tv NEWS 30min Al Jazeera April 5, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST
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wise for the nation's flow stop is whitening us is spending billions of dollars to clean up its industrial facilities. costs millions of uses around the world will now have to buy microsoft office without counting the cost on out as the era the phase or the military size, the killing of $78.00 workers and gaza was a grave mistake. the world central kitchen age groups as the admission is cold, come for us for the victims, families, the you're watching out a 0 life from a headquarters in del hi. i'm getting you navigate to also ahead. israel promises to open temporary aid routes into gauze. our hours after a warning from the us president joe biden, the un human rights council officer resolution calling for israel to be held
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accountable for possible war crimes and frames against humanity in the national day of mourning and iran. republican guards who were killed in an is really a talk in syria or given a hero's farewell, the almost 6 months into israel's war on gaza. and with more than 33000 palestinians killed. israel is facing mounting international pressure triggered in part by the killing of for an aid workers on monday. the is really military has now concluded its internal investigation and severe strike on the world. central kitchen con voice. it admits the strike was a grave mistake. but as the officers involved were convinced they were targeting come us. so the world central kitchen have respond and today is really army,
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is internal investigation on our demands and independence investigation. the group released the statements there. apologies for the outrages killing of our colleagues represent cold comforts. they went on to say that israel needs to take concrete steps to ensure the safety of humanitarian aid workers. it's operations are currently suspended. what are you in general? are you in general? a secretary general, i'm trying to get terrace, as also calls for an independent investigation. following these weeks appalling killing of 70 meditated workers from world central kitchen. these are the only government does acknowledge mistakes and then also some disciplinary measures. but the central problem is not only made the mistakes, it is the military strategy and procedures in place that to allow for those mistakes to multiply by. and by again fixing those failures required as even dependency investigations at meaningful and measurable changes on the goals
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. their brothers onto the, joining us now from new york. so this somewhat of a strong reaction from the terrace on the world central kitchen compo your talk, gabriel. and it was uh, you got a sense there from the secretary general that he is not happy and not pleased. and that he was trying to look beyond just this one incident. of course, tragic as it may be that killed 7, a humanitarian aid workers to talk about the bigger picture of how is real is waging it's war on guys. and this is a point that is very personal for the secretary general. because as of today, there has been a 175 un staff that have been killed in gaza because of his really bombardment of the guys a strip primarily staff from under uh uh, over the last 6 months or so. so that was i think what you were started to sort of
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seeing a nod from the secretary general, they're basically saying the way israel is fighting it's war and guys it needs to change. yeah. so of course, gabriel sunday is 6 months since this war on god's i began. what more is it the secretary general has to say the soviet well he spoke about is real now. so announcing that they will allow more aid through the res crossing in the north. he said that there needs to be more aid and it needs to come in urgently. he said that he confirms that the united nations was informed by the israeli government of its intention to allow a meaningful increase of humanitarian aid. but the secretary general says, i sincerely hope that these intentions are affectively and quickly materialized because of situation in guys is absolutely desperate. i asked the secretary general
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after he made his remarks about israel's intention to only open up that a cord or temporarily. i asked him if he thought that would be sufficient. he said, basically, well, we'll wait and see. but he said, we're watching it closely. but we'll wait and see what exactly is real actually does. i think that's sort of the mood that you're getting from the secretary general. it's not so much what is really, is saying now he is really looking at what is real does. and he said all along that there needs to be expanded and on, hindered a brought in, in scale into gaza. that those, for those that need it the most, which is essentially everyone at this stage. i will also note the secretary general again reiterated his call for an immediate humanitarian sees for something that he's been doing for many months now. all right, thank you. okay, bro, is on the thanks for that update from the u. n. so is gabriel just mentioned israel
