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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 31, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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time the the other one is it was put on demand distance and use our life from coming off of the next 16 minutes. displace palestinians under attack is really massage target tense near the hospital, killing at least 2 people. on the brink of starvation, unicef issues a di warning is dr. struggled to treat severely malnourished children and gaza. the thousands of his writings protest in west jerusalem demanded the resignation of prime minister benjamin netanyahu. an
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early result, some took, he has local elections suggest the policy of president ridge of 5 editor, one has failed to make gains in school to live a full day in the english formulate title rights, manchester city, and austin troll no mail or something leased both teams training with the full scope of the titles the we begin a central gaza when it's ready, as strikes me, i like the hospital has killed at least 2 palestinians, an injured several. others. initial report suggest the attack head of 10 housing displays people. the hospitals, coal chat and data, blah, and the whole, the date reports. this was the moment when is read her strike just meters from the entrance to the actual hospital in central glass on the top target to to tens housing displays policy use in the courtyard of the medical facility and data
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. but i, well, i know when i got here now and we were sitting in the tents, we're defense, the civilians and displaced people from northern gaza. suddenly the missile hit this tent. there isn't a single reason that could explain targeting display civilians in a hospital courtyard. injured policy unions were brought into the hospital, one of the few in closets to partially functioning, its accidents, and emergency department is over. one journalist covering the war had also been using the 10s as a microsoft office at the time without any warning. we're a group of journalists with no tourist amongst us. we're preparing our cameras and all of a sudden the tent was hit. everything went dark with deputies and rocks flying over our heads. the healthcare system has collapsed because of is rose bombardment and locate and medical supplies. medical facilities no longer have the capacity to
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treat this many seriously injured people. have the hospitals and medical teams and all have checked to work as must be protected. the international community must provide such protection the patients, the wounded and the displace to be put on state of panic and part of the feeling that there's right the panes will attack the hospital again. it's horrifying. everyone is terrified, seeking shelter in this hospital for more than 6 months. right now. nowhere is place. and how does the news are targeted in hospitals and schools? and makes us tend palestinians do not know where to go. this is in the godaddy data . alexa, hospitalized that it, but as well, it has attacked hospitals across the gaza strip, including all shifted in the north. a palestinian boy died just days off to being full staff at the facility because of his randy a tax cut them cut out. his mother says they fled,
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i'll shift on monday when it's ready for me says wouldn't patients and doctors to leave. she moved him to come on as one hospital where he died. juan receiving treatment for hepatitis officials and also stays where the troops have killed holder, full 100 people during an almost 2 weeks. seizure of al schiffer, more than a 100 patients and 60 stuff, a still trapped inside on the side of the clock. much suddenly they close the doors and they were shooting. we said, maybe there is a truce. we didn't know about it. the doctors and nurses were screaming and saying these ratings besieged us outside. they started shooting at the doors to get home. i solved. where is how much the ones are all sick children and these know how much i need the medical stuff. and these children here is this, how much would it this boy do today? and how about the, how going on? if a lot of them, they said that they weren't, you evacuate the families of patients and leave the patients. they told me to leave my son. and i said, i will not go and leave him. i stayed and the parents lived all the injured children who are tired and doors with a legs cut off. some operations would you late,
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there's no medical equipment or medicine and i'll shoot for hospital. there's nothing. how much did one of that stuff that i carried him on my shoulders and how to cheat? and there were people behind me patients as well. they told us who ever can get out should go and we got out. thank god. and once we were on the bus road, they started shooting at us again, telling us this is not a safe area and we should go right. and they started shooting at us again saying this is not a safe area as well. we were in the middle of the road and we didn't know what to do. and then the south ongoing is where the raids of all the con units have killed . at least 16 civilians moving 32700 palestinians have been killed since the will began. that's bringing my correspondent hunting muscle and he's joining us live from alpha in southern gaza. and honey is really a tax on homes on refugee camps. continuing from the north to the south with district the
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yes and we're getting confirmed reports that the late hours of this evening and got 2 more security law enforcement 1st went out or tasked with securing the delivery of a to the northern part on gauze. is it they were targeted as of the way the traffic circle? that's an area that connects the central area with gods of city and then know their northern part of the gaza strip on the lot at the enrolled. and it's the 1st point a, the trucks are being delivered to march desperately, much needed a humanitarian aid for largely starved population. meanwhile, these really military continued an overnight attack. then, early hour this morning, extended through afternoon hours of air strikes them. bombings across hon. units did you look at multiple layers drives then coupled with the, the art dealer's feeling of the eastern part of the city that included the, at both those in raising the viber,
