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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 29, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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is out standing generally some houses the integrity in the pursuit of the . ready ready the whole rahman, you're watching the opposite when use of life, while headquarters here in the hall coming up in the next 60 minutes. the winds top cool, told us as well to allow most food item to gauze and at least 20 palestinians are killed by is very strikes over nights is really strikes in moving syria, at least 37 people are killed with civilians and military personnel amongst the dead protest is demanding an end to the gauze of
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genocide interrupt they stalls that it's fundraising events for the us. presidents and $45.00 people die after a bus plunges into a ravine in south africa, an 8 year old go is the sole survivor. the welcome to the product of the you and stop cold as old as well to insure on him to food a deliveries to the besieged gauze and strip south africa. as also as the international court of justice to ad shouldn't be considered additional measures. in its case against his royal peace, rarely on false is are accused of breaching the un genocide convention as they continue to attack gulls of gabriel. as on the hospital from you and headquarters, new york, as the world is watching, is palestinians go hungry due to israel's war on gaza. it's now clear the i c j is
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watching as well. on thursday, the court unexpectedly announced new orders on israel to try to prevent famine. there are 3 new provisional measures, but the most significant one calls on is real to without delay, ensure and hindered provision of humanitarian aid. everything from food and water to clothing and shelter throughout garza including increasing the capacity a number of land crossing points and maintaining them open for as long as necessary . this additional provisional measure also calls on israel with an immediate effect to hold any military action that prevents the delivery of that aid. the secretary general has no say over the decisions made by the primary judicial oregon of the un, but is following the case closely. we do believe, as
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a matter of principle that all member states need to a by divide by an implement decision. so the court, the court said famine is now sitting in, in gaza. that's justifying the additional provisional measures. many of the judges consider that israel was not really complying with the order um and also given the specificity of the order itself when it comes to a to instruments are in a i think it is clear that this is going to be a key aspect of the discussion for south africa going forward, this is potentially what might make or break the case in terms of like, how do you decide whether genocide is happening is going to be this whole debacle of the $98.00 to gossen of the i. c, j has also requested israel issued a report on all of the measures it is taken to abide by the new provisional
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measures. that report is due by the end of april. gabriel is onto out just here at the united nations in new york. so let's bring him on con in here, he's standing by for smoky parties. teresa and good morning and rhonda and b i. c j really make me a very clear what needs to happen next and happen quickly. or the thing is, is being ignored by the is really, is uh, there's been no official. is there any reaction to this? in fact, one of the main gen use papers has described the i c, j rolling as a yellow coat. that's something that they can actually take no, and is always very good at ignoring anything that you and does. let's take a look at just the last week. there was a cold in the un security council for a immediate ceasefire. israel, it's a big no pets. then there was the un special rapids holes on human rights, people accusing as role of genocide by simply adult that as well. so this will be something that they'll ignore as well. but there is
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a lot of international pressure building and anything that happens in the un goes on the record. so at some point, if there is enough of these resolutions, it's not a, these court rulings then israel may will be pressure to do something by is key. i like the united states. but right now, united states a standing firm is public and critical of the is ratings, but it's still supplying $3500000000.00 in military assistance. a year to be is right. these. so there's not a huge amount these readies need to do right now. in terms of actually responding to all of this, that's probably not going to happen with the next 24 hours. there is a deadline hit the i c, j have said a report needs to be issued by the end of april. let's see if they even commit to that. yeah, lots of moving parts to the story will join us throughout the day. even call that for us. no, it's very false. it's all still talking residential areas across gone. so despite the un security council resolution, as i mentioned, mentioned,
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depending on the immediate c sign, at least 12 people were killed and, and as strongly got a house in rafa is where the bombing has increased in the southern city. why 1500000. that'd be forcibly displace 10 to sheltering wherever they can. many of them flood that to escape fighting for the knolls i've been told by as well. a rasa was a safe soon a to save it to honey. my load is live for us in alaska, in southern garza overnight rates, as we just mentioned across the street. why should we be focusing our attention on friday morning, honey? yes. well let's, let's just start with the new fresh a tag that just happened in han, you and it's in days been part of the city knob design area where at drawing just fire to missile that group of people were waiting for more update on that instead of it, we were confirmed by the eye witness that a group of people were in the eastern part of the city,
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inspecting the destruction the cost of their residential life. where in fact, the target of 2 missiles fired by a drawn into skies of days been part of hon. you and a city, but overnight a pox across the garza for milly and rough i city on the center on the area cause further civilian casualties, more distraction to residential homes and public facilities and forcing people into more further internal displacement here in real fast city. a residential home in the northern part of, of us it in the area between hon unit and drop off where it will be reported, killed and multiple other injuries. arrived to uh, transferred to another job hospital. and already in dire situations, we were told by a paramedic that the difficult is right now. one of the hospital is to respond properly and immediately to the injuries. and the lack of medical supplies is likely to be the reason within the coming hours for the loss of board the lives of those injuries in the central area where it has been targeted repeatedly over the
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past week. the massacres against both that family, that the end of the month as a refugee camp. and this is not the 1st time was the refugee camps are being targeted, started from devalue integration to a new site out refuge account this time and my other camp were looking at 7 people reported from one families, including women and children, reported killed and multiple other injuries if from the surrounding areas as well. we're all transferred to a lot thought hospitals causing for the great deal of damage. and further internal displacement for people have been shouldering in that area since the beginning of the war and the expansion of the ground invasion. and the surrounding area, there is but a whole so been made was that a side of the relentless artillery showing an error strikes as what would more public facilities have been destroyed. meanwhile, in garza city and particularly around the vicinity of a sheep, a hospital and inside the complex itself where there's really military at it called
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using louder speakers on evacuated patients then medical staff, ford is still inside the building, ordered him sharply to come out. not for evacuation, but for interrogation, threatening that if they don't come out, they're going to be blowing up the buildings while they are still inside. and also it more of the systematic control, demolition of residential building at the surrounding area of a super complex of course will continue to monitor what goes on through the day with you. how do you need that for us in southern gone? so thank you. but also in the rafa show resilience and peace from hundreds of palestinian children taught a couple of as soon as the story, the hundreds of palestinian children came here today to fly that kites into the sky of the besieged in place. this event is organized by the american friends service committee, which aims to alleviate to be psychological pressure being a into it by palestinian children since the beginning of this conflict in october.
