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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 29, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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for hours tonight to celebrate perhaps this, so make a change for the sending of these people from around the world. joe biden says the federal government is committed to rebuilding it. there's no indication of when that process might even begin the the you and stop close or does this rattle to a lot more food aid into goals. that's at least 20 palestinians are killed by as strong, safe and always the thoughts that hold on and what you obviously are looking for headquarters here in the whole. so coming up the is a whole pines target load in the civilian and military personnel and civilians are about suppose to be united with the families. more than a 100 and such as school children kidnapped in nigeria,
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a back home. the indonesian military apologize is up to a video of addiction is spending tilted. closest outrage news . welcome to the view is top colt as old as well to initial food age gets delivered into the goal is to strip south africa also as the international court of justice to actually consider imposing additional measures against israel. these really um, forces are accused of breaching the genocide convention as they continue to attack garza. gabriel is all the report stuff from you and headquarters in new york. as the world is watching, is palestinians go hungry due to israel's war on gaza. it's now clear the i c, j is watching as well. on thursday, the court unexpectedly announced new orders on israel to try to prevent famine.
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there are 3 new provisional measures, but the most significant one calls on is real to without delay, ensure and hindered provision of humanitarian aid. everything from food and water to clothing and shelter throughout garza including increasing the capacity a number of land crossing points and maintaining them open for as long as necessary . this additional provisional measure also calls on israel with an immediate effect to hold any military action that prevents the delivery of that aid. the secretary general has no say over the decisions made by the primary judicial oregon of the un, but is following the case closely. we do believe, as a matter of principle that all member states need to a by divide by an implement decisions of the court. the court said famine is now sitting in, in gaza. that's justifying the additional provisional measures. many of the judges
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consider that israel was not really complying with the order um and also given the specificity of the order itself, when it comes to age increments are and 8. i think that it is clear that this is going to be a key aspect of the discussion for self africa going forward. this is potentially what might make or break the case in terms of like, how do you decide whether genocide is happening is going to be this whole debacle of the $98.00 to gossen of the i. c, j has also requested israel issued a report on all of the measures it is taken to abide by the new provisional measures. that report is due by the end of april. gabriel is on to out just here at the united nations in new york. everyone called hospital from occupied east jerusalem. the thing is, is being ignored by the israelis. uh,
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there's been no official is really reaction to this. in fact, one of the major news papers has described the i c, j rolling as a yellow coat. that's something that they can actually take no, and is always very good at ignoring anything that you and does. let's take a look at just the last week. there was a cold in the un security council for immediate ceasefire as well. it's a big note that then there was the you in special rapids tools on human rights report accusing as role of genocide. they simply felt that as well. so this will be something that they'll ignore as well. but there is a lot of international pressure building and anything that happens in the un goes on the record. so at some point, if there is enough of these resolutions, if none of these court rulings then israel may will be pressure to do something by it's key. i like the united states. but right now, united states a standing firm is public and critical of the is ratings, but it's still supplying $3500000000.00 in military assistance. a year to be is
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right. these. so there's not a huge amount these readies need to do right now. in terms of actually responding to all of this, that's probably not going to happen with the next 24 hours. there is a deadline hit the i c, j have said a report needs to be issued by the end of april. let's see if they even commit to that. this is where the fault is all continuing to target residential areas. the cost cause the despite to un security council resolution demanding an immediate cease fire. at least 12 people were killed at an asteroid kind of house in rafa. is there any buildings of the southern city has intensified as one point? 5000000 or forcibly displaced? the sheltering inside. but he said that to escape 5 take the time to being told by as well. a rough i was a say. so i think my food is in rough, a forest enjoys this, not waves, not rates, of course, across the street. but why should we be focusing all retention on friday morning? of the
