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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 30, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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sofa and a visa cleanser me and yet they continue to report that list of this is the story of just want to be should be a let me know if it had been higher for the loved focus on that just either the the hello i'm about this and this is the news on life from dog coming up in the next 60 minutes, a vehicle kind of united nations ministry observances and southern 11 on israel says it's troops are not responsible. israel attacks the residential areas across garza, its not being 5 days since the un security council called for an immediate cease fire. starving for change on hunger strike is in
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a critical condition in hospitals. she's being charged with odyssey pylons, while families and weiss on the south african pharmacy, they expect to harvest absolutely nothing. the spring and the impact that's coming on the entire region and sport, we're building up to an important match and the probably lead title race between manchester city and arsenal. plus. yeah, like center proves he's one of the fastest rising stars in world tennis e telling the daniel met with them to reach the final of the mind. me up the just on 10 gmc will be going to begin with breaking news coming out of southern level. but at least for united nations, military observers have been injured, but even personal were traveling in the town of a mesh when they were hit. the is there any military is issued a statement denying any responsibility for the incident? we're going to bring in seeing a quarter in both on the phone and just talk us through what's being happenings in
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a, as well as you can imagine, circumstances are still on clear. the un peacekeeping mission has still not issued an official statement of, you know, regarding the circumstances behind this incident in southern lebanon or base is a village just along the border. what we understand is that you and military observers were on patrol and they were injured up to 4 among them, 11 a translator. i'm also understanding that they were on foot patrol when this happened. now we do not know whether or not their vehicle or if they were in seed, deliberately targeted or whether there was military activity close by. and they shall landed close by. or whether this was a deliberate message to a, to, to a force which has the happened happened in the past. so the circumstances are so
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unclear, undoubtedly another of you know, dangerous development in a simmering conflict, which is now in the 6 months between israel and has the law. but this is not the 1st time you and peacekeepers have come under fire in the past 6 months. in november, a patrol like you, you and patrol was hit by is really gunfire at the time and i told her own another border village. and at the time there were no casualties. and with you and issued a statement, you know, condemning of the incidents and saying that all sites should respect peacekeepers. so for the time being once we understand is that there have been injuries. this was a patrol with you and military of servers who work alongside the un peacekeeping force in southern 11 on. and we are waiting for the for the, the statement from the un peacekeeping mission on the circumstances behind this incident. as in and you were saying that these are observers that work alongside
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the, on the military side, work alongside the un mission that they're just talk us through the give us some context about the un mission in 11 on as well. the view and observers, this is a true says supervision organization. their job is to monitor borders. they've been deployed on both sides of the border since 1949. but they have a very different mandate from the un peacekeeping force unit feel, which has thousands of troops. the lawyer deployed along the border. that force has been 11 on since 1978. their mandate has repeatedly changed over the years. the to, you know, it, but on, in 2006, their mandate was updated following the last war between as well. and has the law. they were given the task to help the lebanese army extend its authority across southern lebanon. which means that they were supposed to create a zone up to 20 kilometer seek. that has no presence of arms, arm demand,
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or weapons outside the space control. now that has not happened. and this force really has been facing challenges is at 1st of all, 11 on planes as well for, for violating the resolution by not prospecting. the country sovereignty and not withdrawing from contested points along the border. but as well acute says una fill and abilities army of not clearing the area from from has been a lot of that to. the bottom line is this, this is a un force which is deployed under chapter 6 of the un charter. there's only so much it can do. it has only so much power through. it requires the cooperation of conflicting parties on the ground in order to carry out its mission. but it has played a role in the escalating tensions and in integrated peers. and so we're waiting to see what you know, the circumstances behind this incident, was it
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a deliberate to talk to the shell, land close by? was it a message to, to, to a u. n. for so we, we will keep you updated a and as, as information comes in then a thanks very much indeed. obviously we're going to be coming back to you when that information does come in for an i was in a called on the team in david. thank you very much indeed. gonna bring a name wrong con, unoccupied eastern loose. and this is coming off to the is really defense minister said that a tax is running a tax would expand on has about a, what do you do? you've been hearing from the is wally signed them on. well, these really is i have issued a very swift and very strong denial. they said on the country, the idea of these ready army did not strike a union fail vehicle and automation this morning. very simple statement, a complete to know that they had anything to do with it. now they say is like you said, coming off the back of your glance, who was the defense? but as a speaking of the northern come on, his troops alone, not bode with. ready and on saying that we will go off to hezbollah,
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wherever we see fit, whether that's domestic is whether that's a regional, any warehouse. we're not being chased by his blow anymore. wiggle room on the fence . i was me paraphrasing, but that's what he meant. but when he said the wood driven side, we're now looking at escalating tensions on that particular board, a sofa. the tensions have been contained. that was wanting to start in a week, but that was against a senior. i'm a fleet of a solid, a really i didn't, didn't have a huge impact on escalation, but that's now the key. what everybody is wondering, what your color means and what these latest incident targeting united nations forces along that buddha might mean as well. so like say is what it is completely denying this, but it is coming off the back of a promise from these right these that they would go off to his beloved wherever they saw fit. and thank you very much indeed. and we're on con, in occupied east jerusalem. and
