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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 3, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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i am free that the communist revolution of every one in china, new my state. you've heard all of them power it's time you have from these and 6 of hindsight is out now subscribe. wherever you listen to the, [000:00:00;00] the, this isn't news our on out to 0. i'm 40 bad people live in bill coming up in the next 60 minutes. the strong is there is great to strike taiwan in 25 years. at least 7 people killed and dozens that trapped in the rubble of collapse. buildings on al jazeera investigation reveals that is really forces deliberately targeted and international aid. conroy with 3 consecutive ad strikes, killing 7,
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a white case. the families of these really captives called prime minister netanyahu a traitor and accused him of being an obstacle to a deal for the every week. and a bird flew in the us has spread to cows, goats, and now people we hear from wage form or the thank you very much for joining us to a powerful earthquake has hit taiwan killing at least 7 people and injuring hundreds more. the magnitude $7.00 quakes truck off the east coast it was the strong is to hit the island in 25 years is in mrs. robbie has the details. the people in taiwan woke up to the strongest earthquakes there and 25 years. the magnitude $7.00,
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which struck off the east coast after shots rattled communities across the cell from rhode island, causing power cuts and some buildings to collapse. text messages, gord, coastal areas of this, you not be through the human because it sounds it was very strong. it felt as if the house was going to topple to you. we all tend behind. you were taking very violently older motorcycles outside our house to pulled over. so i quickly switched off the gas and the electrical switches, the, when i realized it was an earthquake, i quickly put on my clothes and she was going to drive the kid with me and run down the stairs. officials in the capital typeface that it was the strong distress, quite the hit taiwan and offshore islands since 1999. when a 7.6 magnitude quake the worst natural disaster in the islands, history killed in estimated 2400 people. the more strong aftershocks are expected in coming days when they do cause the audience. the to me have already seen the ports of houses spitting roads damaged and many where he goes head by falling rocks in one the, an area in the type, the,
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the metro and the high speed trans was suspended. i would like to request that under one department to crash the golden time for rescue activity patio search and rescue work for the people. pick the best, get injured people and think emergency the settlement measures japan and the philippines were also on sit on the alert to pads, national broadcast, or warning viewers to evacuate their homes. hope you know, was main airport temporarily suspending all flights, but the sooner i mean, warnings have since been lifted. the region is no stranger to highly destructive seismic events in 2011 japan suffered its biggest real quick on record a massive night code 0 back the $2.00 a joke triggered a synonymy that left the road, 18500 people that were missing it also caused the frequency of a nuclear power plant disaster the most serious accident since turnover. and a 7.5 bag that you guys click on new years day this year. it depends no dependence
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. you're feeling more than 230 people. same bus radi, and let's get the latest now, would they be a go pollen, who a senior editor at the news outlet, a taiwan class, just joining us live from type a dubious. thank you for being with us on i'll just, there is so a very popular as quick as we heard and many, many aftershocks. what is the extent of the damage and the destruction tried slowly . i'd like to tell you that much of taiwan is back online, thinks are going back to normal. but there is a lot of attention and concern about the at the center about earthquake, that's quality and county, which is large. we've been cut off from most of the rest of tie one, now roads, bridges, tunnels. many of them have been severely damaged, some have collapse, and it's very just because the rescue workers to get there, a number of people are still trapped in buildings. several buildings are teetering very close to co ops and it's very difficult for help to get to those areas. in fact,
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the military has been called in to try and help to get get those aide work hers and rescue workers to the people who need them. the most and one of the biggest concerns in this area is the fact that is this area is a, has one of the time, one of the biggest military bases. so we're hearing now that the ministry of national defense is taking stock or office military hardware to check for damages. and there is concerned that some of that hardware and oper access has been affected . also a big issue for the account to plug in is that it is going to be the long weekend this weekend and it's a big torres center. and many of the people who lived. a rely on those tories dollars, which means that many of those visitors that were supposed to come there cannot get there right now. but all efforts are now focused on trying to get people that help they need fully. right. and the president, i understand has been at the command control center davia. it would seem those already
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a bit of controversy about the warning system absolutely fully. uh usually uh people get a text message just before a little bit of warning before an earthquake thats larger than 4 point oh magnitude . but this time that didn't happen in many areas. and that is a huge concern because that lead time can be critical to many industries. taiwan is a heavy man. that's a heavy manufacturing base, or even a hospital school said civilians across a tie one. so the fact that that didn't happen as being question. so the president is at the command control command center at the moment, which is usually pulled together an emergency such as to figure out what steps can be taken and what happened. and also that is a worry because a number of after strokes are expected in the coming days, which could be as large as the earthquake. we saw at least 6 on the risk director scale and then want to make sure that that system is in place. now, if you remember this,
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presidents only have 6 weeks to go before she hands over to her vice president. so this is being seen as a her last big test, if you will. thank you very much for joining us. diego pollen from the news outlets . taiwan past live there from typing. it's the, the warren guys are now and us present. joe biden is calling for a swift investigation into the killing of 78 workers in the gaza strip. and for the findings to be made public. a convoy vehicles from the wealth central kitchen agency was hate spies, really strikes in down the line, central gaza, 6 of the victims with 4 nationals. and one was a palestinian funeral was being held in rafa for the palestinian killed in the attack. he, some of both are high who worked as a driver and translate to was buried in the southern guys are the food charity has
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paused operations and guys are leading many palestinians worried that a desperate situation there is about to get even worse the gun in the old central kitchen was feeding many people, providing there was to people without a people to know where to turn. so there will definitely be a lot of hung up on a muscle on the left. the. and also if you have a set of people who rely heavily on what the go, central kitchen provides as the situation is guy uh, and they cannot afford to buy food due to its high cost. the suspension of the both central kitchen will greatly impact the lives of peoples and their access to food, especially for children and pregnant women. the situation will become even more catastrophic. i'm of must be a high asset on. let's pick 2 out to 0. sorry, god bless them now is live from where i find southern gaza tied. tell us about the situation this morning. and guys, in the aftermath of, of the killing of these uh, 8 workers would have been the immediate consequences.