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has agreed to open a new route into gaza for much needed food and humanitarian aid. that announcement was made after a phone call between the is really prime minister and the us president joe biden demanded an immediate cease fire protection for civilians and gaza. victoria getting the reports of israel's nearly 6 month war and the besieged population of garza has pushed palestinians to the brink of famine, particularly in the northern part of the strip under pressure from the united states. as rails agreed to allow, desperately needed food deliveries through the airs crossing which connects to northern gauze. and it's really good news we've been asking for weeks now for this crossing to be. i think we've used it before. and we know how important it is to get supplies into the northern guides district. israel is also allowing shipments of a to enter through its pool to national. the change follows the thing who between the us president and his really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, joe biden called for an immediate cease fire. and the usa to israel is conditional
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on it taking action to boost humanitarian supplies to gaza. what we're looking to see in the, in the days and weeks ahead is prioritization surgeon humanitarian assistance. sustaining and moving goal is that a distribution has been dangerous and difficult with incidents that is really full, says bombing and opening fire on hand points, accusations. israel denies the lack of cooperation to allow aging fasta has led to some shipments by sea. and the us is said just to build a floating dough to increase deliveries. at drops, it will say being use the palestinians wasting on the ground, have been killed. this power sheets fails. these relays are committing genocide. they're committing massacres, left and right. the forcibly displacing as many cousins as they can. and as long as the americans and many of the europeans keep on enabling, is really and doing this international crime, then you know,
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all the aid in the world is, is really not going to make that much of a difference in the international court of justice told israel in january, it couldn't continue to bombard, displace, install if the population of cause under it soap locations to the genocide convention. new age roots into the street may finally get some food to many who desperately need it. but without an immediate cease far, it's unlikely enough. we'll get through to alleviate the catastrophe. victoria gates and b l g 0. let's find out what's happening on the grounds and goes over the tiny minorities joining us from rough and southern garza. so honey is really saying that they've agreed to open these 2 routes. since a guy's up from what you're seeing and hearing on the ground, is any age getting in now. the well, during this then theory is supposed to be significant and gradually causing a change on the ground and of how people are hoping that this is going to at least
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put a stop to the growing good spastic, rolling spam. and in the northern part in gauze with the on the this does the sign of starvation in overcrowded, robust city. but the problem is with the mechanism, the just not forget the israeli military since day one of this genocide, a war has a created a, a largely broken a mechanism on the ground from obstructing a in train garza from the ground the, the land crossings valley from rough i crossing into getting largely on necessary security clearance and process that costs delayed for many days for much needed and materials and food supplies to this group on to the ongoing attacks on 8 seekers and aid workers in a good voice distribution points. these are the things that are happening on the ground that have largely incapacitated a delivery. no right now, the talks about close to $3350.00 trucks that will be allowed to from roughly from
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an area to check point or a air. it's the crossing that's in the northern part at the entrance of the city of bates, of $8350.00 trucks are not nearly enough in the face of the growing famine and the, the greater needs of largely its population being a starved to death right now and gaza and the northern pod let alone the extreme shortage of medical supplies and the fox hospitals are non operational right now in the doesn't don't know that fund just within the past few days a to the hospital just went out of service just making it very different because the fact that there are people who suffer from this fam, and from the enforce, the hydrogen starvation, they are in desperate need of the proper medical intervention and medical. the treatment of right now, the health facility is at their current to states are unable to intervene and provide any of the of the medical services. now these decisions are made while at the same time there were more attacks and defend from area in the city of jo valia
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and also to do a bit le, as the talks about sending more or opening the land to crossing for more a okay, honey, thank you for that updates from augusta. we spoke to tom, out of the 5 is a spokesperson for the united nations relief and works agency for palestinian refugees when or why. and she says that her organization is waiting to distribute the aids. if israel keeps its word that we all hear the read, the statement by the is really go around to at the get intention to open the air. it's crossing to, to bring in a to through i should or we are. and yet to see the overestimate lising of that decision, we have not yet for the convoys have gone in using era. it's now as a reminder, and it's is also known as the big kind of processing used to be used primarily for a few minutes area. there so now going in the humanitarian cases like guidelines
