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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 4, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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the viking libraries from canyon africa direct on i'll just be around what's most important to me is talking to people understanding what they're going through here. it just either we believe everyone has a story. we're hearing the present drive by mean calls for an immediate c foreign garza joining a phone call with is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the scottsdale robin, you're working on just every line headquarters here in the coming up. more is really strikes in southern gaza. the number of palestinians kills in some type of process does. the 3000 somalia expels the therapy and that's it as tensions escalate to every port deal with the break away region of some on the line and
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searching for the missing in time. one's largest quake in the 25 years. the welcome to the program, the us president has called for an immediate c sign in gaza during a phone call with the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu bite and told him that a sci fi is essential. an attempt to reach a deal without delay. 5 mills, i said us policy depends on immediate action by israel to protect civilians. it's the 1st time the 2 liters i've spoken since as rainy as strikes, killed 7, wealth, central kitchenaid workers in gauze on monday. the president emphasized that the strikes on humanitarian workers and the overall the amount of trained situation are on accept. or he made clear the need for is realty to announce
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a series of specific concrete and measurable steps to address your lilian harm. you monitoring a suffering and the safety of a workers to make clear the u. s. policy with respect to garza will be determined by our assessment of israel's immediate action on the steps while whitehouse corresponding, kimberly, how get tons more on that phone call of what the united states is looking for now, is for israel to implement a series of concrete specific and measurable steps, and they're not looking for this to be done over a sort of a lengthy timeline. what john kirby said is they're looking for this in a matter of hours if not days. so they're looking for it to be done quickly. and if it's not done quickly, what the national security council spokesperson said is that for the 1st time in a long time, the united states is looking at policy change. and that's was really significant
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here because for a long time we heard from the united states that israel had a right to defend itself. that they were not considering any sort of conditionality to be more than 4000000000 that is supplied in annual military aid to israel. and well, that is still ongoing for the 1st time with out specify what that policy change would be. they said they were considering some sort of policy change. if israel did not change his behavior, so in terms of the timeline to modify the behavior, we know that is immediate, but the bottom line and all of this is that the white house has said very clearly. joe biden is avery. he is looking for change and he has made it very clear and the read out according to the white house to be is really prime minister. the sleep is it occupied easter eastern forest time that does seem according to the americans that netanyahu has been given really a very clear talking to the logic question is will he listen of
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these early prime minister has been quite defiant when it comes to criticisms from the americans or any sort of international pressure that has come his way with the americans tonight, really shifting their tone and saying that perhaps policy on all fronts could change with these really is if they didn't change how they were prosecuting this war, these really prime minister has maintained that his policies remain the same that until he achieves all 3 of the objectives, he wants to speculate out since the war began. he is going to do things his way until he says there is an absolute victory in this war. but the tone of the americans has been changing over the last couple of months, especially given how israel has been prosecuting this war. i mean, you can look at the death tools, the amount of civilians that have been killed in gaza, the low amount of 8 that is going into the palestinian territory. all things that
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the americans have said are simply unacceptable. i live cool. so after these conversations, normally we have very quickly from these riley's, especially the prime minister, normally takes the social media very quickly. it is quiet right now. when do you think we might be able to glean what he's thinking of the full, the last post on this and you all have a social media. how to do with the israel statement on what had happened to the 78 workers that were killed in an as really strike after they were targeted in 3 different vehicles. calling it quote, a tragic incident, but something else we mentioned on that call between the 2 leaders. it was that the united states will support israel against the threats from it on. and these really prime ministers spoke about that publicly after meeting with israel's security cabinet. but when it comes to the conversations that the other parts of the conversation that they've had, it wasn't mentioned by these really prime minister and all this comes on the heels
