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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 3, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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150 meters down the track. we can have them store things in the darkness. as the volunteers showing lights that attend them, they move away. but they'll be back. they frequently return to places they know they'll find food. and the medicine never forgets. the israel's ministry recalls ad defense was obvious to days, often attack on iran conflicts in damascus. the i'm on the inside this island, is there a life or so coming up? you know, it's a nation is the, spends a movement at night in gauze of to is really forces talking to an international aid convoy kenning, 7 workers, national disaster declared in zimbabwe because of droughts for rain,
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full across southern africa means millions of going hungry. the strongest best way to hit taiwan in 25 years. at least 9 people are killed and dozens of traps in the rubble of collapse. building the as well as ministry is recalling ad defense reserve is to that basis. is there any media or reporting that this is in anticipation of a possible response from iran? it's off to israel, attacked his counselor in damascus on monday. kidding, senior rainy and ministry officials. let's go straight to oranges. there is home to salute cheese in oki parties, tourism. so what exactly are you hearing about this and, and just give us some context. i mean, when was the last time is real like she because it was obvious in this way a well based on
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a new assessment by the israeli army and israel's defense ministry, it was decided that the aerial defense rate would be bolstered and reserve is would be called up. now what this all means is that israel has an era defense system that is 3 fold. the iron down which you are most familiar with for short range missiles, but david sling and the arrow now they are now trying to bolster all of these mechanisms in anticipation for some sort of retaliatory response by perhaps be it on in the last time we really saw israel call up reserve. this was when the war began on october, the 7th. it's not really no know how many they are calling up in this particular instance. additionally, we have heard from israel defense minister just in the last several days, who said that his role is no longer quote on the defensive. returning to pursue his butler and any sort of 8 on in about allies in the region. he says, and it's that they are going to pursue them wherever they may be, whether it's damascus, beta, or anywhere else in the middle east. these really army chief of staff hurts the
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however you just a couple of days ago after holding a situational assessment on his roles. northern border says that he has approve new battle plans and strategies for the continued attacks in southern 11 on so is really media is reading into this of shortly an escalation in the middle east. okay . thank you for that home to celebrate the 1st unoccupied east jerusalem to the united nations says it's the spending a movement at nights in gauze and because of security concerns about decision comes 2 days off to israel killed $78.00 work is now to their investigation. has found they were intentionally targeted, this writing ministry launched 3 consecutive strikes against the well central kitchen workers. despite being told, if that movement reports also suggest is really ministry officers and soldiers, inc also routinely act on their own violating army regulations and the profit chain
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of command. now one is running newspaper has quoted as rarely ami sources as saying in gaza. everyone does as he pleases 6 of the victims with foreign nationals. the bodies have now been moved to egypt. 7th and mix it and was palestinian. all defense, that is a alex good talk list has moved on. what the out is there investigation on covered and how does your investigation has found that these really military, intentionally targeted the wealth, central kitchen comb boy in 3 consecutive as strikes despite being cold or tragic accidents by israel? here's what the evidence shows. to wealth central kitchen says it's 3 vehicles left the warehouse here in the or above sometime around 10 30 pm local time. on monday, april 1st come boy travel. just for columbus says, make it to rashid street along the coast. the witnesses say the 1st vehicle was hit by missile the just before 10 45 pm. the injured was seen being transferred from
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the 1st call to the 2nd on the vehicle. second call made it 800 meters self from the 1st attack. when it too was boned, killing everyone inside photos from the same clearly show it was hit straight through the roof by project all from above. the 3rd vehicle into comb, ford made for the 1600 meters, turning off the main road in an attempt to avoid destruction before it was hit by 3rd and final strikes. also through its roof. the colors were clearly marked on the international. a group had told these really military of its teams whereabouts, giving them the coordinates, questions remain as to why these really military talking to this aid called boy, it's definitely a brutal but whether it's brutal as a matter of high level policy to discourage other a n g o's from a risking
