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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 2, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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for this business of say, these roads thought no bundle a dash before he is the of the hello i'm robot this. and this is the news on line from doha. i'm coming up in the next 60 minutes and these are the air strike chills, 6 phone and 8 workers on the palestinian drive are in central garza, the n g o world. central kitchen says h pausing all operations ccs. i human tragedy that should never of appear that is completely unacceptable. australia deadlines on says about the attack,
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while israel says it will conduct an internal investigation and share its findings . iran ones that will respond decisively after i suspect it is rarely striking. its confidence building in damascus kills a senior military commander credit and thrown a tax target deep into russians advertising more than a 1000 kilometers some of order the find university students and engineers. and me and more help on groups make weapons in secret workshops to fight the melodies on top. and then sport england, cricket or ben stokes, the rules themselves out of the t 20 world cap. the all rounder wants to focus on his fitness. so we can be a better player in all formats of the game, the and is really here. so i can demo bhalla has killed at least 64, and 8 workers and their protest, any and driver. they were all employees of
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a world central kitchen. it's a group that's being coordinating a deliveries transported by ship from cypress. the convoy was head shortly after leaving a warehouse despite making the is really military aware of the movement. citizens of a strongly up the u. k as poland over among the dead fins. and monica begins are coverage as they came to help bring relief to palestinian suffering and gaza. but they ended up as yet were victims of these rails war and is really air strike, kill these aid workers from the humanitarian group, world central kitchen. one of them was palestinian, and all the others were foreign nationals and their governments are demanding answers. astray, expects full accountability for the deaths of i'd with his, which is completely unacceptable. i'd workers and those doing humanitarian work in the data. all innocent civilians need to be provided with protection. world
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central kitchen says it's team would coordinate their movements with these really army ahead of time. they were traveling armored cars and their logo was highly visible. this is israel has promised to review the attack. what is it called the highest levels? we will be opening approved to examine the serious incidents of this will help us reduce the risk of such an event from occurring again. but this isn't the 1st time relief workers have been killed and gaza as well as also been previously trying to shut down on real well. one of the largest humanitarians actors in gaza, numerous on real employees, have been killed as not just foreigners, of costs because most of the humanitarian relief is provided. but tell us the indians themselves who live in gaza. so this is an acute problem which has been ongoing for the past 5 or 6 months. and a full investigation and accountability is warranted. aid workers face enormous
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risk spring, desperately needed food and supplies, and the god, the strip is on the break of famine and the u. n. is cooling for safe access for a deliveries. this is real now face more calls for accountability and steps to ensure humanitarian workers do not become targets. been involved in how to sierra legislators headquarters in general ballot and reports from the scene. i'm crazy. standing in front one of the vehicles that has been targeted by the is really forces last night. this car and 2 other cars across the received street have been targeted by that is where the forces, 3 of the cars are for the world, central kitchen. and they had a aid workers in the side, the cars. but so far we know that it is trillion a polish, a british canadian, and then merican and
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a palestinian aid workers were targeted in those 3 cars. it's very obvious that these workers were working with the world central kitchen as we see best and at the logos of w. c. k organization. we know that these cars were on their way back from the port. nothing of the gaza strip to their guest house in norfolk and every car is, is separated by a piece 500 meters, which shows that this convoy was directly targeted by the is really forces. this will have a lot of negative consequences not only or on the humanitarian sector in the gaza strip. it will also have a huge major consequences and negative impact on
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a lot of age workers and international agencies currently operating in the causal strip. these 8 workers were having an 8 ship and a convoy that's has at least $400.00 metric tons of food to the north of the gulf of troops on the day they were targeted. this is in the city all to 0. that is, but because of strip spanish 5 minutes i've had those sanctions as one of many was late as demanding an explanation from the as many government world. central kitchen was funded by spanish american chef jose andras and they were study eckleman. if that is the same, i wanted to firstly express my deep condolences on the depths of several workers from the andrea world, central kitchen, by victims of a strike. this very night in the gaza strip of dealers they died while doing what the san diego has been dedicated to for years. and that is feeding people in the midst of so much devastation. i hope enter mon,
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that'd be as rarely government terrifies as soon as possible. the circumstances of this personal attack, but his taking the lives of 78 because they were doing nothing at helping the moment we're going to speak to them on the contents and i'll get body service on the 1st. we're going to go to the child a couple of them and they're off in southern gaza topic. what's been the reaction there to beginning of the stuff from world central kitchen? yes, ron pain facts as we have been hearing from locals here real fast. they were completely disappointed, but not completely shocked regarding the attack that they've been carried us against. one of the main food provides us uh, inside the gaza stripe. we are talking about a central kitchen. this entity that has, that has been receiving a huge and distributing aids into different areas. and the goal is this trip which have been cut off from a humanitarian supplies for long weeks of the fight thing. and they have been saying that y d is very mandatory, had targeted the costs for the world central kitchen conducting that we've played
