tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera April 4, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST
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built it for about 3000. now there are more than 5 times that it's not you know, what we are receiving. we have must have number of 300. you will need a system. that's our capacity and funds are very limited. the a the 0 venue, it's good to have you with us. this is the news our life from don't coming up in the program today. greece in southern gaza is really military strikes. the city of rasa as the number of palestinians killed since october passes. 33000 beaten and battered. we hear accounts of portrait from us how to stay in prison are detained by israel. knew the brand name,
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and i'm going to be telling you how one under covers rate a unit has been infiltrating the occupies westbank. the also ahead, a show of unity is nick to marks it's 75th anniversary. but russia says it's now the state of direct confrontation with the military alliance and peace of statements with your school, with fonts as presidents, as he has no doubt. russia will target the parents and lympics at the other thing of the games they knew in the french capital. emmanuel background makes and strongest comments here. so i'm what he calls rushes of grace is past the beginning. this is our in southern gosh, where new is really strikes of killed at least 7 palestinians that includes 3 children. funerals have been hills for the victims west of rough. this attack targeted a building, housing displaced palestinians,
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and another house was hit east of the city. half of the strips population has taken refuge in rafa, close to the border with egypt. more than 33000 people have now been killed by israel since the war began, and that includes 14000 children. the next is enough, puts an end to this injustice. for 180 days, children have been bumped there with daily kennings enough. where are the rights of children aware of the rights of women? whereas unison items, then i don't have a whole bunch of that. these are the goals of israel does not have any plans to end . this will. it's targets of children and women. there is no safe place at all. what safety there is no safety tolling cause up. there is not one meets a orange of land that is safe. they displace them to rough a think it was safe. it's even tense houses. everywhere i was being bumped. there is no safety houses here as honeywell. what is why, for us and ross and southern gaza? honey, what more can you tell us about these attacks and the southern part of the strip of
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the yes, sir. well, these are the topics have been going on since the beginning of the genocidal war causing and get further civilian casualties and shocking level of destruction to almost every means of life. you including public facilities, evacuation center as residential buildings and, and hospitality just across the gaza. strip the, the, the, the shared level of destruction is, is the shocking as the, the, the civilian casualties. so far, we're looking over crowded, drop off the overnight, a top, unpredictable fall in bonds on a residential home that have destroyed it completely and caused the depth of 7 family members, mostly women and children residing inside this residential home separately. and they've been part of the city another residential homeless targeted where one person was reported killed in close to 10 people with
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a critical injury. all the transferred to an ajar hospital. but what we have been seeing so far, the patterns of, of more people are, are as coming to their, their injuries a few days later after each have taught, given the fact that hospitals are not well prepared right now. i've been exhausted under a staff would experience or didn't medical supplies just causing further civilian casualties a few days after egypt that it also caused further internal displacement. avery attack, we're looking at another aftermath of more people that are leaving the surrounding areas because the kind of bonds and those these dropped on it residential homes. not only destroying targeted residential homes, but also the surrounding areas of the you can easily account up to 5 residential homes, being severely damaged to the point. people have no other choice but to leave to other areas that completely shutter any remaining sit, sense of safety across rough off the meanwhile. and the northern part of the gaza
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strip is really military fired missiles that apparent. but it's what trying to help a group of people who were a talked and injured the permitted themselves as well was injured and ended up being transferred to him out loud once huffman did that happen in the city a bit handling the northern part of the gaza strip the honeymoon, who reporting from rough and the southern part of the street. thank you very much. as ever, honey. is real, has released a 101 palestinian detainees captured in gaza back into the strip. they described being beaten by is really forces and being denied food and water. and they say that some people were tortured to death. also 0, sorry, cup was room spoke to one of those who was released out of city and destiny as have been released from the as many defense. and they have been transferred to the gaza strip throughout the farm. i was telling the cursing boys that as we have been talking to them both destiny as they have been reporting about really distressing
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and human condition, they have been getting through the detention. they have been completely surprised from having few access to food. and even they have been overtime beaten by the is really so just and have receiving different signs of talk to isaac. i gladly see right now here on the elderly man that had been arrested by the very forces in the loss of hospital or so as you know, the fuse ready soldiers still necessary hospitable in conyers. while i was treated for a broken leg is riley's rounded up old patients and injured into one section, the following day, the sum were transferred to them and bar. it costs a little while the rest of us me included, were detained, loaded onto trucks. taken to another location or we would strip searched and tortured would be to and all the way. yeah. and then location i was in, had more than 2000 palestinians civilian detainees. you know, we were hang cost and blindfolded around the clock. we were subject to interrogation and the torture all forms of torch, and you can imagine including use of forensic dogs,
