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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 5, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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the sacred thing is now your duty to fulfil all that can possibly be the protect civilians or risk of losing us simple precedent by an issues a warning to as well as equals for an immediate cease fire in guns the carry johnston. this is i'll just say it or not from tow said coming out. exclusive footage obtained by august shows is rarely, sol, just opening file several palestinians attempting to collect a race to rescue those tow stranded in taiwan off to wednesdays, powerful as quick stuffs. i'm just seeing human incentives, i mean, well, in the dominican republic and coming up we'll explain how the dominicans are
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feeling about the price is taking place in their neighboring country. the us president joe biden has called for an immediate cease fire in guns during the call with his very prime minister benjamin netanyahu. he won't netanyahu us support for israel will depend on steps taken to address the civilian home. as a monetary and suffering. a white house correspondent timberly how could reports, days after his railey airstrikes killed 7 worlds. central kitchen aid workers, us president joe biden spelled booth. it's rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu . the president ward, israel doesn't protect civilians and aid workers. future us support is a state he made clear the need for israel to announce a series of specific, a concrete and measurable steps to address is lilian harm. you bet, it turns
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a suffering and the safety of a workers. those steps include more crossings for a trucks and mitigation measures to reduce civilian harm. the bite and administration says it must happen in a matter of days. the us secretary of state says 100 percent of the population and gaza needs humanitarian assistance. and those working to provide assistance are in peril this way. so risk attacks on the world central kitchen was not the 1st such incident. it must be the last biden's. 30 minute phone call comes, as the president said to be increasingly frustrated by israel's war and gaza. that's left for the $33000.00 palestinians dead. he's calling for an immediate cease fire to prove the humanitarian conditions and allow for the release of captives. if we don't see changes from their side,
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they'll have to be changes from our side. that change could come in the form of a policy shift. critics of press the us to stop providing nearly 4000000000 in the annual military assistance to israel. but the white house says there's no plan to help military support. the white house declined to outline consequences if israel failed to protect civilians in aid workers. it also defended latest approval of fighter jets and bombs the same day that aid workers were killed. saying is real faces, multiple threats, including from iran. kimberly healthcare al jazeera, the white house spend the past few hours off to the cold present by and israel has settings will temporarily allow a deliveries through northern border crossing with garza. but currently a limited number of age trucks passed through their wrathful crossing with egypt as
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well as crown adverse to them also in the south. but really fav since the site as well is impeding access and stringent checks means nothing of a to is guessing. it is crossing which is well says it will open up, connects to northern garza and that's the reason facing evidence found. in addition to israel says it will open its port city of ash daughter to receive aid by sea for delivery to gauze that might kind of has more not from washington dc. as the national security council has released the statement confirming that israel has agreed to open, the air is crossing and also to make use stuff. it's potent as dodd. this is significant because air is, is in the north of gaza. it means that you meant a terry and supplies can now get into the north rather than in the south, which is where the previous crossings of humanitarian aid had taken place in rough uh and kept them shalom opening up the port of ash dog full. the movement of
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humanitarian supplies to gaza also significant. it will particularly improve the flow of humanitarian aid from jordan. astro does some 20 kilometers up the coast from gaza. so all of these meshes follow what appears to be a 4th phone call between president find and, and prime minister netanyahu in which the president reportedly insisted that specific concrete and measurable steps be taken to address civilian home. if this was not done, then the us would be reconsidering the nature of its relationship with israel. now, administration officials set off to the call that they were expecting, and his railey responds to possibly, in a matter of hours, not even days. and that has indeed been the case, but what that has not been a response to was the coal for an immediate cease fire that president biden made in his coal with prime minister netanyahu. now whether or not this is going to be
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a sticking point in the next day is the relationship between the us and israel. that is something that will be finding on from the administration as the hours go by. but that call itself an immediate call for an immediate cease fire was also a movement away from the u. s. policy of recent months. so especially since israel began its wall in gaza and this is something that clearly indicates a shift in the us position. the possible, the possibility or the threat of making a israel conditional if it does not increase the protection of civilians during its war on garza, my kind of ultra sierra washington. let's go live now to really challenge who joins us from occupied east joyce. and so really, israel says it will open up a crossing in the north for aid. but what difference will that make considering the obstacles? we've seen the crossings in the south?
