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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 3, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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the milk man, so there is a place for each woman, but i understand now is that that it should be very hard for mothers to leave that handling. but as to when it runs on, it's a decision increasing numbers of women may be called on to make. the al jazeera investigation reveals how is really forces deliberately targeted and international aids, con, voice, and also the 0. my for my headquarters and cell fine, very navigate is also a heads. several agencies are forced to suspend food distribution and goes off after monday's attack, worsening simon conditions on the ground. the strongest earthquake to hit taiwan and 25 years. at least 9 people are killed on justin's,
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are trapped in the rubble of collapse. buildings and broadway declares and national disaster because of drought, for rainfall across southern africa means millions are going hungry. the just 2 days after israel killed $78.00 workers and gaza and al jazeera investigation has found they were intentionally targeted, is really military launched, 3 consecutive airstrikes against the world. central kitchen workers, despite being told of their movement reports also suggest is really military officers and soldiers in gaza, routine the act on their own violating army regulations on proper chain of command . and one is really newspaper has quoted, is really army sources. a saying in gaza, everyone does as he pleases. 6 of the victims were for nationals and one as
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palestinian their bodies, the bodies of the 4 nationals have been moved to egypt. so here's what they all do . 0 investigation has revealed. the role central kitchen says it's 3 vehicles left the warehouse here that some data and find out sometime around 10 30 pm local time . on april, the 1st the convoy travel just over 4 kilometers, making it to the sheet streets along the coast. witness to say the 1st vehicle was hit by a missile here, just before 10, 45 pm, the injured racine being transferred from the 1st car to the 2nd armored vehicle. the 2nd car made it 800 meters south from the 1st attack. when it too was bombed photos, clearly show it was head straight through the roof by projectile from above the 3rd vehicle. the convoy made it a further 1600 meters down the road before it was hit by a 3rd and final strike. also through its roof. the roof central kitchen of founder jose andras' has published and off and in the new york times in it. he says the
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agency welcomes the is really government's promise to investigate the attack. and that the strike was a direct attack on clearly marked vehicles whose movements were known by the israel defense forces. he adds the attack was a direct result of a policy that squeezed humanitarian aid to desperate levels to so 1st, joining us from occupied east jerusalem. what are you hearing from your ends regarding all of this honda and has an investigation even been launched at this point of the means really army has said that this investigation has been launched in a preliminary finding was made that it was quote, a mistake that according to these really army chief of staff personally however you, but they're also saying that an independent body is going to be investigating. and those findings will be revealed within the next few days. but we're not quite sure what exactly that is going to in entail. since the army has already admitted its
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fault. additionally, this piece in horace that is citing military sources. the saying that there is a lot of negligence from is really army commanders on the ground. and there is in communication between these 8 organizations and the army for coordination. about their movements, while these really army has said it's quote, sorry for what has happened that they were missed identified. and it was a mistake. investigations are finding that they were deliberately targeted something these really army is helping to answer to from a number of international partners. and yes, speaking of the international partners, there has been quite a bit of condemnation considering that these were foreign workers were operating in gaza. is not putting any pressure on the is really is at all so there's certainly been a lot of pressure on the as rarely army throughout the entirety of this war. but for this incident, specifically 6 for nationals who were killed as
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a result of not one but 3 is really or strikes but targeted these aid workers. so there is a lot of pressure to get answers to see exactly what has happened. but previously these really army has not once admitted to the other, any unlawful killing of palestinians, a 170. he's the 3 other 8 workers have been killed since this war began. but there wasn't this kind of scrutiny. there wasn't this level of investigations with rather deflections from the is really army, but this time it a little bit different because there are several other countries for now involved seeking answers for me is really army on how this group of 8 workers was targeted. even though these really army knew of their whereabouts and their movements. okay, thank you. honda sometimes reporting from occupied eastern as well after mondays attack world central kitchen suspended it's operations and gaza displace palestinians say that they fear attacks like these will lead to further suffering. here's a look at other agencies who face similar challenges. the american near east refugee
