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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 28, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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of the nations on every night to find the done hoping to make the most of this beautiful month. trust us with your messy this ramadan, the . ready as another child dies of non nutrition in gauze, as well as the top cool, oldest israel to take action to allow food aid into the strip. the i'm on the inside. this is out. is there a knife? and that was coming up on time crypto billionaire sound back when free to sentence the 25 years in prison over the collapse of f t x you entries patrol the front lines and 11 known as the conflict between is rarely forces and has full of fi just
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escalates and we report from a transit comp in south see don and we'll see you on says is the world's largest displacement across the united nations. top court has ordered israel to ensure unhindered food a deliveries to the besieged golf. a strip. it comes as food shortages cause by as well as blockade on a trunks on leaving, move palestinian, solving and malnourished children across the strip of suffering a painful and slow death. a 5 year old boy is the latest victim, victoria gates and the begin cell coverage. or the may say to body of 5 year olds, mohammed al new job. he was brought to come all at one hospital, the northern garza suffering from severe mound nutrition doctors that couldn't save him because he's the latest victim of food shortages caused by israel's
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restrictions on a trucks into the strip. at another hospital in northern garza health work and say that seeing many and since every day to underweight for their age under appealing for desperately needed supplies, especially in intensive k units. and then tell us whether or not i'm a product. and so we've received this case about an hour ago, a mama, which in case we've become used to receiving cases like this every day. this child is generally suffering from malnutrition because of the lack of nutrients. you can see her age doesn't match. her weight. does visiting goal, is that from a broad say they'd witness catastrophic scenes in hospitals as a result of israel's bombardment and blockade? tanya hutch assigned as a pediatric intensive care doctor from georgia and our team has been doing this for 5 days, were exhausted. i can't imagine what the, the been here for a 162 days doing this 24763 days without resources is dealing.
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you asked me whether they had the resources to, to deal with these cases. no. the team is being on a 2 week visit to central garza to see 1st hand how the ruined health care system is keeping me around 12 it's hospitals or even partially functioning. the rest to run out of fuel of medicine or being damaged by fighting and his rating. raise those laughter under intense pressure. this hospital has 800 patients between the a 160 beds seriously ellen and you, people are forced to lie and call reduce. a few members of stuff less to working around the clock while often typing with a room grease towards the time. and which of these medical teams are working hard and most of them have lost their children, their wives or their parents. but despite this, they're carrying on what their work kindly shows the psychological pressure. they're facing outbreaks of disease along with male nutrition, to compounding the problems facing medics and gaza. increasing numbers of the sick and dingy need medical help. these doctors have twinkling resources to treat them.
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victoria gave some b, l, g as there. well, as we mentioned the you on this top court has ordered israel to take additional measures as the humanitarian situation. wesson's across garza international courts of justice has told as well to without delay, provide the unhindered provision of a gently needed basic services on humanitarian assistance to palestinians. throughout garza, it also is as well to increase the capacity, a number of line crossing points and for them to be kept open for as long as necessary. gabriel, alexander has more on why the court has chosen to issue the order. they said that these new provisional measures are meant because of a change in the situation on the ground in gaza. they said when they issued their provisional measures of january 26th, at that point there was only a risk of famine in gaza. and the i c j says now that but now
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famine is setting in and that is why these provisional measures needed to be updated if you will, to taking the fact of the changes on the ground in guys just as justifying the modification of these measures. essentially what the i c j is saying is that things have gotten worse and guys have particularly with, with a famine in gaza and they're now calling out israel to put it into that and do whatever is real, can do to get a to people that need it basically this is you could look at it almost as the i c j raising a red flag if you will, to the israelis say we're watching what's going on here's and some new provisional measures we expect you to abide by them. that's bringing home to southern, she joins us from one to 5 east jerusalem homes that has they've been any reaction yet from this route on this move by the i c j. i
