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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 2, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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seeing in station come down and many costs, well to understand how it affects our daily lives, outline forth how big a $12.00 level is labeled food insecure. counting the cost on outages in the and is there any as try kills 6 for an aid workers and their palestinian driver in central garza, the n g o? wells central kitchen says it's positing all operations need to be allowed to do that. what on the end, it is incumbent on is round to make sure that they can do that, and we would almost be as well to investigate what happens. because clearly there are questions that need to be on the flow. this is allen to 0 line from don't, i'm for the back. people also coming up,
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yvonne ones, it will respond decisively after i suspect it is really strike on a constant building in damascus scales as senior military commander, ukrainian joint attacks target deep into russian territory. more than a 1000 kilometers from the border. and the world bank says south asia will be the fastest growing emerging market for the next 2 years, even though more than 40 percent of its working age population is unemployed. and these really striking down by law in central guys has scaled at least 6 for an aid workers and their palestinian driver. they were all employees of wealth, central kitchen, a group that's been coordinating a deliveries transported by ship from cypress. the convoy was hit shortly after leaving a warehouse despite making these really military aware of and movement. citizens of australia, the u. k. and poland among the dead fainting monahan begins coverage. they
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came to help bring relief to palestinian suffering and gaza. but they ended up as yet more victims of these rails war and it's really air strike kill these aid workers from the humanitarian group world central kitchen. one of them was palestinian, while the others were foreign nationals and their governments are demanding answers astray, expects full accountability for the desk of i'd with is a which is completely unacceptable. i'd workers and those doing humanitarian work. you need a whole innocent civilians need to be provided with protection. world central kitchen says it's team would coordinate their movements with the israeli army ahead of time. they were traveling armor cars and their logo was highly visible. israel's promise to review the attack and what it called the highest levels. we will be
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opening a probe to examine the serious incidents of this will help us reduce the risk of such an event from occurring again. but this isn't the 1st time relief workers have been killed and gaza as well, has also been previously trying to shut down on real well. one of the largest humanitarians actors in gaza, numerous and real employees have been killed as not just foreigners, of costs because most of the humanitarian relief is provided by palestinians themselves who live in gaza. so this is an acute problem which has been ongoing for the past 5 or 6 months. and a full investigation and accountability is warranted. aid workers, space enormous risk spring, desperately needed food and supplies. and the god the, the strip is on the break of famine and the un is cooling for safe access for a deliveries of israel. now faced more calls for accountability and steps to ensure humanitarian workers do not become targets. vince and mountain out to sierra. oh
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jeez. there is a $900.00 raising down by law and reports on the scene of the attack. i'm crazy. standing in front one of the vehicles that has been targeted by that is really forces last night. this car and 2 other cars across the receipts street have been targeted by that is where the forces, 3 of the cars are for the world, central kitchen. and they had a aid workers in the side, the cars. but so far we know that it is trillion a polish, a british canadian, and american, and a palestinian aid workers were targeted in those 3 cars. it's very obvious that these workers were working with the world central coaching as we see best and at the logos of w. c. k organization. we know that these cars
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were on their way back from the port. nothing of the gaza strip to their guest house and drove ahead. every car is, is separated by a piece 500 meters, which shows that this convoy was directly targeted by those really forces. this will have a lot of negative consequences not only the or on the humanitarian sector in the gaza strip. it will also have a huge major consequences and negative impact on a lot of age. workers on international agencies currently operating in the causal strip. these 8 workers were having an 8 ship and a convoy that's has at least $400.00 metric tons of food to the north of the gaza strip on the day they were targeted. this is in the all to 0. that is,
