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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 28, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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has the right to defend itself, it has the duty to defend its people. it is astonishing just how deep cleaning corrupt materially and tomorrow lead a look at how the international news are being applied and ignored. and the israel goal is to conflict. israel above the low on al jazeera, the video obtained by all just shows is ready for this coming out of palestinians in northern garza. then bulldozing them into the sun, the on so around the, the watching of civilized and coming up in the next 30 minutes. they're struggling because they're exhausted. they've run out of the resources that may need a team of international doctors. and also, despite the dire situation, facing medical stuff, treating thousands of palestinians
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a government nathan saw around 2 buses. coating is right, he said. leslie occupied, westbank, 3 people. the wounded and dive is rich over the bodies of 2 workers from the baltimore bridge collapse, full brothers are still missing, presumed dead. the welcome to the program. ologist era has obtained video showing is really forces in garza shooting and killing to allow them to palestinians. and the us, despite one of the men repeatedly waving what appears to be a piece of white sand break. to show the end of the front. the bodies were then bulldozed into the ground. these right, the army says is investigating the incident, but we do warn you that you may find some of the images in alexandra buys this report. distressing. these unarmed men are trying to return to their homes in northern gaza. the only way to get there is along the beach,
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west of gauze of city. near the nipple sea round about south west of the city is rarely forces are deployed a palestinian man approaches these rarely soldiers. he raises a white flag, an international sign of surrender, and is rarely troops allow him to approach safely. meanwhile, the other young man turns back to where he came from. he too raises a white flag. here the 1st man disappears from view and the footage then is really soldiers use an armored vehicle to chase down the young man walking away from them. he waved his small light flag at them, but his white flag does not prevent the soldiers from opening fire on him. at close range and his railey bulldozer arrives on the scene. and here we see the body of the 1st man on the ground. in a final in dignity,
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the bulldozer shovels the 2 bodies and berries them in sand and litter. b as rarely soldiers attempts to conceal the executions. i'll do 0 managed to obtain this footage shots with a long distance camera. the whereabouts of the group of palestinian witnesses is unknown. ha says in any ceasefire agreement, the right of palestinians to return to their homes safely without being shot at by is really troops must be included. alexandra buyers, al jazeera as well. we have correspondence on both sides of the story, the way that we speaking to him. i can't get these really reaction from occupied east jerusalem. the 1st let's talk to honey. my maid, who's in rough in the southern gauze, a hi honey. it may be difficult to actually see the pictures, but what must be getting out of what's happened, all these execution style killings and the burying of the bodies and the sand
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a. yes, well the tragedy is of the killing of the 2 and arm civilian and trying to cross to uh, to their homes and gauze in the northern part of their or if they can just cause the wave of panic concern and fear of many of the atrocities and the crimes and the violations that have not been documented, or not being shot live on, on, on camera. and that's uh couple with the statement that we should here the, are on today by her mazda, describing an accusing israel, of committing a heading of the crime and calling on the united nations and the international court of justice to stop these really military from continuing uh, is committing atrocities across the gaza strip against a civilian an armed population in dallas and the northern pon,
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including the active they enforce starvation on the hydration many internet, many human rights organization including the palestine center for human rights and design center for human rights are also joining the statement and calling for the united nations to intervene and to stop the systematic killing of palestinians civilian and the fact that this is happening. and it just happened this time to be documented in with, with the graphic details within the past couple days that over the last week we see another video of 4 people, 4 on arm civilian were trying to get to their homes in eastern part of city of hon you and it says these really military pull data from the area when they were struck by missiles fired by a drones. and they were also documented cases of people to try and to deliver flowers, to their remaining family members in gauze, and then on the part they are nits or even our section do were shot at it just the
