tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera April 2, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST
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these human eyes is really is and has to be human eyes, palestinians. this is not the time for doing this kind of way. tracking those stories examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing past, the funding back to bo, this is in use our own ouch is 09 from dell ha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. and he's really as try kills 6 for an aid workers and bear palestinian driver in central garza the n g o. well, central kitchen says it's positing full operations, cc psych, human tragedy that should never advocate. that is completely unacceptable. australia demands answers and the us calls for
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a swift investigation into the attack. also this, our yvonne warns they will respond decisively placed a spec to these various tri county to consummate in damascus, kansas city and military command. we will continue to make clear that we support the work that the free pressed us. the usaa is concerned after israel passes a law that could band knowledge is here is operation same. and also in the use of well bang, says, sorry page. it will be the fastest growing emerging market for the next 2 years, even though more than 40 percent of its working age population is unimportant. the thank you for joining us. we begin in central guys our way and is really striking debt by high scale, at least 78 workers, most of them for and nationals that con boy was hit shortly after leaving a warehouse. the victims include a palestinian, a us canadian,
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dual national and citizens of australia, the u. k. and poland. they were employees of wealth, central kitchen, a charity, coordinating a deliveries to the gaza strip by ship. these are the ami says it's reviewing the incident at the highest levels. the wealth central kitchen has described the killing of its staff members as a targeted attack in a statement. it says the team was moving in a d conflicted zone into ahmed cause and another vehicle bearing the organizations logo. and despite coordinating his movements with these really ami, the convoy was bombed, while leading a warehouse. it says this is an attack not only on organization, but on humanitarian organizations and the child. he says it is unforgettable. wealth central kitchen is pausing its operations immediately in the region and will be making decisions about the future of its work. soon. a, a spring in all just as tired, capitalize them in raw, 5 southern gaza for the latest. so an attack that happened in central guys at tarik
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and more details emerging about the circumstances of it. what more do you know, and what have been the reaction say yes, absolutely. it's and you devastating attacks that has been carried out by the usability military. again, one of the most prominent to humanitarian organizations inside cars are, which is responsible for receiving only become voice being delivered by the receipt, the stop each married time. so rachel include the nation with these many minutes. we have to be also distributing aids for the majority of areas, even other and desperate parts of the gaza strip. now 7 members of this organization has have been killed in fact attacks and one of the palestinian drive right now. uh these uh, this attack because it has to be really critical and serious this time because of the day the tech has been carried out despite the previous food, the nation of the central kitchen with this very minute treat in terms of the route that they will be using, in order to move or from different area between different areas and because it's
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checked on by the weight of the roots into the kitchen is the only responsible entity that has been receiving much of these hates and to be responsible for distributing and uh, the uh, what central kitchen has been saying that uh the to cause has been one of the call has been hit as of to unloading 100 tons of humanitarian assistance endeavors by the warehouses and this attack. absolutely. i can set it to be a serious development because it had been carried out against the humanitarian organizations on 8 watches. um this will absolutely create a stage of insecurity for other humanitarian organizations to be operating inside the gaza strip. and as we have been hearing from the directors of the central kitchen, they are looking for further decisions about the future of the west in hi guys. and that will spring and lead to negative repercussions regarding the humanitarian situation. in another part of the gaza strip,
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which means that there's might be further suspension of there. you meant to tell you in what inside the territory. and that happens despite the is really repeated a statement saying that they are facilitating age deliveries to the newest and too much of areas and the gaza strip. and at the same time here they are attracting 8. why? cuz i see tooth and now they are attacking the organizations responsible for it, facilitating the process of a deliveries to hundreds of thousands of kind of thing and families and then other parts of the territory. and from the palestinian perspective, the the see that it could be taken by these many, many trees in order to force the majority of the humanitarian organization to stop operating inside the gaza strip. just to let to, to, to leave as well, to get to me flexible, operational lividity on the ground in the north. i'm to force residents to sleep from the, another part of the gaza strip. as it's using right now, stop ation as a way to try and thank you very much for that set sounds his ears. terry capitalism lived in rafa southern gaza. now one australian citizen was among those killed in
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that attack. prime minister onto the albany. he says he's governments want census to expect full accountability for the desk of i'd with his which is completely unacceptable. i'd workers and those doing humanitarian work and the date on innocent civilians need to be provided with protection. the sky has had a very clear position of supporting i sustainable safe spot of cooling for, for some period of time. we certainly have already contacted this riley government directly. we are contacting the is riley invested at to ask for accountability here. the truth is that, that this is beyond
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a pre owned any reasonable circumstance that someone going about providing aid and humanitarian assistance should lose their loss. joining us now, knowledge is 0. is maureen for ok? who's deputy leader of the australian green is an incentive for new south wales. just joining us from sydney. very good to have you with us. me several key. what do you make of this incident, and how would you like to see the australian government respond? the good to be, we knew mean is right, is committing well crime, often walk on in broad daylight and is getting away with it. we know that aid workers and civilians are protected and to know yet nearly 200 humanitarian workers have been killed over the past few months. a more than 30000 palestinians have been mexican by israel. and now assume me, who is an australian aid worker, like other aid workers were putting their lives on the line to feed. the children
