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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 1, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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and that does not mean that we don't harm we don't tucked we do. we exploit the reports that emerging of horrific executions during israel sees of jobs as our chief a hospital. the truth constituted war crimes from the rubble of gases once big as hospitals that are witness of tons of people with their hands phoned and buried alive. also i have the time about this and this is all just a lie from. don't have also coming up a political setback for the turkish president after proposition the does when local elections and the 2 main cities on gotta uninstall in bold. plus. i'm stuck fast to report them from germany where one of your most liberal kind of this last suggests
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they can affect them. everyone about 18 years old. and now most of us small amounts of this plant. the reports are emerging of as really atrocities during a season. josh was of schafer hospital. but if proven would constitutes the most serious of war crimes according to a statement released by hamas and based on witness accounts is really troops have tried it out for risk executions. of civilians, dozens of decomposing bodies have been fined in the medical compact. local officials say around 300 palestinians have been killed. there are reports and i'm going to stress that these are unconfirmed at this time. that some of the victims have their hands tied and were buried alive. others, according to white, witness or cons, were crushed with times and what appears to be an attempt to cover all the evidence of the cool, the most agonizing moment is when the is really soldiers showed that civilian men
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before our own eyes, some were shot dead. others were buried alive and ditches. most of the dead bodies were bulldozed and buried by the is really so when i saw many young men handcuffed and blindfolded, thrown in the ditch and breeds was sent up. we witnessed it all. it happened before our own eyes. on the last, i spoke to dr. mohammed double flesh that they all shape a hospital and he says what he witnessed a months to war crimes. on a creep, moseley fly was bred at the c a. m. this morning. my lady said it was a month with me, victim the on the line for the aid in the hospital, the disney and we found the data, but it's all of them were handcuffed behind the back and blindfolded
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the well enough to drive these unprecedented throughout the we have never seen anything like that and any other role they have played by see the entire hall or the coast house for 15 days during this time they have been right, they'll cover on board the pride. they have them to go on and some of the benefits that we haven't spoken to many of the bible, davidson with new for the own eyes that they have many to benefit is being executed, including on the page as well. another living room in the basement before the hospital with the we had a big
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a the number of patients after the fees this number has dropped was dr. muhammed, although off osh, uh they are safer, hospitalized talking to us by phone and through a translator our honey mach moves in the office, and he's joining us now. honey. more information appears to be coming out about what's been happening at all. she have a hospital over the last 2 weeks or so in the optima. now the v is really the military's pulled, i how does what we're hearing, tie in with what you're hearing on the grand the yes, very devastating news are emerging from is you've been hospitalized these really military pulled out. i don't, i hours, early hours of this morning where people started to walk and do the whole complex, then specs that rates year level of valve destruction caused by the the tank shows
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and then tens bombing campaign. the disruption, the, the lays out was that on the building this display and get not only the complex, but it's vicinity, what is riley middle military describe as the unlimited and precise operations turned out to be quite of an atrocity. and across just it seems we've been looking at since early hours of this morning that these of the people who are tied and buried. those were very the live. those were crushed by the times and the those were seemed to be executed inside the hospital. the children and women and the, the, the, the, the grade level of destruction caused through the buildings and also to other facilities. a right now we can safely say that a ship, a hospital, the entire conflict is 100 percent out of service. there talks about at least 800 medical bids that have been destroyed completely and there is a 100 dialysis machines. the are also destroyed on other medical equipment severely
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damaged. the rooms are not sufficient now for any use whatsoever, the entire and complex and its vicinity. these hundreds of residential homes around the surrounding the super hospital, the whole area turned into more of a graveyards right now, as people are inspecting more and removing bodies, it from under the, the rebels and those who were buried by these really bold. those are, we're looking at close to 400 people have been killed and it's important to remind friends of yours. that is really military made a statement that the beginning of this operation, laming based on a list of allegations, but failed to provide any sufficient evidence whatsoever at all of the purpose of the operation. honey, thank you very much indeed, honey. welcome to talking to us from or off, or we're going to bringing home the so which isn't occupied east jerusalem, what it is really ministry being saying about this 100