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well look, i mean it's indicative really, isn't it, of the in fluids, the leverage to the united states kind of applied to is ralph's when it chooses to do so, because this decision from netanyahu tie him just hours off to the phone calls with the president biden he then went into a security cabinet meeting where the decision was taken. now the statements that came off to that security cabinet meeting says that these route will allow the temporary delivery of humanitarian aid, temporary. how should night through ash dogs and the arrows checkpoints. this increased age who prevents the humanitarian crisis and is necessary to ensuring the continuation of the fighting at achieve the goals of, of the war sites. even now, with all of this or this decision is being framed as a way to complete his rails or james. now as mike was expecting to address is
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the crossing that. so the north of the cause of strip ash told isn't, is ready posts for the north from that so able coming slash ip port and then be transported across the air as crossing and feeding to northern cause. i which was the fast parts of gauze that was devastated by israel's assaults on, on the strip. now, how much difference it makes? well, that's completely in the hands of the israelis how much a light they let through any increase of course is going to be of benefits to the starving people of gaza. and the amount of age that has been getting through sofa has of course not even begun to meet the needs of the people who are that adding to that. uh, of course, this attack on the wells central kitchen aid workers during the week, which led to the cessation of operations from several, a groups that are working on the grounds in gauze at distributing a to the people who need it. and you can see the crisis that is in the sense that
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people have cause that's why they so by they need more rights to be getting through or challenge with that top date. thank you. sarah has obtained exclusive footage from northern garza sharing is really soldiers opening fire on several palestinians attempting to collect aid if we do the pick. so distressing. see where a palestinian civilian and tearing aid is deliberately shots multiple times by the soldiers. a warning of the images in this report on the step we had already asthma killed during a how many terry an air drop? that's the tragic fee to the public opinion. men collecting 8 in the city of georgia, a in north eastern gaza on march 9th to a new plane. drops a packages over the gaza strip, but soon it becomes evident that it doesn't come without risk. the packages lands new the boldest fence in northern garza. exclusive footage obtained by all to 0
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shows is really soldiers, deliberately targeting palestinians. as they rushed to collected, the vigil shows these really soldiers opening fire. despite none of this policy new men posing a threat. the firing continues, even as this man leads the area, moving away from the boulder and the soldiers positions. as the soldiers watch dogs approach the wounded man and the video cuts off, highlighting the overall and low listeners that has the can hold in the area. you had to live to d. l 0 to attack spies. very false is all continuing in the southern states. you wrap up the spot that ended up being declared a safe thing, but they to strike killed at least 7 palestinians, including 3 children. funeral was, have been held for the victims raffle has become home to more than half of gauze as
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population. often anywhere forced that from no more than $33000.00 protestants have now been killed by his ro says the will be got, including $14000.00 children. all the 600 british lawyers have written that to the u. k. government urging it to suspend on sales to as well that that's a ones that the u. k. could be complicit in genocide and other breaches of international know, sort of giga as well as somebody that has become more common in london in recent months. another palestinian solidarity protest. this one outside the british department of business and trade demanding that the u. k. government revoke is explored licenses to israel. it is one of the most contentious issues for campaign is what part the u. k. plays and the catastrophe unfolding in gaza and what it means for its own duties on the international law. reminding the prime
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minister, which you soon ask of those obligations more than 600 lawyers. and dr. demick sporting that concern about is rails world goes up the calling for the british government to suspend the provision of weapons to israel saying the u. k. as in breach of international law, they also say the government must work towards an immediate and permanent ceasefire and stress about position through the un security council. the noise say the u. k, must urgent to impose sanctions on senior members. a v is really government who made statements in sizing genocide where states adding to this revelation by a conservative m. p. sharing a parliamentary, far in a fast committee that the government's own lawyers issued advice, but israel had breached international law. the foreign secretary david cameron avoid the don'ts ring. so you've never had a piece of paper in front of you by a, for an office lawyer that says the israel's, and breach of its international humanitarian commitments on jessica. in general. i
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like the reason for the officers with an account were cool. every single bit of paper has been put in front of me. and so i didn't want to answer that question. one of the signatories of the left us says they're all serious legal issues at stake. the rules of war require the civilians are protected as far as possible. but the, the death of a apparently over $30000.00 civilians in gaza is a pretty strong indication that israel has come far beyond what is permitted in international role. the killing of 78 workers and is really a tac may have the, the force, the issue of how israel is conducting itself in goss. i'm a personal tragedy for those affected and it is all stuff is rough, public perception, suspending trade licenses will be one way for the u. k. to balance its legal
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obligations. but the dilemma for the prime minister, how he can continue to remain firm as an ally of israel, as public support for the country continues to diminish. sonya jago algebra, london. israel has stepped up rage and occupies westbank since the war and gauze began surrounded by his very ministry towers in check points, many protestants, that's based on certain future like safety, which palestinian boy only 1015 last week and has already twice been imprisoned, buys very forces here's a story and his own words brusquely the scale it stopped. the locate the. 2 totally cool. one board. you may have the latest images, especially as normal and the zone loss of that the head cause only.
