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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 5, 2024 11:00am-11:30am AST

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with every press who are bringing it to light, a little love in palestine, we share the under pressure from the us, whose rel, agrees to open a border crossing in northern guys to allow in much needed a the play you're watching, i'll just the or i live from bill, how would need for the back to also coming up video obtain biology 0 shows these really soldiers opening fire on palestinians as they tried to connect for funeral to held a ron for the 7 military personnel killed and then is really strikes in syria on monday will be live from tehran and dozens of optis on the same taiwan following the major earthquake on wednesday. the search goes on for 18. people still missing
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the a. thank you for joining us. israel has agreed to open 2 new aid row. seemed to guys that to allow in much needed humanitarian assistance after a phone call between us present joe biden, and israel's foreign minister benjamin netanyahu. 5 in call for an immediate cease, find a phone call in warranty at yahoo, that us a trace route is conditional on israel taking steps to boost humanitarian aid to gaza and prevent civilian debts. it was a 1st call between the 2 liters. since these are the ami killed, 74 and 8 workers in guys of prompting global outreach. currently unlimited number of 8 trucks passed through the rasa crossing with egypt, as well as kind of mabel site, and also in the south. but relief agency se is rel, is impeding access and strange and checks me is not enough. fade is getting in. the air is crossing which is where it says it will open up,
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connects to northern gaza. that's the region facing immune into famine. additionally, israel says it will open its port of osh dog to receive aid by the sea for delivery to gossip in a moment will be live in gaza to get the latest on the situation. on the ground day with our correspondent taxi cab was old. but for us we go to raleigh, china and zene occupied easter was february. first of all, tell us more about the this, this phone call between. net yeah. when biding and how these really is a framing the decision to open the rest for the crossing as well. i think it's fine cool. shows that when the us decides it wants to apply some pressure to ways. right. and uses leverage it. can the chief some results because it was just a few hours between that cold between us and yahoo and bite, and that's of yahoo then went into a security cabinet meeting also the back of that security cabinet meeting. that was this announcement that's a whole new aid rates would be opened up into gauze. what they have said about that
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is israel will allow the temporary delivery of humanitarian aid through ash dog and the arrows checkpoint. this increased, i will prevent the humanitarian crisis and is necessary to ensure the continuation of the fighting and achieve the goals of the war. now, a few things to unpack their costs. one is that's, this is already got to be temporary, according to these, where it is not a permanent opening of the arrows crossing for aid. they're also saying that they think this will prevent the humanitarian crisis. well, as we know from the united nations, the goals are, isn't the phrase of a full blown in the humanitarian crisis already. and these right is a fragment, this as a way to ensure the get to the continuation of the fighting and achieve the goals of the war sites. they are saying that this is all about the plan that goes into fighting against how much, but how they're going to win that will. so a temporary opening of air is how then is it the age distribution going towards
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what sort of mechanism is going to be put in place to? we know any details about that. well the big questions remain because 1st and foremost arrows is uh not a border crossing that was ever set up to handle things like cargo trucks coming in . it was before the war, pedestrian crossing. i've used it in the past many moons ago. it's a big airport style hung up building while you go through security checks and scans on new package. and then you have to walk down a kind of columbus along covered walkway into gaza itself. it was also quite badly damaged at the beginning of the war. so whether or not it has any capacity to accept large amounts of a coming in will. that remains to be seen. it might need significant what to get to it. so that points to that points of capacity. i'm, we also,
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i don't know how much it is going to be go getting in when it is actually up and running properly because everything is in the is ready times. and as we know from watching this conflict on falls for many months, the needs that the guardians have full food and medicine and supplies like that dramatically out scripts. what is going in at the moment? hence, you see these ad drops being undertaken by the united states. and other countries power see thing call go into gaza to help the situation on the ground. so there is lots that we don't know about this uh, this new crossing how it's going to work and how much i is going to go and add to the fact that when the guy she gets into gauze or how does it reach the people wells, central kitchen, other 8 organizations have stopped their operations on the ground because of that attack. i don't the week was killed 78, but because yeah, really thank you very much for that. really challenges live that you know occupied