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we would crammed into cells with no cover and only one mail a day. many of the detainees died under torture. many of the detainees have chronic disease. others with severe injuries were treated without most of the detainees are going through how enough is it? well, they have been reporting about in human violations that had been taken by the is very mandatory in detention as a number of out of city of people and even being detained in it's been tales. and some of them have been taken to on disclose location to mount tar capacity. oh, just a rough rough. so the reason i was starving palestinians in gaza are afraid that food shortages were worse than after the most recent attack on a workers. the founder of the a group that was attacked world central kitchen says israel's killing of 7 of its stuff in garza was not a mistake. rather, it was a systematic targeting of their convoy 3 consecutive airstrikes attack the workers
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vehicles on monday despite israel is being told where and when we're going. but you and says it's suspending the night time movement of aid and gaza for 48 hours following that because of security concerns. and who are is in the sarah and central guys. and she explains what the latest attack on a workers means for palestinians desperately in need of food. i'm currently standing in front of the world central kitchens, main warehouse in the middle area of the gaza strip. as you see the warehouse closed its doors after that is ready, forces targeted 7 aid workers working in the world. central kitchen. this place was a place where all of the people who evacuated from the north to the south would come here. they would feed them, they would give them food parcels and they would offer them food assistance this case. and this organization used to work low, couldn't you with more than 60 kitchens and provide hundreds of thousands of
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palestinians with hot me is every single day, at least 198 workers have been killed since october 7. and israel's target on the world central kitchen is not only a target on age worker, but it's also has been more simon and starvation in the causes trip. this is in the comedy i'll just eat up on the site. ok. let's bring you more in the aftermath of israel strikes against the world. central kitchen convoys officers white house correspondent, kimberly how it could joins this. kimberly officially, israel is investigating its own attack, right, the attack that it carried out. but for world central kitchen, that is not enough. so what do they want? and what does that have to do with the white house? as well? often when israel conducts investigations a finds itself to be not responsible. and so that is the big concern for the world . central kitchen is that is something that will happen once again,
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even as it has apologized for this particular attack. it is looking for an independent investigation separate for the month, the one being conducted by the israelis that is conducted by a 3rd party. and so the world's central kitchen is calling the governments of the nations of the victims that were involved in this attack. namely, the aid workers to join them in calling for an independent, thorough and transparent investigation of what the uh, the founder of world central kitchen. the chef jose on dress is saying is that this was no accident. this targeting of the aid workers was systematic. it went car by car, it was very deliberate nature. and as a result this needs to be investigated. and so what they're also requesting is that all of the evidence be preserved that this be documents that this the video and the
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fact that these workers were in direct compliance with the, the protocols of the is really military or direct communication is just further proof. he says that they were targeted, given the fact that they were operating under all of the protocols that were necessary in order to protect them. okay, well, it so happens that the us presidents and he is really prime minister, is scheduled to speak at some point today. so if the president wants to bring this up with benjamin netanyahu, then then he has an opportunity to do so. in the, in the coming hours. do you know what that phone call is officially going to be about? oh, he's definitely going to bring it up. uh, he's uh, according to our sources, outrage, furious, angry, and some other colorful words have been used as well. what we know is that he is fuming. this was already a very tense relationship between the us president and the
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a is really prime minister and it's only going to get more colorful. we suspect when that phone call takes place. we're not exactly sure of the timing. we're watching very carefully from some of the poor reports. we haven't given an exact, sort of new schedule or time table or tick tock us. we call it. but what we do know is that we are going to be given sort of a read out afterwards. and what we are told is that the us present is going to convey his anger. he's going to dress down the for the is really prime minister we're told. and we are also told that he is going to say that he is increasingly frustrated with the tool that palestinians are being uh, inflicted, the now in excess of $33000.00 killed. in addition to the killing of the aid workers and also the frustration with the plan to salt, going into rafa. and i remember in his date of the union speech, joe biden said, look, is real, can't kill another 30000 people in gaza since he said those words. i think several
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1000 more have been killed. so kimberly, you'll be watching that phone call will want to hear you on the read out and the language that the us chooses to describe that cool. thank you very much. kimberly of human rights watch has analyzed one of the single worst is really airstrikes since the war began. its investigation says a $106.00 civilians were killed in october and what it calls quotes an apparent or crime. at least 54 children were among the victims. when a residential building was hit near the end of the state of the refugee camp. no evidence of the military target was found in the vicinity. the report concludes that governments should suspend arms sales to israel. and the is really military is cancelling, leave for combat units, but no official reasoning has been given is really media reports say the move is in response to iran, vowing revenge for an air strike on the ring and console it in syria islamic
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revolution. regard commanders were killed in damascus on monday in that strike on the south boot isn't occupied east jerusalem with more on this one to run us through what israel is doing right now because it's not just cancelling the leaves . so what is this real doing right now? to prepare for this expected retaliation, the of israel says it's going to be bolstering it's air defense as meaning. it's going to be replenishing their missile defense systems, the iron down, which is the most commonly known and used in israel for short range rockets and missiles. and then there is the data sling and the arrow. these are other air defense mechanisms for a longer range projectiles. but that's not all they're going to be re calling a lot is really army reservists, but exactly how many we don't know just yet. and as you. busy saying the we look for a lot of other soldiers has been cancelled as well and they. busy are made out their base is these really army has been saying essentially that based on these new assessments, they are on the maximum level of high alert in anticipation for some sort of