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fact that this time and there that case of from last week, having to be documented for a lot of people, only the tip of the iceberg of the large amount of a tri city is committed against an army civilian population. and right now, not only on arm, but also it's hard to death in northern part. then garza city. how do i move that forward in rough? i think so that updates a 100 less coincide with the occupied east. jerusalem and montana is standing by and we wait for is really reaction to help set something. what does it say, man? well, we sent the video in question to the is really all me. and they responded responded . rather, they said the video in question is that it's, it does not show the context of the incidence. a thought, unprofessional examination is required in order to assess the details of the incident. upon receiving the video,
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it was transferred to the relevant professional bodies full review. so a very typical response from the is riley, is that what they often do? almost every single time? it's a we're aware of the incident when we are investigating it, however, that investigation, the results of the investigation is rarely ever made public. and it's almost a tenant, a fight it in israel of any. and so that takes place in need of the occupied westbank or in cause it doesn't ever result in a conviction give you an example. the killing of called extreme blocks late in may . 2021 was the results of that investigation were never released. and certainly no, he's really solved as a faith justice for the murder of serene of last night. it's something that they do if they started prosecute, is ready. so just then that would leave is raised with a very bad sizes about i'm possibly even stop people from joining the army run, but they have mandatory national service in israel. so it's likely that we'll never
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see the results of that incident for once again, he's right, he's responding the same way that the due time and time again, him and of course the and occupied the streets and thank you to the team of international doctors, visits and goals of the, highlighting the dia, condition stuff of working in the 7 doctors that are on a 2 week deployment to i like the hospital, one of the few still possibly functioning ones that i say medics that overwhelmed because the health system was collapsed due to israel's 6 month full, our team has been doing this for 5 days, were exhausted. i can't imagine what the been here for a 162 days doing this. $24763.00 days without resources is dealing. they've run out of the resources that may need. they've asked for those resources, but they're prevented that aid is prevented from coming in. i don't know if he's less off or come back in. there are hundreds,
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if not thousands of 8 trucks that are stops there with this sort of a but we need in this hospital that can get in. and one of my patients are lying in the core doors. when we go looking, we don't find rooms for the patients that are, they're all in the core doors, either on mattresses or blankets on the floor or a bed without basic components. they're struggling a lot and the pod westbank government is open. file on 2 buses coming is riley settlers. 3 people were wounded. children were reported to be amongst the bus passengers and at jericho in the jordan valley. now, is there any falls of block trades and say a man hunt for the attack? it is under way. this cause i have to lower a con is in ramallah with the latest on this. it's an ongoing investigation and details continue to come in. it's still an active and developing scene. you're absolutely right. i just want to walk you box around 7 am local time
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this morning as i witnesses. so a man is dressed the military fatigues wearing a most shooting, sold 5 vehicles. one of those was the boss that you mentioned. we know one man who's 30 years old is moderately wounded. he's now in a hospital injury slough. a 2 more including a 13 year old boy. we're also very lightly wounded out. these are the ami says the man is at lodge and they are combing the area. but when i say coding, i will tell you exactly where this is. this happens in a place called an hour job, which is in the jordan valley is ready settlers living illegally. that is what us soldiers have close off the entire area there surrounding the area at the moment. so with a traffic completely stopped going into that, that also coastal jericho. this is a major city, just south of the i'm the shuttle, the island, the bridge. it's important. so this is the only entrance and exit for posting is to leave the country into neighboring children. so this is happening, radium. it's very high tensions across the occupied west bank. we've seen,
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according to costing take us both of 40 shootings last month and in january, around 70 towards us. right. these here, of course, are you talk about the tension increasing costs, the west bank most probably due to the increase the use of a is really drones which obviously the incumbent population to very threatened by, as well posting as lives have been offended in many ways, especially since october, the 7th here in the pipe, westbank. but really the epi sensor is, janine, this is whether i'm ready posting and fights us. i've been in confrontations with is ready. so this is not the only place that's happening across the occupied west side. so what happened before the last few months is raised, which governs the area that often setup slide for positions on the roof. and they shoot that. so it was still killing palestinians, the now that using s strikes of drugs that this is something we haven't seen in the
