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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 2, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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seats the do political context in the middle east, particularly concerning the palestine question and ongoing patients between israel and its neighbors. we believe that size accents could potentially escalate region that tensions. previously, the conflicts involved in other countries and cooled have unimagined unmentionable implication for the regional and international peace and security. my num president in length of this situation, disagree situation. it is imperative that all parts involved, especially israel, strict ad ads here for international legal norms and the equipment upholding. these fundamental principle is essential to prevent fed, the military's confrontation, and one thing is the ability of the security council must closer the one you type, the situation and take necessary measures to prevent further escalation for steve,
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which is resulting from this attack, we read splits our consistent appeal to possible members to redouble efforts to add the sustainable solution for the middle east conflict in full compliance. so it's relevant security to cancel and general assembly resolutions. we commend ongoing diplomatic efforts by various access, including certain members of these council and re establishing a pass plot piece. because these things among the neighboring states and peoples in the middle east as the sign, the lease outlets and us collectively, ends in the wood to add so peaceful and stable needs at least region mindful of related to the legitimate concerns of all parts involved. i think people have done that. i think the rest presents of my thumb beak. i will now deliver face then to
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my emotional capacity. let me begin by thanking ac kerry for his remarks today. let me at least continues to be in a space of time on, as we have stated on several occasions. first of all, this type of situation is completely on kind of the time during which all sides should be focused on defusing tensions. folio with seeing us steps in the opposite direction. the strikes carries out. it's a game, so you're running confidence in the muskets yesterday, yesterday evening adjust today to episode of a long string of deeply troubling events. we are worried that this attack takes place against the backdrop of death and destruction in the region. we stress, i think the nation, including international humanitarian law, must be respected as tools times. this also includes respect for the viability of diplomatic missions and protection of the plastic stuff. this cons,
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so it has repeatedly had the warnings that such strikes only accessible tensions and increase the risk of regional conflicts. furthermore, they risk questioning the rates i hear monetary situation of the syrian population . progressively. the reason the ramifications of the conflict and gaza continued to be sent. i repeat and emphasize that the escalation must remain our highest priority. maxima restraints must be excited by all acts as in the region at the 6th to midday. like its moments. this starts with the implementation of resolution 2728, which demands an immediate cease fire, and garza and the release of old hostages. just i call out the security council resolutions. this resolution is binding unless respected from damascus garza to the red sea to the blue line, who allow a diploma to expertise and collective leverage must be brought to bear to quit as
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the flames of will. before they all find out of control. crude heads must prevail while the consequences with the catastrophic function. i now resume my function as president of the kansas. the representative of the russian federation has us for the fuel to make a further statesman, gives a slow cause or a sense of the russian federation. exposure, but it says that the not in president and you might wish to sweep carefully listened to today's statements from western colleagues from the track of the permanent members of the security council. and we were once again struck by their cynicism and their double standards is if you would just easily explain this to the police from their verbal gymnastics. today, it is very hard to understand why we gathered here today at all. it's very different from the representative of france. goodness, he said,
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everything is junior except for a single word condemnation. forget another violation of international law and by israel, that's what we're talking about as an intentional strength on a diplomatic promise. colleagues for beauty was, what if it was your embassy that were attacked or your consulate in the region, would you respond in the same way? was plenty other, because this is your rules based order. and all it's glory. this is the new stuff that the united states for months is always what does this information on any topic 1st hand and you go to do it? and they're proud to have this information. because thanks to their intelligent capabilities, they always are the 1st to find out about anything. but suddenly, the support, surprisingly, the us still has no confirmation in this case is done, or no verify data regarding the or, you know, the strike on the consulate,
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a variety of things or the how toddling indeed and you, i do not believe this astonish, softly said so you know that it is this assurance could you be u k. u and the us to not only made hands on, but the tools almost directly, or cues iran and syria for the is really strikes on the consulate and it's hard to imagine creator. so here's which you know, the little, you know, the put is the words to give you these come up. so you do not call other as to de escalation and 10, the labels of aggressors on the victims of the attack with them continues to do. but it was more of these color in this context, any potential escalation in the situation will be fully on your conscience. i think you may find a representative of the russian federation and that gives a flow. so the representative of these logic republic cover on
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the right here. what i'm president at the outset, allow me to congratulate you for assuming the presidency of the security council for this month between glochelle for requesting this urgent meeting, which focuses on the heinous and teresa tax committed by the is really regina against the do for magic purposes. in flagrant violation of international law, we also time china and other members who supported convening the meeting or the time mr. for that see already a see for he is briefing. what i'm president. yes sir. they v urgently notified the secret the accounts of members of yet another flagrant violation of international law committed by these really redeem between syria territory as reflected in our letter on 1st april 2024 hour to some of the premises in damascus came under teresa attacks carried out by this region 7, we saw that every store ex friend that occupied going on heart is specifically and