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means really army has said that they have arrested of 500 post indians who they're saying are all fighters and that they've killed 200 others. they're claiming all of those people killed. were fighters as well. these really army, like with any attack on a medical facility, said that it was quote, precise and targeted. but the images of the medical facility that has been left in ruins, speaks for itself, meaning that that to can be up for debate. additionally, these really are me said that they confiscated weapons and other materials belonging to palestinian factions around in the hospital. this is not the 1st time these really army has rated the industry for medical complex. in fact, it is before most notably, back in the winter of 2023. these really only have claimed that some us was using this medical complex as a to man center and military headquarters or for their operations. however, those claims still to this day have not been proven. and after 2 weeks,
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the 4th rate on the ship a hospital has concluded to a condo. thank you very much. indeed. honda sounds good talking to us from occupied east jerusalem. let me give you some background. now actually, if i hospital was guys largest and most advanced health care facility, israel claim that was homeless main come on center, but didn't provide that concluded conclusive evidence. now the hospital had specialized facilities, surgical, internal medicine, obstetrics, and gynecology. before the siege, there were more than 300 patients, including 35 premature babies in the facility garza's, ministry of health, set about 30000 people, including medical stuff, patients and people forth from their homes have been sheltering in underground complex. well, joining us in the studio as months, so show me is a canadian palestinians, citizen journalist, and active this to his family home is near our ship a hospital. thank you very much indeed for coming in. the pictures that we're seeing are essentially over wasteland. and our correspondence,
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honey described it as people say, it's a graveyard. i understand that your homes close to that. can you tell us where your family are? and if you have spoken to them recently. yes, a ship hospital is around 250 meters close to where i was living. it was our family hospital together with hundreds of thousands of all this ship hospital was the place where a lot of people from around the strip had specialized care. my wife's family are mostly in the office and the name of the reason. however, we've had several set in family members from his side in a she falls with them over the last 2 weeks. the last time we were in contact with them was 5 days ago. and since then we don't know what happened to them when you spoke to them 5 days ago. did they give you any idea of what the conditions were like of the hospital at the time? no food, no water? nope, no safety. um, they were basically telling us that it would vice um we,
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we didn't know what to do. they didn't know what to do. so we fear the worst for them. we're not sure if they have been martyred or they've been taken into custody. you're talking about men, women, and children, 4 civilians, some who work in journalism. some who are had just a normal day to day trades and felt that a ship hospital was a safe place for refugees to stay. and the not active that the idea has been saying since the start of the genocide is that a shift is the command and control center for how muscle they've attacked the ship falls within. now 4 times a low have provided 0 evidence of that's my question is, where are the voices of the outside world? the n g owes the u. n. a shift hospital has been a center for refugees. and before that, a center to ensure that patients receive care. now, the goal is to build things now and it's,
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it's been gone and total ins. and now the text with the stories of hundreds of, of people whose lives now have been taken away with women, children, elderly and those who are sick. when will this madness, and when will the world speak up? in order to ensure that what's happened to a shift doesn't happen again to another center or facility? and because the step, what are we waiting for? the i'd, you could imagine many of of us around the world won't be able to even imagine what it must be like to be in the circumstances that your relatives were facing. and obviously if a hospital, when you were talking to them, did they give you any sense of what was happening, of the kind of restrictions and conditions that they were they were existing in 5 days ago when you last talk from them. so in order for them to get the signal to talk to us, they need to go in certain areas in most of a hospital. and while talking to us, we can hear the sounds of sniper shots, thrones, special units in the background shouting inside the microphones. you know,
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telling people to come to the outside areas and, and present themselves. ready for interrogation, so you're talking about um, being in, in, in the life for situation here. so despite the challenges that they would, and they're the ones that kept our model hi, attending us that's, we're going to get through this together and that they're requested as the people of the title. don't forget about us and don't forget about a shift. don't forget about the scene and people who are striving for the freedom. it's really difficult to to tell you in words how i felt at that time. i know how i'm feeling right now. how about however, you know, i wasn't the u. k. a couple of days back and attending the 1000000 man march for humanity for palestine and i spoke there. and the doctor gave me a glimpse of hope that the political situation, the landscape for the human,