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that are being stopped by is right, are being killed. this is completely heartbreaking and devastating. no one, literally no one and nowhere is safe in the cause on that gets why it was genocide and attacks. and yet, and yet we have seen western governments cool is right and a friend. and we have seen western governments continue on business as usual with s y and wiley's walk items in more atrocities. i'll going ahead isn't enough for the brandon is to say that we are demanding accountability of costs. that's the bare minimum. but the australian government spin use is dams like human tragedy and humanitarian catastrophe. as if this is happening in a vacuum as this is, ryan is an attacking and low during these people. i think these weasel words have to, in australia has to take strong and concrete action for specific action space. i say, would you like to see the australian government take, as he said, the prime minister has demanded accountability. what should accountability look
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like? and what specific actions would you like to see a government take? as well as a start of permanency? spite, again, no easy with a permanency spot in australia should back south africa. this case in the international court of justice, australia should put sanctions on prime minister netanyahu in his war cabinet. these are things that we do when other walk ryan's happened in australia should stop or strayed with is right. me on straight on the, on straight with israel, that the, the australian deputy prime minister said that these on 3 inches, that they were no exports of weapons from australia to israel. and that they haven't been sent for many years. all these on trade sale going on because the government seems to be denied as well. between 20162023. the australian government, who's more than $300.00 export permits to is right for military and do and use
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equipment and that's on like we know the $15500000.00 with all 5 back arms and munitions. what traded between those he is and that's on the department before and the phase and trains website full. so it is beyond any doubt that components of f $3055.00 digits of being manufactured in australia. so i think again using words to describe spray, the something else is just, it's just a modeled by the australian government to do that. so industrial send in government as you say, is manufacturing components of some of the weapons that are being used in guys. so right now, do you believe australia is complicit in the ongoing genocide in cost? and absolutely, the string in government is complicit in the ongoing genocide in laws. and that's why they have to take strong action. not just talk about accountability, but actually act to get that accountability from is roy and acting doesn't mean
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putting sanctions on his right. it doesn't mean ending realty trade to is right. it doesn't mean actually forcing is right to open up the channels. so that you know the roadblocks so that it can get into every corner of plaza. my range for ok. thank you very much for speaking to us and sharing of use. marian for ok is deputy leader of australia is green's and a senator from new south wales. we appreciate your time on andras here. so thank you for having me. listen, i'll speak to, i'll just say resume on connie. unoccupied is chosen for as a more on the australian's wanting accountability after this attack on all these for and workers and upon a city and drive in guys that wealth central coach, indian jail says they gave all the coordinates to these release one of these early saying and response for the israeli army and released a standard responses the same response they gave every time that is an incident, but it still was attending what they said,
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following the reports regarding the wells, central kitchen, personal and goals of today, the idea is ready to go me is conducting a thorough review of the highest levels to understand the circumstances of this tragic incident. the idea makes expensive efforts to enable the safe delivery providers hearing aid and has been working closely with the w. c. k. and the vital efforts to provide food and humanitarian aid to the people of garza. that last but it's actually kind of crucial like you say the w. c. k. have been working very closely with these, right? these. they told them with a call. so this is going to need a response to partner with foreign nationals were involved will mean these riley armies will be under pressure to come up with an explanation and to come up with that explanation very, very quickly. indeed, we're hearing that that may will be another statement given by these ready all me in the coming hours. we've also heard from w c. k themselves. you were brought to that statement of their goals. i never ever should hear monetary and 8 look as the
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attack rules have head from the minister of foreign affairs in cyprus. now remember, cyprus is where the maritime corey don't actually begins as a base of operations for w. c k. and they say they want a transparent investigation into this, into the 1st calls from the international community. because international is way in bold. all getting louder. and that will mean probably a response for me is ready all me clear and slightly quicker. then we would expect if palestinians only were involved in ron, thank you. in mind can live there, you know, q 5 east jerusalem, and other developments now. yvonne says america must be held accountable for the attack on its consummate building in damascus. yvonne blaine's israel for the strike, which killed a senior commander out of the islamic revolutionary gone corps, his deputy and 5 different match zane bas robbie has more a 2nd major was rarely ever strike on targets in syria and less than a week. on monday, missiles hit
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a section of the iranian consulate in damascus. among the dead pulled from the rubble of high ranking iranian military leader brigadier general mohammed the residence of heavy of military adviser, who previously levia ronnie at the lead crowds force in 11 on sir. there wants foreign minister called the attack, a violation of all international obligations and conventions. he went on to emphasize the need for a serious response by the international community to what he said were criminal actions. was serious for administer had this to say, what do you, what we strongly condemned this criminal act carried out by the zionist enemy, which led to the death of some innocent citizens who were passing by in the street . so again, we emphasized our position beside our brothers and me, a rainy and embassy and b as lama republic of around. and we assure that syria and b is womic republic. don't forget their enemies. on the 5th striking 8 days to hit serial leveled in entire building, the latest of hundreds of israeli attacks on targets inside government control
