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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 3, 2024 7:00am-7:30am AST

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as well as, as the a global outcry officer is very as choice co one, the protestant in a 6 or an age. because in concepts fronting several charities to suspend operations timelines established this taking as well as prime minister says be a tankless unintentional one announces their investigation with music. one boy was deliberately targeted 3 times the cherry johnston. this is all just aaron lawson, so we'll set coming up as well as the attack on the rain in concepts in syria type center stage of the un security council. joint condemnation for most members.
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the families of this very caps is called 5 minutes to benjamin netanyahu. it straight to accusing him of being an opposite. go to a capitalist deal on the strongest earthquake 25 years. it's 21. building start moves across the country. listen off the shelves. some also felt nearby japan, the as well as facing international condemnation and costs urgent investigations. of the $78.00 workers were killed in an attack. the groups calling boy was hitting the out the law and central garza shortly after leaving a warehouse 6 with foreign nationals and one that was a protest in, in the victims west for the wealth central kitchen. the non profit organization has been delivering desperately needed food to palestinians while several age groups including wealth, central kitchen of suspended that operations following the attack. this comes as
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half a 1000000 people in gaza face foundation. the 2300000 are experiencing acute food shortages according to you and at least 1968 workers having killed since as well as will be gone in october. most of those worked for the u. n. agency for palestinian refugees and which ones the biggest 8 operation in the gaza while to 0 is and how dre begins our coverage from the scene of the attack and the from where she sent us this report earlier on tuesday. i'm currently standing in front one of the vehicles that has been targeted by the is riley forces last night. this car and 2 other cars across the received street have been targeted by that is where the forces, 3 of the cars are for the world, central kitchen. and they had a aid workers in the side, the cars. but so far we know that it is trillion
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a polish, a british, a canadian, and then merican and a palestinian aid workers were targeted in those 3 cars. it's very obvious that these workers were working with the world central coaching as we see best. and at the logos of w c. k organization. we know that these cars were on their way back from the port. nothing of the gaza strip to their guest house and drove ahead. every car is, is separated by a piece 500 meters, which shows that this convoy was directly targeted by those really forces. this will have a lot of negative consequences not only the or on the human a terry and sector in the gaza strip. it will also have
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a huge major consequences and negative impact on a lot of age. workers on international agencies currently operating in the causal strip. these 8 workers were having an 8 ship, and the convoy that's had at least $400.00 metric tons of food to the north of the gulf of strip on the day they were targeted. this is the, the, all to 0. that is, but i gaza strip a. a funeral has been held in rafa for the past and in an employee of wells central kitchen is some i will tell her works as a drive and translate to the kidding or 78th workers have a huge impact on the already desperate situation for many displaced palestinians in gossip and how fair that the hives will become even worse in the coming days. forced from their homes by is very strikes me. mostly redial in coming to days with
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minimal supplies entering garza because of israel's decade. grappling with a man made kind of domino 60 of the world. central kitchen was feeding many people providing them with people without a people to know where to turn. so there will definitely be a lot of hung up on a muscle on that. the most of them have a set of people who rely heavily on what the booth central kitchen provides as the situation is daya and they cannot afford to buy food due to its high cost. the suspension of the both central, the kitchen will greatly impact the lives of people and their access to food, especially for children and pregnant women. the situation will become even more catastrophic. i'm of the i set off for the white house as joins well leads us in the condemnation of these rarely minutes. we strike on not a convoy in guns that killed 7 wet because the wealth, central kitchen, nothing for the cause is headquarters in the united states. officers hottie jo, customer has more. a more global condemnation of these rarely strikes that killed
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78 workers from the world central kitchen. this time from the white house, we were outraged to learn of an idea of striking the killed a number of civilians, humanitarian workers yesterday from the world central kitchen. which has been relentless and working to get food to those who are hungry and gaza. quite frankly, around the world. president biden offer condolences via a spokeswoman to the families of the workers which include one american dual citizen, the white house, as the president plans to make it clear to is real. that workers must be protected world central kitchens, seo called the tac, unforgivable the n g o says it's workers were targeted as they drove away from a food warehouse in a d conflicted zone. and despite coordinating movements with the is rarely military world, central kitchen is headquartered in washington square. it was founded in 2010 by the spanish american ship. jose andres, its mission is to deployed to world disasters front lines in haiti, and ukraine,
