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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 1, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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shameless, every passing day. frank assessment school admissions of the page. the often in the highest level they've been using games for this policy. let me cut out of the service to implement aid and course the rivals. inside story. on al jazeera, the end is right the as try kit c. all right, so hospital compound and central guys are killing at least 4 people and injuring several others including johns, the on the clock. this is out 0 line from the halls are coming out, is ready, media report, a suspect to try it and has talked to this of the city of a lot damaging admitted to building the 10s of thousands of israelis protest
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outside parliament demonte. the problem in this resignation and the return of captives, it's the largest demonstration since of all the guns and a political blow for turkeys presidents, the main opposition party retains control and major cities including assembled. so eventually, the central dogs are in his radio strikers hits a hospital compound, at least for palestinians have been killed and several others are injured. in the attack on the alex hospital, several journalists were among the wounded strike tents. housing displays, people in the hospitals, courtyard in the israel says it was targeting a c'mon center of these alignment you had on group in good or as this report. now this was the moment when is read her strike just meters from the is installed at
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the hospital in central cost on the top target to to tens housing displays policy use in the courtyard of the medical facility and data. but well, i know when i got, you know, we were sitting in the tents, we're defensive civilians and displaced people from northern gaza. suddenly the missile hit this tent and there isn't a single reason that could explain targeting display civilians in a hospital courtyard. injured policy unions were brought into the hospital, one of the few in closets to partially functioning, its accidents, and emergency department is over. one journalist covering the war had also been using the tents as a makeshift office at the time without any warning. we're a group of journalists with no tourist amongst us. we're preparing our cameras and all of a sudden the tent was hit, then everything went dark with deputies and rock flying over our heads. the
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healthcare system has collapsed because of is rose bombardment and locate and medical supplies. medical facilities no longer have the capacity to treat this many seriously injured people. have the hospitals and medical teams and all have to check to work is must be protected. the international community must provide such protection the patients, the wounded, and the displace to be put on state of panic and part of the feeling that there's right the pains will attack the hospital again. it's horrifying. everyone is terrified seeking shelter in this hospital for more than 6 months. right now. nowhere is place and kind of thing. these are targeted in hospitals and schools and makes it tense. palestinians do not know where to go. this is in the body to 0. i left the hospital bed, but while israel has been attacking hospitals across the gaza strip since the beginning of the war and i the hospital is the latest to be targeted for the north
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is ready, forces have started with drawing from our ship a hospital after 2 weeks of siege, the world health organization says that 21 patients have died. since these reading troops raises the compound more than a 100 patients and 60 stuff with trapped in the complex with new medicine fuel. both of the city and officials in gauze and say is ready for has killed more than 400 people in the house or for hospital since it's seeds began. one palestinian boy did manage to escape from. i'll see for the last month. but he died just days off to being forced out for them, cut out as mother says they fight elsie for on monday when it's ready. so just all the patients and doctors to leave. she moved him to come out at one hospital where he died while receiving treatment for hepatitis. how's the global side o'clock? not suddenly they close the doors and they were shooting. we said, maybe there's a truce. we didn't know about it. the doctors and nurses were screaming and saying these ratings besieged us outside. they started shooting at the doors to get home.
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i solved where is how much the ones are all sick children and these know how much i need the medical stuff. and these children here is this, how much would it this boy do today? and how about that? how going on? if a lot of them, they said that they weren't, you evacuate the families of patients and leave the patients. they told me to leave my son, and i said, i will not go and leave him. i stayed and the parents lived all the injured children who are tired and doors with a legs cut off. some operations would you late. there's no medical equipment or medicine and i'll shoot for hospital. there's nothing. how much did what does that stuff that i carried him on my shoulders and how to cheat. and there were people behind me patients as well. they told us who ever can get out should go and we got out. thank god. and once we were on the bus road, they started shooting at us again, telling us this is not a safe area. and we should go right. and they started shooting at us again saying this is not a safe area as well. we were in the middle of the road and we didn't know what to do. what in the south on going is ready?