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called her land and farm land as well as the remaining residential building. 16 people have been killed on the printer on the area. another tragedy to waste went on air strike, targeted a residential building, another month out of the refugee camp. and this particular rivers yukon. been targeted repeatedly. and all these talks are on residential buildings with this way, families inside without a warning. what? so whatsoever. there are also a talk. the basement model defense from a, a part of a plan of eating got about 16 percent of the eastern part of the entire javascript, part of the establishment of the buffer zone. as was really monetary. steve bank, it's a buffering zone into one kilometer, at least into the gaza strip. okay, honey, so more tax on law enforcement officers. that's dealing with a lot the 1st time we've seen this happen. and we've also seen as we've been
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reporting the strike on our locks, the hospital is the latest attack on june and us. so again, something that you have been on the score and for the past 6 months. absolutely no one and gaza is safe. a yes, absolutely, no one is very for no worries. say friends, the fact that we see, you know, a health care facility is being deliberately out of pocket that turned into a refuge account with, with hundreds of thousands and thousands of people have been sold during inside as part of maximizing the psychological torture. and part of psychological work for and confirm what people have already pro, since the beginning of this war that no, no, no, save your place across the gas. they're not even a place of feeling a place of saving lives we're talking about. it was most of the targeted at 10 inside the courtyard of the hospital to be able to report a skilled and thousands were injured. the vast majority of them, i'll happen to be the journalist who are stationed inside the court yard of the
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hospitals, simply because there is ongoing electricity, there is internet internet connection much needed for their work to be continued. now there's really another trace, or is it a statement saying that a targeted at assignment, you have the man inside the court yard of the hospital. but according to eye witnesses, all, what we hear about is civilians who are being the target, as well as the journalist who happened to be the main target since the beginning of this war. honey, thank you very much for that. that is not correspondent, honey. my food with all the laces lines from alpha and southern gaza as the un agency eunice f as issued a don warning about the conditions and gaza saying it feels like a coffin for children. doctors say they're unable to treat smell numbers, youngsters because it's ready for us as a have for an 8 deliveries algio. i visited the childrens hospital in northern garza to see how patients and staff are coasting. victoria gates and b has this
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report. jenna is wasting away before her mother's eyes. she's suffering from malnutrition can no longer walk. bailey has the energy to talk to me other shows as jenna before the jen is being proved to come all at one hospital. the news and garza but it's only partially functioning stuff comp provide the specialist catch in a new it's much to the dispatch of her mother the they all speak to take my daughter and go home. where is the conscience? what can we do at home with my very sick daughter? i want you to be treated abroad. i want her to be able to choke and both like other girls. i don't know what to do. wait your car. so you chose to just close by. israel is located on a truck, so leaving palestinian children malnourished at one is suffering from a deficiency in potassium and sodium. the 2 and a half year old has low, small bit
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a quote of his body weight. and the last 6 months. i have 2 sons, both of them are sick, they're fighting for their lives in front of me. and i can't do anything to help them helpful to say that seeing more or more children every day suffering from malnutrition and they're appealing to desperately needed medical supplies. that they are so many cases of mount nutrition that haven't been documented because of the lack of beds in the hospital, meat, eggs, vegetables and fruits aren't available. this is definitely let the problems with children's immune systems. infectious diseases are rampant as hepatitis because of the water pollution. the world health organization has provided the hospital with fuel for generation has been not nearly enough, is also shown to oxygen and incubators, as well as bad parts for life saving medical equipment. and all this is in, during the ability of health work is to treat severely malnourished patients who was struggling to survive. this will victoria gates and b allergies. the rest of
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the holidays is ready. um, it has killed a, has bulk them on the, in an as strike and southern lebanon on his way to draw and talk to con, the town of clean hezbollah has confirmed the attack killed as my alias zane who was in charge of an antique tank unit. a joining us on set is on let us show he's the found him director of the critical security studies program at the institute for graduate studies, always good to speak with you, mr. i showed what you're saying. let's talk about what as well as doing on it's northern border with 11 on given. they've just killed another. it has the come on to what do you think as well as military strategy is on the northern border. it was 2 days ago that the defense minister, you opt out and said they will go off to hezbollah, wherever they are. what does that mean? so there is a, an offensive foster in the north end, the defensive one. so the, the offensive is what you're seeing is more or less a drone and it strikes and sometimes activity strikes. and that usually in response
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to, it's an intelligence that don't patients who usually if a, the is ready intelligence agencies found a location of the commander found the location of an empty tanka unit found the location of the anything that has to do with his blood. and it is in the range of either that it gets a bit at ease it assets, including drones, on main ones or activity they would use that. so it's, it's, it's flight so far. it's a code compared to what happened in terms of the 2006 the ground invasion with mechanized ahmed, a brigades, and so on. does it not happen so far? but that's the offensive and defensive foster is that they are creating a defensive defensive lines. very sophisticated ones who dens of tunnels and tens of trenches in terms of more or less putting the constructs and reserve is uh huh. to manage to stop any attempt of