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yes. well, as of this, our, the surgeon, the artillery southern gun, they are sprites that much more concentrated in the central area as well as dates are in part of the city of han, you, in his work, we're getting reports and confirmed by the eye witness been based in part of the city of pioneer and is where our dealers, so they got talk of drones then jet fighters just are in the area. there is ongoing constant targeting of residential buildings and infrastructure. the report that we had of the group of people that were targeted by a jew missiles fired by a drum there. in fact, the transferred to the gather of the hospital for a treatment we're talking about at least 5 will arrive to the hospital with a critical injuries, but overnight attacks. and rebecca, the dates here caused the death of its well people, mostly women and children, destroyed the residential home as the surrounding area. housing not only shattered
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since the safety more of it, but given the fact that within the past few weeks there wait, but witness an intense uh, error strikes and targets across the roof. i city with the ongoing, the threats of expanding the ground invasion, but causing also further internal displacement. similar situations is in a past midnight hours in the central area and most of the refugee. com, where a residential home was targeted and destroyed. and 7 people from one family were killed in the attacks and several other injuries who wears children inside the residential homes. we were told by someone on the ground, the local resident, the kind of bonds, the aveena dropped. and nowadays, they are the ones that similar to something that is it a quaking the area, it's just shaking the foundation of every single residential buildings and causing great deal of damage when dust settles down that meanwhile, is really military still operate and aggressive lead the vicinity of su hospital
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not only causing a great deal of damage to the facility, but also has already conducted math, arresting, killing large number of people. and right now, calling on loud is speakers on people inside the hospitals to come out. they evacuated the patients, the injuries, the remaining medical is stopped, not to evacuate this time, their order sharply be allowed to speak or to come out for interrogation. otherwise, the threat will be the blow of the buildings while everyone is still in sight. how do i move before said ralph? i think he's also in rough, a show of resilience and peace from hundreds of palestinian children to recover assume has more hundreds of palestinian children came here today to fly that kites into the sky of the receipts in place. this event is organized by the american friends service committee, which aims to alleviate to be psychological pressure being
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a into with by palestinian children since the beginning of this conflict in october . and also they want to show the message, the display spouse, the children who desperately in a very desperate need for relief here in the parents we had the mother. and i mean, we are just trying to have some fun because the current situation is tragic. children are tired, they're feeling lonely. so we need these type of events to entertain the children and make sure they are happy to do the. they only find fun in slicing carts, which supplies the majority of freedom and peace. the, i'm only here right now in order to state from the grip of the street where palestinians, children here inside the guards and step had been killed an hourly basis. the only wish that they could pretend back to the house was full. and even old with days um to live peacefully like the concert pots around the blue star cup, a zoom out just a rough, rough off southern gauze that is where the strikes in northern so you have killed
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at least $37.00 people, including military personnel, the tax talk through the city of alaska, they followed similar strikes on the capital, domestic us, which we did at least 2 people. he's really ministry is previously acknowledged strikes in city, a, talking of groups, but by iran, let's get more of this rosetta called her. he's like for us the in baby to say that we talked about the escalation of violence between his red at 11 at on thursday night. we're seeing this escalation in syria to what's going on. well, a series of strikes overnight strikes that the syrian states of media is flaming on israel in the northern city of a level around the northern city of aleppo, city and state media is reporting casualties among syria and military personnel and civilians. but it does not reveal the targets of those strikes. activists on the ground have told us that the weapons depots have been hits, and that's up to 3637,
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syria military personnel were killed and not just serial military for not personnel . but members of the lebanese, our group has full out what we understand from security sources, that's up to 6 hezbollah fighters were killed. now, israel, like you mentioned, there's not comment on individual strikes, but it has acknowledged that it carried out hundreds and recent years. it's a has always been and said this time and time again to prevent iran and this allies, to billets hurley and trench themselves in syria, which borders is routes and it is really poses a threat to as well. so they've been going after a ronnie and targets iranian link targets, whether personnel, weapons deposed in, in recent months, which we have seen really a step up. the frequency has increased. ethical, say that the past few days of see what various strikes a cross city. i mean, what's the big picture in terms of israel strategy here of the us yesterday we saw a stripe near damascus,