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of a lot of disagreements between american and his really officials about this in pending round invasion into gaza, southern most city, that's why the americans have maintained that it would be a mistake. but there are other ways of going about this and how exactly these really is planned to move one and a half 1000000 palestinians. but these really have said that it's necessary in order to achieve their goals of the war. and that's, and y'all, himself has said that he's willing to do anything with or without american support from the sleigh bed for social studies truce. and thank you. a rough estimate is meant to be a site sign, but the time expires by the fullest is continued daily in the southern gauls and city. the latest assault came the lives of at least 7 palestinians, including 3 children, announced off to the building they being sheltering and took a direct hit. funerals are being held for the victims west of the city. the prophet has become home to mold and hoss of causes, population. after many with full staff from the knolls move and the 33000
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palestinians have not being kills by israel. since the will began including $14000.00 children, honey, my food is long for us in rough or in southern gaza. the attacks continue whether it's day or night. we all focus to little bit really so the know tonight the yes, uh not all the, despite the, the, the, the reports about a demand by the us, the president for an immediate c is 5, but also right offer you on security council resolution demanding an immediate cease fire for the time being and right after the ice is your ruling demand. the goals us these fire in a more of a human, a 3 and a do the northern part then, and ga, the we're seeing every after every single resolution or demand a surgeon the attack then just in a new fresh attacks and the northern part of dogs in the mail in the northern city
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is big tunneling and bait lie and gauze as well. uh, within the past couple hours it can happen to be under tv, constant artillery showing at nearly our hours a paramedic. 2 that was part was injured as he was a trying to do a 3 do it. when did of the group at google, when did people who were targeted earlier hours in the city of bay time on ended up in the parent medic and the group that was injured into a hospital here and drop off the dates in overnight, a toxic fozzy not only a, the destruction of the residential home and its surrounding the buildings, but also causing the death of, of 7 people from one family, mostly women and children. and that's a tragically have, have been the, it has been, be the, the potter we've been seeing. and every attack on residential home, the vast majority of people who are killed by the erie strikes and the ongoing
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attacks across the gaza strip. a happened to be women and children. and just right after the shocking revelation of the employment of a, a i a power database, that is, is the, the drawing gob decalle. let's say used by this very military. explain why we're seeing this a massive number of civilians among the casualties since the beginning of the war. and that has been going on since the beginning of this war in 6 months, almost all the 6 months as since the beginning of the war, those will continue to monitor events with you through the nights, the in rough, a honey, my mood, the force in southern garza or the spring you some of the days that he's not as molly, as government has older,
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if you, if he's on baset a to leave the country. smalley, officials say it's because of a polt deal between it's break away region, some on the land and the easier if you now the agreements will allow along locked the idea to lease 20 kilometers of coastline for it to be near the pool to the batter. somalia, also, side it's causing to via is called c. let's one in smaller london the other in the semi autonomous region of punk land. now the government and local issue does not control these regions conference. so he's following the story from nairobi. this is a big development and a huge escalation because it has been quiet dramatically since the feud between the 2 countries started that have been talks that have been going on, mediated by president william router of 10 years. so it is, it's huge set back and i know this a problem between the 2 countries started. when you made an
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agreement, we saw somebody line which is on a ton on the state of, of a fuel p, a without passing by passing through mogadishu. so the government of somalia say that it feels that it's totally real rights have been infringed. and when all this now is happening, even with the talks going on. now we have another incident where it still has holstead another redoing of somebody at that point. like it is, i send me a toner or to watch uh, redone. uh so uh, a delegation went to issue a ppo, where the discussing, whether this costs thing about, you know, equal logic relations and call peroration again issue of the federal government. um, also my, the emigrant issue,
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very angry saying this is provocative and the will not allow this to happen. and it's happening on the contest that there are a lot of tensions internally between portland and the federal government, especially during the so ongoing a constitutional or review process, a web portal and say that it is unhappy with some of the amendments that have been made. and it will reject those amendments and sofa. the in portland says that it is considering a withdrawal from these federal system which is going to be very problematic in dates, cost. we saw you all just there are not ruby that uses into ways costing balance and the full parliamentary election in as many as the new mia shake, michelle, i meant those top dissolves parliament in february, after
