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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 4, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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as the weird and wonderful world of lots of learned things for you and even trust, i feel like i'm alive. but i know i am a machine origin of this which is of the starving palestinians in gaza spend to news more desperately needed food as organizations to spend operations following the beginning of 781 the so you're watching out as 0 at night from don't, i'm for the back people also coming up is there as military cancels, lee for combat units and calls of defense reserve is media report say those
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increased and often attack on iraq conflicts in damascus. rescue as in taiwan, search for survivors dropped in buildings, toppled by wednesdays. this way, plus riddles in los angeles with a story on how many famous populations deals that artificial intelligence might be coming for their live with the starving palestinians in guys, a few food shortages will worse and following the latest attack on aid workers, the founder of the a group world central kitchen says is where i was kidding all. 7 of its stuff in garza was not a mistake, but a systematic targeting of that convoy. 3 consecutive the strikes attached the workers vehicles on monday despite these relays being told where they were going. the un says it's a spending the night time movement of age in gaza for 40 of hours because of
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security concerns. a founder of wealth, central kitchen, jose andre has accused israel, of carrying out war against you might, they were target systematically, car by car. they attacked the 1st car. we're still trying to get all the information on what happened on the 1st bar. we. we have a feeling they were able to escape saves me that this was an armor baker. this was the only day the 3rd day we had that more big within 6 month trying to random mean . but the 1st time we're big told was heat and they were able to seem to escape. we still don't know all the details on the events and from some people in your people, even that they were able to move in december 1. and again, these one was hit. they were able to move in the 3rd one. in the process. we know they were trying to call but in the close of the moment, whatever happened, they tried to be telling idea that why are they doing that?
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they were target demons, you know, they confidence on, you know, network on. so my idea then, knowing that was our teams moving on that route with 2 or more with 3 cards. and then they hit this or one. and then we saw the consequences of that when daniel started and that's $77.00 people that they are 7 on top of police. so one to another 192 minute dining worker that they've been to over the last 6 months. so these was not used by black. the situation where oaks we dropped the bomb in the wrong place or, or no, this was over 1.51.8 kilometers with a very be fine. you might need the income boy that had signed seem to stop in the rules of very color for low or that we are obviously very proud of. but that is very clear who we are and what we do or palestinians fear similar attacks were
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worse in fluid shortages. the american nia, east refugee agency, has stopped operations and gaza altogether. it was in partnership with wealth central kitchen to provide around a 150000 meals a day. the you an agency for palestinian refugee suspended his 8 operations to northern garza in february. that was asked to what phone number i called a collapse of civil order, which prevented safe passage for is a delivery trucks and other organizations such as the international medical course is also rethinking it. c, monetary and working gaza. it has one of the largest field hospitals in a rough time. that's when you're not correspondents in process. i'm on this diary cup was that what was life on audra 0. sorry. can tell us more about how the attack on the world's central kitchen staff has affected a delivery and a distribution. and gosh, yes, fully uh, the, the majority of the tax on the latest ones that have been targeting to votes and so
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kitchen has largely impacted negatively on the pros. that's of a, just a few things inside garza, as they weren't. central kitchen was one of the most prominent organizations that had been providing food services for hundreds of thousands of palestinians since the out to pick up this conflict. and as we gladly know, they have been whacking on in the north and in the separate part of the gaza strip as they were trying to mitigate to the read the mounting humanitarian crisis as the palestinians are suffering from a 60 acute foods in security. but the attack has been widely, it gets on negatively impacting palestinians at the same time that isabel is just an imposing restrictions on land. cory do is in fact, throughout the past period as one has allowed for partial access for a very limited number of a humanitarian full voice to reach to the other parts of the gaza strip. of the same time they are carrying out a precise inspection of duration against every single lisa ground or even cute of