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raids in and around con units are killed at least 16 civilians, more than $32700.00 part of things being killed since school began. i made reports from a very rough and southern gauze. we are learning it from our source in the central air that more for more people are being pulled up from under the levels then that increase the number of people who were killed an overnight at tax and early hours of this morning, going to a residential home and, and the rest of the account to 10 people, the initial number was 6 field from one family. but there are 4 more people. there were on a different floor of the building it from another displace family in december, the venture building and just it took hours for the paramedics in the civil defense across the ground to be able to remove them. and the number has rates 10 people with several other injuries, all transferred to a lot of hospitals. hospitalized that was already exhausted and
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over whelmed with the number of injuries. and at the same time it was under attack . they went on a drone fire 2 missiles on a 10th for display, as a palestinians inside the courtyard of the hospital, killing 2 people already and a dozens of injuries. the vast majority of them are from the german order to our station. inside the courtyard of the hospital have been reported about the ongoing genocide of war, an ox, a on the palestinians. and this is not the 1st time we see in hospitals being on the 3rd attack on journalist also being targeted deliberately by these really military also in hon. you and is the entire city was struck by multiple airstrikes . it from the eastern part of the central part of the city, as well as the western area. whereas in las evacuation zone is located where hundreds and hundreds of displays. families have been children because they were told to evacuated this area because it is a safe area. also. we're learning also from the source of uh,
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ongoing airstrikes taking place right now at the western part of it is that refugee can causing further civilian casualties. that grade level of this direction and just given how difficult the situations are right now, very difficult for paramedics, for a civil defense, a crew for volunteers to get to the targeted sides to help removing levels and get people to the hospital to these ready armies as a suspect to drone is the red sea result. city of a lot is really media reported that the drain cause damage to one of the ministry buildings. no injury. some people would say false. sirens were activated in the city and i but it's just rushed to the side. and iraqi own group is taking responsibility for the time. and they are on sunday, tens of thousands of people gathered outside parliament and the largest anti government demonstration. since a will began. they demanded prime minister benjamin netanyahu, his resignation, tulsa, the elections. yahoo faces bound together and get from his radius. you believe he
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has put his political survival, head of the broad interest of these ready people. protest is expected to last 3 days. it's the big also. the election now by the way, the people is with the men from the government to find solutions to release or they also just simply dine there and the government all to do the duty, but at least all of them is unable to do so. maybe someone else can do that.
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the apartment, is it nothing? yeah. who had the heavier operation on sunday night? speaking ahead of the procedure. he said he is doing quite everything to bring the hostages. hi. you show me. i'm showing you know so cool. can anyone who says, i'm not doing everything i can't to bring back the hostages is wrong, and it's misleading. and whoever knows the truth is, instead of repeating this lie, disclosing all necessary grief to the family of the hostages. the truth is that while israel has flex dispositions in the negotiations on how must harden's emotion look sure. or despite bethany, all his assertions protest is the item and that he must reach a deal to secure the release of captives. tom, dissolute reports now from west, through some of them, tens of thousands of demonstrators in west jerusalem gathering outside of israel's parliament, known as the can assist in order to put pressure. they say on the is really government. they say they want to out these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. they say they're fed up with his policies. ones that have not seen the return of the remaining is really captives who are held in gaza. they say this will
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be a demonstration that will span over the course of a few days, and in that they will sleep in tents here in the city. these really prime ministers spoke this evening and addressed a wide variety of topics, saying that the military is ready to invade drop off despite criticisms from allies like the united states. additionally, he touched on the fact that military pressure is still the only way to bring back the captive. all of this on the heels of nathan yahoo undergoing a surgical procedure this evening and which he expects to make a full recovery from within his place. israel's justice minister, your read levin. we'll assume that position as in term prime minister until he returns. but in the meantime, these protests, demonstrators say, we'll continue to central jersey to west jerusalem. the money is run, has confirmed it. security and intelligence chief serene car phone, he goes to asians every possible si, fi, but it says it's not sending a delegation to this point. 5 minutes of content is being held in,