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parts of syria in recent years. and the latest of several is really assassinations in the region targeting iranian leaders as well as members of how much and has bola since the war and goes up again. we have seen a tax in syria before that have cost the lives of civilians. there was one of over the weekend believe with the a car bomb which in which civilians were, were killed. we condemn all these, all these attacks, but we're waiting to get facts on what have up and today begins it into damascus. came 3 days after his really stretched killed dozens of people in a level, mostly syrian soldiers, as well as members of his bullet, including a senior commander, the air strikes targeting iranian leaders in the region, as well as leadership of resistance groups, hamas and hezbollah have escalated against the backdrop of israel's war and got
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some, syria and lebanon, seemingly extend the battle grounds for his really operations, which continue to expand to beyond its borders. and risk triggering a wider regional conflict. the same bus robbie ultra 0, the yvonne sworn minister hosting. i mean i've de la han has issued a statement. he says, following the strike on damascus, which de leon describes as a terrorist attack. as we send us, the official was summoned, switzerland represents the us in yvonne. during the meeting, yvonne's official said america must be held accountable for supporting design is regime says so speak to i'm just here is a in a honda about the issues in 711 on this attack, zane is being seen as yet. another is really provocation. i'll be von, how might be radians, retired the well, iran has made clear through its president the national security council that it has taken the decision to respond without saying what the response will be. they're saying that as well,
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we'll face severe punishment. will they target israel and risk the possibility of a wider confrontation in the region? will they target these ratings in other countries or will they target us assets, military assets in the region? the revenue and foreign ministers statement blames america saying that the us government support to the quote, zionist entity is responsible for this, that they conveyed a message to the americans. they didn't say what the message was, but they are saying that, you know, the us should be held to account that this really has been what they've been saying since israel launch the war on cause. and then october blaming, do nighted states for it's on equivocal support to as well, giving it the green light to operate. so what is this an indication that we're going to see a resumption of attacks against us targets in syria and iraq, like what happened before early february when they stopped following major us retaliation against iranian back groups in syria and iraq. so it is still unclear,
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but then a running an ally, for example, has the lot the lebanese armed group, which is engaged in confrontations with his read the armed forces here along the border in their statement. they do say that this attack in damascus will, will not go on punish, but it makes no mention, it doesn't say that it will launch any attack that or it will be involved in any retaliation. so on certain times, no doubt the attack in damascus is not just about killing the top of the high ranking iranian revolutionary guard official. this is also targeting a diplomatic mission, but israel is also choosing his words carefully, maybe trying to de escalate by saying what they targeted in damascus was a military target. since they believed the concepts was being used by the revolutionary guards for meetings and planning. so on certain times, no doubt yesterday's attack will have serious implications in the region. indeed, as they know, thank you very much for that. that sounds easier. zayna. honda reporting deadline from 711 on the us state department has refused to say whether it received advance
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warning of these really strong icon, damascus. i'm not going to comment with respect to this particular strike because again, we just need to know more information about it before we do. and that includes drawing any conclusions from it as a general principle. and of course, we are worried about escalation. we are doing worried about using that would cost the conflict to, to expand or wind in any way. island fisher is in washington dc with more on the us reaction. the fact that the iranians are pointing the finger very squarely at these relays and believing that the us also has a degree of culpability in this will consent, the bi whitehouse. you remember from the very start of the watering guys they didn't want to see the conflict brought and they were worried about to expanding beyond the borders of israel and guys. we would consent when there was fighting on the northern border between israel and has bella based and lebanon. and also we've seen over the last few months, a number of attacks by
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a really and proxies on us positions in various places across the middle east, including jordan and city a on the rock. and so now there will be deep consent that this situation is going to escalate with perhaps some sort of response from the radians in the next 72 hours. joe biden has been fairly informed. his intelligence teams are gathering what they can about. the state department has also said that it would not be in a runs strategic interest to target either the us or is really positions across the middle east. at this time, i would say sure, i'll just need a washington. this is what was found them into spice legislation that could see the closure of foreign broadcasters in the country, including alger 0. the connected voted overwhelmingly in favor of the law, which the government has been pushing since the beginning of the war on garza. it allows israel to ban any international broadcast, or if it decides the content threatens national security. is there any front
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minister benjamin netanyahu has posted on next a algebra. actively parties participated in the 7th of october massacre and incited against these really soldiers. he also caused the broadcaster attire channel. i'll just say, or media network has responded calling. that's now is comments lies that insight against the safety of roger. unless the statements reads in an escalating move is really prime minister benjamin this our launch a frantic campaign against alta 0, accusing it of harming israel's security. actively participating in the off to a 7th attack and inciting against is ready. soldiers. i'll just say, are media network condensed the statements, and sees him as nothing but a dangerous ludicrous sli, i'll just say, are also accused as an a t, how of inflammatory standards against a network and the rights of its employees. i'll just hear a reads raise such, such slanderous accusations will not the terrace from continuing bold and professional coverage and research the right to pursue every legal step for the us