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know is really reaction just yet this evening. but remember back in january almost 2 months ago on january 26th, when the initial ruling was given by the i c j 4 initial measures that israel should take after south africa brought forth this case saying that israel was committing genocide in gaza. these really prime minister had told his cabinet members to not speak out about the ruling, and then he later issued his own statement, saying that it was, quote, outrages, defamatory and false. he went on to say that everyone should reject the i. c j's conclusions. additional use nothing you all who has said that israel does what it can to abide by international law. additionally, provide humanitarian assistance into the goals of strips and keep civilians out of harm's way. but these are all things. israel has been accused of not doing nearly 6 months into this war. more than 32000 palestinians killed nearly 75000 others
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injured and not to mention the thousands that are still trapped under the rubble so well, there hasn't been any official is really reaction. we can't expect when there is any sort of statement for it to be over. whelming really negative just hasn't, has been to any other un for i c j decisions previously. okay, thank you for that. honda civic that for us and we'll keep bodies you're new, jerusalem, that's to now to a bill of they'll go far. he joins me here in the studio. he's direct to the foreign policy and security program at the middle east council on global affairs, the other. what do you make as the i see j's new meshes. we weren't expecting them to come this evening. so i've come out of the blue. do you think they all have an issue because they believe as well didn't comply with the 1st set of measures? they announce back in january? that's exactly right. the 1st set of measures were not complied with ending monetary and the situation gone has gotten worse. where every day where we're looking at these images is how to win game is use of starving children and many
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children have died. the whole population of has the, is entering a finding appear, there's not enough calories comes to consume. so i think dyson viewing as for the pressure on, is there a to act? having said that, i think i would argue that actually it's, our vision is the device here is a sort of weapon. so this is nothing extra. and this is happening by design. this part of the collective punishment is it wants to put on the palestinian people. this is exactly it because as, as you say, plenty of evidence to suggest that israel didn't comply to get to the last i, c, j really. and as you say, many agencies and all those have one that israel is using starvation as a weapon of war. the problem is this seems to be no consequences that israel seems to be facing well in effect the israel is really a rogue nation. the stage because it's not complying with i c. j. it's not complying with the u. n. is it ocean that has a history of not complying with the resolutions, whether it's sacraments into westbank, occupational, if they've gotten heads and so on and so forth. really,
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the one can we actually put pressure on is really accepting nighted states and at this stage, and it's not putting enough pressure on is they're, they're making things some lip service to what they have to do. blinking has visited the region multiple times, but to the, if us wants to put actual pressure on israel, 1st of all, stop the flow of weapons. second of all, to stop the financing and sort of or stop providing cover at the national level. yeah, i think it's, it's widely known that it is the united states who's the only one who can really put that pressure on israel. but i guess the question is we keep chasing these resolutions from united nations and all the un bodies. and then when it comes to it, that seems to be no consequences being faced by israel. others who don't listen to what is being asked for. so if it makes $11.00 to it, what is the purpose of these resolutions? why's they then no mechanism to enforce them? unfortunately, this is the weakness of the national system of view and that the,
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the, some of these issues are not enforceable. but i mean, it's really reflect on the south african experience and the end of apartheid part through the apartheid. and in south africa with a combination of international uh, sort of condemnation of south africa that far died as one of the big sanctions and boycott regime. i'm finding the, a strong national movement that was able to advocate for the south african peoples . so we need the same 3 factors to happen and publish time for action to happen on the ground. it's interesting that when it came to russia and ukraine, the invasion, if you crate, and it was countries not the security council who impose sanctions on russia, including cutting off economic relations a sedation in terms of the banking system and so on. individual countries did that . why do you think we're not seeing that happen in this case? the 2nd, this highlights, the sort of the inconsistencies and they have all proceed in the approach towards the ukraine versus the has that. and so they've been very clear to observe the even now 6 months into the wall. yes,
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exactly. but that i have to say also that the situation has really changed as well . and actually when you look at the countries, for example, like in your number of countries such as island, benjamin, spain are ready to recognize for the city and state countries in latin america have sent the we the talk to is really, investors and south africans case. i would say that the international uh world, the global communities coming together for this. unfortunately not yet changing the situation on the ground, but as structural and said, really is there is becoming increasing. yep. or i stayed on this national stage. okay. thank you for your novices adult adult alpha direct the foreign policy and security program at the middle east council level. the fed. thank you. now palestinian children trump in gauze. i have come out to fly the clients on the beach. it's been organized as a show of resilience and peace, but also to give them a brief respite from the devastation of 4 target boys whom reports hundreds of palestinian children came here today to fly that kites into the sky of the besieged
