in a critical stage and some are dead on arrival. we referred most of the critical patients to jello. but if we had a standard, i see you for critical patients. we would not need to send them away a, an unforgiving terrain and unpaid roads like this being people have to travel hours to get medical help. it's not just corner problems in other places or occupation
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forces spend more than $300000000.00 a day every day for 20 years. been to die picture. most of gums believe corruption in pbc is rob them of basic services and facilities. projects such as this hospital either remain incomplete or only existed on paper because i'm gonna go to canada. what i have on basic problem is are 200 said hospitals. i'm finished building since we have been reassured that the construction of this building will restart soon. and patients in corner have basic demands on dollars for that matter. we want this road to be booked an ambulance for the clinic and both doctors and specialist until that happens, they must take an affordable, headless journeys just to see a doctor. so i'm going to drop it down to 0, about ne, in the sun. the group of with me that to this of gold on a 10 day hunger strike in india is the dock region to them on states head for the
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time. actually. they also want tribal states as to the area that would allow them to form administrations within the states. the himalayan region has seen frequent protests of told supreme local leaders of the indian government broke down prison gauls in ecuador, all trying to regain control of to revolt. by inmates, not the jail in black, he was what one of the country's most fee it can lead as a skate. last january, the ecuadorian president then imposed a states of emergency to cut down on drug trafficking, gangs baffling. the control of those presence sized light isn't that is wayllace uh, baffling, widespread while size, they are threatening national parks in a guerra state. the forest resides in neighboring a kind of pool. crews are also working to contain the blazes,
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but dry conditions and strong winds. and making things very difficult friends in brazil, having the old a 1000000000 dollar green investment plan to protect the amazon rain forest. the announcement was made by the leaders of the 2 countries during your visit by the french president and then little macro. the plan proposes a reward system for countries investing in cycle. carbon sinks, such as the amazon rain forest, which naturally absorbs c o 2 emissions. the proposal will be financed by public and private funds over the next 4 will. yes. federal chavez is a campaign advise, as i was on what she says, it's not yet clear how the investment fund will be allocated or even distributed. a macro was a rewarding chief, come meet with the highest owner of from friends. and in that ceremony chief pony
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pointed his finger to both lou the n monochrome until then the law has to immediately cancel this fat hope. ground project is a gigantic, re weigh that the big agribusiness traders, such as card you are pushing the prison in government abuse in the middle of the amazon to further exports. so encore and production that is destroying the amazon and the threat of why i'm referring to what she's pony side. because no, no, the commitments on bio economy that market on and lula are pledging to will be able to uh, mate, to become a concrete. if there are, if there is no far is if there is no amazon, if there is no serrado and this huge infrastructure project, but he's now threatening to amazon and it's people's is really uh across. but it's where we stand,
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and we will live to the future of the amazon. the announcement indeed was up for investments on bio economy projects. this one billing is due to be raised. and it includes a technical assistance, which means that we don't know yet how this money will be allocated and how it would be distributed by the banks and private and public funds that will come compose this fund. the food waste a is being described as a global problem, which is how i think economies and fueling habitat loss. revolt from the united nations estimates that household wells wide waste more than a 1000000000 meals a day. on average. each person waste 79 kilos of food annually. that's the equivalent of 1.3 meals every day. everyone in the world suffering from hunger. meanwhile, $780000000.00 people are affected by hand and foot of the wells population faces food shortages,
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the you and says 10 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions come from both the loss and waste the food. that's 5 times higher. the total emissions from the aviation sector. hey, wishful seems a lead. i'm list the right, a climate action and get a lead also of the report. and he says it's a global problem in which we will have to play a role. not just about rich countries. it's not just about one region, it's every sector and every country is, you know, from shops in shanghai, to restaurants and re a, to households at some. but it's really a global problem. and we have to come together and collaborate to achieve a reduction in, in food waste and get all the benefits for people to the planet. and for a kind of nice from getting, sir. so householders are maybe suggest to key phrases to remember. i'm not 1st
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phrase is by what you need, and it's gonna involve making a shopping list, maybe resisting some tempting purchases in the supermarket that you didn't set out to buy, but also perhaps buying fruits and vegetables loose so that they're not in plastic packaging. you can reduce your plastic consumption, but also buying exactly how much you need for the recipe you're following. and the 2nd phrase is, eat what you buy, something to check what you've got in the house, ensure that you're using things you know before they kind of multi intrigues, storing things in a way that keeps them good for longer. but also as part of the learn to love you left those as you know, creative cooking to use up whatever is left in the fridge. it's a great holiday to get into it, taste good, it's fun. and it saves you money as well. and then by the code is in montgomery, i'm counting the cost of one of the most severe winters and it'd be half a century, many communities of all stools and