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the service less cost over 2000 now and speak to take a buzz them in rafa tell us about the reactions, the 1st, sorry to this decision by these released to open air is do people think it's going to make a difference to the feature of those with the left in northern gas as well fully in fact, as we've been hearing from palestinians and guys on specifically here in rough as they have been saying that it's a very good step being taken off. it's important to mention and also to stress on the importance of the continuation of the flow of humanitarian aid store out. that's the 1st thing that's had been reopen to get an off site meeting, being cable between the cabinet and invest. and the intense announcing american pressure alignment tools from the american president you'll find in regarding the significance of increasing humanitarian capacity specifically offset. the consequences being following the latest is really attacking the was until kitchen part. yes, it's unknown at which entity going to be responsible for distributing aids for
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people instead of their cost of cars are generally is really practically connected to the, to open. and it was the 1st thing and to increase the capacity to humanitarian flows on the ground, that it will help relatively, to mitigate the rent prices that in light of the great collapse of foods system and then other parts of the territory as people that of not being receiving much needed live saving supplies since day one of the fighting them. that's absolutely important to mention. i'm at the denial of horner was operations that i'm now with the suspension of the central kitchen. so it's important to guarantee the full access for people there. if for the humanitarian aid, such will be delivered from err errors of crushing and even with this glimmer of hope, that more aides some aid, we'll get to know them guys which and i desperately need fits the the attacks and as strikes across the strip continued topic i talk to us about the situation on the ground in what's been happening these last few hours of the
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world. that's essentially the is very equation that has been adopted since the beginning of the conflict. they try to partially allow for humanitarian 8th a to get into the gaza strip. and on the other part they have continuing their bottom ins and outs of the reasoning of the entire territory as casualties amongst billions day by day rises without any topping fighting. as we have been hearing of the last couple of hours for attacks on the eastern area is the pro 5 district that's had been widely hits by author units alongside that the user, the mid 3 to now did not finish it's miniature operation. in con you, in a city where they are right now, the right thing in the southern part of the city where they systematically destroyed residential buildings and neighborhoods one off to the other. and that has been completely adopted within the fighting itself off to finishing their operations. in certain areas, but at the same time, people have been those have been telling us that the situation that is getting much moved tie us. they have been hearing loss onto the attacks on the bottom and every
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now and then in japan here ritual devalue refugee campbell ocean on big la here town in the fox. no, they're part of the gaza strip. these areas that they use very minute treat at the breakthrough before. i'm had announced that the managed to many totally destroyed the military infrastructure for the palestinian home groups the but you twice and you get there are upset. i'm it on step abutment and then other and parts of the gaza strip. sorry, thank you for bringing a survey to say from rafa in southern gaza. as we've heard the phone call between joe biden and benjamin netanyahu has yet to have any effect on the grounding guys up at the us position on israel seems to be shifting. my kind of reports or the national security council has released the statement confirming that israel has agreed to open, the air is crossing and also to make use stuff. it's potent as dodd. this is significant because air is, is in the north of gaza. it means that you meant a terry and supplies can now get into the north rather than in the south,
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which is where the previous crossings of humanitarian aid had taken place in rough uh and kept them shalom opening up the port of ash dog full. the movement of humanitarian supplies to gaza also significant. it will particularly improve the flow of humanitarian aid from jordan. astro does some 20 kilometers up the coast from gaza. so all of these meshes follow what appears to be a proto phone call between president find and, and prime minister netanyahu in which the president reportedly insisted that specific concrete and measurable steps be taken to address civilian home. if this was not done, then the us would be reconsidering the nature of its relationship with israel. now is demonstration officials set off to the call that they were expecting. and his railey responds to possibly, in a matter of hours, not even days. and that has indeed been the case, but what they has not being
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a response to was the coal for an immediate cease fire that president by didn't made in his coal with prime minister netanyahu. now whether or not this is going to be a sticking point in the next day is the relationship between the us and israel. that is something that will be finding on from the administration as the hours go by. but that call itself an immediate call for an immediate cease fire was also a movement away from the u. s. policy of recent months. so especially since israel began its wall in gaza and this is something that clearly indicates a shift in the us position. the possible, the possibility or the threat of making a to israel conditional if it does not increase the protection of civilians during its war on garza, my kind of ultra sierra washington. so when i speak to sol takahashi,