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a different strategy, biased 80 forces to how they deliveries of 8 supplies to the areas that had been farmed, run really a fixed it a from the ongoing conflicts on the ground. the hottest deals have been saying also that the central kitchen has been providing the gaza strip with more than 42000000 meals since the last of october, as they have been. it's the increasing the efforts in order to mitigate the aggravating humanitarian crisis. and that track has been carried out to in fact, despite the prior coordination being made between the world central kitchen and the has been admitted 3 as to now these very forces has have been saying that the work examined the discharge of incidence and they are waiting also, palestinians, here for the results being released by the is what the military regarding that's attacked adamic. it's worth reminding uh, people are watching. that of course, was central kitchen were, were integral in building b that kind of makes it appear that was going out into that,
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that the harbor and gaza is to allow aids to be brought in by boats. what kind of effect is this likely to have on 8 operations in garza? yes, this is in fact a serious escalation on humanitarian organizations being appraising in gauze was the trip in order to help for the, for a deliveries, especially in light of the it's very ongoing. it restrictions being placed on land accords always be monetary and full voice that had been allowed to get into the territory. now generally, the situation on the ground practically used as dire as the amount that had been delivered to the gaza strip of humanitarian supplies is still very limited and cannot match the evidence needs of the guidance. and now with the ongoing increasing attacks on the humanitarian workers, it will be kind of extra pressure and different to humanitarian organizations to operate in the territory as the key challenge right now for these organizations is safety. now as well as working on disjoint, this principle in order to get
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a please sense for work is that you want to be safe here on the ground as they have been mitigating their work in areas of fighting because they have, i could, since i clicked a lot of sense of security security as these very forces as to its trees and it's made just against a human to tell your organization operating in the gaza strip. one of the latest was on the word that had been denied from delivering aids to the northern gaza. started got both of them talking to us from mount off on the southern guys. i'm going to bring in e mail and con, unoccupied, east jerusalem. serious rarely saying that they want accountability a new case saying it's concerned what central protection says they gave all the coordinates to as well. so how the is really is responding. well these randy's have released a statement in the last hour acknowledges the incident, but it doesn't specifically say that we were behind it. in fact, the language is interesting. it's worth reading you a chunk of the stipend last night. an incident took place in gauze and that
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resulted in the tragic death of world central kitchen employees as a fill that vital admission of bringing food to people in need. as a professional ministry committed to international a committed to examining operations thoroughly and transparently. then they go and say, i just, spite to w. c. k found a chef. how do you say and does he express the deepest console, told and says, of these ready defense pulses to the families of the entire well central kitchen, family, apologize directly to the wealth central kitchen. they go onto the sites that they will investigate, but the will be an independent investigation. this was the statement from daniel who garner who is these really mean spikes. but it's a long statement that we've seen perhaps in any incident in the last 6 months. and it just goes to show you, when foreign nationals are involved, israel has to respond and it has to respond quickly if this was just palestinians, as we've seen countless times, we wouldn't even get a statement like this. we get
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a simple test statement that we use the same, which just as we are investigating this, and we'll get back to you if we have any signal. the fact that these are far national would mean that there's an enormous amount of international pressure to come up with something. however, it's not down to being to that. so give me and see if they accept this assembly. i'd say to complete that, okay, is ready is of admitted it. and now we're going to draw a line under it and keeps applying is wrong with the homes of weapons as likely to be the case. it doesn't feel like this is going to go any further than that statement. iran, thank you very much indeed. going to bring in new old a. she's a political analyst and a writer and she's joining us from romano. thank you very much. indeed for being with us. so as a mom was pointing out, these are international workers are being killed, there is, i do a degree of concern, shall we say, from their respective countries. but how much influence do you think this is all going to have on the support that israel gets from those respective countries? i will see you radically. it should have a lot of influence. after all,
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these are humanitarian workers. they are nationals of several countries who have an obligation to seek accountability. unfortunately, like him are on said. precedent doesn't really provide much hope for the families of the bereaved families of the those 8 workers we've seen time. and again, governments kind of their elect, their duties towards their citizens when they are killed by israel. so it will all really, it's up to the, in the pressure that these governments will feel from their own constituents on how far they will go. and the, and the pressure is increasing because we have to remember that this is in the context of a 6 month genocide, a war where public opinion in the world by and large is fed up with the fact that is realistic, healing, monetary and aid workers. doctors and journalists and getting away with the killing, with absolute impunity, unapologetically and still receiving weapons and political support. israel says the
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incident is going to be investigated by our department called the the fact finding and assessment mechanism. it describes this as an independent professional expect body. why, what's being the outcome in the past when those bodies carried up previous investigations? well, i think the maximum we can expect from israel is to say, looks right to say that yes, there was some sort of grave error. and israel, of course, wouldn't do that. but to really take that at face value, you would have to say that as well as either these really army is either incompetent and it doesn't know how to, you know, coordinate between its different units. who knew the coordinates of this convoy who knew who was riding in those convoys? we knew that these convoys had humanitarian aid workers that should have been protected. or you also take these relays and what they're saying about the goal being applying pressure on the civilian population, starving,
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the civilian population, as many international organizations have documented. and you take that into account when you look at the impact of such a slaughter. and the fact that more humanitarian organizations are going to be thinking again or rethinking whether they can continue operating ins as well. absolutely. no one is safe because everyone is a target. i wonder why this just a little bit while i've got got you here and talk about what's being described as and there's really a tax on around this consulate in syria. now, once again, we're facing this. the chunk of this conflict could spill into the wider region, i guess. now we have to wait and see how iran and syria are going to react. yeah, absolutely, and you know, it is really is the only country in this region that actually occupies surgery of other countries. it has it occupies lebanese syrian and palestinian territory. it is launching attacks deep into 11 on and syria. and of course committing genocide