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and also they want to show the message display spouse, the children who desperately in a very desperate need for relief here in the parents we had the mother. and i mean, we are just trying to have some fun because the current situation is tragic. children are tired, they are feeling lonely. so we need these type of events to entertain the children and make sure they are happy with the they only find fun in slicing carts, which implies the majority of freedom and peace. i'm only here right now in order to state from the grimace, every other streets were palestinians. children here inside the guards and stuff had been killed on an hourly basis. the only wish that they could pretend back to the house was full. and even old with days until it peacefully liked the council, paused around the blue cup as though oh, just a rough, rough off southern gauze to those where you as far as the northern syria,
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have killed at least $37.00 people, including military personnel, the tax talked to the city of a lifetime, they followed some of the strong some of the capital damascus, which we did at least 2 people. now, these really military has previously acknowledged strikes in syria, talking of groups, backed by iran. let's get the latest now on this one is in a correspondence in the lebanese capital baby to joins us now. we talked about the escalation in violence between is riley 11 on the on thursdays and, and now we're seeing an escalation to in syria. what's going on well, syria and safe media is reporting overnight strikes around the northern city of level 3 and safe media blaming as well. same vast to a number of civilians and military personnel were killed. safe media did not reveal what the target was, but the syrian activists on the grounds are reporting. that's a weapons. depole a was hits and they're also reporting staff to up to 37 people were killed as the
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syrian soldiers. but as well as hezbollah fighters from the lebanese arms group, the lebanese armed groups has a military presence in syria, and some of their fighters have been killed in recent months. now, in the past few days, we've seen, almost consecutive is really strikes in syria. whether in a level, damascus or their resort and eastern syria, syria, as well, really a widely hitting a syria iranian targets an iranian link targets in syria. in recent months, we're seeing this marked increase in attacks. and of course, the past few days, zayna had seen instruction various parts of the country, and he was most of the biggest picture in terms of israel strategy here. well, for years now as well, strategy has them. and they've declared this numerous times. they want to prevent
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iran from military and trenching itself in syria, iran for its allies because syria borders as well. they consider this a security threat. but as of late, they have a much more aggressive pastor. more attacks there even being less restrained when it comes to casualties. they're going after members of a bronze revolutionary guards. in fact, a member of the revolutionary guard was killed in the strikes a few days ago in, in their zoo. uh so this is as well speak to a it is to the grades and we can iran and syria and they're doing the same and loved and all. they're going after a round outline hezbollah, which opened the front against israeli forces to help palestinians in garza the last of october. and since then, we have seen targeted killings against has full of fighters and commanders. in fact, just a short while ago, we're getting reports of a, a car being targeted in,
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in southern lebanon. and they have been hitting what they're calling military compounds home, more often than not their homes. because as well as a gorilla force, and they've been hitting weapons to pose in eastern 11 on very close to the syria border. so israel strategy is to prevent syria big becoming an iranian base, or a rear base for hezbollah, or a transit too for weapons to reach lebanon from iraq. so this escalation, not just 11 on, but the neighboring syria as well. that i held at that for us in baby. thank you. well, that's it. more or less again for me. wrong. com is it occupied east jerusalem because whatever happens in southern lebanon, it seems in run, does impact on knowles and israel that's up to you right now. as my colleague does, i know father was reporting that this is all about trying to keep his bullet contained within the self of living on north detroit and escalate things massively . but the movies work is a keep blowing into the air,
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the movies and tags take place. the more likely is the escalation will take place. now the is, randy is on the northern side, have a 100000 people. they've been evacuated from their homes. they evacuated in late october. they haven't been able to go back. they've very angry about that, but living in hotels, they want to be able to go back home. both of these tensions keep continuing. the international community has been very clear. it is all particular america. it doesn't want to see another front being opened up in the northern side of israel and the southern side of 11 on the right. now, these ratings have said that we are dealing with this in the way that we see fit. so right now, although the tensions are contained, so to speak, that is this danger that they could escalate and that's something that hezbollah knows very well. but if his role escalates the domestic pressure in israel,