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in place. this event is organized by the american friends service committee, which aims to alleviate to recycle it, to come pressure being into it by palestinian children since the beginning of this conflict in october. as also they want to show the message, the display spouse, the children who desperately in a very desperate need for relief. here in the parent 3 i the and had the mean been motto, we are just trying to have some fun because the current situation is tragic. children are tired, they are feeling lonely. so we need these type of events to entertain the children and make sure they are happy. they only find fun in slicing carts, which implies the majority of freedom and peace. i'm only here right now in order to state from the grim of the street where palestinians, children, here inside the goal is a step, had been killed on an hourly basis. the only wish that they could return back to
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the house is full and even old with days until it peacefully, like the kinds of parts around the globe. direct about zoom out just a rough, rough southern gauze the, the full and the crypto cards. the talking, some banks and fried, has been sentenced to 25 years in prison for his role in what's being described as one of the largest financial fords in history. besides, a 2 year old was found guilty of to forwarding customers out of billions of dollars is the founder of b. s. t x, crypto exchange. he was convicted on old count salton month long trial in november . christmas leave me has moved from new york, citing the res unless of sandbag winfrey's actions and his flexibility with the truth. the judge gave the former c o the crypto currency
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exchange f t x 25 years behind bars. that is significantly less than the a 110 years that he could have received. but more than the 6 and a half that his lawyers had requested. they said he never intended to steal that his customers would eventually be made whole through bankruptcy proceedings. and that at his heart, he wanted to do good and donate his money to philanthropy and help people around the world. the prosecutors took exception to that characterization. they had requested 40 to 50 years behind bars, saying that he hadn't accepted full responsibility for his fraud or his line and could be in a position if let out. to do something like this. again, sam bagman fried, said little as the sentence was read. she did tell the judge that he was sorry for letting people down, sorry for
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a series of bad decisions. and he left the court room and a hand costs just 32 years old. now we'll spend the next 25 years in prison. the judge did suggest that he'd be allowed to be remanded to a prison near his parents in california where his needs, as someone who suffers from autism could be addressed in new york. kristen salumi algebra and the us divers have recovered the bodies of 2 workers who went missing when a bridge in baltimore collapsed. for others disappeared when a container ship hit, the bridge on tuesday. investigate has questioned the crew and on examining the ship's days, have a quarter, but a report could take 2 years to complete. so the heads on al jazeera, 2 years off to el salvador launched is cracked down on criminal gangs. the fee is the countries turning into a police state the
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the, the weather brought to you by visit castle. had a letter that was not down on the in australia and good news. it has arrived to central areas. the skies have cleared for the likes of alice springs off to the which is 3 days in about 3 decades, but we still got some very heavy rain flooring is essential areas of w, a. some storms brewing across queens and pulling down into new south wales. no rivers, our ready running very high, so we've got some flood watches and warnings out here. but the for the south, we go with a lie or it is, and the halter it is as well. post continues to see the attempt to rise over the weekend friday into sat today. and it says some of the story for the se, will be touching in the early thirty's for adelaide with the crew to feel on monday . and some cloudy conditions. no cloud conditions have been still in the show for
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the sol fine and in new zealand. it has been a lot cooler and quite short to this being recently, but there was some recovery to the temperature that on saturday flyer in the south, much west. so of course, eastern areas in the north and the weather will continue to pour into western parts of indonesia. but one also sees some pretty 5th from the storms pop off across pots of indo china and very what outlook friday into saturday for loud and southern parts of cambodia. the weather brought to you by visit castle. unique perspective. everything is political. you cannot stay out of politics and everything is a feminist issue to on hud voices. we see our leadership destroying the ability to have a normal life in god. and that the stories that really feel us having a normal life. elizabeth connects with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there and it's hot,