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and now in gaza. and it says never before, has its workers been exposed to this level of danger? with many of its a trucks blocked by is really checkpoints, world central kitchen, built a jedi and gaza in march using it to receive nearly $200.00 metric tons of food via ship a 2nd ship carrying double that amount of food is now floating off the coast as the group immediately paused operations after the aid workers, dest, these people are heroes, they run into the fire, not away from it. they show the best of what the humanity has to offer. us officials say they expect is really military to conduct a swift, comprehensive, and transparent investigation into the world. central kitchen workers, death more than 200 humanitarian workers have died in gaza since the war began. heidi jo, castro alger 0 washington us presidents, joe biden has released
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a statement on the death of the aid workers. and fisher has more than this now from washington dc. a person by the size he spoke to who is the and the race, the founder of the world central kitchen called him his friend and said he expressed his condolences at the death of the what goes and gaza. he then goes on in a statement to em, some criticism, not directly israel, not explicitly. it is real because of the attack, but we'll ship it back. so you could understand the context here. he says, on average, the heart broken by the death of 7 humanitarian workers, including one america and guys a they were providing foods to hungry civilians in the middle of the war. they were brave and self with their desks out of tragedy. he then says, israel has pledge to conduct a southern investigation into why the 8 workers vehicle were hit by you strikes that investigation must be in his words. swift, it must bring
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a current ability and its findings must be made public. now of course i've seen israel katya investigations in similar sorts of incidents. we'd all just need to had a similar situation when the a fairly, as promised, a full and transplant investigation into the killing of a colleague sharing aqua and jeanine 2 years ago. and at that point, these relays admitted that they were responsible, but then said that no one would be held accountable for that. this is something that joe biden is clearly trying to avoid, even more tragically, i'd still buy a new statement. this is not a standalone incident. this conflict has been one of the worst and recent memories in terms of how many ead workers have been killed. of course, under what has suffered numerous tests in guys a during the war. and that has to be no statement of this trends from the white house, as well as prime minister benjamin netanyahu was admitted, his forces and thoughts, the strike that killed the aid workers, but says it was unintentional. that's the one item you could argue. unfortunately,
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in the last day, there was a tragic incident of an unintended strike about forces on innocent people in the governance trip. this happens and we are checking this thoroughly, we are in touch with the governments and we will do everything for this not to happen again. traditional stuff of value to use the secretary general of the palestinian national initiative. he says there's no room for israel to deny what it's done. and the facts are clear. you're talking about the convoy of edward cards who have or they need to do. it is very nice and the is that i always knew that they would best think sort of that area. it was 2 separate cards. and each of them was hit by different eh, stakes. so clearly this was intentional and even it was planned. and the outcomes in which nathaniel, how commented on this this month is very clear. he was talking about the depth of
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these innocent people smiling. and at the same time saying things like that happen in the war. and the same time denying that that was intention and without even investigating them. so in reality, i think this was an intentional attack which has very clear to him, which is to dismiss the international edward goods to force them to, to frighten them so that they would not come together. and this main goal is to prevent aid from reaching the people in does that because is origin of a continuous goal is still the same to try to estimate click lens, all the people of guys, but maybe the depth of 6 in the nation. those will bring some attention know by many countries to the fact that $179.00 to $6.00, and it would cause a listing and it was, would cause money or for more to put in the national organizations. 340 with the conductors notices and health professionals of our colleagues were also killed and
