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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 1, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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the houses here the . ready and is really as strike hits the iranian consulate in damascus, a senior revolutionary gone, come on to as his deputy are amongst those kills the kind of them are kyle, this is ons. is there a line from doe how also coming up scenes of death and destruction amongst the ruins of gauze as el cheapo hospital for both of his rarely soldiers committing atrocities which could constitute will crime? the model let me know or we can tell me is not letting us know my number. ready then i just know the names
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because the district is symbolically on the 24th of february, 1918. 27 people upset to this is i'll tell you what meaning avenue are still waiting for just the beginning, syria where it is right? yes. right. because you're running close to the council, damascus, at least 7 people have been killed. a senior commander of is not revolutionary god called on his deputy or amongst the dead saying best of all the hospital. a 2nd major was rarely ever strike on targets in syria and less than a week. on monday, missiles hit a section of the iranian consulate in damascus. among the dead pulled from the rubble of high ranking iranian military leader brigadier general and how much the rest of the heavier military adviser who previously levia ronnie of the lead codes force in loving on a series that runs for administer called the attack. a violation of all
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international obligations and conventions. he went on to emphasize the need for a serious response by the international community to what he said were criminal actions. while serious for administer had this to say, was these uh, the so was we strongly condemned. this criminal act carried out by the zionist enemy, which led to the death of some innocent citizens who were passing by in the street . so again, we emphasized our position beside our brother's whom uranian embassy, m, d, as law mich republic of around. and we assure that syria and b is womach, were public, don't forget their enemies. on the 5th striking 8 days to hit serial leveled in entire building. the latest of hundreds of israeli attacks on targets inside government control parts of syria in recent years. and the latest of several is really assassinations in the region targeting iranian leaders as well as members of how much and has bullet since the war and goes up again. we have seen a tax in syria before that have
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cost the lives of civilians. there was one over the weekend believe with the a car bomb which in which civilians were, were killed. we condemned all these all these attacks, but we're waiting to get facts on what happened today. the incidents of damascus came 3 days after was really strict killed dozens of people in a level, mostly siri and soldiers, as well as members of his below, including a senior commander. the air strikes targeting iranian leaders in the region, as well as leadership of resistance groups, hamas and hezbollah, have escalated against the backdrop of israel's war and got some syria and lebanon, seemingly extend the battle grounds for his really operations, which continued to expand beyond the supporters and risk triggering a wider regional conflict. the same bus robbie ultra 0 correspond to the house and
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has covered this region extensively enjoys this hand now in the studio to get to have you back alley. it sounds a bit more about mohammed dressed as a he these leading faker in a wrong revolution with guns, as well as his deputy who was killed. so how much of a blow is this for a wrong while eventually the attack this be for the is ready attack? i accused by iran has eliminated the top commanders of the i, r g c clips force, excuse me, another one, but added also he was the commander in syria and lebanon, and his deputy, also, both of them were killed in this attack on the console. the section of the iranian embassy, it's a huge role given the fact that he, himself has been in this position for several years now. and in the past also, he was the i don't, he wants to come down to the office city at 1111 on off of for e a. d r g c 11 on between the 2007 in 2014. later on he left
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and he became the area, the commander on the exit forces and dodge all gc. and also he was the commander of the ground forces. so guard you see, so he's very trusted, especially by the leadership in the wrong. and that's why this is a very big blow. and that is not the 1st time the israel has talked to its members of a wrong revolution regards. cool. well, who exactly is israel going off to? it's clear that is when it's climbing the ladder off as, as a nation's from one senior commander to one that's more senior one for this. what's been happening since the beginning of this war on the 7th of october. so if you go back to the scent ations in, in december 2023, the 1st 2 rearranging offices were sedated in syria. then there was a major us as a nation when is, well i talk to and i'll see the most that we the,
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the historical commander, all fired you see very close to cost them. so they money, the late commander. he was also killed in syria by the end of this year. then i eliminate the at any many, eliminating the intelligence unit of the i r g c in damascus. i'm calling to the killing the commander. it seems that as well once to dismantle the i, r g c, command and communication in syria by killing gets the people who are in charge, aside from trying to a hits in, in different ways. it thinks that in, in this way itself only kidding what it's all so disturbing. you're wise. the parents because on one side it's clear to these really is that the means of trying their best to distance themselves from distension. so the month is really is, are hitting, i'm the heart of the hitting, the iranians are losing the options and they can swing by noon. okay,