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but because of strip, let's take a closer look at wealth central kitchen. the non governmental organization was founded in 2010 after a major earthquake in haiti. it provides meals to survivors of humanitarian crises, natural disasters, and people fleeing conflict. the charity partners with local organizations to set up a network of food trucks and emergency kitchens to reach people the need. the group was involved in the 1st maritime delivery of humanitarian aid to guys are from cyprus in march. a 2nd shipment is due to arrive this week. let's now speak to yon evelyn, who is the secretary general of the norwegian refugee council. he's joining us on alger 0 from also miss eglin. thank you very much for your time. i guess i want to get your reaction for us to this incident. i imagine you and your teams and gods. i must be extremely worried after the killing of these aid workers as extremely white then at heart broken as when morning with the colleagues and was sent for the
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kitchen, a wonderful organization. i saw the work myself when i was there in das we, we exchanged tents for meet us and i'll see with what food the central one kitchen as they they on now part of a for risk statistics, there are more depth 8 workers in gaza. then in odds of any of the conflict worldwide, the last, yes. at the is really war machine has now kemp, lloyd workers, more nurses, more doctors talking to more ambulances and kids, most civilians could in children then. and now the any of the conference we need to cease prior now, and we need to be conflictions system. but a notification system that works. yeah, well talk to us a bit more about that notification system because well, kitchen central says they,
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they communicated all the coordinates with these re lease, but they were still hit that the team was so had talked to us about the conditions that your team's uh, the no region refugee council are working under right now in guys. so what sort of communication do you have with these really as well, it was in was zones. we always are in contact with the parties and we tell them transparency, what we're doing, where we are working, how we are working, and where would go in. because this is called the confliction, which is really the notification to the actus oh movements and a precedence for your monitoring work as well on. and we are there to provide assistance with neutral and passion and independence. and now what for a century kitchen, at a time notified about this con void. they have declared them themselves. they were
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working in coast court. the nation with the b, i. d. f. disparate defends forces when they took the 2 barges of with food from cyprus to die. so you have to work with the idea because they have, they have control over the of the area and spin they would target. which means that this woman machine doesn't have a function, they become friction system. and i've been in contact with the un and with that fellow large non governmental organization saying that we, we need to ask is fred and the us to reboot the system, get something that functions here in the absence seized by the system you say is not working mr. eckland and as you've said yourself, so many aid workers have been killed in guys and no one seems to be safe in gaza. do you think perhaps that these aid workers and others could have been deliberately targeted as well?
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i, i still don't think it's right is trying to kill us many 8 workers as possible. and it's, and especially not within the organization, had that worked in close coordination with them on delivering food. i think it more complete lack of internal information and coordination, which is very serious when you are at testing a place with over weatherman military history. perry already use in house and some of the bombs having one of these roles like the ones that pay it where it hits his colleagues. you need to have, have, have the, i was working system where there is information flow and with the risk restraint, there is no risk friendship or the no distinction between military and civilian tockets. so what impacts the you see this killing of these aid workers having on, on operations on the ground,
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on the 8 operations on palestinians would defend desperately on, on, on this aid. and perhaps also in the operations and all region refugee council could, could you reconsider your operations on the ground as a result of this uncertain security situation. it has an immediate effect on the operations in the north where the menu is the west, the, the, the, the base was they these call these college where returning from the north, going to rough spot, where we have a problem where we have a central operation from and from and i see we work from rough ourselves and they wouldn't, it wouldn't really paralyze operations in the north where the needs of the greatest, which means that is red must come clean. and the united states that they're providing their arms to best with the new system that is working because it system as it is now, it's hopefully broken in terms of protecting uh,
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8 wordpress and without aid workers that would not be released for disobedience population. thank you. very much my segment for talking to us. yeah. magland is the secretary general of the norwegian refugee council joining us from us. so thank you very much for your time. we appreciate it. now one of the aid workers killed is a british citizen net spring and harry fossett in london. harry, the bridge foreign minister has been speaking about the attack. what's the address? that's right. you had to take some time for an official british reaction to what it happened, presumably while the government here assessed the details as far as they could ascertain them. now we have had a camera comments from the prime minister wishes to not saying that he's shocked and saddened by what took place and cooling for an urgent investigation. shocked and saddened to hear the reports of taxes 8 rough, cuz in garza was really working to confirm all the details. but my thoughts right