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state department has also been waiting in saying, washington supports media freedom as we support the independent free press anywhere in the world. and we think the work that the independent free press does is important everywhere in the world. and yet much of what we know about what has happened in gaza is because of reporters who are there doing their jobs, including reporters from al jazeera. i'll say we're just with, with respect to l g 0. obviously we, you know, i think it's well known that we've not always agreed with all of alex's years coverage, but it's a new organization that we engage with. i've done interviews with al jazeera, other people from the department have done interviews with l g 0. so what we will continue to make clear is that we support the work that the free press does. jody ginsberg is the head of the committee to protects janice. she says, israel has a history of leaving her and this has terrorist with extremely loans by this is yet another attempt by israel to sent. so the media to limit the information coming out
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about the role in garza and beyond. and we do not want to say this low and knocks, it does seem, is kind of language befall from nothing yahoo and is ready, the officials in which they tried to paint john to this as terrorist as criminals. this is nothing new. they've done it well before the start of this we're, we're not the type of the 7th in front. and we produced a report back in may of last year to identify the pots and of, of killings of mainly posting and done this by the is where the army and no accountability. we've also seen is out before tried to shut down now to sierra back in 2017 media facilities attacked. and so once it gets passed in a particular one in which john and i saw smid as terrorist as something we have seen frequently from israel. it's another example of the tightening of the free press and the, the increasing strangle hold. that is where the government would like to exercise over the press. it leads often to self censorship. we see people restricting
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themselves in what they report. and it's an incredibly worrying move by the government the present to at the well use now in north korea as launched, a ballistic miss side off it's eastern coast. it landed in the sea of japan of the korean peninsula. south korea's military says young young as testing technology related to a new hypersonic misfire. it comes as washington, so until q, a staging joined aerial drills in the region to find condemned the latest launch as a threat to regional secuity. a photo put the logo for you don't need that. so we strongly disapprove of this act because it has implications to not just the security of our nation for the region and the international community to me and more now, way university, students and engineers opposing the military coup are helping on groups make
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weapons. rebels have struggled on themselves to fight the june to. i'll just every gains exclusive access to a weapons factory with 3 d printers, a manufacturing assault rifles. tony chang, reports hidden under large green top holding a secret workshop. deep in the jungles of me and my work is using rudimentary tools, falling down blocks of steel, gun barrels, and both actions the end product with 22 caliber rifle effective that slow to manufacture the bank for the workshop. however, a bank of 3 d printed the secret weapon. it's possible because of the young people who understand technology for middle age man like me, we combine no experience with that technology to produce these products as components for him. 16 assault rifles printed in strength and plastics. tenement
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precision belief is still needed to pull the mental components. but the design has evolved through trial and error facing the me and my military with um, with vehicles. heavy artillery non challenged power in the military government has brought in men to treat conscription in response to the increasing the effective opposition to its rule. this, the civil war transforms into get rid of tactics on multiple fronts. many soldiers didn't seem to have the will to fight. right. and obviously a lot of, uh, me and my sonya, the, you know, decided to surrender. right. we resist central and the thing that b 5 and the reason why they surrender because tomorrow around you know, so good was captured, weapons, and ammunition have been able this and they call them is do over run the hundreds of military bases in the last 6 months and the 3 d printed vitals passed,
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the ultimate test supervisor was all products, i'm out in the bottles. we met some soldiers. we gave our weapons to the said it has to be an action. now i'm motivated. now they're producing a $170.00 automatics a month. that they're aiming for a 1000. they can get the roll materials. books up. i'm ready to ship out to the front line. tony chang out is there. more than 300 migraines from guatemala, deported by the us, have arrived in the capital. most of them were caught at the border between the us and mexico. the guatemalan migration is that you'd expect some more deportations in april. while the 19000 people have been deported to guatemala by the us in the past 3 months. small people in haiti's capital have fled heavy gun 5 between armed gangs and the police near the national palace. gangs control more than 80 percent of photo prints. the latest findings comes as outgoing prime minister audit on
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a signal. a transitional council is nearly finalized as seen as vital to ending the months long prices and fading the way for new elections. so full people know that a my father is one of them. my father was not involved with anyone. his name is d, every node p a. i told him all the time. i found him that this building now in pets yorkville, if you don't comply, if you don't look for a place to take shelter, they'll shoot to you. when you're driving around at nights with the, with outside the and do you come across a police call? they're going to shoot to you as a young man living in the country, it breaks my heart. what i think about these kinds of things. i feel like crying because i can also lose my life. when i see these things like this child, look, i think i'm older than him, right. look, he's a child. i don't even think this that scene yet throws president has replaced 6 ministers who resigned after a scandal. dina, both warranties being investigated for corruption,