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retaliatory attack by the it on ends after that is really airstrikes in damascus. killed several people among them, a commander from the i r g c. so is or else on high alert expecting some sort of retaliation. okay, and as a result of all of this, what's the mood in israel then i see the military is saying to the public, you know, no need to buy generators or things like that. it seems to be trying to appease is really of the, well, the israeli army is trying to calm down any sort of panic that may ensue based on these new assessments based on their bolstering air defenses, based on them. additionally, calling up reserve as to those air bases and air fields. so they're trying not to cause any panic within. is really society, these really army spokesperson, daniel, how gaiety has said that people should not buy generators. they should knock stuff off on food. they should not be withdrawing large amounts of cash,
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saying that people who live in any sort of area within israels and just follow instructions of home front command. this is an application on your phone, but those give direct them from the is really army on where to go. and when, if there is any sort of aerial threat that is coming through. so the army is trying not to ensue any sort of panic, even though is really media has been reporting for the last 24 hours. really that there is anticipation for some sort of retaliation by the it audience. and that it will be on his really soil so they are fearful of any sort of incident taking place . okay, so who thank you very much. the reporting on that. that is obviously something that we are watching very closely. thank you, honda. israel's defense minister says his forces will pivot the target has the law in level not. there's been rising tension with the arraignment back group. earlier, several rockets were launched from lebanon towards israel, and one hit the board, a town of slow me. a run con is interested in me in northern israel with more on
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that to. this is the village of slimy, has been largely empty since october. the ape when hostilities broke out between has beloved and israel. let me just show you where i am. so you see the voted wilcox v d location between 11 east tired street and is really territory. so far, the tensions help and largely contained to the border between the 2 countries as bullet wants it that way as well. seemingly, was it that way? but on monday night there was a, is really attack against and running console in damascus. and now iran has said that it will retaliate for that attack is road has now gone on a high or low. then we've seen since october the 8th, all along this boat. and like i said, all of these villages are empty. but now israel is cooling up all me. air reserve is now. there's already $287000.00 reserve is fighting pull the is really army
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since october, the 7th. that adding to that, they both i cancelled on leave for all of the soldiers were already fighting. that's going to be an unpopular decision because these really all me say they all suffering from fatigue. they've been fighting for a very long time, but also what they've done is they've disrupted the g p. s signal across jerusalem, tel aviv haifa, and hay in this area as well. the reason for that is that they are sending a message to the iranians, but they are ready for any kind of attack. busy might take place and wrong comment, which is their slowed me. it's in the occupied west bank now. a funeral has been held for a palestinian killed during the latest is really raids, confrontations between policy and fighters, and is really forces broke out really incursions south of jeanine is really military vehicles. we also targeted 40 palestinians were detained device really forces overnight. bringing the total since october,
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the 7th to more than $8000.00 palestinians detained in the west bank is really military has increased its use of undercover units in the occupied westbank. members of its forces disguise themselves as civilians before conducting arrests and assassinations. as it abraham reports, it also risks the lives of palestinians going about their daily activities. minutes before people break the deed almost on file, the owners of this cut off in shop with quickly taking orders. it was a regular z, as he said, if you can put this off of the occupied with me until this was these men pretending to be customers turned out to be under covers where the soldiers on was that i was holding my brother and he was holding me to i said leave him but then he pointed the gun to my head saying, let him go. we have the army unlike i like someone else soon came with a big rifle and started shooting in the air. i thought it was a scuffle. interest for the rest that 22 year old laser locked us and took him for
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interrogation, a loss to the aftermath. the family says they're lucky. no one was injured in the place i was arrested and told the interrogator, if you need my son, i'll bring them to you. he said, no, they want to pretend that their forces had achieved a heroic arrest opperation when in fact they just want to intimidate people. these read the armies under cover. the unit is as old as the occupation itself. its members receive training on how to infiltrate pellets, to me and communities, how to dress and talk like palestinians. some even entered most and pretended to perform prayers before carrying out their operations. since the world goes and started under cover, soldiers have intensified the rates across the occupied with things. lately. the under cover unit has been targets in palestinians in refugee camps. there however, the crowded areas and its activities are putting people that's risk,
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but it's also making them feel suspicious and on edge palestinians in the future you can put than most of the occupied west banks don't want any room for dell. they regularly should updates about new faces entering the cam. had that how as these obstacles are poets of vehicles, we don't recognize count into the can. we have volunteers who got the can they take any ideas and papers to roll out any suspicion that sort of what? even those who detect the suspicious presence might be heavy price. in early october we met the mother of 15. you may say in did you need refugee camp? laid off at that. awesome, do you run morning and shouting special forces. so he's really, sol, just standing over the shot here and he felt he done it for the army did not come from mesa, but his mother says he could have disrupted their plan with another plan was carried out smoothly in the same refugee camp in january. is really forces these guys, this patients and doctors assassinated 3 palestinian men inside the hospital room.