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last 2 decades at the very least it but where do you like? but the tensions and slides names have been taking place in the last 2 years. so they've been really escalated to the people living in that the civilians, the children, the mouth as they say, every night they said these rights because they know more and more people are just being taken away in body bags. here's my reports, smashed gloves and slapped little blocked hills. evidence of the drop in 5 minutes night in geneva. on tuesday, before midnight, these writing note treat entered the city reading homes, confiscating goods and destroying a monument. on the outskirts of the refugee camp. they shot a 19 year old man before entering the town with an armed with both is uh, up to hunting roads and destroying infrastructure. jealous on the ground, say these radio and the retreat is among violence. confrontations with fighters
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before sending in, destroyed the bloss coming 3 whole bad people here. city live in fear. some refuse to leave office say that he forced to play a man. that is what i mean. what a safety we're not safe anywhere. they can, patient has destroyed our life. that we will stay here and they can patient will leave one day. if those advocacy of ca i needed cause enough the o as as tracks and no safety at all. any date is in his track. if it is a funeral, the camp is not safe anymore. people are running away for 2 years, the campus being the epicenter of violent and cousins by these regular military and confrontations with policy and fights of just one week ago, a joint strike kids to find to another. but what it targeted the car, at least 40 palestinians have been killed in air and joined strikes. and janine alone since october, the 7th. and just under a quarter of full posting is killed in the occupied westbank were also killed here
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. so the settlement that getting the fights is by drawing because they can't find them on the ground. every week we bid farewell to a group of young men from the company. it is difficult to leave our homes and everyone is afraid of the us. they buried their loved ones, palestinians a challenging but any tons of piece is also dead. this being a major increase in his writing of the tree rights and the occupied west point since october, the 7th, that's on a fridge around $42.00, right? every single day. israel justifies this by saying that wishing up sizes and preventing violence, palestinians say this doesn't work as they're already buying into tax the worse and already volatile situation north on. i'll just say we're ramallah, we all tied westbank. is there any payments to benjamin this in the all his offices
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told a lie to us that he wants to reschedule a time still meeting and is really delegation was due to visit washington to discuss as well as planned ground, defensive in rafa. destiny all who cancel the trip after the us refuse to veto a un resolution, demanding and immediate see sign in garza. and what i can say on israel more broadly as you asked me about meetings that week that that were held here. they were constructive discussion with israel's defense minister over the last 2 days, russell was one of the many topics discussed with jake sullivan, 20 blinking, lloyd austin and the burns at the prime minister's office. has agreed has agreed to reschedule the meeting. dedicated to rafa. so we're, we're now working with them to set to find a convenient date that obviously gonna work for both sides. but he's his office has agreed to to reschedule that meeting, that would be dedicated to russell, which is a good a. so still had, hey, on the out, is there a,
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do you and was with disastrous humanitarian crisis and the democratic republic of congo as the army buckles rentals. and we have for montgomery, as the magic hat is to last most of the livestock in one of the harshest winters in recent memory, the paddler there, it's a story of historic heat for south east asia. you can see the shovel causes dominating in the south, but up in the north despite a little bit of cloud. it is a story of very high temperatures for the likes of thailand with protect seeing exceptionally high numbers and they'll continue to climb over the next few days. bangkok, surgical degrees celsius the on saturday. now, despite that heat across indo, china was still seeing some weather weather for the likes of vietnam as well as los
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and ken bode yeah, i'm very wet. weather continues to dominate across indonesia, particularly across sumatra. as we go into such a day, some heavy rain, that is good news or full australia or it's dried off across central areas like alice springs after a very wet 3 days. so from heavy rain effecting central pots of w a. and for the east in queensland, when we was all flowing very high. so we got flood watches out for queensland and new south wales, but largely dry for past numbers, continuing to climb up into the high twenty's here. and so that southeast corner of australia. but there's a much cooler feel for new zealand. we've got wet to whether it's gonna build this way across the north island on saturday. but it's most settled for the south silent . the why have american evangelicals become his real strongest back?