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the human mind sets towards the point of standing people is changing. and that we need more of that. we need more demonstrations. we need more activism on social media. we need more politicians and lobbyists to work against what is happening by designers forces against the palestinian people. so it's really difficult to put into words with. i'm feeling right now, but definitely definitely what's happening is going to continue to fuel us moving forwards and we're just getting started in order to ensure that we get the free them that but a scene is needs. we've obviously being hearing stories from people inside guys and the kind of conditions throughout the last 5 months. the people have been going through. one tends to forget that many people have families outside garza who, as you've just described. don't have contact with the relatives inside the house and talk to me about what it feels like to be outside. what is happening, particularly when you come to contact you 5 this. this is another rules that
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somebody is going by is if we don't hear about them or from them, hopefully this means they are doing well. because if we hear about them that they've passed away, we would have gotten news from the hospitals or the clinics. and since that is finance, it means hopefully that they are okay and they've just been an area that doesn't have a significant a significant action. again, i'm guessing you, i'm giving you best case scenario. worst case scenario is that they've been marked her then they're, they're under the rubble for months now and, and unfortunately their bodies have decades and they will never find them again. and you can also hear about the news about the idea of carrying in trucks. all the rubble from different areas around was mixed with the skeletons and the bones and the remains of those that have left behind them. so this new as well in the ages is that the community outside the for the senior community outside thinking that you know, what if that was my nephew or cousin, my niece, my sister and my son was who,
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who is now being used to build something else for the idea, so it's a mixture of emotions. my social is thank you very much. we appreciate that this is a difficult time for you and you find the name of grateful to you for coming to talk to this today. thanks. thank you. i said i had on i'll just see it on the water crisis. i'm one of the world's biggest cities. we're going to tell you what the people of mexico as capital of doing to cope the just in time for your weather report across asia and right off the bat checkup this video of this intense hillstone in bung the dash like the size of these hills storms here just pounding the pavement, people putting their vehicles a way to avoid any damage. that energy also shifted over the other side of the border in india is a solid state. torrential downpours there,
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but it does turn much quieter on tuesday. out of humidity is still being pumped in off the bay of been golf for html. now do additional states. it's feeling past 40 degrees. when you factor in the humidity is also big. big storms in china, northern gordon. g one done problems. they're shifting up against a yankee river valley. these will be quite intense on to stay powerful wins and more hail to be expected, then that energy slides out over these, trying to see it's going to pour into korea and japan. so i had of this disturbance, most of japan is under heavy rainfall alerts, lot of humidity, bumping in off the south. china sea for china is had an island whether it's in play there in northern vietnam. so let me show you a noise feeling about 45 when you factor in that humidity. meantime for indonesia, biggest birth of rainbow, be southwest on sumatra island and will land in buckets done. it's a much pressure fuel after the storms rolled through. let's go 29 in the 4 on the
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in the bigger global that i couldn't yet in history, the world's biggest democracy, off its own epic showdown. join me screen of asking jan on a new ballpark cd, focusing on india. in this episode, i go on my own experience as a journalist, you examine alarming drop of freedoms in india and the future of india and back to an independent media being the other for foxley, on those is either the the, you're watching or just so you know, reminder about top stories this uh reports,
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every emerging that is really tubes executed civilians and crushed the bodies with times during this change of ownership of hospitals in gaza. some of them were bound and buried alive, according to witnesses. and a statement released by holmes officials and gaza say is there any troops killed around 300 people in and around the medical complex buildings. most barnes and critical medical equipment goes destroyed, leaving the hospital completely as a sun fence and not the once. it was a place of healing and sanctuary. now gaza cities lc for hospital is nothing more than ruined. many palestinians have come here to see for themselves what little remains. yeah, no doubt, come across the room. a medical facility serving civilians is totally destroyed, let into the ground. it was the central hospital for gaza. all the hospitals departments were destroyed, including the borrower, trees, radiology unit, as the many dead bodies have also been found. this is what else chief i looked like