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a member of the house made a speech that was seen as insulting to them all that 200 tons of it's a contesting 50 seats in the assembly. and the other without is a political analyst. he says, the kuwaitis hope that these elections will bring stability quite as unique and it's, and it's uh, model with the, an elected parliament and a, a pointed cabinet. uh, by the end mirror. this has been um, of a sticking point in our system where it has led to a bit of a paralysis over the years. however, something is changing right now, especially after the appointment of the prime minister. uh, is it hot as tight is excellent? i'm heading into the head start and uh, i think there is a uh, i think there is more optimism on the speed towards this relationship. it is a strenuous relationship between the 2. however. uh, i think there is, uh,
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the government show there's a lot of responsibility in terms of putting forward that program that is acceptable to, to, to voters and elective elected officials as well. the prime minister came out and called for a new economic identity for the country. so uh, you know, as, as, as you are well aware, the, the middle east or the new uh, because countries are experiencing some sort of a economic pool for indirect investments are coming and diversification and detours in into manufacturing. and this kind of change is, has yet to come to great. how is it in the, in, in it's some indications from this new cabinet. and this new parliament are, are pointing in the direction that hopefully somebody can on the grid formed could begin in this next, or are the still ahead on the 0,
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they say box, it's 75th anniversary. but the festivities come with a warning from russian. the, the rain's, been heavy in queens and down in new south road is just over the borders of south of the gold coast. byron by this clarity. so you see the potential for what you've seen, how wide spread that potential has probably already really been realized is beth are out friday and saturday running dr. new south wales, given sidney, don't expect very much. and i think a c t likewise. and that extends up to the queens in k, so it's not particularly sunny but rather dismal things to improve comes half a day as the writing tends to go off show and head for the south and towards eastern victoria, the rest and australia for the nice ponds enjoying boy, me sunshine test at 552 in new zealand. a gentle breeze,
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or nothing dry here about temperatures or dining divided the average baby degree below. but hey, that's all right. it's a transitional season. big child recently, particularly in indonesia, they could be repeated, but i don't think so. but the orange top suggests where they all say bonia is at risk. maybe sort of ways the maybe sounds through monitoring malays is losey fine. i left and tied on to me and my time she was really too high. it's also true in the south west of china. but if you're in this part of china, southern china, including hong kong, about rain, is unusually heavy for this time of year and has given to months with either day of the unique perspective. everything is political, you cannot stay out of politics and everything is a feminist issue. to on heard, voices, we see our leadership destroying the ability to have a normal life in god. and that the stories that middlefield us having
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a normal life in his with connects with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there. it is home us, it's right here. and right now the stream on our in the book about to watch you obviously are with me single robin in the hall. remind to of all the top stories. the us president has called for an immediate cease fire in garza, during the phone call with these ready prime minister j by be told spend you minutes in the all who that i see sign is essential, an attempt to reach a deal without delay. at least some time as to the ends of being killed and is very strong. some residential buildings in russia mold and 33000 people have not been
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killed by israel since the will began. including 14000 children mold and 600 british lawyers have written to the u. k. government judging it to suspend on sales to israel. the latter warms up the u. k. could be complicit in genocide and other breaches of international. so need to kind of make every pulse a site that has become more common in london in recent months, another palestinian solidarity protest. this one outside the british department of business and trade. demanding that the u. k. government revoke is export licenses to israel. it is one of the most contentious issues of the campaign is what part the u. k. plays and the catastrophe unfolding in gaza and what it means were its own duties on the international law. reminding the prime minister,