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here in palestine, but at the, at targeting a diplomatic building, a consulate is crossing a red line even for israel. and it almost seems like nothing. yeah. who is exploiting this and cannot see that he's enjoying the fact that there hasn't really been any real pressure on him to drag everybody into a regional escalation. this is a new, a phase in the 6 months for where there are no red lines. nothing is beyond the reach of the, of these bombs and i think it is extremely dangerous. this is not something that can go out or without being answered. i will have to say to see, like you said, how iran and syria will respond. but maybe even other organizations that are closely allied with those 2 countries. how, how, how all of that will play out. i think it will be a very precarious few days ahead. you know, it's a good to get you
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a breakdown of what's been going on over the last 24 hours or so no to day. as always, we appreciate it. thank you very much. i. the other aid organizations have been speaking out against these ready attack on world central kitchen employees on what conditional general infinity relies. i mean, setting a statement that is devastated by the kidding of sevens, humanitarian workers and gaza when their convoy was reportedly hits by the is ready forces. he says you monetary and workers are not a target. the secretary general of the norwegian refugee council, john aguilar also wait in saying wells central kitchen had informed is really military of their movement. nowhere else. as so many 8 workers killed, there must be an immediate cease fire and the open arms and g o share to post saying they came together to help in a place where hunger is a weapon of war. now the teams are one of their colleagues in gaza on the target. testing room is a spokesperson for unicef when she says you monitoring aid workers in gaza, i simply tried to do their job is despite the difficult situation on the ground. it
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really just speaks to unacceptable conditions, but people living in here in the gaza strip and next to monetary and aid workers are operating and it's an immense tragedy. and it adds to the whole of, you know, 30000 people who've been killed since the escalation and a 174 un colleagues have also been killed. so it's, it's a job day for us here comes with all around the world. humanitarian agencies have a coordination and notification system where we say this is where we want to go and what we want to do. and we get the security assurances that we need to do our job. and that is not functioning properly here in the gaza strip. and we've been wanting for a while that it's not working. we're not getting the security assurances that we've made. and this is not the 1st time that we've seen a vehicle being hit on recall. legs have been targeted before. and so it's incredibly concerned, i think all of the colleagues here, i really just trying to help people and it's even worse. but these colleagues were
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trying to deliver food, whether the on the press, the press of a sudden it couldn't happen at any moment now. and this was, you know, a 100 tons of food i was being unloaded. so it's, it's a, it's an unspeakable loss. not just for the people, but the, the, the community of god. i think that we up here just trying to do our job. and what we need to do now is, is have a look at the situation, assess what has happened during the night and decide how we move forward because it's, it's incredibly tough here on the ground. it's not just for us, but for the people, the gaza, bombardments on ending hill sides or morning and, and with some of the most protected people in the gaza strip. we have the vehicles and, and jackets like this. so for everybody getting guys i, it's incredibly on sites. well, it runs as the us must be held accountable for the attack and it's concept building into moscow surround blames israel for the strike, which killed
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a senior come under of the stomach. revolutionary guard is deputy and 5 diplomats same a sort of a has more a 2nd major was rarely ever strike on targets in syria and less than a week. on monday, missiles hit a section of the iranian consulate in damascus. among the dead pulled from the rubble of high ranking iranian military leader brigadier general and the home of the residents. a heavy of military adviser who previously levia. ronnie and the lead codes force in loving on a series that runs for administer called the attack, a violation of all international obligations and conventions. he went on to emphasize the need for a serious response by the international community to what he said were criminal actions. was serious for administer had this to say, what do you uh, before we strongly condemn this criminal act carried out by the zionist enemy, which led to the death of some innocent citizens who were passing by in the street . so again, we emphasized our position beside our brothers and me a, ringing, an embassy and b as lumnick republic of around. and we assure that syria and b is
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womach were public. don't forget their enemies on the 5th striking 8 days to hit serial levels in entire building. the latest of hundreds of israeli attacks on targets inside government control parts of syria in recent years. and the latest of several is really assassinations in the region targeting iranian leaders. as well as members of how much and has bullet since the war and goes up again. we have seen a tax in syria before that have cost the lives of civilians. there was one of over the weekend believe with the a car bomb which, which civilians were, were killed. we condemned all these all these attacks, but we're waiting to get fact on what happened today. the incidents of damascus came 3 days after was really strict killed dozens of people in a level, mostly syrian soldiers, as well as members of his full, including a senior commander, the air strikes targeting iranian leaders in the region,
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as well as leadership of resistance groups, hamas and hezbollah have escalated against the backdrop of israel's war and got some in syria and lebanon, seemingly extended battle grounds for his really operations, which continued to expand beyond its borders and risk triggering a wider regional conflict. the same bus robbie ultra 00 holder has more reaction from southern lebanon to iran is making clear that it is going to respond to what it calls the aggression against. it's consulate in the syrian capital, damascus, it runs national security council that just hours after that strike a promising a response. the iranian president saying that there will be severe punishment, but they're not saying what the response will be. will they target israel and risk the possibility of a wider company? will they target those rallies in other countries? will they target this really embassies in other countries?