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before the war and as the israel bomb the strip, thousands took refuge here. but is rarely forces have laid siege to the hospital for the past 2 weeks. buildings were burned and the courtyard was pulled over when they withdrew, they left behind a trail of bodies across the compound, just because of the health ministry says hundreds were killed and is really rate. and many patients died because they were deprived of medical care. now the vulnerable are being taken elsewhere. it's not the 1st time they've been forced to move. but as israel's war and gaza continues to expand, they may find that no worries, safe fence and monahan algebra. reports are also emerging of is really military officials discussing the killing of fires as a so called to have a blessed and gaza. and article in the audits newspaper describes kill zones or combat zones. and the strip, according to the report there in visible lines around the areas of fighting or is
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there any military presence newspapers as a senior army officer confirmed that if anyone who's not from the army crosses those lines, they are shot or killed. this includes the palestinian civilians and their brand it as terrorists even if they're on on non con has more from occupied eastern a few days ago out is there a result of the existence of palestinian civilians who were walking into the north . they were unarmed, they were waving white flags, who were then executed by these writing me. and then the bodies were actually picked up by both those and buried in debt and in rubble. we showed that video to these radio me at the time he's ready and he said that these were 2 different incidents, 2 different videos, stitch together, and that they will be looking into all of this. then we've had this report in her rights confirming, apparently the existence of these kills lines. now that's very interesting because
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free access to the no palestinian civilians is a sticking points in this. the associations when the see spot between is row and how mass mass is insisting that palestinians civilians be allowed to go back to that home just destroyed as they are the 70 percent because it is almost completely destroyed. it's, i'm livable, but those people would rather go back that then stay in a fun intent. so they, that's something that how mass has been negotiating for. so how most, if we can draw a conclusion must be aware of these kills ends. must be aware of these execution designs, and that's why the heart of the negotiation. and with this cold for the un to investigate how mass is ramping up, the pressure on these role to do something about these executions of police and solving israel to say the rest of the sister of homeless political liter smell honey, i'm enjoying stipend. the police on the shouldn't bet intelligence agency accused sub a honey i'm of having contacts with homeless affairs activists also said they find
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the documents and other belongings reportedly showing are involved in the engine operations against israel. it is very far, it does have a rest of the 15 year old patio standing in the occupied westbank during your range and your bath. i have more than $7800.00 palestinians would be interested in the occupied westbank since october. the 7th. is there any amenities carried out a series of air strikes on the southern level of the talking to the outskirts of baton overall shell for ha. and this comes off to israel said they've killed a senior, a has bullet. come on. the smell of zane on sunday israel and has of all i have exchanged fire regularly since the watering gauze have begun in october. it was also conducted airstrikes and neighboring silvia and at least 2 civilians of vineyards on the outskirts of the city and capital damascus on sunday. but the offense administrative set aside typically was search center was being targeted. the
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. the key is main opposition. republican people whose policies had some big winds and sundays local elections. president the rest of july of are the ones described as a setback, but he says it's not the end of the road for his party. some coffee all over spoke to vultures on the streets of assembled. one they all search your case highly competitive, local election raised. the majority of the may or you'll see it's across the country are now governed by the may know position republican party, the c h p. this is a victory for the main, a position who has been far from this this majority of governing for more than the case. but also it says that the fees for the home in golf course events has govern . city is like, is some move for more than 20 years, but appreciation that i am 60 years old and i've bought it for the c h. b for the 1st time. but i do with a gain. look at the prices and the change of it's important to vote for the one who
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works. i'm not an active party supported, but i voted for it's candidates in the city i live in. i understand why people voted for m a molar in the stumble. this may or election day, a clear message to the golf far to enter the 10 digit site drawn, wasn't very keen to retake, assemble, and on cut off from the opposition. now he's disappointed. then he said that he received the message given by the citizens. but there are so many issues to be repaired onto the presidential election in 2028. economy is a major problem, and this is why people mostly voted, as for the opposition, seen up to solar elders are as simple as somebody send me, a ton of a states of punishment has rejected parliaments, approval of a plan to overhaul the electoral process. they've replaced is an indirect electronic system based on plans with one person, one vote. the proposal also grant somalia is presidents the power to went on