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now with that friends and family that doing fantastic was bringing a lead, the ation to the suffering that many experiencing and goals that they should be priced commended for what they do, they need to be allowed to do that. what on the handed and it is incumbent on israel to make sure that they can do that and we're almost going as well to investigate what happened urgently. because clearly there are questions that need to be honest with, you know, all view is long standing. the israel has both the intention, the ability to comply with the international humanitarian. no, i've made that very clear to upon minutes of math. and y'all who, whenever i've spoken to him, there's been too many civilian deaths and goals. of course, we want to see an immediate humanitarian pause so that we can get the hostages out . i'm more a, into the region. and now you might know because there's also some reaction from the foreign secretary here. david cameron, you mind that the last months he was involved in a pretty strong exchange of words with these ladies over the provision of
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humanitarian aid saying that's u. k aide that had been held up. it was an enormous frustration to the u. k. government that was being held up and he blamed victories denials by the israelis on this issue. he's called it a deeply distressing and he calls on his ro, immediately to investigate and provide a full transparent explanation of what happened. we've also had reaction from elsewhere in europe. of course, one of those killed in this strike was a published national, a published, foreign minister, has objected to the disregard for international humanitarian law and protection of civilians. also asking for urgent clarification, the spanish foreign minister says he's horrified by the distance and demands a ceasefire. and the e u foreign policy chief joseph, far out. he has condemned the attack, urging the investigation, saying, despite all the demons to protect civilians entered monetary work cuz we seen you
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innocent casualties. thank you. how do you feel about hiring faucet, bringing us to reaction that from london? it's not an use. yvonne says america must be held accountable for the attack on its consulate building in damascus. iran plains, israel for the strike, which killed a senior commander of these logic revolutionary gone. his deputy and 5 different match. yvonne supreme leader has without a written statement expressing his condolences, he says, the vicious design is regime will be punished at the hands of yvonne's brave men and they will be made to regret for committing these crimes. that springing not correspondent in toronto is such a body, so the radians vowing to respond. how can they respond to that doors and what can we expect in the coming days? well, there's been a few suggestions that let's just say put forth by adding some analysts here. and the most prominent one being by the daily newspaper k hahn whose editor in chief is
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directly appointed by the supreme leader. this newspapers advocating the idea that iran should carry out attacks against israel, the embassies and consulates in the region. there has been a lot of talk of from many analysts here who say that this is a very pivotal moments for iraq. they need to show that they are serious and how they react because they haven't done that so far in previous attacks against high ranking officials. but these a revolutionary guard commanders who were killed in syria are not ordinary men, and their assassination is going to be seen as a test for the re, new system. how they will react will determine how this country moves forward. but whatever iran decides to do, it's going to be difficult to maneuver because if they don't respond strongly enough, many here believe that they that will be seen as a sign of weakness not only to these rarely government as us, but also to the number of proxies in the region,
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as well as if they do react strongly, then they could risk a full o. com for taishan wish the united states and his route in terms of a war in mid release. so it's really, really a tricky moment at how it wrong decides to move forward will be pivotal as about not only the region but also the future of the establishment in this country. so we know that there has been a number of high level meetings taking place, the reigning president, abraham bracy held a meeting of the supreme national security council during which it was decided, an appropriate response has been adopted. we're now waiting to see what that will mean and, but all the rhetoric coming out of the officials as well as the supreme leader, is that there will be a strong response. what that means and how that will play out through is to be seen . what is certain is that there is a strong pressure internally inside the country that this is a moment for the revolutionary guards to show force doors. so thank you for that.