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which you soon ask if those obligations more than 600 lawyers and dr. demick sporting that concern about israel's world goes up the calling for the british government to suspend the provision of weapons to is right. else saying the u. k. as in breach of international law, they also say the government must work towards an immediate and permanent ceasefire and stress about position through the un security council. the noise say the u. k. must urgency impose sanctions on senior members of the is really government who made statements in sizing genocide where the state adding to this a revelation by a conservative m. p. sharing a parliamentary foreign, a fast committee that the government's own, lawyers issued advice, but israel had breached international. the foreign secretary, david cameron avoid it on spring. so you've never had a piece of paper in front of you by a, for an office lawyer that says the israel's, and breach of its international should monitoring commitments on jessica entangle i,
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i the reason for the officers with an account were cool. every single bit of paper has been put in front of me and so i didn't want to answer that question. one of the signatories of the left us says they're all serious legal issues at stake. the rules of war require the civilians are protected as far as possible. but the, the death of a apparently over $30000.00 civilians in gaza is a pretty strong indication that israel has gone far beyond what is permitted in international role. the killing of 78 workers, and it is really a tac may have a the force, the issue of how israel is conducting itself in goss. i'm a personal tragedy for those affected and it is all stuff. is ralph public perception suspending trade licenses will be one way for the u. k. to balance its legal obligations. but the dilemma for the prime minister,
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how he can continue to remain firm as an ally of israel, as public support for the country continues to diminish. sonya guy, yeah, go out, is there a london, as they say, foreign ministers of celebrated the surface the 5th anniversary of the military alliance. the ceremony was on the 2nd day of the summits in brussels, the foreign ministers of the 32 members considering plans to provide a loan to military aid package, the credit and notes with 170000000000 dollars over the next 5 years. the company and says relations between russia and nathan have sunk to the level of direct confrontation control. stratford has moved from keith. there are a lot of the lots of questions about this plan that needs to be discussed, including the amount of money for this 5 year fund. and exactly how a where that money is going to come from. we've already heard reservations by some diplomats as to how that is going to be possible,
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but was of great encouragement as i suppose you'd expect from the us secretary of state and to be blinking. he said that so support for ukraine from the nato alliance remain the rock solid. and he said again, look, ukraine will become eventually a member of nato, is that the purpose of the summit in july is to help build a bridge to that membership. and a clear pulse like ukraine moving forward with respect to ukraine's immediate needs though. and that's where we've seen so much emphasis coming from the ukranian foreign minister, demitra calais. but of course he's attending that somebody. and he now says that he has had assurances from those nato members. they have agreed to identify and blind a different systems in the options that they can send to ukraine, which course ukraine in recent weeks has come under the escalation of russian attacks using many ballistic missiles. and these kind of calls the drones only one
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last the latest one last night. in car cable, we understand at least 4 people were killed in that attack. the label says that in march alone, russia use 90 full ballistic missiles in these attacks. so it's the immediate needs that is so important for full ukraine. the name of the military says it shut down so team terrorist drones over the capital city of naperville. now the military added that some of the trains were carrying explosives, but were destroyed before they called any casualties on damage. the mazda opposition has claimed responsibility for the attack. well, let me define to going to be in the united nation, says 18 point. 6000000 people in the country will need humanitarian assistance this year to the minute she's efforts to restrict access for humanitarian aid. is worsening. the harrowing situation on the ground and the minute trays reported forced closure of hospitals and rec kind state is preventing access to
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a central health care. we reiterate this councils cool for full, safe, unhindered humanitarian access. a federal court in the us has refused to throw out charges of mishandling classified documents, in a case against the full, the president donald trump. but his lawyer is trying to argue that he was protected by a presidential records low. prosecutors disagreed, saying the act had no relevance. trump faces 40 charges of keeping top secret files that as possible. residents, if the i rated is florida, have in 2022 and confiscated mold at a 100 highly classified files. the full, the speaker, a south africa's parliament and full, but defense minister have a paid in court on corruption charges and she's been going to bail of about $2800.00 of us to surrender. a passport. the member of the governing african national congress resigned 24 hours earlier. the corruption investigation coincides