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it's right here. and right now, the stream on the the sporting out is there a mind, a thought top stories this our, the united nations top court has ordered israel to ensure on hand and food a deliveries to the, besieged gauze and strip full. then a 1000000 people that all facing catastrophic food and security and agencies all morning of immune and famine. a 5 year old boy in gauze that has died of severe non nutrition. scratchy palestinian children have died of non nutrition, non di authorization since the war began. is ready for this happen accused of using salvation as a weapon. form a crypto currency type, green sams, franklin freed,
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has been sentenced 25 years in prison. 32 year old was found guilty of defrauding customers out of millions of dollars as the found to f. b s t x, crypto exchange of noise riley strikes and sell them 11 on are reported to have killed at least 9 people, including full sizes from the group has bullet. so it's l i v a now movement said that it last 2 of its members as well as repeatedly said it won't stop attacking israel until there is a c spot in gaza. and is zayna, hold a reports from china and southern 11 on un troops of trying to keep the peace. we are with italian soldiers. the 2nd largest contingent and the un peacekeeping force una fill their base in southern lebanon as a few kilometers from the border with this route. since the war on concert began in
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october, the peacekeepers have been in the middle of an escalating conflict here. there's been daily exchanges of fire since the lebanese armed group has beloved, opened a front line against is really forces to support palestinians in garza. the unit phil judy continue to carry out as usual, according with the 1701 resolution. what's the change? it was our boss to data was set up accordance with a stability of the periods. un resolution 1701 was adopted following the last war between as well, and has beloved in 2006. it task, he's going to feel with helping lebanon to army. and the presence of arms groups such as has beloved up to 20 kilometers from as well as border it never happened. and as well as males threatening a wider conflict until it does. but 11 honest government says israel must 1st stop violating lebanese sovereignty and withdrawal from disputed areas along the border
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. western diplomats have presented proposals to bring an end to the hostilities along the border, but they have said it is no longer enough to return to the relative calm and stability that prevailed before october. that's what involves a political process based on the full implementation of un resolutions, 1701 that should involve a beast of presence of lebanon's army in the south, which is not involved in this conflict. official say the army faces financial and logistical challenges to carry out its tasks. but there's also a lack of political will to western powers, are proposing to help strength and the army so that it can deploy in numbers and serve as a buffer force to restore stability, no one else. so $71.00 in terms of support of the buddies army is ongoing, that's a long process and that's what the international community is trying to do to bring
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more lebanese army to the south of lebanon. first, there needs to be a supplement to this conflict, but has the law is refusing to come to the negotiating table as long as the war on gaza continues to enter their address either southern, nothing on russia has said that the gunman who attacked a concert venue in moscow had blinks with ukrainian nationalist government killed at least a 140 people, and injured more than a 180 in the attack. on the clerk of 64, i. so in a kind of stone claimed responsibility in a statement department said the attackers had received significant amounts of cash on crypto currency from ukraine. k vas denied having anything to do with the attack . meanwhile, the white house is dismissing allegations by the criminal in the west, in spite agencies were involved in that attack can be a whole kit, has moved from washington on the national security council spokes person, john kirby, holding a call with reporters early on thursday, saying that in fact,
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the united states views this rhetoric coming out of the kremlin is nothing more than nonsense and propaganda. in other words, trying to deflect lame from the attack for political purposes. now we should point out that the united states has said very clearly that the attack has been accepted responsibility by isolated in fact, as recently is just the last hour or so i still has gone even further to issue a statement. praising the attackers and on a telegram saying that it is now urging supporters of my soul to attack so called crusaders in the united states, europe and israel. so that certainly underscores the points that the united states is trying to make as well. now, the white house is also offering up as evidence that it had nothing to do with this attack by saying that it didn't even issue
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a warning to russia. as recently as march 7th, they say even have the time. they say it was a issue that in writing to the security services at 11 15 am moscow time saying that there was this concern about large gatherings and that there could be imminent danger. they further followed up with a warning to american citizens on march 8th, saying to avoid large gatherings due to a potential threat. a boss has plunged off a bridge in south africa, killing 45 of the 46 people on board. the vehicle fell into a ravine and co fight in the northern province of limpopo. some bodies were bent beyond recognition, transform industries promising a thorough investigation into the accident. the united nations of saddam's war has caused wells largest displacement crisis. millions of people have been forced from their homes and all facing acute food shortages. savvy fighting