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a repetition of this kind of disaster, or whether it was something that went somewhat wrong in its execution and authorization in an area deprived of fuel and petrol. they would have been a little traffic, mostly a trucks and is really military vehicles in the area. the aid cause we're moving into 3 vehicle comb boy, clearly bought from above. the missiles use were of a type to maximize destruction in a very small space, primarily used for talking to the operations in urban areas. chris cope smith is an experienced weapons expert who has worked in gaza and the scene symbol of weapons used. when talked with some n g, a humanitarian and just looking at potential war crimes, looking at potentially human rights violations and backs. and this is what setting
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. so years ago it began to child spot. there was a weapon system being used for our inside talk talk to assess the nations, but to target very specific individuals, groups of buildings and then particular cause. and this weapon system produces just the sort of effect by saying all these um, boy stayed on these vehicles among the dead bus 3 security consultants hood by wealth central kitchen, whose job would have been to liaise with these really military on the whereabouts. the fact that the company was hit several times, each strike some distance in time. a part suggest that this act was intentional and that the comb boy was deliberately destroyed. alex gets helpless. ultra 0. last and monday's attack, wells central kitchen suspended celebrations in garza displaced palestinians, say they fit a tax lock, these will lead to follow the food shortages. let's take
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a look at all the agencies who face similar challenges to the american net east refugee agency, has decided to stop. and so persons engulf altogether. a group had provided an average of a 150000 meals a day in partnership with the wealth central kitchen. in february, the un agency for palestinian refugees on russ suspended, it's 8 operations to northern gaza. it came off to what it called a collapse of civil order and prevention of safe passage for its trucks. other organizations like the international medical cool, which has one of the largest field hospitals in rough as well. so we thinking it's humanitarian work and gaza. joyce? oh, judy is general 6th street of the american friends service committee. she says these really minute tree is deliberately targeting a book is inside gaza. and so we've been in guy. so since 1949,
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we were there to set up the 1st refugee camps after the napa, and our staff are actually telling us that they feel that they are still alive by chance. and that is what they're telling us so. so we are, you know, i think about the decision of the world center kitchen and other agencies under the system to suspend their operations. and i can just imagine how difficult piece decisions were made because you know, our mandate as humanitarian organizations as the saved lives. but how can we continue to do that, while our own staff or the 80 workers are we're putting them in jeopardy, and we certainly don't want to do that. there is nothing we can do to keep our staff safe. and, and so we, we know that and so, and is your, you know, has been violating international law every year, every day, every hour in, by the minute and, and we know that, you know,
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this has been intentional when our step tell us they are still alive by chance they know that they are a target as well, and it is there, it has been not only, you know, they've been delaying the trucks, they're closing land crossings. they're attacking slower food. just distribution is making the case for the funding on or why not allowing for a workers in and now for those who manage to enter the bottom them. so the number of humanitarian workers that have been killed and got up to date, a un uh 8 especially from from wonder why exceeds other conflicts. we've never seen anything like that. let's get the picture on the ground honey. my mood is in southern gaza for us honey. as we've just been outlining multiple a groups have pulls the operations and gaza. but now we're hearing the largest the from all the united nations is also skating back. can you tell us what you've had of the
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yes, we're right now, we're looking at the explanation slowly increasing difficulties on the ground when it comes to human to turn in a not only will looking at the w. c. k. suspending their operations out right after the deliberate attacks on its employees while they were inspecting a the just words they were just delivered to the central part of the government in one of the warehouses but also within other organizations. and just the latest is that announcement by the sports person of the not a nation announcing the suspension of operation for the coming 48 hours until there is a further under there is a security evaluation on the ground. and that's it. of course, subject to further notice, we're expecting that to be extended for another 48 hours given the situation the ground are increasingly becoming very difficult. we have another organization such as a near out one of the largest enjoys of providing human. if you're in need of food