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require a treatment or cancer treatment outside of because i know it is not one of the big logistical how that would allow a huge influx or low of trusts and humanitarian assistance. but at this stage any additional was crossing into gaza. that's a lot of the really people through bringing in aid is welcome provide as it's truly open and with pockets of famine quickly spreading across the strip, especially in the besieged nor nothing is enough. so even with $350.00 trucks per day considering that not all of them would be food trucks because we're gonna have to work out the combination of food, blanket medicines, fuel water, $350.00 remains way below the require
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a minimum of 500 which used to be the number before the war, even before the accused needs that we are witnessing now, especially in the north. alpha 0 as obtained video from northern gaza showing is really soldiers opening fire on palestinians attempting to collect air drops of food. just a warning of disturbing images, and this report finally has an oddity killed during how many terry and air dropped . that's the tragic fee to the palestinian men collecting $8.00 in the city of georgia, a northeastern gaza. on march 9th, a new plane drops a packages over the gaza strip, but soon it becomes evident that it doesn't come without risk. the packages lands new the boldest fence in northern garza. exclusive footage obtained by all g 0 shows is really soldiers, deliberately targeting palestinians. as they rushed to collected. the vigil shows
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is really soldiers opening fire. despite none of this policy new men posing a threat. the firing continues, even as this man leads the area moving away from the border and the soldiers positions. as the soldiers watch dogs approached the wounded men and the video cuts off, highlighting the overall lola's and those that has the can hold in the area. and you had to live to d, l 0. so the head on alpha 0, wester operations continue in taiwan, 2 days officer, a major earthquake, more than 10 people are still missing. on power blackouts have fatal consequences and gone us public hospitals as the states electricity company struggles to stay afloat the
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the that java and bali. and as far as is, was property of oil seem frustrating recently from taylor in but big storms and that potential still exist, i think is developing in bonita. and it's obviously monitor the southern philippines. but it is really the end of the rainy season and dry heat, or dry a shumate heat, i should say from the lazy north was, is now the thing developing, particularly in my in western thailand as peak chevy boston season. and the weather is quite fine for the most part in japan, and i'm sure breeze atoka keeps you down to 16 if you throw this line here. this is on seasonally heavy, rain for southern china, south of the young. so we've had about days with, sorry, months was in a day so many places that carries home throughout south day and probably sunday, occasionally reaching dining to hong kong as well. west is that where it's slightly
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dry? there have been recently warnings of high temperatures in june on the south west of china, which extend into a good positive india. there might be one or 2 showers developing in the line that takes you just know of called coupling, which at the moment is also on the heat by 40 along with much of eastern india. so t 9 degrees hoping she would, you might get some relief from the shares of the following, kept the dikes. the unique perspective, everything is political. you cannot stay out of college as an ever think is a feminist issue to on heard voices, we see our literacy destroying the ability to have a normal life in god. and that the stories that middlefield us having a normal life in his with connects with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there and it's hot, it's right here. and right now, the stream announces era of the
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the top stories on al jazeera, this hour is really into the tree, has concluded its own investigation into the killing of 7 aid workers in garza, by admitting it was a grave mistake, the world central kitchen, a group says guns, cold comfort for the victims, families, and is demanding an independent investigation. israel has agreed to temporarily open a new aid room to into casa. the announcement was made ours officer, a phone call between the us presidential bite and spoke to the is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu and demanded an immediate cease fire protection for
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civilians. the un chief alternative terrace was called for an independent investigation into the killings of for an aid workers and gaza. meanwhile, the one security council is meeting to discuss food and security industry and wider security concerns in the middle east. well, the united nations human rights council has adopted a resolution calling for israel to be held accountable for a possible war, crimes and crimes against humanity in gauze on it's also demanding a whole to all arms. sales is room $28.00 countries voted in favor, 13 of stains and 6 voted against. this is the 1st time that you went to the top rights body has taken a position on the war. earlier on i spoke to jeffrey, nice as a barrister and a human rights lawyer. he thinks this is a positive move forward. it's a good step. it's better late than never. it should have happened ages ago. so far as i'm concerned, once it became well right from the beginning,