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agency has suspended its operations and gaza as well. a group has provided an average of a 150000 meals a day, and partnership with the world central kitchen. february un agency for palestinian refugees, owner was suspended, it's 8 operations to northern gaza. this came after what it called a collapse of civil order and prevention of safe passage for its trucks and other organizations like international medical corps, which was one of the largest field hospitals ended up, is also rethinking its humanitarian work. in garza, the head of the world health organization has been speaking about the extreme danger, facing humanitarian workers and gaza and his calling for safe access. for somebody, joel has been working with wells and turn the kitchen in garza to deliver food to health workers and patients in hospitals. this horrific incident highlights the
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extreme danger under weak visual colleagues and our partners are working and we'll continue to work. but we can only do so. we say foxes. this means on effective and time spot in. mcdonough isn't for the confliction must be put in place to ensure he monitored and chromeboys can move safely. we need more entry points, including in northern garza, cleared drugs and predictable and expedited passage to checkpoints, delays, and denials of the money to it, and emissions not only prevent us from reaching those in need, but also impact other operations and deliveries by diverting scarcity sources. sandra state as palestine countries director for the n g o american near east refugee agency, she says israel needs to guarantee the safety of aid workers for saving lives. and
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the long term impacts are going to be dire. we already know that the situation on the ground is extremely difficult, even when an era was providing both a $150000.00 meals a day. the v c k was providing as much anymore. and now we are suspending. we have not completely stopped. we're digging applause right now to c and d. evaluate the safety of our staff. our staff have guided our work and they themselves feel like there's a target on their backs and have requested that we take a cause so that we can insure their safety. this all depends on the daily side. is the indiscriminate killing that's been taking on taking place in the last 6 months . uh, your colleagues, letting you know that there was a 173 in our humanitarian aid workers till the last 6 months. but that number is over 200 for all the medicare and a workers were we also see a high rise of feelings in for medical professionals, journalists, civilians, children. we are waiting to have some assurance from israel and from the
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international community that doing this 5 say the work will not constitute putting a target on our stuff that let's speak to honey, my fluid. now honey is joining us from but i saw him this house at the gaza strip. so honey 1st, where he reports that the bodies of the $4.00 and $8.00 workers find out less garza and are in egypt of the yeah, so they are earlier hours today, the bodies of the 6 aid workers where the holder of, for in passports were transferred to rough i crossing and work uh there were a delegations on the other side of from their invest these in countries who will receive the, the divide is here. and it just the fact that it is happening for an international organization and providing humanitarian supplies and foods and cooking meals for
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displays. families has caused the great deal of res, here among how has been any of these people bonded very well with the, with the family that displays families. the dates prepared meals for them and provided them with the food supplies and survival items are much needed right now for it is due to compact these desperate situations. the situations have been widely a perceived as a deliberate direct attacks on, on a humanitarian, a done on, on aid workers on the ground in the immediate, as somebody expressed here with a frustration they media. a short term goal is just to spend the work of the w. c. k. right across the, the gaza strip, nearly 4 people in the central area and over a crowded robot. but they look at the long term goal that these really military is intending to it to you, which is discouraging donors, discouraging organizations and others who are interested in the costs from coming
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forward and providing, held for the population that is being starved in uh with the spread of family that the ongoing and things bombing campaign so far, we're seeing a suspension of operations of the w. c. k. we have another organization up at the base in washington, dc on year old. so suspended operations were also red about the united arab emirates suspended participation in the human and 3 and core door that was intended to provide humanitarian aid and food supplies. and much of these items really needed right now to combat them and, and, and the chip phase, these difficult live in circumstances, palestinians. i've been going through an experience thing since the day of the war started on gauze. all right, and in october tiny, um oh, just update us on done on the past few hours and what happens in terms of is really airstrikes where they've taken place in the restroom. all