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now. so let me ask you to reschedule a heinrich higher for 50, a, giving it to the and look them crime i the show corner got the console now close the the local him hook and go to the you going to squeeze some of the little one on the top floor for me to the next to my i'm in a can you on the i can be and is there a way called, oh, and it was you were going to the customer. skinner. so we're doing the decision is with asian, i on the subject to have them the enough,
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see another know speak to to our brand new ma. my know, i normally okay with shut up with this is, you know, when the was suddenly issued, the cottage said what gets me business day? well, an estimate of the se in them and what, how would be the most of them? so now i'm gonna draw a mobile number, they assure the dr. me shoot me over to the live stream. so the head on the program, why the amazon rain forest in columbia and brazil is to the risk despite the decline of deforestation
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the the, the still clouds cutting across the sky of the right being produced. nobody's sending, and it's concentrated, get along the ball, s takes it through a mile and gammon. i'm not squared. if anything else you want to share, i was going to be prompted by how i grants or west and you have been maybe the western side of savvy reb, you'll see one or 2. they might be some the stones that compared with this last week. there's nothing to worry about. the winds, generally speaking, light tempers on their way up, slow these rides sadie, right route through rock. there is clearly something gotten through to ask you that might not be tempted back down in cyprus and the advances the when becomes on the sho, in northern egypt. but this is rain or bit of snow for the caucasus, but not much mold, not really nothing to be concerned about actual. there's a still shelves around the west and saturday, not big,
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but they're all the same. the seasonal rain very today, a little bit further science is showing itself in terms of the a and in can neither of warnings of its heaviness and maybe is welcome in somalia and d. c. o p. equally, it's wet for the west, as you might expect. this is the range coming north with the sun. size of this well, of a pleasing picture. some, at least there is rain from. there may be a, down towards south africa, but look at this coming up into something mozambique significant. right. which might give a little bit of help for right. maybe to zoom by way. the unique perspective desktop plays himself and does told the palestinians to go to on heard voices, to humor. i try to highlight the absurdities inconsistency, but upon proceed landscape. connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere to take every day. this is going to unspeakable horror as
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to really alone about what's happening because of the tasks and media attention to the stream on algebra, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching, i'll just hear a reminder about top storage. the us presence is cooled for an immediate cease fire and guns in a phone call. joe biden, warranties rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu, the risk of losing us an immediate actions taken to prevent civilian homes. now move food to this is what a strikes on residential buildings. and rafa has killed at least 7 palestinians.
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the death toll since the move, the gun has cost 33000 tooting, 14000 children. rescue is in taiwan. are searching for 18 people still missing. now for a possible us click on wednesday. these 10 people died in the 7.2 magnitude. craig, move a 1000, were injured dozens of off the shots, continue to shake areas around the items east coast overnight. jessica washington is that in one of the, in mid escalades epi cent a, this is a goes public school in harley. and you can see some of the damage from wednesdays of quake to the structure of the building. and also inside the classrooms as far as you say, the cost of rebuilding this school will be around $6000000.00. and this is just one of dozens of schools damaged in the quick. the central government and local governments have already committed millions to funding rebuilding public
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infrastructure and supporting local small businesses, particularly those in the tourism sector. meanwhile, rescue is continue efforts to clear a road blocking around 700 people. authorities say, however they are safe. most of them are in a hotel and they have enough food and water. the search also continues this morning, so more than a dozen people classified as missing, including for foreign nationals. authorities say the location of these individuals is still unknown, but some of them are believed to be on a hiking trail. jessica washington, which is 0. claudia, somebody is government says order. the c o 2 is a message to leave the country. smaller officials say it's because of the port to day oh, between it's break away region of a small the that and then if you yeah, the agreement would allow landlocked ethiopia to lease 20 kilometers of coastline. thought to be near the port of ever somalia also said it's closing it to of if you,
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if is constant it's one in somebody and the other in the semi autonomous region of point land, the government's immigrant showed does not control these regions. catherine stories following the story from the all righty. this is a big event, not many, and a huge escalation, because it has been quiet diplomatically since the feud between the 2 countries started of that have been talks that have been going on, mediated by president william router of 10 years. so it is, is huge, set back and i know this a problem between the 2 countries started when you made an agreement with salt, somebody land which is on a tunnel. the state of all is c o. p, a without passing. but passing through mogadishu. so
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the government of somalia says that it feels that uh it's co tauriel rights have been infringed. and when all this now is happening, even with the talks going on. now we have another incident where it still has holstead another redone of to mind. yeah, that's portland, it is, i sent me a told me to watch a region a so a delegation went to issue appeal whether discussing whether discussing about, you know, you will not seek relations and corporation again issue a federal government. um, also my, the emerald condition, very angry saying this is provocative and the will not allow this to happen. and it's happening on the contest that there are a lot of tensions internally between portland and the federal government, especially during this. 9 7 ongoing,