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intentionally targeted the diplomatic premises of iran, including the consular section building on that. and by so there's just, it is tragically, these heinous attacks resulted in a marked him of 7 iranian personality, including senior military advisors and some others were injured alongside the complete destruction of the consular building. the embassies administrative parcels so suffered significant damage due to the explosions. the final then accurate the sole remains on certain of the entire diplomatic per miss, has been destroyed. they didn't, individual dropped onto the raw. the. but i'm president, does not increase the wrong, strongly condemns decent re fee crimes and quarterly terms. the tax is really redeem coming through the flagrant violation of the united nations charter international and the sovereignty independence and territorial integrity of this even republic. the crime committed yesterday by these are leveraging goes beyond mere creamy, not lity,
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either represents it for phones of from to the shirt principal of the international community, namely the name viability of representatives and diplomatic i'll consider premises . this principle is a corner stone at palm beach. international relations are built universally recognized of homes of these crime brucely breeches, the fundamental principle of diplomatic and consular immunity. a flagrant violated the 1961 convention on diplomatic relations. the 1963 and a convention uncomfortable relations and the convention on the prevention and punishment of crimes against international the protective persons including diplomatic agents of 1973 for the president, the security council has consistently united in on inquiry will come to a nation of the wireless assaults on indices and consider premises of numbers, states the security council who have always reaffirmed that such re, principal acts regardless of will to or perpetrator or on justify them. even the
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great repercussions of this report have single act beechwood escalate. pensions in the region and potentially a spark for the conflict involving other nations. we call them disagree with the counseling to be him only come, come them. this on just if i criminal act enters attack by them. presidents, it's now crystal clear that is read on the going to stabilize and irresponsible actions is to us if these against the nations in our region are a real threat to regional and international peace and security. this regime has consistently demonstrated disregard for international law. the un charter and humanitarian and human rights principles is religion the eyes of us to escalate, perpetuate the conflict. one is a thing accountability. it did not the red line to kill civilians and even use the starvation of the method of warfare. it is primary concern is on a low food,
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a use of force to advance isa apartheid policies ethnic cleansing genocidal acts and military objectives in guys that on costs these far, the repeated calls from council members easily continues in. it's a socialist and genocidal acts against the december defenseless people of java. despite international pressure and un security council resolutions. calling for a cease for your israel has defied these are the solutions. rather, it's focus remains on committing more atrocious try and showing no regard for international legal obligations just to day this region, operating to the board sense on age work is in gaza as the on the stick with the general highlighted. david, the heroes chilled by trying to feed starving people regrets the absence of accountability and the counselors in action has only encourage and even involved in
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this region to continue it's violation unchecked. it is a hard time for the security council to shoulder is responsibility and address the re, a threat to international peace and security. to secure the counselors must promptly promptly fulfill its duty in response to as means reckless defiance arrogance and enforceable measures must be taken to compel this region to uphold is obligations is what i'm president is nomics republican you're on has exercise considerable restraint, but it is imperative to acknowledge that there are limits to search for barons. the occupying energy must bear full responsibility for its consequences. your own reserves is late due to may done in her, in the right, on the international law, and the united nations charter to take a decisive response to such responsible. i wasn't crazy then. the representative of the united states on united kingdom once again tried to deny its responsibility for
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the current situation in syria. brought the regent by false c, blaming you are on your, on the strong, the rejects these allegations you are on, is never speaking to contribute to the spillover of the conflict in the region, nor does it to escalate or a spread the pension to the entire region. despite expressing concern over this below over the update pensions and the region of the united states tries to misuse the situation to destabilize syria and the region. the united states is responsible for crimes committed by these are the region, the savage engine aside asking yeah, that could not be happens without explicit consent and comprehensive political financial, or maybe through support as the last part of the sheep from the united states. ironically, the united states talks too much about protecting cd and java, and also express is concerned about the violation of human utility and law. at the same time, it has blocked the security council for over 6 months from taking urgent appropriate
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action to stop the war. in gaza, if the u. s. genuinely cares about civilian or going on or pulls him any tearing international law. it should refrain from blaming you wrong instead, confidently is when you're ready to implement the un security council resolution calling for us this for you and some of them. crazy them about the united kingdom allegations instead of deflecting blame onto others. the u. k. should face up to its mistakes. rectify is the 2 minutes of policies that have adversely affected, the people of the region. the longest timing, suffering of the palestinian people persisting for over 7 decades, can be traced back directly to the colonial policies of the united kingdom. all right, thank you. i find the representative of the assignments, republic of iran, and plus it flows as a representative of syrian republic children and see the east. thank you. well,