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and after they left the scene, they said the 3 men would wanted fighters, whether it's under rest of the nation or an assassination. these really ministries under cover unit, often needs behind x ray of destruction. it could happen in a home, a hospital, or even a falafel shop. did that, but he manages ita the occupied west bank and the u. k. more than $600.00 lawyers and academics have signed a letter, it's a prime minister wishes to enact voice and concerned about israel's war and gaza. they're calling for the british government to suspend giving weapons to israel, saying that you k is in breach of international law. they also want the government to work actively towards an immediate and permanent ceasefire. and to stress that position through the un security council. the groups has been u. k must urgently impose sanctions on senior members of the is really government who have made statements inciting, genocide, or guy. good. when gill is one of the signatories and he explains what compelled
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him to weigh in on the matter, it was moved by the 4th ride. and simple statement is statements issued in this that we'd call upon the u. k. to the about which obligations under the geneva conventions of the genocide convention in particular. and those obligations are clear and straightforward and states must do whatever they can to prevent the commission of genocide. it is risk and risk being present in the active genocide. there's a serious risk of genocide resumes, national guard, just this found and is a u. k. with that knowledge to in mind. carriers on exporting arms to israel and as a risk of those hours will be used in the conduct of aggressive activities by israel. and the contact of genocide is the risk that's important. and the risk must be factored into account, taking into account now and the august as must cease, they have had under review the process so of supplying of israel in the past weeks
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and months. i think this might be the additional stuff that's needed to get them to take a decision to stop sales guy. you watch or not underestimate the, the power of the lobby, if you like, that they are moved by the situation day. i'll move by the new considerations that will lawyers. i mean, as you said, the serious senior form a judge is involved in this case and sign is made to move by the, the power of the arguments which would be raised and the less a requiring commodity with the taking the, the ops as b, b, 's, east, if the you k is to avoid capacity in, inject a side the somalia, as government has ordered ethiopia as ambassador to leave the country. some of the officials say it's because of important deal between is breakaway region of some of the land and ethiopia. the agreement will allow landlocked ethiopia to at least 20
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kilometers of coastline for it to be near the port of the bearer. somalia also said that it is closing to of a few of us concerts, one in somali land and the other in the semi it's on this region of portland. the government in mogadishu does not control those regions. matt brighton is strategic advisor. it's a 100 research, a political think tank covering the horn of africa and he joins us from nairobi. matt, there are layers to this problem. i hope we can get to several of them. but i think the simplest thing is to start with, with the beginning, right? this dates back to january, in this surprise announcement by ethiopia, that is going to lease the stretch of coastline really to i opened up a military naval port. and as mogadishu sees at the central government in somalia, they said this is interfering in our domestic affairs. and this is a threat to our territorial integrity. i. can you please explain what happened from
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there as well? what happened? first of all, the, the, the agreement between the yoga and some of the land isn't really the beginning of the story. somebody not and declared independence of small they have more than 30 years ago and has functioned as an independent state ever since, although it's not recognized in the international community. so this is not a new problem. what's new is the d c o p a, which has long said that it would not be the 1st government to recognize a model ends independence. it would be the 2nd seems to have adjusted the view and decided to take the, the next step, which is to say that they would deal with some other land as an independent state. they have long standing security, economic and political ties. so this is really just a step forward. i'll be a dramatic one that has irritated the government involved issue. okay. and they feel in exchange for leasing this stretch of coastline in their memorandum of
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understanding that they signed with some of the land. ethiopia was supposed to recognize some of the land, except they haven't actually really done. so i know they haven't, although that seems to be pending in when they signed this memorandum of understanding, which was a kind of declaration of intent. easy, okay, would recognize somebody then as an independent state in exchange for this lease of enabled based on the gold pervading coast. now, in theory, that should have taken one month to implement and now of where we're more than 3 months since the signing of the m o u. but all of the signs are the both add this up above and how to do so the capital of some of the loud and remain committed to the deal. and it appears that it's essentially technical issues concerning the basing rights for a c o, p a. and what political recognition actually involves for some of the land. these
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are the big questions that seem to have delayed implementation of this memorandum of understanding where it is pointless and fit into this because as part of the, some of the, the announcements by mogadishu is it, there are shutting down concerts in both some of the land and point land right, well land really doesn't fit into this money land equation. what's happened is a separate issue in which the federal government of somalia has been pushing forward what it calls a constitutional review process. now it's important to, to understand that some of all the, it doesn't actually have a constitution, it has a provisional constitution, which means that it's government is actually provisional as well. and the government has a duty to complete the constitution so that somebody can become a fully solver and an independent state with its basic law intact. now,