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40000 understands killed if we come those on the me. this is absolutely, absolutely unacceptable, but it says i can act over general sites. members of united nations security council, according for the escalation and accountability for moving on, is really s tried calling the reigning consulate in syria, which killed 14 people, now is leading up to the meeting, the secretary general of united nations. i'm tanya gutierrez, calls on all concerned to exercise utmost restraint and avoid further escalation. gabriel is on the reports from us in new york. during an emergency security council meeting, a u. n. plea for caution in response to israel's attack on he runs diplomatic consulate in damascus. any miscalculation could lead to abroad. the conflict and the tide region with divest, they think consequences for cvd is what already seeing and president that suffering
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. but russia echoed the views of many council members saying, israel is clearly the aggressor is quoting us, those that we are on the view that such aggressive actions by israel a designs to the field of conflict. they absolutely unacceptable and must stop. algeria said, the timing of israel strike was deliberate duties, evident that this i'm just done just act. he's of nature to throw that on fire vision into what makes israel's attack so troubling to many diplomats that work in this building. is it? it was a direct violation of many long standing international agreements, such as the vienna convention meant to protect diplomatic facilities from unprovoked aggressions. even the united states. israel, strongest allied, signaled they were troubled by it. we do not yet have confirmation of the status of
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the building that was struck in damascus. any confirmed attack on property that was in fact a diplomatic facility would be of concern to the united states. israel has not claimed responsibility for the attack and did not ask to attend the meeting. you run did, and said the strike shows how is real, is a threat to the region. is religion, the eyes of us to escalate and perpetuate the conflict? one rating accountability iran told the council it reserves the right to take a decisive response. something many on the council we're warning against, but no good very will be likely. gabriel's on to how does it at united nations in new york. taiwan has been hit by the strongest as quite there in 25 years. the magnitude 7.2 quick strikes off the east coast, causing power cuts and some buildings to collapse. one person is known to have been
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tools and thousands engine tanami warnings issued for coastal areas. yeah. the philippines, they've since been lifted. japan that says the 1st wave of a sonoma struck to southern island. depo. the problem is a senior editor, the news out that taiwan plus 2 joins us live, not from the time here. what more can you tell us about this quite can itself develop. right, as you say it's uh at least 4 people are now officially dead. the death toll is that for an at least 50 people are injured. that's an information from the fire service. it's an emergency departments. now taiwan is in the so called a ring of choir, so it's a big string of fire. so it's quite used to sites bigger typically, but this is the biggest earthquake. the island this had in 25 years was capital f, i pay was mostly affected by travel, disruptions, and, and a lot of shaking. and so the people here are quite prepared with the emergency
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drills to at schools, also have their drills, but the east coast quality and what that's where the epicenter of the earthquake was and that's the area that's been most affected. so trans, uh, travel roads, rail services to that area, don't all have been affected and disrupted lillian as one of the main tourist fox sports is also the house to one who are also how is one of the biggest military bases in tie? 15. fortunately, it is quite not, not so heavily populated, it's had land slides but mostly an uninhabited areas, at least $26.00 bill that he's had been shaken or tilted. and those are very being very closely watched to see whether there will be further damage and those areas difficult pollen in that it's hard to say thank you. so it has all now this era from frizzy to power and it goes up position later. this one song kind of becomes
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prime minister. all nice, one is advocacy youngest elected president bus targeting, scam census in the philippines. he saw tackling the legal industry that's making millions of dollars a year. the hello. there's been more flooding in saudi arabia. this time in re i providence, so let me show you what's going on. these solid bands of rain once again over the same areas at western slice, pushing into re i'd so there is a threat that we could see some more flooding on wednesday. water view shows as most of the action is in saudi arabia, but it is now also dropping down into that western side of jamming. let's go to pockets on what weather in the mix here in the north, including for the capitol territory is all about. same for the g can stand and was
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breakfast on just a few showers to catch a few drops on wednesday. now the case in turkey, a plenty of sun here looking good on cyprus as well, and they go see about 10 degrees above where you should be for this some year. and we lose the sea breeze. so temperature shooting up in new, ok shut and bondo. we've got that hot air pumping in from this a hara solid bands of rain sliding down the coast of galvan and congo, and then looking at all this rain alerts in play for kenya and tanzania. for just how intense this will be likely to see some or flooding in places like nairobi over the course of wednesday. there's been some big ways off the coast of south africa. but look at this slug of rain along the border with south africa botswana and the member of the certainly could produce some flooding over the next 24 hours. the why have american is angelic goals become this real strongest back? or is us president joe finding right to stand with israel with no red line as long