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or will they target u. s. military assets in the region to the iranian foreign minister in his statement is blaming the us government saying that the, you know, that the support of the us government for as well. it gives it a free hand to, to, to, to operate in the region. that's what they've been saying really for months now. blaming do united states saying that they conveyed a message to the us and the us should be held to account already. there was a drone attack on a us base on the syria, iraq border hours after that striking in damascus. so it is really on certain times the attack in damascus really has serious implications. this is targeting a diplomatic mission, which is supposed to have immunity. now this really is what they're trying to say is dr. they're trying to say that's what they targeted was a military target, accusing a round the revolutionary guards of using the consulate for a center to plan and, and, and meet so as well, trying to de escalate the of the escalate tensions there. there's really a lot of uncertainty, but no doubt the war on girls that has triggered
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a regional regional $0.10 it. but as of early february, attacks on us targets stopped. that was after mass of us strikes on a round back to groups in iraq in syria. are we going to see those attacks resume? are we going to see, you know, more drones or even long range missiles target this route? these are questions a many are asking and speculating what the responsibility but to the right is making clear, there will be a response. and in many ways it has to respond in order not to look week center for their else as ita. so their loved and on the most important joint attacks into industrial sites in tons of stun, located more than a 1000 kilometers from the 20 and border they reportedly targeted facilities assembling drones and an oil refinery. a few times where i launched from you
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training and territory, that would be one of the most far reaching drone operations, canada, by ukraine's forces. since the beginning of new york. in a moment, we're going to speak to your shop of oliver in moscow. first, go to his child stratford in the keys. so this was a long way into russian category. what does that tell us about your training and capabilities? if it does turn out that new training was responsible for serial. certainly the same that the guardians were responsible for this, at least, that claiming that multiple news agencies have been speaking to that context with the okay. and you currently know, sorry it is. we actually made a call to ukraine and intelligence they saying that they did carry out this attack, which is you say, 1300 kilometers away from ukraine. it shows you how seemingly russian, sorry, ukrainian, a home made weapons now have a capability to hit targets, right? the way across russia. we know it was that the ukrainians have been developing for
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example, the own drones. one particular driver is believed to be able to fly, very high altitude can operate for up to 30 hours. that we con, confirm whether this particular drug was used in this instance. but i think what it highlights as long as the, the, the challenge is that, that ukraine is facing during, of course, the huge, great escalation in a tax on the on energy infrastructure by russia inside ukraine now of your credit. so i'll just highlight, the americans are not happy with these kind of attacks. they are concerned about, for example, to increase on oil price. obviously as we approach a, an election in america. and they concerned about an additional escalation that this may cause as well. but you currently present zalinski is that, that ukraine has every right to launch these strikes deeply inside russia. because the, the russians are doing exactly that here in ukraine. and he says that this is their
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own weaponry that not using western western donated to technology to do these things. so basically on the sand is just one of at least 2 strikes in that area. we're not, we're waiting for confirmation, but there are reports also that there was another attack, essentially using a ukrainian driving on an oil facility. also in that region, it's all just enter of 1300 kilometers from ukraine. and then just, there's always been a lot of speculation about a russian spring offensive. how does all of this fit into the broader picture of the war? there was a lot of speculation about a potential offensive by russia in the coming months of cost. and in the wake of what is, why do you described is a failure in the ukranian counter offensive last year. but this is a huge undertaking, a low we've seen and optic in, in, in russian attacks in recent weeks. certainly building on russian full. she's taking control of the town of div carry in february we've seen increment with games
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in that area. russian forces taking villages in that area also to the north of, of the, of a combined defense seat by russian forces will be very difficult indeed. and that's despite the flight path superiority is on, on a list to saying that that superiority is so dramatic at the moment they describing it as a, as a serious car is useful the ukrainians. it's believe that the rates of fire on any given day along the front line for every 2000 shelves that be great in firing, rushes, firing, 10000 in which we're using 10000 in any given day. so that's an example of the kind of weapon advantage that the russians have. but of course, and it also involves huge amounts of manpower. we know that russia is launch the spring, a conscription is twice yearly. conscription booting says that he wants a $150.00 men to be conscripted, but the russians have also said that those conscripts would not be used inside
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ukraine because that would be against russian rule. but that big. so the question where in pushing size does ukraine begin? because of course donates new ganske separation and care. so on, for example, p c's is now being legitimately inside your training territory, following those referenda that were held almost 2 years ago. so it's not inconceivable that we may say a push by russian forces in the coming months, but it is an incredible challenge for the crept into amounts such a coordinate attack me. charles, thanks very much of the that child stop talking to some key. well, you're a shop of oliver's joining us now from moscow. what has the response from the kremlin being to this attack? the whole, basically, the official reaction where i'm guessing is from the local officials. so the kremlin still is being silent. so the number of into the old dots and for it, i've talked in a lot the in the rushes,
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toughest on has increased to 7 people. that's according to the local emergency services. so for the 1st time, are you praying true and flew to target as far as 1300 kilometers away from the ukranian buddha. it happened early tuesday morning, the ukrainian prose from the cities of nursing. it comes and you love the guy in talk to us, done so, and you love to get the pro hate facility where a brush allegedly was assembling little range. she had a ton, pres, bush, allegedly uses them to target ukraine, and the head of the republic restore a restore. many sign up reporters, and that would no serious damage day to can logical prices as that had no been disrupted. and also for russian ministry blog suggested that most likely a life across converted into a year the was used for that strike. so basically the, the, a lot of good, special economic so in, in the city or if you're not, the guy is a place where you're ringing, sha had friends are assembled as i mentioned, and also