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the federal government has been pushing through the process unilaterally. that hasn't involved a lot of consultation, hasn't involved, but wanted land, although it's involved, some other federal member state and online has objected to this. and as of this week, we've drawn, it says its recognition of the federal government and in a sense, separate relations with the issue uh and declared its autonomy as a federal member state of some of their and under the provisional constitution, portland actually has the right to do this, what links this amount of land and portland issues is an e p o, p a, has this m o u, with some of the land. and yesterday, invite to the delegation from portland to add a sub of to discuss enhanced relations between ethiopia and portland. and that seems to have pushed them on the show for the symbolic federal government to take the step of expelling easier in diplomats. yeah. and that was one of the,
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or the immediate trigger for somalia as a re reaction there expelling the fuel unit. bassett or from mogadishu and announcing that it would shut down. it's gone. so it's in both somebody then put, man, thank you very much. mcbride for your analysis on this, or thank you. in booking a faucet or an attack by an armed group link to al qaeda has killed at least 73 people. they include $32.00 civilians. a thousands of civilians have been killed in more than 2000000, displaced by fighting their since 2015 executive from the crypto currency platform. finance has appeared in court in nigeria on tax evasion and money laundering charges. and i, julian government, alleges finance has manipulated exchange rates through currency speculation and rates fixing. this apparently cause the local currency to drop nearly 70 percent of state media and iran, say 18 gunmen and 10 security force members have been killed in fighting in the
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southeast of the country. the gunmen carried out a single, tenuous attacks on the revolution regard bases and 2 cities in system baluchistan province. the government is blaming a separate this group seeking greater rights for the balloon minority officers who are as dorsey jabari reports from to one or one of the deadliest attacks carried out by the city. separate this group known as chase as it was carried out in the system village of san province in south eastern part of or on in multiple locations. this is the 1st time the group has carried out. such a big task in that region. gunman had stormed various security and military compound simultaneously in the city of rusk at heart . and they also had suicide. best on them as well. the dispute between the
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security forces and the classes with the members of this group went on for many hours. and finally, we heard from officials insist on brothers have some problem and say that all the government has been apprehended and killed. and this security situation is all under control. this, of course, comes at a very critical time later on where the tensions are high with the powers in the region as a result of the attack on the consulate. so it'd be really uncomfortable in syria which killed 7 members of the revolutionary guard at this will be seen as a major security breach for officials in that region. many questions will be asked about how this attack was be able to be carried out at this time. dorothy jabari l 20 still a head on alpha 0 will be speaking to doctors without borders about how they hope to carry on working in gaza despite the risk to 8 agents. and a spectacular goal coming up from japan. there is peter segment will have all the
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details and support the the biggest global electron jada in history, the world's biggest democracy, posted on epic. so don't join me. see me last name, jan on a new full bought cd, focusing on india. in this episode, either on my own experience of the agenda that you examined. alarming dropped off the freedoms in india and the future of india and fabulous independent media. being the other for foxley, on those are the, the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, you're watching else's. you're a reminder of our headlines. at least 7 palestinians have been killed and is really strikes a residential buildings in the process. more than 33000 people have now been killed by israel since the war began, including 14000 children. israel has released a 101 palestinian detainees from gaza. they described being beaten by his really forces and denied food and water star reports some more tortured to death, starving palestinians, and guys of fear of food shortages will worsen following the latest. the facts on aid workers at the head of world central kitchen is now demanding the vitamin administration call for an independent investigation into is really air strikes on a workers in casa for christopher lock. here his secretary general of the doctors
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without borders and he's joining us live from geneva, christopher it, thank you very much, making time to be on the program. as you know, multiple a groups are suspending their operations in gauze, either indefinitely or temporarily, as they assess the security situation. what are you doing of the mind and not condolences to defend friends, families and colleagues of the victims from uh, both central kitchen and the roofing. accident that happens a couple of days ago. we ourselves have been victims of multiple attacks and, and guns, and we've lost 5 staff members. the humanitarian community as a whole is now with the risk figure of having 200 of our colleagues kills providing assistance in goals a at the moment is a really critical objective about the needs that we are seeing, particularly the medical needs atrocious. we are saying that sadly, was it patients we are seeing raising rights of mouth raising rates of malnutrition
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. and yes, we want to stay in gaza but, but since the style, so it's a complex we, i've been assessing the risk to on teams on a daily basis. this is an incredibly dangerous, difficult place to walk. and there are no guarantees that we want to stay. there are many, many patients who need assistance, but the rest of extremely high. and so i suppose the question becomes, what can you do to keep your stuff alive? as you said, 280 workers across groups have been killed since october for this figure out this figure of up to $200.00, which is of course just a tiny fraction of the total number of people killed in dallas was we were just reporting figures now 6 across to the, the horrific, $53000.00 small. and what i would say is since, but as being discussions clearly what has happened in terms of these 200 human attorney work is carol was there for paint fan? yeah. in terms of what the nation with is ready for us is we are used to watching