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the syrian capital a few days before that. there was a striking, there to sewer. that's an eastern syria bordering iraq. new brand new and revolutionary guard member was killed the iranian state media acknowledging that as well. strategy is to degrade the capabilities of its enemy in syria and it saves its enemy as a run. and this is employee, the same strategy here in neighboring 11 on it is trying to degrade the operational capabilities of a round to ally 11 on hezbollah. they are in confrontation with that group for 6 months now. it has when i opened a front line to help with the pressure on palestinians in garza, but as well as accidents really have been surgical strikes, targeted killings taking out what if the needs are, as well as military assets. to go with another target that kidding? a car was hits a few kilometers from the border. we believe it could be
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a member of of hezbollah. so you see israel more aggressive posture in recent months since october, october, the 7th. yeah, he'll do that for us in bainbridge, thank you. step protest as demanding and then to the is where the jet aside and goals will have interrupted a stall set it campaign fundraiser for the us president demonstrates a shouting that joe biden has plug. all these have 1200 has the story from new york of the it was a trio of presidential campaign power. the past 2 democratic president, bill clinton and brock obama backing up the current one trailing republican donald trump in polos been dominating him in fundraising. president joe biden play do his strength raising more than $25000000.00 in the biggest fundraising night in political history. with the swing states that will decide the 2024 election divided by as little as 10000 votes. money for advertising and get out the vote efforts
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could make the difference. polls show biden's approval ratings are the lowest of the 3 presidents under performing is 2020 members with black, young and with the war and gaza. aero been muslim american voters, the forum was interrupted several times by anti war protest inside radio city music hall outside the event anti war protesters held back by an army and secret service agents and police called him genocide. jeff, it's not to commit suicide. the steps to get inside donors paid as little as $225.00. and as much as half a 1000000. a picture with all 3 presidents costs a $100000.00, but to express your view outside it costs nothing. as long as you don't mind a little cold and re adding to new york traffic and the crash of secret service
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agents, which trump, who attended a week in nearby long island for a new york city police officer killed in the line of duty. trump, who has been raising money for his campaign, and his court cases, sent out a political fundraising request of his own, saying he needed to compete with a quote deranged hollywood liberals funding by john henry and l g 0. new york. a still a head hey, hold out to 045 people. all you have to invest, plunges into the ravine in south africa. and 8 to go is the sole survivor. and millions of dollars have been approved to help with the clean, the pass, etc. cargo ship destroyed bridge in baltimore, those stories after the by the the
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had a low that we've got an east west divide across your weather wise at the moment in that's going to follow us into the east. we can, we're in the area of low pressure bringing very wet and windy conditions to the west. so we've had snow as well as rain in the u. k. some very strong winds in from spain and portugal. and there's more heavy rain to come. that's going to move its way into most central areas, bringing some snow to the else. it's a very heavy rain. the southern pots of frances was move in areas and eastern areas of spain in the days ahead. but it is looking a much clearer across the eastern areas, lots of dry skies and sunshine to be found here. and this temperature has come down because western areas, particularly the south west, we're going to see them pick up because eastern areas. we've warnings out for those high temperatures in serbia, by the time we get to saturday, will be 29 degrees celsius that in belgrade. so much more fitted for summer then for spring. now we get closer to the north west for britain and the island of
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island was still seen as blast to re scott to show us. but some sunny spells coming in a winter we mix continues to move its way north across scandinavia, but it'll look most settled as we go into south today. but it was all the weather is going to continue if the beer in peninsula with some very heavy rain on saturday, and the to develop the drug speak. humans, scientists conduct test on animals. monkeys are in high demand for the global associates have led to assuming black market one and one is travels to cambodia, whistle blowers excludes electrical government involvement in smuggling monkey based on al jazeera. we don't simply focus on the politics of the conflict. is the human suffering that the reports are pretty brave, bullets and bombs, and we always include the views from all sides. the
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book about to you watching out. just bear with me. so robin in the hall remind the of all the stories as well as being able to, to initial attendance, to deliveries, to cause us by the highest schools at the united nations agencies. a warning of immune and salmon with more than a 1000000 palestinians facing catastrophic food shortages is very false, is also targeting residential areas across cause or despite to un security council resolution. depending on the median si size, at least 12 people are being killed at an strikes on a house in the rough or does really strikes in northern syria, have killed at least 37 people, including military best now, the times, toughest areas in the city of atlanta is biggest with the days of the news now and