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what's it that goes into the territories. and the ongoing process of delays for people who are waiting for foods. and they have been suffering from high rates of mountain nutrition, so systematically that tax when the humanitarian organizations on the w. c. k. impost. akila has been widely impacting policy and use as to which people are right now. here in garza or the bins and mainly on oil, humanitarian supplies being flowing, being allowed to get into the gaza strip off to being totally financially broken. meanwhile, carrick human rights watch investigation has analyzed one of the single deadliest use radio strikes since the war began. it says a $106.00 civilians were killed in october and what appears to be a war crime among the victims were at least $54.00 children. israel hit a residential building south of the new se, right refugee camp on october 31st. but the report found is no evidence of a military target in the vicinity. it also concludes that governments should suspend on sales and deliveries to israel tarik. just reminders of this attack on
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the most arid refugee camp in october and the circumstances around it that led to this conclusion by human rights watch. yes, fully. indeed, the precise investigation that has been carried out by the human rights, which indicated clearly that to the use very ministry had targeted full story apartment building that was hosting hundreds of evac curious who are talking about 106 palestinians have been killed, including 54 children 1818 men and around 34 women at the new school will have been killed so far in fact attack and according to the investigation, the attack has been carried out by hitting the building with full strikes within 10 seconds without any prior warnings. as investigators have been talking to a number of 5 witnesses the on the ground who have been,
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has managed to survive from this abilities on this strike. they have been saying that they did not receive or hear any warning from the east by the authorities. regarding the evacuation of the area in order to hit that building, despite the fact that there was new new evidence that the there was a military target on the vicinity of the building that has been attacked. and clearly this is a new thing. nation added to the list of less records of the is very uh, crimes that had been committed in this war since the beginning of the conflict as the majority of the areas that had been targeted have not yet been warned um its ongoing mounting attacks despite the international court of justice, who was to say you back their military bombardment and to take ultimate measures in order to avoid the casualties among civilians. but not none of this had been in fact translated on the ground as palestinians have been hits for an hourly basis. and the move grubbing concerns about the potential encouraging for roof i city here in the south which means that there's going to be much more legit. the more
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a higher rates of casualties expect it to be among civilians tired. thank you very much for the update that's sondra 0. terry cub level basel revolting. they live from a rafa. now these really military's counseling leave for combat units and calling up a defense re service. no official reason has been given, but he's really media say the mobilization is in response to e. ron vowing revenge for an as strike on the rating. and consulate in syria is allow me revolutionary. god commanders were killed in damascus on monday. that's bringing very time in some on the scene occupied these 2 assembly. what could this decision to cancel, leave and call up at defense. we service mean? well these right? these haven't officially claims responsibility for about attacking damascus. how's the usual behavior? but no one serious doubts that it was. then suddenly the is ready, mid a treat sources was hoping to is ready minutes. rate, sorry is ready. media runs
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a western media, doug doubts it's. it's the countries that condemns the damascus striking to you and the other day. they don't dance at events times the rainy and starting tabs that i'm having. so that's why they have filed reprisals. so these ready to taking those threats pretty serious states. they have, as you say, cold up reserve is to mind a defense raised. that's because the threats, presumably, is perceived as primarily going to be coming from ms. silas or drones out into that you've got report some coming, coming in from across the country of jamming on is ready to yes. done by the is writing a minute, treat to disrupt any disrupt dry, you know, or perhaps missile strikes as well. there is also a cool beginning out to is ready embassies and consumers around the world that they should be facing up their secure seats and preparing for into things in all the countries in other parts of the well. so it's a country definitely very much on
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a lots now adding, so that's this goal from the is ready, mid it tree that i'll read you the statement here in accordance with the situation, the assessment is being decided that leaves will be temporarily pause for a whole idea of combat units, the adf is it, on the deployment of forces is under, continues assessments, according to the requirements. now they're not saying that this is connected with the a rating of threats, but certainly how it's being proceeds in israel. and if accurate, that suggests that it's not just drive into it. miss owls today wants to be ready for combat units indicates that they might be preparing for any kind of flight thing on the ground as well. there is a possibility that this might be connected to and intending itself to wrap it, but that's not how it's being seen and it's right at the moment for about around thank you very much for that role. you've always challenged 5 there in the occupied the through has them in the occupied westbank. meanwhile,