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and conflict areas we walk in. companies are, is every day around the, around the world as well. what has been a complete site here is we don't have contracts on the grounds with the idea of troops, but more than that, for me, this is a signal from lack of willingness to change. how that comes with just being forced on the respect, given 60 minutes, every work is protection of humanitarian workers. is that is in trying to just a few minutes. are you in the international team? i'm sorry, little explaining that is of a no big a here to answer. what we need is more than better could coordinate. should we be talking about the need for that to be approved for months now, but we need the political will to change the risk towards humanitarian work as i'm for the population as as a whole because there's conference cannot continue and especially ultimately that needs to be intermediates in sustain see spot. you said doctors without borders doesn't have contacts with uh, on the ground with troops. does your organization have any kind of communication
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lines of communication with the is really military? and also these really military announced in the aftermath of the world central kitchen attack that they weren't now going to open up what they're calling a situation room, right? to coordinate movement a few minutes here in workers on the ground. have you heard anything concrete about that as well? yes, the situation room has existed already as far as i'm aware. i mean, we have a we also have a coordination room um uh, as far as his phone service. uh, as far as i know, this is nothing new on his part of the system that is already being savings. so but yes, you can tell from us that we do have contact with you, just ready amenities for the branch that is called comcast, which is responsible for safety and security as well as that full balance that he has. and guys are on the, on the west bank and so we do communicate with them in terms of our movements where we, uh, remark of vehicle is where we're living, where our facilities off on. despite that,
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we have as well as number of other things as it seems as some charge of it the tragic attacks. okay, i have to ask you and you're well aware of this that given the recent report by the i p c, which is this, this collection of 8 groups on food security. given that recent report that famine is a very real risk across the gaza strip. i know, obviously doctors the borders is primarily concerned with the health care and medical care. but if people aren't eating, i'm assuming that your team is on the ground or seeing that what is the impact of the food and security that, that you're seeing. ready yeah, that's absolutely, i'll be mount nutrition is a, is a medical i'm just been i'm, we are sitting rising rates. so now the attrition in one of our facilities. just a couple of weeks ago, i was in the accent hospital in the middle area because the strip and enough hospital emetics were faced with the impossible choice. all giving beds to trove of
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patients for people are needed. so what is dressing is a go into surgery buses, children underneath that, those baby beds for treatments of mount nutrition. and what i would say is that really this shouldn't be a surprise to anybody. you don't have to be enabled. okay? you don't have to be nutritionist or a dates or a specialist to expect that if you have a population that is on this, each of population, that is in a seed within a siege as we have in the north. because i'm, they all that may have been bones indiscriminately in many cases as they have been that they go to start suffering from malnutrition. pretty quickly. yeah. christopher lock your secretary general of doctors without borders. thank you very much for coming on the program. thank you. the nato foreign ministers and celebrating the 75th anniversary of the military alliance. this ceremony here
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is on the 2nd day of the nato summit and brussels. the foreign ministers of a 32 members are considering plans to provide a long term military aid package to ukraine. it's worth a $107000000000.00 over the next 5 years. the kremlin says relations between russia and ne, so have sunk to the level of direct confrontation. now, options are withdrawal. stratford is on the ground. he's joining us from ukraine's capital keep. so the nato secretary general charles yells against oldenburg, has just been holding a press conference on the day of the 75th birthday for nato anniversary. what do you have to say? well yes, a legacy price conference given by the nato chief, you installed some quite a lot to get through here. you began by saying, describing basically what he said, the, the situation to be actually on the battlefield. and he said that everybody in serious, he said the ukraine needs more,
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a defense ammo and aid. he commended various bilateral agreements that are being made between respective native member countries and ukraine, including an agreement between the u. k. find k. if you k to supply around $10000.00 to drones, it was a command did the plan for the french to supply more me so i was and all of the vehicles. but with respect to this plan that you mentioned in the info cells and book just went on to say that what we need later needs to do more to put our support on a firm and more enduring basis. he said that nature would agree to great cooled nation, a great, a, coordinating roland, security assistance and training for ukraine. he was supposed typically pushed on the crisis in a defense of the great insight that they are currently facing. i made this escalation and attacks in recent weeks by russia, and he said that nato allies, with the understanding, the urgency, all the so we're having
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a look at their in venture is they respective weapons. also those to see what was available to try and get you grain as much a defense as it can in the coming weeks and months. and he was honest about the what is believed to be plans by russia to make it some sort of a friend, civil push in the coming months to old summer, possibly early summer. and he said that there was an urgent need for nato allies to do more immediately in the days and months ahead. he actually recognized that they was that risk, but he said that needed to be a framework for a more robust, predictable supply and support over the long term. these are the kind of statements that we've heard being made by him throughout this end of the fort farm is nato allies throughout these 2 day conference. but we know that the challenges are remain stilton books at the what was the biggest challenge now was to say, this is what he describes as a framework for disagreement to come to some sort of agreement on how the structure
