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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 3, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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donates with confidence. donates with outcast foundation. we are in palestine together. we are changing the world. one hawks, that's time. the the taiwan has been the head spied strongest, quaking 25 years. at least 4 people have died and dustin saw the cut on carry johnson, this is all just here a lot from to host coming up. the outcry off to is very stripes, kill one type of student and 6 for an aid work of things. dollars that front thing several chances to suspend the operations time when it's time it is taking as well
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as 5 minutes to size. the attack was fun. intentional analysis era investigation reviews a boy was deliberately targeted and hit israel is attacked on the rainy and the concepts in serious take center stage of un security council joined condemnation from most members, the one families office. many campuses for 5 minutes to benjamin netanyahu and traits and choosing here, being attempts to go to attempt to steal the beginning taiwan, which has been hit by the strongest death quakes every 25 years. the magnitude 7 point to craig struck off the east coast, causing pilot cuts and buildings to collapse for people have died and dozens are injured. synonymy warnings were issued for the coastal areas in japan and the philippines,
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but they've since been lifted for the people of taiwan. it was one of the worst treatments i've experienced in years to reopen behind. it was shaking very violently, older motorcycles outside our house to pulled over, so i quickly switched off the gas and the electrical switches and opened the main door. the amana positive sounds, it was very strong. it felt as if the house was going to topple more. your fault, but i said when i realized it was an earthquake, i quickly put on my clothes and shoes. gonna drag the kid with me and run down the stairs. or what do you think of holland is a senior editor of the news opposite taiwan plus 2 joins as long as not from type a. yeah. what's the very latest you can tell us? hi, carrie. well, there have been at least 58 after struck since that 7.2 magnitude quake early this morning. now 2 of which of those after shots were larger than 6 on the richter scale, and that's quite unusual. the officials that's all is now at 4 with at least 57
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people injured, mostly from falling objects. so here in the capital type pay, it has been mostly disruptions to transport and some daily life activities. but thing, sorry, just getting back to normal. most of the damage was in a while in which is a county on the east coast, and that's where the epicenter of the earthquake was. now, while the end is known for its taurus, sides for its 2 are exceeding spots, but also for having one of the largest military bases. and the military is now checking all this equipment there. and there is concern that some of that may be some damage. also, and probably in about $80000.00 homes are now without power, roads, bridges, and even a tunnel has collapse. so there's quite a lot of this disruption there. and the military has sense and for uh, enforcement and support for the 1st responders unit, trying to get them to some of those most effected areas, which is now difficult to get to there also a number of lines slides. but fortunately, most of the areas were those are,
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are quite sparsely populated, but the damage is quite extreme with a large number of buildings tilting at this point. and being very closely monitored to see if there will be further collapses carry. and typically we understand the preston to the come on control center. there's been some concerns on there about warning systems. so that's why it's usually people get a warning before there is an earthquake. and that is critical in many areas in industries here who even though the warning may be a few minutes or a few seconds before. but that gives them a bit of preparation fine. but this time they didn't get that because the earthquake center did not see or did not predict that this air break would be as large as it is. so the precedent is at the central emergency operation center, which is usually pulled together during an emergency and such as this, where they're expecting farm or after shops in the coming days and some of them up to 6.5 or even 7. so there's
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a lot of concern that people should be prepared now. so i want to in general, has drills and they're used to this kind of a seismic activity, not to this extent necessarily. but they are used to drill schools, offices and other institutions have their protocols and place. the presidents, tying one is here for another few weeks and so this is b c. and that's one of the biggest tests before she hands over power to or vice president. in may, who will then take over a, but this is a situation that they're taking very seriously cubic of all the not inside play. thank you. the is riley is facing international condemnation and costs urgent investigations. office 78 workers with tools and then attack the groups convoy was hit by his very strikes and all the law in central garza. shortly after leaving