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with campaigning for the general election next month. when the n c could lose power for the 1st time to meet them in a hospital from johannesburg. as the former speaker of parliament, most of you will not be sent the hula as in recent days, try to restore being arrested and appearing in court on corruption charges. now these charges go back to when she was a minister of defense. she's accused of soliciting and taking bribes of about $250000.00. the equivalent. there are 4 defense contracts between 20162019. now she's handed this off over to police early on thursday. she appeared in a pictorial quote, late in the day. she's being released on sale of just under $3000.00 and is likely to attend to court in june. the states has indicated that another accused could be charged that's off the present. the colors home was just last month. the charge's come at an awkward time for the governing african national congress. it's an
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election. yeah. and the party and some high ranking members already facing allegations of food and corruption which is likely to a fixed support at the polls. given the amc is seen in support drops since the last election. somebody the older 0 john his book will stay on the african continent and executive from the crypt take cover. c platform bind on size appeared in court in nigeria, on tax evasion and money laundering charges. the nigerian government has a key is finance of manipulate the exchange rates through currency speculation and rates fixing. so this apparently calls the local currency to drop by nearly 70 percent of corresponding for the december was in court in the future for the trials opening day. as the head of finance, financial crime, compliance see grand done by end was supposed to face charges of money laundering on fox evasion on thursday when he was brought to court in the nation's capital
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a buddha. but he did and type the that he has not been properly solved by the prosecutors and that he needed to be solved as an individual. i bet he will not hold forth false. he's for, and company violence. after arguments, the judge did grant him that he needs to be able to go back to custody. i must be reminded in prison as was a rage by the prosecutors. so right now, on monday, he will be rearranged where he will face charges of 4 count charges of tax evasion, and also have funded laundry. also i waned along with some local companies with the needs to have connived with the company to a dis, thoughts didn't make sure. and so they kind of make system the niger and government is demanding about $10000000.00 us dollars as company in session for these huge losses being killed as a result of the activities of violence. felix and how to 0 a bu. jeff nigeria. hundreds of after shots of shaking eastern taiwan and following
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the devastating yeah of click on wednesday. the 7.2 magnitude quite calls the death of at least 10 people in india, more than a 1000. jessica washington reports from place to the quakes epi center at joomla elementary school in holly in 10th provide temporary shown to us with dozens of families after they homes were damaged by the earthquake on wednesday. oh sure no. hi. i'm still shaking even though still tumbling. i'm very scared. i can't sleep to. she says she was devastated as she watched her home collapse. it was the strongest doing squeak in taiwan for 25 years. security camera video showed ness is spring into action to protect a newborn babies as a hospital ward shoak. at least 48 residential buildings were damaged. some have already been demolished. some buildings, a tool to and many buildings have been deemed to have structural issues by engine
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is, follow those residents where hesitant of the state and buildings market there in noticeable can come to the show you the magnitude 7.2, quake damaged tunnels and roads and left, some people stranded in remote mountainous areas, rescue is created and obstructed road and evacuated some hotel workers from a tunnel. all those remain on accounted for. now, many of coming to terms with the damage about how the situation was chaotic. everyone was running and screaming, else the child was injured in their room. what's the urgency? need a new place. i don't. chung, runs a use center. she's on sure. when the children who lived the can return of the quakes common in the sized, weekly active zone, known as the pacific rings, fire experts have commended taiwan disaster mitigation measures which include stringent construction requirements, says in more than 300 auto shocks. since the nature of quake on wednesday, the way the agency wants that food off the shocks are expected,
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potentially as strong as magnitude 7. back in the emergency shown to tim showing says she's unsure what she'll do next. her apartment is too dangerous to return to . she has no money with her and almost no possessions, but she says all she wants to retrieve the only photograph she has her late mother, jessica washington out to 01 in. as well as insane the government workers who lost the jobs have joined the latest protests that were getting equal weight reforms imposed by present heavy emulate. critics say the cut bank so full of poverty levels to sol, for almost 60 percent. wilson dissolved reports some of the many state employees in argentina who have lost their job is following deep cuts and government spend. the cut backs are part of the president's planned and triple digit inflation. in protest, dave occupied the ministry of labor in the capital when a sorry.


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