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going forward. what, what it would look like, and of course, that structure has to have funding. as you mentioned, $1700000000.00, was there, a big question is being honest about where this money is going to come from. i think it's, it will. so it was quickly mentioning that he did all and so he was off by one journalist for reaction to that statement by the kremlin spokesperson, dimitri pasco reset the nato, russia relations. it slips to a point potentially of direct confrontation. and he said that nato is not the policy to the conflict, but he's providing supports to ukraine to defend itself. and this is ukraine's right on the international. i charles stratford reporting from keith. thank you very much, charles. or, or you your shovel all as i now has more on this from most ago. and we've had from a number of diplomats saying that the alliance played a key role in the confrontation with the us aside during soviet times. and now it's
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aggressive behavior is directed against russia and clement spokesperson to be true . pest called cold nato, a destabilizing fox, they own the european conflict of content. and that's uh, that does not contribute to security and stability. and that's relations between russia needs to have a slips to the level of direct confrontation. now he knows who that the alliance is directly involved and the conflicts and you crate and continues to advance tools, the russian folders. so obviously, especially there are no dates are based on the ground, but he and russia we constantly hear about for investors from nato countries flying say on the ukranian side and recent tools from emanuel met chrome to send french troops to ukraine, have been strongly condemned here in fonts, we've been hearing how dangerous nature is for decades here. a little before to explain to you when brush reaction launched it special. i'm going to show up ration . the country's leadership was constantly saying that you crane was going to join nato, and that was
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a direct threat to russia's national security. that nature was sending the military instructors to train the ukrainian ministry pest to now and supplied you, craig with weapons. but then it was russia who launched its invasion and you create and have to defend and still has to defend its land 6. and you're human rights watch report says columbia and panama are failing to protect migraines. crossing the treacherous darian gap as manuel rap a little reports. those fleet with a gap of vulnerable to robberies and sexual violence. more than half a 1000000 migrants cross the darian gap last year, the instant this jungle that connects columbia and panama. according to a new report by human rights watch, both countries have failed to do enough to protect migrants as the transit through rough terrain. that's what we need us, we'll just keep going in the stalls. the obligations that both the columbia and and panamanian states have in accordance with their international obligations,
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have to do with guaranteeing the life and integrity of individuals within their territories. regardless of nationality. conditional investigators say panama and columbia should do a better job coordinating a response to the worsening humanitarian crisis in the region. the most migrants are from venezuela, ecuador, and haiti, along with other nationalities from asia and africa. here investigators say migrant space, a litany of risk including sexual assault, kidnapping, and there's nothing in the list. i think you have a lot of the lack of a clear strategy with international cooperation and losing the ability to provide attention in border areas as lead to criminal groups. being the ones to manage the dynamics of migration. because both the, the new report also criticized both countries for failing to investigate and punish crimes committed against migrant. investigators say it's imperative that policies
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to protect migrants and asylum seekers take precedence over policies that seek to contain them. if someone's be in the coma math. but it's on us if done in school. here we are witnessing how more people are choosing more dangerous routes. what we should do as a region is established regional strategies for the protection and assistance of migrants. recognizing that the migration phenomenon exists and will remain on the recommendations published by human rights watch, seek to address deficiencies and migrant protections, as well as enhanced multi lateral actions to protect the human rights of migrants across the americas. middle up a little elders here, still a head on allison, 0, the dodgers $700000000.00 star points he gets his 1st home run. that is coming up in sports interest.
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destination in due by the hardest type of support would be to send it in to joined us in the studio, peter, we promised a pretty and same goal earlier, so you'll have to deliver. it's on the way i promise through, but 1st the french president's a manual macro, and so he has no doubt that russia will target the parents and the big slates of this year. he's comments on thursday where he's most explicit acknowledgements of foreign threats to security, or the smith running off the games back on was ad and events in paris for the opening of the new and then pick aquatic center. in the last few, my, since the french president said, these governments have taken the top of stones against russia,
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who are banned from taking, causing the games following the invasion of ukraine, when honest, cuz he was worried russia would target the games back on gave this response you can do it. i have no doubt, i have no doubt including an informational tons every day a fuse room is about the fact that we could not do this. will that so would be a risk. there's an increase in rushes, aggressive pasta. and it's not just happening with france. i invite you to look at what's being done in terms of leaking information about senior german military official law. this was done to germany, the united kingdom and the united states. a few days later, there was a succession of information that we know to be false, which corresponds to threatening positives whose toner, life, and that's the opening of the aquatic center didn't go to plan for one of the dive is taking part in the state or me and then pick diver, alexis gender was on the right who represented cronsa, protect your game, slipped on one of the boards front on these back and plunged into the water which
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end or as soon as treated that he's back is ok. but he's ego. well, that's a little produced in women's tennis, saudi arabia will host the season ending w t a final school the next 3 years. the show piece events on the to is for the top 8 singles players and top 8 doubles teams and will be held in riyadh until 2026. the prize money for this november's tournament is a wrinkled $15250000.00. that's a 17 percent increase from 2023. j to already hosts the a p p 2 is mixed in finals for the best male players. age 21 and under age games to go. and also back on top of the premium league they'd be pollutants. so you know, to me, of a point k of level pool. well, manchester said he also kept up the pressuring. 3rd, thanks to a full photon hattrick. david stokes rounds up the action. a big yellow tests on a side changes to the off the side. the current month, just the city,