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yes. fully, in fact, that they use value attack on the works until kitchen kitchen costs considered to be a new flow to humanitarian efforts as isabel's ministry. chief that is that, that tech that type 278. why? cuz is a direct result of a mist identification in complex conditions while saying, i'm stressing that it was completely a great mistake that should not have happened. but palestinians say that the is very mandatory is indiscriminately bombing the entire conflict with without any regard to casualties among civilians. in fact, fully the tax has contributed to triggering mil fee is among the humanitarian organizations responsible for delivering aids to much and many areas of the gaza strip as they are completely right now feeling i'm safe to operate in the territory . i'm. it's ongoing, a growing concerned, so more potential that tax could be carried us into for c, for the future. again,
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such humanitarian organizations box to now in fact, the attack has been drawing more is catastrophe. consequences in the capacity and diversity of deliveries to the garza strip as these, the humanitarian organizations are cooling for. affording security and actually sense of safety for there is a humanitarian stuff on the grounds in order to be able to deliver humanitarian supplies for much needed areas. of course, the gaza strip. now the attack has been widely conducted by not totally palestinians, but also by international organizations on beach. a national community cooling to afford more security to allow for the land of crossings on the ground to inside the console in order to allow for the flow of humanitarian supplies to the desperate palestinians who have been not receiving the latest k voice being beloved from cit . reyes and it had been again returned back to the ports of all of suppers in order
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to completely be uh bounds from distributing because of the late is that times that has killed 78 black is the majority of them work for a national tech. terry. thank you very much for the update that challenges here is terry capitalism live the in a rasa of the united nations secretary general antonio terrace, has condemned the attack on the aid workers. the devastating is rarely have strikes . that's key role, simple kitchen personnel yesterday brings the number of age workers skill will be in this conflict, 196, including more than 175 members of all new n stuff. these is uncomfortable, but it is an inevitable result of the way the warranty is being conducted. it demonstrates you have to gain the edge of the it's for an immediate, too many tendencies fire, conditional release of all searches. and the expansion of your me to tell you that into gaza. as soon as he goes to the man the needs resolution last week,
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the resolution must be implemented without the like, the i got the is a tragedy. we still don't understand how this could have happened. i'd like to express my sincere condolences to the family far be volunteer, and i spoke in person to the investor of israel, who assured me that this case will be urgently explain and that poland must receive a full range of information. i spoke with the prime minister netanyahu this morning with a phone call that was organized. i bet not expressed a stray is inc. and consent at the desk of so me for income is only was an australian. i work a looking for the world central kitchen, providing support for people who are suffering from tremendous different violation
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in gaza. israel's foreign minister benjamin this now has admitted his forces, launched a strike that killed the aid workers, but says it was unintentional. that's the whole night i'm you could argue unfortunately, in the last day there was a tragic incident of an unintended strike about forces on innocent people in the gulf and strip. this happens in go, we're checking this thoroughly, we are in touch with the governments and we will do everything for this not to happen again. but analogies, their investigation has found that these really ami intentionally targeted the wealth, central kitchen conroy in 3 consecutive as strikes. here's what the evidence shows . the organization says it's 3 vehicles left the warehouse here in darrow belie. sometime around 10 30 pm on april. first. the convoy travel dressed over 4 kilometers, making it to rashid street along the coast. witness, i say the 1st vehicle was hit by a misfire here just before 10 45 pm. the injured was seen being transferred from
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the 1st cost as to the 2nd almond vehicle. the 2nd call made it 800 meters saw from the 1st attack. what it to was bombed, photo is clearly show it was head straight to the roof by a project time from a box. the 3rd vehicle in the convoy made it a for the 1600 meters down the road before it was hit. by a 3rd and final strike, also fluid stalls that spring in. i'll just say resume, run connie. unoccupied is jocelyn in run it and that's how it says these things happen in more, but i investigation and others show. this wasn't perhaps an accident. what are the reactions that well, there's been very little reaction to the allegations that this was a deliberate attack. like you said, probably mr. benjamin netanyahu in the entire is really establish, been saying, actually these things just happened a little. it was a tragic accident and we are investigate investigating spots, and there is a brewing control the say, hey about how this actually happened when there's
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a drawing strike when there's a military strike, you have a play command and control structure. someone in the command center, a senior military post that needs to sign off on any strike that happens on vehicles. there's just standard practice. he's right. he's been very proud saying that we know exactly what they do. they also say that they were in touch with the weld central kitchen. so this talk of it being an accident, something that just happens. it more is not something that most military analysts, but we've been speaking to. most people who look at these things very, very carefully suggesting it didn't happen in the way it should have done. there was a clear e, the failure of the come back, come on and control structure bull. it was deliberate and that's what people are discussing right now. was this a deliberate strike, right? and this probably is not the 1st attack on humanitarian workers in guys that many policy and you need workers. i've been killed,