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the bus has plunged off the bridge in south africa. getting 45 people. an h will go is the only survivor, probably the septic reports emissions address give us say was one of the most difficult. they ever had to undertake, and when they got to the scene, they found remnants of bodies bent beyond recognition. the wreckage of the bus was engulfed by fire of to it punched into ravine. carrying 46 passengers. the pilgrims on board. we're heading to east to celebrations at the headquarters of design christian touch. the driver liked the loss control of the bus, which had registration plates from the able to inputs i'mma millions usually make the pilgrimage. at this time of us, did the accidents from the increased traffic all come on last year we last about 225 people who are joining this is the weekend. so right now we're sitting at this $45.00, just one and the crush. so you can use it, you can just imagine how appropriate, much of this issue is offered safety in the country. the ministry has promised to
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help perpetuate the bodies of the victims as well as conduct a thorough investigation. i haven't looked at that, i'll just say ref to the gate. it sounds as military. honda has extended special measures to combat of groups by another. yeah. it'd be got the circled general mobilization in it. 2023. with the goal of recapturing 40 percent of the country's territory from rebel forces molded 2000000 people have been displaced in vicki, the fast so fine rubble of tax. most of the 130 school children who it could not to nigeria have been reunited with assemblies. the students who have doctors of the state of could do that on march. the 7th before being free by the abi communities like holding for more accountability, particularly with a set of contradictions and government reports, calculate this other possible excited and relieved an entire community. welcome back. the freed students, army convoys make way for the celebration. students were uniting with their
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families for the 1st time since they were kidnapped. many are still trying to make sense of the ordeal. let me just give them to the problem and that we are only given 2 meals a day in the criminal basis before the food was given to us as a teacher died because of the beating and the stopping by the bonded the army on sunday rescue students and staff who were abducted by gunmen from a school and i to re is north. they say the ransom of nearly $700000.00 with not paid well have no. where do you my life? we were in deep grief, deeply saddened. but when we heard of their release, we thought very happy. no one is happier than us today. but a minute, the relief, there's also criticism discrepancies over the number of kidnapped headspace concerns. one point teachers said they were $280.00 captives. the government says the number is much lower, stating 137 people had been kidnapped and all of them fried
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the governor has been accused of using the release as a publicity stunt by hosting this students at a state government house just a day after their release was announced abductions that nigerian schools were 1st carried out over a decade ago by the armed group of bulk of rom. since then other criminal games have follow suit demanding grants. now communities across in northern nigeria are again calling for stronger security measures. and for accounts ability for groups who carry out these type of attacks. cod see a little bit so the un which is 0 because it does it into the shows of apologize to the people all the popular region after a video of much of an indigenous band being tortured. 13 soldiers have been arrested. human rights groups say is the latest of many violations and papa, and we do all the that. some of the images and jessica washington's report are
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disturbing. this is what spunk outreach in indonesia taken by an asian soldiers video shows and indigenous pop wasn't being tortured to 0. has decided not to show the graphic video. the man was forced into a barrel beaten so hard that he is bled. it's kind of repeatedly with a nice to around him, tons, read the soldiers, love, and st. keep causing him all over a popular human rights abuses, impunity, torture racism, they keep on going out and being committed by inclination. so it just an interest in police. they open apologize, but they repeated the torture again. the abuses again again and again. there's been decades of conflict between security forces and separate and scripts and entities has eastern most provinces. human rights advocates have only accused the military and police of violations in pa, 4,
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including torture and extra judicial killings. they say they on some wrong thing, just the victim system. evidence of violence by security for their own. so calling for in the, in the military operations or in the region, the students say high ranking commodities need to be held to account as well as soldiers on the ground. the more troops are deployed to the more complex will occur on top one land. they have deeply hurt our hearts with criminal act. the 13 soldiers were arrested following the incident. the audiologist, the man in the video was a member of an armed separatist group planning to set fire to a health center he has since been released before we headed offer him to the family . we also suite them with the medical treatments we give. we gave him a medical treatment for us, so we have to convince that they put him back in