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continues. hundreds of thousands of playing to neighboring countries. knocking webb has this report from a transit camp in south c don's board, a town of rank every morning, selma adam sends her granddaughter to maya to try and sell some of the few remaining items of clothing throughout many biases in this transit camp in south see don fulton, hall familia, and people have arrived here in the last year. things to don civil war. most everyone struggling to get by the sale means to my as somebody will eat today. they said fine thing and see times capital cost 2 months ago to my father died soon after arriving here and left selma to look off to her grandchildren the money to use it. and i got a phone kinda used to it is the con i often we arrive to, we took my son to the hospital. he'd been ill for months without any treatment. and
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he became, was on the journey of to 5 days in the hospital. he died. i was told to come here and register selma and her family a waiting in the transit camp for un transport to a remote loan to rescue g settlement, whether a people from community frequently from the new, the mountains into time. so that the so cost to move in 20 years ago when the government from civilians or the money from the sale buys amiga meal 6 months ago, there was no market here. many of the traders themselves have to flee the fighting, and they set up stands to sell food to the growing population of displaced people. but everything here is from seed on the onions a grown, the lentils rise old, transported here, and because of the war, the price is just keep going out to the town and ring even though well connected to the rest of south suite on don't keep costs,
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bring goods from the buddha will the possessions of those on the run un gives new arrivals. money for 7 days, food off the top. they meant to go to the long term settlements for other communities, but many doesn't want to. so the transit come keeps growing. and people do whatever they can to get by rush moss, as she saw children killed, people raped when she fled to done. fishy, depends on the sony scrub me. the cabinets as a 5 out of this. if you, this is actually harming my body. cutting my hands and arms, if we were not selling firewood, we would not survive. it's the war that forced us here. we've been told not to stay in this transit account and to go to the refugee settlement, but we don't want to go there. we want to stay near the border, so we ready to go back to the on civil war has forced more than 8000000 people from that homes more afflicting every day. last month and the family hoping for the best
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of times, picking phones out of their hands every day as they wait. malcolm web. ouch is era rank south see don or the philippine president says his government will take counter measures against china off to what he called dangerous attacks in the south china sea for those months have come confrontations between philippine and chinese vessels in disputes. forces budget on mall because junior didn't specify what action the government would take font did say it would be proportionate and reasonable. china is promising to defend what it calls itself in territory. can go to a good deal. china has undisputed sovereignty over the sprightly islands, including sick and thomas shell, and the surrounding maritime areas. and also people, teams. we demand for the full of pain stuff all next to the infringement in publication. china will as a wise tank system and decisive measures to size guy,
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that's what's here. rhetorical sovereignty and maritime writes. an interesting columbia has audit. argentine, you in depth amounts to leave the country itself. the president's argentina's president, how the emulate, cold is columbia, and counts in pod could stop a petro a terrorist and murder. but they made the comments during an interview with a u. s. news channel, which is yet to be bold cost, columbia. recall that some basta from argentina in january optimal, a cold petro and murderous communist as 2 years since a stage of emergency was imposed in el salvador to crack down a long running gang violence, some see the policy as of success with tens of thousands locked up and crime reduced the critics a innocent people have also been arrested on the seemingly never ending emergency is turning the country into a police state. manual report reports from the capital sun south. it'll the
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police incense, of other words enforcing a state of emergency a policy that grant's security forces unprecedented authority and resources to fight criminal games. the crack down is the cornerstone of the countries security strategy gnostic, who fund the, you know that this phenomenon is born of one to port a gang member, which in 30 years become 75000 game members. it's because of this responsibility that the state of exception under the leadership of president. now you bo kelly well and only until every member of this terrorist organization is captured. though controversial, the state of emergency is seen as a success and popular with many salvadorans. today el salvador has the lowest homicide rate in the western hemisphere. a fact that help
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salvador in president know you get a when a landslide re election victory.


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