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those 100000 people that judge about no being able to go back to that are you still get a lot more vocal, the one to go back to that homes at some point and as well that knows that that's another pressure it can puts on prime minister benjamin netanyahu. edmond, thanks so much for that, that to him and calling for as an occupied be through slip. thank you. a protest is demanding an end to these very genocide and goals that have interrupts a stall started campaign fundraiser for the us. president demonstrates a shouted that joe biden has blood on his hands told 100 has moved from new york. it was a trio of presidential campaign power. the past 2 democratic president, bill clinton and brock obama backing up, the current one trailing republican donald trump in polos been dominating him in fundraising. president joe biden play do his strength raising more than $25000000.00 in the biggest fundraising night in political history. with the swing
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states that will decide the 2024 election divided by as little as 10000 votes. money for advertising and get out the vote efforts could make the difference. polls show biden's approval ratings are the lowest of the 3 presidents under performing is 2020 members with black, young and with the war and gaza. aero been muslim american voters, the forum was interrupted several times by anti war protest inside radio city music hall. 2 outside the event anti war protesters held back by an army and secret service agents and police called him genocide. jeff, if you don't want the service not to commit suicide in the steps, applying to get inside donors, paid as little as $225.00. and as much as half a 1000000. a picture with all 3 presidents costs a $100000.00. but to express your view outside,
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it costs nothing as long as you don't mind a little cold and re adding to new york traffic and the crash of secret service agents, which trump, who attended a week in nearby long island for a new york city police officer killed in the line of duty. trump, who has been raising money for his campaign, and his court cases sent out a political fundraising request of his own, saying he needed to compete with a quote deranged hollywood liberals funding by john henry and l g 0. new york, a low joint not by marketing to is associate professor ultimately studies that and that's been police a university in de la kentucky on the prey. and we'll talk about the press the button still i'm using it, but let's just talk about the i c j ruling at the moment to let more agent attended . there should be a ceasefire. i mean, what are the chances of this? well, let's look what happened last time. the i c j broke provisional measures in january . actually there was a decrease in the amount of aid getting into guys after that. so just because the
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ice age a, have a put this ruling forward, it doesn't necessarily mean that is relevant to comply. and let's not forget that the overall amount of 8 has been piece meal. we're looking at a 3rd of what is required for you. well, the only thing that will increase or has seen a spike and aid is essentially a ceasefire. so without a ceasefire, well unlike they're going to see more a bearing it together. so this, the site needs to really come before the otherwise what is response is just it's just rhetoric, i'm afraid what we have more correspondence just because of the building continues, the snipers are still firing at palestinians. and the brutality of these ready forces is quite evident. on the screen with the recent footage that we showed to the last 24 hours of to one on public things being shuffled a beach and that body is being buried. it seems by a bulldozer in the sand. it's called the attention of the americans. they've been commenting on it today. is it just a comment? well, actually, i think it's a really interesting point because we know, as he said that americans, i think, are increasingly frustrated by our israel, the prosecution of all, some completely hostile,
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an appalling suggest this we've actually seen a shift in public opinion in the u. s. a. to people opposing the war, unless it was enough to get that for bite. and democrats even opposed. what is redwood doing in gaza 3 or 4 months ago now that numbers increased, but it's also increased about among republicans precisely because of the videos. as he mentioned these brutal vision videos of, for example, is there any bulldozing on civilians? so that's important, but we have to also reflect the was a recent high profile, a credit of highly publicized resignation of state department officials. this kind of thing is also telling the administration abiding information administration that is not just americans and all potential constituents who are present as well who we have to listen to. but now actually having people in our administration coming out saying we are unhappy with the way our own government or an employer is actually prosecuting or supporting is it has to be said that various states officials state develop the officials, how being resigning over this last 6 or years nothing you but it, there seems to be some traction on this. nothing you but the public nature of and
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as, and i'll shoot aligned to the official said that she had many other of our colleagues that expressed to her that they would like to resign. they just couldn't do it. and so she was actually doing this in a very public way as it happened october. so i think this publicity is key. it's not just that there have been these moments and signings of signatures. so one is actually going out that putting that future curry on the line as streamlined stated, in order to make this point, we can see that this is we can get a lot of coverage in the us. and this is definitely going to, i think, embarrassed by them, and making more likely to, to kind of pressure netanyahu in the upcoming meetings. it's awesome. so let's talk about being honest with us. 48 hours, you know, we've had that turned around. so apparently the prime minister's office saying that we do want to reschedule the meeting that we postpone because you didn't veto you and resolution that we weren't happy with. i mean, one does want that dynamic is because the big talking point here is the rasa incursion that these ratings worked up to you and the americans are trying to right in the back home. yeah, exactly. i mean, i think netanyahu initially threw his toys out the problem with the us, vito,