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we likely to see him brought up proper investigation and proper accountability in this case as foreign workers where the victims here well, if you speak to the americans, you speak to the british, the canadians, the poles, and they have strongly ins who have been involved in this is best citizens fail really pushing that narrative, they want to kill it, investigation and they want to know how this actually happens. but nobody says that when it comes with how the sending a work is that have been killed. remo, through all those, the united nation agency relies on palestinians to be able to do the work they comp bringing work is from outside in large numbers for the after lot upon the senate, at least a 110 of those palestinians have been killed since on top of the 7th working for our norwalk, the united nations relief works agency alone. those this have not been investigated in any kind of the way that this one is being investigated. however, will leave the public will read the media,
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see the results of the investigation. all of these raney's site to the countries involved. we're going to give you the results, but you can't make them public. we've seen that in previous investigation's over the years of these, right, these have done. they gave it to the governments on the government side, we've got the investigation. we draw a line underneath it. this however, is the local, public and those. so let's see where these, right, these land on this, but certainly because this is foreign nationals, it is being investigated. there is a highlight on it. but those palestinians, those pos and united work has been killed. no one is off and questions about what happened to them. and ron, thank you very much for that. that same ron con, lived in occupied east jerusalem. was it not mentioned to us present? joe biden has called for a swift investigation. and for the findings to be made, public island fisher has more on this from washington as well. president bygone says he spoke to jose on the race, the founder of the world central kitchen, called him his friend and said he expressed his condolences at the death of the workers and garza. he then goes on in a statement to m some criticism,
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not directly. israel, not explicitly, it is real because of the attack, but we'll ship it back. so you could understand the context here. he says, on average, the heart broken by the death of 7 humanitarian workers, including one america and guys a they were providing foods to hungry civilians in the middle of the war. they were brave and self with their deaths. a tragedy. he then says, israel, his pledge to conduct a southern investigation into why the aid workers vehicle were hit by you strikes that investigation must be in his words. swift, it must bring a current ability and its findings must be made public. now, of course have seen israel carrier investigations and similar sorts of incidents. we'd all just need to had a similar situation. when do you feel these promised a fill in transplant investigation into the killing of a colleague sharing aqua and jeanine 2 years ago. and at that point, these relays admitted that they were responsible,
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but then said that no one would be held accountable for that. this is something that you'll find is clearly trying to avoid, even more tragically, i'd still buy a new statement. this is not a stand alone incident. this conflict has been one of the worst in recent memory in terms of how many ead workers have been killed, of course. and the one has suffered numerous tests in guys a, during the war. and there has to be no statement of this trends from the white house to want to discuss this and the latest developments and as well as one guys i, let's bring in omar, sure, professor of security and military studies at the deadlines to for graduate studies . thank you for joining us, omar. i, let's talk about this attack and the intention because uh there was an interesting article in how rights newspaper, which said that some is really military leaders have claimed the killing of these 7 aid workers on quote, a lack of discipline on the part of commanders in the field, what are your thoughts about this? are we in
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a situation here where is really soldiers in guys are basically set the rules themselves. so let's establish trust defense to be that because there was face to x on 3 cards, right? the investigation is showing yes. and the 2nd one has clearly the, there was some communication after the 2nd strike. so there is an intention of issue there. the missiles that are fired or expensive missiles if it's a, if it's a spike, uh, from in the midst of $450.00, that's about $200000.00 upon a missile, right? if it's something lower, like a very and over the how far it's about a $150000.00 initial as well. so it's, it needs some command, but a, there's a big but here, the way the army has been fighting since the problem is to establish, been since 48 onwards in a, in a relatively decentralized way. and that's why they, the, the technical aggression is very high. what we call in the need to armies the mission command. so they do,
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they devolve the junior officers take quick decisions on the battlefield without going back to the senior ones. and this is what made somebody like a video chat on, for example, a of a decorated the general as opposed to a court martial officer than any other on. so they, they, they allowed to send that ticket actually interesting the, from the germans, from the, the debate amongst the german army who had the concept of, of types technique which is also a mission, 5 tactics. so they did all the juniors to take with decisions. so just, just to clarify, that's the way it's not, it's not necessarily a lack of discipline, but the way the system is set up. where do we need commanders in the field in guys that will make these decisions on their own without a higher command, giving the green light? yes it is. and is there a way of or fed edit has been established and they learned this from the germans and it's been going on for a very long time. and it led to technical aggression multiple victories on that because they are there quicker than enemies, was usually rigid, centralized,
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but more accurate. but it leads also to a lot of a, this is a monks if it ends with all over 50000 in gaza. but also a, this is all posted use as well because you saw the, these really hostages. what are you able to do to acute yeah you, they also the, to the in gaza so far. that's one of the highest rates of death is by 55. so one in every 5 is what you just told you. it was killed by his own cottage, not by a, the adversary's forces. so in a way, it's this the trigger happy. these are technical regression, but also these still a lot of this as to it could me. this is just one scenario because we need more investigation to still understand what really happened. but it could, it could be one of the is so some of the junior officers taking quick decisions or ignoring any signals, any communications that happens, especially after this the off of the 1st strike. now interesting, let's talk about the motivations then. behind this latest is really criminal action because that's what it is, right?