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a warehouse. 6 with foreign nationals and one was a postilion victims works for the wealth. central kitchen agency has suspended the operations along with all the charities following the attack. i'll just say it was in however, he was at the scene of the attack and down to the off of where she sent us this report earlier on tuesday. i'm crazy. standing in front, one of the vehicles that has been targeted by the is really forces last night. this car and 2 other cars across the received street have been targeted by that is where the forces, 3 of the cars are for the world central kitchen. and they had a aid workers in the side, the cars. but so far we know that it is trillion a polish, a british canadian and then merican and a palestinian aid workers were targeted in those 3 cars. it's very
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obvious that these workers were working with the world central kitchen as we see best and at the logos of w. c. k organization. we know that these cars were on their way back from the port. nothing of the gaza strip to their guest house and drove ahead. every car is, is separated by at least 500 meters, which shows that this convoy was directly targeted by the is really forces. this will have a lot of negative consequences not only on the humanitarian sector in the gaza strip. it will also have a huge major consequences and negative impact on a lot of age. workers on international agencies currently operating in the causal
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strip. these 8 workers were having an 8 ship and a convoy that's has at least $400.00 metric tons of food to the north of the gulf of strip on the day they were targeted. this is in the all to 0. that is, but i cause a strip as a funeral was held in the process of the palestinian employee of wells central kitchen. this time i would tell her what as a drive and translate to the kidding over at 78. well cuz hes had a huge impact on the old very desperate situation for many displaced palestinians in gaza. but now fear that their lives will become even worse and the coming days forth from their homes buys very strikes name. most of them die on food or a bus with minimal supplies entering cause a big cause of israel's blockade. be filled out directly with a man made from it. they can't get in the world. central kitchen was feeding many people, providing them with people without
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a people to know where to turn. so they will definitely be a lot of hung up on a muscle on the and also i am set um want to get people to rely heavily on what the go. central kitchen provides as the situation is daya and they cannot afford to buy food due to its high cost. the suspension of the go central kitchen will greatly impact the lives of peoples and their access to food, especially for children and pregnant women. the situation will become even more catastrophic them of us present. joe biden is called for swift investigation until the findings to be made public by them says israel has not done enough to protect aid workers in gaza on an fisher reports from washington dc as well. president bygone says he spoke to jose on today's the founder of the world. central kitchen called him his friend and said he expressed his condolences at the death of the workers and gaza. he then goes on in a statement to m some criticism, not directly israel, not explicitly. it is real because of the attack,
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but we'll ship it back so you could understand the context here. he says, on average, the heart broken by the death of 7 humanitarian workers, including one america and guys a they were providing foods to hungry civilians in the middle of the war. they were brave and self with their deaths. a tragedy. he then says, israel, his pledge to conduct a southern investigation into why the aid workers vehicle were hit by you strikes that investigation must be in his words. swift, it must bring a current ability and its findings must be made public. now of course they've seen israel carrier investigations in similar sorts of incidents. we'd all just need to had a similar situation when the families promised a fill in transplant investigation into the killing of a colleague sharing aqua and jeanine 2 years ago. and at that point, these relays admitted that they were responsible, but then said that no one would be held accountable for that. this is something
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that you'll probably missed clearly trying to avoid, even more tragically, i'd still buy a new statement. this is not a standalone incident. this conflict has been one of the worst in recent memory in terms of how many ead workers have been killed, of course, and the one has suffered numerous tests in guys a, during the war. and there has to be no statement of this trends from the white house. they were in the 2nd general on turning the terrace is also condemned. the attack amongst coals an urgent investigation to the devastating is rarely have strikes that skilled wealth. central kitchen personnel yesterday brings the number of age workers skilled in this conflict, 196, including more than 175 members of all new n stuff. these, these, i'm comfortable, but it is an inevitable result of the way the war is being conducted. it demonstrates you have to gain the edge of needs. what are the media to many