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let me ask them for the moment. thanks very much for joining us here in the studio . oh, the us state department has refused to say whether it's had received advance warning of this way to strike on damascus. i'm not going to comment with respect to this particular strike because again, we just need to know more information about it before we do. and that includes drawing any conclusions from it as a general principle. and of course, we are worried about escalation, we are doing and worried about using that would cost the conflict to, to expand or wind in anyway. of course one is the official joins as live now from washington, dc. and that, and give us little bit more of what we're hearing also of us on the strike as well present. joe biden has been informed. we are told that the us intelligence agencies are looking at the stripe. obviously at this point the americans don't want to point the finger in one particular direction, but the radians are very clear that this was the work all the years really. and
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that would cool big go, big concerns inside the bite white house. they have been pains to stress as the start of the war in gaza that they don't want to see the escalation to abroad, a conflict. and they've been worried about what has been happening on israel is northern border with lebanon. clearly worried about what's going on and guys, uh, and then there would be what a that this could lead to some sort of retaliation either by a run or by a really and proxies against us. and there's really targets. i'm of certainly seen over the last several months, a number of attacks by reading and proxies including the hoot, these attacking shipping in the red sea and the number of attacks in the city uh in jordan, also in the rack itself. so that is that deep consent and in the bite and white house, so much so that the state department has said just in the last couple of hours that it would not be in the ryans interest to consider targeting any us or is really
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interest in the region at this time. okay. and facial bring installation as lines that from washington d. c. thanks very much. i don't. the votes of the most of atrocities committed by is where the soldiers during the siege of calls is l. she for hospital. that'd be an unconfirmed. eye witness says, accounts of palestinian civilians being shot dead of as i said to have been buried alive. he'll have had hardy and has more and a warning. the pictures and descriptions in her report on distressing there's not much left of console associates, a hospital with waistcoat destruction everywhere. and now after stations a painless war crimes are emerging. among the hundreds of reported dead decomposing bodies have been found in the compound after israel's too weak siege. witnesses say
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civilians were targeted indiscriminately. the cool, the most agonizing moment is when the is really soldiers showed that civilian men before our own eyes, some were shot dead, others were buried to live in ditches. most of the dead bodies were bulldozed and buried by the is really so when i saw many young men handcuffed and blindfolded thrown in the ditch and breeds was said, we witnessed it all. it happened before our own eyes in and around the medical facility. the stench of death is heavy, groaned bodies covered in sands and a parent attempt witnesses say to bury any evidence along with the dead, on a creep mosley, a little to chat. so the top of the problem, i have personally with this victims hancock blindfolded and buried in the hospital, got an emergency unit, we found thousands of dead bodies. all of them were hank covered with their hands
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behind their backs. these are also a war crime. they are unprecedented. we have never seen anything like this in any other. we'll make shift graves have become a common st. here is really force is reportedly open fire on patients and medical staff during the siege. go back on like it was last year and who do i have? yeah, the situation was indescribable. we found people again stable, covered in black. they bodies had been last 2 days and all the bodies had signs of the composition. just the thank god we were able to bury them despite the estate, hold on. human rights groups are calling on the international criminal court to take action. it's quite disgraceful that until this very moment, the persecutor of the international criminal court still drags his his feet and not issuing a response. it's important to mention the reason that we have a such disregard of international law and human life. and because this trip is the impunity that israel has enjoyed dentist ministry has enjoyed for,
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for decades. israel said it's operations that'll schafer compound were carried out, well preventing harm to severely as witnesses have described. the opposite effect on the i'm in the and this knife isn't as ready tanks. we evacuated. we came back hoping to find my belongings. i have nothing left. my house was thumb and everything has gone. not too long ago, the chief of a hospital compound was a refuge for displaced palestinians. now it's part of a wider investigation. it was really war crimes in gaza, katia a little bit so the young al jazeera corresponded honey my, we sent us this update from rafa. there are more people are still approaching us there. they're actually appealing and begging for any way possible by any means available to get ahold of someone from the complex to make sure that they're relative, their family members, those who did not leave golf and where's transit on