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meanwhile is, or the forces of also being bombing residential areas across the gaza strip. at least 2 people were killed and an overnight attack on our house and all because the refugee account in essential gaza palestinians are digging through the rubble by hand searching for survivors and bodies. in gaza. city, at least a $17.00 standing is, were killed into the tax. is there any forces bombed a sports club and it shows their neighborhoods, the government media office and says police officers involved with securing humanitarian aid where the targets. finally, mock moods lie for us in rough or just talk us through the latest air strikes. first of all, honey. the yes, well within the password 5 minutes, we're able to get confirmed reports that the number of people who are aware critically injured out. and both these, sorry, as the way the traffic circle has reached 10 people who were able to transfer to
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get transferred to without highly baptist hospital enough in central parts of garza city. meanwhile, there's really military still at the ship. a hospital that is visit vicinity operating aggressively not only damage and destroying the properties and the equipments inside the complex itself and ordering people to evacuated immediately. but also setting large number of residential homes that the vicinity of the hospitalized surroundings on fire. just rank large number of it for think many people to start with league from the area all the way through the same drug parts. that's on top of what happens within the past 24 hours where it's 17 people were killed. some of them were still doing inside of for the club and interview role center in as yeah, yeah, neighborhood. as well as a post for law enforcement that are securing the delivery of a to the northern parts and gauze, a city the central area. however, it for an overnight a tops. this was the side of relentless error strikes in both and not as the
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end of the review time as well as the city of deer. but either of these, from part of the city, the eastern side of the law had been wrote on the fact it's happening during the night. just increasing the level of the psychological torture and the trauma caused by the constant leaning on bombing and the further internal displacement for people just jot or any sense of safety and security people on the ground, including the permit expense, civil defense could find it very difficult as we heard it from one paramedic, it to remove people from under the rubble of those who might have survived these attacks. large number of people are transferred to a lot so hospital with along with the injuries, but it's still more people under durable 100. let's talk about the delivery of humanitarian aid. the international court of justice has pressure of israel to allow in more humanitarian aid. is there any sign of that happening on the ground?
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quite the contrary. what we see it on the ground all is after every thing go international body issuing a resolution or a decision. and we've seen this the from the beginning of the dinner assembly decision. and so the, i think you're rolling into the un security council and right now another i said, you rolling, demanding the flow of human and 3 and 8. what we see on the grounds, complete opposite of what's going on going obstruction. all of the flow of human and 3 and 8 on a trucks through the northern part and gaza city. there are restrictions on the ground, the barn aid workers, and 8 organizations from doing the job that they are tasked to do and delivering those much needed. desperate needs for uh, for people to start being in northern parts and garza city. now the alternatives right now, if you look the amount of, of trucks an amount of food aid is, is only an o a drop the notion of what is needed right now. the alternatives,
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however, are not also doing any, any significant change in the ground. in fact, so far is robbing have kills more people when it's compared to feeding people and the construction of the future. of course, this is gonna take long time. we're looking at 2 months ahead, and the fact that it is constructed by the use of rumbles of residential homes that were destroyed. the are filled with a lot and the seas bodies making a lot of people are frustrated right now that should not be done. this way, just so much disrespect for those who are, who are trapped and missing under the rubble. and especially for remaining family members who are very, very, frustrated and disappointed at the decision of the use of those of the rebels to bold disappear. honey, thanks very much indeed, honey. my food slide for us in the rafa. this is just continuing its attacks and guys have, despite holdings by the united nations. in the past week, the security council's positive resolution, demanding and immediate seems 5 during the month of ramadan. and as we mentioned, the international court of justice ordered israel to guarantee the supply of
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commodity. i'm in a and open more land border crossings. neither has been put into practice toby, catalan's and international law specialist in the field of international criminal and human detailing rights. he's joining us from the hi, thank you very much. the for being with us. this is not the 1st time that israel has ignored or chosen to ignore un resolutions is done on so on many occasions in the past, given the circumstances that were facing now or how difficult does this make the credibility of the un security council. i am indeed the international court of justice. if israel can simply ignore the i'm thank you. i think it is one of the difficult things that we have um is that israel has a longstanding history of ignore and even resolutions and effectively to continue to use the argument that the biased one sided and bordered on semitism. and so
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it does obviously makes the, the process a very, very difficult of course, what we have seen a different international court of justice is that is relative engage in that process. we've seen the audience that will put forward i'm not particularly compelling. a response to validation that have been made. and we can see now with the, the new provisional measures, the test that i've been ordered by the court of justice at a very different time been struck by, by many of the judge is effectively run here to patients with, with israel. and also what we do say is every change. i can't change the position of united states, but not ex husband's retired, but abstaining from the bird so. so you can see that there it is very much a change in the international response. and i would imagine that there are many discussions buying place though,
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is going on right now to try and get his route to engage with them to be effective for an officer at any point. but anyone's guess. i'm that does this highlight the problem that has been going on for, for many years now? not just with israel, but certainly when it comes to movies that are made by resolutions that are made by the un security council, that's one thing to make the resolution. and it took them 5 months to get to that stage. but enforcement is a different issue and it seems as though that when it comes to enforcing things like this, that is where the system seems to to break down. absolutely. i think certainly i've been one of the commentators who has made that point consistently is that it is the lack of enforcement that is that is preventing any, any real action being taken by sometimes if the entire court of justice and even security council. but it also, i think it is a worry and when you have the national security specs person for united states effectively saying that the decisions of human security council are not binding.