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at least one policy and has been killed during the latest these really rates is really military vehicles have been targeted in jeanine fighting is reported in several areas of the city. these really military has increased its use of under comma una cindy occupied westbank, members of its forces disguise themselves as civilians before conducting a rest and assassinations. and as neither a brain before said, often risk the lives of palestinians going about their daily activities. minutes before people breaks in the lead on hold on fast the owners of this class and shop with quickly taking orders. it was a regular d, as he said, if you can pick this up with the occupied was thing until this was these men pretending to be customers turned out to be under covers where the soldiers on was that i was holding my brother and he was holding me to i said leave him. but then
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he pointed the gun to my head saying, let him go. we have the army unlike i like someone else soon came with a big rifle and started shooting in the air. i thought it was a scuffle. interest for the rest that 22 year old laser locked us and took him for interrogation, a loss to the aftermath. the family says they're lucky. no one was injured in the place i was arrested and told the interrogator, if you need my son, i'll bring them to you. he said, no, they want to pretend that their forces had achieved a heroic arrest opperation when in fact they just want to intimidate people. these read the armies under cover. the unit is as old as the occupation itself. its members receive training on how to infiltrate posted in communities, how to dress and talk like palestinians. some even entered most and pretended to perform prayers before carrying out their operations. since the world goes and started under cover, soldiers have intensified the rates across the occupied with bang. nathan,
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even under cover units has been targeting palestinians in refugee counts their heavy crowded areas and its activities are putting people that's risk. but it's also making them feel suspicious and on edge palestinians in the future you can put than most of the occupied west banks don't want any room for dell. they regularly should updates about new faces entering the cam. had that how as these obstacles are poets of vehicles, we don't recognize count into the can we have volunteers who got the can they take any ideas and papers to roll out any suspicion that sort of what? even those who detect the suspicious presence might be heavy price. in early october we met the mother of 15. you may see in the g need refugee camp. lead off at that awesome, do you run morning and shouting special forces? so these really soldiers standing over the salt here and he felt he didn't if the army did not come from mesa, but his mother says he could have disrupted their plan with another plan was
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carried out smoothly in the same refugee camp in january. is really forces these guys, the patients and doctors assassinated 3 palestinian men inside the hospital room. and after they left the scene, they said the 3 men would wanted fighters, whether it's under rest of the nation or an assassination. these really ministries under cover unit, often needs behind x ray of destruction. it could happen in a home, a hospital, or even if i left the shop the day, but he manages ita the occupied westbank. a still head on alger 0. the marching in unity may 2 members discuss plans for ukraine at a meeting in the
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the the page be fewer but biggest shells around this tail end of the rainy season. it means major particularly in the, on the bali and just to the east of that. we've had didn't walk in front of us doing back a months worth of rain and the capital, and then in my rear twice see it for leverage. all are very rainy day. now that's the potential have lots of bad at the moment and it could be realized again, maybe not in the same place, but in places like boeing your maybe sooner way of seeing something, sumatra, normal glasses hotter and dryer off of it should be have to say size of that, so let's cross the equator into australia and right is still the story miserable. right. and i think you might think of a task because it's sitting in new south wales in particular for the next day or so . making anybody in sidney think a lot of this very much same is probably going to be true of the capitalize increasingly on the cost of queens. and now everywhere else in australia is looking
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pretty fine. this, enjoying the sunshine, but sydney not. so you wouldn't call it co would put that on sure. when you might think it is and then things to improve or you have to get to sunday before it really significantly better as phone using it and well enjoy it. so light breeze and the southwest, it's hardly will, nor is it cold, and it's bright rather than what? as the why have american evangelicals become? his real strongest factor is us president joe, find the right to stand with israel with no red line. as long as us support continues. is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, there is no channel that covers world news like we do, we revisit places the state houses are really invested in that. and that's a privilege as a journalist the