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the you and special rapid tour francesca albany see. i said she believes israel intentionally killed these aid workers to scare humanitarian relief donors and to ensure the continues job ation of palestinians. and guys, what, what do you think the motivation is here by targeting these 8 workers and as a policy, that humanitarian workers as well as we are, it's very difficult to step this multi vision, but you can, if it's, it's a to do right. but the, you know, the problem with the scenario is as they cannot prove them or disprove them until further investigation is being conducted. but there is also a, the, the, the basic but if the idea of what we call strategic bombardment. so basically create an end these ladies have, but what with what they called the da here doctrine, which basically punish the civilians from the areas where the attack has come from or rockets with fired. and therefore, create more and more hostile environment for any and d as lady of tech, and therefore destroyed the infrastructure. and this can fit into that if you,
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if you extend it a bit or push it a bit further, it can lead to a tech. so on the aid workers, but again listed in the early stages. what we know so far is this was intentional, right? it's not, this is not an accident. there wasn't a document thing. yeah. so it's, but it's not it, but it's not an accident, right? and some, i don't know, dean junior or senior officer have to, if they can decision to strike 3 a cause with 3 minutes solve and also the communication that the apparently happened after the 1st like all right, we've heard condemnation from around the world from joe biden, as well, do you believe that any of these rails allies, like the waste will exit more pressure now? and we will pressure on israel after this incident? the fine pressure, hey, who are there? that is the, there is condemnation for a while now that all right, even with holding of the, between the security against a council. but then the pressure will have to turn into
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a stopping the munitions and weapons which actually we know that. so just a couple of days ago, the washington post reported on a new, a new batch of the un security council. resolution on the officer was holding the veto. so it was it. and so yeah, if you, if you read especially means reading the actions and policies to withhold the that military campaign, and so far this is unclear to me that is just happening. thank you so much more for doing you know, so miles show from the do i and did you have graduate studies on after 0 and now moving on in, in west jerusalem police a font with hundreds of these rarities, protesting for the 3rd consecutive night against the prime minister, timely of warn, garza demonstrate has gone tension since the government headquarters and funding and nationalities home, families of the captives being housing guys. i was young, the crowd demanding early elections and a prisoner exchange deal for each. hollins report, smockey bodies through
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a clash is lights on tuesday between is ready. protest is and the police video is shad on social media are and showing on his ready tv showed protest is trying to take down the power case. the police have put up, others scuffling with police as the police were trying to to make the tensions. now, these protests began on sunday nights and planned to last the 4 days and then perhaps more. what they want is the removal of benjamin netanyahu from office. they want him to call on the election so that i can force him out a full size one that can asset the cooling office pos i have a recess. they say that this time of war when there was still more than a 130, is ready to capt saves, inside cause of being held by how much that this is no time for parliamentarians to be going on. holiday passions are running very, very high, and a box is difficult to see the moment. what's the making? the mechanism is by which they can force him to leave office. benjamin netanyahu
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noticed that he is deeply unpopular. he knows that many is right is most is where it is. hold him responsible for the security finance that led to october the 7th. and he knows that if elections were house same and he and his coalition would most likely be out of office. so he is categorically said he is not courting elections unless he changed his mind. want to, the protest is due, well they can build them immense and they can keep protesting and hope that they can force him out of that way. the only other way that perhaps he will leave office at the moment is if that coalition collapses his right wing coalition, they're all crap submit their offices. but for the time being it seems that the competition is holding together for which happens. how does here, you know, keep bodies theresa? a car running, attacking israel has injured for people with these really forces killing the suspected driver. danger, pedestrians included a 23 year old man who was in a critical condition. 3 others were treated by paramedics in the city of tier,
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on the call, kia and the occupied westbank, the ukraine's president assigned to no knowing the late the age of conscription from 27 to 25. as he tries to boost a number of troops fighting rushes invasion. so to me is lensky has warranties forces will need an additional $500000.00 records to repel russian military advances. the move comes ahead of a need to a meeting to discuss the lines of support for ukraine. that's bringing onto very strong stratford in ukraine's capital keys. so tony lowering the army dropped h $225.00. what is the level of public support for this move? and it's very difficult to gauge that actually slowly we do know that so the current ends up facing big problems in problem with another mobilization little let's just put a timeframe on this. what was signed is