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panelists should have had people put on trials if they've been shown to become involved in what was obviously a criminal enterprise on the 7th of october. once it became clear that israel may have been acting excessively late and still when it became does possible, it was genocide. it was blind in europe. is the visual be a trial for accountability of crimes on both sides? how much people shouldn't be short on on side if there's any chance of taking them into caustic dates, them to be try to advance any defense they might have. they should be tied as well . therefore, this is a good step. pretty sure of being announced earlier. and it's unfortunate that america of standardized, but it's not surprising. we have to bear in mind that neither american are united kingdom nor other countries will want to the trial. that is independent international of these events. because their own potential comfortability either historically in the creation of the problem the we seen or presently in the supply
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volumes, they would not have that examined. and that would probably do very account ultimately to stop there being an independent trial for funerals have been held in iran for 5 of the 7 revolutionary guards who were killed in an is really striking serial. on monday, the ron supreme leader has vowed revenge for their debts. funerals coincided with a foot stay. that's the annual celebration of palestinian solidarity on the final friday of what i'm on the on source of jabbar. it brings us more from to her on a day of national morning as the coffins may through way through the streets of to hong and the heroes for well for 5 of the 7 men killed in syria. all were revolutionary guards, including one of our owns highest ranking officers, brigadier general mohammed, the rest of us all had in charge of her own sports forces in lebanon, and syria. as the public procession ceremony was held alongside annual foot stay
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events, its been health every year since these dominic revolution in 1979 on the final friday of rama down to show solidarity with the palestinian people mondays attack and damascus is being seen as a major blow to the guards. they've suffered 18 losses so far in syria alone since the war and gaza began in october, the bombing of the constable section of the reigning embassy and damascus marks a new stage in what's described as a shadow war between iran and israel. there's a messiah, you only speak, design is raised. you must know it con to chief security by carrying out destabilizing action design. this regime will be punished. it knows what will happen and is within oh, reach flash drive. and i'm, i'm, i've done on iran supreme leader set a final prayer over the coffins on thursday evening, and then they love the oil for both my congratulations and condolences to the
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families of these motors. i hope the gold crowns patients to the mothers, father's wife and children of these monitors. the latest attack on the high ranking members of the revolutionary guards is seen by many as a test for the leadership here. how they respond to determine israel will continuous campaign of assassinations in the region during the past 6 months on groups backed by iran have used drones and ms solves to target israel as well as shipping in the red sea and us forces in the region while iran launched ballistic missiles at a target in our bill and northern iraq in january. the really military has not yet directly targeted israel, but after vowing revenge following damascus strikes that could soon change. creating a tense atmosphere here for many doors have to worry out to 0 to home peruse, president gina boulevard. terry has arrived at the attorney in general's office to
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answer questions surrounding her ownership of luxury watches. she was spared impeachment on thursday when congress twice voted against beginning the formal process. conservative politicians have said they want to avoid a political crisis and will support her. russian forces have entered a suburb of chest. if you are in ukraine's done yet, screech and that's according to russian state media. the cities about time kilometers west of the flu. shots. if your has been a staging points for the ukranian army, the death toll from the taiwan earthquake has risen to at least 1210 others remain missing. following that quake on wednesday, more than $600.00 are still waiting to be evacuated. jessica washington reports on highland, that's the city nearest the epicenter, or it's a school day in taiwan. but it's too dangerous for peoples of this school in hon in to return to cloth repair as needed here. could cost more than $6000000.00. and
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this is just one of thousands of public buildings damaged by an earthquake on wednesday. politicians say the government is working to was rebuilding infrastructure and supporting small businesses when the dfcs accommodates by parties and everyone like work on the 8th and see how the we could do. i think that's doing the spirit. they'll probably want some of the loved ones. if those who don't this week held a visual at a funeral home and at least 200 people who lost their homes of staying and emergency shelters, and working out what to do next. the terrifying for sure, terrifying. our 1st i'm seeing uh, experiencing this kind of a quick yeah. the, the secuity south told me that it's the same side of the, publish that little boy anymore. despite the $7.00 magnitude strings of the earth quake, the damage is relatively contained, except say that's thanks to taiwan is disaster preparedness, including its strict building codes, but some residential buildings on damaged beyond repair,