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but of course, everyone knows that they at all. and we will most giving the states like israel and opportunity to, to disregard the binding decisions being made by international buddies. and so i think what we, what we do need to see is, is a great deal more pressure and effectively more effective sanctions being, being put on israel to, to full state compliance. and of course, the other element in the room that we haven't mentioned yet is the international criminal court. and that is a body that has, that has real pop. um and we, we should be seeing multiple been done by the plus q to, i'll be in several colt. i'm, we're talking, we will be talking in a moment about the fact that the us as a ponce is being reported is sending more weapons to israel. it's agreed upon me to do so, and i understand that in february, the by to ministration signed a memorandum which signed and i hope i get this right. it requires credible written
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assurances from those getting us weapons, but the arms aren't being used in rights violations. this is back in february, the by the ministration says it is accepted, israel's assurances. but that is the case when it comes to particularly guys, or what does that tell us about the way that the us is choosing to interpret its legal liability when it comes to circumstances like this. but let's say what it is, what it tells us is that the united states is quite happy to put his head in the sand when it comes to, to its relationship with israel. i mean, you don't need a written assurance to, to, to know what is happening on the ground and to see what is what is playing a while, screams minute, 5 minutes every day when we have a good excess. so it's $5000.00 civilians have been killed and i'm very clear rulings from the internal court of justice, a compelling report by the un, special rebel to on the occupied territories. stating very clearly that we're not
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talking anymore about the potential genocide. we're actually talking about a genocides unfolding. so i think it is also very important to note that the internal court of justice. secondly, and it's fast waiting and re emphasized in a 2nd rolling just a couple of days ago is putting states on notice that this they continue to provide support israel and that support is used for the commission of international crimes . and then responsibility flows from batch and criminal liability makes light from that as well. so i think that states need to be aware of that. i've done that since the united states is going to be able to ignore that for for much longer. and i think we all starting to see, as i've said, a change in policy, we just have to hope that that will result in, in a withdrawal of support as well, at this current and very worrying time. and just very briefly, i'm but if it's you will continue to ignore the us that un security council on the
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international court of justice, essentially some of the major bodies in the world. certainly the security council and the court of justice with the legal powers to some degree. what kind of message does that send to all the thought of charity and governments around the world as well. they've are clearly sense, very, very wordy message to the, to those days that are content to commit crimes of international character and defend completely disregard of treaties that they've signed up to an international body is that they are main thing to, to, to, to follow. it is a practically giving a free range to states around the world to, to kind of time people to kill civilians and completely disregard any consequences . the play flat. it is a very worried message. i think i, because we've many international compensates has stated that the way in which we, we respond to this will define, have international criminal justice,
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in particular is applied in the future, toby calvin. as always, we appreciate your opinion on this. thank you very much. indeed for your time. thank you. thank you. as we've just been discussing, the united states has reported they approved a multi $1000000000.00 arms package for israel that includes bones on fighter jets . but us sons about $3800000000.00 and military assistance to his ally every year in washington post says the bottom of destruction has signed off on a package that includes $1800.00 bombs way. 900 kilograms age. also always arise for transfer of 500 bombs weigh 250 kilo's and the deal upon thinks is fighter jets . the white house has declined to comment on the weapons transferred company hawk. it has more from washington, dc. the despite increasing pressure from high profile democratic senators and members of congress on capital hill to limit military aid to israel to help the number of civilian casualties as
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a result of israel's war on gaza. the white house was signed off on another routine transfer of bonds and war plains to israel. now last week, the state department authorized this. this was initially authorized in 2008. it amounts to about $2500000000.00 in not only fighter jets, but also in support of the bonds that they would carry. this, despite a growing risk between both is really and us government, you will recall that earlier this week be is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. a roughly cancelled a planned meeting between us and is really officials that was to review these really military campaign plans for of procedures and military plans for at ground invasion into rafa. something that the u. s. is strongly opposed to with out
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any sort of plan for the more than a 1000000 palestinians who are currently sheltering there. now the reason for that cancellation was because the united states refused to veto a un security council resolution calling for a temporary cease fire in gaza. as a result, now we do know that the meeting has been rescheduled, although the date of that has not yet been determined. what we do know, however, is that the united states is hoping during that meeting to discuss with is real possible alternatives to any sort of military campaign into rafa. kimberly help it out to 0, washington the by the ministration support for israel's prompted descent within the state department. earlier this week, unofficial who promoted human rights on behalf of the us government became the latest employee to leave for a job in protests or companies. elizabeth put on them,