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a little yesterday by zalinski was a mobilization little that was passed by the training parliament last may. and as you said in the intro, it was him to sit and wait and settings keys said that they're going to need 500000 up 250-0000 with there's another little that he's ukraine in part of the 1st draft of which was actually sort of the house seat and it's being highly contentious organizations about some of the aspects of that tool. the 2nd floor is the next few weeks we on the stand is that pretty announce or full sales of the main was suggested by you know, so what we're looking at here is something that is highlight the big problems. the pricing is a bicycle in getting trips on the ground, the hey, the what is expected, maybe on a list so many ukrainians. in the defense, the defense areas,
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they would tell you that they are expecting a pushed by russian forces late spring, early summer. but as i say, this is a very contentious issue here. there is a general feeling on the streets when you speak to people of what can only be described as a kind of a creeping move. let's see ukrainians finding it increasingly difficult to convince young men and women to basically fight and get onto those front lines at a time where certainly according to ministry on lists, it's increasingly needed ahead of this expected vaughn. so attention advanced by the russians. right. and what then, can we expect charlie from, from the natal meeting later today? what movements we'd like you to see in terms of west and a terry support? well, we are expecting to hear from you guys again for unified voice on support before you crate. and by nato defense ministers,
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but there are 2 issues that we understand are going to be focused on one of these additional money, more than a $100000000000.00, potentially updates of cash that could well be directed towards you cried. and interestingly, what they are trying to do is take nate, so control of a group called ukraine defense group, all the ramstein group named off to the advice where these, these meetings of, of defense lead is held that this group was set up in the early stages of the war and has been pivotal in supplying weaponry to the ukrainians since the beginning of the war. there was a general feeling certainly according to people diplomats inside nights ago because you didn't meet in the media. there was a general feeling is that that money through that group needs to be back to protect, to, because there is a concern of developments, political dom specifically the, an extra america there is a concern,
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the white house. we know that donald trump is being highly critical of knights always even from the alliance. so there is a concern that they basically need to protect the face group or protect the money and the weapon rates that he's being donated. see to, oh, sorry, given to the new great instance, assume this group, and as a result they want to put it on the some sort of nate. so umbrella, there's going to be no decision as to whether this can actually happen. can be done during these meetings. and it's the same for that money that i've mentioned also, but certainly we're expecting phone, ongoing discussions between meeting and july try would maybe say a very when the key for you, our child stratford. apologies for the quantity of this on the thank you very much for the update. charlie still ahead on algae 0 targeting scam centers in the philippines. how many? so tossing the legal industry that's making billions of $1.08.
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the hello strong systems continue to fly in off the atlantic impact in western europe. we'll talk more about that in one sec, but also is precipitation runs into colder air. it's going to turn to snow for time across the baltic states including light b as capital rica, looking at a dustin but not just the snow. we'll see those winds with up to about 60 kilometers per hour had been hazy and smoggy across central and eastern europe. we tugged up sand and dusts from this hard desert, but what weather has rolled through? so this really freshened up the atmosphere. still mostly cloudy though, across the balkans. plenty of sudden though it's a go around for turkey a but a bit of disturbed weather coming in to turkey is ne, black sea coast, either side of mediterranean. finally, themes beginning to dry off for portugal in spain. catching a few drops here and there,
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but nothing compared to what you saw over the last few days. it's been hot this early in the season in africa long the board, it was molly and mauritania temperature shut up to pretty close to 48 degrees. these winds blowing in that heat from this a hard desert, so now new ok shut and bonds. will your temperatures are up big time. over 24 hours ago. we've got this slug of rain along the borders with south africa botswana and the men b. i certainly could produce some flooding over the next 24 to 48 hours. that's it . so yeah,
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of the african narratives from africans perspective, nature has always been this some way. my child to short documentary spine african film make is looking at the archives that we have sometimes quite heartbreaking to look at from what is key a is that it's part of our history that coupled from nigeria and we writing libraries from canyon africa direct on, i'll just be around the
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welcome back and recap of our top stories on i'll just sierra this. our analogies here investigation is found that these really ami intentionally targeted a wealth, central kitchen conroy in 3 consecutive as strikes and gone. 578 workers were killed on monday. us present, joe biden has called for a swift investigation. ukraine's president brought to me as a lensky has signed into law and measure that noah's conscription to setting the army from age 27 to 25. the country ends to mobilize up to a high as a 1000000 soldiers to battle russian and the strong as far as the weight for 25 years in taiwan. as can let me send people an injured hundreds more, many a trapped in the rumble of collapse, buildings from on the sides quaking pass a no taiwan. let's speak to adam pass khan. who is the chief scientist at the privately owned earthquake observatory sized monitor? the research center is leih from melbourne in australia. thank you very much for being with us. so taiwan is regularly rocked by these earthquakes because of its location on the pacific. rain of fire. this was