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i'm not going to be the president at the, i would say i would like to congratulate you on providing over the security council . you as a month for a protocol. i would also like to find your predecessor, the permanent representative of japan. does their team for the successful comes to the costs of business over the past? due on the georgia, my delegation would also like to express signs to the delegations of the russian federation on that. china, for the effort to convene this emergency meeting of a security council. madame presidents in yet another episode in a spring is ready attacks against my country, sir? yeah. i work at about 5 o'clock damascus time. yes. today, the 1st of april. we'll see what's in the the is ready occupation full for this. in broad daylight could have launched a barbaric rockets, aggression from the direction of the occupied syrian gall that
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a target to the building of the consulate. a lot of ronnie in the meza neighborhood of the syrian capital damascus, lose. the diary aggression led to the destruction of the entire premises, the multitude an injury of all those inside, including syrians and iranians. in addition to a number of passes by in that area, the targeted ring and consulate building is located in a densely populated area. it's full of civilians, east just a few meters away from the headquarters of foreign diplomatic missions and international organizations including the world food program. that in addition to a private hospital faculties affiliated with damascus university and the number of private dogs and companies. this vital area,
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the body has to be on it is crossed by thousands of civilians on daily basis as it is an essential boot in the city. some of those civilians have suffered severe injuries because of this terrorist aggression which constitutes a dangerous precedent. it is a grave violation of international conventions and knows that guarantee the protection and unity of diplomatic promises and personnel. the pretty addition of any attacks against them, including viviana conventions on diplomatic and counselor relations on the convention of the prevention and punishment of internationally protected persons. including diplomatic personnel can see that a mother in president for policy has either to the syria and this for any either on the yeah, mean over the past 2 days these he's terry. so as radio tax have also affected
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civilian buildings and installations and who are damascus, and if you are using jewelry lat, pole, in deference or this resulted in the death and injury of a number of civilians. and you know, terry personnel, in addition to the material damage to public and private property. this comes in the flagrant violation of international law, international humanitarian law, on the principles purposes of united nations. into these attacks coincided with attacks loans by terrorist groups and organizations actively move western syria. they used drones against civilians in the city of a level and run the laptop the x ray. any attacks also coincide did waive the terrorist attacks carried out by the terrorist organization dies in the eastern areas of the country. this re
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a funds the existing ongoing coal, the nation distribution and roles between the as right, the occupational parties, their terrorist proxies see that he's not in president. and that's what the top of the x ray, the occupation authorities would not have committed this aggression against a protected diplomatic headquarters. protected under international law or aggression against any other civilian objects, such as airport sports or residential neighborhoods had not been for the blind support of the united states. the latter has provided them for decades within and brown law, sponsorship, and community. this enabled them to complete the most use atrocities the most recent of which is the genocide and the brutal crimes committed against the palestinian people. for nearly 6 months more over the mission,
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the us administration rushed to claim that the resolution $2728.00 is not binding and does not impose a new commitments this to absolve as well. from its implementation. i'm cementing the ceasefire. it was a blatant disregard for the book should have more than 30 sweet, how the civilian palestinian during the home in the study. i repeat 33000 most of them women and children. this in addition to more than 173 on one of the shows and dozens of others from humanitarian organizations. we have listened today to the is really targeting that to killed 7 months. you're working in an n g o in gaza to and this is a matter that our represented to our other representative you asked say the to condemn the is really aggression also led to the killing of
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a number of journalists in addition to the destruction of thousands of residential buildings, faces of worship, house and educational facilities, including you and promises from my country, syria. you hold the war, criminals of the as ready, occupation, governments and the partners in the united states administration. fully responsible for these attacks. the repercussions on regional and international peace and security. they are also responsible for pushing the region to unprecedented levels of escalation and instability. syria warns from any continued on the policy of such attacks, syria calls on the united nations to shoulder its primary responsibility in condemning the repeated as radio attacks. the u. n. must act immediately to put an end to such attacks. prevent the recurrence, hold the perpetrators accountable,
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and ensure that they do not go unpunished. syria stresses then the failure of the security council to fulfill its responsibilities. due to the obstructive role of the united states undermines the system of collective security on which our organization, the united nations was founded. this leads the member states to believe that it is useless to rely on the power of international law or international legitimacy to regain our rights. to conclude, mister president, the syrian era, the public funds that these attacks will not be deterred from its national choices or its positions in support of the right of the policy and young people to self determination. the establishment of are independent states with jerusalem as its capital. we will also continue our endeavors to re cover the occupied syrian golan