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the about them back and recap about top stories on how to 0. the founder of the age group. well, central kitchen says these are all skimming or 7 workers on monday was not a mistake, but a systematic targeting of back convoys. several agencies have suspended operations because of safety concern. human rights watch investigation has analyzed one of the single that'd be as is ready as 5 since the war on gas. i began. it says a $160.00 billions were killed in the sea around october. and what appears to be a will find. the report found some new evidence of a military target in the vicinity. and the ease ready military's halting or leave for combat unit said defense reserve is had also been called that no official
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reason has been given. but he's really media say it's in response to yvonne vowing revenge for an as 5 on the rain and consummate in syria. has turned to other world news now in the search for earthquake survivors is continuing in taiwan. 6 workers has been lifted to safety after being fighting inquiry. the 927.4 quake on wednesday was as strong as to hit the island in 25 years. at least 10 people were killed and a 1000 injured. jessica washington is inquiring. you have the center of the quake with the latest. i'm here in raleigh, and you can see behind me, one of the more severely damaged building in the city is collapsed almost entirely on 2 sides. workers are using excavators to try and off the building with soil and sand so that it doesn't entirely full. one woman did die off to the us, quite it on wednesday. and so investigators and engineers are looking at this
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building to see if there were any structural problems prior to the earthquake, which led to such a severe damage. several buildings around 12 in all set to be demolished, some have already been demolished as a result of damage from this of quite a short while ago. i spoke with a resident of this building. she said that she is devastated to see her home in such a state. and she is one of many thing in an emergency shelter in elementary. now taiwan authorities say that they are working swishy and efficiently trying to ensure such areas all safe. but of course, to find survivors in various locations around one in and surrounding areas. now, the time ones where the agency has one of the potential for further off the shock since the way they have been some 300 off the shelves of varying intensity. the weather agency says they're almost to come in the coming days and that they could
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be as strong as magnitude a 7. jessica washington out to 0 quantity. nato foreign ministers marketing the 75th anniversary of the western alliance. on the 2nd day of the summit in brussels, the ceremony comes as a block of 32 nations valves to stay the course. they need support for ukraine against russia. for ministers are still considering science provide a long term military aid package for ukraine. said to be worth around a $107000000000.00 over the next 5 years in ukraine itself, at least 4 people have been killed in russian strikes on the eastern city of khaki . several rest, your workers were among the dead after they were huge by repeated misuse. on the side of the 1st attack, the cities man says at least 12 people have been injured. a correspondent child spot for it has more from keith to another large scale attacked by russian forces,
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again on your train. second largest city car k, which is around 30 kilometers from the russian border. the calculus or to say at least 4 people were killed in these attacks, including what we understand to be 3 rescue workers. they also saying that they would squinty can because the russian drones launched into the khaki of region overnight. and they saying that the training air force managed to intercept 11 of them, that called keepers being repeatedly targeted in these escalation of attacks in recent weeks by russian forces. because the kremlin says that it is trying to craig what it describes as a salad trees are around the belle grove road. the city of belgrade, the region of bell road which borders that area close to cock if the russians accusing the ukrainians have repeatedly targeting energy infrastructure and targets in side russia. basic gain highlights the need for
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a defense is that's what the craniums say. more a defense is on the 2nd day of the nato meeting in brussels. we expect to see the ukrainian foreign minister demitra calais by appealing to a fellow foreign ministers in the lines full. these a deficiencies as this intensification of russian attacks across cheap right, continues show stuff at all, just arrow keys in looking at fast. so at least 73 people have been killed by an armed group links to kind of long so scale reported to be 32 civilians, and 16 members of security forces. thousands of civilians have been killed in book in a fast way more than 2000000 have been displace since fighting began in 2015. and i jerry and now and executive from the crypto currency platform by nancy is appearing in court on tax evasion charges. and jerry and government claims finance
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has manipulated exchange rates to currency speculation and rate fixing. this apparently costs the local currency to drop nearly 70 percent lifetime correspond infidelity some by in a butcher. tell us more fidel is about these tax evasion charges and the demand facing them in court today. well, um 42 grand gum brian, who's a us citizen and by no means the head of compliance crime. compliance was in court this morning. you know, food yeah. and then he's the engineer me that say he's not guilty of the charges. he's actually asking the quotes too, as far as his fundamental human rights, because he's been detained, florida stipulated by law. and he's also asking that his passport should be released so that he'd be allowed to travel back to his family because he was being held since he was invited to have a meeting with the authorities. so the cost to, you know,