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navigations centering on luxury watches with half a $1000000.00, police have rated her home and office her ongoing interior minister says he continues to support her as he does. i'd like to know about that. it's funny walks, at least the presidency, which will not happen that rudely. same because of the country is stable right now . let's have governance piece and how many. but for us present, donald trump s pole city, a $175000000.00 bond in his new york civil fraud case. he was found liable in february for inflating his net worth by as much as $2000000000.00 to get better terms for loans. and insurance, trump has denied any wrong doing and calls the case a political witch hunt. staying in the us for the supreme court has upheld the state's bad on most abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy, this is not expected to take effect in a months. florida's top court would also allow people to decide whether abortion access should be expanded in a vote later this year. that could lead to
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a 6 week abortion bad. still head on this, i'll just there and use our angry about skyrocketing prices. the for in docusign accused development of not doing enough to help them during ramadan. japan launches an investigation off to supplement to help know what the less or all is, links to death among patient the the hello, there's some big changes coming right across here. so 1st we begin with the big picture. we're seeing much cooler weather and is we'll get there and one second, but 1st we got to talking about that funding that we had through france. it pushed into germany. and now that's what weather is bumping into colder air. so watch what happens in sweden stock home. you could see up to 5 centimeters of snow on to say your temperature is go sub 0,
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which is well below where you should be mounted for in the month of april. so here's that rain moving across eastern europe, cutting down those temperatures. but this will also help freshen up the atmosphere . we have been dealing with hazy and small good conditions with so hard that's being brought up from africa. so much pressure to be expected on tuesday. best weather around the eastern mediterranean here. look at this full on sunshine is stumble, looking good at $22.00 degrees and more wet weather comes pouring into northern portugal with this disturbance off the atlantic. we picked up about a months worth of rain in tangier and morocco in 24 hours. things have dried off a little bit cooler here. and to the south. we go, we've got some burst of rain around vin, talk a bit on usual time of the year. that weather should begin to wind down and with this breeze off the indian ocean more. what weather for marissa is and the east coast steps, madagascar, the
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devastating strikes follow quite here where we chris because that's 1st responders . know the mission could be the last but until then the humanity drives one day with because the civil defense witness rescue mission because on a jersey of over 30 years of designs houses, the real world tells the 2 foot stories of no ways. and the oldest little coughs, let us salute the government of norway. horace, remarkable and nurturing the secret negotiations. and why it's promised peace has remained unfulfilled, a strong decided terms of the negotiations. nobody could show or go home the trunks of also on those as you
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the the fucking back. a recap of the top stories on this challenge is hearings. our yvonne says america must be held accountable for the atlantic on its costly building in damascus, syria, iran, plains, israel for the strike, which killed a senior commander of these comic revolutionary gone 40. his deputy and 5 different matches is rout. solomon has passed legislation that could see the culture of 4 and broadcasts as in the country, including ours is here. the government has been pushing the law since the side of the war on gas. and, and these really striking central guys that has killed 78 workers from wells central kitchen, most of them for and nationals. the chatting says it's team ad,
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coordinated with these ready army. and it's vehicles were clearly marked with a group snellville. well, i'll just see what his hand, who jerry is in darrow, by way of that attack on wells central kitchen employees happens. she reports on the scene. i'm crazy. standing in front, one of the vehicles that has been targeted by that is really forces last night. this car and 2 other cars across the receipts street have been targeted by that is where the forces, 3 of the cars are for the world, central kitchen. and they had a aid workers in the side, the cars. but so far we know that it is trillion a polish, a british, a canadian, and then merican and a palestinian aid workers were targeted in those 3 cars. it's very obvious that these workers were working with the world central kitchen as we see
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best and at the logos of w. c. k organization. we know that these cars were on their way back from the port. nothing of the gaza strip to their guest house and drove ahead. every car is, is separated by a piece 500 meters, which shows that this convoy was directly targeted by those really forces. this will have a lot of negative consequences not only on the humanitarian sector. in the gaza strip, it will also have a huge major consequences and negative impact on a lot of age workers and international agencies currently operating in the causal strip. it's obvious, but is there any forces are targeting every person and every organization that is
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working to have the north of the causes trip from the farm and that is going currently happening in the another in gaza strip. these 8 workers were having an 8 ship and a convoy that's have at least $400.00 metric tons of food to the north of the gulf strip. on the day they were targeted the situation and because of the continues to escalate, where no one in the causes drip is safe. this isn't the odd 0. there is, but a garza strip on this, i'll speak to test ingram host folks, best. and for unicef inches, joining us from a raw find 7 guys, a test, good job you with us on now to 0. at the beginning of these aid workers must be extremely worrying for you and your teams in casa a yeah, it's an incredibly, very so all of us, we just had a meeting about it here among agencies. and it really just speaks to unacceptable
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condition. but people living in here in the gaza strip and that to monetary and aid workers are also writing. and it's an immense tragedy. and it added to the whole of, you know, 30000 people has been killed since the escalation and a 174 un colleagues have also been killed. so it's, it's a job day for us here. those conditions that you talk about extremely difficult conditions that you talk about. can you tell us a bit more about them because well, central kitchen in their statements said that they actually coordinated with these release about their, their location and where they were going. the call was clearly marked the vehicle was clearly marked. what sort of uh, you know, uh, talk, do you have with these release when your uh, operating on the ground in. gotcha. and how difficult it is to actually coordinate with them. and so like conflicts all around the world,