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about all this is a professor of human rights and peace studies at osaka university. and he's also a former deputy head of office of the un high commissioner for human rights in occupied palestine, in joining us from tokyo professor. thank you so much for your time. do you believe that the us is really prepared to make changes to his policy towards israel? if these are these don't change at contacting? gosh. well, i mean, i very much hope so. i mean, the up till now the whole narrative, the biden is getting tough on that and yahoo! and he's really, you know, calling for action. up till now it's really just been smoke and mirrors, seemingly directed to the hope that somehow this will increase. biden's very desperate support, a month's, a lot of voters in the united states. so you know, up till now. nothing much has come of it. let's hope that something comes of at this time. but i don't know, i mean, you know, a bite and really has to do is not ask for some kind of concrete, measurable plan with k b eyes or whatever. but what he has to do is stop immediately the flow of an ending
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flow of weapons stop immediately. the political support that the united states gives to israel. and you know, that's what he has to do. and he can do that very easily. he can do that very, very quickly. so that's really what has to happen. talk is cheap. let's hope that he follow this up with actually was something seemed to have come out of this phone conversation, you know, with his route saying that he will reopen the rice crossing to let in wage in to northern guys and everyone is welcoming this decision as a somewhat of a victory, it would seem the americans that the national security council had we heard. but is this enough or well, it's not nearly enough. i mean, of course we have to see what happens and how much it actually gets in. but 1st and foremost, we have to remember that this is not that humanitarian issue. primarily this, this is an issue of genocide. these really is, are committing genocide. they're committing massacres less than right. the forcibly displacing as many cousins as they can. and as long as the americans and many of
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the europeans keep on enabling, is real in doing this international crime. then you know, all the 8 in the world is really not going to make that much of a difference. it's not as humanitarian issue, and we have to be careful of falling into the trap of, of, you know, be of the thinking of it. and that what, yeah, you're right to point that out. i, it is a human rights issue. so in the beginning of the wealth, central kitchenaid workers has put more pressure. it seems on these western governments that back israel to do more. we've heard in the u. k. growing calls to stop on sales. so these are what else do you think these girlfriend should be doing to ensure that is, rout respects international law? well, there's a whole so there's a whole slew of things that they should be doing. mainly living sanctions, ad is real and making sure that you know the situation of impunity that israel has enjoyed for decades and decades as it flowed to international law system. adequate . that has to be brought to an end. and the international criminal court has to
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they have to get foster behinds and the issue warrants arrest warrants for peace. ready the is really military and political leadership that seem to be guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity. that's what has studies with nations on the meal change. israel, as he said, we are submitting these crimes. are these western countries completed, and should they also be held accountable at signing instructional court? you know, for sure they shouldn't be. i mean people who the people who ate in the bed, these kind of international crimes. yes. for sure. they are complicit and they should be held responsible in some way. they have international criminal responsibility as well. thank you so much for talking to us professor. so takahashi, like joining us from tokyo, we appreciate your time in so i thank you. is there any soldiers of arrested 8 finest indians and fired t a gas? i. b l acts
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a moss compound in occupied east jerusalem. restrictions have been imposed on the last friday praise of ramadan is really, authorities are only allowing access to palestinian men over the age of 55 and women over the age of 51. palestinian has been killed in another. is there any rate in the occupied westbank of site? i bought a we it was said to be filming on his rooftop in, nor sounds refugee camp in to look around when he was shot through the neck. since the one guy that'd be gone on october 7th, for 159 palestinians have been killed in the occupied westbank in more than 8000 arrested seal a head on alger z, or i will tell you why a long running board, a dispute between india and china has flared up again the the
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yes and as a major spring storm is swelling up over the village houses extend all the way down through front, just towards the north of spain, northwest in spain as well. and that even fluids that still be in princes crossed into southern scans and aged. whereas this area of high pressure has been the dominant feature in increasing the will be over the bulk of your so full friday, then windy and wet weather for all. and for britain, snow for scuffling and then rating for the low countries of the federal breeze. and i just catch it that was in portugal with the wind. that was the problem yesterday . jimmy's gone away. neither is still fairly breezy across in poland. the real code actually just sitting in dolton, scan the baby. here's the reason for this. now it, which is moving through towards how same key to be replaced by what will be much milder, but whatsoever coming the over denmark rather improves things in sweet. and i have to say, but to be honest, the most people, the sun shining, the bolts will be the thing that you failed in 0. it represents that 3 day full