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gallagher were among those you've taken to the streets, criticizing just 5 minutes to between now, so it keeps him as a binding. come, a warrant. garza has been underway for the 6 months of 3 people have been injured in a stubby attack in southern israel. it happened in a to a mile and they found a gun. you ever need the suspect to the palestinian paper, the occupied west bank? see what's the shopping center elected officials say he was killed by police. some of the victims are in serious condition. the new government of the palestinian authority has been supported. it will be led by the new prime minister and stuff. the product and you know, authority is based in ramallah and the old fight west bank. many of its new ministers are understood to be from gaza, former prime minister, extra to you, and his government resigned in february st. israel's war on garza requires new political arrangements without any of these ran the army killed. a has blog come on
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to in and strike in southern lebanon, and it's ready try and talk to the car in the time. if you need his bottle has confirmed the attack killed as well. i l as in israel claims others and was a combined to an end to tank unit so far is run, has killed 270 has block members, including at least 3 columbus of israel is also conducted as strikes in neighboring syria. at least 2 civilians have been injured in the outskirts of the syrian capital, damascus. on sunday, the defense ministry said his scientific research center has been talked. if it comes to days off the is, registrar is killed. dozens of the syrian soldiers and i lie fights as in indefinitely problems. the no tech is main opposition. republican peoples policy has declared victory off to sundays local elections. it's matt, as in a stumble in ankara, a set for big wins in as simple as him who is being tipped as
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a potential candidates in the 2028 presidential. they sit in closer to folks now from them. and historic moment, as the main off was ition trials and stumbles may or election occurs in mobile. the republican people's party or c h p, is set to serve the 16000000 residents of a symbol for 5 more years. it marks the words, the fees for prison visit sites are drawn and is rolling go $40.00 in the more than 2 decades in power box shot, just as a stumble gave us the historical message this evening. it also gave it to the government officials instruction given by the nation is that those who are elected to sub with respect to those who are elected as well as the officials receive instructions from the nation from the periods of one man. rule is over. as of today, it is done said to learn h b one by
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a wide margin and 2 kids largest city and economic hub. a mobile is now considered the leading well position figure likely to run in the next presidential race. this is the victory of the pores of 4 people, showed the red cock to the government in the hopes that fee did i now live again. we still have democracy and hope for the future present. sir john. acknowledge the electoral set back in a speech delivered at his rolling of parties headquarters in the capital on, correct? all those do not. these images to day is not the end for us. it's actually turning point from the, the turkish nation has call me this message is to petitions by using the ballot box . inducements collection certain, does it mean that the vote was viewed as a bar a matter of air guns, popularity sold to reclaim control important urban districts that he has most of
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the opposition in mental simple elections. 5 years ago the c h. b 's victories in on colorado and a stumble in 2019 damaged our don's image of invincibility. the party has suffered a serious long day for the whole issue. then the opposite. the celebrated will have a last thing. if the presidential election that's for 2028. the houses are example. so the head here now the 0. the the supple farm. why a festive remedy? that night's meal deployed west bank of becoming the, the,
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you're just in time for your weather or part across the america is good to spend time with you because the storms marching across the river play likely to produce some hail. almost all the parkway is under weather alerts for sunray, down ports here. that's the forecast on monday. first day of april. and then by tuesday, this storm system on winds over patagonia. it's going to give us quite the soaking for come with all the we've a davia. torrential rain in the forecast here on tuesday. large parts of brazil dealing with showers and thunderstorms, especially around it's amazon estate. so for it's capital, now it's $29.00 degrees. copious amounts of rain here and to central america. we go and have a lot going on when the at times a few showers in storms, but plenty of sunshine to go around. but as a result with that weren't breeze off the gulf of mexico, it's going to collide with cold air rushing off the rockies. this happens on tuesday. so line of storms from texas, stretching up to tennessee and kentucky severe thunderstorms likely hear that