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a trapped inside that your boss with are still okay, if we don't have any information whatsoever to live, you have to come for them and to make them feel better about what's going on. and then the fact that we know what happened was it an otter devastation of the entire whole complex, including its, surrounded with tens of residential homes that have been destroyed then and on on where's that on fire? completely damage entire residential block. but inside a super hospital itself, what we're seeing the evidence that are emerging from the hospital contrary to what is really military has stated repeatedly within the past 2 weeks that its operation was limited. was it precise that it was doing whatever is good? do not do harm civilian, but looking at the number of people that being killed in among the uh, the uh, those who were trapped inside the super complex. those were and then the hand golf there was a word blindfolded with buried under the, the revels. they were cry run over by the times or we're buried alive, and as,
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as the, earlier to do more, the deal was progressing. more people removed it from uh, from the mazda grab that weird dog then from where they were buried by the times and the bowl. those are among them. medical, the staff with evacuated injuries, patients were looking to close to 400 people. and still, the number is increasing by the hour or in west jerusalem, thousands of protesters of demanding the resignation of benjamin netanyahu, whose government as the 2nd, like the demonstrations in front of the parliament, was similar action being held in tel aviv in the past 3 days. some of the top tense advice, the saying that's now has continued well on garza is hosting israel era government as long as they're as far as the, just the damage in the most recent show whatever we can take them down
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as well as parliament as possible nor which could allow a potential shut down a for an bull costs in the country, including al jazeera, the classic version overwhelming in favor of renewal, which as well, has been pushing since the beginning of his war on garza. the law allows as well to shut down any full cost if it deems its contents, pretzels, national security, as well as prime minister benjamin netanyahu posted on ex thing. i'll just say we're actively participates as a meal. tobar 7th, masika and inside to the against is ready. soldiers know so close ounces are a terror channel. that's me all he says he intends to take immediate action to stop out is there was october cheese in israel. of us state department says washington supports the work of the free press, or we support the independent free press anywhere in the world. and we think the work that the independent free press does is important everywhere in the world. and
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yet much of what we know about what has happened in gaza is because of reporters who are there doing their jobs, including reporters from al jazeera. i'll say we're just with, with respect to houses here. obviously, we know, i think it's well known that we've not always agreed with all of alex's years coverage, but it's a new organization that we engage with. i've done interviews with al jazeera, other people from the department have done interviews with l. g 0. so we will continue to make clear that we support the work that the free pressed us to. so it has hair on knowledge. sarah, we have friends h as in took care of the opposition, kansas when big and sundays local elections plus stuff. lots of reporting from jeremy were one of you. it was the most liberal kind of this last, how suggest they can affect them everyone about 18 years old. and now it says small amounts of this plan, the
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a little more century downforce in the forecast or across the china. so let's pick up the story. they're good to see you by the way. so from northern glen g and glen tongue, providence is this is moving northward, up against the yangtze river valley dark of the blue and the yellow, the more intense these down ports will be held, will be mixed in there. and those winds have pushed past the 100 kilometers. probably think we can expect much of the same on tuesday. this wet weather then shoots over these, trying to see pours into the korean peninsula and japan. but we're really in the thick of it by wednesday, heavy rain fall alerts issued up and down japan's main island of hunt. you next. i want to take you to endo china. we're seeing this humidity bump in of the south china sea. so a number of weather alerts in play for just how hard it is for trying his hand an island and northern vietnam. no, it's fueling about 45. indonesia biggest burst of rain will be northern sumatra
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island on tuesday, and i gotta take it to australia as a big changes here. the southeast had been parched in particular, victoria state. and now we're getting drenched with rain pretty much anywhere from sidney rate. down to hobart, so melbourne, you could see a month's worth of rain in the span of 24 hours. you just had an incredibly dry 2 months and for both the north and the south island in new zealand light went on temperatures where they should be. the a unique perspective. everything is political. you must be out of college as an ever think is a feminist issue. to on heard voices, we see our literacy destroying the ability to have a normal life in god and that the stories that really feel us having a normal life is with connects with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there and it's right here. and right now