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spoke to i know she line, who said she could no longer remain silent. i thought about resigning every time. israel bile. busy did international law hitting hospitals, schools, and killing civilians with infinity and the us government did nothing to try to hold them accountable. but the timing of my resignation reflects the fact that i did it i owed an obligation to the us government. i received an arabic scholarship and so i owe the government a year. so on, on, on the 300 and 65th day i handed in my resignation. i also thought about resigning sooner, but also my, my team is involved in the human rights reports and it's, it's a very labor intensive process. and so i wanted to also make sure that we had, we'd completed that work before i left. and you have made this decision at a great personal cost resigning public today from the us state department. wallet
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supports one of the most brutal was of all times. why was the southern portion for you? why was that risk worth taking fees? um i think the, sorry i the main reason is that i have a daughter and she's too very young. but if it's in the future, she were to ask me about what i did as this has happened a i just, i want her to know that i didn't stay silent. um i, i, i, i just, i don't think i could i, i couldn't continue to watch what was happening and just keep going to work everyday. it is there any forces have killed a 13 year old boy during a raid on the ton of co watch here. near jenny to palestinians were also injured during the incursions in the hours of saxon into best concentrations also broke out
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between palestinian groups and is really true to people have been arrested. more than $450.00 follow stadiums have been killed in the occupied west bank since october. march, the 30th is observed as lunde's day. then they occupied palestinian territories of this day. in 1976, 6 palestinian authorities were killed for protesting against funds to seize their lands. illegal sacraments have been expanding more rapidly in the occupied westbank, enjoying the war on garza. and of this month, finally administered, bessolo small se shudders the seizure of 10 square kilometers, mostly in the jordan valley. far con has been speaking to affected families, towing ready to plug in on the 30th. but this phone book, an audi reached a fraction of his land. the see the clouds escape. it stretches into the valley and up the hill belongs to 15, hosting in families. this is that green mall to the weight. this one now is voted
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on. so most of you called access that yes, he took this line most that he's us, it low is gum. about the $21.00 only miss boots. this real name is mostly shar, date. he's been sanctioned by the us and u. k. for being a dangerous environment. sutler, he posted on social media, his plans to build an education center. bring both settlers. it will tell you that he full the families from that home when the guy is, you know how john, i'll just loose or talk to me and then asked me about my neighbor and wife when i told them they were there to hit me in the head and direct me into the house with the other settler. my thoughts heard me screaming. blood was everywhere. red. that'd be of twice i should have probably slipped enough time to move and 90 years . so the island up a little thermal. he came at night, the settler moves, so 7 others. he kicked us out into our belongings. he level with nothing. he also
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kicked our neighbors out. we owned this land and we have proof of our club. she shows us proof of ownership from palestine. israel and georgian hosting is, can only reach the edge of this hillside. beyond that, they say they can only look down the empty hundreds of stolen lines. and even here, that being prevented from completing the building, even though most of this area is on the posting of civil control. it's this gate to finding the people from that lot that had put generations while we were filming what she pulled up. i asked him why he's taking the land that we've tried. he's not speaking. he says he's a spelling us. he starts making tools and i'm told he has a concealed weapon. it's not stay for us to say massage to you. is it going through the, as i get to the valley? so when you eh, we can tool unless the you control a boss, a space of the valley. so that's why that is what it looks like to them is
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a thought, a good thing. this area now i shouldn't, and i have been that be a live in a mess. who out house, old it's around to was given to her is charity. and it's not much she dreams of her brick house and tile floors doesn't know if she'll see it again north on out to see or of the for the the occupied westbank. the illegal is really sat on the building and palestinian territories has been one of the biggest obstacles to peace since 1967 more than 304 are being built in the occupied west bank, an estimated 700000 jews. f, as i now said, to be living in the territory a more on authorized settler. i've 5 posts are being legally recognized by israel's fall, right? the government 9 were made so called officials, sacraments in february. and all of these supplements violate international law. the large numbers of his ratings are living in the occupied saturday. humphrey efforts
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to establish a palestinian state. i'm joined by abdulla on the and he's a professor associate professor of history of georgetown university here in colorado. thanks very much indeed for being with us. this has been going on for decades. now. it is surprising perhaps that there has been almost a relentless occupational protest, any alondo for those those years. yes. well, if we go back to the very beginning, israel was established in large parts of through the, the population of palestinian villages. hundreds of them in 1948, the mass expulsion of 3 quarters of a 1000000 people. and even the land day that we consider a type of gun in, in 1976 to commemorate the palestinians were expelled from their land that day. those were palestinians were actual citizens of the state of israel. and so we see that there is no, there's never been a distinction between palestinians living within their historical homeland, whether in the west bank, gaza, or in the land that eventually became the state of israel. more recently, of course we've seen that this, this mass, expropriation of land has happened largely in the west bank,
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although now we're also hearing reports that cause itself as being positions in a way where more land staff is likely to occur in the aftermath of this ongoing genocide and in the west bank in particular, we've just seen an announcement that the largest land grab that we've seen in and many decades. and so again, this is all part and parcel of the policies of these rarely state going back to its very foundations. and so a policy of the is very state, but over is that it is made up, the settlements are made up of people. what kind of people are willing to move into these stuff? well, beginning after the 1967 war and it's, it's occupation of the west bank. in particular, we've seen the rise of a religiously inspired a settler movement. i'm coming from this fairly state. many of them, of course, going there for, for what they believe for religious reasons, and that gives them the right to expel palestinians from their land to take over their land and to continue to terrorize them through a number of various forms of violence, all of which they conduct with absolute impunity with no accountability,