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in full up to the line of a full for june of 1967. we will liberate o tara our territory for from the illegal military presence on the proxies from terrorist organizations. 6, you are different by the international law. thank you. my. the president i find represents of the syrian republic found no more name since cracks and lists of speakers. it is 1923 g m t, your frameworks from you in scrooge counsel me saying, given the reaction to israel's strike and destruction of an iranian cont, slip building in damascus on monday, which killed 14 people that's bringing correspondence at the united nations. gabriel lives on the you gave me the main cool that i felt was for the instructional community to unequivocally condemn israel's actions to prevent such attacks from happening again. yeah,
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that's right. about the meeting that lasted the well over an hour, about an hour and 15 minutes or so. clearly there was a lot to take in there, but i think there are really 2 big themes that come out of this number one is there's a call for condemnation. and you, her to come to nation from russia, algeria, china, just to name a few, particularly because this was a diplomatic facility that was hit by israel. i think it raised a lot of eyebrows here within the united nations, even countries that traditionally woodside more with israel, such as the u. k. and france for example, just to kind of give you a little bit of a broad overview if you will. so i think there was a number one that condemnation and then number 2, i think what you really saw here was a call for restraint. and you saw that there was a sense that this could spiral out of control quickly. and i think you saw several speakers there, talk about calling for restraint on all sides,
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including from can lead carry the assistant secretary general, who said any miscalculation at this point could lead to a broader conflict in an already ball a tile region with devastating consequences. okay. gave many thanks. indeed for that, let's go of knoxville. so jabari, she joins us line from the iranian capsule time. ron and also we had a, a run in a rep sense of that warning that there are limits to around quite a considerable restraints. how might it respond to this strike on monday as well? what's the readings we're looking for at this particular meeting of the security council was much more of a consensus at to come together and condemn what israel has done. and that did not happen. there were 6 of 17 countries, 6 of those did not condemn israel for carrying out an attack on a diplomatic mission in damascus. what the radians were pointing out was that this
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is a double standard, as long as this kind of behavior continues. and there is really no i telling what will happen in the region and the wrong is warning that they are doing everything they can. however, there is a little bit if there is no accountability for the actions that israel is taking because it has the supports of the united states and escalation could be unavoidable. okay, those that many thanks for joining us that bring us the view that from it to around speak now to answer a senior political and his mom, the shy, joins us head in the studio in mont. i think one of the, the key points of that are in the hall from me saying that we, we listened to was when russia came back for a 2nd time and said it was difficult to understand why the security council members and others with that. a tool today where he was calling out was leave us about the west of nations for continuing to support israel and providing it with this cover of impunity design excellence. i was our vision because i thought best what exactly
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what stood out to the, to the what you called the troika front u. k. and the united states have, in fact, given russia after it's invasion of ukraine, that's what i remember the chance to call them out for the question. because as i exam through as a, as gabe, that said, a number of countries did condemn. but what's to doctors, the fact upfront, so you okay and you know, says, did not. now we understand the politics, we understand there's support of his rad. when start all of that, the crit upset. iran is a destabilizing force, is riley, is uh, you know, this, that's another thing. but an attack on diplomatic facilities such as a concepts, an embassy, is not permissible onto the national law. and this is a forwarding a central but need didn't, or part of it could be explained by the fact that blinking is in europe. and europeans no longer have a voice, no longer have
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a voice to just full on the footsteps of the united states. kind of thing, american position and the american position has been allowing is right back with infinity. and when it's acting with infinity, it's going to continue doing the same. okay, we'll continue talking about this up until fast for now. that's it for me, laura kyle to stay with us inside. story is next looking at why israel is seeking to find out as era the it's been stormy for the last few days in southern china. hi, everyone. so this was in glen joe, looking more like a hurricane rolled through here when surpassing a 100 kilometers per hour. and really these storms have been wobbling in this area . but i think by wednesday, wednesday profits, this is going to be particularly bad for you greatly and looking at copious amounts of rank all of this. what, whether shooting over these, trying to see, coming in to korea and southern japan, almost all of japan, under weather alerts for heavy rainfall, q island could scoop up to about
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a 100 millimeters of rain. here's that humidity that's fueling those storms in southern china, off the south china sea. so it's pumping in the humidity for china is high, and an island and northern vietnam. to indonesia, we go. what up and down some about your island also for what's java profit and so big downpours in jakarta and around the city on wednesday speaking a big downforce. we saw it in melbourne, victoria states capital. what is stay and 4 years after more than 50 millimeters of rain fell the past 2 months have been incredibly dry areas, parts still a few showers there and that southeast corner. but let's go to new zealand. now we've got rain and wind alerts in play. is this batch of what weather comes in to the southern outs on wednesday and a bad day and has been though with a height of 23 degrees. the families in gaza facing unimaginable
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hardships during times of crisis. solidarity is a strong this defense against injustice. and we've been in gaza since 1991 doing life saving look. your generosity can provide value to support to those west effected because he met dulcie stella, your mercy, showing his brightest, gave mercy, now donate today on target too expensive and nothing you know says and that's where we no longer broadcast from his way because it was his national security but someone says that seems to not to respond to what's behind the band and what does it mean for the world because uh this is inside story, the hello welcome to the.


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