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a constitutional review process, a web portal, and saves that it is unhappy with some of the amendments that have been made and it will reject those amendments and sofa that you know, portland says that it is considering to withdrawal from these federal system which is going to be very problematic indeed, costs we saw you all to 0. nairobi. the federal courts in the us says refused to throughout charges of mishandling classified documents. in the case against the former president's donald trump. these lawyers tried to argue that he was protected by presidential requisite little prosecutors disagreed, saying the act had no relevance from faces. 40 charges for keeping top secret files . at his personal residence, the f. b. i rated his florida in 2022 and confiscated more than 100 highly
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classified files. u. s. presidency is due in baltimore to meet relatives of those who perished and the bridge collapse. 6 repair work cause were killed when a containing a ship lost power and rammed the bridge last week. divers have managed to recover any 2 bodies so far salvage efforts to clear the twisting wreckage and reopened the port to shipping off on getting a. i'm a stand to national, has criticize the dominican republic urging it to stop. must deportations of haitians and accusing authorities of racism any in the dominican republic say they cannot show the acute process in haiti just because they show and find. i'll just here as like in america, edited the seeing human reports from santa domingo, the dominican republic, and have him share this caribbean island much more ways than one. the distant neighbors. one speaks french, the other spanish, but more importantly, patients suffer from acute poverty, extreme political instability,
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and now uncomfortable violence. on the other side of the border in the capital samples of legal life looks peaceful and prosperous. but looks or just see you and say, well, we're afraid, hate is close to us. we've seen the videos of killing that is like, you have a day just me believe you next to or you don't know if that will hurt your family. in the last 3 months, dominican republic has deported more than 2500 young, documented asians arguing reasons of national security. we asked following minister roberto albert is to respond to charges by amnesty international of racism and inhumane treatment of patients. 73 percent of our population is mixed blood, 16 percent black, 11 percent white. so there's never been it within dominicans, a distinction as to race. that is completely false. no, no,
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but of course we're more than willing to help with the international community with any in a few minutes area and assistance. but the question is being asked, why isn't the dominican republic shouldering the black, the bulk of it in v, as a lot of the working class dominicans we met in says their country is doing its fair share already. they save hundreds of 1000 the patients' lives. yes, everyone's mixed together. better. so most of us imagined to people live in your house and for like more arrive, you'll share of everything shrinks. but we put up with it because they are right, brothers and neighbors with the presence of so many haitians is also creating tensions. i feel sorry for them, but they should be sent back to their country for being flooded by patients. with that i, you go to hospital ends. there are 10 haitians and 2 dominicans that com be their taking away our rights were in the general hospital now. and indeed,
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there are many, many patients here, many patient children as well, but that's only part of the story they didn't just arrived yesterday. many have been here for decades, undocumented, and they are here in the country doing the hardest jobs and the lowest paying jobs . and haitian children born in the dominican republic or not eligible for citizenship back in v as why don't they? there are 2 things. people agree on the fear that the violets next door could spill over into this country. and the desperate need for safety to restore law and order with the help of an international community that seems to have forgotten. the silent you see and human al jazeera, simple to mingle, really publish the scientific data, is providing welcome. these become painters who are trying to stop the destruction of the amazon rain forest, environmental experts in the global forest watch group reporting a major decrease in the rates of deforestation in brazil and columbia. thoughts as i sondra of m p a t reports from boca tom,
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the goal of stopping global deforestation by 2030 remains on the thread. a tropical forest are humanity's best defense against climate change. with forest spires, illegal logging and the expansion of cattle ranching continued to threaten them. the world resources institutes. annual global forests watch offers a glimmer of hope, seeing the 1st station. so a major dropping brazil and columbia in 2023. both brazil and columbia had administration changes in the past year to and we're really seeing a increasing rhetoric and political will around reducing forest loss. and it seems like that that changes actually having a very rapid impact on primary force last decreased by 36 percent in brazil after president knew that the seal that took office following guy here, both so natural who had the road and environmental protections in columbia before
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a station decreased 49 percent as the new administration of the style of the pits are focused on protecting the environment to rule reforms and advancing peace negotiations with on groups operating in the amazon. yet these reductions were offset by sharp increases in forest loss in other countries. like believe you and you cut out what we are seeing pretty massive increases in bolivia, in particular. now has the 3rd most the primary for us loss of any country in the tropics. this is a situation that's continuing to get worse. their forest fires are major factor, and we're seeing forrest fires in areas that have not previously burned as well as agricultural expansion. the report shows that in 2023, the tropics, last 3700000 actors of the primary forest. that's the equivalent of losing 10


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