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weather pushes away from los angeles. you've got a stellar stretch of weather coming up, you've deserved it. and to western canada, the canadian prairies, temperatures are in the double digits here. so quite a spell of wants to be expected. and we've got a round of rain moving from the midwest to the mid atlantic on monday. that's dropped and see why have american evangelicals become his real strongest back or is us president, you'll find the right to stand with this really with no red line. as long as us support continues, is there anything that can stop is real? solve on concept from going on in. definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line. there are some of the media stories, a critical look at the global news media on how to 0. government shut off, access to social 80,
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the the other day you watching out 0. top stories is an at least a full policy needs to be kills and is ready to tackle me. i likes the hospital compounds in central 1000 strong kit tents. housing displays, people as well as john in the facilities court, up to 14 days of siege is ready for specific gun withdrawing from the ship, a hospital or complex involving java. over the past 2 weeks, 12 patients have died and it's really forced to kill building 400 people in and around. tens of thousands of people gathered outside israel's parliament to the largest anti government demonstrations and support. the guy said to bonded 5
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minutes to benjamin that the all his resignation, the cold, full, early elections view an agency. unicef says garza feels like a coffin for children. go to say that unable to treat malnourished children because it's ready for us. as a humphrey 8 vehicles officer visited one hospital in northern garza to see how staff and patients a coping for targeting b as a jenna is wasting way before her mother's eyes. she's suffering from malnutrition can no longer hold, barely has the energy to talk. some of the shows as jenna before. the gen is being able to come all at one hospital in northern garza, but its only partially functioning and stuff comp provide the specialist cogent and need much to the dispatch of her mother the they asked me to take my daughter and go home. where's the conscience?
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what can i do at home with my very sick daughter? i want her to be treated abroad. i want her to be able to choke and both like other girls. i don't know what to do. wait your car. so you chose seduce, close by israel is located on a truck. so leading palestinian children malnourished as one is suffering from a deficiency in potassium and sodium. the 2 and a half year old has low small than a quarter of his body weight. and the last 6 months, i have 2 sons. both of them are sick. they're fighting for their lives in front of me, and i can't do anything to help them. health. what to say? they're seeing more or more children every day suffering from malnutrition. and they're appealing to desperately needed medical supplies, that they are so many cases of malnutrition that haven't been documented because of the lack of beds in the hospital, meat, eggs, vegetables and fruits aren't available. this is definitely let the problems with children's immune systems. infectious diseases are rampant as hepatitis because of
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the water pollution. the world health organization has provided the hospital with fuel for generation has been not nearly enough, is also shown to oxygen and incubators as well as bad parts for life saving medical equipment. all this is in, during the ability of health work is to treat severely malnourished patients who was struggling to survive. this will victoria gates and b elgin's era. the russia has confirmed his targeting ukraine's energy infrastructure in a bit to disrupt its worth. it cranes, national energy operator says attacks on sunday damaged high voltage facilities in the south forcing emergency electricity shut downs in odessa and in surrounding areas. several power plants have been destroyed all damaged in recent weeks. training precedent for the winter. lensky also told them western pals to provide more ministry hardware to fight russia, or cc 30 stand,
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as not as much as russian terrorists are now targeting file strikes to hold the energy bleeding of any crane. we gave all the necessary signals to our partners, all the specific requests to everyone with the necessary air defense systems, to everyone who has the necessary missiles america, your, our other partners. everyone knows what we need, but everyone knows how important it is right now to help us protect ourselves from these blows courses. let's enough from child stratford, who has more from the ukraine's largest private energy company. a company called dfcs is saying that 5 of its 6 plants have been damaged and 80 percent of the generating capacity. the tech says is loss to put that in context. the tech supplies around a quarter of the country with electricity, the tech saying that this is going to take potentially up to 18 months for those repairs to be made. but those, those 6 parts just to drop in the ocean in relation to all the energy plants,
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energy facilities that have been hit by russia in recent weeks. and of course yes, they're all rolling blackouts that are ongoing and various locations across the country. now the credit and it said in the last week also that these attacks all in, in the companies woods, revenge war tax, the ukraine to be making deep inside russia targeting their energy facilities, all installations, for example. and that's something that interesting me is, is, might be the us unhappy. of course, the us ukraine's largest ally washington concerned that these attacks by ukraine on russia's all facilities could result in an even greater escalation. and of course, that concerned about an increase in global oil prices. but he's been very interesting that his own scheme responds to these kind of complaints. in the last couple of days, he spoke to the washington post. he said that it was ukraine's rights to defend itself. because basically, ukraine is suffering such a deficit in a defenses,