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but it's important here not to separate that movement from the policies of the state itself that this the d is really government has also been very active and encouraging the settler movement offering tax benefits, offering the full protection of these rarely, military in the west bank. and so of course they've been economic reasons for many of the sellers to move there as well. and given that this is a policy that has been promoted by successive is really tell them inside. obviously, as you say, the right, you know, make benefit. sandra religious motivations as well. it's perhaps surprising that we've only seen a increase in there's a significant increase, shall we say during the war in gaza. one would have sold that if this was such a driven policy by these very state that we would have seen a much larger scale of land appropriation, much higher level. well, i think it has been happening in, in what, you know, pete scholars have called a kind of a creeping annexation. so we're talking about 5 decades worth of slow growth in, in a kind of a slow, steady managed, kind of knock about
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a situation that's occurred in the west bank, largely due to international pressure. so it hasn't happened. and the sort of full force expressions that we've seen, but i think given what's going on now in the shadow of an ongoing genocide and gaza, there's been far more aggressive for more violence and the land stuffed in, in the kind of expulsion of palestinians from various places within the west bank and so in a sense this has always been a long term strata g, despite the fact that it has occurred in, in kind of large bursts from time to time over the course of the last 50 years. and part of the contract to that we're seeing in, in guys at the moment is of course and centered around the design for the 2 state solution. certainly for a certainly a of a palestinian state given the structure of the sacraments that we've been seeing developing over the last several years. how difficult does that make it to, to eventually try to work? so wants a 2 state solution while it's virtually impossible. i mean, i think what, what most people think when they hear the 2 state solution now is they, they think about a apartheid bend to stand reality for palestinians. all of us are familiar with the,
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with the ever shrinking map of palestine that goes from what it looked like in 1948 to what it looks like in the present day. particularly in the west bank where palestinians are now being segmented in tiny parcels of land that are all disconnected from one another that has made life absolutely and livable. and so statehood as, as we understand it is, is as far off as it's ever been. and so certainly we need to start thinking more about the colonize ation, essentially of what we're seeing with this, this aggressive settler colonial project that we showed about state lottery, and we appreciate you being with us. thank you very much indeed because is still ahead on all just data taking matters into their own hands, how some hospitals in iraq are dealing with a rise in drug used by young people admit a shortage of rehabilitation centers that install a draft or 2 week break english premier league is backed with a game that could decide this choose type of window spot is gonna be here with that story. coming on the,
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let's get started with your weather update. it has been important rain for days in southern spain. so this is in severe providence here, rivers running quite high. now the soaking rain set to continue today on saturday, pretty much from severe rate to now la got and the winds also a factor in that wiped out that feeling of summer heat. but there is some of it to be found. we just got to go to eastern europe. any spots could see their hottest march day on record, including serbia's capital belgrade. number to be this 30, you're pretty close, but number is way out of whack here. double what you should be for this time of the year. that warrants extends through turkey a through to the levant as well. and let's go to the north. why? it's not the best pictures here. blood story showers continue across the u. k. or is that warrants? and bellow roots means coming in at 18 degrees,
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keeping the same of warrants and heat going. we've got a pump in through chad, nigeria, benito, and gone to many spots pushing past 40 degrees. the other story of flooding northern madagascar, this tropical storm brought this people. now wading through chests deep water that intense rain moving away from northern about a gas scar and it is now on its way to maricia. as this is not gonna be as bad as it was, for it matter. got a scar but a rainy day in maricia is on sunday. to be sure to see later the over 30 years of the signs of the 0 world tells the to follow the story of no ways and the oldest little coughs. let us salute the government of norway. horace, remarkable in nurturing this is the secret negotiations and why it's promised peace has remained unfulfilled, a strong decided terms of the negotiations. nobody could show or go home. the
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price of also on those is the latest news. as it breaks demonstrators, law ser remaining is really captive brought back from gaza and they want the broad back now with the 2 coverage posting and save that whatever we did here in his final words, free power stuff made them feel sense. and for that, he was saying before going from the home to the story, at least knowing thousands selected in families are missing at least one loved one . at the table the the you want to go to 0 reminder about child stories. this is there. any forces have
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been bombing residential areas across garza. i started kind of house and all more causing camp is killed at least 2 people. palestinians are digging through the rubble by hand searching for survivors and bodies. saturday, march lunch day in the occupied palestinian intelligence of commemorates the day that is very forces showed its 6 how the streaming is right is in 1976 demonstrations of how i know this protest against the illegal annexation of palestinian life at least for united nations military observers have been injured while items of petrol by foot in southern 11. o. israel says its troops are not responsible for the incident, which occurs near the village of match. let me just give you an update to that story. now the united nations into them force and lab and then known as unit fell, has released the statement in response to the attack. it says in part, we are investigating the origin of the explosion. and the safety and security of un