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excess of fuel assessing the earthquake damage. this apartment building was one of the most severely damaged. it needs to be demolished before it completely. collab hotels are also affected by the disaster. tourism is a major contributor to the local economy. this the hotel is across from the collapsing building. we were fully booked for the holiday, but because of the earthquake, we had a refund, all the guests. and we don't yet know the damage to the hotel itself. search and rescue workers are still trying to find some missing people. believe to be on a hiking trail who haven't been heard from since the earthquake. they also evacuating hundreds of stranded people, most are now in a hotel. and some in a church. and a school. presidents of this building are unsure whether they will be able to return home, follow the beams in columns of this building are severely cracked. this building is monitors dangerous. inspect is said,
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it was safe and also residents to briefly enter to collect some belongings. the task feel unprecedented and in normally, but if you break into a small set everything i can't handle, she retrieved some documents and a blanket soon by her grandfather. no, she can only way to find out whether her home will have to be demolished. jessica washington, which is 0 quantity in the us treasury secretaries on a 4 day visit to china, aimed at improving relations between the world's talk to economies. jenny ellen, how talks with the chinese vice premier, the visit as part of a wider refer to stabilize the bilateral relationship rocks by a long list of disagreements ranging from technology restrictions to the war. and ukraine yelling says the us, how serious concerns about what she calls china's unfair economic practices or tension has again flared between china and india over contest of territory in
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the hamilton mountain range. china has allocated 30 chinese geographical names to the dispute and border region. and just as the name changes are absurd, katrina, you reports from beijing to this remote boulder region into layers has become a flash point in the already process. the relationship between china and india, the government, and you deli, refers to it as a northeastern state of out of natural dash and says it's an inalienable part of india. last month, communist and there and reload, visited the region to the opening of the same. a ton of the high altitude tunnel will make it easier for india to reach the dispute territory and show up its defense is along the 3500 kilometer unofficial border with the china on the north east. india is on its way to becoming a crucial link for in just trade and tourism and other connections to southeast asia. it would go to china is government is furious,
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upload is visit and india is development that it prefers to the area as dung. none all south to that. it's also criticized us. support of india is territorial claim. so 92 to 40 light sung husband china is territory since ancient times. this is an undeniable fact. where does the so called or neutral pradesh come from? the united states has a terrible record of stoking disputes between other countries for itself is gain. the government has responded by allocating chinese names for those 2 places in the region, rejecting the use of any further names. it says holmes, china is territorial integrity. india has cold, chinese renaming of the region, upset the lake is flare up in board. attentions comes as nationalism increases in india and china relations in strange lights east for the territory. both which will in 1962, there's been several skirmishes in 20201010 slicing between soldiers
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into le dock regions, which at the desk of at least 20 indian and 4 chinese troops. more than 20 rounds of military talks have been held to come tensions. but the bilateral relationship remains icy at best. katrina alda 0 aging are gone. us state owens electricity company is cutting off customers who haven't paid their bills, including government institutions. public hospitals are among those not facing power outages and the effects are devastating, which also has more proceed to eval. becca is l traumatized. she says she gets it at a public hospital in gone is capital across. her baby had trouble breathing and was put on oxygen to to so i went to check on him in the evening. there was no electricity in the morning, the doctor told him which all was dead. because the power never came back on. health officials say the child's death had nothing to do with paul cuts or hospital
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equipment, not functioning. but the tragedy has again shown how rolling power outages are frustrating, meaning the government has more than a $1000000000.00 to independent pos which uses it's a lot of money in the country suffering. it's west economic crisis. can a generation to have a situation where to be we have power deficit to extend the money is i don't get impala is definitely not because we do not have to generate implants, but what we do not have is that we do not have money to really finance, please use of these utilities politicians hope a recent 3000000000 dollar i m s sell out will help solve some of the countries economic problems. but other challenges, including unpaid utility bills, age infrastructure and corruption, me electricity problems may not be resolved quickly. while this is wait until the problem is colleagues and then to try to fix it in a crisis mode.
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