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supplies, i've been cooking meals for this waste family for the past month and a half and we're partners with the w. c. k. but right now, not only were seeing these organizations suspending their operations, which is in fact the by product. go back along the chain of events as part of your front and prevent, begin 3 off of a track for which are on the other side of the board. and look at my as of a truck, then essentials and food supplies are not are prevented from entering the god trip . but the past months we witness deep deliberate attacks on april. the boys as well as the the aid seekers and the torres among them. the flower massacres on the bowls of traffic serv. circle on the western parts of gauze and city, and also around a on the way to traffic circle with multiple times aid seekers and a, a workers including law enforcement, securing the delivery of bait to gauze on another 5 minutes. ok. a lot of people
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see in the talk on the w. c. k right now is a combination of, of this, of these, this chain of, of events of deliberate attacks on aiden gen are not only in making it very difficult already on a, a broken a mechanism. but right now, a suspension as is read widely by a lot of people right now it's a long term goal. bite is really military to prevent it deliberately, the in 3 ways and the delivery of agents. what's applies to people, something that's really military have to have so aggressively since the beginning of the war. okay, thank if you're reporting honey. my knew that for us in southern gaza now cause i was prime minister in the haven't been of the rough not funny met the spanish prime minister pedro is sanchez here in the ha. both renewed calls for an immediate cease 5 to us and i see it. i saw it, i saw the man and the last i was would have seen them on hold a flying j. should this lady by the images of the optimize, the,
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the bottom left behind by the is mainly probation forces off the image, the middle of the seats inc and destroying the entire super hospital for 2 weeks of this throwing all the medical equipment and medical supplies in addition to sitting the place on fire together with the surrounding areas it up. and then in addition to those skills masoud, you could nab of the, for the day in the know, and those missing again with the new the code for an immediate cease fire as the lives of civilians on it. and i'm not mistaken. so ahead on alex's era, the latest from tech he a, as the course with us, the decisions over time i'm election was all that caused protests the, the,
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the 1st couple of days of april. so reco breaking both the se the are but for most of the winter, rain has been the story, particularly for central and northern europe and to some it still is. these are pictures from more or less central from system overflowed river as best as banks because they exist as band of rain. and the rain keeps coming from the rest of the states, like the northern half of fonts and increasing the gym. you'll see when to whether that be something for the u. k as well. and then north of that it still calls enough snow for some parts of scandal they've and briefly, i think even for the both exchange. so that is warming up slowly. so the forecasts for example and also gives you temperatures well below the average on there it's transitional season. but you've got 0 degrees is best on 50 as it's nice and it's slightly improves as the count towards the weekend. that further says the world to spreading is pretty different to voltage coming to your way to area is particularly
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gap through eastern. you will sort 14 degrees. this is pick will also apply to this room area and take you ahead 3 days were up to 25 degrees. the average is 12. this being saturday in north africa, heat source of the story, particularly in this a hill. the rama time is a time of messy transformation. worship reward, for every good deed is multiplied by 70. it's also brings nice due to the millions of people around the world to us suffering, trumpets, injury to conflict, devastating disasters and abject poverty. donate. use a cat to human appeal now to help save lives and transform communities. the the
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the, you're watching out is there a mind to a thought top stories with our as roles, minute tree is re cooling ad defense was of as to that basis is writing media or reporting that this is an anticipation of a possible response from iran. that's off the as ro attacked it's conflict in damascus. on monday, kidding, senior uranium administrator officials. united nations has suspended movement of aid and golf at nights for at least 2 days. the decision comes off to 7. 8 workers were killed by his writing strike wells, central kitchen, convolt. he was told that said on monday, several 8 agencies, limited operations fit that is really tax and,
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and i will sincere investigation is found that the a convoy was intentionally targeted. is there any minute she launched 3 consecutive stripes against the wealth central kitchen, where his despite being told of the ticket as high as election authority has reversed a decision to block a newly elected mayor from taking office in the city of van. suppose as have been out in the street celebrating the decision, local officials had said that a previous conviction meant that the last they done from the pro kaddish, the policy was ineligible for public office. well, that sparked lodge demonstrations and arrests in several cities. and m. custodial has moved from that these people were held for 2 days to testing the presence of fair enough the last day dawn romero said, now they're off site again for the 3rd day,