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a 7th october like attempt on his blog bouncing. nobody's real. okay. so i think this is a defensive foster but not what they're doing as well as they're moving some of the, you know, the, the, know that'd be great comment at the gates. yeah. so the committee northern command be gauge. many of them were fighting doesn't include the $36.00 divisions. for example, the, the big like the any, we're fighting in the south. nothing. the north spacing because of a loss. now they, they started changing that. so the only northern be gay that is fighting doesn't know the 7th armored be good, which is part of the $36.00 division. okay. so what is the deployment of it? yeah. okay, that's very interesting. and we are going to pick this up right after we go to our correspondence and west jerusalem to cover these very large protests, anti government protests that are taking place that demonstrates as a gathering in front of the, as rarely parliament and government building these, the live pictures from west jerusalem west suite, a protest has been launched outside the connected thousands of people,
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according on the prime minister benjamin netanyahu to resign. that's bringing home the son, who's our correspondent in west of us. and then so tens of thousands of people out on the street some the how does this compare to all the protests we've seen in the past 6 months? this is the largest anti government demonstration since the war began, and it will span over the course of a few days with protesters really trying to send a message to the government that they are fed up with these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his policies, they're also calling for the release of the remaining is really captive in gaza saying that his policies specifically throughout this war are the main obstacle and impediment to that goal. but these really prime minister remains defiance thing, but military pressure is the only way to bring them back. and these demonstrators say they're going to continuously put the pressure on these really government over the next few days, in hopes of something changing on terms of death in
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yahoo, maintaining that military pressure, but also what he called flexibility when it comes to the sci fi negotiations. we'll see the captives. that is rarely capt is being held in gaza being returned. this is really prime minister said this evening that israel is indeed showing flexibility in these negotiations. but he said that the demands of how mass are quote harmful for israel's security. he also was spoke tonight about a wide variety of topics, including israel's and pending round invasion into gaza, southern most city dot fox. he says, these really army is ready to do so as well as evacuate the nearly 1000000 and a half palestinians who are seeking refuge there. and this comes despite a lot of international pressure and criticism, especially for miss rose biggest ally, the us as to how exactly these really is are going to move one and
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a half 1000000 palestinians were seeking shelter there. and the biggest question is, is where they are going to go and how these really prime minister maintains that this is necessary in order to achieve an absolute victory and hum the nothing else and making that address uh, talking about one of those different issues before he goes in for honey, a surgery which he said that he expects to make a full and quick recovery from that's right. these really prime minister undergoing that surgery at the top of this hour, in fact, according to doctor's and the, the statement we've received from his office. additionally, he says that he's expected to make a quick recovery. now israel justice, administer your re levin. we'll separate in his place, but it's not exactly known how long benjamin netanyahu is going to be out for exactly, but it comes to meet the backdrop of these protest continuously putting pressure on nathaniel who and his leadership. so these demonstrations will remain outside of
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these really part of when, even though these really prime minister will not be working on the thank you very much for that. that is homeless. sounds good for the very nice has live in west jerusalem. well, let's bring all my to assure the backend. so come those reporting on these protests that are taking place in west jerusalem as she was saying they are the largest that we have seen in a very long time. and as well, do you think that they undermine the ministry's confidence? is it so there's always this interplay, you know, in, in south lebanon, a israel stayed there for 15 years between 1980. 0, it was a war with his beloved between 19852000. and they lost only 200 soldiers, but what brought them back? what ended this operation was primarily for this like these because there was a more, a more public dissatisfaction with what's happening. what was the alternate with this operation? what a more realize ation that the cost benefit analysis does not match
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a more or more violations by the is radio. i'm using this on the demo in the end they, they the, the decision to a piece the public wants to bring them back. yeah. so it's, it's sometimes it's, it's, they, they, the, these mass protests are more decisive than the minute the casualties. yeah, but as you're saying that it took 15 years of war and southern 11 on the, is there any government to make that decision? we're only 6 months into a much more push a war in gaza. you were speaking earlier about how there's been a v deployment from is very forces in gaza to as well as the northern border with 11 on. does that tell you anything about the military strategy full gaza? it says 2 things either in gaza. they are a, they have decided that they need less of the regular forces and, and they need more in the north. and it has to do if you also look at the, the, the number of rockets that were launched from gaza. and since the mid of february, the number of bucket john, that our launch from south 11 on x exceeded by far and what is going strong guys.