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the stream announces era of the the challenges there as remind you about top stories this hour and is ready as try cause. iranian concession was very uncomfortable, damascus, least 7 people have been killed. senior camacho, a few iranian revolution we've gone cold, and his deputy are amongst the dead. the wrong form is so says he is rarely attack is a breach of all international convention or reports of israeli troops executing civilians and crushing the bodies with times during the siege of l shaped hospital in guns. some of them were found and buried alive, according to witnesses,
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and the statement released by how much officials in gaza says ready, troops killed around 300 people in and around the medical context. buildings with funds and critical medical equipment destroyed, leaving the hospital completely out of service. the symbol of way is that to hold public hearings and the killing of tens of thousands of people in the 1980s known as the good kirundi. it happened in the early years of the nations independence. soldiers are accused of torture, right. and the execution time a task force from the district of total. cho julia, samantha was a young woman in 1983 her father, cedric savannah, was locked inside a house with other family members and the and allies julia here in the nearby field and feels guilty. she survived, you know who the one to 5. i carry that, paid me to me every day. i have sleepless night. my heart is too full. the killings
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and other atrocities were carried out during the 1st years of cimbawe, always independence. part of a military authoration authorities named who could all windy meaning, the reins washing away the chess or work less garbage. we need to 1st acknowledge that arrow doing was done. then we allow these victims to ship out to the experiences in the they will guide as on whether they need done. maybe the 20 and the portal has to be test one that i can relate to me. the north korean trained 5th grade was funded a combined of some bobby's for melita roberts and we got a, he claimed political opponents wanted to destabilize a newly independent government. this security has been established game assuming that god, he is now as involved as president. the armed forces were headed by people who now have senior government post presidents manenda. what has us traditionally does to hold public hearings to allow the victims to speak out and hopefully close
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a dock check tubs and bobby's history. but some traditional leaders, us get to go, is not owned by us, is to we what it's what a given what to do. because the from the width cool. because said it was going to be able to mop up points. but do from the look of things this book downs, it is not known how many people were killed during the violence that affected some parts of the matter be allowed and maintenance provinces and the 1980s. but some organizations estimate up to tens of thousands for decades. many people that be too frightened to talk elders in the community, don't want people to forget about what happens here. this plaque or memorial is a reminder that people were killed here, including a 7 month old baby, some ins and bobby don't believe that it would be any reconciliation. those have concerns about calling the killings a genocide. that could be determined off to the hearings when president, man,
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and guy will receive the final report. what's clear is that the trauma and pain of the victims is still roll hard on the task. so how does a lot of district zimbabwe i think is main opposition? republican people's policy has had some big wins and sundays local elections. i'll position as i sent to retain control of assemble and i'm correct for his image up top, otherwise described it as a sense back. but he said it's not the end of the road for his policy. so because they only spoke to voters on the street, so best number one, they asked their 2 kids highly competitive, local election raised. the majority of the may or you'll see it's across the country are now governed by the may know position republican party, the c h p. this is the victory for the main, a position who has been far from this, this majority of covering for more than the case, but also it does it. the 5th or the course of us has govern. city is like,
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is some move for more than 20 years. that appreciation that i am 60 years old, that i have both of the c h b for the 1st time, but i do with a gain. look at the prices and the change. so it's important to vote for the one who works. i'm not an act party supported, but i voted for it's candidates in the city i live in. i understand why people voted for him a molar in a stumble. this may or election gave a clear message to the golf far to enter the 10 digit, safe drawn, wasn't very keen to retake, assemble, and on cut off from the opposition. now he's disappointed. then he said that he received the message given by the citizens. but there are so many issues to be repaired onto the presidential election in 2028. economy is a major problem and this is why people mostly voted as for the opposition seen on because solar elders are a simple guess cuz god is preparing an alternate route full of best and stuck in the port and baltimore of last week's bridge collapse. cruise if the gun went to