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a dormitory with students and them to ease of those production facilities. and the level guess for a tax by you avi's entering several people. so basically also the oil facility in the city of, of, of, and usually comes also took place. and actually it's not the 1st one. it was at a cost $5.00, which was nice extinguished, and since the beginning of the attacks and oil and gas infrastructure for centers in russia, having tends to find you there. thank you very much indeed to start head on. i'll just here what we will continue to make clear is that we support the work that the free pressed us. washington raises concern of israel process and all that good stuff. all of the zeros operations there, the chaos on the streets of haiti on the gains and police exchange, 5 years the political into monetary and crisis spirals out of control pattern support inter mulanda close in the a tell you league stifled the latest of football. coming up later in the show,
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the, the hello, we had some pretty strong winds, carry up sending us from this hard desert into parts of europe. so this was in mont pelley a, some hazy and small, the conditions that are in fact some european countries were on the top 10 list of the world's worst air quality. but seems refreshing now things here's why we've had that batch of rain move out of italy, east for it. so places like the czech republic and bosnia also had hazy and smoky conditions, but this is helping to clear the air, the dark. here we go. plenty of sun into forecasts. look at cypress sticker, c a 33 degrees, that's about 10 above pre. it should be for this time of year and what weather slides in off the atlantic northwest, spain, northern and central portugal. i gotta show you, this is precipitation bumps into colder air. there will be snow for
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a time in sweden that will hop over the baltic sea impact the baltic states as we head towards wednesday. it's going to be windy as well, quite hot this early in the season in africa. so in malia along the border with more tenure, temperature shot up to almost $48.00 powerful winds are blasting in that heat, but for the coastal city of new ox out with a seabreeze, the temperature is below average for this time of the year. some pretty big ways off the eastern k profits that could cause some damage. and with this breeze off the indian ocean, still brain from viruses and that southeast corner of not a gas car the as the well plunged into a climate disaster. we are planetary flux, that's here. a new a punch series exposes the reality of the global emergency. there will come a time where no amount of dollars will be able to make up for what is broken and
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makes the people trying to make a difference. it was endless economic growth, a growth because rising for as nothing unite to growth, griffin died coming soon. a ask like a narrative from africans. perspective, nature has always been this some way. my child to short documentary spine african film make is looking at the archives that we have sometimes quite heartbreaking to look at what is key is that it's part of our history that couple from nigeria and rewriting libraries from africa direct on. i'll just the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, the ones you know, just need a reminder about the top stories this out here on says america must be held accountable for the attack. and it's going to the building in damascus around games . israel for the strikes which killed as senior, come on board of the islamic revolutionary god. his deputy and 5 diplomats and his earlier striking central guys was killed 6 phone aid workers from world central kitchen on the palestinian driver. josh, he says his team had coordinators with user in the army and his vehicles were clearly marked with the groups logo u. k. prime minister, just a minute ago has commented on the canning of the wall of central kitchen employees . i just listened back to one. he's just said the cause of shocked and saddened to hear the reports of taxes 8 rough cuz in gaza was really working to confirm all the details. but my thoughts right now with that friends and family that doing
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fantastic was bringing a lead. the ation to the suffering that many experiencing and gaza, they should be prized and commended for what they're doing. they need to be allowed to do that. what on the handed and it is incumbent on israel to make sure that they can do that and we're all skiing as well to investigate what happened urgently. because clearly there are questions that need to be honest with you. government received advice from some noise. the h right is breached international humanitarian. it all view as long standing. the israel has both the intention, the ability to comply with international humanitarian. no, i've made that very clear to appointments, and that's and you all who whenever i've spoken to him, there's been too many civilian deaths in goals. of course, we want to see an immediate humanitarian pause so that we can get the hostages out more a into the region. as it was parliament's pass legislation, the could see the closure of photo broad costs as in the country, including obviously the, the can asset and voted overwhelmingly in favor of the law of which the government
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has been pushing since the beginning of the war on garza and allows israel to ban any international broadcast and if it decides the content directions, national security is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu is posted on x, saying all just need a quote. actively participated in the top of the 7th bicycle and incited against is really soldiers is also called the broadcaster chatter channel. obviously the media networks responded calling. nothing. yeah. whose comments quote, lies that insight against the safety of our journalists. the stipend reads and then escalate to move. it's very prime minister benjamin netanyahu was launched upfront . it counterpane against audra 0 accusing it of homie israel's security, actively participating in the until the 7th attack. adams, sizing against is where the soldiers all just need immediate network condemns the stipends sees them as nothing but a dangerous ludicrous line. i'll just see it are also accused as nothing yahoo of inflammatory slanders against the network and the rights of its employees. i'll
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just say to reiterates that so slanderous accusations will not deter us from continuing our bold and professional coverage and reserves the right to pursue every legal step. well, the us state department is also weighed in saying, washington supports media freedom. we support the independent free press anywhere in the world. and we think the work that the independent free press does is important everywhere in the world. and yet much of what we know about what has happened in gaza is because of reporters where they're doing their jobs, including reporters from al jazeera. i'll say we're just with, with respect to l g 0. obviously we, you know, i think it's well known that we've not always agreed with all of alex's years coverage, but it's a new organization that we engage with. i've done interviews with al jazeera, other people from the department have done interviews with l g 0. so what we will continue to make clear is that we support the work that the free pressed us.