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and it paid off the top 10 mountain view. the god opened the scoring 24 minutes in against linton street. and the game was pretty much run something by half the time after a donkey has yoke and go. the hospitals 21st when of the season puts them back on. so with the goal difference of plus $48.00 way ahead of the arrivals, which could prove crucial at the end of the season. go means that some that we have here, that we have really close, that we have shown out of consistency and quantity to, to be able to be assigned to him in, in a position that we are right now on to another state and a slip, each prepay when i was prizes defending champions, manchester city were up against aston villa. the team right behind them in full place. the leech top score, adding holland was dropped to the bench by pet gaudy ella. but it was another of the stalls which lit up the after you had all the same whites for the game,
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looked at $11.00 till food and school trick to secure a vice, a win for city as they chase. that's the title in a row. being the mid field that now has 21 goals overall, the season the and that's what i'm telling you. that is especially for the base for the work ethic is unbelievable enough to have a grow, a sense of go. you have central had to pull it back in. the last line is, oh, you're going to score is going to score you right. that feeling city, extend their own beat and run to $24.00 games. you know, competitions, best foot level on points with little pull, who can read take top spotlights on thursday. if they beat sheffield, you know, to the m field savings folks, i'll just say a rest of the. so now how about this going in the japanese leads yaga?
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sense on a tie. so robert riggs screwing from the other half way, light in the 24th minute of a match against etc. tokyo is pretty easy. but unfortunately for the in, if seen, took a came back to wind to one, the japanese and it will be still show, hey i, tony is he's supposed to have him run for the dodge is it came in a game against the san francisco giants. a tony and signed a 700000000 dollar 10 year contract with the judges was playing his mind's game for his new team. when he hit the solar drive in the 7 savings. tony's home run is the 100 and 72nd off. he's majorly korea and put the judges in front of us. they beat the giant's 5 for now, and that's all the sports needs for now. he'll be here again later with more so. all right, peter, thank you very much. we look forward to that one more thing to put it on your radar before we end this. use our in argentina, government workers who lost their jobs have joined the latest protests against
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economic reforms, imposed by president heavier mulay. critics. save a cut backs a force poverty levels disorder to almost 60 percent. wilson desired reports some of the many state employees in argentina who have lost their job is following deep cuts and government spending. the cut backs are part of the president's planned and triple digit inflation in protest. they've occupied the ministry of labor in the capital one. i'm sorry, i imagine there are enough reasons for the central unions to discuss a national strike and demand a change to this government. president heavier malay took office in december with a plan to take a chainsaw to government expenditure. but the overturning of decades of economic policy and i am f bailouts, has resulted in rising levels of poverty now up to 60 percent. so the one thing
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that we have some containers in the back where the rubbish is disposed of. when we go the, with the rubbish been about 20 people approaches to see what they can take. they're looking for something to take home. this is very tough and sad because it's a lot of people, especially older people, government statistics. so inflation slowing month by month. but prices are still 270 percent higher than they were last year with such high prices, unemployment off and guarantees poverty, right? they professional sales to they really, the social safety net is weakening in terms of food. there's a recession of this stag nation, and there's no longer enough work to compensate for the price increases. it's leading to a loss of poverty, a buck a malay says that severe hardship is an unavoidable part of his plan. to remedy government waste that contributed to inflation and public sector employees can find new jobs. and a private sector, he says, will be revitalized by his policies. but it's unclear how long it will be before
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those jobs are created. wilson dies or elders here and we are going to take very short break for back up and drop the hours. that was the unique perspective. everything is political. you can watch the out of college and everything is a feminist issue to on heard voices. we see our literacy destroying the ability to have a normal life in god. and that the stories that really feel us having a normal life in his with connects with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there and it's right here. and right now the stream on out to the around every year, thousands of on peace, they use for scientific percent activate and conservation in say the testings into main $11.00 east investigate, a booming,
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illegal trade. and the scientists lives beyond this on a tree. caught 2 of them on christmas on which is 0. there are some of the media stories, a critical look at the global news media on how to 0 government shut off access to social media. these off choose solutions that gives us no hope for future that we have to find creative solutions. not just turn our backs on the don't think that has a number. think about it as a person and yourself and that person ensures. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, and at least in my life, those dishes we want we want to break because the women in my country, the not sweet to come up to on the we are not. and neither ology, we are human beings on this earth to be trades and the coins we are working in
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different steps are officers whatever has been done before, can be done. as long as a human being is doing it, you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see the vision. this kids you to the grief in southern gaza. the is really military strikes. the city of ruffled, again, as the number of palestinians killed since october passes. 33000 barrels. any 8, it's good to have you with us. this is elsa 0, live from doha. also coming up, beating and bastard. we hear accounts of torture from the palestinian prisoner
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