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tendencies, fire, conditional release of all searches. and the expansion of you mean to tell you that into gaza as a secret because some demand the needs the resolution last week. the resolution must be implemented without the like that i get the is a tragedy. we still don't understand how this could have happened. i'd like to express my sincere condolences to the family far be volunteer to go. i spoke in person to the investor of israel, who showed me that this case will be urgent to explain. and the opponent was receiving the full range of information. i spoke with the prime minister netanyahu this morning with a phone call that was organized i but not expressed a stray is inc, and consent at the desk of so me for income is only was an australian. i work working for the world central kitchen,
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providing support for people who are suffering from tremendous differ vice and in gaza. or as well as prime minister benjamin netanyahu was admitted, his forces and the one to distract that till the aid workers for says it was unintentional. let's the whole now i'm you could argue unfortunately in the last day there was a tragic incident of an unintended strike about forces on innocent people in the gaza strip. this happens in go, we're checking this thoroughly, we are in touch with the governments and we will do everything for this not to happen again. what's an als, is their investigation is found that these really all the intentionally targeted the well essential kitchen, con boy and 3 consecutive strikes. here's what the evidence shows you. when i zation says it's 3 vehicles left the warehouse. yeah. and the other not some time around 10 30 pm on april. the 1st the con, void travel, just either full condolences making it to the sheets,
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the streets along the coast. witnesses say the 1st vehicle was hit by missile here, just before 10, 45 pm. the injured was seen being transferred from the 1st call to the 2nd on the vehicle. the 2nd call made it 800 meters south on the 1st attack. when it too was bump. photos clearly show it was hit to straight through the roof. i projectile from above on the fed vehicle in the convoy made it to effect the 1600 meters down the road for it was hit by a 3rd and final strike will say through its roof and stuff about gucci is the secretary general of the palestinian national initiative. he says there's no room for israel to the night when it's done. the facts are clear. you're talking about the couldn't void of edward cards who have or they need to do. it is very nice. and the is that i always knew that they would best think through that area. it was 2 separate cards. and each of them was hit by different. it's like so clearly
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this was intentional and even it was planned and the out of guns in which nathaniel, how commented on this this month. but it's very clear. he was talking about the depth of these innocent people smiling. and at the same time saying things like that happen in the war and at the same time denying that it was intention and without even investigating. so in reality, i think this was an intentional attack which has very clear to him, which is to dismiss the international edward goods to force them to, to frighten them so that they would not come together. and this main goal is to prevent aid from reaching the people in does that because this origin of a continuous goal is still the same to try to estimate click lens, all the people of guys, but maybe the depth of 6 in the nation. those will bring some attention by many
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countries to the fact that $179.00 to $6.00, it would cause a listing and it would cause would cause money or for more to put in the national organizations. 340 with the conductors notices and health professionals of our colleagues were also killed. and 40000 police tenants killed. if we count those on the me, this is absolutely, absolutely unacceptable, but it does like an act of genocide. so the head, the analysis era, from presence a palace and it goes up position the that was fun song becomes prime minister is on the ice. in this advocacy youngest elected president and targeting a scam centers in the city things we started taxing the legal industry. that's making billions of dollars a year, the the
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hello, there's been more flooding in saudi arabia this time in riyadh profit. and so let me show you what's going on. these solid bands of rain once again over the same areas at western slice, pushing into re i'd so there is a threat that we could see some more flooding on wednesday. water view shows as most of the action is in saudi arabia, but it is now also dropping down into that western side of jamming. let's go to pockets on what weather in the mix here in the north, including for the capitol territory is all about. same for the g can stand and was breakfast on just a few showers to catch a few drops on wednesday. not the case in turkey, a plenty of sun here looking good on cyprus as well, and it goes to about 10 degrees above where you should be for this some year. and we lose the sea breeze. so temperature shooting up in new lock shut and banjo. we've got that hot air pumping in from this a hara solid bands of rain sliding down the coast of galvan and congo,
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and then looking at all this rain alerts and play for kenya and tanzania. for just how intense this will be likely to see some or flooding in places like nairobi over the course of wednesday. there's been some big ways off the coast of south africa. but look at this slug of rain along the border with south africa botswana and the member of the certainly could produce some flooding over the next 24 hours. the question why it happened, like this legend in the area where the foundation