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the at least one child has died in a shooting at a school in finland, a 12 year old student opened far wounding at least 2 other children. the suspects be not prevented by police. it happened in a suburb of the capital of helsinki. police are the victims with the same age as the attack, a prime minister called the attack deeply shocking a university students and engineers opposing me in most military to helping on groups make weapons. rebels have struggle to arm themselves to fight theirs on top of a 0. has gained exclusive access to a weapons factory. for 3 d printers, a manufacturing assault rifles. tony china reports hidden under lodge green top, poland. a secret workshop. deep in the jungles of b. m. workers using rudimentary tools, falling down blocks of steel, gun barrels,
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and both actions and product with 22 caliber rifle. effective that slow to manufacture the bank for the workshop. how the a bank of 3 d printing the secret weapon. it's possible because of the young people who understand technology. for me to age man like me, we combine our experience with that technology to produce these products and as components for him. 16 assault rifles printed in strength and plastic cinnamon, precision play the still needed to pull the methyl components, but the design has evolved through trial and error. the facing demand military with um, with vehicles. heavy artillery non challenged power in the military government has brought in men to treat conscription in response to the increasing the effective opposition to its rule. this, the civil war transforms into get rid of tactics on multiple fronts. many soldiers
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didn't seem to have the will to fight. right. and obviously a lot of, uh, me and my sonia the, you know, decided to surrender, right? we resist central and the thing that b 5 and the reason why they surrender because tomorrow, you know, so goose captured weapons and ammunition you have enabled us and they call them is to over run the hundreds of military bases in the last 6 months. and the 3 d printed vitals passed, the ultimate test, combined with all products, i'm out in the bottles. we met some soldiers. we gave all weapons to the said it has to be in action. now i'm motivated. now they're producing a $170.00 automatics a month. that they're aiming for a 1000. they can get the roll materials books up. i'm ready to ship out to the front line. tony chang out as they're going to bring in helen mary. okay. and she's
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a senior research or the danish institute for an international studies. she's joining us from copenhagen. thank you very much indeed for being with us. what's your assessment or how does that conflict is going in me and my as well at the moment we are seeing an advancement of the resistance forces. i mean, controlling at least 50 percent of the country and when we're talking about assistance forces, we're both talking about these young people who took off creating these people's defense both as a local defense forces. we know there was around 800 of them, but we also talking about is age old if the resistance or if the organizations that have been fighting the ministry also previously apply it to the 2021 military. cool . and mainly the areas that are being controlled now by these resistant forces are in the border region all along the borders of china, thailand funded ocean and india. and, but we're also seeing areas that were never sort of controlled by resistance forces before and you know,
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my history in the inside of the country into from ma hotline for the areas where the majority of the firm used a population and live with. we've seen areas of controlled by ethnic minority group in the, in the border regions before. and this control of the resistance board has, has been gradual since few months after the military crew. but as was mentioned before, these last 6 months, we've really seen that dramatic advancement at all the resistance of taking over more control. and this started with 3 ethnic resistance organizations and alliance that took over a large areas of northern sean state. and then that continued earlier this year and we're kind of state by the eric and ami. and earlier this month we also saw the kitchen independence on the, on the board of china, taking over more controls that we are seeing. we can military going to and then 5 since the, all the specifics in tony's or 40 was referring to the fact that the manager has been in the stepping up the construction element. and yet it doesn't appear to be
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a lot of enthusiasm for how much of an impact you think that's going to have on the military's capability to push back. so i think it's a different let me assign a weakness on the part of the military both because of these defections and decisions with saying the battlefield surrender has been seen, especially since at least operation was launching october last year. it's a sign of desperation. it's not work that they don't have improvement, ordinary recruitment going on. but we also know from thursdays and studies that have been done, of course, quite rapidly since the activation of this conscription low on, on the 10th of february, showing that up to 94 percent of the young people within the age group that are sort of eligible for these kind of recruitment, from 18 to 45 with men and 18 to 35 with women. but they don't support this. they're not willing to be recruited by the military. and a lot of them are trying to get out of the country or trying to get into these
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areas that are now controlled by the resistance. others also saying that this is really motivating them to try to join some of these resistance forces. so the prediction is that this was backed by a big time on, on the ministry, even though the intention is to post numbers and perhaps the oldest most morale on those we're still inside. we know them are all it low. so this is kind of a desperate move on and i was going to ask here before tony, forgive me for interrupting that. i want to ask you about. but tony was referring to about the 3 d printing of 5 pots for it, for lessons. i know that fine, we covered the story at the start of the crew. there was an i drive by people demanding that the international community should help to fight against the military joint size. they saw it and provide them with weapons, but it is interesting that it seems to become essentially almost the whole industry, not that these factories these manufactures are being set up. talk us through just briefly if you don't mind what your assessment of how that could influence the way