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personnel must be granted. all actors, how about responsibility on the international humanitarian law to ensure protection to non competence, including peacekeepers, the journalist, medical personnel and civilians will repeat our calls for all access to cease the kind of heavy exchanges of fi before me more people don't necessarily hearts and as the story develops, of course, we're going to bring you some more. the drug trafficking was being on the rise among young rockies in recent years. a shortage of substance addiction rehabilitation centers has prompted some hospitals to launch their own recovery programs. mom on the other hand, reports from dock that a daily work out a part of the happy to show the process for these young man recovering from drug addiction at this hospital. and about that because the sizing counseling go hand in hand was the talk c 22 year old about couldn't describe the program as
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a do it any of resurrection. and i'm gonna have to own i'm on hold on it now was started smoking, crystal meeting 2017. it destroyed my lifetime and left me painless and turned in to how stop person fighting in my family every day to give me money to buy it used to keep me awake for 10 to 12 days. i don't mean that you're a 100 miles you patients from the southern and eastern regions of what you all call you, judy miss, i'm such a many users addicted to this to me, that the speed of the bodies nervous system causing go high. those from the west of northern regions tend to be users of kept going. pills which have a similar effect. the fishing will set a cool, clean clermont that she can meet with. in this hospital alone, we see between 60 and 70 cases every day, different cost started behavior and nice relation of common met, ethics, usually expedients for most of the deep brain and offices, some dysfunction and hot and kidney failure. to cover that, keep going over d
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n unemployment thought of major factors doctors, here's a 3600 drug addicts have been treated at this hospital since the beginning of the year. about 90 percent of his to miss maddox, the drug used to be smuggled into the lot of narcotics, but it's now reported to the manufactured locally. according to the united nations office of drugs on claim crystal meth is considered the most dangerous and the way to spread drugs in iraq. the td administered, he says, at least a 1000000 and a half tons of narcotics have been confiscated this year. the world of drug report shows drug trafficking in a flu. your walk has been increasingly study since 2000. i see some networks reported to have links to political parties and i'm a groups. let's look in the head out if you think a lot easier to do the diamond spend a lot of hours, we've disbanded dozens of drug trafficking networks,
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including cross motor network. i don't and apprehended mold and 1400 suspects. it's generated on why some of them have been sentenced to death or life in prison and how the doc, they're also suspects working from a broad. but some of these patients to themselves invalid, totally to seek treatment. others were brought to you by their families. doctor say that only a fraction of the number of drug addicts, any loc, many more feeding social stigma, isolate themselves from friends and family, an offering di alone. would that be? why, under the board, that ties to conduct a student a critical condition in hospital more than a month into a hunger strike, she was arrested in february and charges of how to save the royal families. most okayed human rights advocates say the case demonstrates how laws are being used to suppress freedom of expression. jessica washington reports a bank of semester hospital amount of weeks for the 22 year old daughter that was
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going to end up paying that the ones what's going on, why not known as stolen. and typically nothing has been on a hunger strike since they were reminded in custody in mid february on charges of sedition. someone's lawyer says she's weak and feverish, but will not accept medical treatment. she's not my 1st plan. who did this? i'm sure she's not going to be the last one. and i think that all the reason very similar is just about normal justice. the sedition challenges relate to an incident in early february when they had repeatedly sounded, they call home as a royal motorcade, carrying thailand's princess much ugly city and home was passing. they also argued with an officer when they was stopped and later said they did not realize it was the royal medicaid lawyer colon a law student. and after this campaigning for form of community says, defense should be considered
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a misdemeanor. the prime minister's office said after the incident that such action said a bad example for others as young people must respect a tradition. later that month to one, organize the public survey, asking people what they thought about medicaid violence broke out when blameless, supposes. confronted after this, conducting the pony stolen was already facing charges for insulting boys of the she discussed moody type case. human rights organizations say, nearly 2000 people in thailand had been prosecuted since 2020, the exercising the right to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly. humor i watch, we have not seen significant improve man regarding respectful, fundamental freedoms, freedom expression, freedom, assembly. people are still being prosecute that people are being sent to jail and denied that bail. and we have hired people saying the country rice group say tiny
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authorities use proved and vague. our schools in the criminal code related to security to prosecute us to this. and this case should not be considered citizen. someone has said she will not stop her hunger strike. and her voice is heard. and thailand, justice system is reformed. just like in washington, which is 0. south africa is that agents biggest serial producer, but a heat wave has been scorching as crops prolong, drive is really price increases and damaging lives because here's a farm and explaining the difficulties they face in his own words. my name is pete, them terrible. i am a crop farmer from free state province, south africa. i've been fined me for 14 years. uh before that out. now everything looked good. that was not why it's showing this way. but in here we are now. i think just as just changed,