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dorothy jabari and tamara, i'm still head on alger 0, a shooting at a school in finland, kills a student. the prime minister calls the incident. the police on the we cannot agree on how to coordinate space traffic management. we risk those to safety and the sustainability of space and worryingly, the breach of peace and security. in outer space, people empowered investigates the proliferation of commercial satellites. and the far reaching influence of those who funded it's at a tipping point. and we have a small window of opportunity to curtail catastrophic event. fighting for space on a dizzy to in hebron boys bri ethan slide picture button. this occupied palestinian city boys are also close to watch. price really
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forces a time stuff on an awesome arrested. a delicately told tale filmed over 5 years of a coming of age and a place where even a child's imagination actually restricted the skies above had brought a witness documentary on that jersey. you know, examining the headlines, unflinching journalism, sharing personal stories with a global audience explorer and abundance of well tough programming on which is 0. the the,
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you're watching l g 0, a recap of on top stories. and these are the striking central guys or has scaled 64 and 8 workers from wells central kitchen, and they found a city and driver. the chatty says it see mad, coordinated with these are in the army and is vehicles were clearly marked with the groups. local b, ron says, the us must be held accountable for the attack on each conflict building in damascus. iran lanes is around for the strike which killed a senior commander of the assignment revolutionary got his deputy, and 5 different mass is really forces of turn guys as large as hospital into avoidance. on monday the military withdrew from out she from medical complex after 2 weeks, each doctor to dallas a half, he's the head of the nursing department there. he describes the extent of the devastations in the deep progress we have come to see this shocking scene. at off she from medical complex, the scale of deliberate destruction and wilful annihilation of the facilities and
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the infrastructure by the israelis beyond description of what we have witnessed as nothing compared to what we have seen. it is a deliberate acts against gauze as simple as chief, a medical complex, the largest in the gaza strip, catering to more than 2000 patients, and performing more than 100 surgical operations and a single day. it is now to read these riley's purposely ruin and causes entire health had no means involved, it's all the mean patients and medical stuff with the seas for more than 15 days. without the basic necessities for life, let alone medical supplies of the dead bodies decompose, reaching them flow to it that will blend scrolling out of the in addition to the forcible expulsion of patients and display civilian sheltering within the compound . it is a full fledge will crime by this rate, and it's about 13 medical stuff. another account that we do not know what has become of them, where they executed or detained. we called on the international red cross,
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an old international organizations to help us locate that where the pain of the world news russia has reported drone attacks on to industrial sized and talked a sign located more than a 1000 kilometers from the ukranian border. it says as strikes targeted facilities assembling uranium designs, triad, drones, and an oil refinery is a drawing to a launch from ukrainian territory would be one of the most far reaching attack carried out by ukraine's forces since the start of the war. josh drop. so it has more from keith, are you creating intelligent services? have told us that you cry and did indeed carry out this attack, which seems to be some sort of drone attack on this camera, cause the drug facility deep inside rush around 1300 kilometers from the ukranian border. the ukrainians also claiming responsibility for the tackling oil facility
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in a similar region, one of russia's largest floor facilities. now this is consistent with what we've seen in, in recent weeks, as ukraine suffers these attacks on its own energy infrastructure by russian forces presidency. lensky officer in criticism by his main back of the us that are on happy about you try launching these attacks of deep inside russia. present zalinski, saying that it is any ukraine's rights to respond and that is using its own weapon rate is a consistent with what we know in terms of the kind of money that is being put towards research and development of ukrainian weapons inside ukraine, around $1300000000.00 for the year 2024. we understand the cost of ukrainians. a saying that they have no choice thoughts to launch these attacks using the weapons because of the delays to perform is west and ministry age. and of course, that $60000000000.00 that is being held up in the, in us,
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in the us congress. i think what it highlights though, is that even russia, no matter where in russia these targets all russia was not involved ruble to these kind of long range attacks that at least ukraine is claiming it is committing, using its own weaponry child stuff without a 0 q at least one child has been killed in the shooting at a school in finland, a 12 year old student opened fire wounding, at least 2 out of the children. police of the rest of the suspect. it happened in a suburb of the capital, helsinki. police say the victims were the same age as the attack of the prime minister has called the attack deeply shocking. the in senegal, the sierra july fi is being sworn in as the countries, 5th president. these are life pictures from the non duration ceremony in the car, which is being attended by several leaders of the region by sierra. my fi has pledged to the type of corruption at all levels and govern with transparency