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cost to you. takes the temperature. what about the average? the average is 17. so we grabbed about 26 by sunday in general, sunshine was virtually no breeze real, he's been showing itself once again in west africa. in molly, 48.5, a new record. and this, the how remains hot. the african narratives from africans perspective. nature has always been there some way my child to show documentary spine african film make is looking at the archives that we have sometimes quite heartbreaking to look for what is key a is that is part of our history that couple from nigeria and we writing libraries from canyon africa direct on algebra. the
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welcome back and recap of our top stories on alger 0. israel has agreed to open to a new age or seem to guys that to allow much needed humanitarian assistance into guys that israel says it will allow temporary aid deliveries to the arrest. crossing in northern casa, in the ports to the abashed on which lies about 40 kilometers north of casa, is guns, after our phone call between. is there any prime minister benjamin this now, and us present joe biden during the call by orange next hour? that usa t is riley's conditional on each route, taking steps to boost humanitarian aid to gaza, and protect, protect, prevent civilian deaths. entre 0 has obtained exclusive footage from northern guys
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are showing is really soldiers opening fire on several palestinians attempting to collect aid the video to fix a distressing scene where policy and civilian carrying aid is deliberately shot multiple times by the soldiers. a warning the images in the out of the babies re for taja studies killed during how many terry an air drop? that's the tragic fee to the palestinian men collecting $8.00 in the city officers a northeastern gaza. on march 9th, an airplane drops a packages over the gaza strip, but soon it becomes evident that it doesn't come without risk. the packages lends new the boldest fence in northern gaza. exclusive footage obtained by all to 0 shows is really soldiers, deliberately targeting palestinians as they rushed to collect its. the video shows
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these really soldiers opening fire. despite none of this policy new men posing the threats. the firing continues, even as this man leads the area moving away from the border and the soldiers positions as the soldiers watch dogs approach, the wounded man and the video cuts off highlighting the overall lola's and those that has the can hold in the area. and you had to live to d, l 0 to you on. now i'm one is aligning this 3 to the capital for the victims of these are out of the attack in syria on sunday. 7 revolutionary gods were killed, including a brigadier general iran supreme leader has vowed revenge for the bombing on the radiant conflicts and damascus. as prompted these really military to hold only for combat units, the funerals coincide with could stay the annual palestinian sony died today. let's go to those that are barry into iran, forrest those that tell us about the vincent pay of on today. as well as holy we
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saw the 7 coffins being placed into 2 trucks that started the procession from 3rd to see square here in the capital. and they're making their way to, to around university, it's about a 3 and a half kilometer routes that people came out to pay their respects to the revolutionary guard commanders who have died in syria as the head of the revolution regard. major general states telling me is just started speaking at around university and we're going to a listed into what she have to say shortly, but we expect them to deliver more threats to israel and val. retaliation for the strikes on ron's diplomatic mission in damascus. and these men are the latest soon . a series of attacks that have been carried out by is really our strikes since the war on guys will begin on october 7th. there's the latest victims so far, 18 members of her owns revolutionary guards have been killed in syria. alone over
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the past 6 months, and now it is believed that iran is at a critical point to respond to these attacks being that's one of its top generals. mohammad result is already was killed in syria and we've heard the rhetoric from officials to your vowing revenge. and this is coming on could say door sat, the annual palestinian solidarity a day. what is the general mood in iran after this week's events to well, the general mood here is quite tense because many here feel that this is a pivotal moments for the leadership in this country to show a strong response given that this attack took place on their own diplomatic mission in syria, a violation of international law many believe and iran is really in a very precarious position because if it doesn't respond with force,
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it could risk the possibility of looking week not only to it's adversaries, united states and israel, but also to the proxies that it supports in the region, that's what people who are fear the most, that any kind of a strong response will have a reaction from the other side as well. and that could be very damaging to not only did leadership here, but also to the people. so there is a general sense of doom here about what's to come in the next few days. but uh, the quotes the collaboration sir, or something that i've been going on over the past 45 years. it's marked on the last friday or from a down every year to show solidarity with the people of palestine. and this year, of course, combined with a funeral procession has a extra special meeting and appointments for the leadership to show the supports that they have with the palestinian people and the post a new leadership given the circumstances were in dosage of our entire on thank you very much for that. while these are, it has been on hire,