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a very powerful are as quakes that was developed across the island. what does the early data indicate in terms of severity and its impact? certainly it is, as you mentioned, a lot just as cranking in 25 years. and in total of $7.00, being so close to uh, a lot of city hall in uh to the backs are going to be much more severe, particularly how relatively show our view as close as well. so i shot or if quake. what was the early warning system effective you think so far was seeing a desk told a 7 is not likely to change. i imagine that by increases more people are discovered missing or traps, and potentially might lose a lots. but the car got early warning system. the most did a good rise, but um, from what i'm hearing the text messaging to the basically the entire country of the coverage was funny side all i think it, that sounds like not everyone got that message,
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but the broad cost either the radio and television system seem to get out pretty quickly. tell us a bit more about this specific ring of fire that taiwan lies on it. and you know, the reason that these are as quick happened frequently in that region of the world . it is a very complicated tectonic setting wave to the wherever tar bodies to the the philippines sea has the. ready site over time, that it's sort of a joining the part of the, the pacific flights as well as on the edge of the pacific time. so there's a couple of flights joining together at that point. where's the regime pipe? and the philippines they play to clogging. so there is quite a lot of uh, of productivity in that region and you can get those very large. it has quite a few. i'd like june 7 and i'd advance in the area. and uh, i think the largest on record in anything that ratio was an 8.2 back in not a 20. so i have had lodgers quite excited this before, but just not for
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a long time. right. definitely the extent of this uh, it's quite the damage is still being assessed in taiwan with, with rotan and rail closures. limiting access to the epi center, whining county, which is i understand an isolated area, the aftershocks. how long can we expect those to continue? and how powerful will they continue to be? or to explain the magnitude 645 off the truck out to you shortly after the main shop. and they've been dozens of making shoot 5 events in the, in the hours since we would expect to close up the shops to continue for some time uh, some weeks months. uh, to the point where that would be fairly. um, there's always a possibility or larger events. let's reduce it as time goes on. but till you come as a rule out. the fact that this my my have another logic in the sequence, which would also make it difficult for
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a search and rescue operations as well because every auto shop can shake already we can do for structure. so it is certainly a concern. thank you so much for talking to a thank you for insight out on pass. call the chief scientist at the privately owned earthquake observatory seismology research center lived there in melbourne. thank you for your time. you're welcome. i. the attentions of a taiwan has been discussed in a phone call between the us and chinese presidents. the white house says joe biden, and children being also talked about trade issues and chinese support for russia in the war and ukraine. the biden administration has faced limits on the transfers of us technology to china as both compete for dominance and artificial intelligence. katrina, you has more from b, j a this is the 1st phone call between 0 by the end and see didn't thing since the music in san francisco's last november and both sides describes the cool as constructed. she didn't read out was quite positive. he said that both sides had taken strides to stabilize the relationship and that this has been broken by the
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international community. however, it seems to think also raised that they were negative factors that needed urgent attention. the 1st issue he mentioned was about taiwan. he said that this was a red line topic, photo lineup that the us should not for us now are blind and has said that the us supports the one china principal, but it does not support time when he's independent. the aging, however, would like this message translated into a complete she didn't think loose or raised what he said was the suppression of chinese trade and technological development. by the us, he said that this was not the worst thing, but indeed this was creating risk. cindy who owned the tunnel would not sit back and watch. now the us for each plot raised concerns about trying to close ties with mosca, what bite him referred to as trying to support for russia's defense, industrial base, given its invasion of ukraine blood and also raised concerns about what he described this on staff practices in trade by the pos,
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are you saying that this was funding american family? now, this whole was really not about phrasing, more outcomes, but rather about keeping communication channels for them. and what are biden has said is the most consequential. i left her relationship in the world, but the 2 sides did agreed to continue working together on the areas of counseling, politics, climate change, and a. and certainly discussions on the bilateral relationship will continue when us secretary of state, as me blinking visits in a few weeks, and us treasury secretary, john hill and visits china. lisa training alda 0 agent. i imagine the meeting of the united nations security council has called for the escalation and accountability following, and he's really as try can syria, 14 people were killed on the radian conflict in damascus. israel didn't attend the meeting, but yvonne told council members that it was a right to take a decisive response given ladies on delay for some un headquarters in new york.