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right, well we again very, you'll get really separate the 2 tablets from each other because the ongoing and since the bombing campaign is, is it still hindering? uh, people are from getting down there in the fact that he's on the ground even with the absence of, of, of organization providing a to hear people to still fight it. very difficult to go from one place to another because of the fear of that do they are going to be targeted by these relentless air strikes. so the central area has been a major side, so of air of major air raids and artillery sitting since the early hours of this morning. we talked about refuge account and also here in the higher in, in the southern part of this, the midland, han you and is the defense the early hours of this morning. it comes to non stop our dealers sending in an air strike the targeted the eastern part of the city where if people weren't go that transferred to the guys or of the hospital. but it was really very tragic about what's going on is the systematic control,
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demolition of remaining residential homes in the eastern part of hon. you and is a core to an eye witness. the entire area has been a clear to from any physical structure right now because of the ongoing destruction of residential homes. okay, thank you, honey. my fluids of reporting for us from what i saw in the gaza strip or israel's plan to band for a news networks including algebra 0 has been sharply criticized by governments around the world or diplomatic attitude. james base spoke to the spanish prime minister petra sanchez here in dell hall. he says freedom of the press is crucial for a democratic government, a more generous of died in gauze than anywhere else in the world. now problem this and this and you know whose government is binding out as a result for patients in israel. is this quite literally a case of israel shooting the messenger who will offer free press is on the hallmark of any uh, i would say self respecting uh,
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a democratic government and the from my side on from the spanish type. what we do is to uh, to support uh, the uh, the, the work uh, made by the majority of these across the world. and especially in gus that in these very difficult circumstances. so many leaders, including yourself, were warned about the danger opposite of this war. spreading in that context, israel's recent attack on me, reiney and diplomatic building and the syrian capital damascus. do you think killed top officials of the codes force? do you think that was acceptable or reckless active publications? acceptable? it's not acceptable. it needs to be clarified by israeli government, and of course, these ad goes into a direction that you mentioned before, which is we need to avoid an escalation of the conflict in the region and from a spain we have deployed many years ago. one of our largest,
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the u emissions on the ground, which is in leaving on the, on the of course we are trying to, to guarantee the peaceful coexistence between the leaving these people, the, i'm the east where the people in, that's a very difficult border between the these 2 countries and, and we are very concerned about the situation and that is why we ask. and we commend the sway to government to try to avoid these. the said these regional escalation that we are witnessing, for instance, with these an attack and in series to wait and watch the full interview. the spanish prime minister paras sanchez on thursday, april 4th at 1430 gmc right here on alger 0. still ahead on algebra 0, but the ukraine tries to increase its true numbers. nato considers a proposal to provide it with long term military aids fuss across down in the
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philippines on illegal online casinos, how work or say they were kidnapped and tortured into scamming customers. the the go what looks like a circulation forming just exactly stations in indonesia and it just the eastern side of bodies circulation. hey, which would suggest flooding is quite likely. was to taylor into the rainy season natural. and we've got the hint of big range on his way, maybe to knows in sooner ways you know something, philippines, hopefully mostly of open water here. it's much dryer in thailand for this part of southeast asian mainland south, east central shumate. quite hot night, but it's not generating many scientists tools. and this is
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a little unusual. the plumb rains should be something like late may or june, but you could argue this line, which is fairly continuous, is the style thoughts that particularly as hong calls temperatures 30 or so if you want is about 6 squeezed, above average. that is also one usually to fluctuate very much throughout the year . but the writing is a little bit in line from that. hong kong marquetto, he found the storm the next day or so the right instructions up to what was the something positive of the attitude banks, the yangtze, and actually the west of that. beyond that, but it's pretty normal. and you and this is japan. nice though. yeah. not much right now other not just yet. like twice for india. the story is one of health and she read whether the problem, anything else that pause at $41.00, the cold cost of the is shumate. the there was a time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a, but it was not a jew, israel's,
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of state. and they need to be treated as any other state. what. this is where the tough questions are asked. can you see negotiations being even happen? this is the most important, which if you're going to negotiate, poll unapologetic, i'm just upfront on out the, the, [000:00:00;00] the color again, the top stories on alta 0, this our, the bodies of 64, and 8 workers kills line is where the strike has been transferred out of gaza into egypt, the world essential kitchen from boy was targeted on monday. several 8 agencies