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so the escalation is happening in the north. so it makes sense as to an on up in the northward they have as many that goes and constructs may need reserve this and constructs. and what they have in the south is mainly their people dispute. so it makes sense to get more the more of the experience forces up in the north while the operations are still ongoing and gaza. nothing relevant will be because what i'm, i'm seeing them from the, from the upholstering of the forces is that they're still the new and isn't this telling the operations up and they tend to, when you know up in the north. yeah. so i think ralph has followed them far away from that, from being attacked unless they deploy again from the north through the south. well, that's exactly what i was going to ask you. how do all of these movements? what do they mean for this ground operation and the alphabet that's in yahoo! just said in the last few hours that nothing will stop them from doing. i think it's a, it's, it tells you 2 things. one is the, the strategic victory as far as indicates of these really forces and to even the
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operational victory because the operational victory means that one you degree to thomas and the other. but of seeing a forces significant to you, it is the hosp, the hostages. and, and you know, strategically, maybe you create the, some of the governance system in, in, in gaza that the, you know, is favorable for as well. so 3, this is far away, but even the 1st 2, the hostages, and the the degrading of the map. and the 1st name is information did not happen yet. and i think what, what you will see is probably a continuation on fortune's deal. this will oh model. sure, thank you so much for your time. as always, we really appreciate it. thank you. the 10 into to can now in the main opposition is own close to retain pallet and some of the country is biggest cities. load counting is underway in the municipal elections . they all seen as a test of president treasure 5 of the ones functionality. the opposition controls
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most of the big cities, including the economic, hubble this on both of the capital on. correct? well, the comment may of us danville has the main opposition. so good in these election says he's optimistic is shawnee to body that based on the numbers that we have so far, i can say that all citizens approval and belief in us has been demonstrated. we are still monitoring the result is what, what else bring on correspondence and them co c o and if she's live and as don bosa, send them to us through the voted to the now and what the early trends well, the turnover is at 7 to 6 percent, which is very high compared to many countries compared to 2 kids at a general turn. now it is pretty enough as low as special. we're hearing not the opposition is saying that uh they, they have some people who didn't go to the ballot boxes and according to the uh, the boxes that have been opened,
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which is at 38 percent. and the rolling out quantity overall in to kit is leading at 37 percent. and the main o position part is c h b is at 38 percent. this is the highest amount of wounds that the c h b may not position republican party has received and then a simple election in the case which is considered as a great win for the opposition party. of course that there are other cities including is stumbled on cut off is made a post on other not that are deemed very important for both the off position and the rolling dock party. according to the mountains that have been published so far, the holding up party still has majority, but there was a very significant decline in the amount of a lot of stuff it has gathered in cities, model in big cities for those in the cities, including the,
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the as central on the toner, far as us of the up on a one of the very hard the hit cities by lawsuits. the staging earth flicks is known to be a conservative and nationalist, a voting tendency. the ruling of parties seems to have lost their and in some border cities with c a, b, i like to this again, the main, a position party, a received much higher votes and the rolling not far seats, but still, uh, it's only 40 percent of the ballot boxes that have been opened, but the interesting thing right, this? yeah. and certainly very interesting results. sofa to them is done. bold was the main battle ground we heard from the incumbent man who's from the opposition and he is feeling confident. well yes, according to the official figures so far as if the 3 percent of the ballot boxes have been opened and stumble and according to those votes him,
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although the incumbent mayor, who is the candidate of the main office they should c h b is leading at 50 percent, while the rolling knock parties popular figure more out to put on the former minister of environment. an organization is as 4 to one 1st. and there is a significant difference between the 2. but still, there are more than 45 percent of bellis boxes that need to be open. this is all about statistics. that's when you speak to people. date it on colorado is already a wound by the c h. b may know position. and even if stumble is seen, considered like that, if there are any surprises in the coming, that was of course, this is what we cannot for c a. but apparently they're holding not far to has the is set to lose in the largest cities like stumbled on cut off is may or other not. and it pull stuff. of course this is a big blow to the building not far. yeah,
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absolutely. send them. thank you very much for that and looking for deal coverage, ongoing coverage as results come in for now. that psycho respondents and of course your new life and is thoughtful. well, let's stay with the story well joined by ali child cool. who is a political scientist and professor of international relations at cox university. and he's also joining us from this. don bull, thank you very much for your time. so early results show, the opposition will stay in pallet and incorrect and assemble if that's confirmed how much of a blow visit to president the end of the one they lost the those cities in the last election, they would desperate to re gain them as well. it's a big blow to their folks. uh because they were actually able to consolidate that when in may and may election was pres, national, and parliamentary was a big loss for the position. yeah. and, and as an add on was aiming to actually console the date. it's is bottlers by
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winning the major metropolitan cities, but they failed. and we have to put this in perspective the, the local elections. what that does is mostly local issues and candidates. the fact that the, these collections are most doesn't really want to one mean that add on spoke the letter t is also the, the client. but i think this is what the most uh, people will actually yeah. claim after the selection. yes, we know that in many countries the issues the way people vote in local elections are different to how they vote and national elections. but how much of a victory would you say this is for the opposition given how divided and demoralized they were off to that defeat in the may presidential and problem entry elections as well. they would actually been very surprised to have lost this. uh