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during an emergency security council meeting, a u. n. plea for caution in response to israel's attack. une ron's diplomatic consul, it in damascus. any miscalculation could lead to abroad the conflict in and the tide region with the best they think consequences for cvd is what already the sink and president of the suffering? russia echoed the views of many council members saying is real, is clearly the aggressor is quoting us, those that we are of the view that such aggressive actions by israel designs to further feel the conflict. they absolutely unacceptable and must stop. algeria said, the timing of israel strike was deliberate duties, evident that this i'm jealous dungeon, his art, he's of nature to throw that on by a vision,
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into what makes israel's attack so troubling to many diplomats that work in this building. is it? it was a direct violation of many long standing international agreements, such as the vienna convention meant to protect diplomatic facilities from unprovoked aggressions. even the united states, israel, strongest ally, signaled they were troubled by it. we do not yet have confirmation of the status of the building that was struck in damascus or any confirmed attack on property. there was, in fact a diplomatic facility would be of concern to the united states. israel has not claimed responsibility for the attack and did not ask to attend the meeting. you run did, and said the strike shows how is real is a threat to the region, is religion, the eyes of us to escalate? perpetuate the conflict? one rating accountability you run to the council, it reserves the right to take
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a decisive response. something many on the council were warning against, but know could very well be likely. gabriel's on to how does it at united nations in new york police into kia, questioning, nightclub managers after fi, a keels, 29 people in the assemble. i've seen them go see reports, questions that being asked about how the cab was allowed to stay open. why renovations were being carried out this far random night club in a stumble to 29 lives on tuesday. the most great night club was 2 floors under ground. beneath the 16 story residential building, there was one entrance and one exit no back door, no windows to bring chairs. there was no obligation to the local municipality for the reason of issue at all. a construction of these place you trust to flows down the ground level, the repair work wasn't feasible to the cloud was closed for renovations,
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of people who died or the construction team, and some of the club employees risk team still us people died of smoke as there was no escape cologne could especially collins beans and other little bearing pos i move around during renovation. these sorts of projects like prop the interior design work, a professional would know how to keep work a safe unhealthy while on the job and how to avoid touching the heavier parts of the building and i witnesses the neighbors say, a spark from the welding machine ignited the sound by solution materials. they were fill out. this place has been a night club for the case. it's supposed to be in the scene a fight in murder of question. why and how spectrum was underground was remitted in the 1st place. elders are assembled, staying and took a protest, so spread in eastern and southern provinces. dozens of a rest have been made after election. officials overturned the results in the predominant dakota city of fine election officials have ruled that the d. n party
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candidate can't hold public office because of a previous conviction. the ruling act party is candidate is said to become may or instead to the philippines the way or the 40 say hundreds of chinese owned online casinos operating illegally in the country, at least to have been shut down since october work has also electric torture and forced labor barnaby. lo report, somebody a cyber gaming hub in a small town north of manila operating under the radar. but when police descended on the facility in mid march, they found hundreds of workers and evidence their running scans. 7 middle managers were arrested, but the chinese owners remain at large. the operation was triggered bad to from, of getting these employee who managed to escape and contact authorities. they the retail me for the cooking, the gym. and that is not the chip. we just call
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the companies uh and said look it up. and dylan who has from the leisure, says his friend sold him to the company. i just want to be saved by receipt as not allowed to do. both of them say they were beat up when they couldn't make the monthly target of $40000.00, much like a workers of an online gambling site, and many of the say they were tortured in this room. it was also found to have been a prostitution 10. the site now serves as a detention center, human trafficking victims and employees. a waiting deputation are housed here, a former online gaming compound, law enforcement officials rated it last year. it turned out to be the headquarters of a scamming enterprise, also run by chinese businessmen. the chinese online casino industry, locally known as the philippines, offshore gaming operators or pulse grew exponentially during the term of former
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president would be good to try to authorize. the chinese embassy says it's job is to protect us citizens, but it's also cooperating with philippine authorities. it's highly probable that the people who are disputed from 14 board they just transferred to another photo. so we're creating a localized in deep g nice scamming industry in the philippines. but it's a crisis of regional portions. the united nation says more than 200000 and may be trapped in scam operations in myanmar and combos. the philippine government says hundreds are still illegally operating in the country in an industry. this generating billions of dollars in revenue. each year bonded below alger 0, manila c i had on algae 0 setting sale in mexico city. as the lake dries up, we'll take a closer look at the impact of wasting water crisis as having on the beach
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the or
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the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back. the united nation says gang violence in haiti is force 53000 people to free the capital in the past. 3 weeks ago and most forests from 4 to friends have moved south. the u. n. is wanting that area is outside the capital. don't have the resources to handle the influx. the lack of security in the capital has cost food shortages and in the collapse of the health care assistance. yeah, i know what the social called, there's been a shocking rise in killings and kidnappings. say true violence, particularly targeting women and young girls is pervasive and very likely to have
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reached levels not seen before. as the number of internally displaced people rises up to 360000. now, according to the iowa, him, so to just the further risk of sexual violence, as people find themselves away from their homes and their communities, the scale of human rights abuses is unprecedented and more than haitian history inflicting humanity or a catastrophe. on an already exhausted people, mexico's government is taking preventative measures against but flu. that's often outbreak across the board or in the us state of texas. the virus has jumped from birds to cattle and has now been confirmed in 2 people. but also these are insisting the risk to the public is no. john, 100 reports us health officials say a person in texas has contract in burn flu after being in contact with cows. the us centers for disease control and prevention says the person likely a farm worker is recuperating,