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he obviously wasn't happy about that. and he wants to demonstrate to his constituency that he was being fun with us. clearly that, and you know, who knows that the ability to actually go into rafa. but also ex, essentially, if is ro relies on american support american military aid. and so he needs to go to the, to the us to do damage control. not only to try and convince the body in ministration that they have a so called plan, but actually to, to buy them to probably tell them this is not going to happen or this kind of happen. and then know who want to come back to is about to make it look like bite and is the one who is kind of snubbing netanyahu's f as to go into rafa. because now who's trying to clean power here and he doesn't want to look week. so he can sort of push this on to buy it and, and say buttons, the one who stopped me, then it helps them safe side somewhere. and saving face is going to be essential for not knowing these to do well. saving face is very pulled up as the buttons. let's touch it because of genocide and starvation to to was of the us administration do not want to be associated with but it's something that has a button called gets away from. i mean, the new phrase is genocide. joe has to go. yeah,
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i mean this is what americans are saying at the moment. those to study protesting against he must be so on thursday night it's something he called gets away from us . we continue to head towards november, the presidential election, of course. and we've also seen the protest both in michigan and people basically refusing people who have previously voted democrat vote to provide. and i says like michigan saying that i'm going to vote for him, or at least not voting for him in those primaries because of what he's doing. so this is a really important thing, but i think what the i, c j is saying, this is a reminder to not just is ro, but 2 people around the world. the countries around the world have an obligation to try and prevent genocide. and the u. s. by delivering aid by at, by bridge to guys that have basically a knowledge that not enough is being done by countries so that interested in it. we also have to remember that the us are actually refusing to use their own laws, which require about any country that's actually interfering with the provision of us 8 or people should also not necessarily be given on site. so biden is in a really difficult situation because he's not only continuing to fund as well. we
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and us have laws, the lease, the lowest, for example, that would actually obligate us to stop funding state that's engaging human rights abuses. but also they are interfering with the provision of aid right to bite, and it's kind of up against the will here because he knows he's trying to write going against us low and his continued support as well. so he's gonna be really struggling to, to, to try and sell this to, to the us public. if he wants to get elected in november, we shall see what happens. certainly, as we have been in the, in the coming weeks, months at marketing. jones, thanks so much. i to speak to some of the wells other top stories now. the buses plunged off a bridge in south africa getting 45 people. an 8 year old is the only stuff, i mean most of the pools emission, the address give us say was one of the most difficult they ever had to undertake. and when they got to the seed, the fund remnants of bodies bent beyond recognition, the wreckage of the bus was engulfed by fire of to it tends to into ravine carrying 46 passengers. the programs on board we're heading to east to celebrations at the
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headquarters of design christian touch during this time of the yeah, these is quite a huge x. it goes to the maureen, which is one of the biggest churches in south africa that cc so they were going to attend the, the, the, the as part of the pilgrimage. so that's where basically, we would normally on the yearly basis. unfortunately, some of these accidents do happen, but this has really been quite a shock for us is quite a huge number of people that have lost their lives. cd says the driver, likely lost control of the bus, which had registration plates from neighbor inputs on millions usually make the pilgrimage. at this time of the stage, the accidents from the increased traffic all come on last year. we last about 225 people are joining, this is the weekend. so right now we're sitting at this $45.00, just one and the crash. so you can read it. you can just imagine how appropriate my
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take this issue is a food safety in the country. the ministry has promised to help perpetuate the bodies of the victims, as well as conduct a thorough investigation. i haven't looked at it, i'll just say rough. uh millions of people are forced from the homes bite civil war in sedona, not on that facing acute food shortages in south sit on the united nations describes the situation that as the world's largest displaced displacement the crisis. welcome web reports from the board to town over link insults who don't of every morning. selma adam sends her granddaughter to maya to try and sell some of the few remaining items of clothing around many buyers in this transit camp in south sea tons, golden hall for a 1000000 people have arrived here in the last year. things to don civil war. most everyone struggling to get by sale means to minus somebody will eat today.