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that the conflict cavities on. so i'm not a weapon expert, so i would just look at it from a broad concept. so we know that these people's defense, both of these newly formed the defense forces, often limited to or group, did not have access to, to weapons read that would be effective enough to combat the ministry. some of them have been aided by these older ethnic organizations, both with weapons and with training, but that has been a need to excess additional weapons to be able to combat the military. so i think that these kind of new created in order to ways of expanding the weapon 3 amongst these group could be the aging and the resistance against the ministry. but to what extent it would be to size up enough to actively control the mean to treat it or to expand these kind of territories. further is another question. i think another challenge is also a form of katya nation amongst the ethnic um, but can i say yeah, these people's defend this already coordination going on their way or to your
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feelings. forgive me. i'm ready to be sorry. that what time is i gaze against us and i do apologize for interrupting you, but thank you very much indeed for giving us your time. thank you so much. thank you. the still ahead and i'll just say that i agree about skyrocketing prices, pool communities in pakistan, accused the government of not doing enough to help them doing that on the business. latest sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination into by
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the business latest these things that bind him to like global your real estate destination into by the side of this board here. as part of rob, thank you so much and willing cricket, or ben stokes, as will themselves out of playing in the upcoming
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t 20 world cup. the all rounder wants to take a break to build up his fitness so that he says he can be better at playing and all formats of the game. the 32 year old is england's test captain and has had nice surgery over the winter. the bowl just 5 bowers during the recent series against india. the t 20 world cup starts in june. it's being played in the usa and west indies, english or the defending champions. the stokes had already opted out of the indian premier league where the raj done, rails of one, making it 3 winds from 3 to go the top of the standings. they were up against them and by enhancing could only manage a 125 for 9 in their 20 overs fuller trent. bolt took 3 wickets in 10 balls and there were also 3 for spinner youth venture at your home. and great attached by sharon het meyer. definitely worse and now they look at that. and reply rogers on reach their target with 27 goals to spare brianna for on the top screen with an on beaten 54 to secure the 6. we can victory,
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hit 54236 is for the 2nd half century in as many games and invite remain windless with 3 street defeats. now we saw use venture to how in action there, he's a d is leading to 20. we could take her but it's never been picked for a t 20. well, come back and change this year with the next woke up coming up in june. and one of the real challenges for any bullet coming into this tournament is to forget that this will come in. you start falling to get into a woke up tank and you know, i think if, if you change successfully and you're in a winning team, then selections and rewards come from that. so that's more of an focus is forget about all that other noise from the outside and just wait really hot for each other . and if we do that, then i've got an idea. people are going to start taking notes and they're about to holland. and we the real picture, a little customer, and i think the following beautifully and the fee keeps doing that. and you know,
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we've got a mix of chance in this to andrew bland. have taken a step closer to winning the serial title. they be visitors and probably, you know, on monday for the ricoh demarco, got the opener in the 1st half with former man united an arsenal star. lexi sanchez getting the 2nd late on the result means enter have a 14 point lead at the top of the table. the last one. then you're telling the title in 2021 and it's not the party to force them pop. you can pick out the, but it may be the match was a bit more complicated than expected, especially in the 1st tough when they put tests and difficulties. so not exactly in difficulty, but we certainly felt that it's more challenge than usual. anyway, we have conducted a good match, and the most important thing was to take 3 points that home which happened. the fact that it was a clean sheet is obviously even more satisfying. i'd like to go measure it a boost and their chances of champions lead qualification. a late goal from the sol, giving them a to one, went over
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a villareal. i've let it go. now sit for 2 points clear and build down the top. the top 4 qualifies for the chance. it's a big day for taught them in the premier league. they face a 7 place west, have a wave for a wind for and pasta colloquy side. we'll see them go level on points with 4th place. aston, villa faced man city on wednesday. we're not emory's team have also played a game more than spurs. that what's important for me is that the set of quite a few tall ones is that, you know, we wanna, we want to finish decisions strong and keep building on the foundation of buying your time. that hopefully in 12 months time, people are looking at us differently and told him as differently. and to do that, the conscious pay about where you see me show how many points you get. it's going to be more than that. but obviously felicia, so he's just wrong. we'll finish in a day, some position and, and say that where that takes us a there was a big game and the sadie probably on wednesday,
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4th place. oh it's he had lost one nail to 3rd place. oh ali. there's where he kind of getting the gold cream band 0 could have rescued a point for all it's he had 5, he failed to do so the german football association has said it will come up with an alternative design. the number 4 on its national shirt falls complaints that it resembles a symbol used by nazi ss units during world war 2. the kits suppliers, the data, say any similarity is accidental. the country is hosting this year. zeros with the tournaments set to kick off in june. the former town as well. number one, caroline, was the ocoee has had a strong start to her. charleston opened campaign. the 2018 australian open champion, knocked out america qualifier. mccartney kessler, 61261. the danish player who won this title in 2011 to just 61 minutes clinton victory. next for the 33 old is ukrainian 15 seats and helena kelly. now over in portugal,