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dismiss the prime minister of not parks was previously. was parliament funding politicians no say they'll no longer recognize federal institutions. south korean president, joseph fuels has defended his government's plans to increase medical school admissions by 2000. the administration says more doctors are needed to address for countries rapidly aging population and low dr to population ratio. thousands of training doctors walked off a jump in february, saying that changes would drive down wages and compromise the standard of care and not facing potential assess suspensions of their licenses. and where we do okay, other than the governments medical reform is to create an environment in which south korean people can get treatments wherever they live. so no matter what kind of diseases they have, by strengthening a central medical services and regional medical services. to do so, we need more doctors. if the country cannot increase the number of doctors without the doctors commission. they don't have to ask where the people's lives are worth
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only that much to them. after a long and hated debates and gemini, has become the biggest in your country to legalize kind of as for personal use, the new law is one of the most liberal in europe, a loving idols, to carry and cultivate the smaller months of the drawn step by some points from butler it was a happy moment for those lab loan campaign to be criminalized, cannabis activists, get it at berlin's kind of best museum to watch. the law finally passed the last hurdle in parliament. the director of the museum himself spend time in prison for smoking marijuana. this will be a $180000.00 less pro solutions in germany next year. and it will be a normalization of kind of as use in the public. and it'd be, it'd be, uh you really, you, it's really hard to consumers. opponents of the law call it, it was sponsible citing dangerous health effects troubles of you to mention cause
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even i've seen so many people become so serious the l. so by the damaged, by drug abuse that cause, i've never found that way back into normal life. i've spoken to so many doctors you want against occurring time as part of child support to say the opposite is true if adoption can be controlled, since 2017 does, german company has been allowed to grow. and so kind of best for medical use, the main indication of that kind of as, as prescribed as chronic pain. and that's also a lot of people report in studies that they experience a lot of relief. but the legal notation is only partial. the government wants to control the supply of recreational kind of is so only members of circles kind of as clumps will be allowed to obtain level. you wanna write rolling plans to gather everyone in germany about 18 years old. come now possess 25 grams of kind of this and public 15 grams at home. and 4 o, 3 of these plans themselves, making the german kind of this policy even more liberal. i mean,
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countries like the netherlands where despite the presence of coffee shops kind of assessing that for been legalized but produces worry that the government's main ink to crack down on the black market won't be a chief official says home growing cannabis, especially in the german climate isn't easy, and if done properly can be costly. he predicts many will continue to buy from the less. yeah, that's unfortunately, that's it. that's the truth for either street or if you have a house issue, then go to the pharmacy and get something to control. the government plans to legalize supply in the future as well. but for now, dealers in this bach and bullying won't lose all their business steadfast. and l g, a 0 fell in, is turning to the us now in cruise and baltimore has started to lift the 1st chunk of a collapsed bridge from the water. the natural structure has been cut off in preparation for his removal. 6 people were killed when the front of scott key bridge collapsed last week and out of control cargo ship struck one of its support colors. one of
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the world's largest cities may be just months away from running out of water and mexico city. the lack of steady water supply is already reached. crisis levels, a combination of climate change i've been finding on aging facilities are contributing to types running dr. clinical yano reports from the mexican capital it's 8 am, and angelica is waiting for the 1st trickle of water to flow through the only tap with running water in her house. when it does finally come, she will have about 4 hours to fill enough containers to get her family of 7 to an entire day soviet the import. once the years ago we had water all the time, even at night. not now though, last month we receive no water for 15 days. get angelica is actually among the lucky ones, any stop by law, mexico, cities, largest and poor as district. hundreds of thousands of residents don't get any
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water at home and have to either line up for hours a day or wait for government motor tankers to reach and paying for a private one is too expensive for most families. here. lexical city, a sprawling metropolis of 22000000 people is experiencing its most critical waters shortage. ever. a crushing combination of low rain, full, mismanagement of water supplies, an uncontrolled city growth as citizens and scientists worried about the short term access to water. here and stuff like that, but i didn't many other neighborhoods liked it across the mexico city that have grown and regularly over the years. what are sort of just are nothing new. but the recent crisis and the realization things are likely to get much worse before they get better is driving some residents to the brakes where they want. that name is the last full on you see the neighbor's get together and took the tanks by force, essentially hijacked them so that we will fill their water tanks. some people take their guns out on us to get water, but this is.


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