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they said fine thing and see times capital cost 2 months ago to my father died soon after arriving here and left selma to look off to her grandchildren. the money to you, the now got a phone and you went to the con i, after we arrived to we took my son to the hospital. he'd been ill for months without any treatment. and he became, was on the journey of to 5 days in the hospital. he died, i was told to come here and register selma and her family a waiting in the transit camp for un transport to a remote loan to rescue g settlement rather of people from our community team to originally from the new, the mountains in c time. so that the so cost to move in 20 years ago when the government from civilians of the money from the sale buys amiga meal 6 months ago, there was no market here. many of the traders themselves have to flee the fighting
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. and they set up stands to sell food to the growing population of displaced people . the everything here is from see don, the onions, a grown, the lentils rice old, transported here. and because of the war, the price is just keep going out to shows you the town is ranking to know well connected to the rest of south sweep done. don't keep costs spring goods from the buddha will. the possessions of those on the run un gives new arrivals. money for 7 days, food, off the top. they meant to go to the long term settlements for other communities, but many doesn't want to. so the transit come keeps growing. and people do whatever they can to get by roughly moss, as she saw children killed some people rate when she fled to don says she depends on the sony scrub near the camp. so 5, i will get this issue. this is actually harming my body. cutting my hands and arms,
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if we were not selling firewood, we would not survive. it's the war that forced us here. we've been told not to stain this transit account and to go to the refugee settlement, but we don't want to go there. we want to stay near the border, so we ready to go back to the on civil war has forced more than 8000000 people from that homes more afflicting every day. last month in the family, hoping for the best of times, picking phones out of their hands every day as they wait. malcolm web. ouch is era rank south sea done? well, still head, hey, all the news of the indonesian ministry. apologize is of drake torture video as cost outrage plus i'm person salumi in new york where a judge has sent in sam bagman fried for one of the largest financial frauds in history. i'll have that story coming up. the
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had a lot of that as well when the, whether it's a come for you or over the weekend, thanks to an area of low pressure. you can see them on the satellite image bringing some very heavy rain as well as gusty winds to the north west of western parts of year as a very heavy rain that will flood instant iberian peninsula pushing across into front. the low countries it will bring some gusty conditions as well to southern parts of england winter weather here, but friday in to saturday we will see more in the way of some flights of spells. the wind picks up across the mediterranean and the age reactor got that, whether working its way across. the news is, is we with some snow falling on the outset, but an improved picture for the new is this the scandinavian war, the wave sunshine from norway and sweden, low in way of sunshine, further east of its bits and pieces of rain across the west and pots of russia
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moving into cray, but it's wise on that on saturday to launch the drive for the balkans and on was to take he agrees as well, seeing lots of sunshine and it is going to get a lot cooler. however, in the west north, for the east, we've got lots of heat coming in for places like bell grade in. so it'd be lots of sunshine taking us through to sunday. we're much cooler, feel in madrid, new 12 degrees on saturday. the brutality of the response to the events of october 7th had become impossible to make. no, there is no one nor, or international humanitarian law that has not been violated. it's been while you have some western power supports of, of israel's actions. he's well has the right to defend itself. it has the duty to defend its people. it is astonishing just how deep cleaning corrupt materially and tomorrow the they all look at how the international news are being applied and
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ignored, and the israel cause of conflict. israel, a buffalo on al jazeera reporting from the action. how do you mean a great when i'm hearing this thoughts, how is 10 or arabic content has been removed or restricted understanding? the reality for these demonstrators, it's presidents must be solved, reckoning the stability of the country. i'll just say it was teens across the world . when you click sensitive the pots at the store, the, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the
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book about to what email does it renews with me, it's a whole rom and in doha, remind to of on told stories. israel has been order to ensure and handed food deliveries to garza by the highest quote that the united nations state agencies or warning of imminent assignment with more than a 1000000 palestinians facing catastrophic food shortages is really strikes in northern syria, have killed at least $38.00 people including military personnel, the types talk to the areas in the city, overlapping and above. so it's planning east of the bridge, invest into flags in south africa. kidding. 45 people on board. the only survivors was an 8 year old. go the be commanders and engine agents have apologize to the people, all the popular region to video. the dolphin indigenous men being tortured. 13 soldiers were arrested human rights groups say it's the latest of many violations
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in papa. a warning that some of the images in jessica washington's report on stepping this is what spunk outreach, any denisia taken by an asian soldiers video shows and indigenous pop wasn't being tortured to 0, has decided not to show the graphic video. the man was forced into a barrel beaten so hard that he is bled. it's kind of repeatedly with a nice to around him. tons, read the soldiers, love, and st. keep causing him all over a popular the human rights abuses, impunity, torture racism, they keep on going out and being committed by inclination. so which is an interesting police. they open apologize, but they repeat the torture again the abuses and again again and again, there's been decades of conflict between security forces and separate and scripts and entities has east and most provinces. human rights advocates have only cues to
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the military and police of violations in popular including torture and extra judicial killings. german 3 did say they on some wrong thing, just the victim. evidence of violence by security for their own. so calling for in the, in the military operations or in the region, the students say high ranking command is need to be held to account as well. so just on the ground, the more troops are deployed to the more complex will occur on top one land. they have deeply hurt our hearts with criminal act. the 13 soldiers were arrested following the incident. the audiologist, the man in the video was a member of an armed separatist group planning to set fire to a health center he has since been released for we had it all for him to the family . we also suite them with the medical treatments we give. we gave him