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remove the 1st chunk of the bridge from the water, 6 people were killed in the incident when the call goes, ship lost power hitting one of its support pillows. authority is in japan. they're trying to manage a health scare off to a supplement meant to low a collect store has been linked to at least 5 debts. now investigators are looking into what's cool is the fateful reaction in this camera, thoughts? the investigators from the national and regional health departments rate of factory and also like a city after health supplements produced here were found to contain a toxic compound last week or by us you pharmaceutical confirmed at least 5 elderly people who used as collateral. lowering pills had died more than 100 others were hospitalized with kidney issues and other health problems. the company is recalling the product 2 months after 1st receiving complaints. it's president has apologized
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for not acting sooner. higgins i to show that we deeply apologize for the distress and concerns that brief cause. many people this in regards to the problem of kidney disease due to the consumption of rates. east rice related products produced by a company machine to the pills contain read east rice, a natural substance said to lower cluster all who buy as she has applied about a 1000000 packages to thousands of other companies within japan and abroad in the past 3 years. health authorities in neighboring china and south korea have raised concerns and tie one is investigating possible links to some reports of unexpected reactions. the government has promised transparency in order to review of the approval system for health supplements. and of course, the pretty quick we will continue to inform countries in a timely and appropriate manner and strive to ensure trust and japanese food products. geico, so called function labeled foods,
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are popular in japan. analysts say there is little regulatory oversight and a heavy reliance on manufacturers reputations trust that's taking a major hit as people are falling ill from supplements meant to make them healthier, unit skim out of their foreign ministers of china, a phone. so imagine badging to mock 60 years of diplomatic relations. joining a joint news conference, wong e said time intends to increase imports of high quality products from fronts in return he hips fonts will provide a 5 business environment for chinese firms. katrina, you has moved from badging francis for minnesota to funds this room is engaging for one day visits, attending events, celebrations. 60 years of diplomatic ties between the 2 countries. use the 2nd foreign minister to visit aging in less than 6 months. and trade is high on the agenda. now this appears to be a bit of a sticking point between the 2 countries. france has said that intends to reduce
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what it considers to be an excessive or the reliance on chinese supply chains. so he went on monday, you said that francis undertakes some economic re balancing in gold if that is trading relationships to remain sustainable. now, one in china is foreign minister in response to that went against any protection disclosures. and he said that the aging should be considered as no reliable or risk . but as can hope we choose to, beijing announced that it will increase its impulsive french products, expand visa, free measures, french nationals, and in return it floats that terraces present a level of the playing field for chinese companies or racing in front. now another ice and behind the agenda was the train with just on says you on saying that it expects a staging to send very clear messages to russia over its invasion crane of aging. of course, the full eclipse ignore limits. partnership with moscow in the front is clearly
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indication that it's aware of the special relationship that she think has person also fronts expressed was their concern over know, 3 is sending of weapons to age and brushes. will efforts in the parade. so also making a point that is expects that they would use a service friendship with them. yeah. to influence uh, what is happening that overrule the both sides and said they intend to expand the relationship, the training link that specially which is now with a 1000000000 us dollars and officials, unofficially, french officials have said that this is also paving the way for a possible visit of chinese presidency. do think 2 fronts in may. the aging has katrina you out to 0 agent now for a long and heated debates. gemini has become the biggest e you country to legalize cannabis for personal use. and you, laura, is one of the most liberal in europe, allowing adults to carry and cultivate small amounts of the drug. so fasten reports
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from ballot. it was a happy moment for those web loan campaigns to be criminalized, kind of is active. it's got a balance kind of as museum to watch. the law finally passed the last hurdle in parliament, the director of the museum himself spend time in prison for smoking marijuana. this will be a $180000.00 less pro solutions in germany next year. and it will be a normalization of kind of as use in the public and it'd be, it'd be, uh you really, you, it's really hard to consumers. opponents of the law call it. it was sponsible citing dangerous health effects troubles of you to mention because even i've seen so many people become so seriously ill, so bad the damage by drug abuse. because i've never found that way back into normal life. i've spoken to so many doctors you want against going down this path of support to say the opposite is true if adoption can be controlled.


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