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promising a clean break from the past said the age of 44. 5 is the youngest. democratically elected president in africa. he won a landslide victory in the presidential election with 54 percent of the vote just 10 days after he'd been released from prison. a report from the world bank shows south asia is expected to remain the fastest growing emerging market in the next 2 years. it predicts growth of 6 to 6 point one percent in 2024 in to 2025, largely because of india strong economic performance, but private sector investment as low as in japan. demik dropping from 7.2 percent before 2019 to 3.5. percent in the past 3 years, the report notes only 59 percent assad agents working age population is employed as compared with 70 percent in other imagine markets. the report also says south asia is vulnerable to the impact of climate change. on average, it says 60000000 people a year has been affected by natural disasters since 2010,
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not india as well as 5th largest economy and is leading the way in south asia. analysts are expecting the strong growth to continue this year. i spoke to everyone, kamara is a former professor of economics at dow may naturally university in new delhi. he says the growth data doesn't reflect the real situation in india was the quarter t grunts a phone last financial, yet that data came out and it was much better than what was expected. so the growth was the point 4 percent compared to the expected around 7 percent. and lifetime list would be saying that the growth for the last financial you would turn out to be 8 percent, even though it might slow down for the next financial. yet the one that we are in now the point is that people are making all of that, you know, industrial performing brand, certain parts of the services that they've been performing grant. but unfortunately, what happens in india is that there's a large organized picked up. and that large on organizing the organized sector
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employees only 6 percent, but produces 55 percent of the output. the unorganized into implies 94 percent and produces 45 percent of out unless they've been saying that this growth has the number of problems the unorganized sector. does not in it is done organize that the details included in the growth, maybe only one or 2 percent. draw the 8 percent. so that's much less than what is officially claim. and that's why the blessing of the unemployment rate remains canada heights, especially among the educated unemployed in a group of $15.00 to $24.00 or the men, the labor force box space in great humans. they look, if they come to a drawing so strongly, then the unemployment should not be so high. and also the government offering the 800000000 people fight glo grams of food is free. now that is only there because you know, actually the problem of done over nice sector, then they don't have enough employee. and do they have that they don't have enough income and they need to be given these rations feet. so all of that seems to
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suggest that the data is not really a kind of as well. that's it for me, for the backs of all stay with us on how to 0. my colleague from madison. we'll have more news for you. in 13 minutes at the stop to the weather and then inside story. thanks for watching. stay with us on on the the hello quite nice. the weather in southern china continues. this was in glen, joe and gwen g province looking for like a hurricane rolled through here. part of what is fueling this, the starns is we're seeing this feed of human moist stair off the south china sea. now these storms really have been wobbling in this area over the last several days, and it's looking bad for the ones we providence on wednesday. copious amounts of rain for the wait list. this is poring over the east trying to see into the korean peninsula and southern japan, but by thursday, this is
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a quick mover. it's out of there is still could catch a straight shower in tokyo at 20 degrees. there's been some torrential downpours across saudi arabia, particularly the western size of the country. now pushing into re, i'd providence, we've seen some nasty hailstones there as well. this will also shop a bit more cloud cover for us here and they'll hi and can't rule out a drop or 2 on wednesday with the temperature of 23 degrees. water view of them delicious as yeah. okay. the bulk of the action really is happening around saudi arabia dipping down into getting some showers in the forecast for northern buckets . dawn that includes is lum about at $26.00 degrees and it continues to be hot up and down that east coast of india. cleaning for html though. do is state capital tonight feeling more like a 43 on friday. that's well above where you should be for this on to year. the, over 13 years off at the selling houses, the real world tells the to follow the story of know ways. in the oldest little
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coffee, let us salute the government of norway. horace, remarkable, in nurturing this is the secret negotiations and why it's promised peace has remained unfulfilled, a strong decided terms of the negotiations. nobody could show or go home. the price of all is low on notice ear. it will never end remote, the service to the indian prime minister is launched is policies campaigns for the upcoming elections, boasting of his achievements in the past decades. what about his controversial views on can do nationalism. this is inside story, the hello there on james space. almost 1000000000 people in india are eligible to vote
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in the upcoming general elections. prime minister and the run from modi is widely expect to do one of the tub, hoping to stop him. dozens of all position policies of jo.


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