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the the welcome back. her mind to all the headlines now, taiwan has been hit by the strongest us, click that and 25 years for people were killed as a magnitude 7.2 quake for some buildings to collapse. synonymy warnings issued in japan and for the meetings with quickly lift us present, joe biden, this quote for swift investigation officer and his randy s try can tell us that killed 78 workers as well as prime minister benjamin netanyahu says the attack was unintentional, is very forces have a piece of a targeted age where, cuz in gaza, close to 200 had been killed since october 7th. on march, 19th,
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these really on the targeting to monetary and workers and goes a city. as they were distributing aid at least 23 people were killed a week earlier and when your distribution center and southern garza was attacked on you and stuff, it was killed and 22 injured in february at more than 100 civilians were killed when is there any forces open file in crowds waiting for food. or the attacks happened as hundreds of thousands of palestinians face stone station. at least 27 children has died from malnutrition and the hydration sofa. press go. this is a former when was spokesman, he says, israel is ami, has gone away with a tax on age where, cuz for too long the far investigation is needed. and this was a deliberate, calculated pre meditated masika of innocent humanitarian workers. these way the army had been told of the exact route. in fact,
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they helped establish the exact route that these workers were driving along. the convoy itself to be co ordinated with this very army. they knew the exact gps coordinates, inch by inch of the route that these workers were traveling along. and what was so as not one, not 2, but 3 deliberate attack. so, so it appears, i hope that these attacks all investigated and that there is a full and transparent investigation. not by the idea. obviously the only because for years we've seen a tax on humanitarian workers in gaza, not just under review of workers, but others. and we've never seen any profit a criminal individual criminal liability accountability for these attacks. and i hope that the well central kitchen will press with its contents in washington because the will is revolt by this. and as i say,
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a $170.00 plus unrra workers have been killed. that must be full accountability for the kidding. also for too long, he is really on his go soft scott, free with these mess it because i use the webmaster cuz advisedly of humanitarian. what am i serious then? police force and hundreds of his right is protesting for 3rd consecutive nights against the prime minister. handling of the guns that demonstrates is blocked the entrances to government headquarters and entering it to know whose families of captives held in gauze or among the crowds, demanding early elections and the prisoner exchange them for challenge report. some of the parties choose. so, clashes lights on tuesday between is ready, protest is and the police video is shad on social media are and showing on his ready tv showed protests is trying to take down the power case. the police have put up, others scuffling with police as the police were trying to to make the tensions. now,
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these protests began on sunday nights and planned to last the 4 days and then perhaps more. what they want is the removal of benjamin netanyahu from office. they want him to call on the election so that i can force him out a full size one that can asset the cooling office pos i have a recess. they say that this time of war when there was still more than a 130, is ready to capt saves, inside cause of being held by how much that this is no time for parliamentarians to be going on. holiday passions are running very, very high, and a box is difficult to see the moment. what's the making? the mechanism is by which they can force him to leave office. benjamin netanyahu knows that he is deeply unpopular. he knows that many is ready, as most is ready to hold him responsible for the security finance that led to october the 7th. and he knows that if elections were house same and he and his
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coalition would most likely be out of office. so he is categorically said he is not courting elections unless he changed his mind. want to, the protest is due, well they can build them immense and they can keep protesting and hope that they can force him out of that way. the only other way that perhaps he will leave office at the moment is if that coalition collapses his right wing coalition, they're all crap submit their offices. but for the time being it seems that the competition is holding together for which happens. how does here, you know, keep bodies theresa as a car arriving, attacking israel has injured for people. it is very forced, is killing the suspect to the tank of the injured pedestrians into the 23 year old man who was in a critical condition. 3 others were treated by paramedics and the city of tier up the account to see them in occupies westbank. members of united nations security council, according for the escalation and accountability for them. and is there any es?