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or is us president, you'll find the right to stand with this really with no red line. as long as us support continues, is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, the boat and i'm told stories from age and the pacific on out, which is 0. the fuel charges there with me. so rahman, the reminder of all the top solely solved is that one has obtained a video showing is very full sitting. does that choosing to palestinians that
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despite one of them waving a piece of white sand, break that all these with and all those into the send these ready all me says it's reviewing the incident. the gunman and the all spied westbank is like the fire on buses coming is very setlist. 3 people are being wound. this is where the fault is a full price and say a man hunt is underway. the in the us divers, have recover the bodies of 2 more workers from the baltimore bridge collapse that looking for, for others who were repairing potholes when they contain the ship crushed into the bridge on choose day investigates as a question the crew. after examining the ship's dates or the cold, but the investigation could take up to 2 years to complete. my kind of reports. at sunrise, the dive teams assume that search the smooth set this up, the river, concealing the has the dis, conditions below. and the 1st bodies were found shortly before 10 am.
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divers located the red pickup truck, submersion approximately 25 feet of water in the area of the middle span of the bridge. divers, recovery to v o. 2 victims of this tragedy trap within the vehicle. full victims remain on, accounted for, but old have been identified in coordination with our partners. we've determine the countries of origin of those that are presumed, this used to be mexico. what them all of a salvador and hunters, the notifications. so these individuals, family members and loved ones outside of the united states is being handled by the federal bureau of investigation in accordance with their established protocols. we will use every resource to bring them a sense of closure. we think that's important and uh, and we think these families of herndon port on traffic on the eve ridge,
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regular exchange is made public indicate to dispatch a head sold to vote and the workers willing potholes on the bridge. there's a crew out there and i want to notify the form and see if we can get them off the bridge. them for the warning did not come in time. the just found out the whole just the last, the investigators from the national transportation safety board of game boat at the ship and began the process of interviewing the $21.00 members of the crew and the 2 pilots with being on board. our entire focus on seeing is to collect the perishable evidence that's documenting the scene. it's taking photographs, it's taking any sort of electronics or components. whatever goes away once the scene is cleaned up, we need to collect that information for investigation. the n t s b says it will release a preliminary report within a month. but the final conclusions will take between one and 2 years. my kinda,
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i'll just say era washington, you're unofficial say that the quite really concerned about the worst thing. humanitarian crisis in the eastern democratic republic of congo government troops buckling groups into the m $23.00 fighters in the middle rich areas in the east of the country. and $23.00 is taking control of several times on the provincial capital game. it isn't a threat. decades of conflict of displace more than 7000000 people. gabriel alexander hospital from you and headquarters in new york. in recent weeks, the m 23 has made significant advances, expanding territorial control in fighting against the congolese military. been to k to the secretary general special representative for the country. so the security situation is deteriorating rapidly and the humanitarian situation is reaching near catastrophic levels. so the more than 7100000 people have been
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displaced in the country. that is 800000 more people. since my last briefing was about 3 months ago, to 3400000 people now suffer from food and security, which means one out of full companies of suffering from malnutrition. d. r c's ambassador to the un called on the security council to take a stronger stand against rwanda. widely believed to be supporting the m $23.00. i'm a huge disease, but for us as a judge we do when faced with the lower repeat offender, the security console has to cross the rubicon of impunity just to impose on dwanda the sanctions that are commensurate with its repeated criminal offenses. the but the rewinding ambassador said it's for rudy and the d. r. c that are at the root of regional tensions. according to the group of experts on the data see most countries of fighting alongside the f. d. a genocidal melisha against implemented city in an
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attempt to end a political program through media type of means for one that takes do. so that's a very to said yesterday a. this is why rep bill, for the cut in security, the issue has to be resolved politically among the commonalities office of people comes at a delicate moment as the un led peacekeeping force known as one who sco is pulling out of the country at the request of the congolese government, the un said the 1st phase of the withdrawal should be complete by the end of april . and all the peacekeepers will be out by the end of the year. gabriel's on to out is here at the united nations in new york. in senegal, jameel syfy has also officially being declared the window of sunday's presidential election with just over 54 percent of the folks. that took commission says accounting from old paulding stations is not finished. the constitutional counselors expected to confirm the results in the coming days,