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humanitarian agencies have of coordination and notification system where we say this is where we want to go and what we want to do and we get the security assurances, but we need to do our jobs and that is not functioning properly here in the gaza strip and we've been warning or while that it's not working, we're not getting the security assurances that we've moved. and this is not the 1st time that we've seen a vehicle being have i'm recalling something targeted before. and so it's incredibly concerned, i think the colleagues here, i really just trying to help people and it's even worse. but these colleagues were trying to deliver food, whether the on the press, the press of a sudden it wouldn't happen at any moment now. and this was, you know, a 100 tons of 2 days that was being unloaded. so it's, it's a, it's an unspeakable loss, not just for the people, but the, the, the community of god. that is, as you say, is not the 1st time that aid workers have been targeted. but do you believe that being deliberately targeted i think that we have here just trying to do
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a job. and what we need to do now is, is have a look at the situation, assess what has happened during the night and decide how we move forward because it's, it's incredibly tough here on the ground. it's not just for us, but for the people of gaza. the bombardments on ending hill sides for morning and, and with some of the most projected people in the gaza strip. we have, you know, um and vehicles and, and jackets like the size of everybody getting guys it's, it's incredibly on site. yeah, no one is safe in guys a test. what impacts will, will this attack have on 8 agencies operating in the gaza strip? could could this cause you for example, you just have to reconsider your operations on the ground. we're still waiting for more information on this drive, you know, well, so distribution as long as he says that they've holding their operations full of a time, a unit that is continuing for the time being. but this is, you know,
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a very serious moments in what has happened in the gaza strip. and as i said it's, it's another incident on top of the so many that we've already enjoyed here. and it's, it's um, it could have serious impact. so i think world central kitchens, pause on the operations because, you know, as we know how world central kitchen was bringing in a lot of food, a lot of hospitals were relying on world central kitchens and food that they were providing. so they could have an impact their post. thank you very much for speaking to us test ingram from unicef. joining us there from the office southern gaza. or let's discuss all these developments. the latest developments and these are as well and gaza with, nor all day a political unless invited, joining us from ramallah in the occupied westbank. no good to have you with us on algae 0. i want to just not, of course, i guess with the, the killing of these aid workers in guys that under international humanitarian law . israel, of course, has a duty to ensure the safety of humanitarian work is not just for and workers, but all humanitarian workers and palestinian workers certainly have been
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indiscriminately targeted in this conflict. the facts know that for and workers were killed in this incident. how. how do you see it impacting foreign countries like australia for incense their response? how do you see it affecting that respond to you, thinking of putting more pressure on them to reconsider the support for israel as well. it should uh, at the very least, to uh, at least speak accountability for their nationals who were murdered deliberately, as we seen in the pictures these cars weren't moving without uh, coordination with these really army. these really army knew exactly who was inside exactly what the route of these cars would be taking and why they were on the street on the, on the road at that hour of the night. so at the very least, there is an obligation for these governments towards their citizens who have been killed in this matter. unfortunately, we've seen in previous incidents,
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governments including that of the united states, kind of forego those rights that we saw. that was the killing of our colleagues as us either correspondents should in a box play who is an american at national justice, hasn't been delivered in that instance that then there are many other examples. i think there is no more possible domestic pressure on the governments. and we'll see how that plays out. so i'd say you think that we don't see an independent impartial investigation by israel. so these really army has a very well established reputation of lying. and in the past 6 months, we've seen them deliver deliberately lie after lie to justify committing more crimes, to justify the and just a viable. what the, you know, to justify of genocide they claimed all sorts of things against hospitals and the
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gaza strip, to justify decimating them to justify killing and targeting a study and doctors that they, we've seen them at the shop, those kinds of live and independent investigation and these really are me, is kind of an oxymoron, especially for those who have been following the the is really occupation for many years and it's simply not something you would expect. unfortunately, no, let me ask you about the tensions, the rising tensions between yvonne and israel following this attack on a top commander's top uranium commanders in syria. iran has wanted, will respond decisively to this attack on his consulate in damascus, which it's made on israel uranian. so far know, have managed to distance themselves from regional escalation. do you see that changing now with this attack, how do you think they they will respond? i think this attack is very, very dangerous and it seems like nothing yahoo is dragging the whole world with him
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to a full blown regional escalation bombing, a diplomatic building in another country. is some something that is simply not done . and israel has crossed that line. it has crossed it with impunity. there are several leaks in, in, in his really in american media that confirms is realized behind this attack. we'll see how iran responds. but in any case, i think if we kind of zoom out and look at the picture in total, israel is attacking a foreign countries attacking diplomatic missions, killing humanitarian workers, estimating hospital. it is doing all of that with impunity because it has learned that it can get away not just with murder, but with genocide now. nor do you always get to get your analysis. thank you very much for joining us on out just here. the