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have been forced to limit operations in fear of further is really it's analysis or investigation. has found that the a tomboy was intentionally targeted is really military launch 3 consecutive airstrikes against the world. central kitchen workers. despite being told of the press cameras and taiwan or pulling earthquake victims from the rubble of their homes, the strongest tremor to hit the island and 25 years, topple buildings killing of these 9 people and injuring hundreds the underwater magnitude. $7.00 quakes struck at around 8 am, was also felt in southern japan, eastern china, on the philippines zane bus. robbie has the latest people in taiwan woke up to the strongest earthquakes. there is 45 years. the magnitude 7.2 quick struck off the east coast after shots rattles communities across the cell
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from rhode island, causing power cuts and some buildings to collect text messages, ward, coastal areas of this, you know, be through the human because it sounds, it was very strong it's felt as this, the house was getting to topple, to yell 10 behind. it was shaken very violently. all the motorcycles outside our house to pulled over, so i quickly switched off the gas and the electrical switches. the when i realized it was an earthquake, i couldn't put on my clothes and shoes. i gotta drive the kid with me and run down the stairs. officials and the capital type pace that it was the strong distrust quite to hit taiwan and offshore islands since 1999. when a 7.6 magnitude quick, the worst natural disaster in the islands history killed in estimated 2400 people. more strong aftershocks are expected in coming. do something out for me. if you cut the 100 feet, you may have already seen reports of houses, building roads damaged and many, but he goes head by falling rocks in one the in area in the type, adf, mitchell, and the high speed transport suspended. i would like to request that under one
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department to gosh the golden time for the rescue activity patio search and rescue work for the people. pick the best, get injured people and pick emergency these up to them and measures. japan in the philippines were also on sit on the alert, japan national broadcast or warning viewers to evacuate their homes. hope you know was main airport temporarily suspending all flights, but the sooner i mean warnings have since been lifted. the region is no stranger to highly destructive seismic events in 2011 japan suffered its biggest real quick on record a massive 9.0 magnitude. under see jo triggered a synonymy that left around 18500 people dead or missing. it also caused the focus stream, a nuclear power plant, disaster the most serious accident since turnover, and a $7.00 magnitude, right click on new years day this year. it depends no dependence. you're feeling more than 230 people. the same bus, ruddy,
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old is your brains president assigned the law that brings down the age of conscription from 27 to 25. as he aims to reinforce the fight against russia's invasion, the letter of the landscape has worn that an additional half a 1000000 recruits are needed to repel the russian advances. ukraine has struggled to boost truth numbers with the conflict now in its 3rd year. or the mobile ization comes as native foreign minister has made in brussels to discuss long term support for you. frayne. that includes a proposal for $107000000000.00 funding funds to roll out over 5 years. most school needs to understand that they cannot achieve the goals on the battlefield of the colonel. wait those out. we mean, it's the collab i, we will address the current situation on ukraine's needs both now and for the future. we are transforming naples, comprehensive assistance package into
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a multi year program of assistance. we are helping ukraine move closer tonight to naples standards on everything from procurement or logistics us. and we are supporting ukraine's reform efforts to bring ukraine ever closer to the lines. charles stratford as following developments from ukraine's capital keith is taking the ukrainian and president almost a year to sign this into laura mobilization load. it was passed by the ukrainian parliament in my last year. we know the president's and then scheme. december said that he wanted to see potentially up to $500000.00 additional troops on the front line. we know the ukrainians are struggling to mobilize. and this comes as there are increasing rumors and phase amongst members of the training defense establishment and military analysts to a saying that russia are planning a potential offend, saving the late spring early summer. meanwhile, another mobilization low is,
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is being debated in ukraine in parliament. the 1st draft of that was thrown out because of the concerns about human rights, and indeed whether they was going to be potentially an exemption for certain people earning a certain amount of money on a, on a monthly basis. so the 2nd draft of that bill is being heavily contested. we understand that up to full 1000 amendments, suggestions have be made. that debate goes on with the signing of this low. now by presidents zalinski, i think highlights shift how difficult ukrainians of all i need to get men and women working on those front lines. just drop it down to 0, keith. the government and zimbabwe has declared a state of emergency because of extreme drought. the failure of annual reigns has left millions of people threatens with hunger and forced money to rely on food aids . climate change on the nino weather phenomenon have worsened errors conditions in