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they have time today. it was we uh um they actually have to be to this last of the candidates, but uh we had, it may just to manage it. earthquakes. and a big financial economic crisis was on the way. still the um and his, the allies, one the control of not only the presidency but also the parliament, but 5 to itself has incurred significant losses and was pushed down from 49 percent or so down to about the 35 percent in the last election. yeah. and we were here, the bonded we were having someone correspondence and them that the opposite. sion has done better in the, in these municipal elections and they haven't decades in turkey. it's also an enviable voted to adopt for local elections. what good versions of out this time
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around you did mention issues before, i mean the voice has taken place during the cost of living crisis and to okay that, that note of 8 people as well. not only the cost of living, but also the refugees and the city of refugees. a big issue, especially in municipal elections, because municipally, those didn't leave the ship is dealing with the, the welfare and problems all the refugee communities in. there's a c t's and this creates a huge resentment on the part of the locals in many areas. and that those issues the economy, it's celia and the 2 major issues. why people wanted to really send the message to, to add on and, and his body and alliance, and that they are not happy. and just last name, mr. joel kohler, what a strong showing for avalon is policy elsewhere in the country, you know,
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not and assemble and on grow some of the major cities. but elsewhere. do you think that it would have been, has resolved to usher in a new constitution? he has been wanting to do that one that would reflect his conservative values and allow him to go beyond 2028 when his comment to him ends as well. those are big questions, obviously. i mean now he has 2 majors. figures that preparing themselves for the next presidential election, the mayor of the candidate spar and the new may is at of the stumble then uncle uh, might very likely to run against them. and uh, he might actually choose not to run. uh, that's one option. people don't really think about this, but if you feel uncomfortable, you might want to skip this the next election. the other issue here is obviously, if he decides, typically what he does is after these big turning points,
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he takes a few days off and strategize and then call it was up with a new move. uh, we'll see what he decides. but most likely, my hunch is that he has lost his the eh, chance, perhaps for, from his perspective to actually move the, to change the constitution. now that's the, the, the majority and the know that paul referred majority in the mental folds and safety. or i have both that they get against him. yeah, he won't have that humans to, to, to move on that process a little cooler. thank you so much for your expertise on this. you're welcome. now at least 7 people have been killed, more than 20 wounded and a bomb explosion and a level of province, a northern sylvia. the device went off in the middle of a mock kitchen. the town of, as of some buildings caught fire,
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the region is controlled by took it, which regularly conducts raids on the kurdish fighters in the area of the pots of northern syria held by rebels. the still ahead on the news, i'll take you to see a group of musicians from around the world, making music together. and as for the to time world radi champion finishes ahead of the chase and pack in kenya. and things here with that story. the there is certainly has been a stormy mix in the southwest of saudi arabia. so more scenes of flooding, we're starting to see this was in ask for providence torrential downpours here. copious amounts of rain still in the forecast on monday. now starting to creep into central saudi arabia, tell you what they'll have could catch
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a few drops as well. we've got you in for 32 degrees water view of them, the least shows us. most of the action is in saudi arabia, around the red sea as well, pushing through the other side. so around the red sea coast of sudan, eritrea and just put a looking to catch a few showers on monday to central asia. we go cooler, feel here, temperatures of lowered across pockets. done with what weather. we've got some showers in the mix for a minute, stance capital ask about at 17 degrees wall to wall sunshine, across the turkey, a looking good and assembled 90 degrees look at cypress. they could see a passing pushing past that 30 degrees threshold. and certainly we have had a lot of heat for chats capital engine, nina, that continues 44 unsettled spill in the northwest. but that wet weather is starting to peter out for places like morocco, but the rain is picking up through the democratic republic of congo. and if i take you to the south, get ready, south africa, we're seeing some activity flare up really for central and eastern portions of the country. on monday
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the what constitutes exempt. so we generally talk, you're saying i want you to start with just the fact was to what happened as independent. we want these, we want the education i want to, we don't have to leave them in different countries in the policy of it's going to get 50 percent representation and accountability and benefit. no 1000 service this placement and you're saying you don't have any reports with it. i should just trust that unity often is the crew that used to produce outstanding gentleness and integrity. in the pursuit of truth, a mechanic knows a motor home from a career. and so do we. it's why we work with bill cuz he'll make
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a big business to know your business. yep. we all, we, you all the, you watching the news out the end of the put on. and uh huh. reminder of our top stories, the sell at least 2 palestinians have been killed and several injured and is really attacked me all the hospitals and central gaza. the astral i contents housing displays people as well as journalists and the quote to you out of the medical facility demonstrations, a gathering in front of the as rarely parliament and government buildings that quoting on prime minister benjamin netanyahu to resign. as in yahoo set to undergo a heavy operation on sunday night,