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best and to out of world news now and report by the world bank shows south asia is expected to remain the fastest growing emerging market in the next 2 years. it predicts growth of 6 to 6 point one percent in 2024 in to 2025, largely because of india strong economic performance. but private sector investment has slowed since depend demi dropping from 7.2 percent before 2019 to 3.5 percent in the past 3 years. the report notes only 59 percent of south asia is working age population is employed as compared with 70 percent in other emerging markets. the report also says south asia is a vulnerable to the impact of climate change. on average, it says 60000000 people year have been affected by natural disasters since 2010. now india is the wells, 5th largest economy and is leading the way in south asia unless are expecting
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strong roles to continue this year. let's speak to arrow and come are about this. he's a professor of economics, said, joe, how narrow a university in new delhi, thank you very much for being with us. so what to, what do you attribute this strong performance from india and what factors in particular, are concerned here? what factors have contributed to this continued growth, the still, you know, the border t ground said for last financial. yeah. then data came out and it was much better than what was expected. so the grow to the point 4 percent compared to the what expected around 7 percent. and so i probably should be saying that the growth for the last financial yes, we turn out to be 8 percent, even though it might slow down for the next financial yet the one that we are in now the point is that people are making that you know industrial been performing brand certain parts of the services that they're being performing brands. but unfortunately what happens in india is that there's a large organized sector. and the large fund organizes organizer to employees only
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6 percent, but produces 55 percent of the output. the an organizer to implies 94 percent and produces 45 percent of the wood. and the data comes only from the all nice it up. so what we're seeing of the growth of the all night sick, deb or not the growth of that. i know when i suggest enter, oh, nice that yeah. the the i know when i say live and is not reflected in that data, you say not all sectors are, are reflected in the data. it, it, if, if that is the case, then is this growth real and is it sustainable as well? so in other words, the, this will be saying that this gould has the number of problems the unorganized sector does not in it is done, organized sector does included in the growth, maybe only one or 2 percent draw then 8 percent. so that's much less than what is officially clean, and that's why the blessing of the unemployment rate humans cannot the height, especially among the educated and unemployed in days group of $15.00 to $24.00 or
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the labeled for box patient read to me is a low and they call me with drawing so strongly then the unemployment should not be so high. and also the government offering the 800000000 people, find glue grams of food in the free. now that there's only there because, you know, actually the problem of done overnight, sick the dance, right? they don't have enough employees. and to do that, they don't have enough income and they need to be given these rations fee. so all that seems to suggest that the data is not really okay, so got it. okay, so the data is not accurate in your view. how might this economic outlook you think affect volta sentiment, leading up to india is generally election. this one. so you know, the actually political negatives a bit to trump, they can all make now to do and that's where, you know, the government succeeds in treating a political now they are due on the issue of him to why the nation, the divided between the hindus and the other communities and also, you know,
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trying to create another do off that you're giving you a few nations, etc. so therefore, the politics seem to come pick nomics. so even though hardship is dead, especially among unemployed youth, the women and the family party. but the government is able to get bolts on the base of the political another to the bill. thank you so much for speaking to us. thank you for your insight. our own. come on professor of economics at general, how narrow a university in new delhi. thank you. thank so pakistan has released a $45000000.00 assistance packaging that providing some economic relief during the holy month of ramadan. people are struggling to deal with high prices and storing information as the pakistani government finalizes an agreement with the international monetary fund to help it's failing economy come all hide every for some is i'm about another day comes to a name. i know that if daughter of the breaking of default with mom, let's say there's a father of 5 children, and there's
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a daily wage labor up because you did not have money to buy food. you had to benefit from try to do organizations around to local funding by private citizens that they could both make. i, i work on daily wage. sometimes i get what sometimes i don't, it's very hard to find what these days. the government says it has given concessions on some food items, only for one through amazon, but who is going to afford to buy other commodities and pay exorbitant electricity and gas bills. the price of fresh fruit and ridge driven to dr. reach for many, and patients is reading 10. i shoppers and render scuffle over exorbitant price. i is a busy time during this busting month of ramadan, with fruit and vegetable, don't push cock. while i just set up shop on busy intersection to make some extra money look at these roadside vendors,
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they are making the situation even worse. rich people come here in the because they don't even us the rate. so these wind is, are overcharging, way should pull people go. it said nearly a $45000000.00 relief package offered by the government as a med drop in the auction. i guess on it's going to go to an agreement with the i'm airport, a new drawn of $3000000000.00 and expected to receive a $1000000000.00 in april. but they did already planning to go for the new package . however, the economic experts warn any additional loan or lead to a further increase your fuel gas and electricity prices. they say the next few months will be critical. i think, well, as i see, the most important is the good on political bridges. and i don't have the answer to that, so that there is a broad consensus across the entire political spectrum that some
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difficult decisions have to be taken the next one months to make sure that focus on is put on part of a sustainable growth. but as the sun goes down and people break that far, they wonder how many more hardship they really have to endure before things get better. come out of how you did roger. the uh, it's normal bar authorities in japan and trying to manage a house scare. i have to supplement meant to know a class. all levels was linked to at least 5 desks and more than a 150 hospital admissions. eunice came reports of investigators from the national and regional health departments rate of factory and also like a city after health supplements produced here were found to contain a toxic compound last week or by us you pharmaceutical confirmed at least 5 elderly people who used as collateral lowering pills had died more than 100 others were