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zimbabwe, a neighboring countries in southern africa, harold latasha, as this report from zimbabwe capital ferrari. when you move around her, either you see that many people have gone maze in the yards on the side of the road and made the staple food in zimbabwe. but the crop is struggling. when you leave the city, go to the finds, the rule is you'll have to find the cups they'll say, not doing well. they either dying or they are the most in bobbies. no, it's going to be a bad season. it's going to be a bad harvest. pleasant image and then god wants to pay the state of disaster. so he says he's asking for help in terms of money and age for me to international community. he says that the government have to import grading from other countries and that is going to be trying to everything and can to make sure no and baldwin, stop. most farmers use his drugs was coming, but what happened to late january, early february, the kinds of received some rain for some farmers to a gamble and try to solve
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a something within this dry storage of hits. and if assisted for weeks was probably thought of dying and brain dead pauses. and mill is a saying that farmers are bringing as much amazed as they should be ringing. and this is the could be shortages and price increases. now this job has affected the region of southern africa, malawi, and samuel declared, the state austin's office of advocate the could use of grading and serial in the region could also be entitled because of the drought in doubt. reports that south africa may also need to import grain. if this does continue harden with us, i'll just cut out salvage teams have opened a 2nd temporary channel for shipping at the us puerto baltimore, the most vessels remain blocked. following the bridge collapse a week ago, 6 people were killed when a container ship lost power and collided with a bridge. supports engineers are working on a 3rd channel to allow larger vessels to pass through the bottleneck at one of america's largest ports for
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a shortage of drinking water in mexico is forcing money to start collecting rain water to get them through the dry season support of se rain harvesting can transform communities, threatened by droughts. julia go, yano reports from mexico city. it hasn't rained in nearly 6 months, but sit up who they need. this is water reserves are going strong. he's confident what he has stored will get him through the rest of the dry season until he can start this year's rain harvest in 2 months. when i say that i can harvest more than 25000 leaders in one season. for kennedy, one more time, the numbers in between all that i give away to my neighbors and what i can the means receive most i catch between 25 and 30000 leaders on my 90 square meter roof . that to bring to mean is when they may need enough clean water for his small
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family to cover all their needs. then he just as among a growing number of mexico city residents resorting to rain harvesting as a way to mitigate the cities water crisis. the system installed by an n g o called east load by now works by collecting rainfall from roof, sending it through filters and into storage for all kinds of personal use. organizations that promote rain water collection say can transform communities such as this one by bringing otherwise wasted water to some of the people that need it most. but for it to really have a wide impact, it needs political will. and large scale investment. despite a sharp decrease in rainfall due to climate change, mexico city still gets more precipitation than cities like london, but with no organic way for the water to filter into the underground aquifers that supply much of the city's water. most of it is lost. this, along with aging infrastructure and exponential population growth has led to
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a serious water shortage in the mexican capital. enter architect loaded that gas bill. we're looking at how water enters from the street carrying all the run off. she designed this part in the area of the city most prone to flooding where rain water is redirected from the street to natural filtering systems that replenish the aquifers. and i know that that is a big believer in public spaces becoming natural water rest of wars. so we live in this paradox of star city of drinking water, and we break out a report to take your life to catch har, where the cuts are re prime minister. my how my been i'm just my understanding is holding a press conference with the spanish prime minister. petra sanchez was on an official visit to the country. let's listen in or in guys. other parts of the spanish mature of a custody of the lessons that are to have developed. great, please,
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since the inception and within us of 1970, to not in the bottom throughout half a century. these relations have developed on own front political, social, economic, and about an investment, namely, and grades and energy by the own. it's in between today, these relations where crowns by signing a memorandum of understanding on the 1st strategic dialogue between the state of got to that kingdom of spain. and we hope this move will over well. so due to the benefits and prosperity of both our respective people offering our discussions today. and so that is in the latest development in guys this trip. namely, the on 1st sex and then what i need a spilling over of violence to other occupied territories here, including the, is really attack on the are on an embassy in the syrian capital,


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