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i've never seen this kind of throughout the week we are going to help us and nothing. and i mean nothing. in the past couple of years it was between 3 ton and 5 ton to my area, the heck the on mays. but this, yeah we, i like we are going to have is nothing about this effect that me find me should have employees do to maintain the phone. i need to maintain that mission. matty and i must expand this one or do this one dishes is going to be a big problem with one buy. expect a criminal mist about the coming a nino, but we never expected this kind of damage. i have expressed this, you know, before but the to us not this of this much the truth. oh yeah. i just know the people are being picked up by this drought. so other than that,
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people don't be afraid. they'll pay more money to buy food too because of this throughout police in peru have right at the home of president, dana bruno, all to looking for what they describe as undeclared luxury watches, around $40.00 offices, broke into the residence using a sledge hammer. the police said they were searching for rolex watches, government agents launched an investigation following a newspaper report about bully watching, waiting a range of luxury watches that are not being disclosed publicly. still ahead on the 0. every time i understand what the hold say, yes. so i understand we take a look back at the extraordinary career award winning act, the newest cost of junior, who's done the same sports. the 7 foot 4, rookie breaks, i've 13 year old, n g, a rack of finding out the details coming up the
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as the well plunges into a climate disaster. we are in the planetary class. this year, a new a pub series exposes the reality of the global emergency. there will come a time where no amount of dollars will be able to make up for what is broken and makes the people trying to make a difference. it was endless. it come from a gross cut rising for as nothing in nature grows dying. coming soon huge reserves of leafy used in electric batteries and fine too for reducing over reliance on fossil fuels. fly be nice to vast ideas. salt plate are unique ecosystem that indigenous communities are desperate to protect from a mining people empower asks, is it possible to extract the metal without causing an environmental catastrophe?
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argentina's white goals on it. just the top of this board here as far. rob, thank you so much. i or yeah, like center has underlined his status is one of the fastest rising players in world tennis. the telling dropped just 3 games in his semi final went over daniel, negative at the my of the open. this match was a repeat of january australian open final when center one, his 1st grand slam title. usually the more you go on and out, the man, the more comfortable i feel and i'm very happy about that is the form of assessing,
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done the and didn't feel this well today. he, you know, he made a lot of mistakes, which usually doesn't make, so i just took the chance a center will say yes. and google or demetrius to in the final that's after the fall, gary and roll. number 12 defeated, alexanders of rapids, germany match, went to a deciding 3rd fast which demetrius confidently. one has his 1st victory over as a friend since 24th or the premier league is back after a 2 week absence on sunday manchester city house arsenal and a match that could have a huge se who went missing since title tom a sized lance has more it's set to be one of the closest trying to races in primary history. with 10 games remaining, one point separates the top 32 of them go head to head on sunday. manchester city targeting a full time full in a row. austin were looking for the 1st title in 20 is change. yeah. he said must
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have game for both teams and that's for sure because um he will give his a huge post. i can, and we go with it and when it, it's all small who have to narrow the voltage at the top and go into this looking to make it 9 wins in a row mattress. the city might be in foot, but the still the favorites to go in and when the league, because the test, it says they've that rights to everybody believe that they're going to do it again down given no reason to anybody else, to saying that they cannot do it, so we have 2 different services. yes, it's a, it's a challenge to change the narrative isn't it? won't we spoke about like city, all right. now, you know, we haven't done it. so we kind of respect to the top like c, t, o lube let him on because we haven't done it. and it's not tied to a winning experience of put squad here. let's saw it. it an advantage. they've already won the supercop on the club, woke up this season, winning trophies has become a habits mentions to city. and the manager feels confident that they can keep doing . it's good to be here as the season have been
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a really good reading to titles and as to what happened last season. being in condition for the 3 important details of the titles of the season and less thing into the family canal has talked to, you know, the important think and the leaders of the families of decision at home with people . and i'm pretty sure they will give us what we need to perform a best all set to worked with god. you look for 3 years at the city and he's given his spanish counterpart, the ultimate complements, going into this match. my opinion is the best coaching along by mine and, and is one of the nicest person that i have met him for both. and so it's certainly one of the ones that i have 5 more fun and the last working with, and that's going to stay there forever. by thursday, i would rosa the moment of why they are going to and you have to adapt to a situation that friendship will get put to one side on sunday as often look. so
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when the dnc had for the 1st time in 9 years, tom size and was a 0 of that much ends in a draw, it presents a big opportunity for lever pool. when you're in crop side house brighten victory at anfield, we'll see liverpool moved to the top of the table just before surveys match against arsenal cops. those 3 points will be vital as he looks, and his 9 year spent at the club with a 2nd to lead title the, the, the old finals for us. it is like that. so it does mean you can not lose one or whatever. it just means you, it is a fine each of these gains, but that should not put us in a rush or whatever that'd be have to when the finally the for us 3 minutes we did. so we have to play them next. and all the football games buyer music will have harry came back for saturdays game against for us here dormant and the dirt classic or an ankle injury rule to came out of action for england. and their friend leads against brazil in belgium. byron cit, 2nd in the table, 10 points behind on beaten leaders,