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paving the way for an official hyundai, the power from the incumbent to bucky. so nicholas huck has moved from the capital dot com as we are outside the car is tribe, you know where moments ago in the appeals courts, the provisional results of the presidential elections were announced with 54 percent of the votes. it is a comfortable victory for opposition candidate by soon with your wi fi. a score that has never been matched before. this is the biggest lead in which an opposition figure has ever won. and election is core that has done many people, including members of his own. 1 already, meanwhile, the ruling party candidate and i do by scored only 35 percent of the vote. the people have sent a goal clearly made their choice. they want a break from the past. now by sir, we do my $51.00 in urban areas in the car salary, but also is miguel shaw,
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which is a strong hold of his mentors, opposition, leader, east months, sancho. but in the rural area, that's where a lot of work needs to be done. we met with his father, both origin life's father in his village, outside of the car. he said that his what his son will work with honesty and hard to work to try to deliver on the promises of greater justice in greater equity. for the senegalese people, the hanover power will take place on april, 2nd to where it will be the end of the 12 year long rule of president. lucky. so in the beginning of your new era, for the senegalese people, nicholas hawk alger 0, the car, the police in tokyo have shut the position, meeting to discuss the controversy over the changes to the constitution. legislation passed earlier this week gives them peace power to appoint the
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president and scrap direct elections. the opposition says that that will allow the president to focus on the, to extend his rule indefinitely. after 19 years and palate, prison gods in ecuador, trying to regain control and to revolt by inmates. jaylen glad keel was one of the countries may said gang leaders escaped from in january. the equitorial president that impose the states of emergency to track down on the drug trafficking gangs baffling for control of prisons. french military helicopters of alice did 170 citizens from haiti to escape gun violence. the french foreign ministry is entering hundreds of other possible, told us to contact the em samples. they friends, if they want to leave these activities all being flight into the nearby french island of mont sneak model rapidly. how's the latest on what's happening on the ground? regarding the ongoing security situation in haiti has violence linked to games
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continues to grip the country. the governing council, which seeks to oversee the political transition in the country, has issued its very 1st statement that statement reads, we are determined to alleviate the suffering of the haitian people trapped for too long between bad governance, multifaceted violence and disregard for their perspectives and needs though the group has vowed to restore democratic order, the statement did not outlined a timeframe or specific actions that need to be taken in haiti. evacuations or for nationals from the country. continue and international observers ward over a worsening humanitarian crisis for the 10s of thousands of patients that have been displaced as violence in the country continues to search. by the way that i follow al jazeera mexico city, the firefight isn't that is wireless uh, boxing widespread fires. that's all threatening national parks and far as reserves crews are working to contain the blazes,
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but to dry conditions and strong winds on making things difficult. that are new reports of any casualties, at least for people being killed in a series of staffings at a residential area. in the state of illinois for others, a wounded and wound victim is repulsively in a critical condition. please say i suspect is in custody, but the motive is not have clear before me, us send it to joe lieberman has died in new york city. the 82 year old suffered serious health complications following a full, but he was the 1st jewish. no many full vice president with our goal run for the white house in 2000 the gains, george w bush. the mother could as involved go to the accounting, the cost of one of the most severe winters in nearly half a century. many communities have lost more than half of that livestock. this temperature has dropped to minus 50 degrees celsius. katrina, you? how's the story? stuff can but the but still has lived as
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a no medicaid for his entire life. but this past winter has been one of the harshest he's ever experienced. no, i don't. is i totally on november, the 4th? a sport and began and snow started falling from day until nightfall. this continued no stop for 2 days. the snowfall was immense up to one metre high. this was the beginning of what mongolian school: the tude a disastrous, cold smell, which coated most of the country and stick layers of snow and ice. in rural areas, temperatures plunged to as low as minus 50 degrees. an estimated 5000000 grazing animals died from the extreme cold and being unable to feed tens of thousands of families have been effected. some have lost 70 percent of the livestock snow covered roads have also prevented many from accessing food and medical facilities. use. not all.


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