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he's also listening to argumentative by the caps and i shall comes commission. well, i've brought out the charges about monday, laundry, and it goes team. and also all the buying us executives on some companies, local companies here who i believe to have collaborative with them. and also the detox i target to use. i said that's a very of taxes. yes. and no complaint with all the tax loss in the country and that they're asking for, you know, the costs to i watch that compensation to the government. 5, united and government is demanding as much as 10000000000 from might be buying us executives giving back to the activities of the needs to have resulted in economic losses for the country. and what are the, it's only saying for that is about the finance executive. westgate from custody as well. uh, the security agencies have come out to say that's a debt. collaborating with the global spike police. that's the into port to ensure that to he's really arrested. i'm brought to nigeria to face of persecution because
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they believe that he has that it to swell. so i here in nigeria and are running away with the delay the trial but would not actually stop it. so they've actually been the questioning some of those as go to people who are details to hold him at why he was he had been detained here because assess, students have come out that's what was being escorted to pre during the ramadan. and he took advantage of that time, fled to the country, using it canyon passports. so target this idea investigating for me why they've calibrating to ensure that he's very interested when he's brought back to the country. you'll definitely be have to fees when charges. thank you very much for that to dallas for the at least by live for say in a bridge at nigeria. and you, human rights watch report says columbia and panama are failing to protect migraines . crossing the treacherous diary and got hundreds of thousands of people see through the natural divide between the 2 countries every year. but as manual a rob,
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hello reports, they are increasingly vulnerable to robberies and sexual violence. us. more than half a 1000000 migrants cross the dairy and gap last year, the infamous jungle that connects columbia and panama. according to a new report by human rights watch, both countries have failed to do enough to protect migrants as the transit through rough terrain. and that's what we need us to get in the spouse of the obligations that both the colombian and panamanian states have in accordance with their international obligations, have to do with guaranteeing the life and integrity of individuals within their territories, regardless of nationality. conditional investigators say panama and columbia should do a better job coordinating a response to the worsening humanitarian crisis in the region. most migrants are from venezuela, ecuador, and haiti, along with other nationalities from asia and africa. here investigators say migrant
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space, a litany of risk including sexual assault, kidnapping, and nothing in the list. i think you have a lot of the lack of a clear strategy with international cooperation and losing the ability to provide attention and border areas as lead to criminal groups. being the ones to manage the dynamics of migration. because both the, the new report also criticized both countries for failing to investigate and punish crimes committed against migrant. investigators say it's imperative that policies to protect migrants and asylum seekers take precedence over policies that seek to contain them. if someone's be in the coma math. but it's on us if done in school. here we are witnessing how more people are choosing more dangerous routes. what we should do as a region is established regional strategies for the protection and assistance of migrants. recognizing that the migration phenomenon exists and will remain on the
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recommendations published by human rights watch, seek to address deficiencies and migrant protections, as well as enhanced multi lateral actions to protect the human rights of migrants across the americas. when written up a little l to 0, colombia as military says, 9 members of a break or a faction of the former fond travel group has been killed in fighting with the army of the divine and found this just 2 months after the faction agreed to stock peace talks with a government which is fine, and 6 decades of conflict with rebel forces and drug gangs, munition and communication equipment was seized in the operation. now rapid advances in the field of artificial intelligence have many workers wondering if the jobs may soon be obsolete until recently, the professions most likely to be replaced by a i have included the office workers, accountants, and journalists. now, hundreds of leading musicians
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a banding together to defend their work. rob reynolds has a story some of the brightest stars in the music world are sounding the alarm from billy. i wish all the good good schools to nicky me. no, don't worry about this. i guess it's nice and john, bon jovi, smokey robinson say advanced artificial intelligence poses a threat to their artistic integrity and their livelihood in all more than 200 living artists, as well as the estates of frank sinatra and reggae legend bob marley, signed an online opened letter titled stop the value in music.


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