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a half that lifestyle is temperature has dropped to minus 50 degrees celsius. katrina you? how's the story stuck in but the but still has lived as a nomadic code for his entire life. but this past winter has been one of the harshest he's ever experienced. no, i don't like this, i totally. on november, the 4th, a sport and began and snow started falling from day until nightfall. this continued no stop for 2 days. the snowfall was immense up to one metre high. this was the beginning of what mongolian school they towed a disastrous cold spell which quoted most of the country and stick layers of snow and ice. in rural areas, temperatures plunged to as low as minus 50 degrees. an estimated 5000000 gracing animals died from the extreme cold and being unable to feed tens of thousands of families have been effected. some have lost 70 percent of the livestock snow
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covered roads have also prevented many from accessing food and medical facilities. it's use, not all, probably is all of the pipe probably is just 10 provinces, so i'm going to be affected by slaves in good condition. now 80 percent of my holding to the 282 percent of language in court. this collegial i fixed that by severe being a and past so long success though someone goldie and red crosses climate change has led to when to conditions lasting as long as 6 months. making things very difficult for a quarter of it's 3300000 population who make a living as hard as selling meet and cash meet will. the organization has been visiting families in need and is pleading for international support dot com. but todd last 200 of a 700 animals this winter, but he considers himself lucky. he knows how does who last many more still he
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worries about the health of his remaining animals, fearing he may not have enough newborns this coming year. mushroom this winter was very difficult for us. people couldn't leave their home up, and people ducks know with shovels and even with their bare hands. and the he says the worst of the extreme when to conditions are bought. he must soon make preparations to survive. the next katrina you out a 0 the at least 4 people have been killed in a series of staffings in a residential area in the state of illinois for others also wins is and one victim is supposedly in a critical condition. please say a suspect is in custody, but the motive is not clear of the sold me us senator joe lieberman has died in new york city. the 82 year old politicians of health complications following a full. he was the 1st jewish nominated for vice president when i'll go around for
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the white house in 2000 the games, george w bush. 4 years later, the demons bid for the democratic presidential nomination failed. please support at the world in the truck. that's it for the moment. more news after the bank, the statements here, i'll just say the brutality of the response to the events of october 7th had become impossible to make. no, there is no one nor or international humanities. heidi a lot that has not been violated, it's been one of some western powers supports of, of israel's actions. he's well has the right to defend itself. it has the duty to defend its people. it is astonishing, just how deep cleaning corrupt materially and tomorrow the they all look at how the international news are being applied and ignored, and the is real cause of conflict. israel above the low on al jazeera, the government to focus on says it's expanding everyone who does not have legal documents. that means thousands of off guns, many who are born in park, a son must sleep,
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focused on the police did not treat just rise as scans were detained and forced to pay bribes. near the border with pockets on this comp is ready to deal with tens of thousands of new arrivals. it's a difficult transition to leave everything behind and come to this country. this is just the staging point from here. the journey continues to the places of versions inside of on many of guns will leave the exposure and because of pressure tactic to push the kind of bond government to kind of the people who talk of something called terrorists. deluxe signing the bond carries out the tax inside law cosign when it's leadership is based in a lot of stuff. pockets on says the measures of the curve indeed is migrants, waterford and some are involved in permanent activities. if a g count proficiency, regardless of the legal status, people should be treated with respect with every donation given. with every hawks that cancel, we are changing lives in palestine showing that's loved. the days you donated,
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we deliver to a partnership, we'll be in bringing you home and love to palestine for all to see so donates, with confidence, donates with outcast foundation. we are in palestine together. we are changing the world one hawks, that's the time the video obtained by all just shows is really false, is killing adults. palestinians in northern garza, the bulldozing them into the sun, the colors. so robin, you are watching of their life. but headquarters here in the also coming up, they're struggling because they're exhausted. they run out of the resources. they may need a team of international doctors in gauze to describe the dire situation facing
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medical staff, drinking thousands of palestinians also ahead divers recover the bodies of 2


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