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it's inside this rank on the rating and costly building in damascus. and the tensions are particularly high on israel's border with 11 on. let's go live to all just here as a mom con, who's in the border, kind of slow me in on what, what is the level of fret. these really is assess at this time as well, since the attack took place on monday in damascus is all like no claiming responsibility for everybody is saying that it is israel, as well as actually going to entail highlights canceled all leave full military personnel. it's also cooled up. many areas of this in large number that's adding to the almost 287000 reserve is that they pulled up since october. the 7th. now, what we're hearing is embassies are being shifted according to local. is there any media all over the world? some 28 now, since how since he's broke out in garza embassies in key middle eastern countries
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have already been closed. this is now of the expansion of the it just goes to show you that people are very, you know, of us, you heard by call, the goals that talk about how it could stay and the funeral procession going on. all of those speeches will be closely monitored to by israel because as well feels that the threats against them by iran may not come in a 3rd country might not be against. a embassy may will be against a and e's rainy target within israel itself. maybe somewhere along this phone and let me just show you where i am this the town of slow me. you can see the buddha fence just over the so far tensions on this board that have been contained, hostilities broke out between hezbollah and these right? these on october the 8th, but this is a change in the mindset. people are now in the security establishment open the talking about. and iranian direct strike on israel way beyond this actual boulder
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area. now these right is very worried about this and that and all talking about it openly and publicly whether it happens a little, let's see. but like my cool colleague also was opposing that iran does have to do something in light of this attack. iran, thank you for that. said sound is there is a wrong kind of revolting their life from. show me in israel, of the dozens of optic shops have shook the east coast of taiwan overnight following the major as quickly there on wednesday. rescue is i searching for 18 people still missing the 7.2 magnitude quade calls to death. so at least 10 people with more than a 1000 dangerous helicopters of a lifted. some people were trapped when roads were cut off in mountainous areas. jessica washington is in wiley and the closest city to the epi center of the earthquake. this is a goes public school in harley and you can see some of the damage from wednesdays
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of quake to the structure of the building and also inside the classrooms. as far as you say, the cost of rebuilding this school will be around $6000000.00, and this is just one of dozens of schools damaged in the us quake. the central government and local governments have already committed millions to funding rebuilding public infrastructure and supporting local small businesses, particularly those in the tourism sector. meanwhile, rescue is continue efforts to clear a road blocking around 700 people. authorities say, however they are safe. most of them in a hotel and they have enough food and water. the search also continues this morning, so more than a dozen people classified as missing, including for foreign nationals. authorities say the location of these individuals is still unknown, but some of them are believed to be on a hiking trail. jessica washington, which is 0 quantity in the us treasury secretary is on a 4 day visit to china,
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aimed at improving relations between the wells. 2 economies, top economy is that is janet yelling. how talks with chinese vice for me a he listening the visit spot of a wider effort to stabilize the bilateral relationship rocked by a long list of disagreements ranging from technology restrictions to the war in ukraine. yellen says the us has serious concerns about what she calls china's unfair economic practices. the intentions of again fled between china and india over contested territory and the human lady in mountain range. china has allocated 30 chinese geographical names to the disputed border region. india says a name changes are quote, absurd, katrina, you re for some beachy this remote border region into layers has become a flash point in the already pulse. the relationship between china and india,
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the government, and you deli, refers to it as a northeastern state of out of nato dash and says it's an inalienable part of india . last month, communist in there and reload, visited the region to the opening of the same a tunnel. the high altitude tunnel will make it easier for india to reach the dispute of territory and show up its defenses along the 3500 kilometer unofficial border with the china on the north east. india is on its way to becoming a crucial link for in just trade and tourism and other connections to southeast asia. it's both goody. china's government is furious of maurice visit. and india is development that you prefers to the area as the non all south to that. it's also criticized us support of india's territorial claim.


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