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a good condition. and we also tried to build a good relationship also with the family, the incoming president, provo, civilian to his pledge to strengthen the presence of security personnel info. plus, he's been accused of human rights violations during his time as a special forces commander in the late ninety's. but never charged rights groups accuse indonesia is government a standing international media and rights monitors from pop one and say that means there are many more violations that go on seen and on. heard jessica washington to 0 to cause a rush as, as it has evidence that government who attends a concert venue in moscow had links with ukrainian nationalists. 143 people were killed and more than a 180 injured in the attack on the crickets city hole. i saw it, they've got his phone claimed responsibility. the kremlin says the attack is received significant about the caching cryptic covered c from ukraine. keith has
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denied any involvement. the united nations is warning that haiti is close to collapse up to 5000 specially trained police officers that needed to tackle what it calls catastrophic gun violence of guns control. most of the comfortable type ratings. 2000 police were assess requested in july, but the human human rights office says the crisis has become much worse. if you have an attack on the central bank offices, you have 2 attempts to take the national palace. you have human rights defenders and journalists being targeted. so this is extremely alarming. the gangs of turn their violence towards people that for whatever reasons they see as a threat to their continued control. major 5 has a goals, they building up the construction, they know things to brazil, they bring it seems fully from the high rise. it receives the media that says that emergency crews evacuated people from day by buildings. they're casualties have been reported, and thank you. fee for infections,
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a bunch of people across the americas tripled in the 1st 3 months of this year compared to 2023. at least a 1000 have died this year. the winds pen american health agency says it could be the reach is west outbreak of the virus that's covered by both skis. hayes, the us president has approved a 60000000 dollar emergency fund following the baltimore bridge disaster. the body will be used for clean up and reconstruction efforts in maryland. 2 bodies of also being the toughest but the remains of full bridge repair work has forbade trapped in the sunken wreckage and brother. lucon has moved the remnants of the francis scott key, bridge, remain twisted above and below the top sco river. it's blocking the entrance to the port of baltimore along with the stricken container ship. the dolly. a request for 60000000 dollars in federal emergency relief funds has been quickly given the green light by us president joe biden. efforts to rebuild the bridge will be executed in
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stages and work is expected to begin soon. we need to rebuild the francis scott key bridge, but i want to be clear. this work will not take hours. this work will not take days . this work will not just take weeks. we have a very long road ahead of us. we understand that us and we're preparing divers, have found the bodies of 2 workers who are repairing potholes on the bridge when that disaster happened. but the bodies are for their colleagues. all immigrants from mexico on central america haven't been found. salvage teams said they're trapped in vehicles that are encased by heavy concrete in debris. their families say their bodies and rebuilding of the bridge are both the top priorities for walker. we were informed that the government who decided to stop the search to begin removing debris from the bridge. it means that the search for bodies is being put on the back burner. we understand that the us government is losing millions of
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dollars because the boats are not moving, but we believe that they should not forget the suffering of the families. and the 4 victims whose bodies have not yet been found was around 4000 tons of steel and debris sitting in and around the container ship. removing it is a massive job before reconstruction. where can begin on one of maryland's major transport links and ronald han elders here on the sunday is local election day into key wednesday to is choose bass, bass and local council members. the country has the reach as long as code dish population that may be 50000000 listed in consider. it pulls from the se in debt by the votes of the launch, the conservative community, a highly sought after running for mayor of martin, in southeast, in to ts, for the pro curtis them party. as a previous to turn may road the city he's used to the weeks on campaign. he was remote from office in 2019 along with thousands of other pro kurdish alexis mayors
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and replaced with state link trustees after allegations of the links to the p k. k, and i'll both curtis arms group. i'm going to accept this. curtis identities being disregarded and tricky is moving towards races that this is going much here. so this, i'm up this say a point trustees, but we retain our wells. good. our people oppose this policy. and take a democratic sense, we saw dignified peace and justice from the stars. if this happens, turkey, it will be the strongest stage in the middle. so unfortunately, cards are seen as of the rest of the limits. honestly then is the governing up parties, male candidates in new york. okay. the largest city in the south is he rejects those allegations as an occurred. he speaks curtis with locals and conduct interviews in the language. and as an example, office parties achievement. he also reminds voters, the education ministry office curtis classes, while the stake tv has a curtis channel behind japan. if i had campaign.


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