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hospitalized with kidney issues and other health problems. the company is recalling the product 2 months after for us receiving complaints. it's president has apologized for not acting sooner. it gives a to show guy, so we deeply apologize for the distress and concerns that we've caused. many people this in regards to the problem of kidney disease due to the consumption of rates. east rice related products produced by a company machine to the pills contain read east rice, a natural substance said to lower cluster all could buy as she has applied about a 1000000 packages to thousands of other companies within japan and abroad in the past 3 years. health authorities in neighboring china and south korea have raised concern and tie one is investigating possible links to some reports of unexpected reactions. the government has promised transparency in order to review of the approval system for health supplements. and of course,
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the pretty quick we will continue to inform countries in a timely and appropriate manner and strive to ensure trust and japanese food products. geico, so called function labeled foods, are popular in japan. analysts say there is little regulatory oversight and a heavy reliance on manufacturers reputations trust that's taken a major hit as people are falling ill from supplements meant to make them healthier . unit skim algebra cus, city of baltimore, has opened a temporary channel for ships after a major bridge collapse last week, blocking maritime traffic. the 1st vessel used the alternative route on monday. the ford is one of the busiest in america for the commercial shipping hubs. present biden is expected to visit the site on friday. she advertises, he has more on the recovery efforts from baltimore salvaging of collapsed
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portions of the from cisco key bridge has begun. the pilots, the sections weighing hundreds of thousands of feet of grams to be lifted like crane from the water and placed on barges. in the recovery process with move timeline, it is very complicated down below. these are still garters unlocked, is still good or is that you can see that above the water line still, which has significant damage below the water line along the bottom is very challenging because these garters are essentially tangled together, intertwined, making it very difficult to figure out where you need to eventually cut so that we can make that in the more manageable sizes to lift them from the waterway. for now, the port remains open. well, call go delivered the full, the collision is processed, but soon it will close and resolve to what will happen to the drugs of $15000.00 ford employees. the 140000 across the state of maryland are also estimated to rely
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on the pool being operational for their livelihoods. newest kelly was among those who attended an event to help businesses affected by the foreclosure, is more construction. business relies on the international supply chain, just as much as a major manufacturing company with low end venture materials capital. i'm having, you don't order so you can store them into your warehouse. you order when the job is ready to go. so when you look at your projects schedule, where you have things plan in 2 weeks and 6 weeks and 12 weeks. busy all of that is out of the window. and we also just don't know how that is going to affect our employees. simply because if there is a long delay, what do we do? do we leave them off the investigation into the crash continues. the main question is why even bobby suddenly lost power. another question, why the construction workers on the bridge at the time of the collision have no
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means of communication so that they could be named of impending danger. as often happens, often, major accident was multiple warnings and now coming to light issued by insurance companies and local officials that say that this bridge needed to be brought up to the standards of modeling bridges that are constructed. so with style, the traffic of mega container ships she ever time see out, is there a baltimore much one use as always on our website at andrea 0 dot com, the very latest and all of our top stories on there. i'll be back in just a few minutes with a full round up of 12 news news . as the world plunges into a climate disaster, we are in the planetary class. this year, a new 8 pub series exposes the reality of the global emergency. there will come a time where no amount of dollars will be able to make up for what is broken and
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needs to people trying to make a difference. it was endless economic growth, a growth because rising for as nothing in nature grows dying. coming soon in 2018, a john this led, 40 days of civic action against the all median government. i'm president soccer group on power. i'm going to labor to square. and documentary photos is non violent campaign to bring down a corrupt regime. astonishing out. really good. a democratic revolution, i am not alone on the news velvet resolution. on alex's era, in the bigger global electron jada in history, the world's biggest democracy off its own epic showdown. join me screen of asking jan on a new full pot cd, focusing on india. in this episode,
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either on my own experience as a journalist, you examine alarming drop of the freedoms in india and the future of india and back to the independent media. being the default fox, we all know is, is either a, we look at the world's top business stories. how much of those plans gonna cost is the rebuilding going to cost about who pays from global markets and economies to construction and small businesses. we have just started seeing inflation come down in many costs. well to understand how it affects the knives outline forth how big a 12 level is labeled. food insecurity. counting the cost on outages, us in the line to palestine who well is then we reach out to hand, let the giving begin with okay, foundation you donated with kindness. you showed you ok. now let's also show you.
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we'll deliver it so dominates, with confidence donates without kat foundation. with every packed on 19 with every press will bring it to light. a little love in palestine. we share the news really as try kills $64.00 and $8.00 where it goes. and the palace simeon drive, or in central guys or the n g o wells central kitchen says it's funding or operations vc, psych human tragedy that should never have of that is completely unacceptable. australia demands answers and, and the us calls to our swift investigation into the the play you one.
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