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as us support continues? is there anything that can stop is real, solve on gaza from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, the investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe. on alex's here, the the welcome back remind to of the headlines now. us present joe 5 and associates outraged often it's very striking. garza killed 8 workers. is rather spacing widespread condemnation for the entire 2 a $64.00 and $1.00 part of stinging wealth. central kitchen stock limits of the un
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security council, according for a de escalation and released ordering. and it's very s trying training concepts. and assuming capital comes us around the close for both israel and the us to be held accountable for the taiwan that's been huge by strong. this is quite 25 years of magnitude 7.2 quakes trucks of eastern time on getting to power outages and the few cars buildings, at least for people who died and 50 people hundreds of is radius of storms, barriers in west jerusalem, of protesting against prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose handling of the war on gauze fighting ro counselor to demonstrate to some police officers who looked entrances to the government headquarters and all whose families of captives being held in gaza were among large crowds of people demanding any infections on the prison exchange. deal or with charles with quotes for multi
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parties choose. a clash is lights on tuesday between is ready. protest is and the police video is shad on social media are and showing on his ready tv shows . protests is trying to take down the power case. the police have put up, others scuffling with police as the police are trying to to make attentions. now these protests began on sunday nights and planned to last the 4 days and then perhaps more. what they want is the removal of benjamin netanyahu from office. they want him to cool on the election so that they can force them out. they also want to connect that to court office policy for recess. they say that this time of war when there was still more than a 130, is ready to capt saves, inside cause of being held by how much that this is no time for parliamentarians to be going on. holiday passions are running very, very high, and the box is difficult to see at the moment. what's the mechanism mechanism is by
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which they can force him to leave office? benjamin netanyahu knows that he's deeply unpopular. he knows that many is right. he's most is ready to hold him responsible for the security finance that led to october the 7th. and he knows that if elections were house same and he and his coalition would most likely be out of office. so he is categorically said he's not courting early elections unless he changes. minds want to, the protest is due, well they can build them immense and they can keep protesting and hope that they can force him out of that way. the only other way that perhaps he will leave office at the moment is if that coalition collapses his right wing coalition, they're all crap submit their offices. but for the time being, it seems that accommodation is holding together for which happens. how does here, you know, keep body stories for people have been injured off the car rammed into them
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essential as well. paramedics say the attack happens of an intersection, not far from county, either occupies the west bank, the injured into the 23 year old man who is in a critical condition, on suspect was killed by his very forces. the 1st spread into a key is the eastern and south eastern provinces of excellent officials over tons results from the dominant. the kurdish city of on official say the candidates over the policy conte hold public office because of the past conviction. instead, the green a k parties candidates will now become the man. please have a rest of 89 people and so from what it's most far reaching a tax insistence of the world. ukraine is targeted, one of russia's biggest oil refineries on the drone factory. russian province at the office done this hundreds of kilometers from the ukranian border. several drones, we used one that 1000 people were injured. russia says there was no major damage to
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the or refinery, which produces a 340000 barrels a day. and it goes up initially, those mon sancho has been named as a prime minister in the new government became ours, off his allies, through wi fi was sworn in as president at the age of 44 am i 5 is the youngest, democratically elected president in africa he won a landslide victory and the presidential elections with 54 percent of the vote. just 10 days of being released from prison authorities. and instead of paying, say, hundreds of chinese owned online casinos operating illegally in the country. at least 2 of already been shut down since october. officials say they were engaged in scamming was also with edge torch in force neighbor bond even though has more not for many of them. a cyber gaming hub in a small town north of manila operating under the radar. but when police descended