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a buyer lever case and the raining of champions. i'll alley has to hear the narrow advantage and they're asking champions the quarter final, the junctions beating times in the, on the sides, but send by one know in the 1st like time on the bill to call with the only goal of the game and dar salon the return, like and tyro is coming up next friday. i only have one this title of record 11 times. victor women, yamma squared, a career high, 40 points to lead his team. the san antonio spurs to victory over the new york next, which is seconds left in regular time, the french international tied. the game off is separate to overtime or when many alma started again. so this 1st san antonio holding off the next a 130 to 126. the 20 year old becomes the 1st rookie to score 40 points in 20, rebalance. and again, since shaquille o'neal did back in 1993, he just shows what he's going to be when he understands all the physicality just coming at him all the time. and what to do about it. fortunately,
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he's also a hell of an instinctive passer and he's willing to do what he needs to do in that regard. so he's, he's pretty special show, hey, latanya and his new team. nearly daughters are continuing to shine in our opening series against cardoza's, looking back for the home run to give the doctor is a one. nothing lead time. he didn't have much lot. so he failed to score, but the dodgers did go on to when 3. okay. and that is all useful for now and back to you from fine. thank you very much. indeed. christians around the world of the market for easter weekend in different ways and hate people to try to keep their traditions alive, even though gang violence is getting worse. children and adults are still making trading colorful paper kinds has been done every easter weekend on games control, much of the capital photo products, the engine room prime ministers resign. dr. lee was blocked from returning from a falling trip. that is silence of re enacted in the course of action of jesus
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christ to mock good friday. and then one of come back as supporters neighborhoods. the tradition began in 1986 more than 90 percent of the country's population catholic. meanwhile, the leader of the roman catholic church has missed the traditional good friday procession in rome. the vatican says 87 year old poke francis is saving his energy for other events is expected to preside over the vigilance on today. adam us to mock eastern sunday academy award winning actor lewis golf golf at junior, has died at the age of 87 came racism and discrimination to make his mark on stage film and television. rob reynolds looked back at his life. stuff i bought, i bought and who was gossip juniors. most unforgettable role was as a terrifyingly intense drill instructor opposite richard year in 1982, 10 officer and a gentleman. if thought of them wings,
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they only want you're going to leave here with me on knees. gossett became the 1st black man to win an oscar for best supporting actor for that role. one of many barriers the broken, his life. you go running off in the hills, you know what's gonna happen to me. i just the st. bottom. what fold? i forgot that one an emmy award for playing and then slave demand called fiddler in the stereotype. breaking 1977 television mini series roots more than 100000000 viewers tuned in making it one of the most watched tv shows of all time. what sort of getting to diving in the concepts of other film rules included a menacing gangster in the deep and heavily made up alien stranded on an uninhabited planet with a human adversary an enemy mine. but despite his talent and towards major rules,
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often did not come gosset's way and outcome. he blamed partly on races. typecasting in hollywood gossip fell into depression and drug use for a time. after recovery, he threw himself into work for los angeles based charities, and started in anti racism foundation losses. it was born in new york city and had a successful broadway stage career before turning to movies. he appeared in dozens of tv shows, including hbo was the watchman. i should be said his favorite role was as egyptian president armoires, the dot in the 1983 td minix series of the same name in his memoirs louis casa junior, wrote, sometimes i believe that the reason i have been able to do such a exemplary work on the screen is because this is the only place i can be free.
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so hey, i was going to be here in a couple of minutes with more and all these stories. don't forget the websites. i'll just say to dot com. i know boxes and state. the, the group of poland, to search for clues this dusk fools in eastern time and the targets a. how does a suppose then you might think these are the other symptoms. wild elephants here have a dept hiding and sleeping in the day foraging at night. there are numerous appetites, joel, in the mountains of the forest, and on to phones while they trying to avoid contact with humans. when they do meet, the result can be disastrous. my neighbor was working that night and came across the elephant and couldn't get away in time. the elephant ended up stopping him to death in a report from the villages of a disturbance on the edge of the community to several imaging dry and takes off. 2 distinct shapes, the elephants will adjust a 150 meters down the track. we can have them still
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a thing in the darkness. as the volunteers showing the lights that attend them, they move away, but they'll be back. they frequently return to places they know they'll find food. an analysis never forgets. over 30 years of that assignment was just the real world tells the to follow the story of no ways in the oldest little cos. let us salute the government of norway. horace, remarkable in nurturing this of the secret negotiations and why it's promised peace has remained unfulfilled, a strong decided terms of the negotiations. nobody could show or go home the price of also on notice eve hod he came in to be used as the oil see suffered casualties. we have not suffered to scientology use. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house thought providing on to who they to say no double standards to all of
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us any, any one in particular, i say to all facing realities, government seems here to whittle down democracy. it's because it's coupling for you, it's very, very painful. you hear the story on talk to how does era the full united nations personality in good while out on patrol on southern southern 11 on these really all me says it's not responsible the problem. so robin, you're watching all just ever like my headquarters indo coming up in the next 30 minutes. these are electronics residential areas across garza, its not being 5 days since the un security council calling for an immediate cease fire palestinians mon.


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