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a medical treatment for us, so we have to convince that they put him in a good position. and we also tried to build a good relationship, also with the family. the incoming president, purpose of the end to his pledge to strengthen the presence of security personnel info. plus he has been accused of human rights violations during his time as a special forces commander in the late ninety's. but never charged rights groups accused indonesia is government a standing international media and rights monitors from pop one and say that means there are many more violations that go on seen. and on heard jessica washington to 0 to casa, where we, uh they, what is the deputy director of amnesty international indonesia join us out from chicago to kentucky with us on the program in the nation. military forces have had long directed upon have beam. i'll have had a long reputation unknown for torture in,
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in terms of areas of the country that wants independence, all stand up for civil liberties. it's all being very well documented non mole. so this recent video, what was your reaction to it's in the way indonesians have reacted to it. i think it is on thinkable that be sufficient. ok again, it is not surprising, however, because what, what has just happened and being better world of demented being better. well viewed and viral in the past big is something that is coming up at a series of bodily sense of human rights on lawful killings. and portia has been documented in the island of popular uh, conducted including by security forces that in terms of responses super society is outrage of by the fact that it is happening again. and the fact that the
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sheer violence of the torture uh will be shown on screen. but at the same time as it was assigned to the people. and it shows also outrage because the initial response by the government of anesha, including the army, was denied. that is happening was $39.00 that the show was acute and that the veto was simply added as, and we know now. okay. there it is real. yeah. we started where they typically just talked about the scenario full indonesia because it's very embarrassing for the authorities, very embarrassing for the military. but it shows a sort of a, a, the way time has changed. and in previous years, decades ago, before the into that it was, it was revealed very quickly, these sorts of scenarios. but now with the events of social media and the mobile phone, these events become more apparent and more quickly accessible to, to the public at large, only cements the and so it's in the of the local population that in pop, why is definitely, uh, and this is not the only case of
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a torture it has been documented than google as well. uh, various human rights groups, international and national as well as the united nations related bodies have been able to document the various human rights police and screening process and all about killing. some of them are to put it on screen as well as the fact that he would be doing some sort of video surveys. a see 3 issues like discontinued to occur is simply on think about it shows the seriousness of the government, you know, need to have the response. big cases of social happening in buffalo that we can see in the latest video. all the things that are wrong with the way that the, the secretary process has been conducting uh, military or other farms operations in the, in the area. let's touch the screen when the kinds of jump in that because i want to as well tease the, what is the worry of the indian national socrates about west pop?
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why is it, insurgency? is it terrorism? or is it the say a some suggest the public's demand for independence. walter walters to call to worried about whatever it is that you call those word about this on button to say it is about maintaining software empty. what about it is that they are learning about and none of them and just defies the action that has been recorded. none of them just defies what was done to the indigenous pop ones. we remember that the initial response to the view do as well is the highlight. the agent uh, victim to be members of the i'm groups that we know now that the has been released because they simply should not be does. it doesn't matter. i think it's member of our good or not. he is human. does the start and the end of it. okay, that's the clear to compensate to that,
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that we will leave it and we will see what more action comes out of the indonesia where you are the way to from amnesty international. thanks for joining us from jakarta, it took the site is all set to choose mass and city council members and sundays elections. okay. how's the regions biggest caged population at any 15000000 and the vote of this logic. conservative community is highly sol. tough to send him scripts sent in particular posts from the back here in the southeast is running for mayor of martin, in se, into ts, for the pro curtis them party as a previous to turn marrow the city. he's used to the weeks on campaign. he was remote from office in 2019 along with thousands of other pro kurdish alexis mayors and replaced with state link trustees after allegations of the links to the p k. k . and i'll both curtis arms group. i'm going to accept this. curtis identity is being disregarded and tricky is moving towards choices that this is going much here
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. so this, i'm up this, say a point trustees, but we retain our wells. good. our people oppose this policy and take a democratic sense. we saw the dignified peace and justice from the stars. if this happens, turkey, it will be the strongest stage in the middle. so unfortunately, cards are seen as of the rest of the limits. honestly, then is the governing up parties male candidates in new york. okay. the largest city in the southeast, he rejects those allegations as an that's occurred. he speaks curtis with locals and conduct interviews in the language. and as an example, office parties achievement. he also reminds voters, the education ministry offers curtis classes. while the stake tv has a curtis channel behind japan, if i had campaigned in kurdish 30 years ago, i'd be imprisoned for a year, no matter who is elected as long as he follows the law. i do not believe trustees can be on the agenda, but if you violate the law and transfer resources to the p k. k,
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there may be consequences for the par uh pro chord as hard line party is more visible these days. and major curtis studies like to our book, it demands a significant constitutional change. and for curtis, become the 2nd official language. the parties wise true says they offer an alternative as to why don't we let them eat all they see. what matters is the people's will. we never accept that trustees become a system. however, no person sitting in that position has the authority to commit a crime. in this case, the criminals and the parties as a whole must be separated, whom the opposition has thrown, was spoken out against who the par, comparing it to the household armed group in cities like your book or pull the patients use different language in their campaigns while the ruling of party focuses on providing municipal services, the pro corridors, parties cool for the protection of kurdish identity and freedoms. one thing is for sure. curtis citizens here need the more cnn, because solo l g 0 the our book or to keep the rush. just as it has evidence,