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the deputy pon gonna stay out of 11 will take on his duties while he was on the anesthesia and took his main offices. sion is on costs to retain power in some of the countries, the biggest cities, most counting is still on the way in the countries municipal elections. the balance is widely seen as a test of college presidents awards replied that the wants to talk about. the russia has confirmed that it's targeting ukraine's energy infrastructure and a bid to disrupt as war effort. ukraine's national energy operation says attacks on sunday damaged high voltage facilities in the south facing emergency electricity shutdowns in odessa and nearby with several power plants have been destroyed, damaged and re some tweaks president. without him, is lensky asked, west impalas to provide more military hardware to fight russia or cc throw. these
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thing is that as mitchell and his russian terrorists are now targeting file strikes to close the energy bleeding of the crane, we gave all the necessary signals to our partners, all of a specific request to everyone who has the necessary air defense systems to everyone who has the necessary missiles, america, your, of our other partners. everyone knows what we need, but everyone knows how important it is right now to help us protect ourselves from these blows course and child stretch. so it has moved from keith, the ukraine's largest private energy company, a company called the tech is saying that 5 of it, 6 clouds have been damaged and 80 percent of the generating capacity. the tech says is loss to put that in context. the tech supplies around a quarter of the country with electricity, the tech saying that this is going to take potentially up to 18 months for those repairs to be made. but those low 6 pulse just to drop in the ocean in relation to all the energy plots, energy facilities that have been hit by russia in recent weeks. and of course yes,
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they're all rolling blackouts that are ongoing and various locations across the country. now the credit and it said in the last week or so that these attacks all in, in the companies, woods, revenge for tax that ukraine to be making deep inside russia targeting their energy facilities, oil installations, for example. and that's something that interestingly, is, is, might be the us unhappy co cus, ukraine's largest ally washington concerned that these attacks by ukraine on rushes, all vicinities, could result in an even greater escalation. and of course, that concerned about an increase in global. busy oil prices, but it's been very interesting that his own ski responds to these kind of complaints. in the last couple of days he spoke to the washington post. he said that it was ukraine's rights to defend itself. because basically ukraine is suffering such a deck was said in a defenses,
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and he said the ukrainians are forced to suffer these kind of attacks. the russians showed to somebody as parliament has approve measures to change parts of its provisional constitution and of a whole. the electro system, they belong to the president power to appoint and dismissed the prime minister rather than the parliament. somalia has an indirect electro system based on clans, politicians in the state of compliance, so they are no longer recognize the federal government to face the government of the country and has withdrawn this recognition of confidence of the federal government of somalia. until there is a completed constitution, which will someone, is there any agreements with land as a pulse of the constitution of the printer and states. the governments of kentland will exercise the power of a full and independent states until the federal process starts, in which there is agreement and deals. the constitution that some of these accept you. let's take a closer look at the region portland as a northern somalia,
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which is regarded as being most stable in the south. it's home to around 5000000 people. unlike its know the name of the break away province of some on demand content isn't sticking independence. instead, it's functioned as a semi autonomous region since 1998 match. brighton from san research says regional authorities langley that they hadn't been consulted on the changes this land is against the fact that it hasn't been given a vote in the changes to the constitution. and nor have most of the somalis, in fact, what we've seen is what's called a constitutional review process. which in fact has been a introduction of almost an entirely new constitution without widespread consultation without the participation of the federal in the states of somalia. and it almost looks to many is though the federal government to somalia has hijacked the constitutional process, or at least that's what land is alleging. and many of some of these international
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partners have also queried the fact that the constitution revery process has been done without transparency. it's not really clear why these reforms are required. they limit the number of political parties to 3. the president's proposal was to, uh, they were initially intended to remove the parliamentary system and introduce a presidential system. and so they looked a lot like the centralized ation of power in a, in a fairly autocratic system. and so there are questions about what the president's intentions are in this process says, and bob way, now and millions of people are facing hunger as a drought, has destroyed most of the annual harvest in some areas. rain hasn't for them for weeks, many people to depending on financial assistance from the united nations to survive out of the task, the reports from the capital head out a this is
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a missed message tells susan, my bottle is, she's received monthly cash allowance come to you as well, so the program is being sent of honorable people in zimbabwe already struggling with the high cost of living that's being listened by weeks of draft me. that when a movie doesn't recognize the crowd in this field, i'm not looking good. many people may not have this anything, the price is going up. i have to go to feed the knock on to the people living in urban areas who can afford to buy what they need are being given $13.00 a month. whatever happens in the, in the rural areas, for example, days at no bring in, in the communities. what it means is that the price of that green was actually cool . and then the price of the dream goes up. it also affects the communities that i guess because they have to find money to be able to purchase in many rural
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communities, hopes of a good harvest. updating this is mays. neil a staple food in zimbabwe may see the ground into a pallet of. busy flour a bad harvest will mean food shortages and price increases. the government says the ins supplies was made to last until next year's harvest. the politicians are also urging people to conserve food and with no rain at all falling in some areas, the u. n says the unlikely to face via food shortages this you had them a task that i'll just cut out of pocket spa and supporters of the p. d on the policy of jail, full prime minister, and one kind of protesting in the city of charlotte against the results of a general election last month. village bo, shrieking election day was modify mobile and internet outages come on high that has moved from the shower despite the fact that it is the month of ramadan,