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the spread to farm animals. and now humans has farmers worried. as soon as i heard that it was crossing into cows, dairy cows, it's like, oh boy that's, that's my industry. and i know there's going to be some fall out probably from that . it's the 2nd case of a human testing positive for the virus. since the disease surprised health researchers by moving from birds took housing goats in texas, kansas and other us states. in a statement, the cdc says the patient reported i read miss consistent with can jump dividers and their only symptom indeed is recovering. the patient has been told to isolate and is being treated with an antiviral flu drug. so far as bird flu has not proved deadly to couch at this stage, sparing farmers, they need to use an ice sick animals just because it's the same virus that we're seeing in our, in our poultry and our bird populations is that we are, it is a different response at this point time, it will be no call for any kind of of warranties or any kind of
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a d population in our room. and in an arc out of populations, livestock, or recovering in 7 to 10 days that you, people with birds flew, are also on demand leading health officials to say there's no need for public concern. for now. john henry and l g 0. recovery teams in the us city of baltimore have opened a 2nd temporary channel to allow some vessels to reach one of america's major ports . most commercial shipping remains blocked after a bridge collapse a week ago. authorities are working on a 3rd channel that will allow laundry vessels to pass through the bottleneck. 6 people were killed when the front is called key bridge collapse storms. i have read through several us states, leading many homes and businesses without power. drivers in ohio felt the full force of the strong winds and heavy rain at clean up is on the way in kentucky and oklahoma, where a 46 year old homeless man, homeless woman robin died wild sheltering in
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a dre drainage fight. tornado warnings, remaining pace, parts of alabama and georgia. now to one of the largest cities in the world where leaky pipes are creating a severe shortage of water. mexico city needs urgent and expensive upgrade, so its water supply system. but government progress is slow and that's having a major effect in all sorts of ways. as julia got ayano report from vida brand new mexico selling teams could always count and having enough water for them to drain, is now though the lake and the countryside was by you, the gravel has shrunk so much that team members are dragged their vessels over the dry ground to the water's edge. coach maggio has watched the clubs most vital resource received before his eyes. over the past few years, garvin was clicked almost the whole because it shuttles low, so a little to allow every day. and it's a little bit harder to get the sail boats into the water, and we have to prep the terrain so that we can even get to the piers, which isn't it? sad really,
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that we're running out of water on the i've seemed to be taking it very likely as a society. this is the largest and most important of the rest of our stuff. feed mexico cities, water system, an average of 6000 liters of water. a 2nd flow out of here and into the city. but currently this recivore is that a 3rd of its capacity, there's no better proof of that than where we're standing right now. not long ago, all of this was underwater. the rest of wars border joins the good. so my last system complex network of pipelines and dams that brings water to mexico city from 300 kilometers and 2 states away. the remaining water needed in the capital is pumped from the underground as a 1st lakes on which the city was 1st built. but almost half of that water is lost once it reaches the city. much of it in broken all pipes that leak underground, fixing them as an endless task. as soon as maintenance screws are done with one
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repair, another half a dozen pop up with a huge challenge because he requires invest menu to record it and the media attention. you need to drill more wells right away. you need to do repairs right away, and we have these a specific situation occurring right now. and you said alarming, because if it doesn't rain, wouldn't you definitely gave us to figure it out. well, we're going to this coming up. the longer it goes on, the more mexican cities water crisis is affecting people well beyond the capital itself. the crisis in the city is literally sucking neighboring states, dr. leaving national champions and olympic hopefuls with the additional fear of losing the very water they trained on julia go yano alj a 0 by you there, but i will. mexico, a candidate to be mayor of one of mexico's most violent cities has been killed on the 1st day of her election campaign. hey, say a guy ton was shot and 3 others injured during
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a visit to meet supporters near the city of saliva. she's one of at least $22.00 male candidates murdered in mexico since last september. and that is in use for now and i'll just here, just stay with us. i'll have plenty more of the day, so i'm sorry, is coming up after the show. great, thanks. so much i coveted beyond wells taken without hesitation, fulton died for power defines how well we live here. we make the rule, not them. they find an enemy and then they try and scare the people with that. and the people in power investigate explosion is and questions they use them to be of our around that one out there in 5 months of continuous funding, israel has destroyed nearly all of the cost is higher education system. 12 of 19
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universities completely destroy 95 professors and ph. d holders, $231.00 teachers and administrators, polk, you palestinians describe witnessing apparel and systematic, more on education designed to wipe out gaza schools and universe how it s as an attempt to annihilate the policy and influence on the academic work, obvious attempts, administrators and students say to silence peaceful protest at a century old institution with a history of fighting for free. oh, bully, campuses and activism. go head here in romo like it's no different. this is exactly what kind of stay discharge israel's motives or clear rate campuses suppress students, fresh hopes for a better future by trying to deplete power. stein's greatest resource, it's people in the line, the palestine hope is then we reach out to hand,
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let the giving begin with okay. foundation you donated with kindness. you showed you. okay. now let's also show you we'll deliver it. so done nights with confidence donates without kat foundation with every packed on 19 with every press will bring it to light. a little love in palestine. we share or the analogy is erie investigation reveals is really forces deliberately targeted and instructional aid convoys. gosh, i with 3 consecutive as strikes, killing 78, working the way you're watching out your 0 line from bill. how with me for the back to or also


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