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but this time celebrating the heart of the vision to withdraw the bed. they have been calling up that up the last day that is their honor and they believe well is not being recognized by the authorities in 2019 and these, these people voted for the river. this mayoral candidates passed the mayor from his season and pointed twice. that's why they are very sensitive and they want. they are well as the rest of the night, as any other citizens in the country to solve the cranes president has signed the laws and brings down the age of conscription from 27 to 25. as he aims to reinforce the fight against russia's invasion laws, reason, lensky has warmed at an additional half a 1000000 recruits on needed to repel russian advances to create
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a struggle to base troop numbers with the conflict now. and it's the yeah, the mobilization comes as nature farm and it says meet in brussels to discuss long term support for ukraine. that includes the proposal for a $107000000000.00 funding plan to roll out over the next 5 years. they to essentially general against stilton. beg, said the ministry alliance will continue to support ukraine. i'm plans to step up for assistance. their credit is on running out of courage. they're running out of a nation. we need to step up. now unsure of support is built to last. so in our meeting today, we discussed how to put our support on the firm or a more enduring basis for the future. will allow us to agree on the need to support ukraine. in this critical moment. there's
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a unity or purpose today. allies have agreed to move forward with planning for a great today to roll in coordinating security systems. training. the details will take shape and the weeks to call but make no mistake. you crank and rely on the to support now on for the long hold. tell stress it has moved from ukraine's capt. o'keefe on the night of the plan. being discussed involves potentially taking a great to a coordination role away from a group known as the ukraine defense concept group. now this was established in the immediate off to most of russia's full scale invasion of ukraine. in february 2022, it's made up of 56 different countries, including little searching to members and as being pivotal in supplying ukraine with the weapons that it says it means there is a growing failure among certain dates or members. but because of potential domestic
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political pressures on various leaders in the coalition. but that kind of role needs now to be ruled on the move of a nato umbrella. and there were specific fish among certain dates, the members of, for example, the return of donald trump, the, to the white house in us selections next year. this is being described by psalm as a, a trump proof plan, because we know how uh, president trump has often criticized nato. and is a lot more isolationist, arguably than the current leadership in washington. the have been comments made by various foreign ministers on the back of today's meeting in brussels. hungry is 4 minutes. the 2nd hungry will not back any proposal. that major will be aligned closer to will or shift from a defensive to on offensive coalition. but all the ministers a lot more candid and a lot more blunt, indeed one diplomat on name,
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but quoted by the voices and use agency saying basically that nato just doesn't have a budget for this. there isn't the money for this kind of plan to succeed. so that an example of the kind of factions that kind of different opinions inside nato and the kind of challenges that the, the lines faces in giving you crane long term support in the use of has child strap . it all just arrow keys to the stage as emergency has been declared in zimbabwe due to extreme droughts, climate change, and the all new weather phenomenon has been blamed for the failure of annual reins . millions the threatened with hung up on a full store, lie on food, a hermitage, the reports from her right. you can see how dry the soil is crops of the sea and they are struggling in many parts of the country. the maze crop is 8 rifles . the bobbies government says it needs more than $2000000000.00 in a to feed hungry and bobby haynes and president the amazon and then douglas to
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clear the state of this off the top on our power priority. g is securing food for o. as in by means knows and bubbling must succumb to or die from hunger. decrypt it is, this is will therefore be mobilized and read, directed towards national food security, including through supplementary grand impulse. it may is a safer food in zimbabwe, a necessity for many families, farmers was told there was going to be a drought, but then in january, late january, early february, there was some rain for so some people gambled, hoping to solve it, something but then a dry smell assisted and perhaps was affected by the heat values and i'll wondering how's it going to survive now? and in the coming months from now, when things are expected to get with that