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the sun is shining. most of the people are far thing, but the leader of the pockets on deck and sob and gone gone. how's going to support the 5 of books in our province where his father is prep, the boys to come out in large numbers the road there? i guess there isn't rigging of the election one of the minds of the party or so of course the release of every non kon from prison who weren't just as far sold and now. so as your district, we are here in protesting for the release of bonita, you mind con, force put behind balls without any reason. you have to be the one you're most of even the odd tradition dividers who parks the one, the 6 guys who's been on the line items with the regions blue book. and that's what we're talking about the parking spot. and the 2nd one, why is the present? what's the reason behind it? now it is ramadan, but despite that,
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we have seen thousands of people going up in bridge. drywall, often ramadan. the plans are the way it's country wide rotate. it is going to be important or see whether the government involved or advice, or bunker learned the pressure they have brought them and add them, or that they will not give up their fall despite allegations of mazda rigid rigging . now it is going to be important to see what happens within the next few months or that everyone had and focused on expecting more political uncertainty and the coming weeks and months come out of the day at all. it's all demolition who is in the us have started the process of dismantling and removing the debris from the baltimore bridge was struck by cargo ship last week, causing it to collapse. recovery emissions have resumed off to being cooled off due to unsafe conditions. it's not just about maryland. this is about
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our nation's economy. the port handles more cars and more farm equipment. more than any other port inside this country and at least 8000 workers on the docks. have jobs that had been directly affected by this collapse. this is been the 25 years since the american city of chicago decided to establish a music group aimed at representing its diverse community today of the chicago and the going to construct, showcase is global music hoping to serve as a model for unity and a divided world john henry has the story from chicago into chicago studio, the mingled instruments and voices of the world plans into a global symphony. the, the chicago immigrant orchestra is a rotating country of up to 30 musicians, playing a unique blend of world music that combines persian vocal,
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the mongolian through the and instruments from around the world in each composition from a chinese rewan to and fro peruvian percussion, uniting sound in society, music is the art of $0.10 boarders and $0.10 pressure. this is and, and, and stereotypes and it's, it's, it's something that everybody can kind of experience collectively. when is the rule or the groups, palestinian american co director plays the bazooka place in between notes that are not on the suitcase or on the piano or on the guitar. if this style is hard to pinpoint the speakers, the music is from no single place. the instruments of the world together are the universal language in music co director for recon,
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the chicago born son if a truly and mother and a pakistani father says instruments never played together before combined seamlessly more so he says than the nations they come from. one of the things about this group is we get along so well, and you would assume that they would be a lot of friction culturally, you know, but there isn't at all. it's more than music fish. nigerian american senior says it's an example for the city in the world. i think it's hope for a better, more unified world right now. especially in chicago is a very segregated city. and so i think that is, it represents what life could be if we actually accept one another and learn from each other as our immigrant experience the, from the rehearsal studio, to the concert hall. the worker in orchestra is the tapestry of global sales and
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admitted for, for the harmony it hopes to symbolize for the nations from which those instruments have john henry l. u 0, chicago. we have a sports news. so they had all the news um on the side of the match, the the reporting from the auction. how do you mean a great when i'm hearing the fact palestinian or airbag content has been removed or restricted understanding the reality for these demonstrators. if president lucky, self reckoning the stability of the country, i'll just say it was teens across the world. when you click sense to the fonts at the store, the of
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a human appeal. we know just how precious every moment of remington is. every 2nd of these beautiful months brings you the opportunity to embrace the spirit and blessings of mercy. your 13 nights is a human appeal platform, which enables you to automate you with a nation's on every night to from a done hoping to make the most of this beautiful month. trust us with your messy this ramadan, the t as ending. thank you so much, elizabeth. well, as being a little full day in the english at premier league consul rice reigning champion as much as the city drew mill mill with austin,
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where results the left livable to points clear of the top of the table sun. i'm a sure pulse manages to know each other well off to begin is they spent looking together at man just to see the killer texas arsenal team is now darren to challenge based supremacy over at pep squad deal. the city side is that mutual respect appears to spill over to the players. i can see is all sorts of any description that were few and far between. the trend continues throughout the game . stumbling effort from city striker earning had on the summing up the match. the necessary josh was the final result. it's in his new result that need to teams, training, live approved and it's hard to raise leave a pool, had to come from his goal down and their game against brighten and field that he will bet. pushing the way team ahead of the just 2 minutes with louis doug. never
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for level 2, the columbia and fluid new is the the, the, the sent in hub mohammed spa school, the windows to one, the final school, the team or 2 points glue arsenal at the top of the table. it may be tough and yes, eats and sometimes not bragging, and it will be calibrate booby at $18200.00. but as of sometimes i'm, if you watch and i have to play it. but if v and altogether enjoy this, you may have the chance if you don't, you still have a jazz, it's just really much more difficult to to final caesar that live a pool good yet. and with his team winning english football is most important. trophy, you sign a homeless, i'll just say around, you know, the, it's been a non games less than the season for the top 3 who a separate seat by on the 3 points,