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that gunmen who attacked take homes that venue in must get hyperlinks with ukrainian nationalists. $143.00 people were killed in more than $180.00 engine to be a tech on the credit because of the whole. i. so they have gone this long claim responsibility . the permanent says the attack is received significant amounts of cash and trip to come and see from ukraine. keith has denied all involvement. well the credit is key back in the united states as cold most goes claims of west and involvement. nonsense. give me how kit has moved from washington dc. the white house is pushing back on any notion that western spire agencies or any western government had anything to do with the concert hall attack that took place last week on the outskirts of moscow. national security council spokesperson john kirby holding a call with reporters, suggesting that the rhetoric coming out of the kremlin is nothing more than an attempt to deflect blame,
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and that this is simply nonsense to suggest that the united states have any involvement and also propaganda. now the white house, this is clear from the claimant's responsibility that i sold, is solely responsible for their iso has recently as thursday gone further to praise the attackers. once again, saying that it is now urging its supporters to attack so called crusaders in israel, europe, and also the united states. now the warehouse says that further evidence that it has no connection in any way to this attack is the fact that the united states attempted to war russia that there was an imminent threat as recently as march 7th . that's when at 11 15 am moscow time the united states alerted russia
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in writing of the potential threat against large gatherings and concerts. further, the united states also alerted the american citizens living in russia and around the world that there was a threat on march 8th. now the united states continues to push back on any notion that it was involved in any way with this attack, but at the same time, this was the continued argument that is being made out of russia. kimberly help it's algebra 0 washington. he was the cycle king of crypto covered and so you've been out, he's been convicted as one of the largest financial folds in history. some bank been freed, found a all the cx clip to exchanges to save 25 years in prison, stating billions of dollars. essentially because well, of wearing a prison uniform and facing the possibility he could spend the rest of his life behind bars. sam, bagman fried, acknowledge she'd made
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a series of bad decisions and apologized for wedding his colleagues down the 32 year old former billionaire. better known by his initials, s b, s, started his crypto currency exchange f t x with college funds and appeared and ads with celebrities promoting crypto currencies as safe attacked as the safest and easiest way to buy and sell crypto. it's the best way to get the game, but he went on to steal $8000000000.00 from f t x to cover losses. that is hedge fund, leading to the exchanges collapse in 2022 and his own fall from grace. judge louis kaplan sentenced him to 25 years, saying he knew it was wrong. he knew it was criminal. he regrets he made a very bad bet about the likelihood of getting caught. but he is not going to admit a thing. as his right, prosecutors had called for an even longer sentence reading from the more than $200.00 letters of former f t x customers all around the world who lost money. in
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some cases, their live savings, i romantically his conviction and the collaborative f t. x pointed out the need for some kind of framework because, you know, if this was a regulated entity, there would be ordered financials, there would be transparency to government regulators. there would be regular examinations by government regulators and exam staff. they would have uncovered the kinds of issues and the kinds of misappropriation that bank when fried was convicted of reed's mother and father attended the proceedings. they said nothing inside or outside the court, but in a letter to the judge pleaded for leniency based on their son's autism, which his mother feared would make him vulnerable to abuse. i genuinely fear for sam's life and the typical prison environment barber freed, wrote in settling on a 25 year sentence, the judge expressed concern that sam, banking free, could commit more crimes if not faced with
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a substantial punishment for his actions. but he also seemed to have knowledge of the concerns of his family and recommending that he held in a prison close to them in california. for some salumi al jazeera new york. well, still ahead here all the i'll just ever news to you is i'm to el salvador move to track down on the criminal guides by some fear the country could become a police states. the hard hit came in to be used as the oil see suffered casualties. we have not suffered states. pilots use. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house thought providing on to who that you say know double standards to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy. it's because it's troubling. for you, it's very,
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very painful here the story on talk to how does era the the about cable 100 concert at the school children who it could not to nigeria about came to the students were abducted in the north west. and the state of could do the back on march, the 7th before being fried by the army, not communities are calling for more accountability, particularly with a set of just discrepancies and government reports katia lopez as well, the excited and relieved an entire community. welcome back. the freed students, army convoys make way for the celebration. students were uniting with their
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families for the 1st time since they were kidnapped. many are still trying to make sense of the are deal. let me just give them the problem and that's we were only given 2 meals a day in the criminal beach just before the food was given to us as a teacher died because of the beating and the slapping by the bonded the army on sunday rescue students and staff who were abducted by gunmen from a school and i to reuse north. they say the ransom of nearly $700000.00 was not paid. go ahead. no. what do you my law? we were in deep grief, deeply saddened, but when we heard of their release, we got very happy. no one is happier than us today. but a minute, the relief, there's also criticism discrepancies over the number of the kidnapped headspace concerns. one point teachers said they were $280.00 captives. the government says the number is much lower,
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stating 137 people had been kidnapped and all of them fried the governor has been accused of using the release as a publicity stunt by hosting the students that a state government house just a day after their release was announced abductions that nigerian schools were 1st carried out over a decade ago by the armed group of bulk of rom. since then other criminal grants have follow suit demanding grants. now communities across northern nigeria are again calling for stronger security measures. and for accountability for groups who carry out these type of a tax cut see a little bit. so the un, which is 0 of the 2 years old, somebody heavy cut down on guides and also a little critics. a warning that the country is becoming a police state. tens of thousands of people have been locked up under emergency measures, but they remain want the popular amongst the public, but little rock low report. so from the capital some, some of the police incense of other enforcing