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dominic team picked up his 1st when the season the 2020 us open champion, beep maximilian marcher of germany, and $0.03. the austrian former world number 3, who now since 91st and the world rankings will think 4th scene alejandro. dab ditch for keena and ralph to phoenix funds, devon. booker scored 52 points and there went against new orleans, pelicans. it's the 5th highest born game of the phoenix stars career sons going on to win a 100 and 24th $111.00. the victory brings them within the game of the pal, ken's, and the chase for the 6th and final guaranteed place in the western conference folder of boston season tatum and sam houser. each had 25 points. they left the celtics 21182104, went over to charlotte cornett itself. its 11th, when in 13 game,
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boston already clinched top feet in the eastern conference playoff. nearly daughters rash and visiting san francisco, giants 83, and the 1st meeting of the season between a long time california arrival show a attorney looking back in freddy, see man all scored wrong and there's not much it okay. and that is all he's working out back to you. right. thank you very much. indeed. unpackaged on release of $45000000.00 assistance package and to provide the economic relief jangled on to the height of reports from islamic another day comes through a name. another if daughter of the breaking of default mama created a father of 5 children and is a daily wage labor up. because he does not have money to buy food, is here to benefit from try to do organizations around to local funding by private citizens. the both thing i, i work on daily wage, sometimes i get what sometimes i don't,
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it's very hard to find work these days. the government says it has given concessions on some food items only for month around the time. but who is going to afford to buy other commodities and pay exorbitant electricity and gas bills? the price of fresh fruit and registering to dr. reach for many and patients is reading 10. i shoppers and render a scuffle over exorbitant price. i is a busy time during this busting month of ramadan, with fruit and vegetable, don't push cock. while i just set up shop on busy intersection to make some extra money. look at these roadside vendors. they are all making the situation even worse . rich people come here in the because they don't even us the rate. so these wind is, are overcharging. why should pull people go? it said nearly $45000000.00 relief package offered by the government. is
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a med dropping the auction focused on. it's going to go to an agreement with the i'm airport, a new drawn of $3000000000.00 and expected to receive a $1000000000.00 in april. but they did already planning to go for the new package . however, they cannot make experts warn any additional loan could lead to a further increase your fuel gas and electricity prices. they say the next few months will be critic. good. i think. as i see, the most important is to good on political bridges. and i don't have the answer to that, so that there is a broad consensus across the entire political spectrum, or that some difficult decisions have to be taken the next one months to make sure that focus on is put on part of a sustainable growth. but as the sun goes down and people break that far, there one go,
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how many more hardship they really have to endure before things get better? come on how you did roger the uh, its normal blog. father, he's going to be here in a couple of minutes and more and all the stories stay with us. the these are some of the 1st images from the aerial assessment of co bleaching in the great value range. bleaching occurs by movement ocean temperatures and pollution forced call to expel the algae to get the coal live range of color at extreme or in his wife. over an extended period of time means some structures to bring severely damaged. scientists have declared 2020 full a mass bleaching event. what's happening here on the great fire roof is also happening on rapes around the world of the last 12 months. warming sea surface temperatures have caused bleaching events in the northern hemisphere and the l near conditions in the pacific have amplified the situation. marine biologist,
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jodi rama says ocean temperatures are increasing at a rate never seen before. and that's an organ assigned to the biggest cro system in the world. we're seeing this back to back here upon year. the reef needs many years to recover from these heat waves and it's just not getting it over 30 years. out of the sun houses, the real world tells the to follow the story of no ways. in the oldest little coves let us salute the government of norway. horace, remarkable and nurturing the secret negotiations. and why it's promised peace has remained unfulfilled, a strong decided terms of the negotiations. nobody could. and so said, go home, the price of also on, i'll just leave a week to look at the world's talk business stories. how much of those plans gonna cost is the rebuilding going to cost and who pays from global markets and economies
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to construction and small businesses. we have just started seeing inspection coming down and many costs. well, to understand how it affects uh, daily lives, outline forth how big a 12 level is labeled food insecure. counting the cost on, on just the and is there any as try co $6.00 for an aid workers and their policy, me and driver in central gaza. the n g o wells central kitchen says it's positing all operations need to be allowed to do that was on the handed. and it's incumbent on israel to make sure that they can do that. and we would all speak as well to investigate what happens to us usually because clearly there are questions that need to be on the
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hello. this is allen to 0 line from don't. i'm for the back people also coming up, yvonne ones, it will respond decisively after i suspect it is really strike on these concept


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