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mid week games coming up for all involved on wednesday. also pollutants city are at home to ask them that and the following day is little pool. the sheffield united within gym, an 8 by 11 kids and have already wound up on this legal according to bon unix coach . that's almost a single box after a home defeats adult and that's buying 13 points behind in the sizable rice favorite star, triple 7 games to play thomas, to close this dependency. we get tons of the rice is already o, but after watching is so at least 2 notes of birth, the adult and he will finish. congratulations to lead is by 11 cruise and he never leaves cold because of the another 3 points. the 10 points we should not be should not be unrealistic as this is a very, very likely level because it becomes jumping, of course, is the 1st time in the decade that fine to compete in the home by goldman and the game known as dick plastic and they've won the last 11, been to see get trophies, but no 13 points behind. it looks like i'll have to win the champions league to
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avoid the 1st trip to the season in 12 years. they face us know in the quarter finals. again, we are back a little bit back on square one. we thought we overcome this. we had this too many times in the season and again it happened to us and we got punished. have occasion had been in danger of suffering bad 1st defeats of the season. but too late goes against oppenheim acute them to come back, victory. chevy, alonzo. i sort of not lost in that you know, in games and the defeated side in europe, at least for sure. we are not position that we could, we could we need, but still few games to go for sure. today the 3 points gave us after the international, the, the moment it took you go into started, well, so yeah it's, it's for sure it is. we will find a good chance, but it's not over until it's over. there's been speculation alone, so it could replace the outgoing to come by and oh,
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you can call it is full of books of little pool. but the spend the it is confirmed . he's staying where he is next season. and the moment it says right to be here, i'm really happy. i'm just you, i have the globe as great find. so i rate the players are unbelievable. so many reasons that'd occasion a bouncing on coast to break 12 is a point and domination. then there are just 3 winds away from that firstly. so i told david stokes now g 0 is fine. balance of under of cut. the pressure on lead is around madrid. in league, if they beat less, palm was one. now it's caused within 5 points, presenting when you finish the story or you go in fact gang around like little lights are on and they'll size boss it in a plastic over on august 21st 0 score. an image roots on winter, it gets real branches to continue to push to as champions like football next season . so anyway, this 13 to like 630 in your favor. he made it. christie on right now there his go.
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his 2nd have triggered the season in the saudi hurley lights for helping you secure myself. only one picture of alti in the old previous goes to the less of our 39 year olds. now there were some needs to explore with 26 goals overall. around that, so remain 2nd 12 since behind. we have drivers out who else with knowing games, let them mark and daniel collins beat, elena replicated. so when the miami opened side to the 30 year old, defeated the world number 4 in straight sets the pickup. what was the biggest title of her career from australian opened runner up? announced in january that she would be twitching tennis at the end of the season. oh yeah, it's just been amazing to go out today and to have felt the energy that i felt from the fans and literally feel like i'm playing in front of thousands of my best friends. but that was just serial. i will never forget this day because of that. simmons kelly room para has won't be safari. raleigh can even double. we'll
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champion finishing move and a minutes and a half ahead of his way to see makes of depends how come i to cut sewer trim should lead sir and never finished on his face for the belgian still has the overall type of lead drive is heading. now to crow, i shift around. okay, buddy. sorry. sports is looking for and do. thank you very much for that. finally, this bulletin, palestinian christians and garza, a mocking is the under the shadow for the donors of worship as attendant the eastern vigil. and that a church and gaza city in darkness intensive as randy attacks of made power supplies of rhetoric. gaza is home to one of the oldest christian communities in the world. and that's it for me, elizabeth, put on them to stay with us. your call will be here in just a couple of minutes. last, today's news. thank you for watching the
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is the biggest global electron yet in history, the world's biggest democracy, off its own epic showdown. join me screen of asking dan and a new full pop cd focusing on india. in this episode, i go on my own experience as a journalist, you examine alarming drop of the freedoms in india and the future of india and back to an independent media. being the other for foxley on those is either devastating strikes follow by through what we christine, because that's 1st responders. know the mission could be their loss. but until then, the humanity drives one day with because the civil defense witness rescue mission because on
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a jersey the government of buckets on says it's expending everyone who does not have legal documents. that means thousands of off guns, many who are born in park, a son must sleep, focused on the police did not trace us rise as scans were detained, and forced to pay bribes. near the border of his pockets on this comp is ready to deal with tens of thousands of new arrivals. it's a difficult transition to leave everything behind and come to this country. this is just a staging point from here. the journey continues to the places of versions inside of on many of guns will leave the exposure and because of pressure tactic to push the kind of bond government to kind of the people who pockets phone calls terrorists like signing the bond carries out the tax insights loc hassan, when it's leadership is based in nevada, stop focused on says the measures of the curved, illegal migrants who report and some are involved in criminal activities comp proficiency. regardless of the legal status,
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people should be treated with respect the the displace palestinians under attack is ready. massage target tense. they're a hospital getting at least 2 people. the kind of them are carl, this is alan's is there and i from the halls are coming up on the brink of salvation. units of issues at di, warning is don't to struggle to treat severely malnourished children in gone. so thousands of is rainy's protests in west jerusalem to the mom and resignation of prime minister benjamin netanyahu.


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