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on the facility in mid march, they found hundreds of workers and evidence their running scans. 7 middle managers were arrested, but the chinese owners remain at large. the operation was triggered bad to from a vietnamese employee who managed to escape and contact authorities. they have retail me for the company. and that is not the chip. we just come to the company with a and said with available look it up. and dylan who has from the leisure, says his friend sold him to the company. i just want to be safe. but when i visit, has not allowed to do. both of them say they were beat up when they couldn't make the monthly target of $40000.00, much like co workers of an online gambling site and many, let's say they were tortured in this room. it was also found to have been a prostitution 10. the site now serves as
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a detention center. human trafficking victims and employees are waiting deputation are housed here, a former online gaming compound, law enforcement officials rated it last year. it turned out to be the headquarters of a scamming enterprise. also run by chinese business meant the chinese online casino industry, locally known as the philippines. offshore gaming operators or pulse grew exponentially during the term of former president would be good to try to authorize. the chinese embassy says it's job is to protect us citizens, but it's also cooperating with philippine authorities. it's highly probable that the people are rescues from 14 board. they just transferred to another level. so we're creating a localized in d g nice scamming invested in the philippines. but it's a crisis of regional portions. the united nation says more than $200000.00 and may be trapped in scam operations in myanmar and come body of the philippine government says hundreds are still illegally operating in the country in an industry. this
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generating billions of dollars in revenue each year. barnaby lo, alger 0 manila, south asia, it will be the fastest growing emerging market region this year, according to a new report by the world bank. most of that is attributed to any deals, economic performance, neighboring countries. i've also recovered from the funds that make poverty and unemployment has 2 major concerns. you know, finance is reports not from the should. i couldn't capital columbus, a strong growth fuel by rapidly increasing investment and government spending drove the indian economy to grow by more than 8 percent in the final month of 2023. the world bank says this helps south asia is growth figures, which what are known in the report launched in columbus on tuesday, outside india. however, growth in much of the region has low to pretend they make levels. if south asia are raised, it's changed to g d p ratio and a tool to the emerging markets,
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developing called me iris, deposited the same. and if it's raise the capital flow, it's cost to the call and openness to be measured marks and developing on the average, the probability of sparking a private sustain private investment acceleration could be about $1.00 off high of the report shows an average of 60000000 people in south asia has been affected by climate change every year. for the past decade, the governments cannot afford to adapt the number of shows south asia of perform best among emerging markets and developing economies. but the world bank says regional growth is driven launch. the buy in this country is like sure lanka are still struggling with limited private investment and rising unemployment and policy upon the discussion of the release of the report highlighted some of the obstacles, blocking groove party nation in government is extremely difficult. now i as a business money invest in renewable energy,
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you need over 16 products. you have roughly about 4 to 3 levels that you have to cope with. uh, 15 of which i know production on a daily basis, most of which were drafted either before or around independent the time of independence, countries of knowledge. we failed to create jobs for the working age population. this is contributed to a rise in policy levels in recent years. sure longer has more than one 4th of its population living in polity. aust, about the government's economic reform program. the one a bank admitted it didn't put a lot of bud number sheet on people that stressed it was needed from outside. yeah we, we are concerned about reform for tea reform reversal. we think it's important, as i said, is this bridge to recovery? is that the reforms are critical in those areas to sustain and maintaining governments across south asia said they are trying to improve fiscal discipline and build resilient economies. but most people in the was most populous region
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unconvinced. this will improve their lives. and that's a mendez, which is 0, colombo, not a nation, says 53000 people have fled to eighty's capital in just the past 3 weeks because of gang vonage. most of those displaced from for the friends, have the south u. n. is wanting that areas outside the capital don't have the resources to handle the influx for lack of security and their capital as close food shortages. and then they a collapse of the health care system. yeah, i know what the social con, there has been a shocking rise in killings and couldn't things. switcheroo violence, particularly targeting women and young girls is pervasive and very likely to have reached levels not seen before. as the number of internally displaced, people rises up to 360000. now according to the iowan.


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