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a good there is hunger. we usually get most of our mays from rural areas, but they also have nothing is just tongue. this rock is also affecting other countries in southern africa, zambia and malawi have also declared a state of disaster and south africa is being reported may need to import grain if this drought pacific and millions across the region had been told to accept. we sort of just and price increases hot and with us out of there had a decades of instability in violence in the central african republic has meant little economic growth. those feelings, the lack of opportunities, the most off full, not charles soldiers struggling to integrate into society, but not 8 months at bay as this report. carol is the mother of 3 who escaped from a non group and central african republic. she says she joined the group in 2013
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of to ripple competition called silica, killed her parents of to her escape. she was told to use a sewing machine to help him make a living. besides making codes is more difficult than handling. again, you are welcome me. when i joined despair for years and the bushes being very so so many bad things, i witnessed people being decapitated and all this scare me and made me want to leave. i'm asking the government to come and help us. we received so much training, but after the training it's not easy to make money. the violence intensified of the silica rebels laid a cru taking power from president front. supp was easy. since then, thousands of people have been killed and more than a 1000000 have been displaced. the government says about $10000.00 child soldiers still fight alongside on groups. this fight to says it's because it's easier to make money with the groups. despite the data, the dangers. party to a to between but i've been part of the groups for more than 10 years. somebody at
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the beginning i was making t for ribble, lita ali deresa and then i got money and wanted to run away. so he shopped me. after that, i joined the group that chased out president francois buzz, easy. more than 5000 rebels have gone through the disarming and re integration program. in the past 10 years. it's an initiative supported by the united nations officials running the project, say it's difficult, convincing combatants to give up their guns in a country with little job opportunities. most of i let it go for some decisions. we talk to the group. most of this is chief hutchins hopkins as they do the gun waves as the fights. but you asked me to do this and knows they've been difficult to prove those of the piece. the central african republic government estimates there about 15000 child soldiers who have escaped from ripple forces the you and says if it's to keep them from pretending to that life is proving to be challenging
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by a couple months, a bit older 0. the rescue, as in taiwan not pulling as quick victims from the rubble of the homes, the strongest, tremont to hit the on and in 25 years, couple of buildings killing at least 9 people in injuring hundreds. the underwater magnitude. $7.00 quake struck at around 8 am and was also felt in southern japan, eastern china. and the philippines, patrick bulk of thoughts, one worked up to the strongest art credit there in 25 years. the magnitude 7.2 quite struck off the east coast, off the shots of wrapped in communities across the south, full diamonds, causing power, causing some buildings to collapse. text messages moved on to coastal areas of this and ami threats. so human cause it was very strong, it's felt as if the house was getting to topple. to reopen behind. it was shaking
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very violently, older motorcycles outside our house to pulled over. so i quickly switched off the gas and the electrical switches, the, when i realized it was an earthquake, i quickly put on my clothes and shoes that i dropped the kid with me and run down the stairs. officials in the capital typeface that it was the strongest task breaks a hip, taiwan, an offshore islands since 1999. when a 7.6 magnitude quake the worst natural disaster in the islands history goes with estimates of 2400 people. more than a 100 off the shocks recorded since that initial quake struck here this morning inside one and authorities. one that that's a follow. the trim is could still come from. i think i don't. how do we have already seen reports of houses tilting roads damaged and many vehicles hit by falling rocks in the why the in area in the taipei area, the metro and high speed trains was suspended. i would like to request the relevant departments to grasp the golden time for rescue actively carry out
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a search and rescue work for the people to take the best care of injured people and take emergency resettlement measures japan and the sort of peaceful so on. so now me a lot, depends national broadcaster wanting us to evacuate that homes. okay, now was main airport temporarily suspended on slides. but this nami warnings have since been lifted. the region is no stranger to highly destructive seismic events. in 2011 japan subjects biggest task wake on record. a mess of mind point to magnitude on the see jones triggered a synonymy that left around 18500 people dead or missing. it also cause to focus stream a nuclear power plant as, as to the most, a serious accident since june of at a $7.00 magnitude us great comedians davis here hit japan's notes of peninsula coming more than 230 people patrick talk how's 0 type a heroes president j barton has.


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