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try calling me rang and conflicts in syria which killed 14 people. gabriel, it is on the reports from the u. n. in new york. during an emergency security council meeting, a u. n. plea for caution in response to israel's attack on the runs diplomatic consulate in damascus, any miscalculation could lead to abroad the conflict and the tide region. with divest, they think consequences for cvd is what already seeing and president that suffering . but russia echoed the views of many council members saying, israel is clearly the aggressor is quoting us though, is that we are on the view that such aggressive actions by israel a designs to the field of conflict. they absolutely unacceptable and must stop. algeria said, the timing of israel strike was deliberate. the cheese evident that this i'm just done, just act he's of nature to throw that on fire vision into cause
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what makes israel's attack so troubling to many diplomats that work in this building? is it? it was a direct violation of many long standing international agreements, such as the vienna convention meant to protect diplomatic facilities from unprovoked aggressions. even the united states, israel, strongest ally signalled they were troubled by it. we do not yet have confirmation of the status of the building that was struck in damascus. any confirmed attack on property, there was in fact a diplomatic facility would be of concern to the united states. israel has not claimed responsibility for the attack and did not ask to attend the meeting. you run did, and said the strike shows how is real, is a threat to the region. is religion, the eyes of yes, to escalate and perpetuate the conflict warrant evading accountability?
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you run to the council, it reserves the right to take a decisive response. something many on the council we're warning against, but no good very will be likely. gabriel's on the how does it at united nations in new york? the set of goals, opposition, the those months sancho has been named as a prime minister and then you government it came out as off his ally by to j. my 5 was 40 and as president at the age of 44, which i my 5 is the youngest, democratically elected president in africa. he won a landslide victory and the presidential elections just 10 days off to being released from prison. protests of spread into his eastern and south eastern provinces, off election officials over 10 results. and the predominantly code is 6. you have
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done officials say the candidates or the d. e. m. party cons hold public office because of a pos conviction. instead of rooting a k policies, candidates will now become the use of arrested 8 to 9 people. so it's a nation says 53000 people have fled haiti's capital in just the past 3 weeks because of gang violence. most of those displaced from portland friends have move south. the lack of security in the capital has closed food shortages and the near collapse of the health care system. yeah, i know what the social called, there's been a shucking rise in killings and couldn't things say true why that's particularly targeting women and young girls is pervasive and very likely to have reached levels not seen before. as the number of internally displaced, people rises up to 360000. now, according to the iowa, him, so to just the further risk of sexual violence,
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as people find themselves away from their homes and their communities, the scale of human rights abuses is unprecedented. and more than haitian history inflicting a few minutes here, a catastrophe on an already exhausted people know, thousands of homes and businesses in the us. so without power of to severe storms ripped through several states. a clean up is now underway in kentucky and of the human warnings was strong tornadoes remain in place for pots of alabama and georgia and investigation into produce preston. do you know when the water has been widened to include bank deposits and the $56000.00 cost to a bracelet? it's any journal a says the pro bowl now look into an estimated 500000 dollars worth of jewelry. lots a was seen wearing at the public events. she's already under investigation for several expensive room next watches, with a lot to is denied any longer authorizing the philippine se hundreds of
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chinese owned online casinos operating illegally in the country. at least 2 of already been shut down since october. officials say they were engaged in scanning was also in edge torture and forced labor. bonnie bu though, has more and i from linda a cyber gaming hub in a small town north of manila operating under the radar. but when police descended on the facility in mid march, they found hundreds of workers and evidence their running scans. 7 middle managers were arrested, but the chinese owners remain at large. the operation was triggered bad to from, of getting these employees who managed to escape and contact authorities. there's a retail me for the company, the gym. and that is not the chip. we just call the companies uh and.


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