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a state of emergency a policy that grants security forces unprecedented authority and resources to fight criminal games. the crack down is the cornerstone of the countries security strategy gnostic, who fund the, you know that this phenomenon is born of one to port a gang member, which in 30 years becomes 75000 game members. it's because of this responsibility that the state of exception under the leadership of president. now you book kelly well and only until every member of this terrorist organization is captured. though controversial, the state of emergency is seen as a success and popular with many salvadorans. today, el salvador has the lowest homicide rate in the western hemisphere. a
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fact that help salvador and president know you get a when a landslide re election victory, the price of peace, critics say, has been thousands of arbitrary arrests, indefinite detentions, and torture. even residents of neighborhoods that have been pacified like aesop in gonzalez, say that while she no longer worries over games, there is now a different kind of concern as it gets to that last monday. yes. they've captured gang members, but not only gang members. they've taken away innocent people to and i don't agree with that. but even the word of god says the righteous will pay for the sinners experts of war and that the ongoing state of emergency is not sustainable. and that it's transforming the country into a police state. security officials here in el salvador, tell us that while the gang presents in neighborhoods like this one has all but been eliminated,
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regular patrols which include searching people's homes and searching people themselves. will continue to be a vital element in the broader security strategy. the only problem is as a short term emergency measure in, instead of other words, the exception certainly appears to have become the rule. amendments that up a little alger 0 sense out about the major fight as engulfed. a building under construction in northeast in brazil, library was seen following from the high rise in receiving media that says the dimensions and crews evacuated. people from the 5 buildings, the casualties have been reported to you fees on infections across the americas tripled and the 1st 3 months of this year compared to 2023, at least a 1000 people have died this year. the you and kind of american health agency says it could be the regions worst outbreak of the virus, which is terry's bible skis hayes benny published cities and guns coming together
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during the amazon to break that fast and pray. but some other traditions operating more difficult to carry out this year. as homes, i'm a how that explains the default is right as well on the cause of the right mind. hudson, a furnace, cafe and russell used to stop hot coffee and tea. now, it also acts as a mixture of cinema, where displace palestinians, comfortable with distributed one modern cities. it's one of few places in rough. natasha electricity and internet. so we're going to go no, 1st of all, most us as a fungus. i'm the one i want to entertain. now, people during the war time this case i is good for the displace people who come from the north and from different parts of the gaza strip. the case i, which has 2 big cvs and engineers, is mainly dependent on solar energy. intimate here helps everyone to be in contact with the loved ones. because that is, and then these really seats on the cafe is not just the police put in the payment. and hold things, the people come and launch numbers off the evening. prayers to watch the news. they
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want to know about the peace talks and the ceasefire negotiations. the humanitarian situation in rough as dia, and many of the customers will come to the cafe leave intense for the displays that you had. uh no, yeah, i mean, i come here because i have no other place to go. i can stay here and kill time. we come to watch tv, and those are news. i can to make myself a cup of tea at home because of the lack of gas and sugar and myself, the situation as a home is very tough. our life is very difficult. for a few hours a day, a fantasies he does his best to let customers escape the realities of the world, have them at to the finally, some spectacular pictures from iceland jets of love from a volcano that are up did were visible against the background of the northern lights, defensive pools have been built around a nearby town, and people have been evacuated from the homes while increasing disruption. the sold
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in the future is quite spectacular, isn't it? that's it for the way, but for me, i'll be back with more use of the other side of the break. i see a time at your company. the is the biggest global electron you out in history, the world's biggest democracy. oh, if it's own epic store down, join main street of oxygen for a new for bought be focusing on india. in this episode i'll be examining where the democracy is being undermined as political opponents of crime. and that's been that in there will be a facing an avalon that often charges even before full talk. com being the board bought to the veto in the line to palestine. what hope is then we reach out to and let the giving begin with. okay. foundation,
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you donated with kindness. you showed you ok. now let's also show you. we'll deliver it. so done the nights with confidence donates without care. foundation. with every packed of 19 with every press will bring it to light. a little love in palestine. we share in an increasingly complex world, it's paramount to be direct water sheds, moments international law is vehicle b, this model on sort of discussions that come through the noise is real, operates under climate of absolute infinity. we challenge conventional wisdom. how does it affect you? how does it affect community a sense that message that andy out of bigotry, that a sama fob. yeah. but these are acceptable forms of, of hates upfront. when out of here, the latest news as a people have been coming here all day to pay tribute to those who lost their lives . vladimir putin has called the attack of bloody and barbaric app with detailed
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coverage for hours tonight to celebrate perhaps a change for the sending of these people from around the world to abide says the federal government is committed to rebuilding it. there's no indication of when that process might even begin the the you and stop close orders as well to allow more food aid and to cause that's at least 20 palestinians are killed by s, right. save for the lights, the colors, the whole rahman, what you obviously are looking for headquarters here in the whole. so coming up the is very low planes. target load and the civilian and military personnel and civilians are about suppose to be united with that family is more than
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a 100 and such school children kidnapped in nigeria. about the indonesian military


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