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and he said the ukrainians are forced to suffer these kinds of attacks then russians, you should to, the impact is done supporters of the p t. i party of jail form a prime minister in run, conduct being protested in the city push out against the results of the general election last month. and the big bringing at election day was mounted by mobile and internet outages. at the neighboring india thousands gather that an opposition riley in the capital, knew daddy to protest to gauge prime minister rendered moody. this comes just days after and opposition needed was arrested for let's corruption. critics say the body is the writing competition, head of the countries general election, which begins in 3 weeks to meet you mentioned thinker as this report. oh, they came from all over into opposition, policies and thousands of the supports is in new delhi to condemn prime minister
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and then into a movie that i'm good by the rest of this man. new delhi cheese minister of indication of all of the country is anti corruption campaign that has himself been accused of croft, but he's also an opposition leader and his arrest weeks before and national elections has raised questions. no more than we are here to protest against the more the government which is discriminating against all the people as jeans. urban case, 3 of our for no reason for the in his party have new evidence. but the still g, as in the casual, isn't the only one targeted by the countries authorities, the main opposition national congress potty. so it's bank accounts frozen by tex, inspect, this is wonderful, and simon, 75 years. in democracies, on the 11th shorting the position was
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to gone, get casuals wife is among those standing hand in hand against what they called, politically motivated arrests. me? yes, i'm not talking, they tended this passion well not working in the we will fight and we will when the prime minister in that, in the movie held a separate riley on sunday and brushed off the allegations against him. and his national democratic alliance will and da, to get to know in the panama dealer right. yeah. this election is a site between 2 blocks. on one side, there is the, in the 8th, which wants to remove the cut up. and on the other hand, there was another block that wants to protect hook up. now the people have to choose to press back down to your india's general elections will begin on april 19th and will last 44 days. opinion polls are showing moody is expected to win us
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the un office. but these protest as say the election will be fall from fast. to be to member then go out to 0. performances is cooled for an immediate cease randazzo during his easter sunday address. the pontiff was speaking to a crowd of around 60000 people attracted to some piece of square and oppress consent to the old i prayed for those who was suffering as usual, confidence across the play with it. but then the opinion though, i could see i got on the tele possible inside the i appealed once again that access to humanitarian a be ensure to gaza and call once more for the prompt release of the hostages seized on last october 7th. and for an immediate cease fire in the strip is let us not allow the current hostilities to continue to have gray repercussions on the civil population. by now at the limit of its endurance and above all on the children. how much suffering we see in children's eyes,
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those children in that land of war have forgotten how to smile. a christian, some guys are also attempted east of mass submit the on game. well, it's a positive rituals that the highly find the traction gases city does or is home to one of the oldest christian communities in the world. the occupied westbank east of mass was attended by a lead, dozens of people at the church and attempt to invest in jesus his thoughts of being born. and this was in sharp contrast to previous years when the churches usually packed with worshippers and her to the palestinians. that they have not listened the occupied westbank is usually full of lights and music during ramadan. bare with me and like me is really ministry rates as well as restrictions are movement. few people are venturing out this year and to add to that space to the young palestinians who decorated the old city for the head of the month to be killed or rested. as is there, as laura con reports, now from next is all good,
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a wakeup, cool, before a day of fostering the zip knob on the fall. but this rama down the centuries old tradition brings out differently in nablus. now lucy was shot at we reminds people of what's happening in does have to remember they sleep without breakfast, without homes, without anything is on the feed is every wedding up list is right. forces have arrested after so many. 6 these other must have all these or dramas they use to march through the old city before to on bought with an increase is right, the ministry presence, it's too dangerous. so they remain on the outskirts trying to bring joy to a grieving community. in the past 2 years, it's ready for us as of kids move in 140 posting and in nablus during ramadan, the old city is famous across the occupied westbank for thousands.


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